Maize the Magnificent Part 1/2

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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#13 of Adult Story One Shots

This is a series that started based upon a request from me to my friend shiftshaper over on FA, he originally wrote the first chapter and left it there for a while. But then I asked if I could start it up again, and we decided to work on it there together. So the first part is his, but the second is written by the both of us. =D

The great and upcoming villain Maize the Magnificent needs some minions, and what better to do than to make your minions yourself?

I hope you all enjoy, we would love to hear what you all think! ^w^

P.S. This takes place in the same world as The Insinuator, so he does make an appearance in the second chapter. =D

Part I: Discoveries Within Filth

Maize the Malevolently Magnificent frowned as he stared at his computer monitors within the depths of his newly minted Evil Lair. The Fox, tall and lithe stood in front of those monitors, sipping a cup of hot tea with one paw and tweaking his deliciously curled mustache with the other. His Monocle hung from its chain attached to the vest pocket of his Dapper coat and vest as he crossed his legs covered in a tight fitting black denim that left little to the imagination on his lithe form. On the screens, arranged in a 3 by 3 formation, he saw images, a live feed from cameras within the city he had hacked into, surveying the populace.

As a self proclaimed Supervillain, it wouldn't do to NOT have nefarious plots in motion and boy did he have many ideas... Unfortunately, as he has observed, the more overt methods of evil and nefarious deeds, the greater chances that it would attract the attention of the Resident Superheroes of the city. The successful Supervillains all had henchmen to protect them or other super powered Lieutenants that had great physical abilities that aided them in defeating or at least delaying the heroes from stopping the Supervillain from successfully carrying out a heist of a bank or the theft of some super secret Doom laser. But Maize was just starting. He did not have Lieutenants or Henchman to utilize for his plots. He only had himself, his plotting, and his reality bending Monocle of... EVIL-ness.

His Monocle, it is said, was an artifact created by some magical magician in ages long past who's death fueled the nefarious item's creation. It is said that the Monocle can bend reality around the user of the Monocle and directly affect others that are not actually wearing it, but only if the subject is weak willed or vulnerable. To that end, the fledgling SuperVillain has decided to build his forces before carrying out his major nefarious plots. That is why he is standing there, sipping his Tea, and staring into the screens of potential candidates that live within the city.

After some time has passed, Maize sighed, his eye-lids heavy lidded and he gave a cavernous bored yawn exposing his sharp teeth. He smacked his lips and rubbed his eyes blearily before his console began to blink and whirr excitedly.

"What is it old girl?" he said in a malicious mischievous tone. One of his screens was outlined in green then it blinked as all the screens changed into parts of the image that was in one screen showing a mosaic of the original feed. Within the feed, there was a man, sitting alone in what appeared to be the inside of a train station. He was a young man, couldn't be older than 19, but was well past puberty with a strong but undeveloped frame judging by the visible curve of the belly fat hidden by a grey sweater. The computer clicked and whirred as one of the screens blipped and changed into a profile of the human on the feed. Maize looked at that profile, his grin growing wider and wider, this human would be a perfect match for his needs, oh yes he would.

Cackling madly, the Fox leaped onto his foot paws, practically dancing across the room to grab a cane from its resting place on a hook near the door. and quickly swept out of the room, his destination nearby and his victim unsuspecting. The computer clicked and whirred twice more as two more profiles and images were brought up of potential candidates.

Dan sighed, reaching up with a hand to rub his throbbing head. the 19 year old University Sophomore of the city's college was waiting for the last train of the day to go home and visit family in a train ride that would literally take days. the pale skin of his hand brushed against his muddy brown hair, his hazel eyes clenched shut as the waves of throbbing annoyance passed. It was really strange that he had been waiting for this damn train for so long as it was already. The delay was only supposed to be thirty minutes, yet it felt like hours had passed by to the young man wearing a pair of blue jeans and a T-shirt under a large grey sweater. Every so often he looked up to the clock, only to see that the hands appeared to have not moved... or at least if it did, it moved minimally. Time seemed to stretch for forever as he grew increasingly restless and impatient.

