Under Control - Chapter 2 - Real Men

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#3 of Under Control - Commission

Well, here is the next chapter in the series. This time we follow John and his two sons, Nate and Tyson. What will happen when the older dog finds his boys in the midst of self-abuse? Hmmm... let's find out.

Once again, if you enjoy the story, please give me a comment, a fave, a vote, a PM, anything you like and tell me. I write these stories for you and your enjoyment. Thanks for reading.

EDIT: The fur who commissioned the story wanted the boys to be a little more tough and cocky with a bit more dirty talk. Hopefully this passes muster. Thanks for reading.

Under Control

Chapter 2 - Real Men

Commissioned Work

The gym was finally closed, and John was able to enjoy a well-deserved shower. He stood under the hot water and sighed. The gym had been brutal tonight. He had to break up two fights, spot several people, and do two personal training sessions. He also would not get to see Derrick tonight because the wolf had to stay home with Josh. John figured that Derrick might actually be going through with their pact, and that had kept him hard almost all day. He wondered if and when he would be able to do the same. The doberman pulled into his driveway and looked at the house. Lights were on all over the place meaning both of his boys were still home and up.

He thought about their deal often, and it usually resulted in a furious pounding on his cock, and tonight was going to be no exception. Just the thought of teaching his boys the ways of men was making him hard as a rock. His paw traveled from his neck, down over his strong tight pecs, past his defined abs to arrive at his throbbing meat. "Yeah, you do look good you handsome dobie you. I bet you love being touched, even by yourself." He grabbed hold of his tool and began to work it just the way he liked, slow and stead, making sure to touch every inch on the way up and down. He closed his eyes and envisioned his sons both on their paws and knees in front of him, little stubby tails wiggling back and forth. He would kneel behind Nate first and take his hole, pounding into his older boy with abandon while Tyson watched and panted, begging to get it too and encouraging his father with nasty words. John panted and groaned, unable to hold back for very long with those images running through his mind. He growled and grunted, spraying his load onto the tiled wall of the shower, so much so that the tile looked to be textured. The canine washed the wall down and got ready to leave, much happier than when he had entered the shower stall.

It was pretty late by the time John returned home. The doberman pulled into his driveway and looked at the house. Lights were on all over the place meaning both of his boys were still home and up. Nate had turned 15 several months ago, and Tyson had just turned 13 last week. Ever since, John had been waiting to find the right moment to induct his boys into gay sex like he and Derrick had discussed. The tired canine unlocked the door to his home and stepped inside, placing his things down and looking around. He could not hear the television on in the living room. A quick scan of the living room and the kitchen revealed neither of his sons, but there was evidence that they had been there. He figured they must be upstairs in their rooms for the evening. He smiled and headed quietly up the flight of stairs to the second floor, finally hearing the sound of the TV going somewhere. The sound led him to his older son Nate's room, the door partially open. As he neared, John distinctly heard the sounds of a female moaning and panting quite loudly. His curiosity piqued, the dobie moved to the door and listened in.

Sure enough, Nate was in his room watching some kind of porn video. He could definitely hear the sound of some male seriously abusing a female. With just a little movement in the door frame, John could get an angle on the television. On the screen, a very large and well-endowed horse was plowing away at a rather small and very vocal female fox. The outline of the stallion's massive member could almost be seen protruding from the young girl's gut.

"Yeah, ram her good horse man. Give her just what she wants." The enthusiastic boy in the room was clearly into the scene, but it wasn't Nate's voice he had just heard. It was his younger son Tyson.

"Darn right little brother, pound your cock just like he is pounding that fox." That voice was definitely Nate.

John shifted his position again and opened the door just a tiny bit more so he could see where the voices were coming from. There, on Nate's bed, the two dobie brothers were laying side by side, each one stroking their own cock, eyes glued to the TV. Each boy would look over at what the other one was doing every once in awhile, clearly turned on by the whole situation. The older male's mind was reeling. This was too good to be true. He waited and watched, his own cock throbbing even though he had taken care of business at the gym earlier.

His two sons were getting off together watching porn, and he was getting off watching it happen. Both boys were moaning and panting, encouraging each other with their words.

"That's good Tyson, keep stroking it that way. Doesn't that feel great?"

"Yeah Nate, it's awesome. Looks like you are enjoying it yourself."

"I have been doing it this way for years. Always gets me right off."

