Anum Chaos - Let us get a Family - Full story - All 7 Chapters

Story by theAnum on SoFurry

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Original i made this story (first Chapter) back in 2010 - the last 2012. A dude here find out some chapters went missing, i dont know why coz im SURE i uploaded ALL. Wierd Oo. So i upload here again the full story. The original from 2010 - 2012 with all love, romance, worries, sexyness, cuteness and, of course, the answer to get a family ^^

so if you didnt read them YET, maybe you should enjoy it now ^^

if you are so free, leave a comment (and yea, im sorry, english is -NOT- my mother langune ^^"")

and add some tags! XD

Anum Chaos presents...

(c) 2010 by Walter Albrecht

---Let us get a Family---

(The begining from the next chapter from the life from W.A. and Faly)

Chapter 1 - The lil wish...

Starring: Walter A. (alias W.A. the anum), Faly, Sahra Livia, Black Flame

Its a nice day on Antiol Island. A fresh breeze is in the air and some leafs dancing in them.

Walter, a fox with orange/ black fur and long brown hair, dressed with a black waist coat and a blue jeans with a yellow belt and a silver earring in his left ear, is working in the "Wind rhythm" club. He´s a free-time DJ there.

At the mix-table, Walter is smiling a bit and whiping to the music he makes. The lights turns around the other people there, dancing and having fun. Some minutes later, Walters honey Faly steps into the club, waving to her sweety which smiles and waves back to her. She steps up next to him and kisses him. "Hey honey! How ya?" Walter asks her "Im fine" she replies, smiles "When are you finish with your work?" She asks. Walter thinks. " less than a hour i guess." He says. She smiles at him and whispers "When you come home I have a lil surprise for you." She giggles a bit. Walter blushes and nods to her. She walks out and winks back at him, he still blushes. After shes gone Walter returns to his music. Sahra Livia saw what happen and walks to Walter and pokes him. "EEEEYYY! You woman hero!" she says to him and giggles. Walter blushes and still tries to ignore what she said. "Sahra, im at work. Faly just came here and told me-" He says as she felt into he word "I undersand. She was there but not only for that." She grins at him and whispers "stop with your work and come into my office please. I should say you something.." then she walks back into her office. Walter, confused, blushes and confused says into his microphone "Okey guys, I must leave now for today! Another DJ is comming soon and take my part!"

he said and walks a bit confused direction Sahras office. He knocks on the door. "Come in." She says and Walter walks inside, cloosing the door behind him. "So what was it you try to tell me?" Walter asks. Sahra sighs a bit and then she walks up in front of him. "Well...Faly was here yesterday too..." She says "She was here and told me something...something...weeeeeeeeeeeelllll...." She blushes. Walter looks at her " "What" was it she said?" hes still confused. Sahra plays a bit with him "Walter. Faly is a good wife, dont you think?" "Of course she is!" he nods "I love her!"

" should i tell it you..." Sahra giggles a bit, blushes "Well...she has a lil wish." "A wish?" Walter looks confused "What for a wish? What you mean?" Sahra strokes her back "Well...errmmm...She told me she would like to get..." " get...?" Walter asks. " with you and-..." "WHA?!" Walter felt into her words. "well its not that what YOU think now." Sahra giggles. "So what IS it?? Tell it me now!" Walter was still on the hot chair. "Okey let me say it now. Faly would like to get a family with you." "Aaaaaa.........a-a-a-a-a...a family?" Walter stammers. "Well...yes. a family. A baby when you will call it so." Sahra tells him. Walter is a bit in shock. "something wrong?" Sahra ask into this silent. "...nooo....not really....." Walter says shamed. "Okey....I hope not youre now worry about or something like..." Sahra giggles and blushes a bit. Walter giggles a bit to or tries to do so but his mind wanders in his head around...

" should leave now. Faly is waiting" Sahra says with a teasefull voice. Walter, still shocked in his face, nods a bit and walks out. Outside the office, outiside the club, he leans on the wall and thinks " baby...." Walter is not sure about what he should do. In his mind, he is confused about and unsure about. In that mood he walks slowly to the "drunken monkey" - a pub in Antiola city. In there he takes a sit and orders a drink. Unknown for him is that Black is in the pub too. He comes next to him and greets him "Hey Walter. What you doing here?" Walter sighs and takes a looooooong breath "Black...what should i do when Faly ask me a special question..." He asks Black. "A.....special question...which special question?" he replies. "Well...Faly....she wants a....."

Walter coughs and takes a nip from his drink. "Well...when it is that "question" i think it is..." Black says and looks at him into his depressive face "What do you have to lose...." Walter takes his drink and drinks it. He coughs "Achu....well....Im not sure about. I mean, Do you really think i am...-" "you will be a good father, dont worry." Black jumps in "You have nothng to lose- no. You have a win then." "Walter looks for a moment up, calmly and unsure "....maybe...but i dont know...." He orders another drink which he takes and drinks.

