The All-Nighter, Part 1

Story by Cassie Valentine on SoFurry

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#1 of The All-Nighter

Why did I delete this??? I don't even know. It's sad, really. Sad.


To be honest, I don't really have much of a life besides school and playing video games online with my friends... although, when you're merely fourteen years old I suppose it isn't all that abnormal. My Wednesday nights generally mean playing video games until the late evening when I flip off my console and switch back to satellite and tune in to my favorite weekday-night sitcoms.

This particular night, however, I was spending at my best friend Oscar's house. My parents always find it a blessing when one of my siblings or I manage to escape the confines of our cozy home; they probably find it relieving. The Enhydes were a very kind family of otters that lived in a suburban area, yet still owned a very tasteful, semi-luxurious home.

And I was doubly excited, because I was confident that this was going to turn into an all-nighter of video games, pizza and an assortment of good movies and television programs to commentate over. I mean... that's what we do, it's our thing.

It was just before the sun began setting in the early evening that I knocked on the Enhydes' door.

"Just a minute!" I heard a female voice echo through the innards of the house frantically. I stood on the cement steps in front of the old-fashioned brown door, my left hand fidgeting excitedly while my right clutched at the bag in my hand. "Wait!"

Suddenly, I heard the metallic clicking of two or three locks, and then the door swung open revealing an attractive female otter; her brown hair was all messy and frizzled, like she had driven a convertible with the hood down for too long, but she was a wearing gentle-blue dress that accentuated her mammalian curves.

"Nice dress," I told her. "And hair."

She rolled her eyes, "'Sup, lizard? Why so blue?"

Stephanie Enhyde was Oscar's older sister and high school senior. After becoming friends with her brother, the two of us had a bit of a playful rivalry when it came to simple things like trivial information and opinions on life; we even occasionally played online video games together. She always called me lizard, even though my mother had explicitly asked her to stop, saying that calling a dragon a lizard is like calling a diamond a rock. The blue part was her way of poking fun at the vibrant indigo that covered my form.

"Nothing much, mammal," I replied. "But seriously, what's with the look?"

"I'm sneaking out tonight," she said. "But when the parents aren't gonna be home, that's what you're supposed to do. Sneaking out is normal... you guys are sneaking in."

"It's not sneaking if both your parents and my parents know we're here," I clarified.

"Yeah, well, both parties think I'm sticking around all night. Truth is, I won't be back until pretty late."

"That's cool," I shrugged. "You go do your high school thing. We'll behave... mostly."

She giggled, "Oscar's downstairs. Feel free to go begin your junior high thing. I have to go fix my hair."

"Desperately," I added.

"Yeah, whatever," she said, walking back towards the heart of the house. "Can you close the door? You know, assuming you don't slam it on your wings again?"

"Ugg, I hate you!" I exclaimed. "You'll never let that go."

From across the corridor, I heard her laugh.

After shutting the door, I crossed the corridor and headed for the dining room to the right. Only a single incandescent bulb lit up the room, its light reflecting over the dark, polished, marble counter-tops and hardwood flooring.

A few scattered plates lay about the island in the middle of the room, along with an empty pop can and a copy of the newspaper. When I reached it, I hovered over the black-and-white pages; it was flipped open to the recipe-of-the-week.

After placing my bag of video-game accessories and controllers onto the floor with a clunk, I flipped through three pages to the game page. I don't do the crosswords or the Sudoku, I simply like to go to the bottom of the page and read the horoscopes... a little tic that I can't help but gratify every time I come into contact with a newspaper or magazine.

I quickly skimmed through the Today's Hopes and Disasters, laughing at how the paper's astrologist, Dahlia Sparrow, seemed to always find a way to congratulate in an even more esoteric fashion whoever's birthday it was at the moment. I skipped to my goal...

Pisces Today you'll learn that in order to spread your wings and learn how to fly, you just have to throw yourself off the tree branch.

I rolled my eyes; this horoscope was written by a bird and has now been read by a dragon. You can certainly throw 'cryptic' out the window.

"Raurian!" Through my thoughts carved the voice of my best friend, Oscar Enhyde. "Glad you're finally here. I've got, like, three new RPGs that we just have to try out!"

