Digimon: Rest Stop and Trades (1of 4) - Ch 5-1

Story by Gryphie on SoFurry

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#6 of [Digimon] Crystal Destiny

It was reaching nightfall again, with not a soul around but the two of them, and it was starting to creep Robbie out. Leomon's voice was always very soft-spoken, so sometimes Robbie had to strain to hear him, but not tonight. It was dead quiet. He scowled to himself at that inadvertent pun and shook his head. He had hoped that Leomon would have found some sort of shelter, but trees were all he could see in any direction. He supposed that this place ought to have some sort of towns now and then.

Leomon spoke up again regretfully, as he stopped, craning his neck left to right. He growled heatedly. "Robbie, I'm afraid we can't find any safe shelter - we may have to camp out. I'm not sure I want to risk our safety by staying out so exposed here."

Robbie's feet ached from the long walking. He ordinarily wouldn't mind long walks, but this was pushing it. He groaned, pulling up a foot, and trying to massage it on one leg. "So, now what?"

Leomon sighed, shaking his mane in the fading light. "I don't know. We probably should make the best of it. I'll keep watch. You sleep. I'm afraid there'll be no fire tonight." He felt slightly guilty for doing it, but prudent caution demanded that he observe this amenity tonight -- at least under open cover. He knew the Mist's movements were stronger at night, and he didn't want to risk attracting attention.

Lights twinkling on caught Robbie's attention, however. He pointed excitedly. "What's that then!? Is that a town or something?"

Leomon stared intently in the direction of the lights. Hmmm. He could be right. There could be one. And judging from the distance, it would only be another hour's walk. "Perhaps you're right. I do not know everything of this forest region. There may indeed be a town there."

Robbie's aches evaporated away, as he tugged on Leomon's arm with his hand. "Well, let's go! It doesn't look that far away."

Leomon however wasn't quite convinced, but started walking to let Robbie lead. This time. He didn't really remember exactly what this part of the forest contained, but it did resemble a town with lights. And he was tiring, as well. Perhaps these Digimons would be friends, and wouldn't be possessed. He hoped.

After a hour's fast pace, they slowed down as they saw what resembled buildings, with windows and light sources inside them. It was too dark to actually see much on the outside, while they entered the town.

A digimon stepped out of the darkness, holding a lantern, which illuminated itself clearly, hailed out a hearty greeting, "Hello! Welcome to our town, Trades!"

Robbie froze, seeing the digimon -- it resembled a pale brown star, with blue eyes, a turban, a long white shirt that fell to its knees, and a green vest. He relaxed marginally, when Leomon hadn't reacted to it by going into what he viewed as his battle stance. This was the third digimon he had seen so far. This one seemed nonthreatening, and even adorable, if you'd consider any digimon adorable. It appeared that Digimon did come in all types and shapes. He wondered what kind this one was though.

Leomon couldn't believe their good fortune -- this was a Merchantmon -- a relatively uncommon digimon who lived to trade goods for services or vice versa. It should be much easier on the two of them if they could obtain proper supplies. He returned the hail with a similar hearty greeting. The Merchantmon digimon was glancing at Robbie, curious, and smiling politely. Leomon smiled softly. "This is my human partner -- Robbie. This is a Merchantmon -- a digimon who lives to trade goods for services, or vice versa."

Merchantmon grinned and stuck out its hand. "Nice to meet you, Robbie."

Robbie took it in his own, and shook it, feeling awkward and shy. He cleared his throat, then softly spoke. "You too."

Dropping his hand, Merchantmon did a doubletake at Robbie, and then at Leomon in incredulity. "The Digidestined came back? We can have hope now?"

Leomon nodded sagely. "I found only Robbie. I don't know if there are any others." He silently added in his mind, 'or will be any more.'

At the word 'hope', Robbie flinched internally. He wasn't quite sure he wanted more expectations of him. It was different when it was just him and the lion digimon. But now... it seemed as if expectations of his performance were increasing the more they would be encountering other digimons. He hoped he was up to the task.

Merchantmon nodded, with a beaming smile. "I am sure he will help us -- even one digidestined is more than we had hoped for!" He stepped back, his expression now shrewd and calculating. "Now onto business. I am guessing you two need a place to stay the night, perhaps acquire some supplies?"