It was kind of strange though, Dan could have sworn there were other people in the train station before... all around him in fact, yet for some reason he was alone now, and he couldn't figure out why for the life of him. There was a couple sitting on the same bench next to him... yet they were gone now. There were people further down the hallway, the sounds of traffic outside mixing with their idle chatter, yet all was silent. It really didn't help that his headache, for that is what it probably was, was getting worse by the minute, or was it second... how the hell should he know?

Dan sat back and gave a resigned sigh as he brought out his smart-phone, the thing was chock full of text messages from his girlfriend from back home, so excited to see him. He smiled and thought of her luscious curves, her quick wit, and her strong stubborn attitude as his eyes strayed onto the timepiece of his smart phone. His eyes widened as he noted that the time on the phone was hours ahead of what the clock above him stated. Not only that, but it was supposed to be night... but light was streaming through the window. Could it be wrong or....

"Shit," he said aloud as he quickly stood up. He looked outside the window and saw one of the most bizarre things in his life. There was a bird outside that window, which surveyed the parking lot, except that the bird itself was in flight... and was motionless in mid air. Cars off in the distance were all frozen in place in traffic. "What the hell is this?" he said aloud. he turned and and cried out in pain as his headache intensified suddenly causing his vision blur for a second. His belly grumbled and his loins twitched as he felt the familiar sensation of having to take a piss. He had to figure out what was going on, that was for sure, but he also had to go to the bathroom. He stumbled forward, the bathroom only across the hallway, but felt his need to take a piss only intensify with each step.

He growled in annoyance, and pressed on until he reached the wooden door. He opened the door and stepped inside. The first thing he noticed was how spacious the bathroom was, impossibly so. The bathroom was literally larger on the inside than it was on the outside with tiled flooring, long rows of stalls,, and a large changing area with a fur diaper dispenser nearby the sinks. The next thing he noticed was the clock on the far wall that read " 9:30 PM" hours later than the time was when he sat there waiting for the train. The last thing he noticed was the sheer stench in the room as if it was used by numerous people... that all failed to flush. He groaned and crossed his legs. He really had to go, screw the Urinals, he would go for one of the stalls.

He turned and tried to open a stall door, which did not budge in the least. He moved to the next one, finding it closed as well. He moved down to several more all finding them locked then growled in frustration. He felt the front of his boxers grow slightly moist as he leaked a bit. "C'mon... COME ON" he yelled as he reached the last stall door. He slammed the stall door again finding it locked up. Desperate, he got on his hands and knees to see if he could crawl under the stall door.

But just as he got on his hands and knees he groaned as as the front of his pants grew a darker shade as he was forced to empty his bladder. He wet so much that his piss began to dribble down his pant legs as the pressure was slowly alleviated, not just in his groin, but in his head. His headache from before subsided as he gave a sigh of release. Sure he was disgusted with himself, but he tried everything he could to get into a stall before he simply couldn't hold it anymore. The acrid smell of his piss soon melded with the dirty stench of the room. When he was finished, the wetness hugging his groin and legs uncomfortably he took off his shoes and socks, then began to take off his pants. But before he could begin to unbutton his pants a voice from behind stopped him.

"Stop right there Danny boy," the voice stated in an authoritative tone. Dan turned around, his hands still on his belt buckle and was confronted with the impossible visage of an Anthro Fox standing in the room behind him. The Fox was wearing what appeared to be an early 20th century American get up, complete with the top hat, Monocle, mustache, and coat tail vest. "What the? How do you know my name?" Dan asked, both shocked and confused by the Fox's appearance, "What the hell are you?"

Maize rolled his eyes in an impatient expression, then his Monocle glinted and flashed. Immediately the headache returned with a Vengeance as Dan watched the door he previously entered and the door that maize had apparently entered from shimmer then slowly fade into a brick wall. His eyes widened as he realized that Maize had some sort of strange reality shifting power... and the fox was doing something to him! Dan groaned again as his belly rumbled uncomfortably, roiling as he felt his large intestines gurgling. He really needed to take a crap. He clenched his sphincter as he asked again, "What are you doing to me you sick fuck? What are you?"

