Pool Time Play Time

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The phone rang just a few minutes after six o'clock. "I'll get it, I'll get it!" shouted Jake as he sprang up from the dinner table and ran across the room. "Olivia?" he blurted out as he picked up the receiver and placed it against his ear.

"Hi Jake! We're just leaving my house so I'll be there soon!" replied the small voice on the other end. Jake's tail wagged furiously.

"Okay, see you soon!" Jake shouted out excitedly. He hung up the phone and hopped his way back to the table. "She'll be here soon! Thank you, thank you, thank you for letting her stay the night!" He picked up his plate and ran it over to the sink as his mom gave a chuckle at the young boy's excitement.

"Did you clean your room like I asked you to?" questioned his mother.

"Uh huh! It's sparkling clean!" replied Jake. His mother smiled, what a young boy would do to impress a girl. She brought her own plate over to the sink and washed it up, along with Jake's. "Can we go swimming in the pool Mom? Please, please, please." He begged.

"I don't think so hun, not tonight. It's going to be dark soon. And besides, we didn't tell her to bring her swimsuit! Maybe tomorrow."

His ears pinned back. "Okay." He said with a sigh. "We'll just play on the playground tonight." He gazed out the sliding glass door at the pool.

He then ran to the front window and peered out, wiggling about as he waited for Olivia to arrive. He sat down on the couch and turned on the television to try and occupy his mind, but failing. He heard a car go by and sprang back up to the window. But it wasn't them. "Hey mom, where's the sleeping bag? I'll go set it up for her!" he asked.

"It should be right inside the upstairs closet bud." She told him. He quickly ran up the stairs and opened the door to the closet. He pulled out the sleeping bag and walked it into his room, rolling it out on the floor next to his bed. He heard the door downstairs close and gasped, turning and running for the stairs. She was at the bottom of the stairs waving up at him, her Mom and his were talking over in the kitchen. "Olivia!" he exclaimed as he ran down the stairs and wrapped his arms around her.

He giggled and asked, "Wanna go play on the playground?" She smiled coyly at him and nodded. They both ran towards the door. Jake slid it open and waited for Olivia to step outside. After Jake had closed the door they lined up at the edge of the patio.

"Okay, ready?" Jake asked. Olivia gave a nod and he counted down "Three... two... one... GO!" He shouted and they both took off towards the swing set. Olivia reached it first and jumped on one of the swings, swaying back and forth. Jake panted as he reached the other one "I'll beat you next time!".

"Nuh uh!" She said with a sly smile. He jumped behind her and gave her a push on the swing, once she reached the peak she jumped off and landed, a bit wobbly, but she stayed standing. She smirked and ran at him. He climbed up the wooden ladder and down the slide. She had taken a shortcut and was waiting for him at the bottom. As he slid to a stop she pounced and tickled at his sides. He giggled and squirmed away, he ran over and sat on the swing set. She made her way over and sat next to him. They swayed gently and smiled at each other as they watched the sun set over top of Jake's house.

Just as the big orange ball fell beneath the roof and the sky lit up a beautiful pink Jake's mother opened up the door and called out. "Come on in you two, it's going to start getting dark!" They giggled and ran back to the house, arriving at the same time. They went in and Jake jumped onto the couch. Olivia followed at a walk and hopped up next to him.

"I don't think so! Time to get ready for bed you two! Olivia I put your bag right inside Jake's door. You can get changed in my room if you'd like." explained Jake's mother.

Olivia nodded, "Okay, thanks Mrs Wolf." She promptly hopped off the couch and climbed up the stairs to go get changed into her pajamas.

"Can we stay up late tonight Mom?" asked Jake hopefully.

"You know what your bed time is Jake." she scolded.

"But it's Fridayyyy!" begged Jake. His mother's only reply was a stern look, but he knew what that meant. He'd been spanked in front of friends before and he didn't want to be again! Olivia came downstairs and hopped on the couch beside Jake. "My turn!" he said, jumping up and going up the stairs to change.

Coming back down a few minutes later he climbed back onto the couch next Olivia. She had curled up with a pillow and was contently watching the cartoon that was on.

"I'm going up to bed now hun, you know the rules. No snacks, bed by nine." His mom made her way up the stairs.

