Unexpected Call

Story by Kalyn on SoFurry

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The blue bunny groaned, rolling over in his bed his paw fumbled for the snooze button, to end the ever annoying rant of the alarm. He realizes too late, however, where on the bed he was. With a surprised yelp, he fell out of bed, dragging the covers with him as he hit the floor with a thump. The paw finally hit the snooze button as, not saying to anyone in particular "I'm up, I'm up.." Picking himself off of the floor, he gathers up his covers and dumped them on his bed. Rubbing his eyes, he gave a big yawn, raising tears into his eyes. Opening his eyes, he was partially blinded by the bright sunlight pouring through his window, the blinds that would be in place to block said sunlight was pulled up, causing the bunny to squint as he looked to his clock. It was Saturday, and yet he still had forgotten to turn off the alarm clock in order to sleep in some more. There was a knock in the door, Daniel, still groggily, replying.


"Honey, are you alright? I heard a noise" it was his mother, obviously asking about the thump from him falling.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just being stupid." he said, going over to his closet to pull out some clothes for the day, getting from the side of his dresser his deodorant, beginning to go through the day to day routine.

"Just checking. I have to go to work, hun, there was a problem with one of the students." She was a high school administrator, much to Daniel's chagrin. So, basically, he had a principal living in his home 24/7.

"Bagels are downstairs for breakfast, and I'll try to swing around for lunch. Alli is at Maggie's house and Fred's out and about somewhere."

"Alright Mom, see you later". Alli was Daniel's younger sister, a sophomore this year, and Fred his older brother, a senior, and always 'out and about' somewhere.

Daniel was in the middle of slipping on his shirt when he had remembered last night, both feeling good, but also bad. The smile of remembering the imagery of the male behind him, and he was quite sure it was a male, but the frown at saying inwardly 'No, can't be a guy, it has to be a girl, right? Right?' he said to himself. Daniel groaned, setting the deodorant on the side dresser as he finished changing, leaving his room and making his way to the kitchen. Finding the brown bag of bagels and cream cheese in the fridge, he pulled it out and grabbed a knife to cut the bagel in half. He had cut down through the bagel and the blade caught on the edge of his paw tip, the bunny giving a yelp at the sudden jolt of pain. He pulled his finger back, bringing it up to his mouth to gently suckle on the bleeding wound. He pulled his finger out after getting most of the blood off, tasting that distinct coppery taste of blood. He looked at his finger, the cut not looking too bad. But his mind drifted a bit, back to his own problems. Why did people treat those who had a different life view poorly? They were the same person, the same personality. Hell, the same blood. It's not like gay people had blue, green, heck, rainbow blood. They all bled, they all thought, and they all had feelings. The blood welled up once again, and he put his finger into his mouth, tossing the knife into the sink. There was a first aid kit in the kitchen above the sink for just such occasions, pulling out some disinfecting agent and a bandage to wrap around the finger.

Returning to the kitchen to finish making his breakfast, with a new, clean knife for the cream cheese, Daniel remembered something. As he ate, he went over to his backpack on the back of his chair in at the kitchen table, opening up an outside pocket. Sliding his paw inside, he pulled out a small slip of paper. There was seven numbers written on it, and the bunny just stared at them. He still wasn't entirely certain about what he wanted. He turned away, clenching the piece of paper in his paw. But he didn't throw it away. Even though a part said 'just chuck it in the trash' he put it into his pants pocket. He wasn't ready for that.

Finishing his bagel, Daniel headed over to the computer that he had left from the previous day, booting up the computer to check his email and to do some of the things he was planning to do yesterday. But, with the computer logging on, he had some time to think. Who was wolfman512? Clearly, it was a wolf and a guy, but how did he know him? Artsy,? Jock? Somewhere in between? Or it could be a joke, just to get Daniel into another embarrassing situation. Daniel pulled open his email, as well as booting up the internet access. There wasn't any follow up email from wolfman512, so no badgering at least. There was just a couple things, like spam that had slipped through the defenses of his filter and just junk stuff.

Daniel spent his day just looking around on the web, posting on some forums he frequented, and so on. But he kept going back to himself. If only the anonymity that one kept on the web could have been kept for real life. No one could see you, you couldn't see them. You can be anyone, and they wouldn't have to look at your face. Dislike someone? Put them on the ignore list. But no, life isn't that simple. You have to converse with people you don't want to meet, you have to face the bad times along with the good with no chance of a reset button. That's it. 'Life: The Ultimate MMORPG'

Daniel was beginning to get off the computer, having checked all web comics, blogs, video sites, flash sites, and everything when there was a sudden announcement jingle for his email. He just received an email. Pausing for just a moment, he pulled open the email. Was it wolfman512? Was it the mystery man who had emailed him from before? He pulled open his inbox, marking one new email. Seeing the bold print for the subject, it read 'MEET HOT GIRLS IN YOUR AREA!!'. Daniel groaned, having gotten excited over nothing, frustrated and, in a way, hurt. He put the flat of his paw on the edge of the desk, gripping it as he felt a little upset, his right paw moving the mouse to mark the email as spam and then succinctly deleting it.

Turning off the monitor to the computer, it was about eleven in the morning still, and his mom should be home any moment. Walking into the kitchen, intending on getting to his room, maybe to read or get a head start on homework, the phone rang. Daniel's ears perked as he ran over, either thinking 'Alli needs a ride home, Mom can't come home for lunch, or Fred was checking in.

"Hello?" Daniel answered

"Daniel?" the bunny looked over at the phone, still pressed to his ear.

"Yes, this is Daniel" the voice replied.

"Hi Daniel, this is Lone Wolf..."