An Unfortunate True Story (Furry Version)(Part 1)

Story by Shaun Friden on SoFurry

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Ello SoFurry users, I am new to the website and I figured my first submission might as well be a funny true story. However, I will put it all into furry terms just so that it will fit in well on this site.

When I was in 12th grade, I was your typical wolf, I was mostly quiet except when I needed to. Weirdly enough, I got along better with my teachers than I did with my fellow classmates. One teacher in particular that I got along great with was my Algebra teacher, Miss Pamela. She was a fox in possibly her mid 20s, she was not old looking in any aspect what so ever compared to my other teachers.

Even though she was easily my favorite teacher, unfortunately Algebra was not my favorite subject. It was what the one subject I was always unsure about; I always felt that I was going to fail. I somehow managed to pass with an 83 in the class but that was only because I stayed after with Miss Pamela multiple times. Being with her was actually never much of a burden. We would always talk about books we read in spare time or complain about our little brothers.

However, that awesomely comfortable feeling completely disappeared on one specific day, weeks before we were let out of school for good. After yet another tutoring session on Algebra, I was let out and was walking down the hallway by myself. Until I was then accompanied by my friend Damien, a rough and vulgar bear. He was one of those friends that I questioned having but enjoyed nonetheless.

"Shaun? What are you doing here?" He asked, punching my shoulder. "You never get in trouble. Don't tell me you finally got detention."

"No, don't be silly." I said, fixing my now ruffled up shirt.

"Trying to say something?"

"The difference between you and me is that you get caught and I don't."

He scoffed but then shrugged. "So, why ARE you here?"

"Just stayed after with Miss Pamela."

He gave me an odd look and then scanned me up and down with his brown eyes. "For an hour?"

"Was it really that long?" I said, looking at my watch. "Time flies, I suppose."

The odd looks continued then a wide smile appeared on his face. "Ooooooohhhhhhh!!!!!"


"I can't believe it!!!! Oh my god!!!"

"Can't believe what?"

"You're banging your own math teacher?!?"

"Wait what?!? NO!"

"I never knew you liked the older ladies Shaun, no wonder you don't talk to any girls around here."

The actual reason I didn't talk to girls at my school much was cause most of them found me to be freaky cause I was quiet. Now that I'm in college, that's only slightly changed.

Anyhow, no matter how much I denied what Damien said, he did not believe me. The thought stuck in my head too much, therefore forcing me not to attend any more sessions. The idea freaked me out too much.