Family Secret (Part 2)

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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It's been awhile since I added something new to SoFurry, so I guess it's time to change that...with the second part of the Family Secret story (which takes place immediately after Madeline discovers what her sons have been doing).

Family Secret (Part 2) (2 M Vaporeon + F Flareon)

NOTE: This story picks up where Part 1 left off.

Upon seeing her two sons naked with each other, engaged in sexual intercourse with each other's seed on their bellies, Madeline didn't know what to think of the situation. Ever since her boys were little eevee pups, she had hopes and dreams for her sons, hoping each of them would marry and have families of their own after college. She wanted to be a grandmother, to have lots of cute and cheerful little eevee pups from her two boys. However, now that she had seen this, Madeline felt as if maybe those dreams would be shattered.

Meanwhile, upon getting caught by their mother, Dillon finished with Devon and the two vaporeon boys got up from the couch, both of their faces blushing bright red. "Mom, we can explain what's going on here", Dillon calmly told his mother as she was still overcome by shock to think of an appropriate response.

"We didn't mean for you to find out like this...really we didn't", Devon added as both boys went over to their shocked mother and helped her over to the kitchen table, letting her sit down in the chair while the two brothers went into the bathroom to clean up a bit before putting clothes on. Madeline sat there for several minutes, thinking about what she saw and how her boys were as they grew up. She knew her sons were close to each other, but never imagined that they would be this close to each other...or that they'd both be gay for that matter. However, at the same time, Madeline still loved her sons. They had been her pride and joy since the day she discovered she was pregnant with them and her love for them would not die.

While their mom tried to comprehend what she saw, Devon and Dillon were in the shower together, cleaning off after their sexual romp. "What are we going to do, Dillon? Did you see the look on mom's face when she saw us?", Devon asked his twin nervously before Dillon grabbed his brother's shoulders and licked his nose.

"Relax Devon, we'll just have to tell Mom the truth about how we feel about one another. I'm sure she'll understand why we do this once we explain it to her", Dillon answered back before kissing his brother on the lips, making Devon blush a little bit more.

"Yeah...but what if she tells Dad about this. You know how he feels about gay people", Devon added, fearing what their father might say if he knew about what his sons did in private. Dillon saw the potential risk and knew that if their father found out that they'd probably get lectured about it repeatedly. Their father wasn't from Mason Island originally, he was from Kansas and he grew up in a household that believed homosexuality was "immoral". Madeline never knew this side of her husband, but if she did she'd probably be upset over it since she did not believe the same way as he did. The boys simply had to hope that their mother would be able to keep their relationship a secret and not let their father find out about it.

Once the boys were cleaned off, they got clean clothes on and went back to the kitchen where Madeline was still sitting by the table. She had relaxed a little bit, but still felt a bit shocked over what she had witnessed several minutes earlier. However, now that her sons were fully clothed, she tried her best to put that image out of her mind while Devon and Dillon sat down next to her at the table. "Mom...are you OK?", Dillon asked softly, testing the waters a bit to see how she felt.

Being alone at the kitchen table gave Madeline time to think of questions she wanted to ask her sons and she had several. "How long have you and your brother been doing this? Did you two feel this way about each other for a long time, or is it something you recently discovered?", Madeline asked calmly while Devon and Dillon sat at each side of her.

"Dillon and I always loved each other, Mom. However, we didn't truly find out how much we loved each other until a few years ago", Devon explained calmly while taking one of his mom's warm flareon hands as she faced Devon and listened curiously until Dillon added to the conversation.

"We got curious about what it would be like to have sex together and...well, I guess one thing led to another", Dillon told his mom as she continued to listen and let out a bit of a sigh.

"I should've known it was going to come to this eventually. You two were always close to each other and you always seemed to want and do things together. How could I have not seen this ahead of time?", Madeline told her sons calmly, beginning to understand why they felt the way they did and seeming supportive of her boys. "However, I'm also curious about something else. Do you two feel attracted to other males...not just each other?", she added, wanting to know more about their sexuality.

