Diarys of a Dragon Pt. 1

Story by Azumith Shorttail on SoFurry

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#1 of DOAD

So yeah... I decided to take a whack at doing a silly little story/journal thing. See how it turns out. If I decide to continue with this, which I don't see any reason why I wouldn't, don't expect there to be very much consistency in my update schedule at all. <--- (AT ALL)

Hi. So, yeah... I've never done a diary before, well, actually I should probably call it a journal, since this isn't private. I mean, I guess it could be called that, but whatever. Anyway I guess I'm already starting out awkward, so first let me give some background. I am a western dragon (not feral). My name is Christopher Azumith Shorttail. Christopher comes from the writer's first name. I will actually sometimes reference him and the fact that this is a story and obviously not real; however, in the context of this story, I am as real as anything else. Like that computer you're staring into because you have nothing better to do even if you do. Azumith comes from the deliberate misspelling of azimuth, which is 'an angular measurement in a spherical coordinate system.' No, it's not because I'm a degree of latitude or something like that, but rather because I used to navigate for old sailing ships before GPS and fancy stuff like that. Yes, physically I am quite old, although outwardly you can't tell. Mentally, I usually choose to be about where the writer is, around 18-19 years old, mostly for simplicity's sake. As for my surname, Shorttail, it means just that, I have a short tail. That is, compared to, say... your 'standard dragon', if there is even something like that. I mean, I have seen many different styles and depictions of dragons, which is understandable because every being is different and to be honest, I quite like different.

Anyway that's enough fourth-wall-breaking for tonight, now it's time for me to get ssssome ssssleep. (I didn't just do that, I'm not a lizard, go away.)

Goodnight all.


Diaries of a Dragon Pt. 2

Hi again, it's Azu!.. I guess I'm going to continue doing this. It's not like I, or the writer, have anything else to do... So here we go; DiariesJournals of a Dragon part two! Cue intro music! (derp) So tonight the writer was walking his dog and...

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