Some minutes later, Black says "You drunk now enough. Faly is still waiting for you." He claps Walters head who is now tipsy and still unsure what to do. With wobbly legs he stands up and says. " right...." suddendly he falls into Blacks arms "Woooow! Keep your hand by you, okey?". He tries to help Walter up. Walter tries to go outside the pub. "Youre really really sure you dont need my help way home?" Black asks him. "Naaaaa....*hick!* sure i will find it self." - Which he does. Walter walks tipsy down the street into the now dark way to his home.

Maybe he is now drunken but clear in mind. Slow, tipsy but sure to find the way home he walks down the way but unsure about what to do and what to say. He is to late what does he know. "What can i do....what should i do..." Walters mind begins to wander again....weak and with tears in his eyes he stands in the dark for a moment...till he passes out and falls on the ground...

(end of Chapter 1)

All characters/stuff are owned by Walter Albrecht / Anum Chaos (c) 2010

Anum Chaos presents...

(c) 2010 by Walter Albrecht

---Let us get a Family---

(The begining from the next chapter from the life from W.A. and Faly)

Chapter 2 - Daddy?

Starring: Walter A. (alias W.A. the anum), Faly, Black Flame

Falling into a wierd and strange dream, Walter find himself into a large room. He is not sure about what he should do and knows that this is a dream and not real, but still he cant wake up...

Sure that Walter was to tipsy to walk alone way home, Black followed him becourse he knows Walter would not come to home by himself. And he was right. Black sees in the darkness Walter lays on the ground way home. Black sighs and looks down on him. In Walters face are tears to see. "Guess he cried..." Black thinks and lifts Walter up. "Uff...dam is he heavy..." He choughs. After good 5 minutes of -walking- Black finds himself with Walter in his arms in front of Walters Home. He knocks on the door. Slowly Faly opens the door. "Hello Honey...I wait...-" She said and stops in her words. She looks on Black which blushes a bit becourse Faly looks like that she is dressed for a special moment with her honey Walter. "Im sorry Faly." Black says "It is not the right time to ask Walter for that." He steps inside and lays Walter on the sofa. Faly, still in shock, blushes a bit and takes a bathrobe. "Whats happen to honey? Tell it me please Black!" She says and hold Walters hand, takes a sit next to him. Black, standing next to the sofa, sighs and says "Walter is....Walter drunk a bit to much." "He drunk?" Faly asks him "But why that?"

Black keeps his silence and looks on Faly. Faly blushes "Dont look on me like that..." and turns her head away, looking on Walter who still sleeps. "The reason is you i guess..." Black says "...Me?" Faly looks up on him "Why you think that?" "Becourse Walter asks me a speacial question....and we talked about -it-" Faly blushes and keeps silence for a moment...

"So....he knows about...." She blushes "Who told it him..." "Dont worry it wasnt me." Black says soft "Guess it was his boss,Sahra Livia." Faly looks on Walter and strokes his hair. "Oh Honey....what youre doing..." She wispers "Im sorry..." She begins to cry a bit. "Dont worry Faly." Black lays his hand on her shoulder "He will be fine. He only need to rest." Faly stops cring and sniffs "Youre sure?" "Im sure." Black comforts her "Just take care on him this night. Okey?" "I will" She says happyly. "Okey then." Black says and walks to the door. "I will leave now. Guess you can do it alone. And- next to this- i have one thing more to do. Take care Faly and good night." Black says and walks outside the house, waving. "I will Black and thank you again!" She replies and smiles.

Now after Faly and Walter are alone, Faly keeps an eye on her honey. It is very quiet in the house. Falys mind begins to wander "Oh honey.....i didnt think it hits you so hard..." She sighs and strokes her honey over his body and head. "It is only a...wish.....that i .." She blushes "..that you and me could be parents...." Falys eyes are standing shortly before cry. She looks down and sniffs. Then she looks up at him and gives Walter a kiss. "Im sorry honey...." Faly sighs, stands up and tries to stop tearing and crying.

In that moment Walter growns a bit. Faly blushes "Honey?" She asks "Uaaf........what...what happen..." Walter looks around tired and confused. He looks at Faly and blushes a bit then he comes back to mind. "" Walter says. He lays there and looks at her. Faly stands next to him. Both keep silence. Walters ears twitches and he looks down then he sighs and says softly " it want to be a mother..." Faly blushes and looks around the room. "Walter...Honey....I..." she stammers and blushes. Walter looks at her and takes a sit pose. "Come here Faly." Falys ears twitches and she looks down in her blush.

She slowly takes a sit next to her honey and ashamed she looks in her face. "Im sorry honey...its okey when you dont want a...-" "Shh.....Faly...." Walter breaks in her words " sweety...please give me a bit still feel hited. Im sorry that i drunk so much..." Faly giggles a bit blushing "Yea...i was really worry about you." Walter smiles at her and stands up. "Uuaaaaww....god i feel still tired. I guess i need a nap now." Walter yawns. Faly giggles again and stands up, embraces her honey and says "Let us go to bed honey..." She licks his nose.

Walter blushes "Okey sweety. Let us take a lil nap..."