I grinned. Oscar had much paler fur than his older sister, which contrasted with his usual choice of dark, casual clothes. This was the opposite of myself; I wore lighter shirts and jeans to ease the dark blue of my scales. Because his clothes were baggy and somewhat untidy, it was difficult to make out his figure, but I knew from past experience that Oscar was quite fit for a mammal of his age, but not buff-looking. It was especially admirable since all he really did all day was just play video games and prowl around on the internet.

"What, are they new?" I asked him.

"I got them last weekend," he answered. "I've already played through them all at least once, but they have awesome graphics. They're only single player, but trust me, they're worth watching at least."

I nodded, "Well alright, but let's start with online multiplayer first, then move on to split-screen multiplayer, and then we'll play your RPGs."

"Cool," he said.


The first few hours of gaming were spent on a first-person shooter that took place in some sort of fictional human war. Playing as one of the fleshy, gun-wielding war fighters as they ceaselessly tried to kill one another was quite fun. The macabre style of this particular game was addictive, and I always seem to get a lot of pent-up violence released when I participated in this particular game.

A lot of laughs were made whenever a rather enjoyable kill was made; both in hysterics and maniacal deviousness. Oscar took the opportunity during one of the many intermissions to order us some pizza; despite the restaurant only being down the street from Oscar's house, it took a crushingly long time for it to arrive. When it did, Stephanie finally decided to leave the house, and Oscar decided to start up one of his science-fiction RPGs for us to play through so that we could eat without worrying about getting murdered horribly.

The two of us laid on our fronts before the television, and I watched as Oscar maneuvered his male human character around a fantastically well-designed space ship and was followed by a couple of very creative alien characters.

"I have to go to this last planet," Oscar explained to me. "The main antagonist is hiding some sort of weapon there. According to the guides online, that'll be the final boss fight."

"Alright," I said. "How much longer until you get there?"

"Actually, this is the cool thing," Oscar said, with a mischievous tone. "First we have to watch my character get laid."

I froze, "Wait, what?"

"Yeah!" he exclaimed. "In this game you can set up a sex scene with your character and this other human character."

"But that's-"

"Look, you see?"

I gazed at the television. Sure enough, the screen gently faded to black on the two aforementioned characters, and a light piano melody began to sound. A bit of heavy breathing could be made out, and a few intense scenes flashed quickly. Then, the entirety of it came into focus slowly, and I kept watching.

Oscar simply watched the cutscene; judging by the look on his face, he could have felt a little awkward, but for the most part he seemed indifferent. I, on the other hand, found myself a little too enthralled.

The vivid pictures and charming music were all that I needed to get attracted to the scene. It wasn't at all explicit or graphic; there wasn't even any genitalia. The only real physically appealing part of the scene was a few instances of side-boob and glistening thighs and abs.

To be honest, it wasn't the act that was so arousing, but the entire situation. The romantic aspect of it was alluring; I couldn't help but picture in my mind what the human characters were feeling as the felt each other, kissed each other and charmed each other.

I shifted in my laying position awkwardly, trying to hide my discomfort. Oscar just kept watching in apathy, something I wish I could do. Despite how much I hated watching it while he lay next to me, I couldn't help it.

I cursed myself in anger and self-irritation when I felt my member start to stir and a heat begin to rise in my crotch. Embarrassed, I moved my legs slightly in order to make myself a little more at ease with my growing situation. Oscar noticed this, and spoke.

"You alright?"

I nodded, "Don't worry, I'm fine. I just have to go to the washroom."

"Oh, okay whatever," he said. "After this cutscene it just goes to another, so go do what you have to."

"Oh, alright," I said. I placed the controller in front of me and pushed myself up with my arms. I was particularly careful on turning away from him so that I could hide the slight hump in my pants.

Knowing the layout of the Enhyde household fairly well, it only took me a moment to find the bathroom. In a single, swift motion, I pushed the door open, spun my body one hundred and eighty degrees and pushed it behind me. I was in such a mental turmoil that I didn't even check to make sure it was actually closed.

For a moment, I peered at myself in the mirror with a tad of revolt at the reason I was there. But there was no way to dissuade me from doing it. I had to relieve the tension; else it would trouble me for too long a while.

Without any further dithering, I stepped over to the cramped corner where the toilet projected out from behind the washroom counters. Then, I impetuously undid my front button and unzipped my fly as I positioned myself to sit on the solid white seat. As quickly as my jeans came unfastened, they were halfway down my thighs, and the only thing containing my bulge was my pair of slender- but quite comfortable- boxer shorts. With a single digit from both my hands, I traced around the entirety of the waistband and lowered it only a few inches; a sufficient amount of displacement to expose my obsidian-black, draconic member.

