Family Secret (Part 1)

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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Part 1 of 2

This is my first (true) attempt at a story that focuses exclusively on M/M content. I've been debating doing this for awhile, so I decided I'd give it a try and see how it turned out. There will be a second half to this story at a later time, but I'm not going to give away details about it yet.

Family Secret (Part 1) (Two Vaporeon Brothers)

NOTE: For those of you who have known me for years, you've probably heard me say that I would never do stories that focused exclusively on M/M sexual content. Well, after thinking about it for awhile, I've decided that I wanted to give it a try. Therefore, this story will be the first one that I have ever written that exclusively focuses on sex between two males. Will there be more of these in the future? I'm not sure...I'll likely do some more experimental stories to see how it goes, but I don't know if I would want to do this on a regular basis...we'll see. Also, in case you are wondering, just because I'm doing stories with M/M content in them DOES NOT mean my preferences have changed! I STILL consider myself to be a straight male and I have no interest in male anatomy outside of my own. I am writing this story because I FEEL like doing this and nothing else! Anyway, enough of my yapping, let's get to the story.

On the campus of Tidewater college in early September, a new school year was about to begin and throughout the grounds of the university, students were busy moving into apartments and dorm rooms, getting ready for the beginning of class. For many on campus, it's a return to the collegiate life after three months of break, however for other students it's a whole new beginning. Such is the case for two vaporeon brothers who grew up in the town of Boulder Bay (where Tidewater college was located). They had spent their entire lives in the Boulder Bay area of Northeastern Mason Island*, being that this was a major port town, the two of them had spent a lot of time around the water when they were eevees and had decided to become vaporeons when their eevolution day arrived about six months ago.

Devon and Dillon were fraternal twins, both of them having the same color eyes (blue-violet) and the same color and style of waterproof hair (their hair is brown). The two of them are almost exactly the same height and exactly the same athletic build. In fact, if you were to look at them, you might think they were identical twins except for one major difference. Dillon had inherited a gene from his father that gave his body a different body color scheme than Devon. Instead of having a sky blue color base, he had a lilac-colored base for his body. Dillon wasn't a shiny vaporeon since he was born as a normal eevee, he just had the genes for his color change activate upon his transformation, giving him a unique appearance.

The two of them had done things together regular when they were growing up as eevees, having a typical relationship together for most of their lives. However, Devon and Dillon had a secret that they kept to themselves, a secret that first developed when they were in High School and carried on now that they were moving onto college. They didn't speak of it to anyone, not even their parents...not knowing how they'd react to the way that they felt about other males, and more specifically each other.

Speaking of their parents, their mother was with them as they moved into their home for the next four years. Madeline was proud of her two vaporeon boys, seeing them grow up into mature young adults and continue to stay together as they attended college. They were her only children and she showed her boys a lot of affection (sometimes to their embarrassment). Nonetheless, the boys loved their flareon mother and didn't feel uncomfortable about giving her nuzzles and kisses (as well as receiving them) when they were in private. They just didn't feel comfortable about it whenever she did it to them in public...even as they became adults. She had come with the boys to their apartment because she was somewhat reluctant to let them go from her life. Though she had a few years of fertility left in her at the age of 40, Madeline didn't really have a desire to have more pups and was waiting for the day when her boys provided grandpups for her.

Gradually, Devon and Dillon managed to get all of their things into their new apartment with their mom also helping them with the two males sitting on the new couch their parents provided them with after all the unpacking. They thought that now their mom would likely leave them be...they thought wrong. She sat down in between her boys, placing her arms around each of them before giving Devon and Dillon one slow lick with her hot flareon tongue. Though they knew she was being affectionate with them, they couldn't help feeling a bit weirded out by it.

"Aw...come on Mom", Devon called out to his mother in a somewhat frustrated tone as he was licked while Dillon sat at his mom's other side and thought of something to get her out of their way.

"Hey Mom, Devon and I need to do some things on our own for a little while. I know you want to be here with us and we appreciate all your help, but there are some things that Devon and I need to learn for ourselves", Dillon calmly explained to his mother as Madeline turned to her lilac-colored vaporeon son and licked the side of his face.