Both went to their bedroom to take a sleep. Now both laying next to each other Faly says "uumm...Honey...." "What is it Faly..." Walter says soft. "Honey...cant we a bit....cuddle? I feel cold...anyhow..." She blushes and twitches. Walter sighs and cuddles up with her. He feels her hot body now. "Is she so hot or is that the bed?" He thinks. "Faly youre so hot anyhow." He says. Faly blushes and cuddles up to him "Please....just cuddle me a honey...." She says and licks his nose, giggles. "dont worry....i dont want it with you now...after all...i fell only so tired now..." She yawns. Walter smiles and gives her a kiss.

Before Walter fall asleep he hears Falys breath. So slowly and cute. "Faly.....i don't know to do this part now..." He thinks.

After a wile both fall slowly and love arm in arm asleep...

(end of Chapter 2)

All characters/stuff are owned by Walter Albrecht / Anum Chaos (c) 2010

Anum Chaos presents...

(c) 2010 by Walter Albrecht

---Let us get a Family---

(The begining from the next chapter from the life from W.A. and Faly)

Chapter 3 - Walking into the memories

Starring: Walter A. (alias W.A. the anum), Faly

The night both sleep well and cuddle with each other like a married couple do. But Walter still is unsure about what to do. It could change the situation in his whole life...but whats about Faly...

He can feel with her and knows it is not only a lil wish she has. But to be a father, to get a family is a thing he never thought about. Walter dreams about the time where he met Faly first time. Her long brown hair, her cute eyes, her whole sexy body... He blushes self about what he dreams but he cant hold it back the way he feels. The same is with Faly, She dreams from the moments with her honey Walter. She loves him so much, she really likes him and that not only for fun - it is a real deep love between them. She cuddles more up to him and kisses him in real, purring.

The night slowly but surely ending up and the sun is to see on the horizon. Walter yawns as he gets slowly awake. He sees Faly still cuddling with his left arm. He keeps silence for a moment and blushes. He lovely strokes her head on which she begins to purr a bit. A bit later she yawns too and slowly she rubs her eyes and weaks up, looking up on her husband. "Morning Honey. Did you sleep well?" She asks Walter. He smiles and gives her a kiss. "I slept very good...and you?" He replies. "Me too" Faly blushes and nods in her usually soft kind. Both lay next to each other for a moment, relaxing and looking out of the window.

The sun shines on the bed where they lay in and the birds begin to sing. Faly slowly begins to cuddle her honey one more and blushes. "Honey....did you think about it..." Faly slowly asks in a soft voice. Walter keeps his silence and looks up into the sky out of the window. For a moment it looks like a picture out of a fairytale. Walter takes a breath and looks down on her. He smiles and thinks about what he could say to her.

"Faly..." He says "Do you remember that moment where we marry each other..." He looks at her. Faly smiles relaxing "Yea..." She sighs smoothing on her honeys arm "You Saved me...and I loved you that you did so...". He looks around the room still in silence He wanders in his mind. " be sure...but I never thought about to get a family..." He blushes and looks in her face, his ears twitching. Faly looks deep in her face and says "Honey....its only a wish...I would be nice...with you and a child...." She blushes and lowers her eyes. Walter still looks into her face, leans his hand on her chin. She closes her eyes and let him give her a deep beloved kiss. Both blush in a moment of love.

After the moment pasts, both cuddle up with each other and keep silence. Both don't know what the one could say, or how the reaction could be. They don't want to hurt the other one but still they don't know what word is to say.

Walter looking down for a moment and suddenly he stands up. "Faly darling, let us get up for the day." He says and smiles. Faly nods and slides out of the bed. Walter goes into the bath room where Faly goes behind him inside too. Walter undresses his shorts and takes a shower. Faly blushes wile she looks on Walter nude body. How the water runs down his fur, which is wet from it now. She lowers her ears and then she undresses her night panty. She walks slowly next to her honey to takes a shower with him. Walter blushes a bit as Flay hugs him from behind. "Faly...." He says softly and looks on her. She lays her head on Walters chest, closing her eyes and blushes.

"Honey...I ...." She holds him tight in her arms and cuddles him. He begins to strokes her head then he takes her by her hand and looks into her face. Both below the shower look in each other face, blushing. After a lil moment, Faly gets closer he honeys face till she parts her lips her his ones

The water is running slowly down over the wet fur from them, her tails waging slowly in the passionate moment of love...

(end of Chapter 3)

All characters/stuff are owned by Walter Albrecht / Anum Chaos (c) 2010

Anum Chaos presents...

(c) 2010 by Walter Albrecht

---Let us get a Family---

(The begining from the next chapter from the life from W.A. and Faly)

Chapter 4 - Hot water(s)

Starring: Walter A. (alias W.A. the anum), Faly

Still below the shower, Faly and Walter cuddles with each other. Both blush and begin to feel in that special way for each other. Walter stops for a moment the passionate moment and coughs. Faly, still blushing, looks shamed away and looks on the ground. Walter looks at her, his lovely vixen. He blushes and begins to lick Falys ear. "Honey...what you..." she says and twitches. "Faly...don't worry..." he whispers and lick her more and more wile his hands embraces her body. Faly pants a bit, looking with lower eyes and ears up to her honey which stands right behind her and tries to lick his face.