"Wot I'm doing to you is unimportant Danny boy, but as for who I am? I am your Master and for now on, you will address me as either "father" or "Master Maize." Failure to comply will have severe penalties." Maize said, his Monocle glinting unnaturally again in the light of the room. Dan stared at that Monocle realizing where the focus of the power was coming from. He groaned as he felt a new wave of pain that seemed to intensify. "Stop resisting child" Maize said with mild annoyance in his voice, "You are only making the experience more difficult for yourself." Dan growled in defiance, not really knowing what Maize meant by resistance. He did not have any control of it. Unknown to either of them Dan's subconscious mind was sensitive to psychic abilities and thus had a naturally tough mental resistance, but untrained. Maize could easily batter his way through almost immediately against an untrained victim, but he simply did not want to put the effort into breaking a victim's mind, but even Maize had his own limits.

Maize sighed as he mentally reached into Dan's brain, picking at the area of his subconcious that control the involuntary and automatic actions of his body. If it was his intent to kill Dan, all he would have to do is tell the brain to simply stop pumping blood through the body and Dan could do nothing about it. Instead, he concentrated on something else, something he had already touched up upon earlier.

Meanwhile, Dan felt his stomach ache grow worse and worse. as if all the contents of his stomach and his bowels were gurgling, churning. He groaned and clenched his rear as a loud and very wet smelly fart rent the air. Face flushed in embarrassment. he turned and tried to crawl away from Maize towards that last bathroom stall . He acutely felt the wetness in his boxers, a reminder that he had already wet his pants not a few minutes ago, but now. Another wave of nausea, another loud and wet fart ripping from his rear. This time he was sure that some of it leaked out and oh god did it smell. So focused on modesty and the act of relieving himself in a civilized manner, he did not realize that his head no longer hurt, in fact after he farted, he began to feel less stressed, he had forgotten why he was stressed for the time earlier, why he came to the train station in the first place. All that seemed to matter was reaching the toilet.

The stall door in front of him slowly opened of its own accord, he did not have to crawl beneath it. Instead of getting up to his feet though, he continued to crawl slowly unaware that Maize had taken root in his mind and was slowly making changes. He was still flushed with embarrassment though, it just wasn't right for him to soil himself in front of anyone even his own daddy? He shook his head, momentarily confused then blinked. He was right in front of the toilet bowl now, but for the life of him, he couldn't remember what a toilet bowl was He knew he should feel embarrassed of his current predicament, and he thought he was, but a voice inside was telling him that it was ok to let go. It was natural to do so wasn't it?

he took a deep breath then, the stench of his wet farts hung thick near the floor where he was. It smelled pretty good to him causing him to smile in an innocent almost dumbfounded expression. Slowly, his tensed muscles throughout his body and his rear relaxed as he got to his knees.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he sighed as he let go, the back of his pants sagged deeply and browned as a thick slurry of his shit came out of his rear dirtying his butt and thighs in his mess causing the seat to sag. it felt good, it felt natural. He giggled childishly as he felt the front of his soiled pants warm again as his cock dribbled out more piss now that he no longer had any control over his waste management system of his body. Dan... Danny couldn't remember. He just couldn't remember why he was angry at Master Maize. Master Maize was his friend, almost a father to him. Master Maize would take care of him.

Danny turned around again, this time getting up onto his wobbly feet as if he forgot how to stand up straight. Maize blinked, coming out of his trance and smiled when he saw Danny's expression on his face, that blank placid look that conveyed the innocence of a child. "Master," Danny said in uncertain tones, "I did a doo doo... I think I need to be changed." Maize smiled then said, "Yea you do need to be changed, don't worry though, I am going to take care of that." He snapped his fingers and Danny watched in amazement as his shirt dissolved and his pants and shoes shook themselves off of his body. Danny began to waddle towards the baby changing station, as he did so with each step, more and more of the dirty excrement that was smeared on his body slowly disappeared. When he got to the table he tried to pull himself on top of it, but seemed incapable of doing so on his own. Uncertainly he turned towards Maize.