"Are you two sure you don't need me to help out right now?", she asked in a sweet tone, looking at her boys with her big blue-violet eyes before letting out a sigh. "Alright...I suppose you two aren't little pups any longer. It's just so hard to see the two of you leave home", she added with another sigh before Devon and Dillon came closer to their mom and rubbed their nuzzles against hers.

"We love you, Mom...there's nothing that will ever change that", Dillon explained calmly. "However, we're grown adults now...we need to start doing things on our own", Dillon added before his brother chimed in.

"We'll come see you and Dad when we get the chance, we promise", Devon explained in a soft tone while Madeline hugged her boys tightly while crying a little as she kissed both of them on their noses. "Besides, it's not like we've moved to another country or something, we're just a few miles from home", he added as Madeline nodded and realized that she'd still be able to see her boys regularly.

"I suppose you two are right", Madeline responded softly before letting her boys go and standing up as she made her way to the door. "Well, alright then...I suppose I'll let you two do what you need to. If you need anything else, just call me and I'll be right over", Madeline added sweetly before blowing kisses to both of her sons, making them blush before walking out of the apartment. From there, Devon and Dillon both watched as their mom got into her car and drove away, leaving the two brothers alone at last.

"I thought she'd never leave!", Dillon told his brother as Devon looked at him with surprise.

"Dillon, how could you think about that? Sure, Mom can be a bit clingy, but it's only because she loves us!", Devon promptly answered. However, Dillon grabbed one of his brother's hands and looked straight into his blue-violet eyes.

"No Devon, you misunderstood me. I love Mom as much as you do, but there's a reason why I told her we wanted to be alone...and I think you know as well as I do what that reason is", Dillon explained to Devon as the normal colored vaporeon male raised his ears and began blushing for a different reason.

"Oh...I that we're all alone without having to worry about Mom and Dad catching us we can have sex together all that we want", Devon answered while feeling his shaft stiffening inside his pants as Dillon already had an erection inside his own. " should we do it this time? Do you want to take turns like we usually do, or do you want something different?", Devon asked his brother curiously while Dillon listened and saw the growing bulge in Devon's pants.

"Let's do it like we normally do. I'll help you warm up and then you can put it inside me and then after you're done I'll do the same for you", Dillon suggested to his brother as Devon listened to Dillon's suggestion and agreed to it, allowing his pants to drop down. A few moments later, Devon removed his boxers, revealing his pink, semi-erect cock to his twin brother that was continuing to slowly emerge from its sheath. Like all male vaporeons, both Devon and Dillon had penises that were similar in nature to that of a male dolphin, being highly flexible in nature and able to move around at will. However, Devon wanted to keep his shaft erect at this time, feeling more of it coming out of his sheath while Dillon removed his pants and boxers.

Then, once both brothers were naked from the waist down, Dillon got down on his knees in front of his twin brother and grabbed onto his length. Dillon then placed his tongue on the tip of Devon's shaft, giving it a quick lick to begin with before going forward from there, taking his brother's length into his mouth. Devon's eyes immediately closed as he allowed Dillon to suck on his shaft, feeling it grow longer and stronger for his lilac-colored brother while his balls began to churn. "Ah yes...that feels good", Devon called out to his brother happily, making Dillon giggle a bit and suck on him a little faster.

Both Devon and Dillon were used to doing this by now. They had both experienced giving and receiving oral sex in the past and had tasted each other's cum...however the oral sex was usually only used as foreplay. It wasn't often when one of the brother's decided to keep going until they made their sibling cum all over their mouth. This was the case today, Dillon was only using his mouth to stimulate Devon, to get him ready for what was coming up later and Dillon did his job rather well.

His sucking on Devon's erect cock was slow and soft, using his tongue to cradle it from underneath while Dillon concentrated on his brother's shaft. At the same time, he also reached out for Devon's nutsack, gently fondling his balls a bit as the normal colored vaporeon male closed his eyes and thought about how good it felt to be sexually aroused by his twin brother. It wasn't long before Dillon started to feel the reaction in Devon's shaft, feeling it begin to move a little bit on its own as well as throb in a few spots. Devon was becoming increasingly horny, but Dillon wasn't quite ready to take the next step yet.