The shower is still running and makes there fur wet. Faly begins to strokes her honeys neck which slowly lift his hands up to her left breast. He gently pokes them with his fingers. Faly twitches and gasps shorty for a moment. " re really sure about your wish you told me...." Walter whispers in her ear. Faly looks shyly up to him in his face and pants "Honey....Its my deepest wish..." "When it is your wish...I guess..." He said and slowly his other hand goes slowly down in her intimate area and strokes her lil flower "...I guess I can stand with it...". Faly closes her eyes and twitches of his lovely touch "hah! Honey..." she gasps out. Walter slowly nuzzles her neck wile his hands keep doing. Falys nipple gets harden and she cant hold a lil but loud moan away. Walter looks for a moment up " re such a cutie...let us get a family..." after he says that, his two fingers runs slowly into her lil flower - which she feels and gasps it loud out. " re so cute to me...." She closes her eyes wile she can feel how wet she's get. Walter notices that be course her fluid runs a bit over his fingers. He takes them out "Looks like you re ready..." He says lovely.

Faly bushes and nods shyly "Honey...i beg you...lovely..." Her body relaxes, the water let she looks very hot. Walter kisses her neck wile one of his hands still play with her breast and the other slowly lift up Falys left leg. She moans be course she feels how her honey slowly rubs his harden lil dude against her flower. "HAAAAHH! Honey!...." She yells out...Walter blushes a bit more "Is it sweety..." He giggles a bit wile he rubs a bit fast. "Please honey...haahhh...come inside...i cant stand it any more!...." Faly begs him.

So Walter begins to lick her neck ones again, then he slowly comes inside her. "You re wet...huh..sweety..." He says wile he pushes his lil one more and more inside her. She moans and gasps it out and feel him deep inside her. "" She says. Walter lifts up her leg a bit more to come deeper inside her and nuzzles her other breast.

Faly begins to tear a bit of that wonderful feelings and moans one more "you re so deep...I cant stand so long any more..." She moans out. Walter stops for a moment, he feels her fluid runs down his male part and blushes. He takes out his lil dude and switches the position. Faly leans now with her back against the wall wile Walter stands in front of her, kissing her and gives her that what she want. He does it gently but with a lil bit of fastness. "Faly....sweety....I cant hold it back so long..." He blushes and gasps. Faly leans her head on the wall, her eyes closed and her breasts slowly bounces with her honeys movement. "Honey....I cant...anymore!..." Faly lift up her hands and takes his head on her breasts. Walter blushes about it but keep doing it, He can feel his own climax is up coming - Like Faly can does it to.

Walter takes his hands now from her legs up to her arse and pushes deeper into her wile her legs embraces his back. "yeeeessss...honeeyy....haahhh...cummm deeperrr..!" she moans out in her lust. Walter begins to bite on his own tooth wile he keeps doing it faster and faster.

A moment Faly takes a long breath and moans out. She gets her climax, running down Walters gender which feels how his own climax hits him. He lift up his head and moans with her in a moment of pleasure and lust. He cums deep inside her and his seed fills out her flower.

Both relaxes for a moment, heavy panting. Walter lets slowly Faly down in the shower. She cant stand and leans on her honey. He blushes a bit about. "Honey...that was so...huh..." still finished up Faly gives him a deep passionate kiss. He closes his eyes and hugs her tight. She leans more and more on him so he leans with her against a wall below the shower.

Both enjoyed this moment...

And the shower...well...After a moment of that passionate kiss...they going back to it and cleans up there selves..with the help of each other...

(end of Chapter 4)

All characters/stuff are owned by Walter Albrecht / Anum Chaos (c) 2010 -2011

Anum Chaos presents...

(c) 2010-2011 by Walter Albrecht

---Let us get a Family---

(The beginning from the next chapter from the life from W.A. and Faly)

Chapter 5 -Right to the night shift

Starring: Walter A. (alias W.A. the anum), Faly, Amanda, Shard, Sahra Livia, Lindia Favian,

The time goes on and Walter and Faly take a sit on the sofa for a moment after her lil "shower". They cuddle up with each other. "That moment with was so lovely..." Faly says and purrs a bit. Walter looks down at her, blushing a bit about her purr. " lil..." He says and nuzzles her nose a bit. Arm in arm they sit together on the sofa as suddenly he phone rings.

"I´ll take it." Walter says and takes the phone next from the sofa from the lil table. "Yea...Hello, here Walter?" He speaks into the phone. "Walter? Hi, it's me Sahra. Can you come tonight for the nightshift? I´m sorry I know I gave you free but Knoxo broke his leg yesterday evening." Sahra is on the call. Walter sighs a bit and looks for a moment down to Faly, which know what is happen and nods with a smile. "Okey, when should I come up?" " would be okes when you can come from 8 pm till 11 pm - so only 3 hours. I will close anyways the club." She replies "oh and Walter? Thank you again..." She adds.

"Its okey Sahra...laters" Walter says and putts the phone back and sighs. "Well...looks like I have to do something later my sweety..." He says to Faly and giggles a bit. Faly hold him for a moment tight and says "It´s ok honey. Let us have first a breakfast together..." She says, wags with her tail and gives him a kiss on his cheek. Walter blushes a bit "Okey sweety. Let´s go in the kitchen..."

