Rage of Bahamut Harem-Succubus

Story by AmatsuOokami on SoFurry

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#1 of ROB

The First of a series of Rage of Bahamut related stories I wish to do. Let me know what you think.

Fenri is one of my original characters. All characters pulled from the Rage Of Bahamut app are all owned by Mobage. Their presence in this story is merely for fan-fictional reasons.

Fenri leaned back in his chair, holding up the white Ipad Mini in his hand as he pressed on the Rage of Bahamut app with his stylus, the home screen of the app popping up onto the screen. Pressing the menu button at the bottom of the screen, Fenri then pressed on the Cards tab, pulling up the cards that were currently in his possession. He was excited as he looked from card to card, seeking a target for which to do the spell that he was thinking of doing. So what if none of the human girls in the school he attended were not interested in him? He could not understand what they did not like about him. He was a muscular individual, though not freakishly large like the steroid using athletes on the football team, instead having a nice toned stomach and abs. His hair was a fiery red, a clear indication of his Irish roots, and his pale skin glowed slightly when light shined on him. Add that to a pair of gorgeously emerald green eyes, and Fenri thought he was quite a looker. But it did not really matter to him. If he couldn't get a human girl, Fenri could just bring a woman out of the game who would want to be with him.

Figuring that since this was his first time using the spell, he should not bring out something ridiculously powerful, in case something went wrong. So he decided he would bring one of the lower level cards out first. Scrolling down the page toward the normal and high normal cards, his eyes closely examining each of the female cards. He did not want a male. He was perfectly straight after all. When he saw that he had no normal or high normal cards that interested him, he went to the search settings and set it to rare. Instantly, the search filtered out all but the Rare-class cards, where plenty of eye catching cuties were to be found. His eyes stopped as he gazed down at the Succubus card, her red eyes seeming to bore into his as she gazed up from the screen. Fenri swallowed, his hands shaking as he held his hand over the Ipad Mini's small screen, an emerald green aura blazing to life around him as the smell of freshly cut grass filled his bedroom. The screen of his Ipad darkened for a minute before beginning to glow the same green as his aura. He set the device down on the bed and stepped back just as the light brightened, and a head began to rise up out of the device, horns curling up from the top of the female's head. Next came her wings, the bat-like membrane stretching as the wings spread open, the body and arms of the Succubus freed from the device as well. Finally came her legs, and just like that, Fenri found himself face to face with the girl from the card, her red eyes looking directly into his, an amused smile on her face.

The Succubus giggled as she swept a lock of her blonde hair back from her face, looking him up and down. "So, since you are the only one here, I take it you summoned me?" Fenri nodded, excitement bubbling up inside him as he realized what was going on. It had worked! The spell had actually worked! The Succubus moved toward him slowly, her heels clicking lightly on the ground as she moved up to him, nudging against him as she pulled his arms around her, folding her wings so she could fit in his arms. "Oh Master, I am so glad that you summoned me." Fenri blinked at that, looking down at the girl. "Master?" She nodded, her eyes closed as she lightly breathed in his scent, her mouth watering at the musky scent that she could detect coming from his pants. "Your spell brought me out of the game. I am bound to serve you until you send me back into the game. That is the contract."

Fenri could not help but grin at that news, tilting his head. "So if I am your master, does that mean you have to do whatever I want you to do?" The Succubus blushed for the first time, nodding as she averted her eyes slightly. Fenri's heart was beating faster, and he could already feel his member growing in his pants as he examined the Succubus in front of him. Her hips were slim, her breasts a nice B or C cup. Her red panties did an excellent job of hugging her pussy, leaving little to the imagination. Her forked tail flicked as she felt his hands stroke down her hips, and she shivered, backing up against him as she panted lightly. "M...Master..." Fenri looked down at her, his hand moving to lightly cup her breast, which got a small moan to escape her lips. "Yes my servant?" She purred gently, her hand reaching behind her to lightly cup his groin, where his cock was already at half mast. "I think someone is a little excited." Her voice was a low, sultry purr as she spoke, her hand expertly moving to unzip his pants and pull his cock out through the hole in his boxers. She gasped when she saw the thick eight inches of meat that hung from Fenri, the balls hanging low and full. Her small tongue flicked over her lips when she saw it, her eyes growing hazy as she sank to her knees in front of him, her tongue reaching out to flick against the head of his cock. It traced from the bottom of his shaft to the tip, her tongue darting into his piss hole quickly, scooping small amounts of pre into her mouth. "Mm...Master's precum is so good.." She moved to cup his balls as her mouth enveloped the first three inches of his cock, her mouth slurping loudly as she bobbed her head up and down on his length, gagging lightly when 5 inches of cock slid into her throat. Sliding her head off of his cock she coughed and panted, her panties now soaked from her juices as she stood up, her face blushed as she looked at him.

