It will help make more sense if you also read the first chapter to the story as well. However If you like action and such, feel free to start here. I don't have much writing experience but I hope you still enjoy it.
May 29-2182
"So what is our plan to get out of here?" I asked Kyra. I could tell that she sensed the excitement in my voice. After all, this was my dream come true for me. To finally leave this place. "Its a series of careful steps I have planed out that will work perfectly." She said. "First things first. We need guns and armor, and lots of them!" How exciting I thought. Kyra continued on saying "You know that simulation room were we always had combat training? Well the next room over is the high tech armory. This is where all the weapons and armor and other things come from that they give us when we go through the training simulations." I asked her, "How do we get in there?" Kyra replied with a smile, "Don't worry about that."
We left my cell room and carefully snuck down the long metallic hallway leading to the armory. We made sure there were no cameras watching us or that there were any guards nearby. Surprisingly enough, the place was completely unguarded. There it was, a giant hexagon shaped metal door, standing almost 20 feet high. It read in large glowing red letters ARMORY on it. "What amazing things could be behind this?" I wondered. Again I asked Kyra, "So how do we get in? I see a key pad. Do you know the code?" Kyra said, "Sort of...." Before I could ask her what she meant, Kyra formed a fist in her hand and punched straight through the large steel door, opening it from the inside and setting off the alarm. Loud sirens echoed thru out the building and the walls and ceilings began flashing red. "Why did you do that?" I shouted. "No time" She said. "Grab as much gear as you can. Trust me, Zero. Were going too need it." I ran in the giant armory. It was filled with more gear and weapons I had ever seen before. First I grabbed some body armor, putting on quickly. Then I ran over to the guns. They had everything. Shotguns, SMGs, rockets, lasers. I grabbed as much as I could. Before I left the armory to join Krya, I noticed a glowing electric sword of some kind far in the back, mounted on the wall, I had never seen such a beautiful piece of tech before in my whole life. I ran as fast as I could to grab it and then met up with Kyra outside the door.
"Get ready! They are coming!" I began loading all of my guns as fast as possible. "This is it!" I thought to myself. All these years. "This is what I was trained for, what I was built for!" I could here loud metal footsteps echoing down the hallway. "This was not a regular footstep. This was robots approaching us. I had never fought robots before! Then I saw them. They were big, frightening and had the look of death on their faces. They had guns for arms and stood 12 feet high!. They spoke to me and Kyra in the coldest static voice imaginable. "Surrender and drop your weapons or we will open fire" They said. "NOT A CHANCE!" Kyra shouted. "Kill them Zero!" Without hesitation, I pulled down the trigger and bullets after bullets after bullets flew across the room punching holes in the robots like they were butter. The other robots started shooting back at us with loud red lasers causing me and Kyra to take cover. "I had to think fast" I threw a powerful hand grenade in the center of where they were standing, killing off the last of them. "Holy shit" I yelled. "This is what real combat is! Its amazing!"
Me and Kyra ran down the hall over the cold dead machines and off to the exit we knew existed. "Don't get so confident, Zero!" Kyra said. "There is more than just those guys that stand in our way." We now entered the military testing area in the building, The largest room of them all, but something was not right. There wasn't a machine in site. But then, we began to feel the ground shake under our feet. "What the hell is that?" I asked Kyra looking near the back entrance. I saw a sight I couldn't believe. Approaching us was a 30ft tall war machine. Weapons on every part of his body from head to toe. Glowing green eyes from its head looked down at me and Kyra. More smaller robots began to surround us. "Kyra! I think were trapped!" "Not at all" She said. "Just do as I say and they won't stand a chance!" "I'll take the big one and you take out the smaller ones." "You have powers that you don't even know existed in you. Once you start fighting they will kick in!" Kyra then started shooting at the giant robot with her giant machine gun, cutting off its limbs that held the weapons it had. I than began shooting at the other robots with the assault riffle I grabbed as a I constantly kept moving pumping led into their metal bodies sending them falling to the floor. Suddenly I started maneuvering faster and faster around the robots firing constant rounds into there body. This wasn't adrenalin I was feeling. It was something else. Something more powerful. Then it hit me! I wasn't speeding up, I WAS SLOWING DOWN TIME! It was awesome!. The machines didn't stand a chance!. I looked over to find Kyra finishing off the last of the 30ft behemoth. She did it so flawlessly, So beautifully. I had never seen such an elegant display of combat in all my years with her. Together, we were invincible. We notice a door in the upper level of the room that lead out of here. We flew to the top and proceeded down the hallway. "Don't worry, Zero. We are almost there!"
As we continued running, we finally had reached the exit. But it was locked! "Try punching it like you did before." I told Kyra. "I cant." She replied. They over- locked it when we broke in to the armory! The steel is far to thick and we don't have strong enough guns." I then looked at the electric sword I had picked up earlier and held it up to Kyra. "What about this?" I said. Kyra looked stared at it with confusion. "What the hell is that?" "I don't know but I think it might be the solution to our problem" I said smiling. "Maybe it can cut through the door!" Kyra smiled back saying, "It's worth a shot" I pointed the blade at the door and with all my strength I pierced the metal and began carving a hole. Slice after slice, the sword began to feel incredible as I held it in my hand. Of all the weapons I had trained with, this was the one that felt the greatest. The structure and power I felt as I continued to swing it was amazing. Sure enough, the door was penetrated and we could finally see the other side leading to our freedom. Me and Kyra escaped the prison we called home for the first time. I could feel the warmth of the bright sun on my body. This was the beginning of my knew life. Of Kyra's new life. But there was a part of me that still felt an anger inside. A sense of incompletion. Not only did I want freedom. Now I wanted revenge. We both did. This world was full of the people that manipulated us. And there are more AI's out than just us that need freedom too. This was just the beginning of our mission. But it will be an amazig one.