Love on hate street

Story by ShadowFox on SoFurry

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This story contains graphic sex, blah blah blah, you know the drill, if you're under 18, it's illegal for you to read this story, so just wait a few more years while pawing off to your imagination! NYEH.

The title is a parody off of certain song and that's all I'm saying >.>. If you can't guess what the story is about. I'll give you just the basics because I hate spoilers. This story is loosely based on true events. I know the character mentioned in this story, and yes he agitates me --_-- This story is about a love\hate relationship. And lot's and lot's of lust woot! I remember the saying "nothing is more entertaining than reality" So I give you a short story written about a real life love\hate relationship.

"Look, they're only worth 100 bucks. I could just get em from somebody else" I growled under my breath and sighed. "Alright... Alright. When can you pick em up?" "Right now, I'm in the area" Said Luke. "Alright, see ya then" said I. "Bye Alex" he said and hung up. I held the phone to my ear a moment then pulled it away to hit end. I held my forehead. I knew the price he was asking was too low. But I gave in anyway... "why?" I growled to myself. That little shit of a fox was taking advantage of me... But I was letting him... "asshole!" I blurted out and went off to watch tv and wait.

I grabbed a bag of chips and flopped onto the couch. My lupine body stretching out on the leather surface. I'm 6'4" so my toes were just shy of reaching the other armrest. I'm not that muscular. But my strongest point are my arms. Built them up from riding dirtbikes in my free time. Other than that I'm not that social or active. I stick to video games and porn... I let out a sigh. If you can't tell, I'm horribly lonely. I just want a girl I can have as a best friend, not that I wouldn't enjoy the sex it's just I want a friend too... Ah, he's here.

I sat up and peered over the couch and out the window. His little VW Golf was slowly creeping up the driveway. Unlike his other friends, which I've met. He doesn't drive as reckless. I've ridden with him a few times, but I'm more friends with his friends than I am with him. I've been told he's a spoiled brat. Halfway up the driveway he gunned it and his front tires burnt out on the tarmac. I furrowed my brow in disdain.... brat. I grabbed a coat and went outside. He was already parked and out by the time I got there.

"See what I did?" He asked, somewhat excited as if showing a parent a proud accomplishment. "no..." I stated. He and I were the same age... physically... 17. "I don't appreciate you leaving streak marks in the road" I said walking closer. "pff whatever. Where are the tires?" "in the garage" I stated.

"well, go get em" I just stared at him. "can you help me? they're kinda heavy" I said already knowing the answer. "they're not heavy, just roll them" I rolled my eyes and turned away, walking towards the garage, he was walking behind me. I went inside and he was helping me anyway, I bent over and picked up a tire, laying it down and rolling it to him, then he rolled that one out while I grabbed one myself. Two trips and we were done. Oh and Luke is a fox btw... He... had this habit of always taking his hand and pulling his hair out of his eyes, or tossing his head back lightly to move his long brown hair out of his face... Something I only remember girls doing... I had been told he had a girlfriend, but he still seemed like a fruitcake to me, seemed fitting that way.

When the tires were loaded into his car he pulled a wad of money out of his pocket and handed me five, twenty dollar bills... crisp. "thanks..." I muttered. "Sure, whatever" he said dismissively which made my teeth grind. "And let me know when you change your mind about the jetta" he said pointing to my white jetta which I only bought a couple months ago. He was also a VW fanatic... "no way, I already told you I'm keeping it" He put a hand in his pocket and shifted his weight to one leg. "But it won't even start..." he said bluntly. "I know.. I let it sit too long" "Well" he said "For a few bucks I can take it to the dealership I work at and fix it up. I just need you to buy the parts" I perked my ears at that. "really?" "Yeah, sure. So gimme a call when you're ready" I folded my arms. Suprised at how nice he was being. My face showed it. "Thanks, I'll do that. Well, I'll see ya later then." He smirked and nodded, my ears twitched. what did he mean by that smirk... He has to be up to something, I knew thoughtfullness was beneath him. He turned around in my driveway and took off. I walked back inside.