The panting, grunting and moaning continued, both from the TV and the two busy doberman boys in the room. John watched in rapt fascination as his sons worked themselves over in a frenzy. Little yips and barks were coming from them as they went, until finally Tyson's cock exploded with his load, getting his dark brown tummy all stained while Nate watched. Just a few moments after Tyson went, so did Nate, painting his own torso with his thick musky seed, a little more copious than his brother. John turned around and quietly walked away.

"It is time then" he said to himself with a grin.

After dinner was over, John instructs his boys to go clean up and meet him in the living room to talk. The boys do as they are told and report back to the living room to see their dad standing there waiting for them to arrive. The older male waits patiently for his boys to come down. "Okay boys, I want you to take off all your clothes. Every bit, even the underwear."

The two boys look at each other, then back to their dad before Nate speaks up. "Why do you want us to do that dad?"

"I just want to check on how you are maintaining your bodies. You both are teenagers now, and you have to make sure you stay in shape." He made sure they knew that he didn't want to be questioned again. The two shrugged and started to undress. John couldn't help but renew his hardon right then as he saw the two boys strip down to nothing in front of him. His need was increasing, but he knew to keep it in check for now at least.

Once they had shed their clothes, John stepped towards his children. He reached out with eager paws and felt the forming muscles and their hardness. He nodded to himself, and smiled at every giggle and huff his paws elicited from the boys. One paw traced down each young dobie's chest, over their tight but still invisible abs. Then his paws slid around behind and started a climb up each boy's back, getting a shiver in response. The older dobie's paws then slid back down each back to land on solid little rump cheeks which earned a squeeze. The motion caused the boys to jump, each feeling just a bit uncomfortable, but they would never argue with their father.

"Very nice boys, you are keeping up well with your training" John said in the manner of a drill instructor. "Need to work on those stomachs, but you are both young yet. Still though, I think you need to see and feel a real man to know what you have to look forward to." With that, the elder male stripped off his own clothes, standing before his sons completely naked, massive hard erection and all. The young boys looked their father in the eye, not really wanting to gaze at his erect maleness, though they couldn't really help it. "Come on boys, check out my muscles as well. You have such good bodies already, you will probably appreciate this."

Nate was the first to approach, putting his slim and small paws on his father's bicep which John flexed for him. The pup gasped at how hard and firm the muscle became under his grip. John smiled at this, happy that his son approved. Tyson eventually wandered his way over, not wanting his father to become upset or angry with him. His paws reached out and up to feel his fathers abs, the rippled muscles danced under his fingers a bit, partially from being tickled, and partially from the older male enjoying the touch. Both dobie boys were emboldened by their dad's response, and their nimble fingers roamed more freely.

"Wow Dad", Nate exclaimed as he touched his father's chest, "you are so strong and handsome. I hope I grow up to look just like you one day." Tyson, nearby, nodded in agreement.

"Thanks boys, I appreciate that. Also, you both have very nice cocks on you." He grinned, both boys' eyes tilted down to see that they had throbbing erections now as well as their father.

With a blush on his muzzle, Tyson looked back up to his dad. "Yours is awesome Dad, so huge. I bet that leaves the females hurting the next day" He emphasized the word huge with childish wonderment. "I've only seen one that big before in some movies or on the internet." The youngest dobie slapped his paws over his muzzle as if he just accused himself of some wrongdoing.

"It's okay son, we all have looked at porn sometime in our lives. I know you two have been watching, and I don't mind. Just don't go getting into those situations yet, you both are far too young. Speaking of which, are both of you single?" He watched his pups' reactions, both looking at each other a moment then back to him and nodding. "Ah well, why is that?"

Nate spoke up. "I guess we just haven't found the right girl yet, Dad. But I can't wait to pound some girl. I think about some of the chicks at school, and I just pop a boner right there. I see some of the girls staring at my bulge. It's great."

"Well, what about finding the right guy?" John quirked an eyeridge as both of his boys began to laugh a bit. "You know I wouldn't love either of you any less if you were gay. In fact, I am gay."

His boys both looked somewhat surprised, but they rushed forward and gave him a hug, telling him that it was okay and that they weren't mad.

"Thank you boys, I appreciate that. But how do you know you are both straight? I think you should know what a man can do for you before you decide, so I'm going to help you." With that statement, John reached down and grabbed one hard young dobie cock in each of his paws and slowly started to stroke them as he fell to his knees. His paw worked over each cock carefully, but firmly, both boys completely still in their shock at the sudden change in the conversation.

