Working Out Some Tension Wolf Style

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Roland enjoys some workout time.



Here's a little short featuring the naughty wolf from this time having some more fun! I've been thinking of writing a few shorts with this character, and see where it goes from there! I look forward to your feedback, as always, and do remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!





Shit, this is good.






Fuck this burn was nice shit. I was panting like a pig and sweating like a poodle in a steam sauna, but nothing beat the burn of working my body into shape. DIdn't matter that it made me ache afterwards in a way that wasn't the nice tingly ache of a good whipping, nor the exhaustion left me with the exhilaration some other kind of physical activity would cause, but fuck me if I don't tell you, this was worth living for.



The 180 pounds were starting to feel heavy on my burning arms, but there was no way I was going to stop now, fuck the pain.



There you had it. I huffed, blinked some sweat away from my eyes and grabbed the bar once more, to finish up the set, my iron-pumping done for the night once I was done.

Huff and puff, wolf-man, huff and puff.




"Fffffuck!" I didn't keep it in, I barked, letting my tail snap the plastic-covered floor, my arms falling over my rising chest, the ache shooting through my spine like someone just drove over me with a van or something. Highway splatter wolf, ready for the ravens to pick, snip snip snip snip and cackling like the crazy beasts they were.

I was a sexy beast, though, breathless and with limp arms nonetheless. One part of me was definitely not limp, though. I didn't have to look across my sweaty belly to look at the big bulge in my white workout jock that had definitely seen better...or cleaner...days before. My big cock was fully hard in its nasty woven pouch and was oozing sexy musk into the otherwise smelly room. There was leather and rubber and wax and grease and there was wolf, prime A meat of Canis Lupus on the rack. Weight bench was close enough, yeah?

"Fuck yeah hmmm..." I mumbled as I scratched my belly, through the thick fur covering my nice, solid abs, them too aching a bit from the serious workout that had rounded up my day. It might've been a typical fuck all day at work, but pushing my body to the limits was more than enough to restore my faith in life, at least until the next fuck all day at work.

My tail started to wag the floor like a duster, just like that, fucking reflexes, guess even big bad wolves couldn't hide away from an in-bred need to have their tummy scratched. It didn't matter I was doing it to myself. Still felt fantastic, still made my body relax after the workout, letting me simmer there in my sweat and musk and funk and enjoy my boner and the ache.

Shit, it was probably unnatural to get this horny from working out. My jocked bulge always caused such a big fuzz in the gym, it was almost silly, watching those little tight-butt twinks lose their pace on their treadmills when they'd see me, the big wolf, walk by towards the weight benches, nothing really hidden by my tight training shorts that really let them see what a real man-ass looked like...or what a real big bulge looked like, strapped into a jock and those nice ass-licking shorts. Never wore a shirt, either, just nice leather wrist bands to give me a little bit of extra support. I wore my favorite old pair even now, the ones with chewing marks from the time when I couldn't help it and got a nibble. Sweat and leather...ambrosia for tired wolves who'd forgotten their Gatorade bottle near the door, and not put it next to the weight bench.

I was starting to relax alright, but the throb in my jock wasn't going anyway. My sweaty puppy factories seemed to be throbbing too, practically churning with seed that needed to be unloaded into some kind of a hot orifice. Such a shame that it'd have to be content with my paw once again tonight. Just couldn't be bothered to go out. It was probably after nine, anyway. With only shit on TV, there was nothing else I could do anyway but keep working this body into good shape. Couldn't read a book either, when all I wanted was to stand in front of a mirror and keep looking at my body to see if any points sagged and then go work out until all my muscles were pulled back into proper shape. This had been one of those nights, definitely.

"Well damn you..." I grunted once the scratching stopped doing the trick and all I could do was to grab my junk through my jock and give it a good squeeze. Sweaty cloth closed around warm meat and I let out a satisfied grunt when the sensation trickled through my body. Good, nice solid throbbing, from knot to tip, and my balls felt like they were ready to burst.

Fuck that. This puppy needed some fun now, and I wanted it here, lying in my filth, exhausted from the workout, soon to be breathless from a wholly different kind of stimulation.

"Alright then, big guy," I patted my groin and then made for my wobbly legs, to stand up.

