Behind Every Cover

Story by MoonMoon on SoFurry

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This is what come to mind listening to Aro song "Behind Every Cover", he's known me for a few days but the days known me have been full of sadness and stress, he's helped me and I thank him for that. I still need to edit this so if you got nothing nice to say don't say it, I will remove it and block you

Behind every cover there is a new page to be written on

Behind ever cover there is a chapter behind every cover there will be some chapters that are sad and painful, but when you make it though the hardships of that chapter in you're life the next chapter will make up for the lost in the last

It will be full of love, friendship and you will be around the most important people in you're life that helped get you out of the dark painful pages of you're story.

You're story can only be written by you and no one else, there maybe times someone will help you write you're story, a story that will be told long after your book is finally closed, long after you leave this earth you're story will remain down on earth showing how you're life was, to show that with every hardship or bump in the road will be easily overcome as long as you have your friends and family by your side. The end of you're story is nothing to fear it just means you've done everything you can do in a life time, its a time where you rest after a long long time writing you're story that you will be remembered

Behind every cover there is a new page and pages after that will one day be full of lose, death, sadness and pain. Then there will be ones of growth, happiness, friends, family and goals that you will complete

Behind every cover is the start of something new

Behind every cover is a page

Behind every cover there is a new start

Behind every cover...

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