The older dobie was on cloud nine, head swimming as he leaned over and took his older son's cock into his muzzle, finding himself able to take it all the way to the root after the practice he had had with Derrick's massive member. He swallowed over the meat in his maw, his tongue sliding along the underside and over the tip. Nate couldn't help but whimper and moan. All the while John's paw kept working at Tyson's eager young meat, the pup panting lightly as he watched the display before him. With a pop, John released Nate's meat only to take it back in paw as he switched and started to suck on Tyson's cock. The change earned a yelp from the youngest male, though that sound was followed by a deep moan of pleasure. The boys had never felt anything like this before. They had only been pawing off together for a couple months.

After a few minutes alternating between the two hot and horny lads, John pulls off and looks at each of his boys in turn. "So, how did that feel?"

"Oh man Dad, that was amazing, it felt so good" Nate blurted, unable to hide his sexual enthusiasm. Tyson added "Oh yeah, so hot. I loved the way your tongue wrapped around my tip and rubbed, just like the females in porn."

"I'm glad to hear that. Now you should show me what you learned. Both of you get on your knees and suck on my cock and balls for a bit." John stood back up, his proud ten inches jutting out from his body. His pups looked on in fascination as it bounced with John's heartbeat, throbbing and leaking anew each moment.

Each young male hit the floor, four paws reaching out to tease the sensitive flesh, making their father moan and grunt in approval. "Oh yeah boys, that's good, get a good feel. Just make sure you both go in for a taste as well."

The boys nodded and Nate moved in to give the leaking tip a lick. He murred as he tasted the pre for his first time, really liking the flavor of it. So much so, that he dove down and took the first four inches of hard dobie dick into his muzzle and began sucking on it like a lollipop to get more of the delicious treat. He pulled back off and looked up to say "Such a big dick you have Dad, thick and tasty. It felt pretty good plugging my throat." Tyson watched a moment before his muzzle went lower to his dad's plump balls, licking over the wrinkled skin to taste his father's musk. Finding it bitter but still good, the youngest pup began to give both orbs a tongue bath the likes of which John had never really felt. He gave loud gutteral moans and growls as both of his sons pleasured his long cock. He couldn't think of anything better than watching the two teens work over his dick with all their might. Tyson pulled back and licked his lips. "Dad, your balls are massive, and salty. I never thought that licking a big sac like yours could be so good."

Before he could blow, John told his boys to stop and stand up. They followed his orders with ears perked, each licking their lips to get the last of flavor off of them. The older male smiled at his boys and told them how much he loved them and how much they meant to him. Each one replied back in the same, and the family engaged in a group hug, three naked male bodies pressed together.

"Okay boys, when we get down to this, I want you to remember to call me Daddy, Master, or Sir. I think it will make it more fun." His boys nodded to his request, and he grinned. He moved closer to his heirs and proceeded to grope them both, feeling up their bodies from head to toe once again. The two could do nothing but whimper, moan, and shiver under their sire's touches, relishing in the feelings he was giving to them. Each one was panting, on the verge of bursting when John decided it was time to up the ante. "Alright Nate, time to teach you what being with a real man is all about. Lay back on the couch with your legs spread wide and show me and your brother that hot little butt of yours."

Nate's ears lowered, but he obeyed. "Yes Sir" he said as he did as he was told. He lay back and spread his legs, the inner brown fur showing. His stub of a tail wagged a bit as both the males looking on smiled and nodded their approval of the boy's display. "You guys like my ass? I made sure to work on it hard to attract the girls, but I'm glad you like it. I bet it is making you both all hard and ready to mount isn't it?"

"Lovely Nate, simply lovely" John pointed out. His paw wandered between his legs and began to slather his copious pre over his length, wetting it down with the slick fluid in order to take his son's virginity. "This may hurt son, quite a bit at first. But you will get used to it and end up enjoying it. Don't be afraid."

Nate nodded. "Okay Daddy, I believe you. We were watching a horse pound a fox like crazy a lot. Your dick looks almost as big. Try not to let it rip me apart." His paws gripped the couch cushion on either side of him and he held on tight, pretty sure he knew what was about to happen. He turned out to be correct when his father knelt between his legs and aimed his gargantuan meat at his pucker and pushed. John urged his son to relax, saying sweet words and rubbing his pup's chest gently as he added more and more pressure to the unrelenting muscles of Nate's backside.