Maize came up behind him and lifted Danny up by putting both paws on his rear and simply lifting him as if he was a lot stronger than his body would suggest. As he did so, Danny's rear began to expand, filling out with babyish fat as his proportions began to shift subtly. Maize pulled out a diaper from the dispenser and spread it on the table in front of Danny. He then liberally applied baby powder to it and motioned Danny to lift himself up a bit. Once Danny complied, Maize put the diaper in position allowing Danny to sit himself back down on it. The Diaper itself was strange at first to Danny. He both felt like he had worn thousands of diapers before and like he had never worn any since he was a baby. The brief conflict in his mind caused his headache to return for a second before it was smoothed over by another glint of the Monocle. Danny shook his head a goofy grin coming over his face as his beard stubble melted back into his skin leaving behind smooth flesh.

The Diaper was somehow too big for his body and for some reason had a clasp on the back of it. Nevertheless, Maize applied the straps to the diaper loosely, smiling all the while as Danny's rear continued to expand, filling out that large fur adult diaper. Danny's thighs and legs also thickened with fat as his hips widened and his tummy expanded slowly. While he was undoubtedly getting bigger and fatter, Danny simply felt better and better as if his former responsibilities and obligations were melting away from all thought and memory. Danny curiously began to touch his changing body with his now pudgy hands, his knuckles no longer visible under a layer of fat that has accumulated on his hands and arms. Looking down he saw that the fat, after giving him a nice potbelly has traveled up his body to his chest, causing his nipples to plumpen a bit as small moobs formed. He curiously touched one of his ripened nipples and couldn't suppress a moan as a tingle of pleasure tingled through his body and groin at the sensitive sensation. His face grew warm as his lips and cheeks plumped giving him an almost cherubic appearance.

When he looked up again, he saw Master Maize, naked now somehow, his clothes folded in a neat pile on a sink counter. The fox anthro stood closer and in front of him now, his erection already coming out of his sheathe. Had Danny been able to think cognizantly, he would have noticed just how large the fox was and how impossible it was to fit that foot long cock and grapefruit sized balls into those tight pants he was wearing earlier. But upon seeing that thick red cock rise up inch after inch out of that sheathe, Danny felt his mouth water and his eyes fixate on that glistening wet pole. He blinked and flinched as another bout of resistance lanced through his nearly empty head. But another part, a new part of him wanted Daddy's Milk.

"Are you hungry Danny boy?" Maize asked, distracting Danny from the small voice screaming in the back of his mind, doing everything it can to attempt to take its body back. Maize shook his hips lightly causing his cock to bob slowly in front of Dan's face, a thick dollop of yellowed salty cream dripping out of the piss slit of that fox cock. Danny licked his lips and swallowed, not even answering Maize as his stomach rumbled loudly. He reached up with his now pudgy hands and grasped the warm rod with both hands before opening his mouth and tentatively sucking the tip as if he was trying out a lollipop that had a weird taste written on the wrapper for the first time.

"Good boy." Maize said as he began to leak more and more pre into his new servant's maw. He moaned and began to gyrate his hips often to try and get more and more of his length inside of Danny, slowly face fucking the fat human. Danny got better and better at sucking his master's cock, as if the experience of doing so was being fed into his empty head. his plump lips sucked expertly after a few minutes causing his Master to moan and flinch, for the first time at the mercy of his latest victim. But Danny was too far gone for any malicious or vengeful thoughts. All he wanted to do was please Master, please Daddy.

