The (Wolf)Boy Next Door - Chapter 2

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#3 of Hyberia

Continuation of the "not your average" sitter story, which was from a request by the very talented and kind Fennec! It seems that Ethan is starting to explore his sexuality a bit more, and it's quite the exciting experience <3 <3

And oh yea, don't forget to fav/vote or comment if you liked it or want to give some feedback!

The (Wolf)Boy Next Door

By CodyFox

Chapter 2

Ethan sat at his desk, working diligently through his math quiz. His classroom was silent, aside from the sounds of a few dozen pencil tips scratching over paper. The fox boy sighed softly to himself. He was only about halfway through his quiz and he knew that time was running short for him to finish. However, he couldn't get past this particular question... it was one of those tough geometry questions that he always struggled with. Ethan narrowed his eyes a little, looking over the question again and trying to read it more carefully this time.

As the boy focused, he noticed something strange... the letters on the page seemed all jumbled. Ethan blinked and shook his head. "I'm just... seeing things?" he asked quietly to himself, looking back down at the page again. This time, not only did the letters look jumbled, but they also seemed to be moving about on the page... He gasped, looking nervously up at his classmates. None of them seemed to notice anything strange though. They just continued to silently jot down answers. Ethan closed his eyes longer this time, waiting for several seconds before looking back down at his quiz. That didn't seem to help at all though. Now, the geometric shapes were somehow lifting right off the page, twisting and rotating in the air right in front of him!

"C...Cora..." Ethan squeaked while looking up to his girlfriend sitting in the seat in front of him. Once again though, the young fox was thrown for a loop by what he saw. Cora was... well, she was totally naked! "When did she take her clothes off", he thought while blushing and looking around. Didn't anyone notice? What about the teacher? But the situation was even more unnerving when Ethan realized that Cora wasn't the only one sitting there in the buff. He nearly fell out of his chair when he saw that every single one of his classmates was completely nude.

To the right of Cora, a curvy young leopardess was silently jotting down her answers to the quiz. Her big splotchy butt was perked up at him, wiggling slightly from one side to another while her tail danced sinuously above. Ethan gulped, looking away and blushing even more. Behind him, a slightly younger and shorter brown fox boy with glasses perched studiously on his snout smiled and stood up as he finished his quiz early. Just like with Ethan's quiz, the letters and images seemed to be floating off the page and bobbing about in a surreal manner. They even bumped occasionally on his slender, fluffy chest, though, strangely he didn't seem to notice. Ethan watched in disbelief for a few seconds before his attention shifted downward when the somewhat dorky looking boy stood up... Finnegan, that was his name. Ethan simply couldn't look away from Finn's crotch. The scrawny, younger fox boy was just... hung... His fat, soft tan-fuzzed sheath looked enormous in comparison to Ethan's... then there were those creamy, tan colored balls of his. They sagged down along the timid fox boy's inner thighs with pendulous weight, smacking up and down and side to side with his lightly toned thighs as the boy proceeded forward. When he got to Ethan's desk, the younger fox stopped for a moment and glanced at him, catching him gawking. Finn's reaction was to just smile nervously and pretend like he didn't really notice, even as that wide sheath of his fattened more in arousal.

No, Ethan thought to himself and looked away, confused. Finn was kind of interesting to look at, but the young fox reminded himself that he wasn't supposed to be leering at other boys like that. Cora was his girlfriend! But... then... there was that night with the wolf boy, right? What did he do that night? What did Cora do? It was all a little jumbled right now. He shook his head some more before glancing again at Finn as the other fox padded past Cora toward the front of his class. Ethan blushed again along the insides of his ears, holding his own paws in his lap... trying to cover up his modest bulge.

Wait... Why he was the only one clothed? Even the teacher, Mr. Farrow was walking about in the buff. Was this all just some huge prank being played on him? But, then again, those floating words couldn't be part of a prank.

While Ethan was distracted, Cora leaned over to Eslie, the cream and white furred corgi girl sitting to the left of her. Ethan flicked his ears up a little, hearing them whispering back and forth to each other, giggling, and gesturing toward Finn. Ethan leaned forward to try and hear better, though all he could really make out were a few words, like "cute" and "huge." Cora seemed just as interested in Finn's proud display of foxhood as Ethan had been. He couldn't help but feel jealous, and at the same time, quite a bit of deja vu.

"Cora, what... what's going on?" Ethan asked quietly as he moved closer.

The pretty white fox girl turned back to him and smirked, before replying, "Oh come on, Little Red, isn't it obvious who this is for?"

Ethan furrowed his brow, sighing in frustration and shaking his head, "I don't understand..."

Cora just chuckled at him this time, watching Finn out of the corner of her eye as he finished turning in his quiz. Once she spied the other boy padding innocently back toward his desk, she simply stated "Watch this..."

