Jason Waldgrave: In the dark

Story by WhitexXxKnight on SoFurry

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A new story begins but the light is only growing darker in the Waldgrave's family. Unexpected events occurring but there inst any way to find any connection to any reasonable past actions, the faith of the Waldgrave family doesn't seem so bright but there is still a small spark to find out whats going on and it only relies on Jason and an unexpected companion to find out. What is the problem? is their first question to answer, lets see if anyone can answer it before anything else happens.

Tuesday Night, White Plains, NY

April 7, 2010, 11:17 pm.

The night had already covered the Waldgrave's household, the light had gone off half an hour ago and everything was calm in the neighborhood. Jason Waldgrave was in his bed, already asleep after a long day at high school, as well as being tired of working on his part job at a construction company that his father owns. He was seventeen year old grey wolf and still living in his parents' house, he had to admit that it was a nice house, two story with a long backward and a high value in the market. But even though it was big place, he always felt trap in this house, the feeling of freedom was something that he hasn't felt in quite a long time, especially with his current job in which his own father was his boss, which made it even more suffocating. He appreciates what they had given him throughout his life but it was already time to move away, the idea of moving away with his girlfriend surged about six months ago but he still haven't decide exactly where or how would he move, he had the money to do it but it didn't feel like it was the right time to do move out, yet many of his friends had been pressuring him to just do it. But he couldn't bring himself to do it, he felt like it wasn't right just yet.

Today was actually a good night, he hadn't had any homework from any of his classes and he worked only five hours instead of the eight hours he normally did because of a problem with the materials for the new construction project that they had started, it seemed like they were not going come today and probably won't get there for the next couple days, maybe even a whole week in the worst case scenario, so he wouldn't have to work so hard the next couple of days, he was glad that he had come home early and could just rest on his bed. It was a peaceful night; everything was so calm in the house. None of his sisters had bother him and his father hadn't said anything to him since he was still working at his office over at the company headquarters, probably yelling at someone through the phone trying to fix the shipment of those materials for the construction, probably won't get home till tomorrow or maybe even not come to the house at all until he fixes this problem, he will be losing a lot of money as the hours passed. His mother had gone to sleep much later than him, worried of her husband not coming tonight and knowing that she was going to get on bed alone again, she was already getting used to that feeling since he was promoted to chief of construction.

Jason felt the door of his room opened a little bit, he woke up by the sound of small footsteps on the concrete floor of his room, he automatically turned to look at the door. He saw a small shadow entered very slowly, it was Ringo, his nine month old house cat. He was surprise of him entering, at least that he had notice him entering, Ringo probably entered his room every day but he wouldn't notice because he would be so tired and probably already deeply asleep. Ringo climbed up to his bed and laid down right by his feet, the cat looked at him for a few seconds before yawning and then just went to sleep, and then Jason fall asleep shortly after.

A couple minutes had passed when something else wake Jason up again but this time it was a sound coming from outside the house, a car had pulled up near the front of his house and the loud sound of the doors opening and closing only made him not able to go back to sleep, it sounded like three people came out by how many doors opened. Probably were some of his neighbors coming late from work or from a family dinner, maybe it could even have been his father, though it couldn't be because of the amount of people getting out of the vehicle, there was no reason why would his father would have any kind of companies at the moment. But then the sound of breaking glass made him get out of bed, more broken glass could be heard hitting the wooden floor of the main entrance, someone had breaking in was on his mind. His room was on the second floor of the house as well as all the other rooms and soon, he heard one of them come up the stairs but passed his room, he didn't know what to do as the nerves and fear started kicking in. He still could heard the voices of the other two people on the first floor, couldn't make out what they were saying, didn't know if they were even speaking English but it didn't really matter at this moment. He couldn't think straight, his fear was giving the best of him.

