Yado Chuya Hotel: Ch 3

Story by Soen on SoFurry

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#3 of Yado Chuya hotel

After a long wait, here it is! Ch 3!!

Daishu's eyes darted back and forth, looking for some way to escape. The dragon glanced over at Toby. "I see you've made yourself a little friend..."

Daishu started to pant and he squeezed his eyes shut, wishing it all a dream. The dragon waved his paw and Toby released Daishu's muzzle.

"Come now, you didn't think that I wouldn't find you? That you could just...keep running and then all this go away?" the dragon chuckled. "I thought you were smarter than that, Daishu."

He leaned in close and whispered. "I told you before...... you can't escape me"

Daishu cringed as the words slipped through his ears. He took a deep breath, gathering up what courage he had, and looked into the dragon's piercing red eyes. "I understand why you're here, but why did you have to bring Toby into this mess? He doesn't know anything. He's innocent."

Toby smiled "Ketsu needed me to know the number to your room.... Remember? You told me back in the lobby."

The moment flashed back in Daishu's mind. At the time, the thought never occurred that this would happen. He mentally kicked himself for being so careless. "Toby...I know that you and I don't get along, but you don't want to do this. You don't want to get involved with Ketsu. Trust me. You can still leave."

Ketsu snarled and squeezed Daishu's wrist, pulling it forward. Daishu yelped and fell onto the bed face down. He felt something cold close around his wrist, replacing the tight dragon paw. He was cuffed to the bed. He quickly flipped over, pulling helplessly at the hand cuffs. Ketsu smiled and pulled up a chair next to the bed and sat down.

"Now.... Let's get down to business. First things first..... tell me why you chickened out. We were so close. What were you thinking?"

Toby sat up, obviously lost and confused. "Wait....what are you two talking about? What happened?"

Ketsu sighed and glared at Toby.

"Don't worry about it. It doesn't concern you."

"Now wait. I said that I wanted in when I told you about Daishu and gave you his room number. What'll it hurt to tell me?"

Daishu shot a glance at Toby. Part of him wanted Toby to get involved only because he knew what Ketsu would do. But deep down, he didn't want to see any unnecessary people get hurt.

"Toby, don't. You don't know anything yet. Get out before you know too much."

It was no use. Toby was stubborn and wasn't going anywhere. He was too intrigued. After a few minutes of silence and glaring from Ketsu, he figured that there wasn't anything to do but tell Toby what happened. How Daishu got involved with Ketsu.

They had met in a small, rundown looking bar. Rumors had been floating around of an amazing roo who was a master hacker and an ex-assassin. The rumors led Ketsu to the Yamachi Bar. Ketsu was a very powerful and wealthy dragon. Like many people with wealth and power, they tend to get bored and require interesting means of entertainment. Ketsu liked to see others attempt what was said to be impossible. If they succeeded, he would pay them handsomely. And so his quest for entertainment led him to seek out Daishu, the supposed ex-assassin and master hacker.

Now, rumors alone wouldn't be enough to satisfy Ketsu. He wanted to test Daishu's skills. Shortly after Daishu left the bar, Ketsu sent a dozen of his highest skilled assassins to "test" Daishu. Within six minutes, they were all defeated. Ketsu approached Daishu and proposed him an offer he couldn't refuse. If Daishu didn't do what Ketsu asked, then he would be hunted down relentlessly. Daishu, having been used to taking on various missions in the past, accepted Ketsu's offer. It wasn't until later that he found out that his mission was to try and assassinate the president.

Two nights later, Daishu made his way to the White House. All he was aloud to have was a small dagger. All the rest of his weapons had to be homemade or the offer was cancelled. It would prove to be the hardest mission Daishu ever attempted. He managed to get to the oval office where the president was seated. Everything went perfectly, right up to when he had the president pinned to the table. There was something in the terrified face of the president that changed Daishu. He pinned the president to the table with his dagger and left.

Ketsu was infuriated at Daishu's defiance. He decided to be true to his threat and sent out his army of skilled assassins. Daishu couldn't take them all, so he ran through the forest and came across the hotel.

"Wait a second......you are an assassin?" Toby looked at Daishu, trying to piece together everything that just happened. Daishu nodded, keeping his eyes on Ketsu. "Well....ex-assassin to be more exact."

"Now, Daishu....before I kill you....answer me one thing. Why didn't you finish your mission? Why risk your own life?"

"I saw something in his eyes.....something innocent that you would never understand. He knew that he was going to die and his body was trembling from fear, but his eyes were like stone. There was such peace that I couldn't bring myself to kill him."

Ketsu snarled and sent his fist across Daishu's face. "You were just weak. You couldn't do it because you were too weak to follow through with your orders!"