Robbie felt poleaxed, and stared at Merchantmon. Leomon felt similarly surprised, but he realized he oughtn't have been -- these were trading digimons.

Leomon inclined his head, and smiled. "Yes. We do. I am willing to do any manual labor in exchange, and you should ask Robbie what he could do -- I do not know what he can do yet. But I'm sure he's a fast learner."

Robbie blinked. In several ways that could have been taken so wrong, but it was true. Robbie hadn't really had time to demonstrate what he could do, or couldn't ever since he had landed here.

Leomon continued, "We will need bedrolls, or at the very least, some bundles of blankets, provisions, a place to sleep for tonight. I'm afraid our provisions are rather low at the moment, and we don't have anything on us that we can trade, I think. It all depends on what you need."

Merchantmon grinned. "Of course. We'll find some equivalent of labor, don't worry! Tonight we can remedy the place to sleep first, if you wish. I'll get some provisions for a late meal, if you want?"

Robbie's stomach rumbled audibly at the mention of a late meal. He flushed and held his stomach.

Leomon's smile grew broader. "I think that's a yes."

Merchantmon called out to another of it's kind, and requested meat bulbs for the two of them. He looked at both of them critically, and judged about eight or ten bulbs would be enough. "Ten Meat bulbs. Make a tally of everything they need when you show them the place."

Robbie felt a bit self-concious when Merchantmon had given him a hard scrunitizing glance. He was rather relieved when he turned to another Merchantmon that had popped up. He watched as the other Merchantmon bobbed once and darted off to get the provisions.

Merchantmon smiled again, and crossed its arms. "It won't be long. They'll be roasted, and put into a sack to be kept warm in your room. Shall we go to your room?" He gestured to a nearby building which looked bigger than Robbie had realized.

Leomon bowed his head once. "We thank you for your hospitality. Discussion will take place tomorrow, I hope? We are rather fatigued."

Merchantmon bobbed its head rapidly. "Of course! This way."

It turned around, and walked toward the room, and pushed the door open into a well-lighted house-like dwelling. Robbie was first to follow, and Leomon walked right behind him.

The inside of the dwelling was a surprise to Robbie -- it was virtually naked of any furniture other than what appeared to be a bed to sleep in, along with a low table nearby. Otherwise, the room was bare. On the table was a bulging sack that had steam floating off the top. Robbie had not been certain of what to expect, but this was extremely bare -- but it would have to be good enough. He was bone tired, and starving. He collapsed on the hard ground with a soft grunt of pain and a visible wince. He felt like he had hit his tailbone again, and it jarred almost painfully.

Leomon smiled and thanked the Merchantmon, who had disappeared shortly after, with bidding them a good evening.

Leomon shut the door, and turned around, frowning. "Robbie?"

Robbie looked up at Leomon with a bleary gaze. He was starting to feel slightly cranky. "What?"

Leomon was taken aback by Robbie's brusque change of mood, and he walked over to the table, then slid to the ground, with his legs crossed. "Did you hurt yourself earlier? Do you have any injuries?"

Robbie growled, feeling suddenly smothered all of a sudden, and snapped. "No. I'm fine, dammit."

He shut up then, and ignored Leomon's hurt expression. At least the bag of food wasn't hard to open, he quickly had one in his hand, chewing on it, feeling rather sullen, and now a tad ashamed.

Leomon wasn't sure what was going on with Robbie, but there was definite changes. He had no idea how to handle this at all. In the better light, he noticed that Robbie's fur on his face had grown very slowly, but there was definite growth in his face fur. He didn't know if humans all had fur on their faces, or what they did with it. He only knew that it was growing on him, and enhancing Robbie's appeal more and more.

Maybe acquiring his new power had altered him a little? Robbie had seemed so pleasant when he had first arrived, but now it seemed that his moods drastically altered from time to time. A glimmer of an idea came to him -- perhaps it was just being tired made him cranky or vulnerable.

Considering that thoughtfully, He reached for some meat bulb and absent-mindedly chewed on it, then swallowed it in silence. His tail thumped the floor quietly, and unconciously. He filled himself up on several more bulbs.

