Admit it!

Story by Noxxycat on SoFurry

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A private stream story thingie for the luffly FA: arkenshire :3

Who's fault is it? Mine for waiting until it was too late, or his for getting carried away? ;-;

Contains gore and death, and smushings. I haven't done gore in a while, feels nice |3

A gust of warm breath washed over a tiny bat, who was settled in a forest of thick black fur. The little pygmy bat stirred and groaned quietly. The umbreon's warm morning breath was quite effective at waking him up, as it usually was. "M-mmhr..? Arky..?" He chirped out, raising his head so it was no longer buried in the sea of soft black fur. "Morning, little bat!" Snickered out Arky, blowing another wave of hot air, engulfing the bat in his breath. He reached down to his chest and stroked Nox's head with a single finger, using his soft fingerpad to rub at the space between both of his bat's ears. "Mmf.. G'mornin', Bree. How'd you sle-" Nox was momentarily muffled as his face was gently pushed back into the umbreon's thick fur. Knowing the Umbreon, he was just doing it to tease and give him a hard time. Once his head was released, he rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out. "Jerk." He muttered, albeit, with a faint grin on his muzzle. "Hush, you love it!" Arky giggled out, as he pinched the bat's torso, and held him between two fingers. He deposited him atop his forehead, near the glowing orange 'doughnut', as Nox had once put it. Once the little winged 'rat' was atop his head, he folded both hands behind his head, and closed his eyes, grinning to himself. "Besides, you're so teeny, it's not like you can stop me. I can do -anything- I want, and you can only chirp and whine." "Hmf. Well I want my cloaker back, I'm sick of bein' all tiny." Huffed out the bat, who had curled up in the middle of the glowing ring, idly rubbing his cheek against the warm fur. "Besides, we've got to go to the doctor. I'm pretty sure my lungs weren't meant to be able to handle your cum." Arky chuckled again and angled his head downwards, causing Nox to tumble down along his forehead, and down to his muzzle. The umbreon opened his eyes and crossed them, focusing on the bewildered bat. "You sure didn't have an issue with being tiny, when I was rubbin' you between my feet." He teased gently, bobbing his head, jostling his little trainer. "Slut." He added, giggling at the flustered bat's reaction. "S-shutup!" Squeaked out the bat, his cheeks flushing brightly out of embarrassment. While he was fine admitting it during their footplay, it was difficult to get Nox to acknowledge what he had done to the pokemon's feet, after their little session was over. In reply to the little outburst, Arky reached up and demeaningly rubbed the bat's head again, treating him much as one would treat a pet. "There, there. No need to get all worked up about it, tiny. D'ya wanna play with my feet some more?" He questioned, already knowing what the answer would be. Surely enough, the bat answered with an affirmative mutter. "F-fine. Yes." Came his shy little reply. As soon as those words left his lips, he was snatched up and set on the hard wooden floor. He wasn't even able to get a single squeak out, before an enormous foot was set upon his tiny body, firmly pinning him beneath a vast pink solepad. There was a light natural musk coming from it. Arky, now sitting at the edge of the bed, reached over and plucked his phone off of a small oak nightstand. He idly wiggled his toes and alternated between heavy and light pressure, while he flicked through his touch-screen device. A mischievous grin spread across his muzzle, as he reached the camera

application. He brought his hand, phone in grip, down to his ankle. Nox was practically in heaven, by this point. The smooth and soft texture of the pokemon's sole, combined with the light musk emanating from the foot, was enough to keep his mind enraptured and easily subdued. His enjoyment was short lived, however. Arky raised his foot up, and right before the little bat's ruffled face, was the reflective lens of a phone camera. "Say hello to all your friends on facebook, Noxxy! I'm streaming this live!" Ark snickered out, watching as the bat's expression shifted from confused to surprised, to mortified. The micro was laying spread-eagle, with a pronounced erection. "W..W-wha.." Noxxy choked out, and stared in disbelief. It took him a couple of seconds before he finally reacted, curling up and using a wing to cover both his naked figure, and his beet-red face. Unfortunately for him, that didn't shelter him from the Umbreon's prodding toes. He was easily flipped onto his back, and pinned by a single toe. "Admit it! Admit that you love my feet!" Ark flexed his toe against the fragile bat's chest, eliciting a surprised chirp from him. Despite the high

risk of harming his trainer, Arky refused to let up. Surely, it wasn't healthy for Nox to deny himself in such a way. "Really, this is for your own good!" Nox squirmed, kicked, and flailed as much as he could. This was one thing he wouldn't admit, even if it meant harm. While a broken bone could heal, one's reputation was even harder to mend! What would the others think about him? A micro who likes feet? That was disgraceful! "I-I don't know what you're talking about! I don't li-" "Nox.." The umbreon began, speaking in a calm tone. "It's simple. Admit that you like my feet, and I won't crush you into a pulpy mess. That's a fair deal, right?" The pokemon angled the camera so the viewers could get a better look at the flustered micro's lower half; particularly at his oozing length. Sure, Nox could deny it all he wanted, but his body wouldn't be able to. "I-It's not true, though!" Nox chirped out in protest, gritting his teeth. In response to his denial, Arky shrugged and pressed harder, actually managing to harm him this time. Though the pokemon couldn't feel it, one of the poor pygmy bat's ribs had snapped and cracked beneath the weight of the

umbreon's toe. A discordant shriek came from the little bat, and the larger pokemon simply rolled his eyes. "Stop faking it! Why the heck is it so hard for you to admit one tiny thing?" Ark quietly growled out, patience wearing thin. "If you don't admit it, I'll crush you. I'm not giving you another chance." Huffed out the pokemon, placing his entire foot on the tiny bat. "I'll count to ten. One.." With each number, the pressure increased. Nox would've finally given in at five, but he came to the grim realization that he couldn't speak. He had no air in his lungs, and was incapable of inhaling any more, since the soft pink pad was firmly covering his nose and mouth. The Umbreon, however, was unaware of this. He simply thought that the insolent bat was just being defiant. This, in turn, made him even more upset. 'Why couldn't he just admit it? Stupid bat.' "I can't believe that you're -this- stubborn, Nox." Arky growled out, now at seven. The pressure was

crippling; the bat's bones were compressed tightly, threatening to break and snap at any second! "Whatever. Eight.. Nine.." He continued to count, and stopped briefly, before ten. "I'm giving you one last chance, before I really press down. Admit it and I'll let you go free!" Nox, in an attempt to get the pokemon's attention, bit down on the soft pink pad. His fangs lightly pierced it, sending a jolt of pain into the pokemon's large footpaw. 'Maybe this'll get his attention!' Thought the bat, desperate to escape the intense pressure. In a classic case of misinterpretation, Arky took the bite as further defiance. "You little fucker! -This- is how you repay me?! Ten!" He exclaimed, pressing as hard as he possibly could. A series of crunches, squishes, and loud snaps came from beneath the pokemon's foot. He twisted his foot in place, smearing the pulpy remains along the wooden floor, leaving a streak laced with little pieces of bones, fur, and mashed up insides. "Hmf.. Can't even admit a stupid fetish.." The umbreon muttered, tapping his phone, turning the video feed off. The

audience was likely shocked at what they had just witnessed; Nox's bloody demise. Arky sighed and slipped back under the covers, stuffing his head beneath the pillows. He'd deal with the mess later. "Stupid bat."

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