Devon blushed intensely and looked away from his mom while Dillon got up the courage to tell his mom the truth. "Sometimes...but so far Devon and I have only done it with each other. We haven't had sex with any other males...or females, for that matter", Dillon explained as the last part of Dillon's statement definitely caught his mom's attention.

"Females? Does this mean that you two boys aren't just interested in having sex with other males?", Madeline asked curiously as Dillon continued to show his courage in explaining it for both of them.

"Yes Mom...Devon and I think about having sex with females too. However, we don't want to do it with any random girl we meet. We're not in a major hurry to have a can wait until after college", Dillon explained to his mother. "Besides, once we do meet the one female we want to have a relationship with, we want to be sure that she'll still let us do what we want to do with each other", Dillon added as his words gave Madeline a renewed sense of hope that maybe she'd get what she wanted from her sons after all.

"So, you two have never done it with a girl before?", their mother asked the vaporeon boys curiously as Devon and Dillon shook their heads.

"We want to Mom, it's just that we don't want to do it with any random female. We want to do it with a female who we know we'll be able to trust and will let us live the way we want to live. I know it might sound odd that Devon and I like doing what we do together, but we love each other very much and we don't ever want that to change", Dillon answered as Madeline listened and started to develop an idea in her head.

"Do you trust your mother?", she asked calmly, looking at both of her sons as they each wrapped their arms around her.

"What kind of question is that, Mom? Of course we trust you!", Dillon answered promptly while Devon began to nuzzle agains the side of Madeline's fluffy flareon cheek.

"Yeah, you gave us life and you've always been around for us whenever Dillon and I have needed you", Devon added as Madeline began to murr softly and lick her lips in a playful manner. "Um, Mom...are you OK?", Devon added a few seconds later as Madeline took both of her boys by surprise by reaching down into their pants and grabbing hold of their sheaths.

"You boys have always been good to me. I remember all of those times you two liked to snuggle up against my warm body when you were little eevees and fall asleep at my side before I tucked you into your own beds and kissed your cheeks. However, you're not my little eevee boys any longer. You're both grown up and should be free to make your own decisions and no matter what kind of relationship you boys have, I will always love you", Madeline told her sons while stroking both of their sheaths, making their dolphin-like vaporeon cocks emerge. "However, before I let you boys get back to your lives, I was wondering if you two would like me to do something special for you...and I think you can probably guess what I'm getting at", she told them in a playful manner as both Devon and Dillon blushed and felt surprised.

"Mom...are you suggesting that you want us to have sex with you?!!", Dillon exclaimed as his shaft continued to grow more aroused, coming out of the sheath further while Madeline turned towards him and rubbed her nose against his.

"Yes sweetheart...I want both of you inside me. I've actually wanted to let you boys do it to me since you were still eevees and while you still had knots. However, I've never had the chance to get you boys all alone to express my deeper love for you", Madeline answered as Dillon's eyes became as wide as saucers and his mouth hung open. "I hope that this is OK with you. I mean, it's not every mother who'd offer to have sex with her sons to show them that she loves them", she added while removing her hands from their pants and blushing a bit.

However, Dillon and Devon moved in closer to their mother and each kissed her on the cheeks. "It's OK Mom...we love you too", Devon replied a few seconds later as he felt his prehensile cock growing more aroused and beginning to twitch a bit in his pants while Dillon was feeling similarly.

"Yeah Mom, we don't mind doing it with you. However, what would Dad say about this if he found out?", Dillon asked his mother curiously as she blushed a bit and caressed both of their crotches with her hands.

"Your Dad doesn't need to know about this and I'll make sure that he doesn't find out about it. You boys can have sex with me now and we'll worry about the fine details later", Madeline replied softly before kissing each of her boys on their lips, giving them a small sample of her flareon heat as each male felt their shaft instantly spring forth to full arousal upon contact with their mom's lips. " do you boys want to do it. Do you want to take turns with me individually, or do you want to do it together?", Madeline asked curiously.

