The Neo's Alpha Project part 1

Story by wolf421 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Neo's

Forward: Before you read this story of mine based in the same universe as Heinlein's Starship troopers. I need to give credit where it is due.

Music listened to while writing this: Halo (all three soundtracks) Linkin Park ( various tracks, mostly "what I've done, numb and in the end), WAAY to much Metallica, various others not to be named.

Dedication: To all the men and women that have served in the military now and in the past. May in time your families and friends understand the things that you had to do in the service. And to all the ones who never came home, they are the true hero's.

The Neo's Alpha Project

By: Wolf421

The aging man sat there starring at the microphone, his cloak pulled tight around him to ward off the cold of the room. Though the temperature was computer controlled and kept at a nice 80 degrees. Outside the window stars streamed by in hyperspace in a dazzling array of colors. Across the table a young women in her twenties waited for the him to begin speaking.

Date 2185 earth standard 11am.

"I don't know where to begin." He said looking at her through the old glasses sitting to far down his nose.

"How about you start by telling me what you did during the great war." She said getting somewhat impatient.

"Ah, yes the great war. Seems so long ago, a whole galaxy away from here." He said to microphone pickup his voice held a sad tone to it.

"Why do you seem sad? I thought you would be happy that the war is finally over." She asked somewhat mystified by his tone.

"Memories of friends long gone, loves lost and found. Maybe now they can finally rest, and so can I." He said. The woman across from him gasps as his gray fur covered hand appears from under the table to pick up his cup of coffee.

"I'm sorry, I've just never interviewed an neo-alpha before." She said quickly recovering from her shock.

"Miss Jackson, I believe you said your name was. Thats where I will begin." He said, his eyes never strayed from her as he sat the cup down on the table.

She nods as he starts speaking.

Mars orbit Gemini penal station.

Date 2145 3am mars standard time.

The sound of the cell door being opened brought me instantly awake, before I could jump out of my bunk rough hands grabbed me and locked cuffs on my wrists and shackles were placed on my ankles.

"Hey guys, what did I do this time to deserve this kind of treatment?" I asked, as the guards hauled me to my feet.

"You got a visitor." said one of them, I didn't recognize any of them.

"So who is it this time, The fleet attorney coming to apologize to me or your wife with my kids?" I asked, none of them even responded to my taunting, heck they didn't even acknowledge that I said anything just hauled me out of my cell and down the catwalk the other cons asleep not even aware of my being hauled out. This un-nerved me as my taunts were well known here especially among the regular guards.

"So boys when did visiting hours change to the middle of the night?" I asked.

Not a peep from them as they took me down the main hall to the visitation room. I looked over these new guards well, all nice and clean shaved, pressed uniforms and the same hair cut. Oh, great fleet special ops as I recognized a collar tab on one of them. Who's bowl did I piss in this time I wondered as they took me into a room and placed me in a chair at a table and locked the leg shackles to a ring in the floor. I heard the door close behind me knowing full well that they would be right outside encase of trouble. Shortly the door opened across from me and a gentleman entered wearing standard fleet uniform with no rank tabs on his collar or anything else than a security badge. He took a seat in front of me and tossed a data pad on the table. On the screen was my name and charges.

I watched as he looked me over then as if making some decision nodded his head and picked up the data pad and appeared to be reading it.

"Lets cut to the chase shall we, you've done read the file before coming here and are now stalling trying to figure out where to begin. So please stop with the psychological games and tell me why you had your goons to yank me out of my cell in the middle of the night and ruin a very good dream that I was having about a girl I used to date." I said somewhat annoyed.

"Very well I'll dispense with the games Mr. Richards. My name doesn't mater. I'm here to offer you a way out of this place plain and simple. Fleet is willing to drop the charges, if and I do mean IF you agree to join a new training project." He said in a cold and emotionless tone to his voice.

"So what makes you so sure that I'll go for your offer, not that I'm turning it down yet mind you, just you haven't even told me what makes me so special that you've come all this way to talk to me." I said flatly.

