Chapter 4D - Out of the Fire and into the Smoke

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#4 of Runaway

To cast your vote, please comment in the story with the option you choose. If you have a suggestion that's not in the choices, feel free to say that too! After a few days and I feel there have been enough votes, I'll post the next part of the story. I'm not going to involve extreme violence in this story, but remember that not all choices will have a happy ending!


Option A: Try to jump out the window and leave Andrew behind. It's really high up, but broken legs are better than being cooked alive.

Option B: Try to break the door. If it's as well maintained as the rest of this apartment, the wood is probably weak and you might be able to break it.

Option C: Keep banging on the door and calling for help. They have to remember that you're in here!

Option D: Curl up with Andrew and wait to be rescued. Someone has to come and save you!

Voting has closed!

Option B wins with a landslide 15 votes!

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and may contain themes of incest and bestiality. If this sort of thing offends you, don't read this story. If this sort of thing interests you, please enjoy.

Chapter 4D - Out of the Fire and into the Smoke

Tags: Cub, Kangaroo, Roo, Weasel, Bear, Danger, Kidnapping, Mild Violence, Drugs, Alcohol, Runaway, Incest, Exposing, Choose Your Own Adventure, CYOA

_ You chose Option D:"That's Super Roo!" you say, pointing to his t-shirt. "I really wish he was here right now."_

_ Authors Note: Sorry for taking so long with this one. It was ready to post a couple days ago I just didn't have the time to get it all set up. Generally I'm trying to post the next part within 2-4 days, because that's about when voting dies down._

To cast your vote, please comment in the story with the option you choose. If you have a suggestion that's not in the choices, feel free to say that too! After a few days and I feel there have been enough votes, I'll post the next part of the story. I'm not going to involve extreme violence in this story, but remember that not all choices will have a happy ending!


Toby looked up at Andrew and wrapped the blanket a little tighter around his shoulders. His eyes were still foggy, but he'd recognize the image of his hero anywhere. "That's Super Roo", he sniffled, lifting his arm and pointing at the bear cub's shirt. "I really wish he was here right now." Just thinking about it made his heart sink all over again.

Andrew's solemn face lit up a bit when Toby mentioned the character. He sat down cross-legged in front of Toby and nodded affirmatively. "Uh huh! Super Roo is my favorite. He always rescues people in trouble, and he always makes sure the bad guys get what they deserve!" the bear said, giving the door an icy look as he said the last part. "Is Super Roo your favorite too? I bet he is, bein' a roo and all. I used to watch him every day before Duke broke the TV." he leaned his head down curiously, trying to get a better look at the roo cub hiding his face behind his arms.

Toby nodded and sniffled, looking back up at Andrew. "Mm, my, my favorite is when he fought the Martian Lizard and he got as big as a skyscraper." he stuttered, cracking a slight smile. It felt good to smile. Despite the rotten situation he was in, at least this was making him feel a little better.

"Hehe, yeah, when he jumped all the way across the whole city and kicked the Lizard into the volcano!" the bear cub smiled back, reaching for Toby's paw. "Or when he teamed up with Batwolf, did you see that one? He had all those cool gadgets!"

Toby's smile got a bit bigger as he held Andrew's paw, nodding and giving his tail a playful sweep. "I'm Toby by the way, it's nice to meet you Andrew." The bear cub stood up and wagged his short little tail, then jumped at Toby, wrapping his arms around the older boy's chest in a tight hug. The roo was a bit surprised, but after a second he hugged the boy back, patting him gently on the shoulder.

"I never met no one as nice as you Toby!" Andrew said, nuzzling against Toby's neck. Toby didn't quite know what to say. He'd only just met this boy and barely talked to him. He glanced nervously around the room and then something occurred to him. Andrew probably didn't have any friends. Judging by the scant condition of the room and the deadbolt on the outside of the door, Andrew was probably just as much a prisoner here as Toby was, even as the bears' own son. He got a little teary eyed again and hugged the boy tighter. That was no way to live.

They talked on and on for hours, about Super Roo and all sorts of other things. Toby learned a little more about Andrew's family too. His daddy worked in a scrap yard and his mom worked in a grocery store, or at least she used to until she got fired a few months ago. They used to be pretty happy, but Andrew said that things changed a lot when Duke showed up. Duke was his daddy's old friend, and he started selling a bunch of scary needles to Andrew's mom. She got really skinny and stopped paying attention to Andrew, and his daddy started drinking a lot more. They kept Andrew locked in the room all the time because his mom said she got headaches, so he had to be really quiet or else. He wasn't very specific about what 'or else' meant, but the way he got really shy and turned his head down, Toby didn't think it was something Andrew really wanted to talk about, so he didn't pry. They continued to talk late into the night, snuggled against each other, and eventually they heard the sliding metal sound of the door latch opening up.

"Andy," a low gruff voice called out from the dark hallway. Odie's large frame took up most of the doorway. Andrew cowered back a little when he saw his father approaching. "Yer mama's on the rag tonigh' boy, Daddy needs'sa lil' help." his speech was slow and slurred and he stumbled as he walked in further, but not before shutting the door firmly behind him. "I nee' tha' nice n' warm muzzle o'yours." he continued, pulling the strap of his overalls down off his left shoulder. When Odie saw his son cowering back, he raised his paw up and growled threateningly. "Don' make me strike you boy, get o'er here now!"