With a kiss they stand up and walk into the kitchen, where they have breakfast together...

In the middle from Breakfast, Faly says "Honey? Let us go later out for our dinner, okey? I mean you can after our dinner go to work, don't you think?" She smiles and wags with her tail. "hmm...youre right, we can go later to the Siam-ran if you wana go there." He smiles. She giggles and nods.

The breakfast time is over and both went into the living room, relaxing and snuggling a bit.

Now wile the time runs, they both enjoy the daytime they had, kissing, teasing - like young people do in love. It was a nice time till the afternoon comes to the foxies...

"Okey my sweety. Let us go to the Siam-ran now. I get e bit hungry heheh" Walter says to his honey Faly which nods and takes him by his hand walking out of there house. Way down to the city they snuggle with each other.

"Hey! Look who is over there!" Faly says and wags with her tail, points with her hand to a skunk on the other side of the street. The skunk looks a bit around and sees Faly and Walter, waving to them "Hello Walter! Faly!" The skunk comes now across the street to them.

"Hiho Shard!" Faly smiles and gives her a friendly kissi like Shard do so to Faly and to Walter. "Hey what you doing here my friends?" Shard, a female skunk, asks her friends "Well...Shard we re way down to the Siam-ran." Walter says with a smile in his face. "Cool. When you want I can come with you or dont you want so?" Shard says in a playfull voice. She giggles a bit. Faly nods "Im sure you can do so dont you think hun?" Faly giggles and pokes Walter. "hmm yea." Walter smiles.

So Walter, Faly and Shard walk way down to the Siam-ran, one of there favorite restaurants. They go inside and take a sit together around a table in a corner. A waitress, Lindia with name, a female raccoon and a good friend from them all too, comes to them "Hello my friends! Hey Walter, I heard you must work tonight in the Wind- rhythm- club huh?" Lindia teases him a bit. "Yea, heh, when you want you can come later into the club, of course you Faly and Shard too." Walter winks. "Well hun I go later maybe a bit to Klara, she told me she needs some help with something, but maybe when your work is over I come and get ya!" Faly smiles and gives him a kiss.

"Well...I can come later into the club. I mean I was normally on my way home but I have nothing to do either...and I need some nice dancing time hehehe" Shard says and giggles. "heh im sure I can come later up to the club!" Lindia giggles "So but what do you wish to order now?" She adds and smiles.

Walter orders a hotdog and a coke, Faly a tasty vanilla ice cream and a crystal lemonade, Shard a salad, a soup and a green tea. Lindia brings them there meals and goes back into the kitchen, she works here in the Siam-ran and has less time to talk.

Wile they eat, they have a small talk, about the weather, Blacks new shop, how the meal tastes and other stuff around. "Hmm...that was good." Faly says after she finishes her meal, licks her muzzle, smiling. "Indeed." Walter adds and stand up. "Guess we have to go or I come to late." He smiles. Shard and Faly stands up, too. They pay the meals and walk out of the Siam-ran, Lindia waves behind them "see us soon!"

After a lil wile walking, Faly leaves Walter and Shard and walks up to Klaras home. "We see us later honey" She says, smiling. "Okey sweety! Cyas later!" Walter waves. A lil moment later, Shard and Walter arrived at the Wind-rhythm Club. Shard walks in to the dance corner "Okey Walter, we see us inside. Hope you have some good tunes to play" Shes teases him. "Dont worry, Shard, we will see us later, have to dress me up and talk with Sahra Livia first" Walter says and walks in the back. Before he opens the door the the Djs room, Sahra comes up to him with a purple, lightly dressed wolf lady behind her. "Ahhh...Walter there you are." "Errr...yea. Hiho Sahra...and hiho....?"

Walter says a bit blushing about the look from that wolf lady. "Oh you dont know each other? Let me introduce you. Walter this is Amanda. Shes on of our new pole dancers here, for the night time of course." Sahara tells him. Amanda winks "Nice to meet you, lil foxé." She says and smiles. "Heheh...nice to meet you too." Walter says and gives her his hand - to shake. But Amanda steps close to him and gives him a lick on his nose. "I hope you going to play good music because we will work together this shift." She says. "Ohhh.....okey Amanda, I try to do my best." Walter replies, blushing. "Okey foxé, see us on the pole..." Amanda walks teasing sexy forward and let Walter and Sahra behind, Walter looks behind her blushing till Sahra pokes him gins "Hahahahah! Walter! She hits ya him?" Walter coughs "Nope, not in that way....but she is a bit...-" "Sexy?" Sahra breaks in his words smiling tries to tease him."...strange, I wana say strange." "Sure...." Shes giggles.

Walter blushes and walks inside the DJ room. He changes his dress and get ready for work, drinks a coffee and goes back to the DJ table to begin with his work. Sahra comes up one time again to him "Walter, dont forget, you work this time with Amanda together, I told her that you are married but its going to the night shift and you know what that means here, heheh." "Dont worry, I let her dance there, I play and mix my music here. I worked so often here at the night shift, I seen a lot of nude girls now here..." Walter says, coughs a bit. Sahra nods, giggles a bit and goes back into her office.