Later that night I was lying in bed and odd as it may sound but I always squeeze one off before bed, it relaxes me. So I slipped my paw into my boxers and recalled the image of a brunette vixen, a favorite paw fantasy of mine, I have her pic on the comp... curves in all the right places... I started to paw when Joe slipped through my mind and I came to a screeching halt... I was fairly tired and just happened to recall the very agitating events of that day. That's all it takes they say... so there I was all excited about my fave vixen when he flashes through my mind... ofcourse I stopped pawing. I'm not gay, I told myself and brought the vixen back into focus... Besides, even if I were into guys, Joe is such an asshole, I wouldn't want to bother with him.... I bet he has the same colorings as this vixen. NO grrr stop thinking that... gah... Think of something else. Think of the vixen... mmmm oh yeah... I started stroking my shaft again. Still slick with my pre. My mind wandered again and back to joe. Sudden thoughts of putting that bitchy little brat in his place... on his fours... with his tail high.... "erf" I grunted, already pawing... no... I whimpered. It isn't right.... uhh! And I came... I shuddered all over as my seed splashed my belly and chest... a more powerful orgasm than my usual before bed treats...

I sat there in my afterglow, mostly out of shock. I cleaned myself up and curled up in bed. I couldn't sleep for 2 hours as I kept trying to figure out what the hell just happened. Thinking of... mounting him got me off SO easy... I can't believe it... He's just... but it's so... I whined and curled up tighter. Drifting off to sleep out of exhaustion.


It was some time later that week when I saw Luke again. I was hanging out with some friends and they picked him up too. I was a little edgy around him. I was still unsure of what I was feeling. And I was afraid the others would notice. Especially him. While we were all walking around his girlfriend called him. I had to endure listening to that... That's another thing that scared me... Hearing him talk to his girlfriend made me so angry and jealous... JEALOUS why should I be jealous? I already knew the answer but that scared me even more. I wanted to bend this fox over and fuck him like the little princess he is... He doesn't deserve a girlfriend, he should BE someone's girlfrien... I closed my eyes and tried to supress these feelings. I walked away from the group to window shop.

