A Midsummer Night's Cream

Story by Playfulmutt on SoFurry

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Notes: Alright. Another one of the three stories I worked hard on finishing. This one came naturally. It just flowed from my fingertips. I introduced a new character who Scaf will have the pleasure of meeting some other dreary hot summer night. Nothing but good ol' fashioned yiff here! Nothing like two middle-aged lovers on a hot summer night. Oh, and do mind the puns in the story. Scaf(c)Me, Vinny(c)Loveshine, Pixel(c)Me.

A Midsummer's Night Cream

A hot, muggy, sweaty summer day marked a day of festival cheer in the area around Bail's Inn and Tavern. Bail himself was in charge of making a lavish party with none refused. There was to be drink, merrymaking, and fornication. Two things were constant around the area of Bail's humble estate; sex and fights. Often the sex leaded to fights, which leaded to more sex. This muggy afternoon gave the perfect excuse for furred and human alike to take refuge in the tavern. Some say that the heat can drive people mad. In this case of a story, it leads lovers mad with lust.

Scaffard was near the area for entertainment. He liked to leave the manor and school grounds during the summer break period. He usually found new and old lovers alike, and had strong allies in high places. This time he was in the market to find some old relatives--angel-folk. Vinny Lightningstrike was Rosie Crimsonflame's sister, thus making her Scaf's sister-in-law. But she was much more than that. Vinny came from a side of the family that was thought to be celestial and pure.

Scaf pushed away the dangling bead curtain that hung in the doorway. In light of the humid weather, Bail had unhinged the door and allowed the air to circulate. The sound of airy stringed instruments filled the air along with the cheery laughter and mirth of couples of all races, colors, and walks of life. Many of the patrons had shed pieces of clothing, while others were completely nude; panting, sweating, sighing. This typical bar had become a very social, sexual, and above all enjoyable location for spending the hot summer evening.

Scaf scanned the distant tables for any signs of a lone aqua-haired human. None were to be found. Though, as he swiveled in step, he came snout-to-snout with a rather buxom looking mare. Although it was a pleasant sight, he wasn't much surprised to see the palomino nude. She stood at an eerily tall height, almost matching Scaf's height of six-foot-two. She was well proportioned, a little more pudge than bone, just the way Scaf liked it. She had large blue eyes and long brown hair; much akin to the color of her palomino patches.

"Hello!" She squealed, peering at Scaf with big blue eyes.

"Ah...yes?" the handsome professor said, pulling and loosening the neck of his button-up shirt.

"You look like you're lost, Handsome." She giggled.

"Hm? No...not lost." He paused to scan her body, paying special attention to her exotic ebon nipples. "Just looking for someone."

He must have been caught oogling for a bit too long, because the mature built mare giggled again, emphasizing a jiggle in her bust.

"Oh. That's a pity...I was hoping maybe you could spot me for a drink."

Scaf panned his vision back up to her face. "Mm...mind if I get a rain check on that drink, Miss?..."

"Naria. Pixel. My friends call me Pixel."

"Mm...Pixel. I'd love to buy you that drink; perhaps another evening this week?"

"Oh! How charming! I don't see why not. This event lasts all week. Um...I don't believe I got your name."

"Scaffard. You can call me Scaf."

"Sounds like a date, Scaf." She emphasized her words with a gentle hug, propping her hands on his shoulders and nuzzling her cheek against his. Scaf hugged back, his paws instinctively gripping near the mare's ass cheeks and gently spreading them ever-so slightly. Unlike his usual lovers, a large lofty tail greeted his paws with a teasing smack; treating his paws like they were oversized mosquitos. She whinnied delightedly.

"Oh! Scaf! You're a mutt who knows what he wants!"

"Mrrr...I have an eye for perfection."