With a sharp intake of breath from the boy, John's head popped inside. Nate grit his teeth together against the pain, and John remained perfectly still to allow his son to adjust. "Oh yeah Nate, you did so well. I'm so proud of you. Breathe deeply and try to relax, I'm going to start pushing in a bit more."

His older son took a deep breath and let it out slowly, eyes closed as he focused on relaxing the muscles of his virgin ass. John felt when he succeeded, and began to push ever so slowly farther into his son's body. He groaned at the tightness, and the amazing heat that was surrounding his shaft. He never felt anyone quite this tight before, even Derrick who had been an anal virgin when they first met. After several minutes, John bottomed out in his oldest son's ass, giving a final grunt as their balls pressed together. "Good job son, you took the whole thing inside you."

Nate was sweating, but he smiled up at his father. "Thank you Sir, you helped me a lot. It hurt like crazy, but it is settling down already. I bet it is hard not to just start bucking into my tight virgin ass. Your big dick is stretching me so much."

John nodded to his son, already starting to back his hips out in his first thrust, to which Nate reacted well. The pup groaned and threw his head back in pleasure. "Good boy, see how good a big dick can feel buried in your ass. Hot damn, you are so tight."

Nate grunted and moaned, each thrust pushing some button in his body that electrified him, pleasure spiking throughout as he felt the hot dick pulsating inside him. His paws gripped the cushion beneath his rump hard and tight, claw marks appearing in the soft fabric. The young dog grit his teeth at the slight pain, then gasped at the heavy pleasure, loving the feel of his father's control over his body and his pleasure. He moaned deeply at the in and out, the older dobie keeping up such a good pace. He grunted, his tailhole clutching hard at his father's cock, willing it to go deeper into him. "Fuck yeah Daddy, it feels so good having your hot dick in my ass. You love my hot body and my tight hole, don't you?"

John growled and moaned, feeling the tightness his son's body offered him. His grip tightened on the hips of his boy, allowing him to pound him harder and deeper, reaching as far into the young body as he possibly could. Elder eyes wandered up and down the tight body of the male he was penetrating, lusting after the boy he was taking, loving every second of the act. His body betrayed him slowly, his pleasure building faster than he would like. With a deep growl and a particularly hard thrust, John shoved his entire shaft inside Nate's body, eliciting a loud yelp from the boy, before he shot his load deep into his son's bowels. Once he had emptied his body into his oldest son, John collapsed on top of him panting and growling. Nate was panting as well, sweating and groaning with the feelings surging through his body.

"Make me cum Sir. Push me till I cum Dad. I want your load inside me." John begins to hump again slightly, barely moving back and forth into his boy. Nate barks and squirms, his father's quick jabs punching his prostate swiftly and accurately. After several of these thrusts, the young male jerks his hips and howls out loudly, his load pulled from him without the use of any paws, muzzles, or holes of any type. His juices spray from his tip and cover the fur between his body and his own sire's, leaving him messy and content. John slides from inside him, smiling down at his son. "Such a good boy." Nate smiles back up at him and lays his head to side, where he quirks his eyeridge. On the chair nearby, Tyson his furiously pawing at his cock, trying desperately to cum.

"Tyson, stop what you are doing. You can't cum yet. I do not permit it." John announced somewhat sternly. The younger pup blinked a few times before he took his paw from his aching and dripping shaft. A low whimper comes from his throat, his cock throbbing and bobbing up and down with his rapid heartbeat. John then rolled off of his eldest son and sat on the couch, stroking his limp meat slowly with a low growl of pleasure on his lips. Watching his youngest son pulse in desire was getting him hard again, his pole rising to the occasion with amazing swiftness. "Your turn my youngest son."

Tyson nodded and turned over on the chair, wiggling his tight little ass back at the male who brought him into this world. "Yes please Daddy. It looked so good when you shoved into Nate. I want to feel you push into me. I want to feel your ripped body against mine." He gripped the top of the chair tightly and waited for what he had seen Nate receive not a few minutes before. First he felt a paw slide down his back and over his pert rump, his stub flicking back and forth as he murred at the feeling. A cold sensation moved through him when he felt the slick substance touching his virgin hole, and he sucked in a breath. "Sorry son, have to use some actual lube on you, I'm not producing anymore myself."

