Diaries of a Dragon Pt. 2

Story by Azumith Shorttail on SoFurry

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#2 of DOAD

So, I'm going to continue to do this I guess. I don't really know that I could call this. It's a diary, but its also fictional and written sort of novella-ish. (Clearly I don't do this thing often).

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

On a side note, I understand this may sound somewhat therian-like, but I am not a therian, there is simply a non-existant fourth wall. (and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with therians).

Hi again, it's Azu!.. I guess I'm going to continue doing this. It's not like I, or the writer, have anything else to do... So here we go; DiariesJournals of a Dragon part two! Cue intro music!


So tonight the writer was walking his dog and decided to switch over to me, Azu, just for fun. And I will say, it is pretty fun. You see, my vision at night is much better as a dragon than as a human, and so I am able to see so much more. Not that there is much to see where I am. Anyway, I also had a lot of fun seeing the reactions of the drivers of the cars that passed me. The reactions ranged from confused to utterly shocked to the hilarious 'I didn't have that much to drink, did I?' And then there was that one awesome dude who was just went "wicked bro", knuckle bump, and drove off. There is a road that goes along a beach and ends right at the water that the writer always walks his dog along. There is a low stone wall that even the dog could jump on to, and I got up, hung my legs over and lay down on my back.

Now, some of you might be wondering if that would be an awkward thing to do since I'm a dragon and most dragons have wings; however I lost my wings a while ago, but that is a story for another day.

So anyway I lay down and my dog, who seemed completely fine with the fact that I am a dragon, laid down next to me. It was a cool night; however it was somewhat humid which made it comfortable enough for me to wear my favorite shorts. They were a faded sort of tan, well worn around the leg holes, and slightly baggy. As I lay on the wall I felt a cool, humid breeze coming off the water, and softly petting my dog, being careful not to scratch her with my claws (although they aren't really that sharp anyway), I close my eyes and a feeling of calm and content washes over me. After a couple of minutes I open my eyes and start airplane spotting. After a couple minutes of this I get up, walk to the edge of the wall along the beach, and hop down onto the sand. When my dog hops down, I begin walking along the water. The sand is soft and silky and as I walk I feel it sifting around my claws and falling through my toes. I listen to the soothing sound of the waves, the slow, constant swish-swish of my claws dragging through the sand, and the rhythmic _pith-pith-pith-pith_of the dog padding along. I continue along for a short while, and finally go home, quite happy and content with myself. You see, I have this sort of heat sensitivity, and when I was almost home I sensed something and when I looked up, I saw two raccoons scampering up a tree. I chuckled a little, although I don't know why. It's probably because I was tired.

When I get home I begin writing this very story, and now that I'm done, it's time to get some sleep.

From the diary of your friendly neighborhood dragon,


Diarys of a Dragon Pt. 1

Hi. So, yeah... I've never done a diary before, well, actually I should probably call it a journal, since this isn't private. I mean, I guess it could be called that, but whatever. Anyway I guess I'm already starting out awkward, so first let me give...

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