Settling into my spot, I leaned back against the porcelain backside, outstretching my sapphire wings so they pushed slightly against the wall and counter adjacent to my corner. I kept my feet planted flat on the floor as I wrapped three claws gently around my aching cock.

I softly closed my eyes and leaned my head back as I began very slow, dainty strokes. At first the pleasure was very slight and teasing, but it was exactly what I needed. I took a deep breath and continued; I found it difficult to sit comfortably without slouching too far, so I pushed myself back up with my legs.

When my head tapped on a cupboard above the toilet, I took my left arm and outstretched it upwards towards it, effectively keeping my body both pushing up and pushing down simultaneously. As I felt my caressing begin to satisfy the itch I had, my body relaxed a bit more, allowing me to sink deeper into the act.

In this position, my mind was free to wander. Images spammed my mind, trying to coax some sort of reaction from my body. The fantasies that bombarded me were very assorted, but I eventually thought about the scene that put me in this position in the first place.

Twinges of pleasure ran through my form as I pictured very explicit- and arguably very unrealistic- re-interpretations of the rather clean depiction that I had witnessed moments earlier. My imagination was brutally distorting the images; I saw vicious penetration, an overabundance of fluids... I heard lusty bellowing and could even feel the otherworldly heat of everything.

I began licking my lips suggestively as my body responded well to the overly-wishful scenes; my member twitched gleefully in the grip of my- now more rapidly- bobbing fingers. The bliss of the deed was growing in my groin, making my breath heat up and my wings twitch. I was beginning to get absorbed in it, and I felt my posture sink and my ass slide across the toilet's cover. To catch myself, I raised my left leg and placed my foot on the wall; my jeans were pulled taut between my legs, and I felt my burning crotch get more air, and the cooling sensation was surprisingly gratifying.

My breathing rate increased with this new boost of pleasure. I instinctively bucked my waist and lashed my tail with every wrench of it, and I suppressed a moan. When the bliss began rippling in rhythmic throbs throughout my body, I began to feel warm, and I stretched my wings out in response.

I couldn't help but kick slightly at the wall, moving my entire body back and forth as I stroked even faster. I was forcing my eyes shut now, my mouth gaped open dumbly and making scratchy sounds with each hearty exhale. The pictures in my mind melded into a simple embrace of the pleasure I was delivering to myself, and my member grew to its absolute rock-like solidity in my grasp.

When the ripples of bliss turned to a long drag in my loins, I knew I had reached my climax. With the remainder of my breath, I grunted loudly and primitively and arched my entire body upwards; my extended arm clawed at the cabinet above me and my legs shook vulnerably. I ceased my stroking and simply squeezed at the base of my shaft, its blackness now somewhat rosy.

It took barely a second for my cock to start convulsing violently and begin spewing out glistening strands of my seed onto the lower half of my shirt. Time seemed to stand still during the first two discharges, the semen gathering in globules a few inches from the pulsating head of my member.

As I sighed delightfully along with the jerking of my hips that came with the third release, my heart jolted when the door of the washroom swung- seemingly without any sound- open to reveal my care-free otter friend.

With the draconic instinct that accompanied ejaculation, my wings had stretched out as far as they could, making it appear that I had filled nearly half the bathroom, so it didn't take Oscar very long to identify where my body was sitting.

"Raury, you've been in here for like-" then he saw me. "Dude!"

My eyes shot wide open and my breathing ceased immediately when I perceived the presence of Oscar watching me just in time to watch my cock emit two more strings of dragon cum.

I probably only hesitated for a moment before physically reacting to my friend watching me climax, but it felt like an overwhelmingly long time. When I finally did, my feet hit the floor first, and then my right wing covered me up.

My brain went through the entire spectrum of emotion in those two seconds, but when I looked back again, Oscar had already spun himself out of the room and closed the door.

"Oh... God, wow," I heard him say from the other side of the door. "I'm really... wow, okay, I'll just... go back to where... I was now."

Despite still being in the afterglow of an overall successful masturbation, I buried my head in my hands. The level of embarrassment I was experiencing was indescribable, and so I did what I thought I should; I got cleaned up and exited the washroom as fast as possible.