"Okay Daddy, I understand. Your paws feel amazing on my body. I know you like it. I can't wait for you to fuck me like you used to fuck Mom" the young pup said as he wiggled his rump. He bit the soft cushion when his felt one of his father's thick fingers push into his backside. He whined at the initial pain, closing his eyes and focusing on relaxing as Nate had been told. He could feel his dad's finger go deeper, then slither back out, then in again, each push making a shock of pleasure move up his spine. He didn't even really notice when another finger was slid inside him along the first, a move designed to help stretch his newly opened ass. The youngest dobie could not say anything as his tailhole was slid open and stretched expertly by his father. After several long moments, he finally was able to gasp out "please Daddy, please put your dick inside me!"

His son's begging was too much for John to resist. He removed his fingers and spread some extra lube over his twitching cock to make it as easy on his smallest boy as he could. The older male rested his knees on the chair, and placed the tip of his once-used cock against yet another virgin hole. No other male could count themselves this lucky, to have two unused asses to present to him. He would relish it forever. John grabbed his young son's hips and jabbed forward gently, spearing his youngest son who gasped and whined. The elder doberman whispered calming words to Tyson, still slowly sliding his cock forward. He stopped when he was only about halfway, not wanting to hurt the pup.

The older dog kept his hips from pushing forward any farther, instead only doing short outs and ins to pound his baby boy's prostate. The pleasure was undeniable for both of the males. They both cried out in their joy, moaning, grunting and panting. John was in heaven, his second orgasm of the night seeming to be more intense than the first. He leaned over his son's back and felt along his slim chest, pinching the hardened nipples and getting a bark in return. One paw held tight, the other traveled lower and felt the hard pulsing meat of his son. Clearly the boy was enjoying himself and the ride he was getting. This spurred John to continue, bucking his hips only halfway, but constantly and roughly.

Tyson barked and growled, groaned and squirmed, his body tormented by the rampaging shaft. "That's it Daddy, pound my ass. Make me into your bitch." John closed his eyes and lost himself in his lust. His hips continued and slammed forward and back, never pushing farther than he trusted to. This was enough. Each thrust brought him unnamed pleasure, and one step closer to a more powerful climax. He wanted it, and brought himself to the brink in mere moments. With a triumphant howl to the stars, the older male filled his youngest son's ass with his thick puppy juice, though quite a bit less of it. He pumped his load into his boy and fell back, his cock popping from his son as John fell on his haunches.

The youngest dobie flopped over onto his back again, his rigid cock pointing up at the ceiling, its owner panting and groaning with need. "Please Daddy, please let me cum. I need to cum so badly."

John looked over to his spent son Nate and nodded. "Come on Nate, let's both help to get your brother off. He looks like he really needs it, and I think he earned it."

The older of the two boys got up and knelt beside his brother, John kneeling on the other side. Together they leaned in and attacked the younger dobie's cock with their tongues. Two wide flat tongues rubbing all over the musky cock. Tyson moaned and laid back, watching the two older male's tongue his shaft all over. "Lick my growing cock. I hope it gets as big as yours Daddy." His cock leaked juicy pre from the tip all down the length, which was caught by the swiftly moving appendages and taken in to be tasted. Two murrs of appreciation coming from those males. Tyson couldn't take much of this treatment and howled out as his cock erupted, sending a flood of teenage seed onto the heads and muzzles of his two compatriots. His hips bucked in the throes of his orgasm, the pup reeling from the pleasure.

The two messy dogs picked up the third, and the three of them all kissed each other, tongues moving to taste and play with one another. "I love you boys, so much."

"We love you too Sir, both of us" said Nate, to which Tyson agreed with a quick nod of his head. "I promise to keep working on my body. I want to look just like you, so big and tough."

"Alright my strong young men, what did you think of all that?" John quirked his eyeridges and perked his ears.

"It was actually amazing. I think I can get into this whole guy thing, though I still like girls. One day soon though, I want to be able to ride one of you. I think it will feel so good to have my dick inside one of you." Nate smiled at his father, confident in what he was saying.

"It was so good Daddy. Watching your muscles move as you took Nate, and the way you just pounded away at both of us was incredible. I could have touched you forever." Tyson looked up at his dad with so much pride.

"So long as you can give it a chance. I thought you might like it, runs in the family." He chuckled and put his youngest son down. "Okay boys, let's take a shower and hit the hay."

The two smaller dobie's nodded in agreement and followed after their dad, three stubby tails wagging back and forth as they went.

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