Digimon: Guilty Pleasures - Ch 4

Story by Gryphie on SoFurry

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#5 of [Digimon] Crystal Destiny

Robbie's body responded involuntarily as he collapsed to his knees at Leomon's sharp yank. He whimpered softly in fear, unsure what to expect. Leomon laid a hand on Robbie's shoulder, in part to reassure him, and another part to quiet him.

The thudding footsteps came closer and stopped several feet away, to give them a clear picture of what it was.

It had four legs, tough grey skin, and had 3 horns on each side of its head, with an ugly dark gem glistening in its forehead. The eyes glowed reddish-gold. It seemed to be trying to find something.

Leomon gazed in dismay -- that was a Trimon. One of the legendary dinosaur digimon that he had thought passed away eons ago. What was one of them doing in this area? As he spied the gem, he frowned grimly. Of course. One of the Mist's creatures.

Leomon hissed softly, well within Robbie's earshot. "That's a Trimon -- a legendary dinosaur digimon I thought had become data, and never was reborn! It seems to be looking for us. There's no other reason. I've been steering us around the known populace of the Mist's creatures. Why here, and why now?" He frowned, kneeling behind bushes, watching it intently.

Robbie whispered, "If we keep quiet, it may go away?"

Leomon shook his head, whispering back, "Doubtful. It's here for a purpose. The Mist must have found our approximate location and may have been following us since we left the cave."

Robbie knelt there, fast thoughts running through his head. Was this what he was here for? to try to liberate these digimons? He had no idea how to fight, let alone begin to liberate them. What power did he have? He had felt no different even after accepting the Digiegg of Hope. How could he use it? He began to despair until his digivice beeped from his thigh. His eyes widened as he scrambled to still the beeping.

Leomon whirled his glance toward the digivice, suddenly afraid that their position had been exposed.

Robbie grabbed the digivice off his belt and started pressing any buttons in the hope of silencing the insistent beeping. He grew frantic in his motions once he noticed the Trimon fixated on their direction.

Leomon growled, slightly angry at the digivice who had the most inopportune timing. "I'll try to distract him, while you deal with that."

Robbie gulped, then grew angry. "Stop your damned beeping and tell me what it means!" He was about to smack the digivice on its side, when dark hatred swept through his mind, immobilizing him to the ground without any warning.

Leomon crept around the Trimon and growled loudly, distracting the Trimon who promptly turned around, then charged against him. He screamed out in defiance and held out a fist, channeling all his energy into one ethereal blow at Trimon's crystal. It scored, forcing the Trimon back only a couple steps, then it shook its head slightly, and stood there, staring at Leomon. The horns suddenly glowed blue, and lightning arced into one bolt, that hit Leomon in the chest.

He screamed, as pain exploded through his every limb from his chest; he flew back and hit a tree with a loud thud, sliding down, feeling dazed. The Trimon stood there, staring balefully at Leomon.

Robbie was fully aware of what was going on, but he couldn't move a limb. Once he saw Leomon being struck by a lightning bolt by Trimon, instinctual rage tore through the hatred that had held him to his knees, forcing him to his feet. His chest hurt abominably -- it felt like it was on fire. He blinked, then stared at the digivice, then at Trimon and Leomon's dazed form. He suddenly could sense their pain, and hatred. Leomon felt as if he were only registering the pain, and there was only one feeling of hatred and evil. He glanced at the Trimon, and the feelings of evil and hatred sharpened and intensified.

Now he was feeling what others were feeling? His eyebrows knit together in puzzlement. How could he use that? His chest still hurt like hell, but if that was feeling Leomon... what if he could tune him out, temporarily?

He closed his eyes, and focused on the Digiegg in his mind, trying to isolate the hatred and darkness he had felt. A white aura started glowing around Robbie, with tendrils of energy reaching out to Trimon. The dinosaur digimon felt the energy, whirling to face Robbie, and in it's panic, tried to backtrack, but the tendrils coalesced into one stream of light and struck the dark gem squarely. The light of hope poured into the gem until the gem couldn't withstand the power and exploded into motes of blackness, then faded away. Robbie's eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he collapsed into unconsciousness.