The next few hours went by excruciatingly awkwardly. When I emerged from the bathroom, Oscar was flustered but pretended that all was well and normal. I distinctly remember apologizing one too many times; he kept on trying to get me to move on, insisting that we both forget about it. However, he still looked at me different every chance he got, so I eventually suggested we just go to bed despite it not being as late as we both anticipated we would pack it in.

I had effectively ruined the evening for both of us.

Oscar's bedroom was sizeable, so we both were going to sleep in it. I was confined to a small air mattress on the floor, which irritated me because I always end up waking in the middle of the night with either my tail or my wings bent against the floor. I didn't voice my complaint, though, considering the hole I had now placed myself in.

When undressing for bed, I started taking off my pants when Oscar asked, "Wait, are you getting naked?"

"Naked?" I asked. "No! I don't do that, only you do."

"Right, right," he said as he took his shirt off. Oscar wasn't a very built kid, but his furry mammalian features were always alien to me no matter how many times I saw it. I never really talk to him about that sort of stuff, though. "Sorry, I was just... I, umm..."

My tone grew a little more agitated, "Fine, I get it. After what you saw, you're all... whatever. Let's not make this weird, alright?"

"No, it's not that!" he insisted. "Well, actually, it's kinda like that. Well, no! It's an honest question!"

"Fine, fair enough," I said. By that time I had tossed my jeans in an untidy pile beside the mattress. With just my boxers on, I slowly laid myself down on the felt mattress.

While I had my gaze momentarily away from him, Oscar threw himself under his sheets and proceeded to fiddle and maneuver underneath, until his head and chest reappeared and he triumphantly displayed his pants and underwear in his hand and threw them to the ground. When I saw this, I rolled my eyes.

Usually, Oscar and I end up chatting about things until we got too exhausted to talk. But I knew that a conversation was unlikely to occur considering the unwavering anxiety that still gnawed at me.

But to my surprise, Oscar spoke, "Look, Raury, it's not like I think you're a freak or anything..."

I responded, "I never said-"

"No, I know," he interrupted. "It's just that it's pretty obvious that you're really embarrassed and stuff, which is fine and all but to be honest I don't think anything of it."

I huffed, "Sure you don't."

He shuffled in his bed and faced me, "Why do you think that?"

"Just leave it."

"No, seriously."

I turned and faced him as well, "Well, I know that if I caught you... you know. I'd probably be really weird about it."

"But why?" he asked. "I actually think it's cool." He paused, but then he widened his eyes, as if he had only heard what he had just said himself and realized how it sounds. "Well, obviously when I say... what I mean is... Ah, fuck."

I gave him an inquisitive look, realizing that he is clearly trying to give me a different message.

He sighed. "Listen... Raury, sometimes, when it comes to things like this... you know, private crap... I just think you're kinda mysterious. I don't want you to feel at all ashamed of yourself with me."

"Well, I'm..." I tried to come up with words to describe what I was feeling, but I simply ended up saying, "I'm sorry, I guess. You're right, I... I shouldn't make a big deal out of this."

"'Cause you know," Oscar started again. "Seeing you like that-"

"Okay, don't even go there... those kind of sentences while I'm all vulnerable and crap..." I interjected. I wanted to sound stern but I just ended up coming across as somewhat playful.

"Well, can you blame me?" Oscar asked.

At those words, I sat up. From the way I heard it, Oscar was meaning to say the complete opposite of what I thought he had been meaning to say since he saw me.

"Wait, what?" was all I could ask.

"Dude, what I saw could arouse anyone," he shrugged. "But let's just keep that part a secret, okay?"

I was in disbelief. What I had perceived to be sarcastic irritation since Oscar caught me was actually... interest?

"I..." my voice was barely audible.

"No, Raury, it's not like I'm... well I could be... but I don't want..." he was scrambling to vocalize his words. All the while all I could think of was the prospect of my best friend being sexually attracted to me; and what frightened me was the lack of disgust I had for it.

He continued, "You just, umm... I don't know. I'm just in a weird state of mind right now, so, like... just forget it."

I spoke quietly, "Listen, I'm not saying that... It's not that I don't..."

Oscar was now laying on the very edge of his bed; as he looked down at me he clutched at his sheets gently. "Don't worry, I get it."

There was an overwhelmingly awkward pause. I shifted in my sitting position, causing the air-mattress to make rubbery noises as it scraped the floor slightly. I couldn't help it... At this point in the conversation I felt like I owed Oscar for being so understanding.