Just as Finn was about to pass by, Cora snatched at him with both paws, grabbing at the boy's firm young butt with one paw, and his heavy vulpine sheath with the other, stopping him in his tracks.

Finn squealed a bit, his sensitive young body wriggling from the sudden groping and squeezing. He stumbled and nearly fell over Cora's desk. "What're you... Ahhhh..." he whimpered as Cora pulled at his ass, drawing his trembling body closer to hers.

"Cora! You can't do that..." Ethan gasped, dumbfounded that she would just grope one of their classmates right in front of everyone. Cora didn't seem at all concerned, though. In fact, seeing the frightened look on her boyfriend's face as she took advantage of another boy right in front of everyone only seemed to excite her more...

"I bet... there aren't a whole lot of boys as big as you, are there Finn?" Cora said in a sultry tone, while slowly squeezing her paw down the younger lad's deliciously plump sheath, lightly smacking her wrist at the large, round, saggy nuts slapping between his thighs.

"Ohhhhh.... N... no..." Finn whimpered, still clearly more frightened than excited by all of this. As the young vixen's paw stroked down over his fat, fuzzy tube, the bookish boy's legs went wobbly and he bent over, lifting his tight, virgin ass and grabbing her desk for support. Then, she started jerking the boy's loosened sheath up and down several times in a row, and Finn gasped, his ears flicking down and his body jerking simultaneously. "Ohh.." he repeated, as a few long, thick dollups of pre-cum splurted out of the edge of his swollen sheath, hitting the palm of Cora's silken-fuzzed paw and oozing between her spread digits. Cora quickly began smearing the gooey stuff over the youth's gorgeous sleeve, getting it all slickened and glistening. By now, the boy was panting and wiggling his delicate young hips side to side, barely restraining himself from humping. "That's right honey, you want more, don't you?" Cora whispered into one of Finn's ears as her other paw squeezed harder at the boy's quivering asscheeks, then spread them apart to expose his pristine butt to their classmates toward the front of the room.

Finn looked less frightened now, and more... hungry. His adolescent cravings were teased up higher and higher by Cora's skillful manipulation, and he nodded his head, responding simply but firmly "Yesss..."

At the same time, Eslie was fixated on the action, watching Cora's silky paw pumping sloppily over Finn's partially exposed fox cock. It was so big that it seemed to barely fit in Cora's paw, jiggling around lewdly each time her paw would slide from one end to the other. She watched just as intently as Finn's nerdy innocence was gradually washed away by a flood of hormones.

The corgi was never one content to just watch... Eslie licked her lips and slid out of her chair, stepping in front of Finn while several nearby classmates stood up and moved closer to watch, ears wiggling, tails swishing, quiz clearly forgotten. Somehow, Mr. Farrow seemed totally oblivious to all of this.

Ethan blinked, flustered... confused... embarrassed. Everyone was crowding around, making him feel boxed in. Cora was pawing off this other boy - this other very hung boy - right in front of him, and he didn't know whether to be outraged or to strip down and beg for his turn.

Ethan pressed his paw firmly over his lap, trying to restrain his arousal a bit while panting and watching as Eslie started to caress Finn's blush-covered muzzle. She took Finn's paw with her other one, standing him back upright to give a better view of that big shaft bobbing about in front of the boy's glistening pubic fuzz. Finn's whole body was trembling... he was like a young stallion now, just rearing to perform. It was a mesmerizing sight, and Ethan was finding it nearly impossible to take his eyes off of him.

After a momentary pause, Eslie leaned forward, placing a soft little kiss on Finn's bare chest. While she bent over, her big, cheeky corgi butt lifted up in the air, and her fluffy tail flipped up high and wagged excitedly. As if on cue, a silver-furred paw belonging to another fox reached in and smacked the girl's ass. She smiled and moaned softly, rolling her hips so that her butt jiggled a bit in reply. It wasn't long before the paw's owner padded right up behind her, sliding his arms around her waist and grinding his silvery hips against her fluffy butt.

At the same time, Cora was still teasing poor Finn, her paw tugging repeatedly at the lip of the lad's fuzzy tube, stretching it out before sliding down to expose inches more of his thick, canid cock. Again and again she bobbed it up and down his slick flesh, smearing more of his oozing pre about, before finally pulling it all the way back, exposing his hot fleshy spear and the fat, throbbing knot at its base. Cora smirked again at Ethan, turning her large amber eyes to the flustered boy while caressing her digits intimately up and down along Finn's slickened shaft.

"Ethan, come on and help..." she murmured.