Then something made him get out of that trance, the sound of a scream coming from one of his sister, Jane, the scream coming from two doors down the hall. Then the sound of someone breaking a door, his mother's scream for help came next, by this point, the image in his mind of what was happening and what was going to happen made it worse, making it difficult to think what he was going to do or if he could even do anything about it. They had his mother and both of his sisters; soon they would be coming for him as well. Then a second person came up the stairs and when he heard him come near his door, Jason moved fast, taking Ringo with him to the closet, which was a whole separate small room and left the door a bit open. Soon enough the sound of the room door opening came and steps were heard, much more heavier than the ones of Ringo's earlier that night, by the sound of them it seemed like it was probably male. Jason remembered that he had a bat in his closet from last year, from when he was in the high school's baseball team, he took him in one paw, then let go of Ringo to get a good grip of the bat with both paws.

The sound of someone going through his things made him angry, Jason now holding the bat with anger and fear at the same time, he couldn't really know where this guy was or what he was exactly doing but he was going to pay for it and what they think that they are going to do. He tried to see through the half open door in complete dark, only the light from a small window helped him see, the thief was looking at some shelves and his bag pack, with his back towards Jason. It was the right time to do it, he got out slowly, watching his step to not make any sound and just when he was closer to him, the thief turned around and took out a sheathed dagger.

Jason holds his breath as the thief got closer to him, even though he had a bat, Jason moved away from him, the light was reflecting from a knife that the robber was holding on his right hand and pointing it toward Jason. He saw the smile on his maw, then he launched at Jason. Jason had enough time to react, dropping the bat and with his left hand he could hold the robbers right hand to kept it away from his body, but with the left arm had hit him directly on his side, though it hurt and make him react, Jason didn't lose grip of the blade.

The room was almost pitch black and they both were struggling to have the upper hand, Jason had been in many sport's teams and was in great shape, he sent a direct punch to the robbers face twice before punching the arm with the knife on it, as the robber dropped it on the floor. Jason continue punching the male and soon fell on the floor of the room, as soon as he saw him fall, Jason started searching for the bat that he had dropped but what he found in the darkness was the knife, he took it on his hand. Then he notice that the guy was getting up and there was a some distance between the two of them, he was glad that the third guy hadn't came up or that this guy haven't call for any help. The burglar lunched at him again but this time Jason moves his hand and stabbed the guy in the side, they were face to face and just the look, the eyes showing this person's pain was something terrifying and just sad. But still dying, this guy fought to hurt Jason but he took out the blade of the robbers side and moved his hand up and stuck the knife straight into his windpipe. He opened his mouth to let out a yell and the blade of the knife could be seen down his throat and going up, probably into the guys brain, killing him instantly and dropping on the floor, leaving a big crimson pool that was visible even on the dark room floor.

The knife was all bloody and so was his paw, he wanted to drop it and just forget about it but inside of him, he really like it, the drip of the blood on his pelt felt right. He could see drops of blood still dripping from the blade and without thinking he lick it off, the taste of blood was something that he wanted to taste again. Jason opened the door of his room and picked out, there was the first guy to get to the second floor with a gun pointing to his mother and his two sisters, yelling at them "Shut the fuck up and stay where you are, don't fucking move."

This guy was giving his back towards Jason as well, just like the last time, Jason moved slowly and carefully position right behind the guy, the robber had a black hood and black pants, perfect to hide in the shadows. Though it didn't help because the hall where they were was illuminated from the light of the rooms, making this robber complete visible to Jason and his family. The guy kept yelling at them "Stay down or I will blow your fucking brains out, Voscal, did you got the kid?" He said, obviously already noticing someone leaving Jason's room, but apparently thinking that he was the robber with the name of Voscal. Jason just keep walking behind and keeping silence, still holding the knife on his knife, ready to use it again on the guy that wanted to kill his family.