As he drank more and more of Daddy's milk new changes were taking place on Danny's body. His face slowly stretched forward into a protomuzzle as his nose and lips darkened. The texture of his nose changed as his olfactory senses increased dramatically giving him the ability to pick out the scents of his Master, himself, and his waste. It all smelled good to him, like it belonged. His eyes changed colors from a deep blue to a reddish violet color as short brown fuzz began to grow all over his head, back, arms, and legs while his chubby chin and front torso got fuzzy with white hairs. He paused his ministrations on Master Maize's cock and took a moment to survey his body, not with fear, disgust, or puzzlement, but with complete and utter wonder and happiness. Master was giving him a body he could enjoy and serve with. The sensations of growth, as his new fur coat got thicker and thicker caused his own neglected penis to harden in his diaper. He chirred as his protomuzzle grew longer into a proper otter muzzle as his black button nose grew a little larger and his ears shifted, changing positions and gaining fur as well. His tongue extended a bit out of his maw as he took a moment to spit out his old human teeth as his new sharper otter teeth came in.

Sensing his Master's urgency though as Maize whimpered, his knot swelling at the base of his cock, he went back to work on pleasuring Daddy Maize. This time, one increasingly paw like hand cupping the Fox's swollen balls, feeling how heavy they were as his palms and feet tingled, growing thicker as webbed membranes formed between his now claw like fingers and thick velvety pads forming on the tips of his fingers, his palms, and on his fur covered feet. Danny felt Maize's cock twitch and the entire length of the cock clench as Maize experienced a very powerful orgasm. Ropes of salty seed shot into Maize's maw in quick succession, huge amounts of it, but the new Otter Slave was more than ready for Master's gift. The more he drank, slurping and swallowing as fast as he could, the more parts of him began to tingle and swell. Danny moaned in pleasure as he felt his cock, hidden from view in his diaper grew larger and thicker forming a larger and larger bulge. In the seat of his Diaper though, another bulge was forming growing larger and thicker until it burst through the closed hole in the back of his diaper, a thick, rudder like tail that was slowly covered in light brown fur.

Danny felt Maize's cock slip from his lips as Maize sighed and leaned back on a nearby counter, completely satisfied. The Monocle glinted again as Maize's cock and balls shrank back to a more manageable size as Danny giggled and licked his lips of the remaining seed, his new whiskers tickling his nose. After a moment and another flash of the Monocle, Maize approached Danny and said, "Well, that was fun Danny boy, but we have to do, yes lots of fun to do, and I want you to come with me, back to my lair where we can find a way to make more... friends. Yes that's it, friends for you." Maize's mind was awhirl with the possibilities. This was the first time he was successful in completely changing one of his victims to become whatever it was he wanted, and he was excited. Dan was a normal human, sure, but he also had an innate ability that was common amongst those pesky super heroes and vigilantes. He was aware, or at least partially aware of psychic influences. Subverting a person like that to his will was a major accomplishment.

Danny frowned as if he was trying to think, trying to make his own decisions, but inevitably the new Otter felt safest following Daddy Maize's orders. He ponderously got off of the now sagging changing station and grasped his ponderous belly when he landed on his large feet. "Ok Daddy, I follow you. But before go... I need to go bathroom," He said shyly before letting out a fart.

Maize rolled his eyes, almost rethinking what he did to the human that allowed him to break Dan's mind in the first place, but was distracted as the bathroom began to shift and change. It wasn't anything Danny was doing, but the bathroom was reverting back to its original form in the real world, clearly the Monocle had its limits when drawn upon greatly. Luckily the bathroom of the train station was, for the most part empty. The clock on the wall now read 11:30 PM as a Janitor's cleaning trolley appeared near the original door to the room. Maize and Danny now stood in a much smaller bathroom with only 3 stalls and a few urinals. Danny stood in the entrance of the handicap stall where the Janitor was busily scrubbing away behind the new pudgy otter. The Janitor was a young man that looked to be down on his luck. His clothes were very worn, his expression near lifeless as if he had given up on his outlook in life. There was a place on one of his fingers that looked raw as if he had once worn a ring on that finger, a marriage ring. The Janitor was a well built man with short black hair and brown eyes. Other than his worn work clothes, he was listening to a MP3 player completely engrossed in his work. He did not notice Maize or Danny at all.

