Water Under the Bridge

Story by ShadowFlamedramon126 on SoFurry

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"What a fine day, don't you agree Greninja?", I said as I laid on the soft sand, while the sun blasted its rays on my already tan skin. I took off my hat and let my hair flow out. I had no shirt on, and only had a swimming shorts on. Next to me was my Starter Pokemon, Greninja. It was a bipedal frog Pokemon, it had two pointy spikes that formed ears, and the rest of its face was covered with its tongue. It had a yellow belly, and had white bumps on its elbows and knees.

"Greeennn..", It said with a relaxed moan, as the sun shined down on him as well. The Pokemon had its tongue retracted for obvious reasons, as he laid down in the sand. I was on Route 8 on a unusually warm day, to hot to train.

We just stayed there as the sun shined down on us, in perfect harmony, I looked at my watch one last time, the time read 1:00 PM, I closed his eyes, both Greninja and Me falled asleep against the soft sand, warm sun, and peace.

The first thing I smelt was salt finding its way up my nose as my eyes opened and saw blue. My body was leaning against something, and I was in water, at least my legs anyway. I looked around the sea was rough and the clouds were dark. I looked down at my watch, 3:50 now I freaked out, I was stranded about for about 4 hours.

Suddenly Greninja popped up from the sea, he looked tense, but was here to save me. Suddenly 6 Sharpedo popped up like bullets out of a gun, and started to attack. I was silent yet Greninja used Water Shrunken. The attack slashed the Sharpedo who were unprepared for the ninja frog's attack.

I stood there silent from fear, but kinded calmed down when the Sharpedo retreated. Greninja and I looked around for an Island or Land or anything. Suddenly the wind picked up drifting us north, my body was now cold as we drifted north.

I looked at my watch it was now 6:25, I kept looking until. A flicker of light appeared on the horizion for one second and stopped it was all I need. I told Greninja to shoot us that way, and he did at record time. I was now standing on a beech of sand, looking for the flicker as I made a campfire.

With my lighter I set it ablaze, shine light on a now setting day. In less than 6 hours my life was fine now I was stranded on an Island alone, except Greninja who stood there. I then using materials from the forest that surrounded the beach, two pads for me and Greninja to sleep in far away from the tide that could drift us away again.

I couldn't sleep, I felt hot, cold and needy at the same time, I keep on having this boner poking up from my shorts. I couldn't take it any more. I ripped off my pants and started to masturbate from pure hornyness. I was as horny as a Mightyena, and let out assorted moans and groans until I looked over and saw Greninja waking up. I quickly put back my shorts trying to cover the organ.

Greninja could smell my musk, I could tell. He walked over and looked around. He then in curiosity touched the boner. I could help it, I moaned and then he knew what it did. He took off my pants, and looked at it. He took his tongue and touched the tip of it. I moaned again. He then took his tongue and wrapped it around my penis. He started to jack me off with his tongue and it was great. I was so horny and I practically shouted when I Orgasmed in his tongue. He briefly returned it all of his tongue and liked the taste.

It was now my turn. I looked at the Pokemon. Never a sexually being, but I looked at his crouch and saw a silt in his hips. A small red organ starting to make its way out. I was to horny at this point to care I licked the organ and it popped all the way out. I then having an idea got on all fours and presented my ass to him.

He shoved his dick in, my ass spreading with pain, but pleasure as the frog let instinct take over and find a rhythm. He kept shoving in trying to get it in deeper, but eventually his balls hit my balls. He then hit a spot I instantly moan out. He kept hitting that spot until I felt everything I my body fill with pleasure. I came right on the sand. While my ass caused Greninja to release his seed into me.

Suddenly as we were still doing it a light appeared in the forest. Then more appeared obviously a search party for me, and Greninja.

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