The lilac-colored vaporeon started to suck on Devon's shaft a bit faster and harder, trying to further stimulate his brother while his hand kept rubbing both of Devon's testicles. Dillon moaned softly and happily while having Devon's shaft in his mouth, knowing that it wouldn't be too long before he got to experience a closer bond to his twin brother. Devon also moaned happily with sexual pleasure, feeling his balls being massaged by Dillon's fingertips while they started to mix a batch of cum inside. This also made Devon's shaft twitch upward a bit in Dillon's mouth as the throbbing of it increased.

Then, after a couple of minutes of sucking, Dillon began to feel the surefire sign that his brother was almost ready for sex. From the tip of Devon's cock, warm precum started to spit into Dillon's mouth, having a sticky feeling and a salty flavor to it. While it wasn't quite as sticky or flavorful as actual semen was, Dillon still took it into his mouth, letting his brother give it to him for several moments while continuing to suck on his length. At the same time, Devon's shaft also became thicker and more active, starting to wiggle around a bit more in Dillon's mouth, showing off its prehensile nature.

Dillon felt Devon's cock touch the roof of his mouth right before a stronger spurt of precum came out of the tip, spraying directly down Dillon's throat, giving it a warm and ticklish coating. That was when Dillon knew his brother was ready and removed Devon's shaft from his mouth. Dillon knew right away what he wanted next and was quick to act on his desires. He got on all fours, turning around in front of Devon and placed his vaporeon tail off to the side. At the same time, Dillon raised his rump a bit higher to his sibling and presented his tight little tailhole to Devon and his aroused penis.

Not wanting to disappoint his twin, Devon got down to his knees and came up behind Dillon, placing his penis up against Dillon's tailhole. His tip barely poked inside, just far enough to let his jets of precum splash inside Dillon. This was also something that the brothers did before sex, using their own precum to provide the lubrication needed for anal sex. It usually took a minute or two, but both of them felt it was worth it once they actually started doing it.

Dillon felt the warm liquid spurting into his anal cavity, feeling a bit sticky inside there, but also quite good. He also felt the pointed tip of Devon's maleness pushing just inside his passage, feeling the subtle throbbing of it as it was giving him just a small sample of what was to come. At the same time, Devon placed his hands on Dillon's hips, just like any male would do in this type of situation with a female and waited.

The gooey feeling inside Dillon continued to increase as spurts of his brother's precum worked further up his rectal passage. The feeling continued to increase in warmth, showing that Devon was getting eager to get inside Dillon. Meanwhile, Dillon's own erection was also reacting towards the feeling, twitching strongly with life as his own precum dripped from the tip and onto the floor. Dillon was eager to get his turn with Devon, but also knew that they couldn't do each other at the same least not like this.

Eventually, Dillon looked back to his brother and told him that he felt ready to receive Devon's vaporeon cock, in which Devon nodded and began to push forward. The tip of his shaft poked against Dillon's tailhole, causing it to open up around it and allow it to go inside. As Devon's shaft entered Dillon, the spurts of precum from both males became more powerful and frequent, with Devon's adding more lubrication for his shaft to slide deeper into Dillon. Meanwhile, Dillon let his brother enter his anal passage, feeling the throbbing length of Devon's penis massaging his insides while the heat and stickiness of his precum launched deeper into his cavity. Dillon refrained from clinching his tailhole around Devon, saving that for when the time was right and Devon refrained from letting the prehensile nature of his penis get demonstrated to his brother until he started to thrust.

It was a slow process for Devon to insert his entire length into his brother, but it's one that they both knew well and one they both enjoyed as Devon's hands held Dillon's hips tightly while he leaned over his brother's back. "Ready?", Devon asked his brother curiously, still pumping precum deep into Dillon's anal passage. Dillon nodded right before Devon started to slowly move in and out of his brother's tailhole, moaning loudly and happily over the tight feeling around him. At the same time, his shaft also started to wriggle around inside Dillon, moving slowly against the walls of his rectum while the throbbing of Devon's shaft continued while precum kept coating Dillon's insides.