With both of their cocks standing fully erect inside their pants and precum beginning to soak them, Dillon went over to his brother and whispered into his ear. He had an idea for how they should do it with their mother that would also allow them to have fun with each other. Devon seemed to be willing to do it as Dillon went back over to his mom and told her what his idea was.

"Devon and I want to do it together. We figured it would be best if we all did this as one happy family", Dillon answered his mom as Madeline smiled and kissed both her sons again.

"That sounds like a good idea, sweetheart", Madeline answered happily before standing up from her chair and taking off all of her clothes. It wasn't the first time that Devon and Dillon saw their mother fully naked, they had stumbled upon her without clothes on in the past by accident. However, there was nothing accidental about this time. Both of the vaporeon twins got to look at their mother the same way that their father got to look at her, seeing her slightly chubby but attractive appearance for themselves. She may have been in her early 40's, but Madeline looked more like a flareon fem of about half her age. Her breasts were "C-cup and had magenta colored nipples that stuck out quite a bit from them. She took things nice and slow for her sons, letting them get a good look at their mom in a whole new way. "So, what do you think of your momma now, boys?", she asked them in a playful manner, blowing kisses to her boys as Devon and Dillon felt the same kinds of feelings for their mom as they did for each other.

Their hearts felt like they were racing, their prehensile cocks wiggled around in their pants, eager to get into the warmth of the same vaginal canal they had come from and their eyes were focused on their mom's surprisingly attractive look. The two brothers couldn't help feeling like they did about their mom and stood up from their chairs, dropping their pants and boxers for her to reveal what they had underneath. Madeline saw the two erect vaporeon cocks and saw how they moved around as they stood up, making the inside of her vagina become wet in anticipation of what was to come.

She then walked over to her sons and held each of them close to her fluffy flareon body, having both of them rub their cocks against her legs while precum began to dribble on them. "I take it this means you like seeing me naked, don't you?", she asked her sons in a sweet tone before holding them tight and kissing each of them on their nose. "Well, I think you boys are rather attractive too, and you also seem like you'll be a lot of fun to play with", she told them happily while walking with Devon and Dillon towards their bedroom. "Come on boys, let's go somewhere comfortable so we can do a little bit of mother/son 'bonding'.", she added a few seconds later as the two vaporeon brothers followed their mom, still keeping their shafts rubbing against her sides as each of them spurted precum onto her hips and thighs while they made their way towards the bed.

Once they were there, Madeline let her boys go and climbed onto the bed first, laying on her side as she looked at her sons and smiled. "Well, what are you waiting for? Come join your momma in bed!", she told them playfully as Devon and Dillon followed her instructions and climbed into bed with her. They each chose a side, with Dillon facing her front and Devon from behind. The instant that they were in bed with their mother, their prehensile cocks made their way towards her openings, with Dillon's tip brushing against her vaginal lips and Devon's touching up against her tailhole.

Madeline felt Devon poking up against her tailhole and turned towards him. "Devon sweetie, do you think you could move yours down a little?", she asked Devon calmly, wanting to feel both of her sons touching her vaginal lips. Devon blushed a bit when she mentioned this and moved his shaft down so it touched against the warmth of her outer lips. Now Madeline felt both of her sons rubbing against her vagina.

" two are just dying to get inside your mother, aren't you?", she told them cheerfully as each male rubbed against her vaginal lips and periodically touched against each other. As they did so, precum came out of both of their tips, coating Madeline's outer folds (as well as each other) while each shaft throbbed strongly with sexual excitement.

Madeline liked this feeling but also had a desire for more. "Go ahead boys, poke your tips inside me and let's have some fun", she coaxed to her sons playfully.

Both Devon and Dillon seemed a bit confused. They were used to having sex with each other but not with other females, so they were both a bit timid at first when she coaxed them to enter her. Eventually, Dillon decided to go first and had his tip wriggle between his mom's vaginal lips and score a hit on her vaginal passage. Once it was inside, his eyes lit up and he felt his maleness throb rather strongly with approval.

" feel so warm inside!", Dillon commented with surprise as Madeline smiled and caressed his cheek.