The two reluctantly ended their hug with a gentle kiss and Scaf bid Pixel good bye in order to locate Vinny. After chatting with Bail and his diligent bar helper Roxanne, he left the tavern and meandered over to the fountain near the bridge. By now his button-up shirt had been claimed by the voluptuous, eager, dog-crazy palomino; Pixel. As to where his pants, boxers, and tank top disappeared to, even he didn't know. Thankfully he was carrying nothing of importance that evening, no cash or wallet, and losing a days clothing to a party at Bail's was more of a privilege than it was an inconvenience. As he gazed into the pools of the fountain, he sighed and spoke aloud.

"Dammit, Vinny, where are you?" And as if on cue, he felt his ESP working. Something told him to walk into the loosely packed forest that surrounded the North-Eastern side of Bail's tavern. Being a canine, he wasn't one to ignore guttural feelings or superstitious intervention. He trudged through the forest, completely naked and still showing slight arousal from his occurrence with Pixel and the multiple musky scents in the tavern.

As Scaf pushed and nudged through the foliage, he eventually came upon a lone hammock between two trees. Lying in the hammock was a completely naked woman with shocking aqua hair. Her double-D breasts lie lazy and spread. Her stark white skin gave her a ghostly, angelic appearance and her inviting blue eyes called Scaf, seemingly, for miles. The hammock was plenty big for her pleasantly plump body. The mid-thirties woman's body was laden with sweat beads, showing signs that she had not moved for quite some time. The human woman raised a hand and beckoned Scaf.

"What a pleasant surprise, Scaffard! What are you doing here, honey?"

Scaf honored her beckoning and stepped forward. The sight of her sweat-drenched tits and her neatly trimmed crotch reinvigorated his previously subdued boner.

"That's a tease. I know you summoned me here."

"Scaffard Loupe Crimsonflame. How on earth would I do that?"

"You tell me, Love."

"Nonsense! Come and join me."

Scaf slowly moved in, then hesitated and looked down at his growing hard-on.

"I...don't know if that's the best idea."

"Bother! If you don't get over here, I'm going to tell Rosie that you're an incompetent lover!"

"Hah. She'd know it's a lie."

"Prove it." She squirmed on the hammock with a quirky grin, shifting a beautiful blue eyebrow up to dare him. Well that was all that Scaf needed.

Scaf walked up to the hammock and slowly worked his way onto it. Vinny shifted, working herself on her side to make room for the bigger male. As Scaf reclined on the nylon ropes, Vinny neatly tucked one leg over his own legs, wrapped her arms around his chest, and nuzzled her face up into his neck.

"I've been waiting for you."

"See! I knew you called me here!"

"Shhh...they're here, honey."

"Who's here?"

"The forest sprites."

Scaf looked around the two. Although he could see nothing, he wouldn't doubt the spirituality of Vinny Lightningstrike. It stood to reason that people believed she was an angel.

"Forest sprites?"

"Yes. They live here...these are their homes." She cooed, leaning up and smooching at Scaf's large floppy ears, kissing at the black fur.

"Annnd...what do these sprites do?" Scaf slipped his arm around Vinny, working his paw down her back to gently rub at the small of her back. Vinny quickly met eyes with him. Normally, Scaf would take that as a warning; but her eyes were dreamy and full of passion.

"They make love. And in their bellies, they bore the trees of this forest."

"Mmrrr. Now isn't that an ideal life."

"Yes." Vinny replied, reaching down on Scaf to gently cup his balls. "It is."

"V-vinny..." he objected, though his paw reached down and grabbed a large pawful of her ass.

"I need it, Scaf. I need your seed inside of me." She moved in and kissed him deeply. "With your seed and my womb, we too will make a beautiful forest."

"Not...literally, I hope."

"No. If it bothers you, do not think of it. Just allow me to love you."

"Mmrrr...mmm...take my seed, my love."

With permission given, Vinny squirmed around until she was laying on Scaf with her face near his groin. She gently nestled her cheek against the massive sepia colored cock, sweetly kissing the fat bulbous tip.

"So beautiful. You are a god among your kind, Scaffard." She cooed, quickly shuffling lower to nestle her nose down into Scaf's large musky balls. She sniffed deeply, coughing lightly at the potency of the dog's musk. "So...powerful. I may have underestimated the power our forest will have, my Love." Scaf was at ease with her words, giving the hammock a light swing from side to side as his paws gently kneaded at her butt cheeks, spreading them to get a better look at the lightly furry slit.