"Master..I need your big cock in my pussy..I can not wait any longer!" She slid her panties down with one move, her tail lightly flicking over the lips of her pussy, sending a shiver through her body as she lay back on the bed, looking up at him. Spreading her legs wide, she gazed into his eyes, her pupils dilated in lust. "Come fuck me master...breed your slave as much as you want!"

Needing no further invitation, Fenri climbed on top of the Succubus and aimed his cock towards her drenched pussy, the head getting covered in juices as it slid toward the entrance to her moist tunnel. The instant Fenri felt his cock touch the entrance, he pushed forward, sinking all 8 inches of his thick fuckmeat straight into the Succubus' pussy, a small amount of blood leaking from her telling him that she had been a virgin. Rather than stopping to allow her time to deal with the pain, Fenri immediately began to pump his cock in and out of the girl's pussy, She whined gently in pain, but soon she was writhing beneath him in pleasure, her tongue hanging from her mouth as she drooled onto the bed, her pussy milking his cock as she had her first orgasm, juices spraying all over his shaft and balls. This was too much for Fenri, and he buried his cock into her to the hilt and let it all go, his hot cum pouring into the girl's unprotected womb, her body twitching as she came again. Fenri panted as he pulled his cock from her pussy, cum and juices oozing out onto the blankets, the Succubus panting loudly from exertion but smiling all the same. "Oh Master..I can feel your strong seed within me...I will be pregnant for sure.." Fenri smiled, stroking her head as he pulled her close to him on the bed. The Succubus rubbed his cock gently, smiling when it grew hard in her hand. Climbing on top of him, she aimed his cock at her asshole and immediately sank down, letting out one of the sexiest moans Fenri had ever heard as her tight asshole easily opened to accept him. Panting in pleasure, she began to rock her hips and bounce, forcing his massive cock in and out of her ass, the thick member filling her asshole completely each time she slid all the way down onto it. "Ah..oh...mmm..that big cock feels so good in my ass." She panted and drooled in pleasure, her pussy dripping juices as she came, her hand rubbing her clit roughly as she bounced up and down on his cock, not stopping till she felt strong spurts of cum shoot into her asshole, Fenri's loud moan filling the room.

As his cock shrank and fell from her ass, cum began to dribble slowly from both of the Succubus's holes, her sigh of happiness filling his ears as she moved down to gently suckle on his cock. "mmm...Thank you master.." Fenri grinned as he stroked the back of her head. "My pleasure." Looking up at him, she let his cock fall from her mouth and moved up, kissing him gently on the lips, cuddling close to him. "May I stay out in this world with you for tonight Master? So we can sleep together?" Fenri smiled gently, pulling her close to him as he pulled his blankets over the two of them. "Of course. You will be staying out until I decide I want to add to my slaves." The Succubus smiled, kissing his cheek. "But I am the first, so I am the most important, right?" Fenri laughed and patted her head. "That is right." His face became thoughtful then. "I do not even know your name." The Succubus tilted her head, nodding. "Well, I do not really have a name." Fenri nodded, smiling as he stroked her chin gently. "How about Amber?" The Succubus's eyes lighted up at that, and she nodded enthusiastically. "I love it Master!" Fenri nodded and pulled her close, shutting off the lamp next to his bed. "Then Goodnight Amber." She sighed happily, nuzzling his chest. "Goodnight Master." And just like that, the two of them fell asleep, Amber being held protectively in Fenri's arms.