To Dillon, it felt that there was something alive inside his tailhole, but he accepted his brother's length inside him and kept feeling the massage Devon was giving him. Meanwhile, Dillon's shaft was also reacting towards the feeling by having the tip of it curl upward towards his belly button, making his precum spray against his own belly. Dillon loved this feeling and closed his eyes to enjoy what Devon was doing to him while moaning with pleasure.

Gradually, Devon increased his speed, letting his erect and prehensile penis go in and out of Dillon's tailhole while it wriggled about inside him. Devon could feel the load of semen in his balls growing heavier by the second as they started to hit against Dillon each time Devon moved inward. Devon knew exactly what to do to make his sibling happy, and he spent much of effort on letting his length rub against the inside of Dillon's anal cavity right where Dillon's prostate would be. At the same time, both males developed thicker penises with Dillon's rapidly growing more aroused and twitching upward quite strongly.

"'re gonna make me cum!", Dillon called to his brother excitedly, feeling the pressure in his nuts growing very rapidly while Devon kept pumping Dillon's tailhole at a vigorous pace. He wanted to make Dillon explode, knowing that his orgasm would help Devon climax inside his brother. Devon kept driving his shaft deep into Dillon's anal passage, making his length squirm around inside it wildly at the same time and waited for the sensation to drive Dillon to his breaking point.

It was a sensation that Dillon couldn't resist and after a few more seconds, he let out a loud and deep moan while spraying his warm cum all over his belly. At the same time, Dillon's tailhole clinched tightly around Devon's aroused penis while the normal colored vaporeon male shoved his length as far as it would go and let Dillon's rectal muscles drive him over the edge.

A few more seconds passed before Devon also reached his orgasm, blissfully pumping his warm and sticky semen into his brother's passage, just as he would if he were inseminating a female. Now Dillon felt the addition of Devon's hot and creamy goo filling his tailhole, feeling the strong pulsations in Devon's length while he did it. The feeling of warmth worked throughout his body, making Dillon very happy and quite affectionate. He wanted to kiss Devon, but could not do it until Devon pulled out of him. In the meantime, he just had to stay in his position and take it as long as Devon kept filling him, also sending more of his own semen shooting from his tip onto his belly.

This continued for a few minutes as each brother let loose a massive amount of semen from their balls until the tingling sensation inside them came to a stop. That was when Devon released his grip on Dillon's hips and pulled his maleness out of his brother's tailhole. Upon feeling Devon exit his tailhole, Dillon remained in his current position for a few seconds while Devon stood back up and stretched, still having his cock semi-erect and absolutely covered in his own semen. Devon could also look down at his brother's backside, seeing a small amount of his cum bubbling out of Dillon's tailhole, looking as if he had filled Dillon up quite nicely.

The warm and creamy sensation within Dillon's anal cavity would remain for quite long as it wasn't washed out or anything. However, Dillon didn't mind letting Devon's cream stay there. He had grown to love getting his tailhole filled by his brother and felt quite happy after they were finished.

Eventually, Dillon got back to his feet and walked over to his brother, wrapping his arms around Devon before placing his mouth on Devon's. Dillon also plunged his tongue into his brother's mouth, murring softly to him while Dillon moved his hands down to grab Devon's butt cheeks. Devon responded in kind by copying his brother's moves, enjoying a deep kiss with his sibling while holding Dillon's buttocks in his hands. It definitely appeared that the two of them had a deeper relationship than most brothers and there would be nothing that would ever come between them. However, their afternoon of brotherly bonding wasn't finished yet. Now that Devon got to have sex with Dillon, it was time for them to switch places.

Devon wanted to let Dillon fill his own tailhole and feel the same warmth that Dillon already felt. However, this would require them to develop erections again since they had both gone soft after their orgasms. It would take a little while, but they'd soon get back at it after a shower and a snack together in their apartment.