"Of course it is...I am a flareon, after all", she mentioned to Dillon as the curious male pushed his shaft further into her passage, letting his tip reach all the way towards her cervix, much to her delight. "Mmm...and I see that you like how I feel in there, don't you?", she asked a few moments later, having one vaporeon cock inside her excited vaginal passage, feeling Dillon throbbing and spurting precum inside of it.

Gradually, Devon started to get more interested in sex with his mom and had his shaft poke against her opening before it slipped inside her and brushed up against his brother's length. Upon entering her vagina, Devon felt the throbbing of his brother's shaft and started to get more aroused himself, shooting his own precum into her passage as well as onto Dillon's cock while Devon pushed deeper into his mother until he was in as deep as Dillon was.

Now Madeline felt two strong vaporeon cocks inside her hot flareon folds, holding both of them tightly with her walls as they became quite wet and slippery. She felt each of her son's producing precum from their tips, seeping through her cervix while their strong throbbing continued, making Madeline more excited to see what her boys would do to her. She never felt two males inside her at one time before, but now that she had, Madeline definitely seemed interested in letting her boys do this again.

"I think you boys know what to do now, don't you?", she commented to both of them once they were both buried inside her vaginal passage, trying to coax each of them to have sex with her.

Sure enough, both Devon and Dillon began to hump their mom, moving together as their penises rubbed against each other as well as against their mother. It was a warm and very wet experience for both males as the mixture of her juices and their precum made passage quite easy while their eager prehensile shafts wiggled around a bit inside her while they moved.

Meanwhile, Madeline embraced Dillon tightly against her body while Devon was clinging to her from behind as she enjoyed the dual massage from her sons. They filled her passage quite well, each of them rubbing against one part of her vagina while she felt spurts of precum from two different directions hit her hot insides. "Mmm...yes...momma is proud of both of you", she coaxed sweetly to her sons while enjoying the feeling within her.

Her comments helped to excite and inspire her sons even more as Devon's hands went down to his mom's hips, grabbing them tightly before he leaned in closer to her and began to lick at the side of Madeline's neck in a playful manner. At the same time, she felt Dillon's tongue licking at her from the front, licking the space just above her bosom while each male kept humping her at a moderate pace.

Madeline was thrilled with their behavior as she clutched Dillon close to her body and kept feeling Devon clinging to her from behind. "I love you too", she told them sweetly while her walls grabbed them a bit tighter while her body temperature increased a bit, hoping to stimulate both of them to go a bit faster.

Devon and Dillon both reacted to the increase in her body temperature like most males would and started thrusting faster, increasing the rubbing motion between them. Both of their shafts thickened inside their mom's reproductive tract, becoming more sensitive to touch and more responsive to sexual stimulus. That stimulus worked its way into their balls, making them churn vigorously while each of their tailholes began to quiver excitedly. Furthermore, while they moved together, Dillon and Devon began to use the prehensile nature of their penises to periodically wrap around each other for a second or two, showing that it wasn't just their mother they were thinking about while they had sex with her.

As this was going on, Madeline felt everything that was happening inside her, hearing the loud moans of sexual pleasure coming from her sons as she smiled and allowed her boys to have their fun. The spurts of precum against and into her cervix became more frequent and more powerful while their combined throbbing increased, letting Madeline know that they were getting closer to showing her how much they really loved her.

Naturally, she welcomed everything they did and kept coaxing them along, tightening her grip around them some more and allowing her body temperature to spike at her will. She knew from experience that if she made males think that she was receptive that they would have bigger climaxes and produce more semen. However, since her sons were new to having sex with a female, she wasn't completely sure if it would affect them in the same way.

That question would be answered within a short amount of time though as Devon and Dillon kept humping her rapidly while rubbing against each other at the same time, feeling the intense pleasure of mutual rubbing and sexual intercourse getting to them as their balls churned strongly. They kept doing this for a few more moments until each of the males felt that they couldn't hold back any longer.

Right before they climaxed, Devon and Dillon coiled their penises together, holding onto each other tightly while each of their tips were aimed at their mom's cervix. This had been their plan all along from when Dillon suggested it to his brother. They figured if they were going to have sex with their mom together that they would try their best to climax together while also being able to share their own bond. Then, with both males moaning passionately, Devon and Dillon flooded their mom's hot womb with their semen.