I also realized that the idea of doing what it was that my mind was now telling me to do was not only appealing, but at this point it seemed very possible.

I took a deep breath, "But?"

Oscar then sat up on the side of the bed; he hung his furry legs over the edge, and the only cover that remained was the sheet draped teasingly over his crotch just underneath his belly. "I won't lie to you, Raury... I started getting ideas since I caught you."

"Ideas?" I tried to sound at least somewhat appalled, but I just ended up sounding curious. I myself was starting to get ideas- no, desires- that were becoming almost too apparent.

"Yeah, as stupid an immature as it sounds," he looked down as he spoke. "But, you know, we're like best friends and-... I'd never..." He sighed. "I guess you could say that you aren't the only vulnerable one here right now."

I kneeled up on the mattress, and made eye contact with him, "Dammit Oscar, now you're corrupting my mind."

At that point, the idea of going forward with my urge had burned so agonizingly into my brain that I started to move towards Oscar's bed. He eyed me waveringly, "What? What're you doing?"

"I..." I wasn't sure how to tell him. Should I just say it? Admit that I wanted what he did? I leaned forward. "I'm throwing myself off the tree branch."

Oscar didn't even have time to try and comprehend what I meant. Without even thinking, I threw my upper body forward until my muzzle met his.

Not really knowing any real way to kiss, I mainly let my lips just gently contact his. I clawed at the edge of his bed, and he placed one of his paws on my bare chest. As the mild meeting of mouths continued, I began leaning forward more, forcing Oscar to start leaning back until he had to break from the kiss to catch himself with his elbows.

Oscar's face was beginning to flush slightly under his pale fur; he was now looking up at me with an apprehensive look. With one finger, I traced a line from the bottom of his rib cage down to where the sheet still swathed his crotch. I dug the finger underneath the fabric and gradually unveiled my best friend's semi-erect cock.

Oscar tensed up, and he spoke with hesitation in his voice, "Raury, I don't... I've never-"

I hushed him, "Neither have I. Just... relax, okay?" I kneeled down and craned my neck forwards so that my head hovered over his groin.

After taking another large breath, I took both my hands and rubbed them slowly down his belly. I started at his neck fur, and slowly caressed his chest, focusing a slight bit of pressure on his chest as I went. I felt him take a deep breath when I slid down his abs to his belly-button, and then further down. I went slowly in order to act as teasing and sensual as possible, but also to stall. I was desperate for some type of... strategy to what was about to occur.

As I neared his member, it began to erect; instead of lopping to the side it was now rigidly vertical. My common sense told me that I shouldn't let Oscar get too excited, but I myself was getting impatient.

"Keep relaxing," I whispered as I smothered all dawdling and dipped my mouth down to his cock.

Ignorant of any real, romantic way of doing the deed, I rather hastily consumed my friend's shaft with a single, wet intake. At first I tried to have only my lips contact the shaft, but I found that I could not prevent my tongue from drenching the bottom of it.

I placed my right hand on the base of him and put my left hand on his belly. I felt him relax on his bed as the warmth of my maw no doubt tormented his senses. He cooed a soft sigh as my tongue started to rub his member slightly.

I closed my eyes as I started to lift my head up, deliberately dragging my tongue along his rod as I did so. Through my hand, I felt his muscles twitch slightly. When my lips reached the base of his mammalian head, I began using my serpentine tongue to toy with his tip, which produced more violent jerks from his body. He didn't make a sound, though, he just breathed a little uneasy.

After another wrench of his muscles, I wrapped my jaw around him again, this time squeezing with my lips as I entrapped his girth. I really didn't have much of an idea of what I was doing; I essentially just did to him what I would've wanted done to myself... and the whole act was driving me crazy.

I was becoming slowly entranced in the suckling by the time I enveloped him a third time. I began developing a true pace; strained licking as I removed his cock, and grasping tightly with my lips as I devoured it. Oscar began to get a little tauter in his muscles as I picked up the pace; when I suddenly tried to get as much of him in my mouth as possible in a very impulsive move, he jerked upwards into my jaw, and for a slight moment, my lips met his loins.

Oscar groaned weakly, "Uhh... Shit, Raury..."

