The Secret of Ginshal - Part 1

Story by Minsc9 on SoFurry

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This is the first part of my Kronthyr mini-series, The Secret of Ginshal. The Elves have been studying the Ginshal Overgrowth for some time now, a vast dense jungle. Now, finally, one of the elves working there has stumbled upon a miraculous discovery! But just what is it? And what does it mean for the future of the elven race?

Tavris wiped some sweat from his brow, working this deep in the Ginshal Overgrowth wasn't easily. Research Station 9 had only been in operation for around a week, but it had already collected far more data than most of the other stations put together, it was clear they were finally nearing the heart of the enormous rainforest.

The brown-haired elf was currently checking on the energy-storage tanks, only a couple of days earlier one had ruptured and sent arcane fallout across much of the surrounding forest, so he was now expected to check on them every few hours. After measuring normal energy levels on the final tank, he headed back to Caera, the leader of the small research force.

Caera was a somewhat short woman, built a tad more stocky than most elven women, but when it came to Applied Arcane Studies, there were few more revered in the field. She gazed up from her scrying crystal with a look of pure excitement in her eyes, beaming brightly at Tavris. The male elf just sighed inwardly, knowing full well that this would not be good.

"There you are Tavris! Finished checking on the tanks huh? Good. Listen, I've just received readings from the north-west, they're not too far and I believe they show some kind of life-forms. With how strong the magic in the air is it's screwing with much of our equipment, but this reading is pretty clear, it's worth a look I'd say", she smirked and nodded on behalf of Tavris. "Since Helia and Raevern aren't back yet with those supplies, you're the only one I can afford to send, but don't worry, if you take a cloaking crystal, you'll be fine", she turned her attention back to her work, the taller male knowing there was nothing he could do to object, so he just walked over to the edge of the camp, taking one of the azure gems from the table there. He looked out at the almost endless stretch of giant vines and dense foliage, setting off.

The athletically-built elven man channelled a small amount of magic into the crystal, which began to glow, once activated it created a near-transparent pale-blue sphere around Tavris which would keep him out of sight to anyone outside. The researcher doubted he's mind anyone though, since they began studying Ginshal, they'd rarely found any sort of animal life, only the odd beast that had wondered in from the outside. He shrugged lightly and headed north-west, it wasn't too difficult as despite the heavy overgrowth, there seemed to be naturally-formed pathways throughout the inner areas of the rainforest, just something else Caera had been fervently studying.

Still, it certainly was hot, much of Tavris' light researcher's uniform soaked through with sweat, the dark-grey fabric darkened in places. He summoned a cloud of moist, cool air around himself, not getting rid of all the heat, but making it more bearable, with the bonus side-effect of slowly washing away any of the sweat from his clothes, his skin and his hair, the elf running his fingers through the short, messy swath atop his head.

After a few more minutes of travelling, Tavris could feel something strange. Elves had the ability to sense various types of magic around them, whether from an object, a place or a creature. Being in the middle of an arcane-infused rainforest had made this ability rather hard to use lately, but he could certainly feel a larger concentration of magic not too much further up the path. He made sure his cloaking gem was still working as he carried on, it not being long before his eyes were met with something he could never have guessed he'd find.

He emerged into a very large clearing, huge wooden houses dotted about, with rope bridges connecting a few. There were the remains of a large bonfire in the centre, with simple wooden benches surrounding it. It wasn't the village that he was looking at though, it was it's inhabitants. It would seem that the village was one of elves, but they weren't any elves like Tavris had seen, these ones were...well...colossal! They stood at least twice as tall as his kind, and were built with muscles so massive an orc would be jealous. They seemed to only wear makeshift clothing made of animal furs, some only wearing loincloths, with others also sporting harnesses across their torsos. Tavris also made note of the fact they seemed to all be males, this only making the elf blush more. With all his ogling, he forgot to continue channelling magic into his cloaking crystal, the dome of magic protecting him dissipating.

One of the villagers, a particularly large elf with long, golden-blonde hair and tanned skin, noticed the newcomer entering the clearing. He didn't seem angry though, infact he raised a hand in greeting, picking himself up and stomping over to him, his heavy footsteps creating weak tremors that Tavris could feel even that far away. "Greetings", was all the giant elf said as he reached Tavris, looming before him, creating a large shadow which eclipsed the much smaller elf easily. The researcher just peered up, his face reddening as he couldn't even see the man's face over that gargantuan chest of his, his pectorals so thick that only the top of his head was visible. Instead he averted his gaze forward, this really not helping matters as he was around crotch-height to the giant, a loincloth that was stuffed to bursting point meeting his gaze now. "You alright? Oh, can you not speak elvish? It has been a while, but I didn't think the language would have changed -that- much", the giant man raised a finger to his lips in thought.

Tavris snapped out of it, stepping back and peering up at the colossal stud, "Wait, so you -are- elves, I mean you look like elves're so big! How did you...who are you?", the smaller male was clearly flustered, not only by the man before him, but also what this discovery meant for the elven people.

The oversized hunk just chuckled, his deep, bellowing laughs sending vibrations through Tavris' body, "Ah, so elvish -hasn't- changed, good good, well, it's a long story", the man turned and began slowly walking back towards the village's centre, Tavris quickly following behind, having to turn his head to the side so the elf's massive, firmly-muscled rear-end stretching his loincloth wasn't filling his view.

