Ch. 1. Beginings

The Shadowfox Chapter 1: Beginnings A bolt of lightning streaked across a pitch-black sky as rain is illuminated by a burning village in the distance. Small buildings and sanctuaries were aflame throughout the town. Outside the village to the...

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Love on hate street

This story contains graphic sex, blah blah blah, you know the drill, if you're under 18, it's illegal for you to read this story, so just wait a few more years while pawing off to your imagination! NYEH. The title is a parody off of certain...

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The War of all Worlds 01

Disclaimer: As there are no yiffy bits in here, yet as this is the begining of a series. All I have to say is, this is my story, so please if you want to write a story similar to this or like a branch off of this one, just ask me. ^\_^ He was...


I love Halloween

Disclaimer: this story has been rated R for retarded. and contains materials not suitable for children under the legal age of 18 such as our four legged friends walking on just 2 (gasp) blah blah blah you get it, over 18 good, under 18 bad. I love...

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Head over feet

Ahem, this story contains sexual situations and general romantic fluff between males in a non straight way, so if the idea of making love to a biped fox or just in general m/m offends you in anyway or your under the legal porn looking at age of 18 then...

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