Madeline felt two powerful streams of vaporeon cum rush into her uterus, rapidly filling it as it entered. Their semen seemed to be a bit thicker than their father's and it came out in much greater volume. Part of this was because they had decided to become vaporeon, but part of this was also because of the fact that they did engage in sexual activity together. Their bodies had been "trained" to produce more seminal fluid and have bigger climaxes as a result of regular prostate stimulation. However, none of this mattered a whole lot to Madeline, who felt her insides getting covered in their semen, receiving so much of it that it began to seep back out of her cervix and coat Devon and Dillon's penises while they kept pumping in more.

It was a hot and very messy climax for both of the brothers, as they took a moment to exchange a kiss with each other while they were still filling their mom together. Madeline saw this for herself and giggled. "Hey, save a kiss for your mother, you two", she commented in a playful manner as Devon and Dillon both blushed a bit and felt a bit ashamed about getting caught kissing. "Aw, don't feel like that boys. If you two want to kiss each other, I won't mind. I just want kisses from each of you too once we're done", she added a moment later, trying to show them that she didn't mind their sexual preferences.

Their mother's words made Devon and Dillon feel more comfortable as they continued to keep their penises coiled around each other while pumping in more of their combined seed into their mother's reproductive tract. After a few more minutes, they had filled her to the point where their mixed seed began to bubble out of her opening, coating both brothers in their warm and sticky fluid as they shared another kiss with each other. They loved this feeling, the feeling of being together inside one female while also enjoying the warmth of their loads all over their flexible vaporeon shafts. It wasn't quite the same feeling they got when they felt it being pumped into their tailholes whenever they received sex, but it still felt really good to them.

It took Devon and Dillon several minutes to satisfy their sexual urges inside their mom's vaginal canal before they began to settle down inside her. They uncoiled from each other as they felt her walls ease back a bit, however they continued to hold their mother tight while they remained inside, letting their bodies calm down naturally as Madeline felt the sticky warmth deep inside her body, feeling quite happy with what her boys gave her.

Eventually, they pulled out of her, having both of their cocks completely covered in their mixed cream. They looked at each other quite curiously, seeing how much cum that had been leftover on them as they were tempted to lick each other clean. However, Madeline wasn't done with her boys yet. She wanted to spend more time with them and made her intentions quite clear by kissing each of her sons on the lips after sex.

"You boys can get back to having your fun later. Right now, I want you two to focus your attention on me, OK?", she explained to them calmly, not wanting to stop with what they had done already. Devon and Dillon still wanted to lick each other clean, but did what their mother asked, pouncing on top of her a few moments later as they both licked her cheeks. At the same time, their semi-erect and cum-covered penises rubbed against her hips and upper legs, wiping their precious semen onto them as Madeline murred happily and embraced her boys. "That's more like it", she told them cheerfully, feeling the warmth of their seed slowly dribbling out of her vaginal opening while much of it remained deep inside.

Madeline stayed with her sons through the rest of the night, giving Devon and Dillon more lessons on how to have sex with females. She gave both of her sons oral sex and let both of them cum inside her vaginal passage a second time before the three of them slept together on Devon and Dillon's bed. When morning came, Madeline took a shower to make sure she was nice and clean before kissing her boys on the lips one more time. It was time for her to leave the boys to their independent lives once again. However, before she left them, Madeline told her boys that if they ever needed her again that all they had to do was call and she'd come on over.

Devon and Dillon would consider it, but for now they knew that they had each other. Besides, as much as they loved their mom and as much as she loved them, they were just "playing" together. Eventually, the two boys would have to find a female of their own age to share, but neither of them was concerned about doing that right now. For the moment, Devon and Dillon pretty much decided to continue the relationship they had together and maybe have their mom get involved every once in a while. They felt that they could trust her to keep their relationship a secret from their father and they also wouldn't say a word about what they did with their mother to him either.

The End

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