The sound of my name pierced through my brain's auto-please function and startled me somewhat. Stricken by a bolt of reality, I opened my eyes and slowed down my work, taking the chance to look at my friend in the eyes. His body was completely flat on the bed, and his arms were outstretched at his sides, his paws clenching the bedspread. He was giving me a sort of pleading look; like he needed me.

Thinking of something pleasant to do, I used my right hand to squeeze tightly on the base of Oscar's member. When I did, he bucked upwards, and just when he did, I swiftly removed the shaft from within my jaws and forcibly licked with moist accuracy the head of his cock, coaxing a boisterous cry from his lips. A sizeable drizzle of precum then forced its way enthusiastically from within, mixing with my saliva.

"Oh God," he cried. "You definitely know what you're doing..."

I reassumed my pace with renewed vigor after hearing the compliment. His precum now nuzzled at my tongue; for the most part it was tasteless, but it added a slight amount of lubrication that prevented me from doing my aggressive licking. However, the speed at which I was now going seemed to be making up for that, because Oscar was now panting with harsh grinds in his breath.

I then moved my hands away from their positions and held Oscar's furred thighs for a moment, and then I could feel- with startling accuracy- his muscles spasm with every couple of dips of my head.

Oscar made disquieting noises as I continued; it was like he was unable to keep up with his own breaths. He was gasping, swallowing and humping with enough gusto to have me struggling to keep up.

Seeing and hearing my best friend scuffle with such vivacity under the spur of my own mouth made me realize just how fired up my own loins were. My cock was just barely peering out from the waistband of my shorts, leaking clear fluids upon the undone laces. The heat and excitement of everything that I was doing and the responses Oscar was providing coaxed instinctive bucking in my hips; I found myself just barely brushing my bulge into the bed, which was enough to have me hiss a chafed moan around Oscar's member.

"Raury, I-" he stopped to bellow. "I'm gonna..."

I took my hands off his thighs and slowly carried them up to his chest, and began gently massaging him as he moaned in bliss. He tensed up once more, most likely in an instinctive attempt to stall himself.

At this point I lost control of myself again, and sped up. Oscar clutched in agonizing pleasure at the fabrics beneath his body as he humped into my head. The front of my muzzle kept hitting his groin and his back was no longer flat; he was arched upwards, but only enough that he was just an inch or so in the air.

When Oscar's breathing ceased to just barely more than nothing, I suddenly felt my whole body shaking in bliss; almost as if I was somehow empathetically sharing the feeling with him. Knowing what was about to occur, I locked my mouth shut, but before I could get his member in as deep as I could manage, the otter exclaimed once more before his entire body convulsed at the same pace as his cock.

I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head when the rod in my mouth twitched in ripples and expelled hot strands of silky cream into my awaiting maw. Once, twice, thrice... the inner linings of my cheeks and tongue were coated in Oscar's precious semen in such a small amount of time it was hardly perceivable. I tried to savor the salty taste and glossy viscosity as long as I could, but it came so fast and in such proportions that I had no choice but to attempt to swallow, which required me to dip my head back; Oscar's quivering member was so stiff that it simply slipped out of the grip of my lips.

"Aah!" he yelped as his cock suddenly got free of my jaw mid-eruption. Two large strings of cum jolted their way out of his shaft and flimsily spilled on my nostrils. I lapped at his cock, trying to claim for myself everything that I could. Oscar continued to grunt as he dribbled some of the remaining pearly liquid onto my awaiting tongue.

When I had concluded that I had finished the task, my excitement caught up with me and I found it hard to not pant. I didn't even bother wiping Oscar's semen from my face; I just stood up and collapsed beside him.

As I did so, both I and Oscar became suddenly aware of liquid all over my boxers.

"What's-" he started, but I interrupted.

"It's me..." I breathed. "I got myself pretty excited too."

"Oh," he panted. "Well that's alri-"

"Let's just drift, okay?" I told him. "Hopefully we won't stick together overnight."

He chuckled weakly, and then said, "My God, Raury... that was incredible. How did you...?"

"I don't know..." I responded. "I guess we'll have to blame adrenaline... or media corrupting my mind, or whatever. Let's not talk, just..."

"Okay," he said. He started to cuddle somewhat before whispering, "but can I ask you one question?"

"Umm... yeah, sure."

"What the hell was with the whole tree branch line?" he asked. "I don't get it."

I huffed exhaustedly, "Blame Dahlia Sparrow."


"I'll tell you in the morning."