The Secret of Ginshal - Part 3

Story by Minsc9 on SoFurry

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Part 3! A more story-heavy part, with Tavris returning to the research post to give his findings, after a little play with Zarik of course.

"That's good, how...far's your camp from here?", the larger male tried to control himself, already feeling his loincloth getting progressively-tighter around his expanding manhood.

"It's not too far, I'd guess about a twenty minute walk", Tavris shuffled himself about as he felt the bulge he was seated on growing larger. It would only be a second or two longer before he found himself being forced to the ground, laying on his back and seeing that goliath hunk straddling him, blushing darkly as he pressed his mouth against the researcher's, kissing his deeply, Tavris' lips getting lost between the giant's. He groaned as he reached his hands up, stroking over those vast plains that were Zarik's pecs, soon finding those massive nubs and circling them slowly, this ushering the much larger elf to press down on him more, his tongue leaving his mouth and delving deep inside Tavris, filling up most of his mouth in moments, the researcher left sucking on that oversized muscle as it explored inside him.

"Apologies, are we interrupting something?", the two men blinked a couple of times before Zarik pulled himself away rapidly, looking over to see Khirith grinning toothily at the pair, the other men standing with him.

"I was the heat, it must have hung around a little bit there", the blonde-haired stud looked to the side awkwardly but the redhead wasn't having any of it.

"Mhm, sure, well, me and the others are heading off to do some scouting, you two can be alone incase the 'heat' still hasn't fully gone", he snickered. "Oh, and I guess we should get introductions out of the way", he gestured to the man standing beside him who nodded, he had long silver hair up in a messy foxtail. He had a few lines on his face that showed his age, but the rest of his skin was still smooth and tanned, and his size was still on par with most of the other men. He wore an ornate pendant, but whatever jewel it had was lost in that deep crevasse between his pecs.

"I'm Darethir, good to meet you, I'm the...advisor, I guess you could call it, the word of reason around here", he bowed his head politely.

"I'm Tavrok, the muscle around here, and this is Felrik, he's the brains", the largest of the elves explained, Tavris was quite surprised such enormous elves could get any bigger, but Tavrok stood a head taller than the others, and was built with even more-ridiculously-enormous musculature. He wore a harness in addition to his loincloth, it was made up of two large straps that criss-crossed over his torso. He also wore a pair of furred bracers and anklewraps, this drawing the researcher's attention to the hulk's massive feet, they were colossal! He did manage to stop his gawping quickly enough to see the fiery-haired hunk gesturing to the man standing directly beside him. He had short, light-brown hair and wore a headband, a light redness on his cheeks as he just raised a hand timidly in greeting.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Tavris, a researcher from a post not too far from here, good luck in your scouting", he offered a wide smile to the men who nodded back, turning to leave, Khirith waving and yelling back as they disappeared into the overgrowth.

"You two have fun!".

The pair looked to the ground awkwardly as they were left alone once again, Zarik eventually speaking, "Sorry for my actions earlier, I'm not sure what came over me, I don't know why but I feel some sort of connection with you, like I want to be near you and protect you", he was blushing hard but looked directly at Tavris, his expression serious.

"I admit I feel a similar way...well, not the protection bit, you look like you could handle anything, hah, but uhh...the kiss was nice", he felt his face burning as he smiled back, Zarik beaming.

"Wonderful, now, you'd best go and gather those testing materials, I've got to clean up here", he looked towards the hut that the men disappeared into during the heat, sighing softly.

"Alright then, I shouldn't be too long! Take care!", he was about to leave, but darted over to Zarik and stood up onto his tip-toes, planting a kiss onto his lower set of abs, then turned and ran back into the forest, leaving the titanic elf alone and quite flustered.