"OKEY guys! ARE YOU READY?" Walter yells in his microphone, the crowed - so Shard too - yells happy back. Walter begins with his shift and plays his music. Trances, techno, some wishes and what not. So good an hour later, Amanda comes suddenly from the back and hugs Walter "Now tell the people the wolfi is here, ma foxé" She whispers in his ear, tries to tease him. Walter blushes a bit of the soft touch but keeps doing his job "Okey people. It is now around 9 pm and you ALL know what that means! Our dances cant wait longer and are happy for every tip they get, to here is now for you guys the sweet, the cute AND the sexy...Amanda!" Walter yells wile Amanda walks sexy up to the pole and winks around. The crowd yells and waves at her. In that moment, Lindia walks up into the club waving to Walter and to Shard "Hey Shard! Hey Walter!" She says but they only can hear her coz the crowd is to loud. She walks to Shard, gives her a friendly kiss and dances with her.

Amanda gives some kisses around the people and dances seductive on the pole. She stretches her long lags and wags with her tail and her cute purple arse wile her boobs bounces...

Walter makes a good job tonight and the mood in the club is great, Amanda makes a good job too and earns some good tips. She even shows her breasts around so that Walter was only blush all the time. Something that bring Shard and Lindia to giggle. Short time before Walter ends his shift, Shard leaves with Lindia the club. Both waves to Walter and walks home. Walter and Amanda self keep doing they job.

At the end, the people are leaving and the club closes. Walter and Amanda walks together "You did a good job there foxé." Amanda smiles. "Thankis but you was great too." Walter replies smiling. Suddenly Amanda pins Walter on the wall and press es her boobs close to his face "So? Did I foxé?" She giggles. Walter blushes "Woa! Amanda! Please stop that now." She giggles and wags with her tail "Dont tell me you dislike it foxé...even when you´re married." She giggles and let him after some second go. Walters blush in his face is now deep red and he tries to look away wile they walks together there way. So he walks back into the DJ room, Amanda to the girls room. He changes his dress again and walks into Sahras office which was on the way to locks the club now. "So Sahra, im finish today. Was great tonight." He says. Sahra giggles "Heheheh yea. I looked sometimes in the dance-room and it looked great...but dont worry about Amanda Walter, she only tease a bit, she likes to tease people hehe." She replies. Walter blushes again a bit and nods "Its okey Sahra. Okey, we see us another time" Walter says and waves "Bye!"

Outside the club, Walter looks around and Faly comes around a corner. "Ohhh am I happy I get you honey!" She smiles runs and pounces him. "UFF!" Walter falls with her slowly on the ground. Faly on him, wags with her tail and smiling "Honey...let us go home." Walter smiles "Okey sweety, let me get up and we went home" Faly gives him a kiss and they both walks slowly together home...

(End of Chapter 5)

All characters/stuff are owned by Walter Albrecht / Anum Chaos (c) 2010 -2011

Anum Chaos presents...

(c) 2010-2011 by Walter Albrecht

---Let us get a Family---

(The beginning from the next chapter from the life from W.A. and Faly)

Chapter 6 - Good love´n

Starring: Walter A. (alias W.A. the anum), Faly

Walter and Faly walk slowly arm in arm down the streets at night-time.

It's pretty dark already and they holding close to each other. "How was your work sweety..." Faly asks Walter. "It was nice. We got a new Go-Go girl and she was a bit weird to me..." He replies "Weird? Why weird?" "I don't know, her kind...I mean she pushes my head between her big...-""yea?" Faly breaks in his text "In her big what?" "Never mind." Walter blushes his face look looks ashamed. Faly looks up to him and gives him a hug. "Don't worry about her. I guess she only tease you. Anyways where your face will maybe was" She smiles. Walter giggles a bit still blushing.

On the way down to their Home, they smooth with each other. In front of their home door, Walter says "Hey...why don't we go to our old lovely Place on the River? At the old big tree? I like that place." Faly looks around and lowers a bit her ears. "It's already really very dark and I don't know...." She looks in the forest. "Walter embraces her "Don't worry I'm with you hon..." She blushes and holds him tight, nodding.

So both go into the forest direction the big old tree near the river. Its not a long way, it takes good 5 minutes. "Ahh...yea...our old lovely place..." Walter says and smiles a bit. Faly smiles with him and says "You are right. Its a bit ago that we was here last time." Walter walks to the old tree and takes a sit, he stretches his arms and legs. "Ahh...its good to be here now. Here I can relax a bit with you." Walter looks up to Faly which stands in front of him and giggles a bit, blushing. She looks up in the sky "Look...the moon...and the stars, such a bright light..." She blushes a bit. Walter looks to the moon "Yea...anyhow a bit magical..."