Danny meanwhile, now had a goofy self satisfied expression on his face. He shifted his balance and spread his legs as he leaned forward, his tail lifting up. Maize watched in utter fascination as Danny began to fart, a thick green mist that hung heavily in the air, traveling towards the unsuspecting Janitor. The expression of pure ecstasy and pleasure dripped all over Danny's face as his sizeable bulge in the front of his diaper swelled tenting his diaper even more. When Danny continued to fart, his tail twitching every so often as a smelly log would be dumped into his Diaper causing it to brown slightly and sag as the stench grew worse and worse, the greenish musky fog grew thicker. Maize leaped back, covering his nose and conjuring a gas suit that suddenly appeared on him as he watched in complete fascination. Whatever was happening in that fog, he did not want to be affected by it.

The Janitor noticed the stench that now surrounded him for the first time, as he breathed some of it in through his mouth and nose. His eyes watered and he gasped as he tore the earbuds out from his ears and turned to see the source of the smell. He couldn't seem to get any words out as he gasped for clean air, but would not get any. More and more of the green mist seemed to actively travel into his nose, mouth, ears, and eyes as he began to shake uncontrollably, the essence of the stench taking control of his body. He moaned as a wet spot appeared in the front of his jump suit and the back of his pants began to sag as he shit and pissed himself, enjoying the sensations immensely. the stench from his waste was nothing compared to Danny's though, as the initiate began to physically change. the first obvious change was his bodily proportions as the Janitor grew fatter and fatter, his thighs and arms thickening, growing more and more pudgy. He lost some of his height as some of his condensed body mass was converted. His eyes became blank as all his mature thoughts and memories seemed to dissipate as he took off his clothes quickly as if he was uncomfortable wearing them, his large cock springing free and erect, still leaking piss.

His body began to shift and change more drastically as his rear end expanded outwards in a similar shape to Danny's as tawny fur began to grow all over the changing victim's body. contrary to Danny's own transformation, the Janitor's head hair did not disappear, in fact it grew thicker and thicker as his black hair traveled down the sides of his face giving him huge sideburns, then down to his softening jaw line as he also grew a thick black goatee that only seemed to get more thick as time passed. a wriggling tail that was tufted with black sprang out from his rear as he messed the toilet bowl he was just cleaning only a few minutes before. His growing mane grew larger and larger as it traveled around his neck and down his chest in a V formation between his growing moobs as his back arched and his face stretched out into a whiskered muzzle of a lion. He grew claws on his hands which also got paw pads while his feet and knees contorted and shifted until he was perpetually in a slightly hunched over position, his dong swinging between his widespread thick legs as he stood on his new paws. Danny turned to face his new creation and the two Diaper furs began to giggle as they reached over and kissed each other, surrounded by their filth.

Maize watched in shock and interest. His Monocle somehow gave his victim the power to change others.... in their own special way. the possibilities of what this could mean for him were endless. he somehow knew that both Danny and the former Janitor were subservient to him. This realization only reaffirmed his plan... to gain power by creating his own lieutenants and minions, only this way, it would be so much faster. Maize concentrated, his Monocle glinting as both Danny and the Janitor were transported away to his lair. Before leaving himself, he couldn't help but look at the waste his two new minions left behind, an amount that was impossible for any normal creature to excrete in one sitting. Curiously though, he noted two shining specks, one in each pile of waste. Using his Monocle again, he transported these objects to his hands, clean of course, and saw two glowing pearls inside of which he saw the thoughts and memories of his victims, excreted from the bodies that were no longer theirs. He realized then, that in essence, he held the souls of his victims hostage, the very beings of them. The very thought of holding such precious things in the palm of his hand, gave him the greatest rush of exhilaration he had ever felt in his life. The power was simply exquisite. He tossed the pearls into the air and snatched them in mid flight in his enclosed paw. Whistling a tune, he conjured a small pouch at his hip and put the treasures inside to keep. After all, what was a Super Villain without some leverage?