Trimon's red eyes faded into a pale gold, then looked around in confusion, then started walking away from them. Leomon stood up, feeling stiff from the pain that still resided, but he knew it'd pass soon. He had been surprised that Robbie had managed to use a digimon power, and he wasn't sure if it'd have a side effect or not. As far as he remembered from the legends, none of the digidestined kids had actually acquired any powers, only artifacts that allowed them to digivolve their digimon partners into more stronger forms.

His heart raced slightly in panic once he saw Robbie collapse. He ignored Trimon, after realizing that it was no longer controlled, and it was leaving anyways, running to Robbie's side. Leomon whimpered softly, hoping Robbie was well. His hearing picked up Robbie's heartbeat -- slow and regular. Relief swept through him, making him exhale softly. It seemed as if the digiegg did give him the power to help save the Digital World, but if his human partner kept collapsing every time he had to use that power... He cursed that they were too far from their previous shelter, and they were only about two day's travel to the Tree Kingdom.

He had no choice but to stay here, and hope Robbie woke up soon. He decided to try to wake him now. They were too vulnerable here in the open forests. Slightly slapping Robbie's face with as little strength in his paw as he could muster, he growled. "Wake up, Robbie!"

Robbie's head lolled back and forth without any reaction, until several minutes later, he suddenly moved, with a groan. Leomon smiled down at him. "Good. You're awake. How... How do you feel?"

Leomon frowned and tried to hide the worry from his voice, and seemed to be doing well enough for Robbie slowly sat up, then looking up into the most beautiful blue eyes. He suddenly had a surge of emotion fill him with worry, fierce protectiveness, and desire. He moaned as a headache stabbed him in the forehead, pitching his head in his hand forward slightly. Leomon knelt on the ground, and suddenly held Robbie by the shoulders in his paws, to keep him from falling over.

Robbie felt rather hollow, all of a sudden, then tiredness overwhelmed him, nearly making him pass out. He had to ask something before sleep took him again. "...Tired. Hollow. The Trimon?"

Leomon ached to hold him to his chest until he woke up, but restrained himself. "It's gone. You helped save it from the Mist."

Robbie smiled softly, making Leomon's heart ache with the beauty. "Ah. That's good." He swayed again, his eyes closing.

Leomon shook him awake. "No! Don't sleep. Try eating something." He encircled Robbie's shoulders with one arm, and tore into their provision bag, pulling out a fruit bulb. "Eat!"

Robbie groaned as Leomon demanded his attention. It was so hard to focus, but he saw the fruit bulb in front of his face, and tried to grab it. His stomach suddenly roared in a low rumble. His arms felt like lead, and didn't want to move.

Leomon held the fruit bulb in his fingers in front of Robbie's mouth, and hoped he'd have enough sense to start eating. For some reason Robbie didn't seem to be responding, and he was deeply worried about his partner's state. Serious doubts were starting to creep into his mind about whether Robbie could handle or control any digimon-like powers. He felt a sense of urgency as Robbie didn't react, then a surge of relief when he started nibbling on the fruit. Soon, he started chewing loudly on the fruit, and looking a bit more alert.

As Robbie finished off the fruit, he suddenly burst in tears, grabbing Leomon's waist in his arms, in a surprisingly strong grip.

Leomon froze, unsure what to do, then awkwardly patted Robbie's back with one paw, wondering what to say. Whispering soothingly, he rubbed Robbie's back, saying, "It's alright. You're safe."

Robbie's tears stopped after several minutes, until he reluctantly pulled away, and wiped his eyes. His voice was low and gruff. "Sorry.. I don't know what came over me."

He bent around and collected his digivice. Once he did that, he turned back, he glanced at Leomon with alarm in his eyes. "...Are you okay? I saw you get hit...!"

Leomon nodded, suddenly surprised that he bore no pain whatsoever. He touched his chest, and felt that his chest fur had been slightly singed, but he felt fine. "I seem to be just fine. I have no pain anymore."