"You see we were once just normal elves like you, it must have been a few hundred years ago now; we were sent deep into Ginshal to investigate the causes of it's rapid growth. We soon discovered that arcane-magic was the cause, but the source of said magic was still unknown to us. We travelled deeper and deeper into the forest, until eventually we arrived here. It was here that we set up camp, we built houses since we'd likely be staying here a while. Anyway, we couldn't seem to travel much further on, the overgrowth was just too dense; after a while, and with our supplies running low, we decided it would be best if we headed back, but that was when something strange happened", the giant walked over to a low-hanging branch, a large golden fruit hanging loosely from the end of it. "We found these fruit, growing all around our camp, literally surrounding the entire perimeter. It was strange since we'd never discovered anything remotely edible since we began our research. As many of us were hungry, so we tried them", he bit into the fruit, soft, juicy, golden flesh making up almost all of it, "It was amazing, not only was it delicious and nutritious, but it seemed to be imbued with magic, magic that flooded our bodies and made them stronger, in time we grew to what we are now, though we're not sure if our growth is even finished", he chuckled more softly now, finishing off the fruit.

"But, but why are you still here then, why didn't you head back to Saleanssar?, Tavris was fascinated, but very confused at the same time, not noticing another man listening nearby.

"Because we didn't want to. At first it was because of our research, but eventually that fell to the sidelines and we decided to just live here. There's little danger, an endless supply of food, it's as if Ginshal herself is looking over us, at least that's what we believe", he looked about him, smiling warmly. "Oh, my apologies, I've not even introduced myself, my name is Zarik", he gave a sweeping bow, Tavris having to hop out of the way so that chest of his didn't descend upon him.

"I ehh...I'm Tavris, I'm actually a researcher from a nearby station", he glanced around a bit, noticing another of the villagers approaching them, this one with slightly lighter skin, and whose hair was a blondish-red.

"Hey there, I'm Khirith, I see Zarik is boring you with our history", he snickered at Zarik who gave him a playful knock in the shoulder. "So the elves are back to researching this place, huh? Well, there's not much more you'll be able to learn really, the heart of Ginshal is sealed shut by giant vines, even we've never been able to get in there, all we have are theories, but you probably have the same ones, huh?".

Tavris was trying not to ogle the two giant's bodies too much, which he managed to pull off for the most part, "We're assuming an artefact of immense magical power is in the heart, imbuing the rest of the rainforest with arcane energy".

Khirith nodded, "Exactly what we think, arcane levels increase the nearer you get to the middle, still, without actually going in there there's no way of establishing it as a fact", he rolled his ridiculously-broad shoulders in a shrug.

"Ehh, I was just wondering, I couldn't help but notice there are only men here...", his blush returned as his gaze fell to Khirith's stomach, underneath that shelf that was his chest, was a series of eight huge abdominals, each one deeply-defined and bulging from the man's frame. His face became much redder as he saw more-than a few long, silken strands of light-red hair jutting out from his loincloth.

"Aye, our expedition force was only made up of men, no idea why, there were plenty of women working in arcane research, I suppose they thought a group of men would fare better or something", again he shrugged.

"My thoughts are that they expected mixing men and women would cause distractions, some of our superiors were still archaic in those regards", Zarik commented, Khirith though just grinned.

"Didn't stop any 'distractions' though, did it Zar?", he winked slyly at the blonde-haired hunk who just scoffed back.

"Hundreds of years only surrounded by hyper-masculine men is going to do that", he insisted, the red-head just snickering.

"If I remember correctly, it only took a few days for it to happen after the changes started, I just think you've always had a thing for hunky men", he raised his arms in a flex, his biceps swelling greatly in size, such a show of strength causing both Tavris and Zarik to gawk.

"Regardless...", Zar cleared his throat, "This isn't exactly the time for such a...a...oh dear...", the blonde's eyes seemed to gloss over, his blush deepening, Tavris looking over to Khirith who seemed to be experiencing much to same, though he seemed to be holding onto his senses better.

"Hah, yeesh, didn't think it had been that long, sorry about this little guy, but us Ginshal Elves experience this 'heat' every now and then, a side-effect of all the arcane in our bodies, only way to get rid of it is to mate, I'd suggest you run but...I think we'd catch you", his grin only widened as his eyes glossed over fully, the pair turning to each other, any other elves around the village disappearing indoors with each other.

"Mmmmh, y'know Zarik, I always forget just how hot you are", Khirith closed the gap between the two giants, reaching a large hand up to slowly caress one of Zar's goliath pecs, the other elf moaning softly.

"Ngh, Khirith...", the other stud's hands were reaching for Khirith's chest, groping the substantial muscles eagerly as their lips met, the two brute kissing deeply, their tongues lashing against each other fiercely, their grabbing and squeezing not stopping for a moment.

Tavris was just frozen in place, watching the scene with a firm hardness in his pants, not sure whether he should be going. As he saw the two enormous bulges in their loincloths shaping up though, he thought it'd be wise to flee. As he turned to leave though he stepped on a twig, the snapping sound causing the two much larger elves to break their kiss, their attention now fixed on Tavris.

"Mmmh, it's been so long since I've had fun with a smaller guy, c'mere", Khirith reached forward, snatching the researcher up in one hand and bringing him closer, licking his lips and he eyed over his body. "You'll do nicely, now now, don't struggle", Tavris was desperatly trying to free himself, he had a good idea what was going to happen, and while the idea did make him hotter than anything he'd ever experienced, he wasn't sure it was too safe for two giants to mate with him. "Hah, this'll calm ya down", he raised an arm and pressed the smaller man into his armpit, burying his face into the swath of sweat-soaked, reddish-blonde hair. Tavris again tried to free himself, but as the overpowering stench of sweat filled his nostrils, his actions became more sluggish; eventually he'd find himself unable to put up much of a fight, a dumb grin on his lips as he simply nuzzled the hunk's armpit, his entire upper-half now dripping with the stud's sweat.