"Are you ready, my Love?" she looked over her shoulder to him. Before he could answer, she dipped her head down on him, suckling gently at the tip of his cock.

"Ughnnh...y-yes, my Love. I am yours."

Vinny bobbed her head vigorously, her cascading aqua locks bouncing like she herself was a water sprite. Her lips left his cock and she spat down on it and turned around.

"Take me, my Love!" She cried, throwing herself at the Rottweiler. Scaf instantly locked lips with his blue-haired lover and aligned his moistened cock with her furry "V." Vinny broke the kiss to exert her passion-filled painful effort of his entry.

"Aagghh! YES! Let it be known, I am yours, Scaf! Sew my womb with your seed!"

Scaf eased his cock in further and Vinny let her rear drop a little bit more. Her full D-cups dangled in front of Scaf's face, still beaded with sweat and taunting him ever so badly. As Vinny let her lap drop, Scaf thrust up into her, causing her pale squishy flesh to jiggle and causing an even more satisfying cry from his lover.

"Aah! Yes! Rock my foundation, smother me with your passion!"

Scaf felt much akin to fucking an oracle, but it didn't matter. Scaf wrapped his arms around Vinny's body. One paw firmly planting itself on her rear while the other pushed down on her back between her shoulders. With her torso brought down to his level, Scaf lapped his tongue out over Vinny's breasts, tasting her bitter-sweet sweat.

"You are so exotic, Vinny. Nngh. Ride me. Show me you want my children."

Vinny had all of the plans in mind. She wrapped her arms around Scaf's head and pushed his muzzle deep in the cleavage between her D-cup tits. With a fully satiated and happy mutt beneath her, Vinny lifted her fat bubble-butt and dropped it powerfully and rapidly. Scaf wailed out, muffled by the large boobs around his muzzle. His hips lifted a little to buck up into her, but he was quickly brought back down to the hammock. Vinny seemed to have things under control.

"What was that, darling? I didn't quite get that."

"Nnnggghhh." Scaf moaned in response, not even trying to form words any more.

"Oh, I know, Scaffie my Love. You are very good too!"

Vinny bounced and rode Scaf harder and faster, still keeping her arms fastened to Scaf's neck. Scaf had little to do other than to grope her finely crafted ass, but then, Scaf did something that caught Vinny's fancy.

"AAH! S-scaffard!" she shrieked, as if abhorred. Scaf had slipped a finger into Vinny's tight, never-traveled, ass. Scaf's explanation was a low murr.

"I...oh my! You are a filthy dog!" she gasped as she gave him a few extra hard bounces. Scaf, in retaliation, slid his digit further into her ass and ran his rough raked tongue along the side of one of her nipples.

"Ohhhn! Oh my god, Scaffard! Yes! The sprites! They're envious of our love!"

Scaf slurped her nipple into his mouth and gently pulled the finger out, then push back in. Vinny wildly bounced faster and faster.

"Nnh. You're close, Scaffie! I can feel it! Give me your seed, won't you? I want your seed!"

Scaf violently threw his hips up into Vinny as she demanded his cum. As he "stuck the landing", to say, he growled deeply and climaxed. His powerful coffee colored cock filled Vinny's cunt to every inch with hot pure seed. Being a dog of epic proportions, he had a bit too much for the eager mother-to-be. The excess seed rushed out of Vinny's wet cunt and all over the lover's laps and thighs. Vinny bounced for a while longer, screaming and sobbing, dripping tears on Scaf's head as she climaxed in sync, gushing her juices over his moist furred lap. The two sighed in sync and Vinny released Scaf from her vice grip. He leaned up and kissed her passionately.

"Mmnh...Vinny. You are a beautiful woman, and you will be a beautiful mother."

"And you are a handsome father...and a well endowed lover. I...am jealous of Rose."

"Don't be." He smiled, "Lovers to bed. 'Tis almost fairy time."