Robbie stood up in front of Leomon, looking up into his eyes. He hesitated, then touched Leomon's chest in amazement. A lightning bolt should have at least burnt his chest or something. Leomon should be dead. "Oh." He absent-mindedly left his hand in Leomon's chest fur, and Leomon covered his hand with his paw, and smiled. "I am glad you are alive too."

He blushed, and quickly pulled his hand away. "Yeah. Me too."

Leomon's smile didn't falter because he was enjoying Robbie's reactions, but he sensed there was something slightly different about Robbie now. "If you are feeling capable... we ought to be on our way."

Robbie chuckled. "As long as I get another fruit, yeah." He was starting to get addicted to those fruit things. They were so damned delicious. Leomon laughed softly. "Of course. There's plenty. I believe there's more on the way."

Robbie beamed and dug into the bag for another fruit, and picked it up, slugging it over his shoulder. It didn't seem so heavy to him, so he thought he'd try to share some of the load. Leomon started walking along with him southward to the Tree Kingdom.

Leomon chatted with Robbie about this region, the types of digimons that lived here, and in Tree Kingdom, along with landmarks, for the next several hours.

Robbie was starting to feel itchy all over, and especially his lower back. He dismissed it to not being able to shower for at least two days, but it kept growing worse. He didn't want to mention it to Leomon to worry him any more than he should. His lower back also felt sore, as if something had smacked something hard into it, or he had fell on his rump. His muscles all over also felt tight, and sore as well. It was probably just from his first battle, and using that new power from the Digiegg of Hope. He probably just needed a nice hot soak in a spring... if they had any. Did they even wash themselves in the Digital World? Did they even have soap?

He subtly scratched himself on his stomach and shoulders. He frowned. He wasn't altogether certain, but it felt like he had a little more body hair, but that was ridiculous... he couldn't grow hair that fast. It had taken him at least 20 years to get what body hair he had before he arrived here. Robbie just dismissed it as impossible. But the itching was getting harder to ignore.

Leomon had fallen silent a few moments ago, and was still leading them south.

Robbie hesitated, then stopped where he was, and scratched at his chest furiously, and moaning softly in relief. God, that did feel damn good to do that.

Leomon's ears pricked backwards, and he turned around in puzzlement. "What is wrong?"

Robbie exhaled in frustration, as another annoying itch happened in another spot. "I don't know. I just started itching really badly. I don't know if I need to take a bath, or I landed in something that makes my skin itchy."

Leomon frowned, wondering what was plaguing his partner. "We weren't anywhere near anything that could make us itchy. There is a hot spring nearby -- about a hour's walk slightly southeast, but I'm sure we can make up for lost time afterwards."

He hoped that Robbie hadn't caught any ailments that could threaten his health. The hot spring he was taking him to had miraculous properties -- and was an excellent place to thoroughly clean one's body. Listening to Robbie scratch himself repeatedly, made him want to hurry his steps faster, and he didn't want to make Robbie run, but he wanted them both to get there as soon as possible.

After about three-quarters of an hour's hurried pace, they made it to the spring.

Water bubbled up the center of a sweet-smelling spring. Steam rose from the bubbles to make things slightly foggy. It looked shallow, but on closer inspection it gradually descended with natural grooves similar to steps into a deep center. Robbie suddenly felt that he didn't need to scratch like mad the second he saw the small spring.

Robbie lightly dropped the bag to the ground by him and felt awkward. He'd probably have to get out of all his clothes. And he wasn't so sure he wanted to in front of Leomon.

Leomon sighed. The modesty of these humans... But he wanted to keep Robbie as comfortable with him as possible, so he simply said, "I'll patrol the area, make sure there's nothing that can ambush us."

Robbie looked down, and nodded once. "Alright..."

Leomon pointed at a pile of roots, lying in a bundle on the other side of the deep spring. "That's soap. Just tear off the end of the root, and use that to lather yourself up."