"Well your test scores did say that you where bright and very intuitive, he said with a smile that changed along with his tone. But lets get one thing straight right now, if I had my way about this I wouldn't be here offering you a job, I would be offering it to someone else with a hell of a lot more training preferably someone with years of training and dedication to fleet. Not some M.I. Wash out that couldn't cut it in boot camp! But that call was not mine to make, just the sales pitch and transporting you to your new station if you take the offer." He replied.

I sat there for a minute before I said anything.

"So what's the position?" I asked with a smile.

"As for the position, you'll be briefed when you get to your new home there, so I take it that you'll take the position?" He asked.

"Yeah I'll take the position, it has to be better than waiting for the lash or the firing squad." I said looking him dead in the eyes.

"Good, I hoped thats what you would say. Guards!" He said standing up.

The guards wasted no time coming back into the room.

"Take Mr. Richards to my shuttle at dock 4 and secure him for transport to his new assignment." He said picking up the data pad and putting in his pocket.

"Yes, Sir!" The guards replied and quickly unlocked the leg shackles from around my ankles.

They quickly escorted me out the door that mister unnamed had entered. It was then that I realized that I was on a space station, and not on earth any more. The hallway was a round tube painted fleet gray with pipes running along the walls. Each of the pipes had flow arrows on them and a sticker of what they transported around the station.

As they escorted me to dock 4, my apprehension grew. The closer we got the more I started to worry that the dock was going to empty and I was fixing to take what fleet calls O'Reilys walk. Which is a walk out the nearest airlock without a space suit, commonly used for court marshaled officers to be executed in fleet.

I guess I was holding my breath as the dock doors opened and there was a shuttle parked in the landing bay with it's doors open. Because when I saw the shuttle I exhaled louder than normal, one of the guards chuckled when I did that.

"Whats the matter? Thought you where going on O'Reilys walk?" Asked one of my escorts.

"Yeah, the thought had crossed my mind." I said relieved as we walked over to the shuttle.

"Not likely, your next stop is Io research station in Jupiter orbit." Said one of the guards as he motioned for me to take a seat and strap in.

As the doors closed and the pilot got the shuttle ready for launch I sat there thinking. This might not be half bad, boy was I wrong. It was a nightmare that started with a needle jabbing me in the neck. Before I had time to call out or even raise my hand to my neck the drugs effects kicked in and all I saw was the world go black.

The sound of someone screaming woke me. I was about to yell at who ever was screaming to shut the fuck up when I realized that it was myself. I couldn't stop screaming the pain was so intense that it was all I could do. I looked around the room I as in for a second and saw all types of instruments on the wall before the pain forced me to scream out again. The prick of a needle jabbing my arm was nothing compared to the pain I was in. The drugs took effect and back to sleep I went.

Days maybe weeks passed before I woke up again. Thankfully this time without all the pain.

At first my vision was all blurred when I opened my eyes. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked around the room. It was the same room I had woke up in before, but with some changes since the last time. This time when I woke up a guard was sitting in a chair next to the door.

"Hey, guard. Think I can get some water?" I said weakly, my mouth felt as dry as a desert.

Looking up at me he nodded and reached to his left and pushed a button on the table next to him.

"Sleeping beauty is awake and asking for water." He said before letting off the button.

"Good, I'll tell doctor Sutton and be in there in a few minutes with his water." Said a womens voice from the intercom.

"Did you hear that? The nurse said she'll bring you some water in a few minutes." Said the guard.

"Yeah, hope she gets here quickly. My mouth tastes awful." I replied laying my head back down on the pillow.

A few minutes passed before the nurse came in with a tray, a cup and pitcher sitting on it.

"Mr. Richards, your doctor will be in shortly." She said as she sat the tray down on a table next to the bed.

She offered me a cup of water, which I took from her and slowly sipped on it for a minute before the doctor came in with a group of assistants in tow.

"Good to see your up and awake, I was beginning to think that we would have to wake you up by injection. I'm doctor Sutton by the way Mr. Richards." He said introducing himself.

"So, how about explaining why I'm in the hospital and not at my new post?" I asked looking the doctor in the eyes.

"Mr. Richards, this is not the hospital. You're actually at Io research station, your new post." Replied doctor Sutton.