Tavris darted back through the jungle as quickly as he could, not even caring about the heat or about activating his cloaking crystal, he practically skipped as he thought back on everything that had just happened, on those giant men, about Zarik. He blushed again, a strong warmth in his chest. What -was- this he was feeling, judging by the signs he'd guess love, though he'd just met the elf earlier that same day. He did have to factor in his hyper-attractiveness and the fact he'd had the best sex in his life from him too, perhaps it wasn't much of a stretch to assume it -was- love. He shrugged in any case, eager to report in to Caela and get that testing apparatus.

It wasn't too long before he reached the station, heading back to Caela who was still at her desk, talking with two other elves who Tavris recognised as Raevern and Helia. Raevern was a rather tall and muscular elf with short, messy jet-black hair, he worked as the security for research Station 9, and Helia was a slim and graceful elf who worked alongside he himself as a researcher, though she would usually disappear whenever more physical work cropped up. Caela looked over to Tavris with a smile on her lips.

"Ah, here he is, I was just informing these two of the readings I got earlier, give me a report on what you found", she twisted her chair around and shuffled about to get more comfortable, the other two turning to him.

"Well, you see I found a small village about twenty minutes north-west of here, it would seem those readings were correct...", Tavris informed the three elves of what he'd found, about the Ginshal Elves, their history, about the Dharar presence, of course he left out the more sordid details.

"This is fascinating! A breakthrough! Not only do have we discovered a lost research team, but we have actual real data of long-term arcane-infusion on our kind", she hopped to her feet, looking about her 'open-air office' frantically, finding a large purple crystal and shoving it into Tavris' hands. "I want you to return to them and monitor them with this, you should be able to get some basic biological data with it, then you can leave it there to measure more long-term effects. Hmmm, here", she then thrust a smaller, blood-red gem into his hands too, "You can transfer the data from the monitoring crystal onto that and return it here, also, get as much information as you can from the elves themselves, and do make sure to make good relations with them, it'll make my job a lot easier in the long run", she patted Tavris on the back before sitting herself back down again, the researcher's cheeks burning a little, he could already check -that- off the list. "Oh, and I'm sending Raevern with you, I doubt they'll try anything, but if what you said about their size is true, I'd feel better sending our strongest fighter along with you", she nodded firmly toward Raevern who walked over to stand beside Tavris, remaining silent. "While you two are gone, Helia and I will compile a report to send back to base", she turned to the other woman while making a shooing motion with her hands, the two men turned to head back out into the overgrowth.

A short while out in the jungle the larger elf looked over to Tavris, "You sure you weren't exaggerating a bit back there? I know you wanted to give a fancy report but guessing at them being 12 feet tall?", he smirked, the researcher sighing softly.

"That was a conservative estimate actually, I had to tone done a few details to make it more believable; trust me, when you see them you'll see I wasn't lying", he picked up the pace a bit, Raevern adjusting his elven-grade armour as he hurried after him.

The journey was a bit quicker now that Tavris knww the paths better, soon the two men were entering the village, Raevern looking around carefully, not seeing any of it's inhabitants.

"Doesn't look like anybody's home", he sneered at the smaller male who shook his head, calling out.

"Hey Zarik!", the ground shuddered a bit as a loud crash was heard from one of the houses, the blonde-haired stud soon emerging from it, smiling brightly at Tavris as he ran toward him, the quaking getting stronger as his massive feet assaulted the ground.

"Tavris! I know this might sound silly but I missed you", he wrapped his immense arms around the much smaller man and lifted him up with ease, hugging him tightly against his chest, Tavris doing his best to hug the giant brute back, though his arms only barely managed to span that mighty shelf of his.

"I missed you too, I've got the testing equipment, oh, this is Raevern by the way", he and Zarik both looked down to the guard who was just staring at the hulk, his gaze darting across every inch of his enormously-bulging body, not able to believe what he was seeing.

"Good to meet you Raevern, my name's Zarik", he placed Tavris back on the ground and stretched a hand out to Rae, who just stared at the oversized appendage for a while, then shook it with both his own.

"Yeah it's...good to meet you. Damn, Tavris wasn't lying when he said you were huge", he ogled the hunk for a while more, Zarik just smiling bashfully.