"Yes... there's nothing to hide now..." Eslie chimed in, smiling and then kissing down over Finn's chest and belly. At the same time, Cora shifted her grip down behind Finn's knot and squeezed upwards, aiming his throbbing erection up for Eslie, who dipped her muzzle down and slowly, meticulously dragged her tongue along the full length of the boy's fat, long prick, getting it even more shiny and slippery looking than before. Ethan shook his head, forcing himself out of his chair and stumbling back... His heart was pounding and he could do nothing about the obvious tent he was sporting in his trousers.

Finn moaned again, adding his own encouragement as his sparkling blue eyes gazed out from behind those bookish glasses "Mfff... ahh... yesss...... Ethan... don't you want to know what a real fox feels like?" As if to emphasize his point, Finn shoved forward and simply stuffed his fat meat into Eslie's small muzzle, bulging it quite lewdly.

"No... this isn't real," Ethan said while backing more away from the intensifying display. By now, other students had already started engaging in similar acts... a fox girl was sprawled out on her back on the desk two rows down from Ethan's, with a lion boy hunched over her. He steadily thrust into her, again and again, while she cried out softly. A few desks in front of that, the two coyote twins, Gavin and his brother Jonathan, were locked together in an intimate embrace, with one of the two bent over his desk chair and the other holding him tight from behind, hips squished against butt and tied together by a fat, throbbing knot. By the time Ethan made it to the classroom door, his adolescent mind was practically overwhelmed. He forced it all to the back of his thoughts and stepped out of the classroom, into a dark, locker-lined hallway.


Ethan hadn't really been afraid of the dark since he was a small cub. He was fourteen now, and knew that ghosts and boogeymen were not real. However, as the young fox walked alone through the darkened hallway of his school, he couldn't help but feel a little scared. There was a slight chill in the air... He hugged his arms around himself as he padded along the cool tile floor, looking about nervously whenever he passed a hallway intersection.

After making his way in the dark for a few minutes, Ethan stopped and blinked a few times. "Where exactly am I going?" he asked himself. Furthermore, he wondered why he was even at school. Wasn't it supposed to be summer break now? "Did... I get summer school?" Ethan stood still for a moment while thinking on this, fidgeting.

Just then, out of the blue, Ethan heard a sharp clicking sound from somewhere down the hallway. It was not a particularly loud noise, but contrasted with the chilling silence around him it was quite startling. Ethan shivered and turned around, staring into the darkness behind him. Like most vulpines, the boy had relatively sharp vision in the dark, but even so, he couldn't see anything except an endless hallway and rows of lockers on each side.

Ethan shook his head. Maybe he was just hearing things. He took a few more steps down the hallway. Maybe there was an exit just down the next intersection...


Ethan nearly leapt into the air this time, startled even worse than before. He turned back again, this time with an obvious expression of fear. "W...who's... t... there?" the frightened boy stammered, quickly looking to his immediate surroundings to see if there were any objects he could use to defend himself. He saw nothing... nothing but a dark corridor lined with lockers.

Click... Click... Click... Click...

The sound was getting closer. And, the closer it got, the more Ethan realized that he recognized that sound. It sounded like... like very large claws clicking across the floor tiles. The boy's fright increased ten-fold.

"No..." Ethan shook his head, backing away from the approaching sound. But the more he stepped away from it, the faster the sound seemed to be approaching. Ethan whimpered, turning away and starting to run. Immediately, the clicking sound picked up its pace to what sounded like an all-out sprint. "Please... Leave me alone..." the boy started shedding tears as he ran, but no matter how fast he sprinted, the sound seemed to always be just a few steps behind him.

At some point, Ethan began to realize that he wasn't able to run as fast as he could before. It wasn't that he was tired. Instead, his legs just didn't seem capable of carrying him over the same distance with each stride. Additionally, the boy's perspective seemed to be shifting. He felt somehow... closer to the ground. He tried to ignore these strange sensations, but things only grew more confusing as the boy realized that his school shirt and trousers were suddenly way too big on him. "What.... What's happening?" he whimpered, nearly tripping over his own pant-leg as he finally reached the next hall intersection.

After rounding the corner, Ethan pressed his back up against the lockers and tried to calm his breathing as much as possible while inching away from the intersection. He sniffled again as he heard the clicking sound increasing again. It... it was... the wolf... he was coming closer, and there was nowhere for Ethan to run to this time. He started sniffling again, lifting his right paw up to wipe away some tears. His school-shirt was now so long on his arms though that the sleeves reached far past his paws, forcing him to wipe his tears with those instead. He felt so small and alone... but he also looked small! His arms and legs were shorter and more slender looking. His paws looked a lot more oversized than they did before too. "What..." the boy repeated to himself quietly, but his voice also sounded a good bit higher now.