He turned and left, to circle around the perimeter, at least about twenty paces away in all directions.

Robbie let out a relieved sigh, and wriggled out of his clothes as fast as possible, and dipped his foot into the spring, and found it the perfect temperature. He noticed that his skin seemed slightly darker, as if he had gotten dirtier. He dunked himself into the hot waters completely, and then sprang up, sputtering. The moment he had slid in the water, his itching seemed to have stopped, although he felt that his lower back was still rather sore.

Leomon walked about a half circle, and the trees parted, giving him a full view of Robbie inside the spring... naked. Despite his choice to give Robbie time to make up his mind, he stopped, and stared out of view. He watched as Robbie had sprung out of the water, and watched him enjoy it to the fullest. It made him feel half-guilty for spying on him, but the other half demanded to watch. He sat there, waiting for Robbie to finish, hoping to perhaps catch a glimpse of more. He got more than an eyeful when Robbie had leaned outside of the pool, bringing him nearly up to his waist, to grab the soap roots. Leomon knew that he had fur, supposedly like other humans, but something was a little off. He remembered Robbie being slightly pudgy, but his body now was slightly a bit more muscular in the shoulders and chest than he had thought.

Leomon's expression flickered into puzzlement when he saw Robbie's darker pelt -- it seemed a bit thicker than he remembered -- at least on his arms. He felt a stirring of lust shoot through his whole body, that remained steady until Robbie started soaping himself up. His member insisted on peeking out of his sheath, but not so far that he had to relax quite yet.

Robbie turned around and started soaping his back and Leomon was treated to an oddly exciting sight with him washing his naked rear. His eyes caught every detail, burning it into his memory. He knew he should respect his privacy, but he couldn't make himself turn away. His member started stiffening more and pushing upward. He winced and undid his trousers for a moment, letting his member thicken fully. He bit off as much noise as he could from coming from his throat. His needs demanded to be met, so he gave in, fondling his member by lightly rubbing the underside of it up and down.

Biting back another groan, he held it in his fist, and stroked it slowly, while his eyes were half-lidded, gazing on Robbie. His member was precumming in a long stream that continued to drip down his hand.

Robbie was enjoying himself immensely as the soap roots smelled similar to lavender, which he liked. He had a momentary qualm before washing his butt, because he didn't know if anyone was actually watching, but the place seemed vacant, other than Leomon walking around, giving him his privacy. He was also puzzled when he started washing himself on his lower back. He felt some sort of protrusion there near his spinal tailbone. It wasn't very prominent, but obvious enough to anyone who knew their body as well as they did. He didn't know if it was cause for concern, so he decided to keep checking on it now and then.

He scrubbed as much as he could of his body without actually leaving the spring completely, and then dunked himself clean. He watched in fascination as the soapy water somehow vanished and was immediately replaced with fresh spring water. He felt reluctant to leave the spring. It was so warm and inviting. He laid on one of the sides of the spring, basking in the warmth. Perhaps Leomon could join him...one day? He wasn't sure if he wanted to even start anything with the big lion.

His mood suddenly broken with disappointment and resignation, he slowly clambered up to the ground, and bent over, picking up his shirt to help dry himself off.

Leomon started fisting his member harder the moment he saw Robbie bend over, with lustful panting that had his tongue hanging out. He was getting very close.

Robbie shivered slightly, and wiped himself the best he could, starting with his legs, and moved up to his chest. Robbie rubbed his now dry chest, and frowned. "Huh? I have more hair? What the?" He suddenly noticed that he was starting to have some muscles on him. He frowned in puzzlement -- he hadn't worked out so it was not possible for him to start having muscles. He had a slightly roundish belly. That hadn't changed, but his arms, legs, and chest seemed slightly bigger to him. And his body hair... he suddenly had twice the amount as before -- covering every single inch of his front.

Leomon clenched his teeth tightly shut as he shot squirts of seed in the air, shuddering as each one tore an earth shattering orgasm out of his mind and body. He had shot ten times then he collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily. That felt exquisitely good. Never had he felt such a strong orgasm before. He supposed that he probably had needed it quite badly.