"Voscal, did you kill the kid?" He repeated, Jason was just behind him and still didn't answer to the guy, the tone was much angrier. "VOSCAL" He turned, he was another wolf, probably in about his mid-thirties but he had to die as well as the other guy, Jason went directly for the throat again with the blade, he used another approach this time to make contact. His blade had met his throat in a gash to seep blood out..

The first reaction of this action was put one of his paws where the cut was made, but with the other paw he dropped the gun and tried to get Jason's neck. Though Jason had literally killed one guy and cut the throat of another, he was paralyze by his action, he tried to move away and just watched this men fall to his knees and then lay still on the floor, another pool of blood on the floor. Jason just watched him, watching the blood being absorbed by the carpet of the hall, only a few growls and some words came from the guy "They...they are...going to get you...going to...kill you Jason..."

"Who are they, who wants to kill me?" Jason asked the dying man. He was fighting for breath as blood was entering his windpipe and drowning his very self. He was going to die without dough but he was hoping that he would have enough time to answer his question. "You...you will...find out...soon enough..." Then he took a final breath and closed his eyes for the last time. He didn't actually answer his question but "they" will come for him. Jason approached the body and took the handgun on his hand. He had never held a gun before but the feeling made him feel power and control, it was a weird feeling but it was an awesome feeling. The metallic feel gave him the lust for power in ways. There was still someone on the first floor, Jason didn't know if he was armed or not but he has to be careful about it, chose the right tactic to approach this dangerous situation.

"Jason...you killed him" His mom said, terrorized by the sight of the body and the pool of crimson, looking at her son murder someone right before her optics was something hard to take in. The sight would have been worst in his sisters, they were much younger than him and had seen everything. Since he got out of his room to the moment the man fell to the floor, this would probably scar them for life but he had save their lives. "He was going to kill you...I had to do it...I had no other choice...I didn't have other choice" Jason said, making excuses for something he deeply wanted to do even if there were other more reasonable options other than murdering someone. He had notice that he actually enjoyed this, that he had control of when a life ends and he really didn't care much about who's ended. He never thought of this before but he lusted for it now that he had done it, twice , and probably soon it will be the third time.

"Voscal, Dima, we need to hurry this up...I think the neighbors have noticed our entry. Just kill them and lets get out of here before the police catch up with us." The voice of a woman came from downstairs practically screaming with a Russian accent. But no response was heard from upstairs. "Go to your room mom, take them with you and stay there, call the police...I will go with you when I finish" Jason said to his mom and his sisters.

"Finish what? No, you are coming with us" She said, worried that his dear son would get hurt or even killed. She didn't want him to go after her, too dangerous. "Sorry mom, I have to, I just have to. I must..." He looked at the gun in his hand and make sure that it was loaded, no reason why it shouldn't be but just in case. "Mom, take them to your room, now" Jason insisted and then moved to look down the stairs. His mother and his sisters moved in the room as Jason said. Jason knowing that they were safe for now, moved over what apparently was Dima's body and searched for any clips for the small hand gun.

What Jason found was Dima's wallet, and so he went through it. He had been thirty six years old, Russian with a lot of cash on him; over one thousand and five hundred bucks in bills of a hundred. Full name was Dima Aleksandrovich Malitzka and carried a photo of whom seemed to be his wife. Jason took the cash and the photo, as he looked at the image of the female; he noticed something written on the back in a foreign language, probably in Russian. He had to admit that she was a very sexy female. He examined her figure more before sliding his attention back to the wallet. He put the cash in his back pocket and the photo in the front one, and he thought maybe he would pay her a visit if he founds the Malitzka's household.

Jason heard steps coming up slowly and then her voice again "Dima? What's going on up there, Dima?" Now the voice wasn't yelling, it was soft and low, it was almost like a whisper. She was getting closer to the top and Jason had to move fast and away from the body, he went through the closest door to him, which has the bathroom door and then almost closed it, just left enough space to see out. Then he heard her again as she got to the hall of the second floor "Dima...no, Dima" Then he saw her run to the body in the middle of the hall "No Dima, what has happen...you can't die on me, please no...don't leave me. You couldn't leave me like this..." Jason could feel her sorrow in her voice and he got a glance of her, she was the woman on the picture.