Ethan forgot all of that when he heard that terrifying clicking sound right around the corner. Even in the relative darkness of the hallway, the approaching creature cast a massive shadow over what little light there was. Ethan sniffled again, sitting all the way on the floor and pulling his knees in against himself, while covering his head as much as he could with his sleeves. Maybe... just maybe the wolf wouldn't see him... He shivered and waited...

Just then, the clicking sound stopped. Ethan still didn't dare look up, terrified of what he would see. For a short moment, there was nothing but silence... then, Ethan's ears picked up a different sound. Instead of clicking, it sounded like the almost silent, gentle cushing sound of large paw pads walking over tile. The sound of the paw pads came closer to Ethan until the boy could feel the presence of someone standing over him. He still didn't look up.

"Ethan... what's wrong? Are you okay?"

The voice speaking to him was familiar... gentle. It was the voice of a cute, friendly boy that Ethan had come to know. A feeling of warmth overcame Ethan and he flicked his ears up, removing his head from under his sleeves while wiping away his remaining tears.

"Yuki... ohh... Yuki, it's you," he said as he finally looked up and saw the sweet gaze of the young black wolf boy looking back down at him.

Yuki smiled a bit and nodded. "Yes, I was looking all over for you..." the boy said while rubbing his large, thick black paws over his own tummy. He blushed a little then, padding over closer to Ethan and looking around slightly nervously at the darkness around them. "I'm glad I found you... I get afraid of the dark sometimes when I'm all alone."

Ethan blushed as well as he looked up and down over the approaching wolf boy. Yukiba was fully naked, just like everyone in Ethan's classroom. "M... me too..." Ethan said, his tone wavering a little as his gaze drifted down over the petite youth's unobstructed wolfhood. The low light of the hallway played very subtly off of the rich black fur of his sinfully thick sheath and balls, making them appear somehow larger than they already did on his small frame. He was years younger than Ethan's classmates, but already more well-endowed than all of them, including Finn... The fox boy sat there, his heart still racing a little and his breathing still sort of fast.

Yuki swished his long, bushy black tail, looking warmly over Ethan with those unique silver eyes of his. They almost seemed to have a faint, exquisite glow to them, reminding the fox boy of the moon.

"Can we, maybe play a game, Ethan?" Yuki asked innocently, cocking his head to one side.

Ethan peeled his gaze away from the heavy lupine goods right in front of his face, looking down over his nose and replying shyly, "Ohhh... yea..." Slowly, he pushed himself up off the floor, standing up onto his pawfeet. "What kind of...." Ethan stopped mid-sentence, blinking several times as he looked back at Yuki. Yuki looked right back at him, still smiling innocently and swishing his tail. The fox boy gasped a little, realizing suddenly that he and Yuki were almost the same height... In fact, the little 4 foot wolf boy seemed even taller than him! Ethan panicked a little, looking back down over himself again. His shirt was so long on him now that it hung easily down to his knees... and his pants! They were so baggy, they'd already fallen off from his small trim hips before he was even fully standing. Quickly, he bent over and grabbed at their waistband, pulling them back up and blushing deeply while looking at Yuki apprehensively.

Yuki watched all of this intently, letting forth a silly little giggle as his curious gaze searched up and down over Ethan's smaller, younger body. Ethan looked even younger than him now... not too much, but just enough for the wolf boy to stand an inch or two taller than his erstwhile cub-sitter. Yuki flicked his ears about, leaning around to one side of the smaller red fox boy, looking over his backside and floofy tail. Ethan's tail looked just as luxurious and beautiful as before, but now it dwarfed the boy's body a lot more due to his shorter height. Ethan maintained his grip on his pants as if he was holding onto the last bit of his modesty.

"It's okay Ethan... you don't have to be afraid anymore now that we're together..." Yuki said reassuringly while putting his arms around him for a hug. At first, Ethan just shivered a little and kept his paws on his pants and his eyes averted. He didn't want to let go... or at least, he thought he didn't. But, Yuki's plush, naked body felt so warm and so pleasant against him. He could feel the other boy's pulse, strong and pure. He let down his guard, lifting his green eyes back to the other boy's silver ones and locking gazes with him. Ethan blushed some more, feeling light headed as he let himself become lost in Yuki's beautiful silvery pools and allowing the boy to hold him closer.

"That's right... my little red," Yuki said impishly with another cute, soft giggle. Ethan could feel the wolf boy's big paws roaming over his firm, cheeky butt, squeezing a little at the mounds while hugging him close. Ethan finally let go of his pants, nodding in agreement with the other boy. Once again, his trousers slipped down, exposing his tight fox butt and creamy young thighs. Yuki helped things along further, crouching down while his paws worked Ethan's baggy undergarment down as well, bunching it with his pants over his footpaws.