Andrew winced as the large bear raised his paw and crawled forward. He stood and approached his father, tucking his ears back and lowering his head. Odie grinned and started fumbling with the strap on his other shoulder. When he finally released the clasp, his dirty overalls fell down to his knees. He reached down and held them up with one paw, rubbing his exposed groin with the other. His member was thick and limp, hanging down against his heavy balls. Odie rubbed his big paw along the length, making it grow somewhat as he continued. Toby's jaw dropped. What in the world was this bear doing? What did he mean he needed Andrew's muzzle? He looked over at Andrew, a frightened tear rolling down his cheek as he started opening his mouth. This wasn't right, his father shouldn't be doing this! Odie may be big and mean, but there was one weapon Toby still had that he knew would work.

With a loud grunt, Toby leapt up and kicked his heavy kangaroo footpaw as hard as he could right to Odie's groin. The bear roared and dropped to his knees, clutching his crotch with both paws. "AHHHH, WHA' TH' FUCK DI' YOU DO, YA FUCK!" he yelled, glaring at the roo with his cold brown eyes. He roared again and swung his massive fist, but he was too clumsy and too slow. Toby hopped out of the way as Odie fell forward. The bear spat and cursed, stumbling back to his feet as he pulled the overalls back up, still clutching his manhood tightly with his other paw. He limped back toward the door, glaring over his shoulder as he flung it open so hard the doorknob made a dent in the wall. "I ain't done with you yet, you little fucker! Come mornin' time yer gonna pay fer that!" he yelled back, stepping through the door and slamming it closed as hard as he'd swung it open. Toby heard a loud clank as the bear slammed the lock shut and then a heavy thud, like he'd fallen against the wall.

Andrew looked back at Toby, wiping the tears away from his eyes and then ran up to hug the roo. He wrapped his arms around Toby so tight he could hardly breathe, nuzzling against his chest. "Thank you Toby, thank you so much. I can't stand up to him like you can. You're just like Super Roo!" he sobbed, still hugging as tight as he could. Toby rubbed the bear cub's back warmly and took a deep breath, trying to calm the adrenaline in his veins.

"What was he doing?" he asked Andrew, a shakiness still in his voice. Andrew let go of his hug and sat back a bit, tucking his ears and looking away.

"He wanted me to put his thingy in my mouth." he said, shyly. "And sometimes, other places, but It's not always like that! Sometimes he's really nice about it and it's fun; I just really don't like doing it when he's super drunk. He gets really mean and hurts me."

"Why would he want to put his thingy in your mouth?" Toby asked, still a little confused.

"It's something grownups do sometimes." Andrew answered, scraping his footpaw bashfully against the ground, "If they're nice about it, it can be a lot of fun. I've played with my school teacher before, he showed me lots of neat tricks, but my daddy ain't quite so nice. If you want I can show you tomorrow?" he nodded, wiping away his tears and giving Toby a bit of a smile.

"I dunno, maybe, it seems kinda weird." Toby rubbed behind his ear and tilted his head.

"Naw, lots of furs do it." he said, yawning and stretching, sitting back down on the pile of blankets.

"I think your dad might be really mad at me though. Andrew, I might have to run for it tomorrow."

"No you can't leave!" Andrew suddenly looked very distraught and reached for Toby's paw. "He'll probably forget, don't worry, besides, if you run they'll chase you!" he hugged Toby tightly and tucked his tail down.

"I don't know Andrew, we'll see what tomorrow brings."

They continued to talk late into the night, and eventually they fell asleep nestled against each other in the pile of blankets. It didn't smell too good, but it was soft, and warm, and Toby had a friend.


They woke up to a screeching high-pitched beeping sound ringing over and over again. Toby sprang up but he couldn't tell where it was coming from. Andrew sat up too, rubbing his eyes and looking up at Toby. "What is that Toby? What's that sound?"

"I don't know Andrew, it's coming from the other room I think." he walked over toward the door, putting his long ear up against the wood. He could hear a lot of pounding and shuffling, then he looked back toward the window and saw plumes of thick black smoke rising from below.

"Common Odie, grab yer bitch n' lets git outta here! The place is on fire!" he could hear Duke yell from the other room. Oh no. It was on fire, the building was on fire! Toby tried to remember what they taught him in school about fires. Call 911! That was first, but he couldn't do that; he didn't have a phone! Stay low, under the smoke line, and get out of the building. Toby dropped down to his knees and crawled toward the door, reaching up to turn the handle. First he checked to see if it was warm, but the handle seemed cool enough, so he tried to turn it. Locked. Oh no, oh no, oh no!!! They hadn't unlocked the door, he was trapped!!

Toby started banging on the door and shouting. "Help! Let us out! Please, please, let us out!" he screamed, but all he could hear was the front door slam and he knew they were gone. "Andrew, Andrew, is there another way out? We have to get out of here or we'll get burned up!" he hopped back toward the bear cub, but Andrew was crouched down and had his knees tucked up to his chest, burrying his face against them as he hugged his legs. He shook his head when Toby touched him, letting out a yelp and scooting back along the floor.

This was no use, he had to do something himself. There were only two exits, the door and the window, but they were up on the third floor. He could never make a jump like that, and how would he get Andrew out? The door was locked tight, but maybe there was some way through it?


Option A: Try to jump out the window and leave Andrew behind. It's really high up, but broken legs are better than being cooked alive.

Option B: Try to break the door. If it's as well maintained as the rest of this apartment, the wood is probably weak and you might be able to break it.

Option C: Keep banging on the door and calling for help. They have to remember that you're in here!

Option D: Curl up with Andrew and wait to be rescued. Someone has to come and save you!

Chapter 3B - The Kidnapping

**Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and may contain themes of...

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Chapter 2C - Second Chances

**Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and may contain themes of...

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Chapter 1 - The Escape

**Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and may contain themes of...

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