Robbie sighed after finishing his third meat bulb, and having to force it down his throat, feeling the silence become ratherawkward. It wasn't really Leomon's fault that he got a bit pissy. He rubbed his nose, and looked at Leomon. "It's not you...I ... I feel sore, sometimes itchy, but I don't know why! Ever since I freed that Trimon... I've been feeling very out of it."

Leomon nodded in acceptance. Quiet alarms rang inside his head as some of his speculations may have been true after all. "You have to rest more, not the rest that you were getting. Maybe another night of sleep will help."

Robbie stood to his feet, and felt dizziness shake him slightly, then pass as fast as it came. "Urk. I guess you're right." His eyes half closed as his mind drifted off to half-slumber, and before he knew it, Leomon had grabbed his waist before he fell over.

Leomon was deeply concerned now. This was taking him too long to recover. Either that, or Robbie was not used to traveling this much. He held Robbie's waist with one arm, and pulled the thin cotton blanket off the bed, and seated him inside it. He tugged at Robbie's shirt, which seemed to resist being pulled, then Robbie's arms lifted, without any concious volition. His head lolled back as he appeared to be fast falling into slumber. Leomon sighed, and growled softly. Robbie's arms fell back down to his sides, and hung limply. Leomon slid his arms under Robbie again, and shifted him gently to the other end of the bed, nearer the wall.

He stared at Robbie's chest and stomach, and ached to run his paw over it, to rub it. He wrestled with the temptation of slipping out of his trousers. He savagely bit off a growl, and murmured softly. "No. I will not take advantage of him!" He did unbutton his pants slightly, so he'd have room for his flesh to emerge without being any painful restraints.

With that settled, he slid in bed, careful to not wake his attractive partner.

He saw Robbie's nipple -- a quarter-sized spot, with the center of it stiffening into a thick nub. He couldn't help himself, and lightly rubbed the nub. He felt his loins tightening rapidly, and was amazed that Robbie hardly moved except for a low moan that emerged from his mouth. Sneaking a peek under the blanket, he saw a sizeable mound tenting in what he assumed was Robbie's crotch. It was moving slightly, as Leomon rubbed the nub again, and then reached for the other one. A visible throb made Robbie's dick strain the pants further upward, then subsided slightly, as he tugged on the nipple gently. Robbie, still deep asleep, hadn't moved much, other than his legs shifting slightly, his dick hard as a rock, and a low moaning from his throat.

He knew this was madness to tempt himself, but he was damnably curious about his human partner. His paw flew back, as if burned. He gritted his teeth, wanting him so badly. It wasn't wise to keep trying to tease Robbie's body, but his unsatiated need wouldn't go away. Snarling soundlessly, he tore himself out of bed, and panted heavily, swimming in the lust of his loins and thoughts. He reluctantly turned his glance back on the affections of his lust, suddenly realizing Robbie wasn't moaning, but deeply asleep. He felt relieved, and cursed at the same time. Relieved that Robbie hadn't woken up just yet, and his damnable thoughts kept making him feel like a beast in heat. That's exactly what he was, he had to grudgingly admit to himself. But... He was starting to care for him as well.

Kneeling again before the sleeping human, he inhaled Robbie's scent, and frowned momentarily. The scent, while in the beginning, had been rather wispy, but potent when Robbie had wrestled with his attraction to Leomon. He sniffed slowly from Robbie's head to his chest. He watched it rise and fall slowly. The pheremones he had smelled were much stronger, over his entire body. It seemed to lay over him as an aura of sexuality. He wondered what the source of it was, so he moved his way down further his stomach, and then stopped at his loins. It appeared Robbie was still fully aroused, even while he was asleep. The smell almost became overpoweringly attractive to Leomon's nose at that area. His eyes suddenly glowed green, and lust boiled over in his loins. His paws clenched into fists so tightly, his knuckles turned white, and he winced, snapping out of his hunt. His paws trickled blood slightly down his fingers. With a supreme force of will, he pulled back. The clues suddenly fell into place, like a splash of cold water in his face.

He had been perilously close to shredding Robbie's clothes off, and having his way with him. Robbie had changed. There was no doubt of it. He didn't know if it was something that was supposed to happen, or if absorbing the essence of the Digiegg had been the cause. It was a moot point. He desperately hoped that Robbie would grow stronger and be able to wield the powers of the Digieggs. If this was any indication of how Robbie would react every time he used his new power...