Then, after about two hours of relaxation, the feeling of brotherly love started to grow within Dillon once more. His vaporeon cock started to become erect once again, poking out of his sheath a little while he began to rub his nuzzle against Devon's neck while they were sitting on the couch. Dillon could still feel some of the warmth and stickiness of Devon's cum inside his tailhole from earlier and now Dillon felt ready to give Devon that same feeling.

Naturally, Devon quickly warmed up to his twin brother's advances, having his own penis growing erect while Dillon's became more pronounced. It wasn't long before their affections became even more noticeable with Dillon placing his hand on Devon's cheek, bringing him closer to his own nuzzle before Dillon kissed Devon on his mouth. That was when the lilac-colored vaporeon went a little further and put his tongue into Devon's mouth, catching his brother by surprise and making both of their penises grow erect at a much faster pace.

Devon accepted Dillon's advance and the two of them started to kiss deeply, swishing their tongues within each other's mouths while Dillon lay on top of his brother, having his penis now touching Devon's. By now, they were both fully erect and beginning to throb with arousal. However, Dillon wanted to do a little bit more with Devon before he stuck his inside Devon's tailhole.

Dillon used the prehensile nature of his penis to coil around Devon's hold it tightly while both males began to leak precum from their tips. At the same time, Devon held Dillon's shaft tightly with his own, following his brother's lead while each of them kissed and murred happily. This was far from the first time that they did this...they did this regularly since the day they became vaporeons. However, this was the first time that they had touched like this while expressing their deeper affections for one another.

While their cocks were intertwined, both of them throbbed with increasing intensity, spurting precum from each of their tips as Dillon was getting more eager to make love to his twin brother. Dillon reached down with one of his hands to playfully grope Devon's nutsack, making his brother's eyes open briefly before closing and sending a spurt of precum that hit Dillon's belly. Dillon had liked the warm feeling that he got from when his own penis erupted over it and wanted to let Devon's shaft give him a coating there this time around.

The two of them continued to touch and kiss for several more moments, feeling each other's penis throbbing with excitement while they remained intertwined. They both felt very happy and very horny and it appeared that it was for them to have sex again. As such, they stopped kissing and released their grip on each other's penis, allowing Dillon's to stand fully erect as Devon remained on his back.

Dillon decided that he wanted to do it with Devon the way he was right now and promptly let the tip of his penis poke just inside Devon's tailhole. Much like how Devon did previously, Dillon let his tip stay where it was for a couple moments, letting his sexual arousal send precum spurting into Devon to lubricate the passage.

Now it was Devon's turn to feel what his brother did earlier, having the warmth of Dillon's precum coating the inside of his anal passage, making it feel slimy and a bit sticky inside. Devon could also feel Dillon's tip poking against his tailhole a bit more, as if it were trying to enter him. It would seem that Dillon was a bit more eager to get started than Devon expected. However, Dillon didn't allow more than his tip to enter Devon until he had coated Devon's insides thoroughly with precum, making his rectal passage nice and slippery for his eager length.

Once Dillon felt that his brother was ready to receive, he climbed back on top of Devon, licked his nose in a playful manner and allowed his shaft to push inside the tight entrance. Compared to Devon, Dillon's shaft was a little bit longer and penetrated a bit deeper into Devon. However, it was also a bit more narrow and flexible than Devon's shaft, which meant it would move around more. As such, it immediately began to slither around inside Devon's passage once it was fully inserted, spraying precum all over the place inside before Dillon began to hump his sibling.

Devon happily accepted his brother's advances and grabbed Dillon's lilac-colored butt cheeks, bringing him even closer to his body while moaning from the motions inside his anal passage. Not only did Dillon's shaft massage his insides by going back and forth, it also caused a ticklish sensation that made Devon's rectal muscles periodically spasm around Dillon. At the same time, Devon's erection became stronger as he now felt his prostate being massaged, causing precum to spurt in greater quantity from his shaft, landing on both of their bellies. It was a warm and somewhat sticky feeling for both brothers, but it was a feeling that they loved all the same.