Jason decided to get out of his hiding spot with his gun pointed towards her, she had her head pressed on the chest of her dead husband and didn't seem like she had seen Jason get out of the door, he approached with the gun still pointed at her head, even though her head had not move at all, she started speaking again "You killed him...I can't live without him and you just take him away from me, I wish to kill you right now with all my wraith but the pain in my heart is much bigger than the feeling of revenge I have, just put me out of my misery..." She paused, and then kissed Dima for one last time. Her mate, her husband, her lover, was now departed . "Pull the trigger." Jason just couldn't bring himself to do it; he could feel her pain and sorrow, he wouldn't take the life of someone who had lost someone, especially since he killed the one. He was sure that there were many tears on her eyes, making the flow of a river of lamentation and suffering, he couldn't kill her. "Do it Jason" She repeated "I can't live without him, not the one I have loved and soon you will feel what I do Jason...you will feel what I do right now...she will not survive and we did it...you will not surv..." Jason fired and the bullets went straight into the back of her head, killing her instantly. The sound traveled throughout the house and probably the neighborhood as well, and then it was all silence. Nothing moved and all seemed to be peaceful. Or so he thought...

Friday Morning, White Plains, NY

Outside Waldgrave's household

April 8, 2010, 12:26 am.

The police had already got to the house; they had been questioning Jane Waldgrave for a couple minutes of what had happen. Jason was hold by the officers after being found with a firearm in hand and three murders on his name. His sisters were taken with their mother as Jason was being taken to the police cruiser. "Where are they taking my son?" Jane asked the officer who had been asking her questions for about half an hour already.

"He is being moved to the station to be interrogated and probably be taken to a psychologist, we will found out what's going on with this break-in" The officer answered without looking away from the clipboard that he was holding and writing down all the answers that she gave him. "Mrs. Waldgrave, what is that your son, Jason, did after he told you to enter your room?"

"As I have told you many times, I don't know what happen. I just heard someone speaking and then then the gunshot, that's all I know" Jane answered, already tired of being ask the same question over and over, she was worried about her son as she saw him being taken, then the lights of the police vehicle disappear in the darkness of the early morning. "What were they speaking about?" The officer asked again.

"I have already answered your question; I couldn't make out what they were saying...It was all muffled by the wall. I didn't want to snoop, yet the urge was strong..."

The questioning continues for a short period of time until the policeman got tired of not getting any answers.

Friday Morning, White Plains, NY

White Plains City Police Department, Interrogation Room, Second Floor

April 8, 2010, 6:07 am.

Jason has been sitting in an empty room for a couple of hours now, the only things in the room were two chairs, one in which he is currently sitting on, a metal table and a one way mirror from where someone is probably watching him. He wondered if they will ever come to speak to him, he has been waiting for over five hours and he hasn't speak with anyone since they brought him here, he didn't even know why was he here. 'Am I arrested?' He asked himself 'They haven't told me that I am'. His stomach grumbled and he groaned softly, putting his hand to his forehead and rubbing softly. 'And when the hell am I going to get some food around here?'

Finally the door opened and a tall, sexy female leopard entered the room, wearing a very clean police uniform. She moved silently to the other side of the table and sat down on the empty chair, then looked at Jason for a couple of seconds before speaking to Jason with a soft voice "You may be curious of why are you here"

"Am I under arrest?" Was the first thing that came from Jason's muzzle, which was the only thing that he had been thinking about, besides food. She answered quickly as if she had been expecting that question "You are not under arrest but you cannot leave this facility any time soon" She putted some papers and a couple of pictures on the cold metal table. "We have identified all the bodies, all of them were Russian Spetsnaz that we have been looking for a long time. They have entered the country a couple weeks ago; we are still looking for the way that they made it all the way over here. They are highly trained in killing but apparently you turned their game upside down, we are surprise of how did this turnout..."