Ethan's now greatly oversized school shirt was the only thing remaining, covering him all the way down to just above his knees, though his floofy fox tail lifted it up in back and repeatedly exposed the boy's naked buttocks while swishing side to side excitedly. He held his paws up against his chest, feeling shivers of excitement going through his younger, more sensitive body as Yuki's large, plush wolf paws caressed down over his thighs and legs. Crouched down as he was, Yuki's muzzle was about level with Ethan's crotch, though his shirt was blocking it from the other boy's view. Yuki's ears flicked about again curiously while the wolf boy's big nose wriggled about, taking in Ethan's scent. He could still pick up enticing traces of the fox boy's previous arousal.

"Let's see... what's under there..." Yuki said in his soft voice, dipping his snout under Ethan's shirt and then lifting it a bit with his head. Ethan took a deep, quick breath, the anticipation alone nearly making him wobbly at the knees.

"Ohh..." Yuki exclaimed from under Ethan's shirt, pressing his large, soft nose right up against the fox boy's creamy-colored sheath and puffing in and out deep breaths of Ethan's boyish scent.

Ethan moaned, never having felt this sensitive before in his entire life. He could feel his boyhood throbbing needfully while Yuki proceeded to nuzzle the end of his snout up and down over the soft-fuzzed tube. Now, he lolled his cute little fox tongue out, shivering as he felt the wolf boy's hot breaths washing over the entirety of his anxious sheath and balls, over and over... Then, there was the tongue... the big wolf tongue... it was swabbing over and under Ethan's soft, creamy fuzzed nutsac. Again and again, he felt the thick muscle slurping and rolling them about. The whole time, Yuki's head was hiding under Ethan's shirt, leaving the fox boy to only feel and hear what was happening to him. He could tell he was getting incredibly wet, Yuki's saliva covering everything... soaking into his balls and sheath. His pre-cum wasn't as copious as some other boys, but he felt that too, trickling out and getting swabbed around over everything like a thin coat of honey. Ethan moaned, his more cute, high-pitched voice sounding foreign to him... but yet even that was turning him on. He hunched and rolled his hips a little, bobbing his soaked sheath and balls against Yuki's muzzle several times while the other boy continued bathing them with his tongue. His hormones were rapidly bubbling up within him, hips and butt prickling with excitement. His throbby pink tip was jutting free of his sheath, bobbing in and out of the wet holster while Yuki's tongue worked it over as well. By the time Yuki pulled his head back out from under Ethan's shirt, the fox boy was ready to fall to his knees and beg for more. "Gosh..." he moaned again, a bit more quietly, blushing and lifting his arms around Yuki's sides to cling against his naked body.

Seeing how good he'd made Ethan feel, Yuki smiled happily as he stood back up. He squeezed again at Ethan's butt with the paw still cupping one of his tight cheeks, then both paws took hold of the fox boy's shirt-hem and slowly lifted it up from his thighs and hips, slowly revealing the lovely red fur and creamy white crotchfuzz. He helped Ethan the rest of the way out of his shirt then. "There... now we can play right... just like before," the wolf boy said, swishing his tail all too eagerly.

His clothes gone, Ethan surrendered himself to his excited body. "Okay Yuki..." he nodded again, blushing and shuddering as he felt Yuki's right paw slide between his thighs and curl around his saliva-coated sheath. Ethan stood up on the tips of his fuzzy pawtoes, whimpering as he started rocking his hips again to thrust repeatedly through Yuki's paw. He felt his small fuzzy nuts slapping wetly on the other boy's wrist... it felt so good. Ethan slowed a little, blushing and glancing down at his own jostling boyhood. His slick, creamy fuzzed sheath and balls had just a hint of pretty shine to them in the low light, and there were gobs of Yuki's saliva and his own pre webbed between his small bits and Yuki's paw. Ethan practically drooled and started rolling his hips faster now... practically humping at Yuki's thick black paw while his pink, tapered tip bobbed repeatedly out into the cool air.

Yuki pressed his grip a bit more at Ethan's butt, bringing the boys closer together while squishing the fox's partially sheathed cock against his own. The wolf boy's parts were enormous by comparison, smothering Ethan's wet, glistening bits with their warm, fuzzy heat. The two boys rubbed them together for a bit longer, gazing into each other's eyes, both tongues lolling out as the panted and smeared layers of gooey slickness between their joined boyhoods. Soft white and black fuzzed nuts rolled and smacked together, sharing gooey strands between them. By now, Yuki's heavy black wolfcock was standing out proudly, adding its own pre to the syrup sticking between them as it rolled up and down along Ethan's small pink shaft and into the boy's belly.