As I brought the cup of water to my mouth for another drink it was then that I noticed my hand had a lot more hair on it than before.

"What the fuck!" I said tossing the cup away from me and then looking at my hand in shock.

"Mr. Richards please remain calm and I'll explain everything." Said doctor Sutton taking a set back from the bed.

"Yeah doc, you better start explaining what has been done to me." I replied as I looked over my hand and forearm.

"First let me tell you a few things the people on earth and in the general military service don't know. The war with the bugs is going badly for us, so badly that we are having to result to more extreme measures to win each planet side battle. The Neo program has suffered some great set backs as of late, which really brought this program into being. The biggest problem our forces have had to deal with in the field is Neo's going nuts when near certain types of bugs, even with a human partner next to them. Thus bringing us to why you are here, and what this program is all about." Said doctor Sutton.

"Tell me something I don't already know. A friend of mine was in the Neo squad last year. Word has it she was insane when she got back to her family, at least thats what one of my friends told me in a letter. You still haven't told me why all the sudden I have really hairy hands and arms and I can only guess at the rest of my body." I replied in a tone that left no doubt that I was getting angry with his beating around the bush double talk.

"Very well then. Mr. Richards, this program's purpose is the integration of non human Dna into a human host. More to the point, the reverse of what we did with the Neo dog program years ago. Instead of integrating human Dna into a canine we introduced canine Dna into your system in the form of a retro-virus. For the past two months you have been in a medically induced coma to allow the virus to do it's work." Said doctor Sutton.

I watched all of them as he spoke, most of them seemed almost afraid of me for some reason. Almost like they expected me to jump out of the bed I was in and attack them. Of course they were jotting down notes on my reactions to everything doctor Sutton was saying and anything that I said or did. Just to see what would happen I jerked forward like I was going to jump at them. I was rewarded to see all of them jerk away from the bed including the doctor. I burst out laughing!

"That wasn't funny Mr. Richards!" Scolded doctor Sutton.

"It was from where I'm laying. But really all the monkey business aside, has the virus finished it's job?" I asked.

"Yes and no, the retro-virus has at this point rewritten your Dna but now it's all about your body catching up with the changes. Over the next two months you can expect to find other things changing also, diet, fur in strange places, bone growth and lets not forget your senses changing. And before you ask, we made sure you won't lose your intelligence or ability to speak." Replied doctor Sutton.

"So whats the next step on this program?" I asked before taking another sip of water.

"For the next week or so, we'll be running tests on you. As for your part, food and lots of rest to regain your strength. Then we'll start getting you out of that bed so you can learn how to walk again, after that the real training begins." Said doctor Sutton.

"So how about something to eat, I'm starving in this bed." I said looking at doctor Sutton.

"Liquid diet for now and in a few days start giving him solid food." Said Doctor Sutton looking at the nurse.

"Yes doctor I'll see to it right now." Replied the nurse before leaving the room.

A lot of pain and fur in strange places, two months later.

"Richards! You're up, next!" Shouted lieutenant Haverty.

"Objectives?" I asked the lieutenant as I took my place in front of the door he was standing by.

"This is not a training operation private! You are to go through this door and meet your Neo, now get in there and good luck. You'll need it." Said lieutenant Haverty. A smile on his face that left me wondering what he wasn't telling me.

As the door closed behind me I heard another door close elsewhere in the room. This room was not anything I thought it would be. Instead of the blank clean walls like the rest of Io station, I was greeted by an woodland habitat. To say in the least I was amazed at first. But then I realized that the habitat served two purposes. One it supplied the station with air and two as a meeting place for not just neo's and their partners but for recreation for the station personal.

Between the trees there was movement from the right side of me, but when I turned my head to look it was gone. Moving slowly into the forest my ears strained to hear any other sounds besides my own breath.

The sound of a twig snapping from behind me caused me to jerk around. As I turned I saw a blur jump from the shadow of a tree, it slammed into me knocking to the ground. Before I could grab it, it was gone.

"Tag! You're It!" Shouted a female voice from somewhere in the woods.

"So, you want to play." I thought to myself as I gained my feet I looked around for any signs of movement.