Part II: Rubbery Expansion

The doors of the bar flew open to reveal a fox dressed in dapper clothing, Maize had arrived on the scene to flaunt his new minions. Every step he took was emphasized by the click of his walking stick, the villains of the bar slowly turned to watch the new SuperVillain strut his stuff. Behind him a pair of baby looking furs followed in his step, there were a few chuckles as he walked past other villains.

Maize flicked up the coattails of his coat as he took a seat on a barstool, his monocle glinted in the dim lighting as he rose his furred hand to signal the human bartender. The bartender pretended not to see it for the longest time until the fox cleared his throat loudly, the balding man walked over with a look of disdain on his face. "What do you want?" He asked, his voice a deep baritone.

Adjusting the monocle on his muzzle, Maize smiled. "Bring me your finest brandy." The bartender looked at the villain with a sour disposition before sulking back into the bar, Maize heard a few clunks of glasses bumping together before the bartender walked back out with a grimy bottle.

"This is our last bottle, enjoy." The bartender sneered as he slammed it down in front of the fox, for a moment the nearby patrons thought it would shatter from the sheer force of the slam, but Maize calmly observed the bottle.

The bartender spit to the side before letting go the bottle and turning away to help another villain, taking out a very delicate wine glass, Maize poured himself a glass of the brandy. Taking care not to touch any of the grime of the bottle, the fox then took a sip of the drink. He swirled it around in his muzzle a few times as the other villains in the room observed the fox, they had heard of the hoity toity fox. His name had been muttered in passing as of late as a prissy villain with no real power.

The fact that the fox had two diapered creatures next to him only emphasized his weakness, one of the ballsier villains shouted out. "Hey, priss! You a pedophile or something?"

Turning around, Maize observed the villain with disdain. "I'll have you know that neither of my minions are cubs, they are adults, but they have been subjugated to my will as any good pawn is." He patted Danny the otter on the head as he said this, the childlike otter giggling as his diaper crinkled.

"Pff, still a pedophile in my book." The man said in disgust as he turned away to take another sip of the drink, Maize glared at the man before taking another sip of his drink.

The door to the bar opened once more letting in a black bear followed by an entourage of bears, the two directly behind him in clothing of red and black. Every one of the bears behind the main one were sporting tented pants, though they proudly presented themselves to each of the inhabitants of the bar.

Whispers of his name ran through the bar, but Maize didn't have to hear the name to know who it was. Everyone knew of the villain, "The Insinuator." He said respectfully as the bear took a seat next to him, the great SuperVillain sent away all of his bears save for the two in blue and yellow.

The bear smirked at Maize, "So, Maize the Magnificent is it?" The bear sneered at the fox as he took a sip of alcohol that someone else had just been about to drink, but he had snatched. "I've heard about your... 'minions'." He said, looking over the Fox's cub-like minions. "Well, I can't say that I'm impressed Maize. I think you would be better as one of my minions." He gestured towards the two bears who were locking lips and grinding against one another.

Maize sniffed, obviously insulted. "I will do no such thing! In fact, just to prove how powerful I really am, I'm going to take down... take down..." The fox's eyes quickly sought out something before settling on a picture of a muscled man in tights. "I'm going to take down the Steel Heart, and make him into one of my minions!" He said in triumph.

Everyone on the room gawked at the fox, many foolish SuperVillains had attempted in the past to take down the superhero. But there had been no villain strong, or stupid enough, to actually defeat the hero. The Insinuator was silent for a moment as he tapped his muscled arm, "Alright, I would love to see you do it. Prove to me that you can do this, Maize the Magnificent, and I will acknowledge you as a true SuperVillain."

Maize nodded solemnly, "Alright, if you keep your end of the bargain, then so shall I." The fox jumped to his feet, his two diapered minions breaking their grinding and kissing to stand at attention. "Listen all of you so called 'SuperVillains', today marks the day that I, Maize the Magnificent, have made the oath to take down Steel Heart the super hero!" The villains were silent for a moment before laughing, but Maize didn't register the laughter in the least as he left the bar, he had plans to make.