"Yeah well, that doesn't explain why I can't leave. You said I wasn't arrested, so I can just walk out and you can't hold me" Jason stood up from the uncomfortable chair and started to walk around the table when she started to talk again. "If you go out, we can't protect you" Jason stops at her words. His head turned slightly to look over his shoulder with a slight dip. His eyes grew cold in wonder.

"Protect me? From what?" Jason turned to look at her, she looked at him but said nothing, then she moved her arm to invite him to sit again. Jason had to follow; when he sat down she spoke again. "We don't know yet but we know that "they" are after you, your family and the ones close to you." But who was "they" and why, was something that not even the police and he could figure out.

"And how do you know this? You don't even know who is leading this" Jason didn't see anything connection to what she was saying and he wanted to know, why were they after him. The police officer slide some photos towards him "A couple hours ago there was another break-in, the neighbors heard gunshots and called nine one one but when we got to the direction, they had already escape and we found the body of..." Jason interrupted her as he realized what the pictures showed him. "Aka...no" He watched her body covered in blood and three bullets in her chest, they had told him about that, he felt how the female felt now "Yes, Akaris Blackwood, we found her two hours ago. We know the victim and yourself were in a relation, apparently they did as well. Now listen, we will keep you and your family safe but you have to stay under my watch"

"Are you sure they are safe? I want to see my mother" Jason had the urge to stand again and almost screamed at her. "She is safe as well as your sisters, we already have someone searching for your father, we couldn't find him in his office, but they will be safe in other location, you can't see them until we are sure that you and they are safe to do so"

"Meanwhile, I will be stuck here with you" Jason sat down again and crossed his arms, knowing that he was going to be trap here for a couple of hours, maybe even some days with nothing to do. "That is the idea; almost all of the officers of this station are out looking for whoever did this." Now she took all the papers and pictures from the table and piled them in a pile next to her. "What is your name?" Jason asked.

"My name is Jasira, now, I know for a fact that this won't be over in a matter of minutes and I personally wouldn't want to stay here for a long time, not even for a night, so I have my orders to take you to a safe house far from the city" She picked up the pile and then stood up "If you don't mind following me" She said as approaching the door, Jason remained on his sit for a couple of seconds before following her out of the room.

They walked through a long hall with many doors to both sides, entries to empty rooms and offices, and the only sound that could be heard was the sound of their own footsteps. As they approached the stairs to the first floor, she entered one of the offices to the right side. Jason stood on the entry of the room, from that spot he saw the whole office, what was curious about this office compare with the others is that she didn't pictures of any children, nor husband or any relatives. She quickly put the paperwork on top of the desk, then she exit the room and continued downstairs.

On the first floor there was the same silence and the same feeling, this place seemed more like a ghost town as Jason went through the middle of halls that contained only emptiness. After a short time they had entered the vehicle depot of the station, she guided him to what it look like a 2010 Ford Mustang, beautiful vehicle and by the looks, it looked like the incredible V8-Powered GT beast that he had seen come out not long ago, the magnificent Red Candy Metallic with tinted clearcoat made a beautiful contrast with all the other police vehicles, the dark charcoal black interior made it look so dangerous and sweet. "Get in" Jasira said as she opened the passenger seat door for him. He did as he was told, then she closed the door behind him. She walked around the car and entered in the driver's seat "We already gather your cloths in the back, we will have to make a stop at my department since I wasn't actually prepared to be in charge of you" She turned the engine as she finished her sentence, the vibration of the powerful engine felt so pleasing on Jason's body.

Friday Morning, White Plains, NY

Officer Jasira's Apartment

April 8, 2010, 6:44 am.