"I know mom!" He said in a slightly irritated tone. He snuffed his nose and watched her climb the stairs. He smiled when she was out of sight and scootched over beside Olivia, curling up and leaning against her. She giggled and reached over and ruffled his headfur. He smiled and batted at her floppy bunny ears.

Just as their show ended the television shut off on it's own, just like it did every night. It couldn't be turned back on without the parent's password. Jake sighed. "Okay, I guess we have to go upstairs now."

"It's okay, I'm tired anyway." Olivia said with a smile and a cute yawn. They padded upstairs and into his room, shutting the door behind him. After a few minutes of them trying to figure out what to do Jake gave a sly smile.

"Are you too tired to be TICKLED?" He said as he pounced her and tickled at her sides. She squealed and tried to squirm away, but she couldn't escape his menacing little paws. After a few moments of kicking and wriggling around she finally got away from him and got ready to pounce on him.

Her posture relaxed. "But your mom.. She's sleeping.. Won't we wake her up?"

"She's not sleeping, she always reads before she sleeps." He giggled, sitting down on his bum. Olivia took this opportunity to tackle him with a cute little "Rawr!" She tickled at his sides and giggled along with him. She let up after a minute, still sitting atop his belly. He panted and pinned his ears back.

"I'll get you for that!" he threatened. She got up off him and he tackled her back, sitting on her legs, facing her feet, he tickling at her big bunny paws.

"EEP!" She squealed, twisting around and trying to kick him free from her feet. He stopped for a minute and nosed at her big paw pads. He had always loved her paws. She shivered from this and took the moment to slide away from him. She jumped back at him and started tickling his feet, he squirmed and giggled and she hopped on top of him, tickling at his sides, then turned around and went back to tickling his feet.

After a moment she stopped and cocked her head, looking down from where she was sitting. Jake now had a little stiffie poking into his pajamas. She blushed and looked away, climbing off and sitting next to him, looking away, her small bunny tail twitching happily. Jake giggled and blushed a bit. He reached over and took hold of her paw, bringing it closer and sliding it down the front of his pajamas. Olivia's cheeks burned bright red under her snow white fur as she felt his cock, tickling it with her paw digits. After a few moments of murring he gently pulled her paw out of his pants.

"Can I uhh... see... yours?" He gave a sly smile and wiggled a bit as he asked this, blushing. She frowned a bit, her ears flopping towards her back. She looked away from him and his ears pinned back as well.

"I.. I don't know if this is a good idea..." She looked down at her lap and fiddled with her feetpaws. Jake cocked his head and nudged her gently.

"Okay, let's just play a game then, how about truth or dare?" he asked with a giggle.

She smiled and her ears perked up again. "Okay! You ask first." She exclaimed with a smile. He cocked his head a bit and wiggled his nose as he thought.

"Hmm... Okay.. Truth or dare?" he asked. Truth, she replied. He gave a small giggle "Did you like feeling inside my PJs?"

She smiled and looked away and nodded her head a bit. "Uh huh." She said, looking down at her feet again. Her head sprang up looking at him. "Truth or dare?" She said with a giggle. He chose dare. "I dare you to take your PJ Pants off!" she giggled. He stood up without a word and undid the little tie in the front. She brought her paws up to her eyes with a giggle and peeked through her digits. He slid his pants down to his ankles and kicked them away. He still had his white underpants on and his cock created a large lump in them. Olivia giggled and smirked at him, looking down at the lump in his pants. "Okay, it's your turn now." She said nervously.

"Truth or Dare?" He asked her with a smirk.

"D..Dare..." she bravely chose.

"Well we have to be even! I dare you to take your pants off too!" He suggested. She giggled and nodded.

"Okay. But I'm keeping my undies on too!" She said nervously. She stood up and turned around, facing away from him. She slid her pajama pants down her legs revealing her pink panties clinging to her white fur. She walked over and folded them, setting them by her bag. She turned around and smiled sweetly over at Jake. She walked over to him and looked down at the lump in his underpants. "C.. Can I touch it?" She asked nervously. Jake smiled and nodded looking away coyly, then back at her with a chuckle.