Ethan never wanted this to end... he knew it had to, but he begged himself to keep it going. "Yes... Please..." he was drooling again a little while panting, pulling his little foxhood back from Yuki's bigger prick, watching their joined fluids hang down in numerous strands between them. His crotch was on fire with sensation, and his whole body buzzing with need. Slowly, he turned to one side, facing his petite little butt toward Yuki. His tail swished up above in a seductive little curve, exposing the soft creamy colored fuzz coating the inner cheeks of his red-furred butt. Ethan felt Yuki's large paws caressing his sides and hips again. He blushed deeply, lifting his cheeky young butt as he bent over and offered himself willingly to the wolf. He felt the heat of the wolf's hips on his ass... then, the exquisitely huge girth of just that fat, black tip squishing and slopping wetly right up underneath his tail... "Ohhh...."

"Ohhh!... YESSsssss" Ethan woke up right in the middle of an insane orgasm. Both arms were hugging onto one of the boy's pillows, which he was humping at ferally as he lay naked on his side in bed. His modest teenaged foxhood was jerking erotically while grinding hot and wet into the cushiony pillow. He moaned a bit softer while opening his eyes, his turgid cock pulsing hard as the boy's cum started shooting out in rapid bursts, splattering several times over one side of the pillowcase. He fired off spurt after spurt, not caring at all about the mess he was making even as he began regaining consciousness. This was so good. He milked it for several more seconds... and even after his balls were spent, the boy kept humping, stretching this euphoria out for minutes more...

Afterward, Ethan lay on his back panting softly... spent, exhausted and yet, still excited. He moved his right paw back down between his thighs, continuing to play over his sensitive treasures. He blushed and curled his toes, looking up at the ceiling and daydreaming some more.


The sun was shining brightly from a cloudless sky, and a cool breeze swirled across the fresh-cut soccer field. An announcer belted out the score enthusiastically and recounted the action. The game was tied, 2-2, with five minutes remaining. Ethan's team, the Knights, were currently defending. Ethan sat on the bench anxiously, watching his teammates sprint across the field while Ms. Selene, their coach, ran up and down the sideline shouting encouragement.

An akita boy on the opposing Dragons was dribbling the ball down along the far sideline towards the goal. He was fast, agile, and strong. As their star player, he'd already scored both previous goals. Two Knights defenders, a short, quick cheetah boy named Zayle, and Gavin, one of the coyote twins, closed on him from the front and the side, attempting to cut off his path to the goal and stop him from making a clean pass. Zayle got there first and immediately went for the ball with a sweep of his left leg, hoping to force the other boy to divert the ball to the center of the field or risk going out of bounds. Instead, though, the nimble akita boy brought his leg forward and kicked back against the ball with his heel, tapping it behind him to make Zayle completely miss. He then turned quickly, his other leg going forward just enough to stick out in front of Zayle's and trip the poor cheetah before he could change directions.

"OOoofff!" Zayle gasped and whimpered as he was sent tumbling to the ground while the akita just grinned and switched directions.

Gavin growled as he saw his friend tripped like that and sprinted hard at the akita boy to cut off his new angle, even more resolved to stop him now. However, Gavin wasn't quite as fast as Zayle, and by the time he closed in, the other boy was in position to score. At the last second, Gavin attempted a slide tackle but was too late, as the akita boy wound up and slammed the ball with his strong right leg, sending a power shot sailing right to the corner of the goal. Ethan gripped the edge of the bench as he watched, and the crowd went silent. Was it all over? No... Their goalkeeper, Tanya, dove into the air and caught the ball just before it could fly past the goal post. The tall polar bear girl grunted, taking the impact of the strong kick and hitting the ground with a thud. Then, with a quick shake of her head, she darted back up to her footpaws and smiled over at the bench while their supporters cheered. Ms. Selene jumped up in the air, pumping her fisted paws.

Ethan exhaled in relief. The Knights could still win this match. Even though it was still early in the summer league's season, this was an important game. The Dragons were his team's main rival, and the winner of this match would usually get the best position in the end of season tournament. As his teammates took the ball and went back on the attack, Ethan turned briefly to look back at the crowd. His parents and sisters were in the front row, as usual, and Cora was sitting up at the top of the bleachers among her friends. This time, though, there was another spectator cheering for the Knights. It was little Yuki, sitting next to his own mother. When Ethan's eyes met with the friendly wolf boy's, Yuki smiled brightly and waved enthusiastically at the fox. Ethan blushed a little, remembering his dream from last night... He moved a paw from the bench, resting it over his tummy and looking down over his nose as he took a few slow breaths. The fox boy could feel his arousal stirring a little under his silky soccer shorts, thickening his modest bulge slightly as he swelled a bit.

"Ethan!" Coach Selene called to him, breaking Ethan out of his naughty reverie.