Faly, still blushing, takes a sit in front of Walter and leans against him with her head. He blushes a bit and gives her a hug. "hon....its nice with you lovely..." Faly says in her soft voice. Walter looks to here, lowers his ears a bit "Faly....its always nice to be with you my lil sweety..." Faly blushes a bit and looks deep in his eyes, closes her eyes and a second later shes kisses him with tongue. A moment of deep silents and emotions, pleasure and love. Faly goes with her left hand down between Walter legs and looks, blushing, in his eyes "Hon....can we play here a bit...i beg would be again a nice memory for this place..." She lowers her ears a bit more. Walter, lowers his eyes and blushes, replies "...Faly....we can do what you want.....every time......I love you..." Walter gives her again a kiss with tongue wile Faly rubs with her hand against his lil piece. Panting, a bit moaning Faly slides down with her other hand Walters waist coat and lean it on the tree wile Walter goes with his tongue down to her neck and nibbles softly on it.

"...uuhh...Hon....I love you.....uuh..." Faly pants. "I love you too....come and let me play a bit my sexy...sweety...." He replies and goes with his hands under her shirt and touches softly with his hand her breasts.

She moans a bit and goes with her hands now down between his legs and opens his jeans wile Walter lifts her shirt a bit up and takes a look on her breasts and licks soft her now out coming nipples and gently pokes them.

"...haaaa...." she lift up her head and moans soft out in pleasure. Then she goes a bit by side down from Walters legs a bit and pulls his jeans and underwear from his legs and leans them my side. Walter gives Falys shirt a lil pull and takes it away from her body now. She takes a sit back on his legs and gives him a deep kiss again. Blushing, a bit sweating, Walter embraces her waist and goes slowly down with his hand on her belt and opens it. Slowly he opens her zipper and goes with his hands down and rubs her female area. Faly twitches and gasps a bit. "haah...honey....." She blushes and says in her pants. Walters lil piece grows a bit and the lust hits both more and more.

" sweety...youre already wet..." Walter says and takes his hand out of her female area. Faly blushes a bit " it with me...uuhhhh...." She whispers in his ear and licks it. Walter nods slowly and kisses and nibbles again on her neck wile his hands pulls her jeans and slip away from her sexy body.

Nude now, both kiss and enjoy each other bodies. A minute later, Faly lifts up her cute body and let Walter piece inside her. Slowly, lovely she begins to hump him and hugs him tight. Walter moves his body with her and holds her waist close to his body.

"Haaaahhh.....Haahhh...Honeyy....haah!...youre so good to meee..." Faly moans out in pleasure. Walter, still blushing, slowly moves with his hands Falys body close to his muzzle and begins to suck on her breasts which brings Faly to moans much louder and lifts up her head in the sky. She presses his face now against her breats and his body on the tree, humping him in sweat like a vixen which want it now or never. Walters hands holds her now tight, locking on his piece and a bit crawling. Some vaginal fluid drops running down his part and falls on the grass, both enjoy that moment with much pleasure and lust wile Faly fastens her hump moves, moans it out loud.

Walters get a deeper blush and his hand wanders down now her arse where they craws and holds it tight. " bring cum....aahh..." He gasps. "honeey......i...i......aahh....pleaseeee......aahhhh..." She moans. Walter tries to get her face, kisses her face and then her lips with tongue wile she still moves on his piece. Faly embraces him now tight, pressing him now more against the tree and moans loud "Hoooneeeeyy...i caaaannntt....anyyyyymoreeee.....!!!" Sweating, blushing, Walter replies "Yess...faaalyyy....cum withh mee....."

Her voice gets louder, her moves faster and the embraces more then as just tight. Faly lifts up again her head in the sky and yells her climax loud out to the moon "I...I CUUUMMMMM!!!!!!" Walter feels that and good a second later he locks her vagina with his piece and with a loud moan he let his climax out and deep inside her...

Relaxed, tired, a bit sweaty and lovely Faly let a moment later fall her nude body in the arms of her lovely husband. Walter pants for some air and hugs her, kissing her "Faly hon....." he whispers. Let run a moment in cutes and please, both holding each other in their arms. Lovely, anyways whats around them or what could be. Walter and Faly hug each other and slowly, they fall in that position asleep wile the moonlight bright shines on them...

(End of Chapter 6)

All characters/stuff are owned by Walter Albrecht / Anum Chaos (c) 2010 -2011

Anum Chaos presents...

(c) 2010-2012 by Walter Albrecht

---Let us get a Family---

(The beginning from the next chapter from the life from W.A. and Faly)

Chapter 7 - Time runs, life comes - and another day

Starring: Walter A. (alias W.A. the anum), Faly, Black Flame, R.A.

The time runs away and the fall and winter are already gone. Its summer.

In the lil hut from Walter and Faly you can really feel something is happen...

The sun shines in the bed of our foxes. Walter spins around, don't wana be weak up but slowly open his eyes looking at Faly, his love. She still sleeps. He open his eyes and let his right hand run softly over Falys blanket.

Her neck, her shoulder, breasts and her now a bit bigger belly. She is pregnant from him.

She purrs a bit like a lil cat as she feels his hand runs over her. "think I better let her sleep. She needs all rest she can get now..." Walter thinks and slowly stands up. A lil bit tired and dizzy he walks over to the sitting room and yawns, scratching his back a bit. He looks a bit around and wanders in his mind.