Olivia poked at his stiffie and smiled, rubbing it with her hand. She ran a single digit down the length of it and to his balls, cocking her head a bit and feeling them both in her palm. He wiggled and murred as she fiddled with his bits. She pulled her hands back and placed them in front of her own bits with a smile, looking down at her hands. Jake smiled and reached down, sliding his hand down behind hers and feeling her warm vulva. He poked and prodded at it, massaging it with his digits. Olivia closed her eyes in sweet bliss as her ears flopped down by her shoulders.

"How about we.. take our undies off?" suggested Jake as he slowly pulled his paws away from her and back in front of his own bits.

"I.. I don't know.. then we would.. see each other.. naked!" she exclaimed, looking away a bit.

Jake nodded with a smile. "That's the point silly!" he giggled.

She smirked at the idea. "Okay, but only if we turn around, and do it at the same time!" Jake agreed and they both turned, facing opposite of each other.

"Okay... One... Two... Three!" counted Jake, pulling his undies down and stepping out of them. He held his paws over his bits. She had taken her panties off and was hiding her bits under her paws as well. They turned around at the same time and looked down at their own feet paws, too shy to look at each other in the face, blushing like mad.

"What if we both climb under the covers in your bed?" She suggested with a smile.

"Okay!" Jake waddled over to the side of his bed, her right next to him. They both tried to climb up into the bed with only one free paw, covering their privates with the other. After a few brief seconds of struggling they both managed to get up on top, and then they waddled over and quickly hid themselves under the covers, only their heads and paws sticking out. They faced each other and giggled.

They both lay still for several moments, just smiling and looking into each other's eyes. Jake then reached under the covers and over to her. He felt around and found her belly, tracing it down, gently tickling her, making his way to in between her legs. She giggled and squirmed a bit, reaching down and taking hold of his paw to guide it where it wanted to be. Jake jumped a bit as he felt it again. It was so warm and starting to get a bit wet. She wiggled her way closer to him in the bed and kissed his nose gently with a giggle. He blushed and murred, rubbing his scruffy little paw pad against her opening. She lay back and breathed deeply, smiling and closing her eyes as he slowly slid one of his digits inside of her. He gently pulled out and rubbed her again. He didn't know if he was hurting her by going inside but he hoped she would tell him if he did.

He stuck his digit inside of her again, glad that he could make her so happy. She really seemed to enjoy what he was doing. He curiously decided to take it a step further and he extended another digit, sliding two inside of her. She cringed a bit and tightened up so he quickly withdrew and started to rub her again. She breathed a deep sigh and reached her own paw down to grab onto his, pulling it away slowly. He let out a small whimper. Then he felt her paw reach over to his side and rub his cock. He smiled as he realized that she was telling him it was her turn, just like truth or dare, they were taking turns.

She slid her paw pads down his length and to his sac where she massaged his balls, taking one in her paw and playing with it. She could see Jake's tail sticking out the covers of the bed and wagging up and down and she knew she was doing it right. She pressed her palm against his whole sac and felt him press his hips against her. He smiled and closed his eyes as she had. She slid her paw back up to his member. She rubbed along his length again then wrapped her paw around it and started sliding up and down. Up and down, she stroked him. After a few moments she let go and rubbed the tip of it. He murred and leaned forward, wrapping his muzzle around part of her floppy ear and nibbling on it. She giggled and let go of him.

"Hey that tickles!" She said, trying to pull her ear away from the pup. He giggled and moved closer to her and started to tickle at her sides.

"I'm gonna get you back from earlier!" he said with a sly smile. She wriggled and writhed as he moved with her, tickling at her menacingly. They both ended up under the covers, the darkness concealing them from eachothers views. Jake grappled at her feet and started to tickle at her paw pads as she giggled and writhed with joy. She finally wiggled free of him and tackled him under the blankets, grabbing at his feetpaws and tickling his paw pads. She grinned and giggled as she tickled his feet. He wiggled all over, and then, in his wiggling, his cold nose pressed against her warm bits causing her to squeal and stop tickling him, curling up into a ball.

He wiggled his nose about with this new scent in it. After a moment she shivered and relaxed from where she was curled up. She lay flat again under the covers and he lay over her on her legs, sniffing at her vulva and murring, his ears pinned back and he gently dug his nose inside of her. She instinctively spread her legs as the tip of his muzzle penetrated her further. While inside of her he extended his tongue outwards slightly to taste what it was that he had smelled. As he did this her body tensed up and she let out a moan. He thought he had hurt her or done something wrong so he slowly wiggled his nose out of her. She lay there in his bed panting hard.