"Ahh! Y... Yes Coach!" the boy gasped and leapt from the bench, standing upright. Luckily, he hadn't gotten too aroused and was only barely showing a tent... not enough to be noticeable.

"You're in! Hurry up and get out there!" She huffed while giving the boy an enthusiastic shove onto the field.

Ethan had been so distracted by his thoughts of Yuki that he hadn't noticed one of their teammates suffering a small injury. It was one of the forwards. Ethan sprinted out to his position on the right side of the field, only glancing back at the bleachers once more when he got there. Yuki was still watching him, the sweet wolf boy showing a mixture of confidence and affection that made Ethan feel unusually determined to win. A ref blew his whistle and handed the ball over to a tall husky boy on Ethan's team, who proceeded to throw it in Ethan's direction.

Ethan's heart started pounding fast and the boy focused like a laser on the game, pushing all other distractions out of his mind. After stopping the ball with his left leg, Ethan swiftly began to attack the middle right side of the field. One of the Dragons' defenders, a black fox, rushed at him. Ethan waited until that boy was close and the middle defender had shifted far enough in his direction, then he looked to the center of the field for his teammate. Just as expected, Finnegan was in position, sprinting at an angle toward the opposite corner. Ethan swept his pawfoot at a more horizontal angle, surprising the two defenders as he sent the ball sailing all the way across the field rather than at an angle toward the goal. On the other end, Finn stopped the ball with his head, letting it drop to the grass, and then sped toward the goal.

The defenders scrambled to cover Finn's unexpected position, while Ethan shifted toward the center of the field. A lion boy tried to block Finn's attack angle while the panther playing goalie stood ready to defend against his scoring kick. Finn wasn't the strongest player on their team, but he was quite good at dodging around defenders. The boy showed off his skills brilliantly here by quickly changing directions and dribbling to one side of the lion boy, who slipped and fell. The crowd started cheering louder as they saw Finn breaking toward the goal, with Ethan mirroring him from the center. The goalie prepared to pounce at the ball, but then Finn suddenly passed the ball to Ethan in the center. Ethan stopped it with one leg, facing down the goalie. Coach Selene was shouting "Score! Score!!" Just as Ethan brought his leg back to make a hard shot, he saw the black fox boy coming at him from the side. He faked his scoring kick, instead shooting the ball back at an angle toward Finn, right in front of the other boy. The confused goalie dove for the ball, falling way short, and Finn stopped it with his chest, kicking hard before it hit the ground, and rocketing the ball into the goal.

"GOOAAAALLLLLL" the announcer shouted exuberantly, and the crowd went wild. Finn ran toward Ethan in the center of the field, and the two boys hugged happily, wagging their tails, "Yea!!! We did it!!!" Finn exclaimed. Ethan nodded and laughed. He was so excited and worked up that, at first, he barely noticed how much his body was buzzing while feeling Finn's warm, slender young form squished against his own. Their hips pressed together now too, and then Ethan felt a large, fat silk-covered bulge jiggling and throbbing dominantly against his own smaller arousal. He kept hugging Finn, blushing again as their other teammates crowded around and cheered. Ethan panted a little, just soaking it all in for a moment longer. The curiously sensual embrace seemed to last a lot longer than it did... then they had to separate, getting back into position to defend for the final few minutes of the match. Ethan felt slightly dizzy as he padded back over to his side of the field, his modest boyhood showing a more obvious tent now. He couldn't do much about it though, other than hope everyone's attention would stay on the ball...

After the match was over, Ethan and the rest of his team spent some time outside their locker room celebrating with the coach. She offered up plenty of praise for the whole team, but gave special accolades to Tanya, for that last second save, and of course Finn and Ethan for the final score. They would have a special pizza party after tomorrow's practice, she said. At the end of her celebratory speech, they all put their paws together and chanted the Knights' team motto. Ethan knew that this was going to be their best season yet.


Standing under the hot running water of his shower, Ethan let his thoughts wander over the strange new feelings and sensations he'd been feeling lately. Why had he been so curious about Finn? It was hard for him not to be with Yuki... especially after what the younger boy had done with him on that fateful first night. Nothing would ever be the same with him after that... which both frightened and excited the boy at the same time... However, he'd rarely ever even noticed Finn before. They played together on the same team and all, but they didn't talk, and other than soccer they didn't have anything in common. Finn was one of those nerdy kids who played role-playing board games and was part of the science club.

Ethan sighed and brushed his paws down through his rich red fur, scrubbing the shampoo suds over his slippery body. He looked down over himself again, swishing his tail again and taking a moment to admire his own form, tracing his first few claws down through his beautiful white ventral fur... caressing the digits over the front of his plump white sheath and wet fuzzy balls. He smiled and scrubbed some more, then flicked his ears as he heard someone padding past his shower stall. Glancing under his door, he saw a pair of large brown pawfeet and his pulse quickened a little.