"Catch me if you can!" The same voice said, but much farther way than before.

"Dammit! This is another one of them doctors tests!" Think to myself as I take off into a run, chasing after my antagonist.

Minutes pass as I run through the woods looking for my prey.

"What are you a neo? Or a human? You act like a human, now come on and find me! " Challenged the female voice through the trees to my right.

I Stopped dead in my tracks. Whoever this voice was, she was right. I was still thinking like a normal human. Not what I had become but the man I once was. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath through my nose instead of my mouth. I smelled everything in this forest, the pine sap from the trees to the smell of flowers forty feet away. And then it was there, a musky scent out of place in the woods. Sweat and musky, alluring even. I opened my eyes and took off following that scent, as fast as I could.

"Oh, looks like he finally remembered what his nose is for." That female said again from up ahead of me.

I looked just in time to see her disappear behind tree. What I saw almost stopped me right there, the large rear quarters and tail of a neo. Seconds later as I charged toward the tree I heard a twig snap off to my left close by.

"She's trying to flank me, not this time!" I think to myself.

Diving left through a couple of trees I plow right into her and my momentum carries both of us to the ground in a tangle of legs and bodies.

"Gotcha!" I shout wrapping my arms around her.

"NO! Get off me! I can't lose to you!" She shouted and tried to break my hold on her.

"Stop fighting me before you hurt yourself, please." I said in a low whisper, as her scent hit me full on.

She struggled for a few more seconds and then stopped when she realized that I wasn't trying to hurt her. Slowly I relaxed my arms and lifted myself off of her. Looking down I gazed into her eyes for the first time. Her eyes were the darkest shade of brown that I had ever seen, almost to the point of being black. Her fur on her muzzle almost the same shade. Without thought my tongue lapped her muzzle, before I backed away to let her up.

Slowly she pulled herself to her feet, I gazed on in awe as I viewed her for the first time. She was not as skinny as some of the neo's I had seen over the last few months. The fur on the rest of her body matched the fur on her muzzle, dark brown almost black with some darker tiger striping along her body. Her legs spoke of power as they twitched here and there. She spoke up pulling me from my taking in of her body.

"So your not a human as I thought, but your not a neo either. How is that possible?" She asked.

"I'm neither human or neo, but I'm both all the same. Your scent smells wonderful." I replied.

"So you like what you see? You can smell my scent?" She asked shock registering in her voice.

"Yes, sweet but musky, almost like honey with a earthly over tone to it. You must be the most beautiful neo I've every seen, the way the light hits your fur shows the darker highlights in it. And your eyes have to be the darkest brown I have ever seen." I said as the growing erection in my paints was becoming painful.

She shudders and then steps closer to me. Her tongue laps at my short muzzle but pulls away before I can respond in kind.

"Show me the real you without those human clothes on." She said in almost a whisper.

I nod my head before standing an begin removing my shirt first. The changes I underwent from the retro-virus has toned and bulked up my muscle mass somewhat. As my shirt drops away I see her shudder from the sight of my black fur covered chest. Turning away from her I bend over and remove the special made boots from my feet and toss them to one side, revealing my changed feet to be paws. Unbuttoning and unzipping my paints I push them down off my hips and let them fall to the ground. Stepping out of my paints I stretch letting my tail arch up a touch between my shoulder blades. From behind me I hear her gasp at seeing my tail.

"You're an alpha? I was chosen for an alpha?" She stutters out as I turn around.

"Yes, I'm an alpha but you can call me Mikhail. And what is your name?" I asked squatting down.

"Misty is my name. But they told me I was to be a beta, a breeder and nothing more. Did my litter mates lie to me or were they just pulling my leg as the humans say?" She asks stepping closer.

"Misty, I don't know. All I know is that you're here I'm here and I claim you as my mate." I say leaning forward and lick her on the muzzle. She shudders again but nods her head. Before leaning down and breathing in my scent. A shudder passes through me as her breath washes over the tip of my erection before she pulls away.

"Then I claim you as my mate and submit myself to you. My heat burns like fire deep inside me, will you add yours to mine and seal this bond between us?" Misty asked as she backed away then turned around presenting her tail to me.