"That felt really weird... But it was good!" She said between pants, her legs still spread exposing her warm, wet pussy.

His tongue extended and licked at his nose. "You smell pretty down there." He said with a giggle. She blushed and closed her legs, crawling out from under the covers. They still had their shirts on and it was very hot tonight since it was still summer time. Jake popped up out of the covers beside her and lay on his belly next to her, his stiffie pressing against his tummy. He reached over and wrapped an arm around her, nuzzling at her side. She giggled and kissed his cheek.

"It's so hot tonight!" she protested.

"Well.. We could go out to the pool." He suggested. "It would be just us! We could go in naked!" He whispered the last word and tickled her sides gently.

"Hehe, can we get out.. without your mother waking up?" She questioned nervously.

"Yeah! Of course we can!" He said with a smile. He slid to the side of the bed and hopped down. He faced the bed and she still couldn't see his bits. Her ears perked up and she tried to peek over but he pressed closer to the bed and giggled. She slid over to the edge where he was and kissed at the side of his muzzle.

He blushed and smiled, looking down coyly. He stood back from the bed a bit, revealing his small puppy length. Her eyes widened and her ears perked up, her small bunny tail wiggling on her cute little bunny buns. She smiled and reached her paw down, feeling again what she had before, but seeing it for the first time. After a moment of feeling it up again she pulled her hand back and climbed out from under the covers, sitting on the edge of the bed. Her legs parted and revealed her sweet little slit. Jake's ears perked up and his tail wagged back and forth faster than ever before. He murred and brought his nose down to it, sniffing in the sweet succulent scent of his long eared playmate. Her toes curled up and she breathed in deeply as he extended his tongue and stuck it inside of her for a moment. He pulled back and helped her down from his bed.

They held hands as they walked to his door, opening it a crack when they arrived, he peeked out and down the hall to where his mother's room was. Her door was closed as usual so he opened the door the rest of the way and held her hand as they walked on their tippy paws out to the closet next to the bathroom. He slowly opened it up and pulled out two large towels, wrapping one around her, and dragging another behind him. They slowly crept down the stairway and over to the backdoor, sliding it open and running out to the pool giggling.

They arrived at the side of the pool and threw their towels on a nearby chair. Jake walked to the side and sat down, kicking his feet gently in the warm pool water. His stiffie had gone away during the walk to the pool but he still had a bit of pink poking out. She came over and sat beside him, slowly moving a paw over and rubbing at his thigh, sliding over closer to him, nuzzling against his side, rubbing at his bits. His pink slid out from it's sheath, hardening and pressing against her paw as she rubbed with more momentum. She stopped after a moment, leaning her small muzzle down and licking at it. He shuddered a bit and she smiled, opening her maw and sliding it inside, suckling on him as he murred, ears pinned back, tail swaying back and forth. Her small head bobbed up and down on his member, her tongue tenderly licking at it inside of her maw. Her ears flopped down to his sides, tickling at his thighs. He groaned and started to hump forward into her mouth. She stopped and wrapped her arms around him, nuzzling his neck.

She slid away from him a bit and pulled her shirt off from over her head, throwing it over by their towels. She jumped away from him into the water and shivered as she adjusted herself to the temperature. He smiled down at her as he looked underwater between her legs. He licked his lips and pulled his own shirt off over his head, throwing it carelessly away. He hopped down in the water with her, his warm hard cock twitched as it was engulfed by the cool water. He murred and waded over to her, nuzzling his nose into one of her ears and sniffling as she giggled and squirmed about. She splashed water at him and tried to flop away into the water.

"Stop that!" She yipped as she pulled away from him, pushing herself through the water and kicking her feetpaws back at him playfully. He smiled and swam through the water towards her. She stopped and turned around, floating in the water. He swam into her and wrapped his arms around her. They tumbled under the water a bit and then came up, both laughing.

The moon reflected on the water as he tread in it beside her. They looked each other in the eyes and smiled, then swam back to the shallow end of the pool, where they could both safely stand. Jake disappeared under the water and she cocked her head, jumping a bit as she felt his nose rub against her slit underneath the water, air bubbles leaking out of his lungs and tickling her from her vulva, up her chest, and to her neck. She shivered as he popped back up above the water, panting for air and giggling.