"Congratulations Ethan!" Finn's cheery voice called to him. "We make a great team, don't we?" Ethan heard the other boy stepping into the next stall then and turning on the water.

"Y... yea," Ethan's voice creaked a little, and he gasped and shook his head. Why was he suddenly so nervous around the other boy? He felt like such a dweeb. Then he blinked and pondered for a moment, "How'd you know it was me, Finn?"

Finn giggled softly and started soaping up, "I've got the best nose in the whole class! You'd know if you came to the science club meetings. We're always experimenting with it," the boy said with another little snicker. "Also, your scent is... well... pretty special... I... I mean, it's d... definitely different than everyone else!" Finn stammered a little before quieting himself.

Ethan looked at his nose again, blushing... special? He trembled again, and then hurried to rinse himself off. "Thanks... Uhh... I'm all finished so... See you tomorrow at practice, Finn." Ethan turned off the shower while shaking any remaining loose water off his glistening body, then wrapped a towel around himself and stepped out of the stall. He looked briefly at Finn's stall, the boy's wet tail wagging a little... just for a brief moment of adolescent curiosity, he imagined the view on the other side of that stall door.

"Okay Ethan. Maybe... we can, you know, hang out some time too... I bet you'd enjoy playing D&D with my friends and I."

Ethan fidgeted a moment. He wasn't sure he'd like that game... and wasn't sure it would be good for his popularity to be hanging out with Finn and his friends, but... for some reason he didn't turn it down. "O... okay," he said softly before heading over to his locker to get dressed and ready to go.


When Ethan finally stepped back out of the locker room, he was instantly greeted by his family. His mother took him by the paw and kissed him on the forehead. "Ohhh wow! My little guy, you really saved the day today, didn't you!" she said cheerfully.

Ethan blushed furiously, "Ahh! Mom... it wasn't just me..."

"Yea, but everyone was watching you dear. And, you looked good doing it too!" she said with a little chuckle.

His dad rolled his eyes a bit and pat Ethan on the head, "You did us all proud son. Even your sisters were impressed."

As if on cue, the twins, Moira and Mandy bounced up and down and smiled at their big brother, "Good job Ethan!" they said in unison. The boy was so used to being barely able to put up with his little sisters that he wasn't sure how to accept their praise. He just smiled and swished his tail again, "Thank you."

"Ohh yea, there's one more who wants to congratulate you," Ethan's mom said while smiling and leading him by the paw around the corner of the building. At first, the boy thought it might be Cora, but then again, she wasn't the type to hang out with his family apart from him.

When they rounded the corner though, instead he saw Yukiba and his towering mother, Zaheera.

"Ethan! You won!!" Yuki giggled and pounced suddenly at Ethan, causing the fox boy to lose his footing and fall back on his butt in the grass. "Oooooof!"

"Yukiba, remember your strength!" his mother chastised, putting her paws on her hips as she looked down at her son.

Ethan huffed and then giggled a little himself, looking down at the wolf boy straddling his lap, with his big black paws on the fox's chest and his large fluffy black tail wagging eagerly behind him. Ethan's tail swished too and he hugged Yuki gently against himself, nodding, "Hehehe yea, I think you gave me some extra encouragement Yuki," he said while shooting the cute wolf boy a goofy smile. Then he picked Yuki up out of his lap and set him back on his footpaws, before standing back up. "I'm so glad you came to watch. I hope you had fun."

Yuki grinned and nodded enthusiastically. Zaheera chuckled a bit, patting her son's head with her massive black paw. "We had a wonderful time. I was able to meet many of the other parents as well."

Ethan's mom smiled, "That's great, Zaheera! I should also invite you to join in on some of the other upcoming social events we have organized for the neighborhood moms. I am sure they will all love to meet you, and hear the interesting stories of life in the North."

Zaheera laughed again and nodded, "Ah, yes... I will have many... interesting tales to tell."

When the two families started heading into the parking lot, Yuki was sure to walk right alongside Ethan. Just as before, he held onto the fox boy's tail with one of those big black paws of his.

Before they got to their cars, Zaheera stopped and turned toward Ethan and her son. "Ahh! Yes, I almost forgot. Ethan, we would be most grateful if you could do us a favor once again. My husband and I must take a short trip to visit with a sick relative... do you think you could..."

Before Ethan could even reply, his mom chimed right in, "Ohhh gosh, of course Zaheera! If you're going to be gone for more than one day, we could even put the little guy up at our house, right Ethan?"

The fox boy looked down at Yuki, who gazed back up at him with his bright silvery eyes, smiling. Ethan blushed sheepishly and smiled back while holding paws with Yuki gently, "Yea... we'll have lots of fun."