I was horny as fuck, sure, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to do this properly, hell no, I was gonna do it here, but no reason not to make it good. Sure, I could've gone to my den and put on some good stuff from the computer, but what was porn worth when you had a dirty jock and a lot of musk to work with, and a pair of healthy paws? As I got up and walked over towards the cabinet standing on the other side of my guest room slash workout room slash dungeon, I decided on what kind of assistance I was gonna have for this particular session, and rumbled as I opened the doors into my secret cabinet of horrors and pleasures. The deep whiff of leather coming from the actual wardrobe side with my kinky get-ups left my chest full of grumbles, and I didn't resist the urge to fondle my paw over the sleeves of the jackets hanging there, just to get a little feel, while, the rest of me concentrated on the side with the shelves, packed out as neatly as it was.

It was pretty straightforward, I wasn't feeling like anything too elaborate tonight, just something good to get me right off. Nipple clamps...applied without pomp to my hard nubs after a good teasing with my fingers, rolling those black things until they stood hard and could accept the snap of metal on them. I growled with the pain that radiated across my pecs and tickled my sweaty armpits, and made me grumble with pleasure.

"Shit, yeah..."

I slipped my cock out of my jock and gave myself a couple of strokes before I picked up a suitable cockring, a leather one with studs, one you fastened with a miniature little buckle, perfect now that my knot was fully hard and throbbing, no way I could pull any of those rubber ones on anymore. Snapping firm rubber around your knot was like getting paddled over the balls, and I wasn't into that tonight, so leather it was...nice and snug around the base of my eagerly pumping dick.

"Hello, pretty guy..."I crooned while my fingertips worked gently across my tip, rubbing on the winking slit before I brought my messy pad up to lips and took a good lick of my own juices before I carried on. A collar...why didn't take me more than a few seconds to get the leather snapped onto place. I was reaching for the toybox when my eye caught the sight of the chain leash hanging from a hook on the inside of the closet door.

"Well why the hell not?" I grunted to myself, picked up the leash and snapped it onto the little D-ring on the collar. It felt a bit funny, hanging over my back like that, and fucking cold, but it felt nice, too, even without someone to tug on it and tell me I was a good puppy.

"I'll show you a good puppy:.." I snorted to myself, the toy box taken out and ass was definitely gonna get something tonight, but what to take...the rolling of silicon against one another made my ears flick and jump. This was just the casual collection...the really challenging toys were in a plastic box on the bottom shelf, but I wasn't in the mood for that. Had to give those buttholes a rest too, sometimes...even though mine was winking under my tail and wanting some action of its own after it heard that my cock was getting an impromptu playtime after my working out session.

Not that I was fooling myself. It always turned out like this. I almost couldn't go through a workout without ending up jacking off, or finding some other means of getting off, heh.

Hmm...maybe something more than one of the plugs, even sizeable ones...I needed something that could actually fuck my ass while I pumped my about...oh this was going to be good...

"Heehehehheehe," I chuckled dirtily as my fingers closed around the shiny black plastic and took out the canine dildo from the box. It wasn't just any toy one bought online for ten bucks, no, no, no, this black puppy had been a birthday gift from Keck, a friend of mine, who had one day showed up around my place and told me that we were going to make a dildo out of my cock.

Joking not, we spent the afternoon with him mixing some kind of plaster and liquid rubber and making me wear a cock ring and putting a cardboard cylinder around my fully hard dick after he slobbered his maw over it to make sure I was in perfectly aroused state...and God did you need to be with some cold, goopy shit being poured over your cock...damn that felt weird...but strangely kinda sexy weird, in a way, seeing my cock disappear into that cylinder...and then he pulled me out, gently so that we wouldn't tear the whole thing with my knot, and he poured in the liquid rubber...and fuck, did he get a spanking and a pounding from me when we realized that it would take a full 24 hours for that thing to harden up before a test drive...was he ever gonna regret that, heheh.

All in good fun, though. Keck's ass was so damn nice.

With my homemade dildo in one paw, it took a bit of effort to grab two bottles of lube into just one paw and bring them over to the weight bench. My ringed cock bounced nicely in front of me, and I could see the skin was all tight and firm because of the leather squeezing down on me...that felt so fucking damn sexy...couldn't help it...needed to grab it and give it a few dry strokes...Jesus fucking C-Christ...

I needed something different than a paw...and did my wardrobe of wonders provide...the Fleshjack was black and heavy in my paw, just about right, yeah...I was practically purring by the time I got back to the bench and dropped down my final toy. I could barely spend the time to do the necessary prepping now...uncap the lubes...silicon to squeeze into my ass and rub over the dildo to make it nice and glistening before up the butt it would go...oohhh mister big bad wolf, don't fuck my little butt too hard...oh please sir...

