Stronger Than the Moon

Story by KnucklePuppy on SoFurry

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#4 of Master/Pet

Just another Master/pet story I had in my head the night before...

Stronger Than the Moon It was a long day, and my master left me at his home while he handled his responsibilities in town. I was better off here though; anything you got from a were-kennel was bound to be a good investment in home protection. I had been with him for just over a year, and I wouldn't dare leave him. It was a really long day, and I honestly felt like he was gonna come home all tired like he usually did. I hoped not though: that meant we were just gonna lay down, and it would deny me my chance to show him any affection. Master says "down", he means it. I had my hiccups occasionally, where he needed time to himself and I was usually reluctant to be without him. But that's the nature of what we have, what others have. He collared me as soon as he picked me up: I was loyally his from that day forward. And he drew every bit of my ferocity out. He's never even seen my fangs, unless I was eating or panting in his arms. I was a rowdy little upstart at the kennel, one they had to keep under extra-heavy lock and key during my lunar phases, which were especially powerful. I hurt a handler pretty bad. But since I've been here, since I've been his... I haven't felt any of my beastly urges. I don't know how he does it. Through a window I kept my eye on the sun and moon, noting the hours since he left. He's been gone since high noon, and that was about nine hours ago. I sat near the window on my haunches and watched cars go up and down the street, but not his truck.. I looked to the floor and whimpered a little, and lied down in the hopes of my nap shortening his time away. I missed him so... I closed my eyes with a sigh. ***** ***** ***** A sharp noise settled on my ears, and they stood tall as I woke up. it was dark inside. I looked around, my heart beginning to race as my favorite guy was home! I padded slowly out of one room to another and found him on the couch, pulling off his boots with a smile, but he didn't make eye contact with me. I sat down. He got off one boot and dropped it to the floor, and while our routine was for me to HELP him and put them away...something felt off. Not wrong, just...different. He began to work on his other, and I felt like I should REALLY be over there. But he didn't call me by name. He yanked off his other boot with one final tug and dropped it near the other, and placed his palms on his knees with a short sigh. He glanced up at me briefly, and I fought the urge to even budge his way. Not until he says so. He began to unbutton his shirt, one at a time to let himself relax, keeping that same smile while I was patient, albeit struggling to wait for him. He leaned back into the cushions and finally let his eyes settle on me. He blinked slowly, his thick tail patting the cushion beside him softly. "C'mere boy!" he said with loving energy, but instead of bolting to him I simply padded his way and sat near one of his legs, looking at him soulfully. He nodded in appreciation. "I didn't call you by name, so that was very good of you to wait until I was finished here. G'boy." he said, and I rested my head on his knee. He patted me softly and snapped, my attention right back on him as I sat up straight. (I'd like to point out that he's actually had to train me very little. That was just me being me there.) My master patted his lap and spread his legs a bit, and waved me up. I climbed up the couch and lied across his lap, letting him rub my back. I sighed. "While I was out today I kept thinking about how glad you'd be to see me.. When I sat down I thought you'd tackle me through the couch." he said with a smile, and longer rubs. But I felt ashamed regardless. I flattened my ears a bit, but he instantly picked me up with another pat on the head and kind words. "Aww, quit bein cute pup, I know you love me." He said as he rubbed me down softly, getting under my chin and lifting it with gentle claws, making me tremble... "But lemme show my pup the same.." he said, and a paw on my back traveled down my side.. I gulped. "Roll over boy." he said softly. I tossed myself over and the hand under my chin traveled down my neck to my chest, tickling and rubbing me the whole way. I wiggled; it felt great.. He scratched me in circles, he rubbed me in spots and I went limp. One way he found to tame me was simply this: he had magical hands. One finger traced between my pecs, all the way down to the top of my- *YELP!* I jerked harshly, his claw hit a sensitive spot on my belly and he chuckled. "You always jump at the same time.." he said. His hand slowly traced over my belly with more of his claw tips and my leg kicked out, leaving a few gashes in the arm of the couch from my own claws. Master grinned at me and kept it up, my vision blurring from the awesome sensation. "You're going to pay for that pup.." he said as his hand fell flat against my stomach. I gulped with tightly closed eyes and nodded. "Get ready boy, I'm taking you for a ride." Master's palm slowly sped up and my abdomen crunched strongly, electric spasms traveled all over my body and I whined. he rubbed me slowly, circling a point on me that, until I'd met him, I'd never known about. My tail thrashed around and he raised back up to his claw tips and my mouth fell open and snapped shut randomly. I was in heaven! "My good, sweet pup likes this? Huh? Does he?" he asked me sweetly as he rubbed my furry belly. I howled in short bursts, my leg a blur while his magical hand traced over a very specific spot that made my body tense up. Master leaned down low so his cheek was just above my nose and grinned, and I lapped a wet stripe across it. "Good boy." he said, and I gulped as my sheath swelled up painfully tight. I whimpered, and my master looked me over, his eyes wide with a hint of worry. "I'm sorry pup, we'll handle that right away." he said, my bone as fat as its ever been, so tight my knot wasn't leaving. He chuckled nervously and gripped it, the girth filling his palm to his claw tips. He teased me with them and slowly worked my sheath back to the limit and a bead of pre met my groin, then a steady flow. "That's my boy!" he said gleefully, stroking what he could and sending streams up my chest which he rubbed in softly. A few more streaks coated the back of his hand and he wiped it on my belly. Uh-oh! "My puppy's got a treat headed his way..." he said as he slicked me up, and rubbed that one spot with vigor. I gritted my teeth and my leg got back to it, flailing at hyper speed while my bone flexed strongly. I went blind! My breathing matched the pace of his hand and my furry balls drew up. Master smiled again. "Here it comes boy!" he said, before raising me up with his other hand so I could watch. My vision came back as my dick throbbed once, twice, almost a third before he attacked that special spot. I felt a howl in my chest that could burst clouds but held it back and barely whimpered as a single, long, thick and smelly stream of my cum shot out, making my body quake. It flew over my shoulder and well-past the other side of the couch, splattering on the floor and everything before, ending with a nasty streak going up the length of my body. He smiled crazily. I ALWAYS impress him. "Whoa boy! Wow!!" he said as I panted through my massive afterglow, my thick cum trying to soak into my fur. Master turned his other cheek to me, and I saw I'd gotten him a bit too. YES! "Who's my good boy huh?" he asked as he kissed my forehead gently, and I melted on his lap, smiling with burning cheeks. "Me..." I panted. He carefully shifted out from under me and went to a drawer, and returned with a leash which he clipped to my collar. He gently tugged it. "Time to pay for the couch pup.." he said, and began to walk away. When the leash grew a little tight I followed him, towards the stairs to our room. With a playful growl I chomped the end of his thick tail and he jumped. "Eager tonight, aren't you boy?" he asked, as we went up to the welcome darkness, our darkness.

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