Later we took in a movie. "Constantine" which didn't help me any. All I could think about was sex... And countering that was how wrong the sex I was thinking about, was. I don't know how, but somehow I got stuck with Joe as my ride. I sat quietly in the passenger seat. Joe occasionaly glanced over at me but said nothing. Atlast we were at my house. I couldn't wait to get out of the car. "Seeya Joe" I blurted and went to open the door. He spoke up. "do you hate me?" I stopped... "cuz, you know, you've been ignoring me all night" I slowly closed the door and turned to look him in the eyes for the first time all night. "you've been using me since you met me, Joe..." I growled. "what? that's fucking bullshit" "fuck you, I know how much those tires were worth but I gave in anyway. And don't think I ever forgot about the 20 odd CD's of mine you keep promising to give back. OR the subs in your trunk RIGHT NOW!" I practically yelled the last part, I was huffing lightly as I stared at him, daring him for a response. "Dude, what-the-fuck-ever man. You're just jeal-" He was cut off as I lunged at him. I wrestled with him as I tried to grab his wrists. His legs were trapped under the steering wheel so he struggled to push me away with his arms. snarling and yelping. I overpowered him and held his wrists in each hand, he still struggled. I'd gone this far... and I'd go even further. I was so full of rage. I wanted to make him pay. I quickly dipped my head under his muzzle and held his throat tighly in my maw. He whined very loudly and struggled even more violently, but his hands stayed immobile in my firm grasp. I wrestled him into the back seat and forced his face against the window. I was behind him and I moved his hands to be held by just one of mine as I took the free hand to struggle in removing his pants. "get the fuck off of me you fucking faggot!" he growled. I threateningly tightened my grip around his neck till he whined in pain. "you... bastard" He whimpered. I managed his pants down to his knees, he was on his knees and his upper body was being held up by me, his face was sideways against the glass, so he could somewhat, see what I was doing to him. I struggled to keep him immobile while removing his boxers, he gave another burst of struggling. "NO! don't dare you goddamn faggot, GET OFF ME!" He yelled and bucked underneath me. I clenched my maw as tightly as I could around his throat till he gagged. "you're (gag) choking me..." he whimpered. I let up but kept firm incase he struggled again. His boxers were around his knees and I took great pleasure in groping his rear, his ass was supple and soft furred. I gripped his tailbase and moved it to the side, up to this point his tail was between his legs. I slid my hand down the cleft of his rump and gripped his sack and... heh. he was rock hard. I pulled my maw off of his throat and tightened my grip on his hands. I whispered into his ear "whose the faggot now little foxy?" He snarled but he was losing his anger, fear and shame were replacing it. Even his snarls sounded weak now. I pulled down my own pants and boxers and maneuvered my dripping member under his tail. He jerked and whined. I dipped my tongue into his ear. Licking gently and probing. He whimpered and whined some more. growling warningly. "shhhh" I whispered, loving every second of this. "If you truly didn't want another male mounting you, I know you wouldn't have given in as soon as this" He flayed his ears and growl\whined. "Don't fuck me... please" I cooed at that. "what?" I said, smirking. "I couldn't hear you, speak up" He whimpered and said. "please, don't fuck AHH" I drove my cock up into his asshole, his pucker spread open easily because I suprised him. After my sudden thrust. I took my time in sliding inch after inch of my cock into his virgin ass. The hardest part was over. He was already penetrated, now I just had to fuck him. I could feel his pucker gripping tightly, trying to force me out. Too late now, I was already in. He grunted in pain and whimpered. I licked inside of his ear some more, I loved how he shivered every time I did that. "please don't do this..." he whimpered softly. Shuddering as I dove my tongue deeper, licking around the curves of his large vulpine ear. "I'll, I'll give you money" I smirked. and retorted. "Like I'd give up such a good fuck for money... mmmm" I let out a lustful moan as I hilted him. His insides quivering around me. "You're going to take every last inch of my cock. And when I cum, you're ass is going to hold every last drop" His shaky body against my chest felt so wonderful, the feeling of his quivering ass around my cock was beyond words though. I was in heaven. No one around to stop me. I can fuck him for as long as I want. "I hate you" he growled as I was pulling out. I smirked, he was giving in. The way he said it made it sound like a last kick before complete resignation. I slowly slid my cock back inside, his ass gripped my cock hard and he whimpered again. Crying out softly "I hate you, I hate you" over and over again. till his voice was too shaky to mutter it again. I started to fuck him harder and faster, pressing his muzzle against the rear window with every hard thrust. I loved the feeling of my balls resting against his. He didn't. I moaned and growled in lust as my pleasure built. I held my muzzle close to his neck and over his shoulder. His body being genlty bucked foward with every thrust. I could hear him grunting now. I wouldn't quit till I heard him moan. I had almost forgotten about the cock bobbing against his belly. I reached my free hand down and gripped his cock, he gaspsed and growled, struggling with me again. I guess gripping his cock brought him back to the back seat of his car and underneath another male from wherever he was. I started to stroke it gently, paying special attention to the underside of the head. He snarled weakly and pulled back his lips to reveal his teeth in warning, usually a bite follows these warnings. I was unamused. I gripped his throat again and squeezed, he stopped snarling but growled under his breath. I gently stroked him harder and harder. His paced grunting soon turned into soft grunting and moaning. He's breaking. I whispered into his ear. "that's my good little foxy. moan for me, show me how much you like this" he whimpered and growled at my remark, but soon after that growl turned into a whine, then a moan. I smiled around and gently resumed tonguing his ear. he moaned alot more. I started to hump harder. His hands were free by now and he didn't even realize it. Or care apparently. I felt Luke suddenly jerk and spasm under me, for a second I thought he was struggling again. But I felt hot ropes squirt all over my paw. I didn't have time to think about this too much though as suddenly his ass clamped down on me like a vice. Pleasure overcame me as I thrust into him like a mad dog. letting out a loud howl as I slammed my knot into his rear and came long and deep into his strawberry-cream colored rear. I clenched the nape of his neck as I came, humping wildy as I pumped my load into him. He gasped every thrust instead of grunting now. Soon my balls were empty and his insides were full. Knowing his insides had just been pumped with my seed was the most satisfying thing I have ever known. Mounting him like a bitch and planting my seed deep within him just felt so good and right. We both panted as we stayed like that. The windows were steamed so much you couldn't see out or in. I was the first to move. I pulled him back against me. moving to lay against the door behind me. Now I was on my back and Luke was on my chest. We were both still panting, his tongue was lolled out. I turned his head gently and kissed him. He whimpered but weakly kissed back. I held him close to me. "I hate you too"

Author's notes: I hope ya'll enjoyed it and your paws are all sticky bwahaha >.< heh, just some side notes, keep in mind though this is a story, loosely based off of real life events. Both characters exist. though I changed Luke's name for a few reasons, nothing special. But his personality remains the same to the real life one. The first person character is me, but he's been altered. something I thought would be more fitting for the story. What REALLY happened is nothing, heh. I've been tempted quite frequently to corner the little foxy but never had the courage to go through with it. Also I have urges but honestly, I'm a swooner not a raper :P I'd wine and dine him... then I'd rape him >.< anyway your comments are very welcome, as always. Lastly, I'm willing to revamp this entire story into something longer with character development and all those other goodies if I get enough requests. on that note, sweet masturbation fantasies! hmm... doesn't quite have the ring "sweet dreams" does...