Ketsu took out a small dagger, holding it against Daishu's throat. "And now, you will pay for your failure...."

A small knock came from the other side of Daishu's door, causing everyone to freeze. The handle jiggled open and a young, black furred roo dressed in a bell-hop type uniform walked in.

"Room service. I though you might like......oh." He looked around at what he just walked into. He had seen a lot of things in this hotel, but it wasn't everyday that he saw a black dragon holding down a kangaroo and a wolverine covering his mouth. He looked into the roo's eyes and knew that something was wrong.

"Well.....it seems like you all are busy, so I'll just be going."

Toby stood up and grabbed the roo's wrist. "What's the rush?"

The room fell deathly silent and still. The roo jerked his wrist back and kicked Toby with a powerful, rib cracking kick. Toby writhed in pain, clutching his ribs. Ketsu glared at the roo, slowly rising to his feet. The two stood facing each other, staring intently into one another's eyes. The only separation between them was the bed. Ketsu leapt into the air but before he could land the roo had pulled a small ball out of his pocket and threw it at Ketsu. The ball burst and a fine, white powder covered the dragon. Ketsu instantly dropped to his knees, holding his eyes and yelling in pain.

The roo crawled over the bed to Daishu. He rummaged around in his pockets once more, pulling out two thin metal rods and quickly released Daishu from the handcuffs.

"Come one. We need to get out of here."

The two ran out of the room and the roo dragged Daishu into the elevator. "Thanks for saving me back there."

"No problem. I wouldn't have interrupted but I looked into your eyes.....and I didn't see the same look as someone who enjoys getting tied up. There was look of terror, and then that wolverine grabbed me. That was it. I had to do something.....by the way, my name is Satsuma."

"I'm Daishu."

The elevator door closed just as Ketsu and Toby ran out of Daishu's room. Daishu let out a sigh of relief and leaned against the side of the elevator. Millions of questions raced through his mind. The chief question, however, was what he was going to do now. There was no where else to go. He couldn't stay in the hotel now that Ketsu knew where he was.

"It looks like you can't go back to your room now. Do you have someone to stay with?"

"No. I'm new here and don't know anyone.....wait! There's someone that I can stay with."

Daishu looked at his watch. It had only been a few hours since he left Spencer, yet it seemed like forever. It was very late in the night. Spencer wouldn't want to be bothered this late at night. This thought caused Daishu to let out a frustrated sigh, wishing the time between then and noon would vanish.

Satsuma smiled, putting a paw on Daishu's shoulder. "Well, in any case, if you'd like you can spend the night in my room. We just have to stop by the employee lounge so that I can change. You're lucky that I caught you at the end of my shift." Daishu nodded and smiled as the elevator came to a stop at the ground floor.

They walked through the still crowded lobby and through the double doors of the main entrance. Satsuma walked through a door that Daishu hadn't noticed when he first came to the hotel. Daishu cautiously followed.

"Take a seat. I'll be out in a few minutes."

Daishu sat down at a table and slowly drifted off to sleep. A few minutes passed and Satsuma walked out and smiled down at Daishu, covering him with a discarded jacket. 'He's been through a lot. He should rest.' Satsuma thought and left to his room.

Hours flew by during Daishu's restful slumber. The sound of chatting and laughing crept into his ears, slowly coaxing him awake. He groggily opened and rubbed his eyes and looked around. Two wolves were standing in the corner talking. They both were dressed in the same outfit Satsuma had been dressed in. They looked over at Daishu and smiled.

"Hi there, sleepy head." Laughed one wolf

"Um....hi." Daishu smiled nervously back and sat up from the table. A shocked look instantly crossed his face and he shot up out of his chair. "What time is it?!" It was one in the afternoon. Daishu rushed out of the room. He prayed that Spencer would still be there. After the night he had, he needed someone to just hold him in their arms. He frantically pushed the elevator button and bounced lightly on his feet with anticipation.

"Come on! Hurry up you stupid thing...."

The doors parted and Daishu jumped in and smiled at the elevator steadily rose. The wait in the elevator had to be one of the longest waits Daishu had ever experienced. Seconds seemed to slow to hours. After an agonizing wait, the doors parted once more, exposing the vast food court and mall. A wide smile crossed his face and he picked through the faces, trying to identify Spencer's from the crowd. He saw Spencer sitting down in a booth, eating a pizza. Daishu slowly approached the booth, trying to hide his anticipation. Then something caught Spencer's gaze. Something that made him smile and stand.

Daishu stopped and followed Spencer's gaze to another roo. It was Satsuma. He walked over and hugged Spencer while Daishu stood, dumbstruck. He watched, unable to move or speak. A soothing thought came across his mind. 'Maybe their just friends....' That thought only lasted until Spencer and Satsuma kissed. Daishu's jaw dropped. They kissed deeply once more, laced their paws together and left the food court.