She waded around behind him and nuzzled close to him, reaching around him and grabbing at his sheath. She wrapped both of her little paws around it and massaged it with her digits. She rested her small muzzle on his shoulder and kissed at his cheeks as he closed his eyes. His tail had been pinned between him and her to the side, he moved his hips forwards and moved it in between her legs, then moved back against her. His tail lifted upwards, rubbing against her cunt. She grunted and continued massaging his sheath with one of her paws, reaching the other one up to wrap around his cock, holding it tenderly, sliding her paw up and down his warm pink boyhood. His tail rocked up and down, the soft fur massaging her vulva, causing her legs to shake underneath her.

His cock began to throb in her paws, she felt it and stopped, not knowing if she had done something wrong. His tail rubbed against her cunt one more time and then slowly sank down between his legs. She groaned loudly as his soft furry tail spread her lips. He turned around and hugged closer to her, his cock rubbing against her cunt. At that moment they both realized the same thing. They knew what they were both meant to do now, that one fit inside the other, The only problem was how to do this.

They both looked down under the water. He reached down and held his cock with one of his paws, stepping forward and trying to penetrate into her. He grunted, having a hard time. She reached down and took his paw, stepping forward and guiding him inside her. She wrapped her arms around him as he pushed forward into her. He started to pant as he pushed through her hymen. She gave a loud groan and rested her head on his shoulder, nibbling gently on his neck.

They pressed their hips together, panting and clinging tightly to one another in the warm summer water. After a moment their instincts kicked in. He slowly pulled out of her and then plunged back in, pausing inside of her for a moment and then repeating the process. She moaned loudly and hugged tighter to him, his cock began to throb as he slowly pushed through the waters and into her waiting vulva. His ears pinned back and his tail stiffened up out of the water as his tiny load of milky puppy cum squirted out of his tip and filled her insides. She tensed up and grunted, lifting one of her legs off the bottom of the pool, nipping at his neck and wincing. This new feeling was phenomenal, she didn't want it to end, she wanted to stay like this forever.

He started to pull away but got caught by his tiny puppy knot inside of her. She yipped and pushed closer to him as she felt his warm ball of pink inside of her. They clung to each other for several moments before he slid out of her, his pink retreating back to it's sheath. They shifted and sat on the stairs of the pool next to each other, holding each other close and cuddling gently.

Jake leaned over and kissed Olivia's muzzle gently. She smiled and looked down, then turned towards him placed a paw on his muzzle, and locked her lips with his, closing her eyes. Jake stiffened his body a bit, he had not expected this. His eyes opened wide, his ears perked, then he relaxed, moving his paws over onto her sides and murring through the kiss. After a moment they broke away, she smiled and looked down slightly, out of embarrassment. He grinned and nuzzled his head against her shoulder.

"I liked that." he said, wrapping his arm around her. She rested her head on his shoulder.

"Me too," she agreed. He rested his head on hers. They both were looking up at the large moon hanging in the sky. It was a beautiful night with dark fluffy clouds spotting the sky here and there.

"I think we should get back to bed now." She suggested. He sighed and lifted his head.

"I guess you're right." He stood up and took her paw, helping her up. They walked over to their towels and he picked up the one he had given to her earlier.

"Hey, that's mine!" She said, giggling.

"I know! I'm going to help!" he said, smirking and tackling her, tickling her all over with the towel to dry her off. A small ray of light beamed down on them and they both stopped and turned immediately to look up at a window on the second floor of Jake's house. By the time they had looked it was gone, and the lights were out in the room. Perhaps they had imagined it... Jake stood and helped Olivia to her paws, helping dry her off the rest of the way and nibbling at her neck slightly, playfully growling. After she was dry she picked up his towel and helped dry him off, kneeling down and paying special attention to drying off his bits.

She gave a quick nibble at his sheath and then picked up her shirt she had thrown over earlier. They smiled at each other and proceeded back inside. Once back inside Jake's room they threw the towels in his laundry bin and climbed up into his bed. They scootched under the covers and held each other close. Jake lay on his side, one arm around her, and she cuddled close to his body. They slowly faded to sleep in each other's arms, the sleeping bag on the floor innocently empty, their undies on the floor beside it.