Panting heavily, he laid there until his member finally withdrew into his sheath, and he was able to button up his trousers. He slowly got to his knees and held onto the tree trunk near him for support as his knees were still shaky. Several moments later, he felt composed enough to continue the patrol. He mustn't let Robbie know that anything out of the ordinary had happened. He felt guilty about having done it, but was privately glad he had.

He made his way back around the circle to see Robbie wriggling into his pants as he arrived.

Robbie looked up at Leomon's footfalls, and smiled. He was in the process of slipping his damp shirt on, as Leomon took in extra details on Robbie's chest. He noticed that Robbie had two nipples just like his own. He was curious about whether Robbie derived pleasure from them, just as he did with his own. He felt a surge of lust in his loins again, but quickly suppressed it. He was surprised. It didn't used to be that easy, maybe doing what he had just done would help manage his lust, provided he did it discreetly.

Robbie chuckled. "That spring is awesome. I've never been in warm water like that. I don't feel itchy anymore."

Leomon nodded, smiling slightly, pleased with himself for remembering this spot, and feeling very guilty that he had done what he did earlier. "...Yes. I hoped it'd help you. Do you mind if I take a dip as well?"

Robbie bit his lip, then shrugged nonchalantly. "Go ahead." He found someplace to sit nearby, digging into the bag for another fruit bulb.

Leomon was feeling mischievous. He intended to give Robbie the full view of himself, if nothing else to assuage his own self-guilt for spying on him, and to hopefully turn him on. He grinned inwardly, and undid his trousers, and let them drop in front of Robbie, acting as if he didn't have a care in the world.

Robbie froze, about to bite his fruit bulb, and swallowed noisily. Lust inflamed his crotch suddenly. Red flamed on his cheeks, as he saw Leomon in his full glory. He immediately noticed the differences between the two of them -- he had a large sack that held two pendulous globes, along with a sheath that had ... He tore his gaze away, and chewed on the fruit, trying to not stare any more. But he couldn't forget what he saw. There had been several inches of pink flesh peeking out of the sheath. and the flesh itself was thick than he had seen on any male. Dark splotches continued to color his face. His pants felt as if they would split into two. He had the oddest feeling that Leomon had done this on purpose for some reason.

Leomon smiled widely, his teeth showing. His job was done, and he needed a good dip, to wash off the dirt, grime, and his own seed that he had dribbled onto his balls.

He slunk into the spring, and purred softly, feeling the warmth penetrate his sore muscles. Despite there being no pain before, he was still a bit sore from fighting that Trimon. He made a mental note to keep this place in mind for any future baths. He knew that they shouldn't spend too much time here, but this place was glorious. He could smell Robbie's struggle for calm, and smirked privately. Perhaps now Robbie would stop dwelling on his attraction to Leomon so much that it'd become a distraction to them both.

He put that out of his mind, and relaxed for several minutes, before nicking the soap roots and doing a similar scrub on himself. He was slightly disappointed that Robbie steadfastly refused to even budge or look in his direction until he had put his trousers back on. Pity. He'd have loved to give Robbie another display.

He shrugged as his mood shifted over to neutral, climbing out of the spring, and shaking himself as dry as possible. He knew that his fur would stand on edge for a while, but he didn't care. Picking up his trousers, he slid them on, and buttoned them up.

Robbie had remained silent, and appeared very relieved to Leomon when he had finished getting dressed.

Leomon murmured softly, "I hope we can find shelter for the night before we get to the edge of the Tree Kingdom." He wasn't entirely familiar with the whole Forest Kingdom, just in generalities. He hoped they'd find a safe place to dwell for the night. He was looking forward to sharing body warmth, even though it didn't exactly grow that chilly. He knew he had lied a little to Robbie on that aspect, but he didn't see the harm in that one. He'd leave it up to Robbie to curl up against him, or not.

Robbie slung the bag which was getting more empty of provisions over his shoulder, and waited for Leomon to lead the way. So he did.