Before long, Dillon kissed Devon on his lips again, putting his tongue back into his brother's mouth while gradually increasing the speed of his thrusts. By now, Devon's insides were completely drenched in Dillon's precum and the lilac-colored vaporeon male felt a fresh load of his semen quickly building inside his nutsack. Devon could sense his brother's arousal and reached down to touch Dillon's balls while they kept kissing, gently rubbing them with his fingers and making Dillon react favorably inside Devon's passage.

Dillon began to squirm vigorously inside Devon, his length moving from side-to-side like a sidewinder across the sands of the desert. This created an incredible ticklish sensation inside Devon that made his tailhole muscles contract around Dillon once again, grabbing the squirming cock tightly for a second or two.

In response, Dillon's shaft sent a strong spurt of precum into his brother while the length of his shaft began to thicken and become much more sensitive. At the same time, Dillon could feel his balls churning strongly inside, getting ready to release his cum into Devon and driving Dillon to want and finish what he started.

The two males continued to kiss deeply, murring to each other while Dillon put all of his effort into humping Devon. He pushed his tip as far as it could go into Devon's anal cavity, spraying precum deeper into it along the way. Devon felt the warm feeling spread further inside him and reached back towards Dillon's tush, holding it tightly to try and get his brother as deep into him as possible. Devon felt vigorous pulsations in Dillon's shaft, indicating that he was nearly ready to climax.

At the same time, Devon's penis had also thickened and grown more aroused, throbbing with excitement as it touched Dillon's belly. The precum from Devon's shaft coated both of them as Dillon was on top of his brother, signalling the approach of a powerful mutual orgasm that they were sure to enjoy.

A few seconds later, Dillon was the first to reach his peak as his semen rushed from his tip, splattering well into Devon's anal passage, giving his brother an even warmer and stickier feeling inside. Upon feeling the rush of Dillon's semen, Devon's hands clutched Dillon's tush very tightly while he murred happily, clinching his rectal muscles around Dillon's shaft to help milk out as much cream as possible. Then, after a few more seconds, Devon's shaft followed Dillon's lead, spraying sticky and warm cum all over their bellies while Dillon felt the pulsations of Devon's orgasm against his belly.

The climax that they were having was incredibly sticky and hot, but it felt absolutely wonderful to them while they continued to kiss through the duration of their climaxes and enjoy each other's cream on or (in Devon's case) inside their bodies. The feeling of mutual happiness lasted about a minute before the two brothers broke the kiss while Dillon kept his shaft inside Devon's tailhole. Although by this time his climax had subsided, Dillon was still leaking a bit of leftover cum from his tip while Devon was doing the same from his. "I'm glad that we're finally alone so we can do this as often as we want", Dillon commented happily as Devon smiled and slowly eased his grip on his brother's penis inside his tailhole.

"I know what you mean, Dillon. No more having to worry about Mom or Dad catching us doing this and no more worrying about what they might say if they knew about us", Devon answered softly while their bodies slowly relaxed, feeling like they had the place to themselves. However, the two of them made a slight mistake in their thinking. They didn't bother to lock the door of their apartment before they started having sex. In addition to that, they were also unaware that their mother had just pulled into the parking lot as she realized she left something behind earlier that she needed.

She knew that she left it in their apartment and figured that her boys could trust her, so she didn't even bother to knock before stepping into the apartment. "Hi boys, I forgot my checkbook and I came back to...", she softly explained for a second until her eyes caught the sight of her sons fully nude with Devon's cum coating both of their bellies and Dillon's penis still inside Devon's tailhole. Her eyes immediately became as big as saucers and her mouth hung open for a second or two before she finally spoke. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!!", she exclaimed as Devon and Dillon both blushed and looked at each other sheepishly.

"Oh shit...what are we going to do now", they thought to themselves nervously, wondering what they were going to tell their mom now that she knew about their little secret.

To be continued...

*: For those of you who aren't familiar with some of my earlier work, this is an island on the planet of Vulpes (which is a planet that I made up a long time ago).

Family Secret (Part 2)

Family Secret (Part 2) (2 M Vaporeon + F Flareon) NOTE: This story picks up where Part 1 left off. Upon seeing her two sons naked with each other, engaged in sexual intercourse with each other's seed on their bellies, Madeline didn't know what...

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The Lovers of Delfino Island

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