Words can't express my feelings at that moment, nor could they forestall what was about to happen. Something that would forever change my life and hers.

Instinct drove me forward as I inhaled her scent, my hands found her hips as my tongue found her vulva. Slowly my tongue collected the gathered honeydew from her vulva, she shudders with each soft lick of my tongue. The taste of her honey is like liquid ecstasy on my tongue, my erection grows sliding from my sheath. The cool air of the habitat feels good against my exposed penis. Misty shudders again as I insert my tongue inside of her to reach her clit, I lick and swallow her honey as fast as I can.

"Please, Mikhail stop torturing me! I can't stand it any longer!" Misty said almost begging and moans under ministrations.

I give her clit another lick before I force myself away, and stand up. Carefully I line the tip of my cock up and start pressing it into the slit of her vulva. Misty moans lightly as I penetrate her vulva and enter her vagina with my penis. I join her and moan as the feeling of my cock sliding into her depths almost overwhelms me. How much time pasted before I was hilted inside of her I can't say, only that we where in heaven. Our instincts took over from there, as the minutes passed we both where frothing at the muzzle from our mating. Neither of us could get enough, the faster I went she would match me in kind. Our orgasms came and went each small, but building toward that ultimate orgasm not far in our future.

"Please Mikhail give me your seed!" Misty said between pants as my knot swelled inside of her locking us together.

In a torrent my seed flooded into her vagina and womb, we both howled with the rush of our orgasms. In the aftermath of our orgasms nether of us could stand any longer and we slowly laid down on the forest floor to recover. That was the beginning of the alpha program which I'm the only survivor of that first batch of twenty.

"Not the only survivor, Mikhail. I survived like you did." Misty said from the bedroom door way. As she stepped into the room, the servos in her two artificial legs whirling as she moved to his side.

"I'm sorry Miss Jackson, you'll have to excuse my mate. He sometimes forgets to include me when he is giving interviews with the press." Misty said as she sat down to Mikhail.

"Well this is quit a surprise, I was unaware that you where on the ship. Otherwise I would have asked for a interview with you." Said Miss Jackson surprised by Misty's appearance from the bedroom.

"Mikhail forgets to tell people that we never travel apart from each other." Replied Misty.

"Excuse me, how is it that you are still alive? I thought neo's never lived longer than 20 or 30 years tops." Asked Miss Jackson.

"Thats an easy one to answer. I'm not from the original stock of neo-dogs that we used at the start of the war. My batch was developed right along side the alpha's. The neo's from before the start of war had a problem dealing with certain types of bugs, especially the brain bugs. The brains usually drove them insane before the neo's could get close enough to attack them, and their short lifespans where another problem. Thus I and my litter mates where developed, we don't have the flaws of the prewar neo's. Long life and strong mental resolve to withstand the brain bugs attacks." Replied Misty as Mikhail scratched her one remaining ear.

"Just one last question before I go, if thats all right?" Said Miss Jackson

"Miss Jackson, I'm a old and tired alpha and Misty here is just as old as I am. I think we've answered enough questions for you." Said Mikhail.

"I just wanted to know, if you all ever had any children during the war?" Asked Miss Jackson.

"Yes, we did. And most of them died out there on some planet that fleet thought was important enough to waste thousands of lives on." Mikhail said the hood of his hood falling down onto his shoulders revealing the burned scars on his head and missing hair on his short muzzle.

"I've taken more than enough of your time with this. I hope your retirement on earth goes well." Said Miss Jackson as she switched of the recorder and put it away in her bag before leaving.

Silence fills the cabin as the door closes behind her.

"Mate, do you think she'll ever understand the sacrifices we neo's and humans made fighting this war that our leaders started 150 years ago?" Misty asked looking up at Mikhail.

"No, they won't they never have and probably never will." Replied Mikhail before taking a drink of his coffee and starring out the window.

"Do you think she'll ever be told by her foster parents who her parents really are?" Asked Misty as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"No, I don't mate. But if they do, we'll be waiting for her." Said Mikhail hugging her.

Music plays in the background "Forgive me for what I've done."

The end for now. Later Furs.