
Story by TyrusDoraneko on SoFurry

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#2 of The Love Game (NSFW)

The second chapter of my new series, The Love Game. I really love writing these--I can use my experience from gaming for something productive! :D

(Note: I made up all gamertags in the story, so any similarity to actual gamers of the same name are unintentional and coincidental and totally not my fault :P)

4lphaW0lf once more found herself in the dilapidated city, surrounded by rust and rubble. The fight was already well under way by the time she had appeared, so she hurried as fast as she could toward the sound of mixed gunfire.

The other three warriors had barricaded themselves in an second floor apartment on top of an old bakery. The wolf had to admit it was a good spot--it offered a clear view of the entire street, with the height advantage to boot, and by not camping out on the roof, they were mostly safe from aerial attacks. 4lphaW0lf fired off the three customary pistol shots to announce her presence and approached the building, keeping her distance from enemies as best she could. After a few tense seconds, the door was unbarred long enough for her to enter.

She was led to the second floor by a jaguar of large build and larger armor. He carried a high capacity assault rifle, with a sawed-off shotgun slung across his armored back. He had seemed disappointed when he opened the door to see her standing there eagerly with her undersized, underpowered weapons.

"Hope I won't be holding everyone back..." Trevor muttered to himself, readjusting his headset.

The huge jaguar, named Mylittletony9, opened the door to the command center. The stuffing from once-posh furniture lay strewn across the floor, and bullet holes comprised the wall fixtures. Judging by the amount of yellow-green bug juices that painted the walls, this had until very recently been a hive of the alloy-covered insects. Chairs lay smashed to bits on the stained carpet, and jagged pieces of glass sparked against the cracked tile floor of the kitchen. Poorly-rendered pictures hung crookedly from the walls, and it looked as if there had been a recent fire in the hallway. The place stunk of mold, burnt plastic, and death.

It was the best base 4lphaW0lf had ever laid eyes upon.

She briefly looked inside the hallway bathroom, and found it to be home to four large ammo boxes, half a dozen grenades, two medkits, and a discarded revolver. Looks like they've been stocking up, 4lphaW0lf thought, genuinely impressed. Mylittletony9 motioned for her to hurry up, and opened the door to the living room.

The room, about twenty feet by thirty feet, looked in much the same condition as the rest of the apartment, but with more bits of broken furniture (probably of a table and some chairs). A widescreen TV had fallen from its mountings on the wall and lay in pieces on th_e _floor. A large, bullet-ridden sofa, the only surviving furnishing, had been pushed up against the pair of windows that overlooked the street, providing some cover (and some comfort) to those inside.

There he was. The golden-brown tiger sat kneeling on the cushions with his elbows propped up the sofa's back, cradling his rifle in his paws and picking off enemies down below. His back was to her, and in that position his lightly-armored rear was presented to her in all its glory, striped tail raised in excitement and waving slowly back and forth through the air.

Trevor gulped as he stared at that ass on his hi-def laptop screen. His pulse quickened and he felt pressure building in his pants as he remembered the sexy voice that greeted him last time he and Werecat129 had played online together. He also couldn't help but remember the rudeness he had showed the tiger when Trevor left the server without warning, but that he could blame on his mom turning the laptop off. The mandatory meal that followed was one of his favorites, twice-baked potatoes, but Trevor tried to finish as quickly as politely possible, explaining he wasn't hungry for seconds (as much as it pained him to say it), and got back online Snatched Silence 2 in hopes of finding the alluring feline again.

He was in luck. Werecat129 hadn't logged off, and the server he was on had one open spot. Trevor joined as quickly as he could, even though it was filled with players at least three times his level.

"Well don't just stand there," Mylittletony9 growled, and went to lend a hand at the window. 4lphaW0lf tore her gaze away from the tiger's ass long enough to position herself by the window, but still keeping Werecat129 in the corner of her eye. A tall crocodile, named Steb_X3, stood in the corner, picking off unseen enemies with a high-caliber sniper rifle.

Werecat129 looked up briefly from the street. "Oh hey again, 4lpha," he said, with a smile. "Guys, this is the girl I was telling you about that blew up that bus. I've never seen enemies swarm so fast in my life!"

Trevor blushed behind his screen as the others snickered over their mics. "Guess my reputation preceeds me..."