Leomon growled in frustration. If he could help assume some of the burden, he would gladly take it. He had to get some air. He stood up, knowing that the Merchantmon would safeguard his partner, at least for several hours. Gently pulling the blanket back over Robbie's chest, he laid a paw on Robbie's head, and he exhaled sharply through his nose. He went to the door, glanced at his human partner, giving him one last look before he left.

He took care to button his pants up fully -- partly to not give them any misimpressions, and partly, he had to be alone to try to meditate. Perhaps then, he'd get some answers, and maybe an idea would come to him. Walking out the door, he spied a Merchantmon checking what seemed to be a traveling contraption, and waited until it had finished before turning back to him.

"Hello! What can I do for you?" He smiled up at Leomon, who felt nervous and tried not to show it.

Leomon smiled briefly. "I need to scout the nearby surroundings to find a relatively safe place to medtiate. My human partner is asleep, but ... umm..."

Merchantmon gestured outward, guessing Leomon's intentions, "But... you do not want to leave him by himself? How long will your meditation last?"

Leomon shrugged his expansive shoulders. "I don't know. I simply would like a guard, or someone to be there, in case he wakes and I'm not there."

Merchantmon mm-hmmed, studying Leomon's reactions. It knew there was something happening here, but it was not their business to pry into any further than what they were willing to share. It nodded. "That I can do. You have my word as a Merchantmon of Honor."

Leomon bowed his head deeply, and smiled wryly. "Thank you. I will expedite things as quickly as possible." He knew that Merchantmons wouldn't welsh out of a deal, but he didn't want to try his good nature any further. Their honor was incorruptible.

Feeling much more relieved than he had in the last couple days, he smiled. "Then I leave you to it."

Merchantmon bobbed its head. "There is a grove about fourty paces that way - a nice clearing to meditate." Merchantmon couldn't help wonder on what. But as Merchantmon thought to itself -- it's not it's business. The star-shaped digimon pointed in the direction it spoke about, and went inside their dwelling to guard the sleeping form of the digidestined.

Leomon headed into the direction provided, and found a clearing with lush grass and trees ringing it about ten paces on each side. He smiled to himself, and settled down in the center, with his legs crossed, and his slightly aching paws on his knees. The slight gouges had scabbed already, and he hardly felt a twinge, unless he flexed his paws.

He tried to get into the proper frame of mood, yet an image of his memory of Robbie washing himself kept pushing its way into his mind, making his loins itch and ache intolerably. He snarled quietly, banishing the image from his mind, and began again. Leomon finally started to drift into a deep trance, looking within himself for answers.

Several hours later, Robbie moaned quietly, opening his eyes, and blinked. This place was different. He wasn't at home, then memories of the last few days rushed into the forefront of his mind. He slowly sat up, feeling oddly sore on his nipples, and he looked down -- they were fully thickened into hard nubs. He frowned -- He didn't used to have these that big before, did he? He touched a nipple, and squeezed it, nearly moaning loudly, but managing to stifle it. They were much more sensitive now. His dick had throbbed insistently to be let out and breathe. He sighed. It seemed like he was slightly longer and thicker at least judging from his erection, but that was impossible, wasn't it? He blamed it on the strange dreams that he had of being seduced by Leomon in so many different ways. He clenched the mattress in frustration and unspent lust, realizing he was in a bed. And alone. Leomon must have had put him in bed. That in itself spoke for the caring nature that Robbie was so attracted to, along with his ... other features.

Once he took a glance around, he gasped loudly, suddenly frightened. Leomon wasn't here?! Did Leomon just drop him here, and leave? Doubt and fear had started to creep in.

A knock on the door startled Robbie out of his wits, then he pulled them together. "Who is it?"

One of the Merchantmon had peeked inside, and smiled apologetically. "I didn't wish to intrude, but I heard you were awake. If you are wondering about Leomon, he requested a place so he could meditate."

Robbie nodded, his eyes vaguely unfocused. Leomon meditated? That was an interesting tidbit that he filed away. Merchantmon stood there at the door, staring at Robbie.

He realized that his blanket had fallen down, and his chest was exposed. Flushing slightly, he gathered what blanket he could and held it up to his chest. "When will he be back?"