Daishu leaned against the wall, sliding to the ground. They walked right past him. Satsuma had his head rested on Spencer's shoulders. The two laughed and walked happily by. Their tail intertwined and swinging back and forth as one. Daishu took a breath to call out to them, but his mouth couldn't seem to form the words. So he sat and watched them walk into the elevator. Daishu thought that Spencer had seen him, but Satsuma blocked his view with a kiss.

Everything seemed to be crashing down upon the heartbroken roo. He sat against the wall and sobbed silently. Even though there were people all around him, he never felt more isolated. Every thought in his head seemed to cease. The sight which he just witnessed kept playing over and over in his head. Spencer was the only person that he had ever trusted and loved. The night they had first met repeated within his desolate mind, adding insult to injury.

He slowly rose to his feet, whipping the tears from his face and ran blindly to the elevator. He dashed out of the doors and tried to walk as calmly through the lobby. There was nothing left for him here. Clyde saw him coming and lightly grabbed him by the shoulders.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm leaving.....I'm going to take my chances out there. I can't handle it anymore...."

"Come on, sit down. Tell me what happened."

The two sat down on a small couch. Clyde whipped the ears from Daishu's eyes. Daishu took a deep breath, trying to calm down. His eyes never lifted off his feet.

"I thought that I found someone that I loved. I thought that he loved me back....but then I saw him with someone that I thought to be a friend. I can't stay here knowing that I might run into him again. I wouldn't be able to handle it." Daishu rose to his feet and made his way to the door. Clyde followed him.

"The hotel is a big place, you know. You might not run into him. You shouldn't let one person get to you like that."

"I know.....but I can't. Maybe one day I'll come back." Daishu threw his room key to Clyde and walked to the door. He took one last look at the hotel and pushed open the double doors and walked out into the warm sunlight.

Clyde walked back behind his desk and put away Daishu's key. He soon found various things to keep him busy. Greeting newcomers to the hotel and tidying up around the waiting room took up a lot of time. After an hour Satsuma and Spencer came through the lobby. Satsuma waved to Clyde and walked into the back changing into his uniform. Spencer took out a small necklace as he sat in one of the giant red chairs. He looked over at Clyde.

"You haven't, by any chance, seen a kangaroo by the name of Daishu, have you?"

"Yes. He left about an hour ago. Poor thing....he saw his love with another. He couldn't stand it so he left."

Spencer stood from the chair. " What?! He left?! Did he say who his love was?"

Clyde shook his head, continuing to clean up around his desk. "No. He wouldn't tell me. He had only been here only two of three days. It's amazing! Someone can find the love of their life and loose them in a few days. Love is a funny thing....Why all the questions about him?"

Spencer looked down. It was apparent now that Daishu had seen him and Satsuma in the food court. "It's nothing.... I think he might have seen me with Satsuma.... I feel like an idiot."

"You mean that you are the one who broke that little roo's heart?"

"I didn't mean to. I'm not used to having one lover. I'm used to just yiffing anyone I can. I.....forgot." he sat back down in the chair, holding up the necklace. "I was going to give him this tonight.....but I guess it's too late now."

Clyde sighed and looked at Spencer. "You shouldn't care. You have Satsuma.....though if you wanted to get Daishu back, I might know which way he was going.....and even where he lives."

Spencer shot his head up, smiling. "Really? Please, tell me."

Clyde handed Spencer a slip of paper. "I didn't give you this, understand?"

Spencer nodded and opened the paper. Sure enough there was an address on the paper. He dashed through the door and ran through the forest towards the address.

A scream came from the back room in the hotel. Clyde rushed back and saw a window pushed open and Satsuma crouched down on the floor. Clyde shook his shoulder. "Are you ok? What happened?"

Satsuma jumped slightly and looked up at Clyde. "It's nothing. I slipped and fell. I thought I saw someone in the corner over there, but everything is alright."

Clyde looked at Satsuma and walked back to his desk. Satsuma smiled and stood up slowly. He looked around and walked into a dark corner. A scaled claw rested on his shoulder, causing him to jump a little.

"You scared me, Ketsu."

"Well I'm told I'm a very scary dragon. I'm glad you're back to your old self, Daishu. I held up my end of the bargain by taking care of Satsuma and allowing you to take his place. You know I'll ask you for a favor. Just don't go too far. Good luck with Spencer."

Ketsu smiled and left through the window leaving Daishu to take up Satsuma's life. He sighed and walked through into the loby. He smiled widely. He had been given another chance with Spencer and nothing would stop him now.