The holdout dragged on, with monstrosities streaming into the street at regular intervals. Whatever Steb_X3 didn't headshot instantly was brought under a barrage of fire from the two felines and 4lphaW0lf, though her accuracy was considerably lower than the more experienced warriors. Her rate of ammo consumption drew sidelong looks from the others, and she soon had to go to the hallway bathroom and grab an ammo box. A minute later, Mylittletony9 had to do the same. Their supply of ammunition was rapidly dwindling.

A lull in the onslaught of enemies brought momentary silence to the street. Nothing moved as the four warriors breathed heavily and looked anxiously for the next wave.

"How many ammo boxes we got left?" Steb_X3 asked, interrupting the quietude.

"Two," Mylittletony9 replied, glaring briefly at 4lphaW0lf.

Werecat129 finally stood up from his seductive pose on the couch. "I'm starting to run low, myself. We need to hunt for more supplies."

Steb_X3 nodded. "Werecat, why don't you take the noob to some of the buildings across the street to search for ammo and whatever else you can find? Tony and I will hold down the fort here."

There was a slight pause as the tiger considered proposing an alternate plan, but Steb_X3's logic won out in the end. Snipers were no good at close range, and it was highly likely 4lphaW0lf would 'accidentally_' be killed by friendly fire if she was sent out with the moody jaguar. And forget leaving 4lphaW0lf behind to defend the base they had worked so hard to capture._

"Go ahead and take a medkit--better be safe than sorry."

A minute later, 4lphaW0lf and Werecat129 were outside the bakery with the door being hastily closed and barred behind them. Monsters were just starting to come out of the shadows again, so covering fire was provided from above as the wolf and the tiger ran toward the alley on the other side of the street. It seemed the dark space never grew any closer as they wove in and out of cars, rubble heaps, and piles of dead enemies, but they made it without incident. Senses alert, the two ran down the alleyway, careful not to run into an ambush.

Werecat stopped by a fire escape to one of the apartments, and slinging his gun over his shoulder, expertly jumped up to grab the bottom rung of the ladder. 4lpha did the same a second later, and the two were inside the dark, dusty place.

By now the wolf couldn't hold her excitement any longer. "So, uh, I wanted to say--"

"SHHH!" the tiger cut her off. He looked around for movement for a few seconds before he whispered "If you've got something to say, say it quietly. The louder you talk into your mic, the louder it will be in-game, and the more enemies you'll attract. But you don't seem to care about that, now do you?"

Trevor frowned. This was going well already.

"I wanted to say thanks for saving my ass on that last mission," she continued in a low voice. "Those tar bears always get me."

Werecat gave a quick nod as he looked in a closet for anything useful.

"I also wanted to say sorry for leaving the server unexpectedly. My--"

"Mom?" the tiger guessed. 4lpha smiled and nodded. "Yep, that's usually the case. Everyone knows the real final boss is your parents," he said with a rueful grin.

"Soooo, do you live with your parents?"

Werecat chuckled. "Not anymore, thank goodness. First year of college. You?"

"Next year. Can't come soon enough," the wolf sighed.

"I hear ya." He quietly searched through the bathroom cabinet, hoping to find some medkits. "So, I haven't seen any girl players in this game."

Trevor cocked his head to the side_._ Did he mean character models, or the people behind the screen? He reasoned that Werecat probably meant the characters in-game, because you don't actually see the other players. As much as he wished that were true.

"Yeah, me neither," 4lpha replied. This was apparently quite amusing to the tiger, who laughed louder than was his custom on missions. The wolf looked around anxiously, expecting tar bears to start pouring from the ceiling.

They searched the building methodically, looking in every room of every apartment for anything that could be useful. In one decrepit dining room they found a purse with 100 credits inside, which Werecat tossed to the noob, who obviously needed it more. She showered him with thanks until they climbed to the roof and he told her to be quiet.

The tiger pushed open the metal hatch and quickly surveyed the rooftop. Other than smashed A/C units and dysfunctional ventilation systems, it was clear. The two crept quietly over to the gap between that building and the next, waving to their comrades across the street to show they were fine, and they hadn't found anything. The minute form of Steb_X3 pointed toward the next rooftop excitedly, and 4lphaW0lf, being eager to please, jumped over.

If she had known the crocodile was violently gesticulating to warn them of the nest of black, oversized vultures, she wouldn't have gotten hit with the volley of needles as she landed.

Her armor kept her from being impaled, but the impact made her stagger back. She flailed her arms madly trying not to fall backwards off the rooftop to the alleyway stories below, and the vile birds cawed wildly, laughing at her situation (or her stupidity) as the bone spikes slowly regrew underneath their huge black wings.