Merchantmon shrugged. "I don't know. He didn't specify when he'd return, but he wanted me to stand guard for at least several hours, or so. He seemed rather distracted by something."

Robbie glanced down at the blanket, and then back up at the Merchantmon. "Ah. Okay. Thanks. I think I'll be fine here."

Merchantmon bobbed its head once, then pointed in the direction behind him. "Of course. I will be next door if any assistance is needed."

Robbie awkwardly nodded. "Right. Thank you."

The Merchantmon bowed his head slightly, then closed the door behind him, leaving.

Robbie let the blanket drop to his waist, feeling confused. Was Leomon definitely attracted to him as well? Was that why he had gone off to meditate? He absent-mindedly rubbed his chest, and frowned. His chest seemed slightly more muscular, but he dismissed it as a foolish fancy. He noticed his shirt had been tossed aside near the bed. He nicked it, and wriggled it on, surprised that the shirt seemed oddly a little tighter. He supposed it was just from getting it damp from his earlier bath, and drying himself off with it that it had shrunk a little. He wondered if these Merchantmon had garments he could possibly acquire a couple sets. It seemed as if they were piling up the bill while they stayed here. Hopefully they'd manage to balance the scales when the time came to barter for services for services and goods rendered.

Unsure what to do, but not feeling very particularly tired, he slid out of bed, feeling much stronger. Perhaps that was the key. The Digiegg they had found, somehow had given him a power to sense emotions, and to generate the emotion of hope at any possessed creatures. But he kept passing out, but distinctly remembered that everytime he ate more fruit bulbs or meat bulbs -- he had recovered his energy almost as fast. Rest and food would help him deal with it. He wished the digivice entity would talk to him, and tell him what was happening to himself, but he had an inkling that he was 'supposed to find out' for himself.

After all, a digidestined person or entity wouldn't be a very good one, if they couldn't think for themselves. He sighed, and hoped Leomon would return soon. He knew his lust couldn't remain unspent much longer, but he had gone longer than this without doing anything about it. It was just sudden exposure to a sexual situation that unnerved him, whenever it seemed to happen with Leomon.

He resolved to make sure he coped the best he could, at least until he felt more comfortable with Leomon. Occasionally, Leomon would do something that reminded him of a predator, and that made him more nervous from time to time. He was sure that Leomon was a good guy, but he wondered sometimes.

He sat at the table, feeling bored. He dug out his digivice and stared at it morosefully. "Are you sure I'm the best choice?" He whispered softly into the air.

Leomon stood by the door, hesitant to enter. The meditation had helped center him a lot better, and provided one illuminating answer. Robbie was becoming a partial digimon in order to be able to harness the powers of the Digieggs. It did explain Robbie's behavior. Taking a deep breath, he rapped against the door slightly calling out, "It's Leomon. Are you awake?"

Robbie jumped to his feet, and opened the door wide, with a shy smile on his face.

Leomon smiled in response, yet he was inwardly puzzled. "Are you feeling better?" He walked in past Robbie, and sat on the ground, looking at Robbie with undisguised concern. He knew he had to tell Robbie, but he didn't know how Robbie would take it.

Robbie chuckled. "Um. I guess I do." He shut the door, then turned around, looking at Leomon then he decided to sit on the bed, crossing his legs.

Both spoke at the same time, "I..." Robbie blushed, and then motioned Leo to go ahead. The lion was at a temporary loss for words, and started collecting his thoughts.

Leomon was sitting a step or two away from Robbie, and hid his palms on his knees, in slight shame. He had to explain some things. "I ... I needed to meditate. There are many things that were confusing me. I... I can smell things that other digimon cannot, perhaps even better than anyone."

He continued, staring at Robbie intently. "I ... detected a scent from you that smelled strange. Exotic. But I assumed that was because you were human, and I had never seen one before." He mentally winced at that word - Exotic. He hadn't quite been ready to reveal that he had an interest. But perhaps Robbie had figured it out already.

He exhaled softly. "Over the next few days, and most particularly, after you had accepted the Digiegg of Hope... your scent has changed. I have also noticed some physical changes in you as well."

Robbie fidgeted slightly, and covered his crotch with his arms in an attempt to look natural. What was Leomon getting to?

Leomon licked his upper lip with his pink tongue suddenly, as if his lips had gone dry. "You... I think you may be changing into ... a digimon. A little."