Shit, this was gonna be good, I decided, once I had slathered the stuff onto my hole and squeezed a good amount of the slippery water-based KY into the awaiting hole on top of the Fleshjack. It didn't really look like any kind of an asshole I'd been acquainted with, and the inside was full of little ripples and nubs and buds that just didn't correspond to normal male asshole anatomy, but whatever these designers had in mind when they came up with this crap, they knew what they were doing.

I tossed the lube bottles down to the floor and straddled the bench then, legs on either side, dildo in one paw, Fleshjack in another. I put the big black tube down in front of me to wait for my nice, juicy wolf-cock and dropped the dildo down too so that I could spend a couple of minutes just feeling myself up, chest, sides, ass, tail, anything I could feel that'd make me feel good...boy, did I ...damn nice...


I got my slippery fingers under my tail and wormed them in through my pucker and spent a few moments finger-fucking myself while I resisted the urge to jack off. I had a better place for that thick dick to go, and I only had to wait a few moments before I'd get there...just get this puppy where it belonged...

I held the wolfy dildo up and simply sat on it, tail curled up like that of a bitch, but whatever, nobody here to see when I skewered myself on the pointy tip and the nice, thick shaft whose twin was bobbing in the air between my pleasantly tingling thighs.

"aahahahhyeah...come to daddy..."

I ain't got a dainty asshole, and it swallowed my clone dick up the knot in a nice little squat from me, all the way until that bulky knot tickled my pucker. I could already feel my hole chewing down on it, sending more good feelings through my loins. Fuck that was nice.


Damnit, I ought to do it like this...crouching on my toy and just keeping it there...enjoying the burn on my thighs...hunched on a dick like a total slut...yeah...yeah..daddy-slut for nobody else but myself...

I gave my clamped nipples a few good tugs and snarled out in pleasure, and rode the dick a little bit, as much as you could without being attached to anything. It was more like me crashing down on it and feeling my body expel part of it when I got up, and I had to be careful not to let it all slip out...just go back down and hump down into that pudgy puppy-toy churning my insides with each of my crouchy thrusts that made my thighs burn after only a few reps.

Now this was the kind of exercise I liked...

I was burning and pouring sweat even before I grabbed the comfortably heavy tube and upturned it to get the slippery hole against my leaking tip, and drove the sleeve down on me on one of my hunches down on the prostate-puncher working its way into my asshole. I snarled and barked, shaking my head, making the leash wave behind my tense body, the chain clicking against the metal side of the bench.

"FFfuffuuuucking hell..."

Yeah...time to ride this puppy...the tube made a nasty, sloshing sound when I grabbed it with both paws and fucked it as much as I was pumping the tube up and down...fully capped, not letting any of that air escape from inside it...tight and suctioning like a really tight, near-virgin boy butt ready to be ploughed by a nasty wolf...yeah...just about what I liked...take it...ahhh...and was I taking it, wonder how they always barked when I parked my dick in their own ass wasn't a virgin but still, that stabbing sensation snapping against my prostate and squeezing frothy wolf-fluids into the tight fuck toy...

Rock-a-bye baby I went, not caring for my body getting tired from this extra work-out, not from the way my balls ached to blast their spooge, or how the poor fucked-up tube hissed and farted when I forced myself in and out of that tight sleeve over and over again. The ripples tickled places that I barely knew existed on my dick, and the toy lodged in my ass was doing much of the same, though more in the kind of a revisiting your favorite sights in your favorite town...sure must've been a shitty visit, that, though...hahahah...oh damn...I had to have that knot in there, too, I decided, and began to crash myself down on it...the goddamn bench rattling and creaking, not really knowing what to do with a big wolf fucking himself on it...but it held...I'd never broken a bench...didn't really want to fall on my ass with one collapsing on me, either, so up and down I went, driving myself onto that slimy plug and trying my best to get that knot inside me before I'd splooge inside the Fleshjack. Was that 70 bucks well spent...ahhh...fuck...yeah...goddamn hole...take it...take balls ached...I was gonna need this one...

I barked when the thick bulb finally got in, smashed onto my prostate, the tip of the prostate driven deep inside my colon, and I was there, spewing thick wolf cum into the slurping plastic tunnel my cock drove into. The heat simply exploded around my tip, now swimming in cum while I fucked both sides of me, my ass stretched out, my cock twitching and pulsing and spending still, reducing me to a damn whimpering puppy by the time I had no more strength to go on and I just curled down on my bench, plugged, clamped and with my cock happily tied into the well-stretched orifice on the toy.

Gotta like workouts, eh?

Roland, 29