Werecat opened fire on the antagonistic avians, and managed to fell one by the time the noobish wolf regained her balance, but the other four advanced upon her menacingly. 4lphaW0lf held up her rifle and sprayed the four with countless rounds of plasma slugs.

"Short bursts, dammit!!" the tiger yelled.

Trevor stopped long enough to reload and briefly consider what Werecat said. But if it's an automatic weapon, why not use it like one?, he thought. Only burst weapons work well in bursts, right? Then again, the tiger was by far the more experienced player, so, preparing himself for another grisly end, he took the advice.

4lphaW0lf gingerly pressed the trigger in quick intervals, making the rifle spasm regularly. She quickly found the recoil was much easier to control, and it seemed that more of the bullets were hitting, too. Sure enough, one of the vultures fell to the ground, and the elated wolf leveled her gun at the next one.

"Aim for the chest!"

Trevor frowned. Let me play my own game, will ya? "But headshots do more damage!" Trevor spoke into the mic.

"Unless you weapon has dead-on accuracy, you'll be missing too much to make it worth it," Werecat shouted. "Trust me!"

4lpha sighed and aimed lower. With the same burst technique she used before, she now blasted the bird in the midsection. To her surprise, all her bullets were hitting now. The black vulture's health bar was dropping rapidly, and within seconds there were just two enemies left.

But those that remained were uncomfortably close. Their spikes had regrown by now, and with a flick of their huge wings flung them at her. She expertly jumped, but the razor-sharp projectiles stuck in her feet. She yelped in pain as she landed hard on the rooftop and the spines pushed completely through her foot paws. Blood quickly started to pool around her as the vultures cackled.

"Next time, sidestep and jump at the same time!" Werecat called. "But watch out for the edge of the roof, of course."

The wolf winced. "Now you tell me!"

"And keep moving!" he added.

Pain shooting through her legs with each step, she left a trail of dark red paw prints as she moved away sideways from the things to give herself more time. She reloaded her rifle out of habit, and realized the old clip still had about a third of its ammo left. That burst thing really saves ammo!, she thought. She and the tiger kept blasting, and one more hit the ground.

The last of the birds shot more spikes at her, but this time, she was ready. She darted to the side and leapt into the air, and the spikes clearly missed below her and to the right. She laughed as she sailed a short distance through the sky, and shot at the vulture. Though only one or two of her shots actually hit it (she had never practiced shooting a target while moving vertically and horizontally away from it before), she took no more damage by the time it finally squawked and lay down in a feathery mass in defeat.

4lphaW0lf panted heavily. Her feet were killing her and her hands were numb from shooting so much, but she was alive. The last time she ran into a nest of those things she had been clawed and pecked apart after being pinned to a wall by the spikes. This was considerable improvement. And with it comes considerable profit, she mused.

Werecat129 hopped over to the feather-strewn rooftop. "You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah," the wolf said with a blush, "thanks to you. I sorry I'm such a noob..."

"Hey, everybody's gotta start somewhere, right?" The burly tiger smiled and produced the medkit from his pocket. "Here, you need this more than I do."

She took it, and looked up into those deep blue eyes. "Thank you..."

"No problem," Werecat said with a grin.

Trevor breathed as heavily as if he had taken on those vultures himself. He's such a gentleman... Werecat was starting to be too good to be true. Yet there he was, his guardian angel, his teacher. Trevor licked his dry, trembling lips. "So, um... What's your name? Your actual name, I mean?" he asked his mic. "Sorry, I mean, that's kind of a weird question but I'm just cur--"

"Bryce," the tiger on the screen rumbled, cutting off Trevor's nervous chatter. "My name is Bryce. And you are...?"

Trevor swallowed. "I'm... Trey."

Werecat129 smiled genuinely. "That's a cute name. Nice to meet you, Trey."

He thinks I'm cute!!!11!!!!1!

The Stray Cat, Ch. 7

Confused and in disbelief, I followed Mr. Hattori out of the tiny kitchen and out into the dojo area. He turned right, and headed for the door that I had not been in yet. He opened it, and walked right into the darkness beyond. _Is this another test of...

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The Stray Cat, Ch. 6

The next couple of weeks passed with the same pattern. I slept for fifteen hours a day (a good day for a feline), ate simple meals prepared by Mr. Hattori, and attacked him with questions which were rarely fully answered. I quickly found that he did...

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_The wolf tumbled helplessly through the air, no longer knowing which way was up. The impact had caught her off guard, but in hindsight, she should have known that would happen, she'd been doing this long enough._ Always look around corners first, _she...

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