The mustang stopped in front of a department building, this area was clean and seemed safe, a perfect place to be on vacation with a beautiful view to the sunrise which they both saw in the way over here. "Here we are, let's go" She said as she opened her door and got out. Jason did the same and follows her through a parking lot before going up the stairs to the third floor, door number 316; she pulled out her keys from her pocket and opened the door.

It was a nice place to live in, it had a big living room with a giant television on the wall and a couch that just by seeing it, made him so sleepy, and it seemed as comfortable as the car's seat. A very beautiful crystal coffee table in the middle of the room, everything in this place was awesome to Jason, this was a place that he wanted to live in and she had a car that he would love to show off to his friends. "You can look around while I go to change up and get all my stuff" She said to Jason as she entered the first door to the right, which was obviously her bedroom. As she tried to move fast, she left the door a bit open which Jason noticed. "So...why is someone like you...not married or have any kids?" Jason asked out loud so she could hear him even in her room.

"I was married before but I got divorced three years ago, why do you ask?" Jasira talked loud as well so Jason heard her. "I was just curious and confused..." Jason said to her and carefully approached the door that was a bit open, he didn't see her and just tried to get a glance at the room. She had a large bed and very artistic images on her wall; the whole bedroom was semi dark, smooth light illuminated the entire room. The he saw her come out of her closet with a pile of cloths that she putted on her bed; she had a lot of stuff. "Why confused?" He saw her ask, and then she took off her shirt and then her pants. "Well, I..." He had a difficulty to make up words by the sight he had got from her. "...I thought that a...sexy and very...very attractive felidae...with a great body like yours...wouldn't be single" She turned her back to the door and took off her bra. Jason could almost feel his jaw touch the floor, he was surprise that she was so exposed, but after all, she was in her own room. "Thank you but I just haven't met anyone who I really like, but I don't know why I am talking about my private life with you" Jason just watched her for a while before speaking again. "I was... just very curious about you...and I wanted to get to know you since we are going to stay on the same place" Making pretexts again.

"True, though I already know everything about yourself, I have read all your records" She spoke again, still talking out loud for him to hear her, not knowing that Jason was just behind the wood door. He saw her choosing what to wear, moving between some night dresses and a couple of very sexy outfits, as she moved around the bed Jason had a couple looks at her breast, just admiring how big they were. "You said that you weren't ready to look out for me, now you are telling me that you studied my records? What's going on really?" Jasira now stopped immediately where she was standing. "I am not entirely sure what is going on, a couple days ago the chief told me to memorize your records. Then today I got my orders, they had planned this I guess...but I have nothing to do with it" She then continued looking for the perfect outfit for today.

Apparently the police knew something was going to happen but they didn't want to tell him, no reason there for them to do that, there was a lot of stuff that he didn't know but he could get more information probably from Jasira, he just had to think about it and see how can he make that happen. Jason saw her pick up a very sexy lace-up strapless corset from the pile; he was surprise that she had it. She was looking at it for a moment, on her face the expression of uncertainty since why would she use it, Jason kind of did want her to take it. "That would look incredible on you" He said to her, still staring at her through the opening. She smiled and turned to the door, and then a small laugh came from her "So, you want me to wear this for you? Huh...I will think about it" Jasira put the corset on a separate pile and keep searching for more cloths, didn't seem to mind her that Jason was watching her.

"Besides, you are going to be eighteen very soon, two weeks... eleven days to be exact if I am correct" Jasira said to Jason, who by now had a very hard erection pressing against his pants. She really knew everything about him "April nineteen is my birthday, you are good" He was getting worried that maybe she knew a bit too much about him, was she taking this to her advantage or is Jason just this lucky, that was another question he wanted to answer but couldn't really answer it....


This is actually a shared story with a very close person of mine, she wants to remain anonymous at the moment but she really hopes that this is an enjoyable part of the story and so do I, it a different kind of writing since is a mix between hers and mine, I just thought this might be a good comeback from the death since I been so inactive the last couple...months? I been away for a long time xD Well, hope you enjoy.


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