Seed of Life

Story by Polaroid on SoFurry

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Polaroid woke up, moaning, laying down on a hill with a dull ache at the back of his neck. When he went to reach for his head to rub it, he found he could not move his paws much at all! As he drifted further back into the realm of consciousness, he realized his paws were bound away in four directions from his body and that hill wasn't a hill at all, but some kind of flat surface like a table. Focusing his gaze above him, he found he was in some kind of laboratory.

"So I see our patient has come around. Excellent," a small voice said with some measure of satisfaction as it approached him. Polaroid could not see the source of this voice, and he became uneasy when he did not recognize its owner. "Up!" called the voice again, and slowly the table pivoted forward, bringing Polaroid almost to an upright position, which gave him an opportunity to see who was satisfied with his restraints. He spied a small, red fox standing about waist-height before him, donning a cliche' white lab coat.

"Who the hell are you?" Polaroid growled.

"My name is not important, dark fox," the red fox snarled back. "Nor is yours, for that matter. What is important is that you came at just the right time to help me complete an experiment."

"I'm not helping YOU with ANYTHING," Polaroid went on as he struggled, "until I get some answers."

"Silence!" the red fox shrieked. "I'll do all the talking here. And you have no choice but to help me; you're certainly in no position to resist my charms... or my machine."

"WHAT charm, and what mach..."

"Silence, I said!"

Polaroid snarled angrily.

The red fox explained, "You just happened upon my lab at just the perfect time." He bounced across the floor to another table and gleefully yanked the cloth off the top of it. "Behold! My organic robot. All it needs to come alive is the Seed of Life. And you're going to give it up for me," he smirked, "quite literally."

Polaroid struggled with his restraints a bit as he snarled back some more, "I'll give you no such thing. Yip!"

His tirade was interrupted by the red fox's paw unzipping the dark fox's fly and reaching in to fondle the relaxed sheath.

The bound todd squirmed a bit as the red fox toyed with his manhood. He barked down, "Stop that. Now."

The red fox giggled as he pulled his paw away from the dark fuzz now resting comfortably open from the middle of the shorts. "Certainly. I have a more ... interesting way of collecting your seed." He reached behind the table and quickly pulled out a glass tube, a hose at its tip running behind the table. "Behold! Again. My Ejaculator 1000 forced ejaculation collector."

Polaroid glared down, carefully scanning the tube. "What the hell is THAT?"

The doctor continued to grin as he imposed the tube upon Polaroid's exposed sheath. "Oh, you'll find out soon enough."

Polaroid yipped and squirmed at the sensation of cold glass upon his nethers. He felt the tube go down on his sheath opening and capture the tip of his penis inside. The todd squirmed even more as he felt the tube ... vibrate against his manhood, which simply made him more aroused against his will.

A broader smirk appeared across the red fox's face as Polaroid's red penis tip poked out of his shorts and into the glass cylinder, the red, fleshy rod growing little by little.

Polaroid squirmed and grunted as the tubed sucked more and more of his penis out of the tube against his will, nature's desire to mate overriding his desire to deny the little scientist his seed. More and more red poked out into the tube pointing straight out of his shorts until it could grow no more.

Slyly, the little red fox pushed the tube down over his quarry's cock to ensure he was fully in the tube. He churred smugly, "That's a good boy. You'll knot and come for me, after all."

The dark fox was in no position to resist the tube any more. His hormones ordered him to surrender, the sensations fed back into his mind from his cock incredibly intense -- warm, moist, snug and smooth. He tried to growl back at the doctor, but all that came out of his muzzle was an aroused churr. His penis began to knot the tube, easily filling in the bulge in the glass tube.

The scientist grabbed firmly at the glass tube and tugged firmly again and again, in a rhythmic fashion, against the bigger todd's knot. "Ejaculate," the doctor commanded his captive. "Now."

Polaroid huffed and huffed and finally yelped when his penis would take no more abuse. The tube jerked up again and again as his thick, red organ twitched and forcefully ejaculated his semen, splattering against the closed end of the tube and spilling down toward the base, pooling around the lower hose's opening and seeping down into it.

"Excellent!" the scientist cackled. "Excellent!" He observed giddily as the whitish fluid flowed down the hose and seeped into his creation.

The todd huffed and puffed as his orgasm continued to wash over him and he helplessly surrendered, losing his consciousness and becoming nothing more.