Robbie stared and growled the words out one by one forcefully. "No way. I'm not... I'm human!"

Leomon paused, suddenly nervous. He blurted out in a rush, "No. No. Yes. You are human. But... listen to me. I think I know why."

Robbie crossed his arms, and glared, waiting.

Leomon absent-mindedly scratched the back of his head. "Well... I think the Digiegg changed you -- just so you would be able to control the power of the Digiegg better. I have never heard of any of the digidestined kids having the power of the digimons themselves. There is one legend though -- how they transformed into the Legendary Warriors, but this isn't the same thing..."

He gazed at the floor, his ears flattened backwards in embarrassment. "I apologize for angering you."

Robbie's anger deflated and his mind dulled in resignation. Even if he were part digimon, it might have meant he was permanantly stuck. He hadn't heard of any digital data surviving on its own in the real world.

"Does that mean I'm stuck here permanantly?" His voice suddenly broke, and fell flat, and his eyes filled with sadness.

Leomon's heart broke to see Robbie in this state, and ignoring the twinges in his palms, he took Robbie's arms in his paws. "Robbie! No. I don't think so. I know that some digimons had been in the Real World several times, decades ago. You will return home. Have faith in this."

His heart hurt as he said that, hoping Robbie wouldn't want to return, but his practical side told him that his human partner belonged in the Real World, not here.

His partner hadn't pulled away, and Leomon didn't know if that was a good or bad sign. Leomon didn't care at the moment, and pulled Robbie fully into his chest, and simply held him firmly there, in his powerful arms.

Robbie grunted in surprise, his mood suddenly broken. His arms flailed slightly, and his mind screamed in joy and fright all at once. He savagely told the fright to go where the sun didn't shine. His arms moved on their own will, hugging him back. His back fur felt luxuriant and soft. Robbie breathed in a slight musky scent from Leomon's chest, and relaxed fully.

Leomon froze slightly at the response then he nuzzled Robbie's head and purred softly. "What changed your mind?"

Robbie sighed, pulling back only far enough to look up at the lion's eyes. "...I... I don't know. I should be afraid of you, of what you...what you might do."

Leomon rumbled in his throat, trying to be reassuring. "There was no need to be." He knew he shouldn't ruin this moment by asking more questions, but he had to know.

"I do not want to pry any more, but I am curious... why are you afraid and not afraid of me?"

Robbie groaned, and laid the side of his head on Leomon's chest, listening to it beat. "... Humans have a few taboos... things they don't talk about, or do. Some of them involve animals and mating with humans. Most people do not condone that. But there are people out there who embrace the idea of Humanoid Animal-like people -- at least in drawing, and sometimes lifestyle."

Leomon rubbed Robbie's lower back thoughtfully. "So, you are saying some might like to mate with a Lion-like Human, but cannot, since they don't ordinarily exist?"

Robbie purred in a low voice. "Sounds about right." Leomon's furry body felt warm and snuggly, and he instinctually burrowed himself into Leomon as far as he could.

That had certainly explained a few things that had made him wonder about Robbie's attraction. A daring question would solve his burning desire to know.


Robbie mumbled softly. "Hm?"

Leomon spoke quietly, but clearly. "Would you be such a person to want that?"

Robbie's ears caught that, but it didn't register until a moment later, when he suddenly pulled back out of Leomon's hug, with his cheeks flaming red. "Uh..."

Leomon suddenly smelled Robbie's scent flare into lust. He nodded, with a small smile. "I take it you are. Now, do not be embarrassed." He was vastly relieved that Robbie had finally admitted it. Now the moment of truth was about to happen. It would determine whether Robbie accepted his desire, or not.

He gazed into Robbie's eyes, and smiled in relief. "...I am attracted to you as well. I want you." His voice remained steady, which surprised him. He thought he had detected a tremor in the last few words. He tried not to look desperate, but part of it must have shown, for Robbie blushed.

Robbie gazed downward to one side, then looked up into the lion's eyes. "I didn't realize. Well, not immediately. I had wondered. I ..."

His voice cracked then as he continued. "...hoped so."

Leomon's voice rumbled in a low purr. "Hope no more..." His arms tightened around Robbie, and lifted him up to his feet, as he got to his own.