"Now...I become a daddy." He smiles to himself. He walks over to Falys "old" room, where he works now a bit to change it for the child. He walks inside, still smiling. Looking at the lil bed, which he build for the child. He goes down on his knees and let his hand run over the bed. He lowers his eyes a bit "Yea....." He thinks "...I and Faly will be parents..."

He looks up out of the window still a bit wandering in his mind because something could go wrong. But he shakes his head "What could go wrong"

He goes to the bathroom and takes a shower to clean his fur and mind. Good 10 minutes later he comes with a tower to dry his fur out and walks only with an towel around his belt-line to the kitchen and sets up hot water and some toasts for breakfast.

After he made the toasts with some butter and jam, the kitchen door opens and Faly steps inside, still a bit tired and her hair needs a brush. "Oh good morning Faly." Walter says and takes the water and gives them into some cups for tea. "Ahhhhhhwww....Good morning hun" She said and walks to Walter places a kiss on his lips holding him tight. "How did you sleep?" Walter whispers. "We two slept very well hun." Faly replies and looks into Walters face with a lil blush. Walter looks down on her belly slowly stoking it "yea...i hope you both have hehe..." He blushes.

"Take a sit Faly. The toasts are ready and the tea is set up" Walter said and takes a sit. Faly carefully takes a sit too and begins to eat the breakfast. Both smiling and teasing each other. But some minutes later, there was a quiet time between them, not looking into each other faces, just drinking the tea and eating the breakfast...

"So it could be happen now every day....that we are now a real family..." Walter lowers his ears a bit and looks into Falys face. She blushes and looks shortly down on her belly, smiling and looks into Walters face, nods. "And you're still sure you don't wana know what it is?" Walter says "The doc told me you don't wana know it till it sees the first light." Faly giggles "I waited now as good as 9 month and it could be now happen every day, so I want that it is a surprise." She replies.

Walter giggles a bit taking a nap from his tea still wander in his mind...

Some moments later, Faly lays on the sofa wile Walter still wanders around in his mind and standing in the room for the child. "A daddy..." Walter sighs. "I really never thought about to be really be a daddy now..." Walter looks around with lowered ears and smiles to himself as he gets a hug from Faly who stands behind him. "You will be a great daddy hun..." She said and cuddles him. He blush but he knows she is right and he hopes that nothing badly will happen...

The next days running smooth till one day Faly had labor pains. In worry about that the day is coming Walter quickly calls the doctor. Also Walter calls Black and R.A. . Good 8 minutes later the doctor comes with 2 nurses and another doctor and quickly takes Faly with them into the ambulance with Walter holding her hand. They drives fast but carefully to the next hospital in town.

Faly in sweat and pain holding Walters hand. Walter kissing her hand and tries to relax her "Faly, it will be all fine, don't be worry. Im be with you." Faly tries to smile and gasps. "Doctor! Please! Are we there???" Walter yells. "Don't worry, its only some more curves!" He replies. "Don´t worry Faly...don´t give up." Walter sweats now a bit too.

After some minutes later, they arrived at the hospital. The doctors try to relax Walter wile they take Faly in the emergency room. "Please doctor help her!" "Relax. She will be fine." They brings Walter into the Waiting room where he walks up and down sweating in worry about something could happen. A bit later, Black and R.A. comes into the waiting room known he would be here. "Walter come down! She will be allright." Black tells him and places his hand on his shoulder. "Yea. Relax." R.A. says. They all take a sit. Nervous Walter tries to relax panting and looking down on the ground he prays to himself "Oh god please help Faly that nothing will be happen..."

Minutes later...

A doctor comes into the waiting room and Walter, Black and R.A. jumps up. "And? And? Is everything allright with her?" The Doctor pants "The Baby and her..." the doctor takes a lil break in his text "what with them!?" Walter asks very nervous. "They both are allright but Faly takes now really a rest..." "Can I see them???" "Of course. Follow me please." The doctor leads them to the Room where Faly lays in and holds her Baby in the arm...

Walter walks slowly inside, Black and R.A. take a time outside the room knowing that they both need a time alone. "Hey look my lil hun...there is your daddy..." Faly says as Walter walks inside. "Say hello to your daddy..." She says, showing Walter his baby, her child. Walter carefully looks into the face from his child...knees down next to the bed where Faly says in and looks with tears in his eyes into the face of the baby. "My....lil child....our lil...child..." He says. Faly smiles still sweating a bit. Walter gives Faly a hug and smiles. Now they looks like a real little Family with they new lil member.

A little moment later R.A. and Black walks inside and greets the new child from Walter and Faly. They all looks happy, very happy. After all, nothing badly is happen. Walter and Faly are proud of each other and knowing of that Walter and Faly gives each other a lovely kiss...

"this will be the beginning of a new life from us now..." Walter whispers. Faly smiles and nods.

And this will be really a new beginning of a new life...with a new family...

(End of Chapter 7)

...the end...

All characters/stuff are owned by Walter Albrecht / Anum Chaos (c) 2010 -2012