As the fancily dressed fox walked down the street, his diapered minions in stride, Maize started to realize something. With so little power behind him, he would have no chance against Steel Heart. He had a slight grasp of how his monocle worked, he understood that with every minion behind him, it became more powerful. Even with his two current minions, he would have to build up the power of the eyepiece before he could even dream of taking on the superhero.

Slowing to a stop, Maize dug into his pocket and pulled out the pearls that his current minions had left behind when they had been changed. They were likely the only way that the two might have to change back, the fox looked them over for a moment before picking up his monocle and holding the eye piece over them and watched as the monocle glowed for a moment, and watched as the pearls began to throb upon his palm. With each throb each pearl shrank smaller and smaller as the fox felt his link to his monocle increase in power. He heard simultaneous moans, when the pearls had finally disappeared, Maize heard a gasp from his two diapered minions, he glanced back and saw that they had both orgasmed.

"Well, I suppose that signifies that you two are mine forever now," The fox chuckled. There was no remorse in his voice, no reflection on the moral wrongness of his action. There was no "good part" of this fox to be redeemed like many lesser stereotypical villains. "Good..." He scratched his muzzle in thought, "Now here's a thought..." He turned back to the pair, "I want you two to go and start changing humans into more of my minions, and don't forget to collect their pearls. I need those, do you understand boys?" The couple nodded in excitement, their diapers bulging as pieces of scat seamlessly slipped through their asscracks and filled the cloth. "Good, now go." Maize gestured, and they turned and ran off, quickly meeting a dour looking nerdy teenager who received a burst of green gas in the face. "Well, they're off to a good start." Maize said with a smirk as the teenager began to cough and gasp. The cloud of greenish filthy gas gave the human no relief as it hung stubbornly about the victim's head moving and traveling along with every motion. Danny and his cohort began to lightly push and lead the stumbling human to an alleyway where their work would be more private. The human began to giggle and laugh harshly as his belly began to swell out and the back of his trousers began to sag with a growing wet brown spot.

Now having sent his subjugates away, Maize turned forward and walked to look for another pet. As he passed by a basketball court, the SuperVillain realized that the inhabitant was alone. "Perfect..." The fox said before using his monocle to disappear.


Jesse did another layup, his dark skin glinting the light of the dying sun. It was nearing eight, and the sun was being swallowed up by the nearby buildings. The basketball sank right into the hoop, "Excuse me citizen!"

The basketball player panted as he looked up, hovering above him was Silver Wind, the flying superhero. "Yes?" He called up, feeling a tad bit self-conscious that a superhero had been watching him at all.

The superhero's clothing was tight, his spandex bulging out at his crotch not leaving much to the imagination. Jesse felt a bit off about being able to see another dude's junk, he was straight, he had been with more girls than he liked to admit to his family. "Do not forget that curfew is very soon, you should be heading home within' the hour young man." Silver Wind then saluted and flew off, silver sparkles in his wake.

Jesse rolled his eyes, he was sick of the curfew. Before the superheroes and villains came to town, there had been no curfew. Now, it was all rules and regulations, 24/7. He bounced the basketball once more and threw it, but as it left his hands, the ball seemed to slow, as if the ball was one of those bullets that one action star stopped in mid air in that famous sci fi movie where the machines took over and used people as batteries. "What in the hell?" He asked, willing for the ball to go faster, but instead it just stopped in midair.

Quickly picking up on the fact that something bad was happening, Jesse left the ball and ran to the other side of the court and grabbed his bag. He knew better than to be anywhere near a super battle, oftentimes black kids were blamed in some way, and he wasn't going to be the guy put under the bus for this one. Slinging the backpack over his shoulder, Jesse started towards the bus stop.

There was a reason why he was still around and not in jail, unlike the others from his family, he had graduated high school, even going on to college. He had a basketball scholarship, but he could give less about basketball when it came to his education. He wanted to be a doctor, really contribute to society. As he approached the bus stop, Jesse heard a little kid giggling in a nearby alley.

"Hello?" He called out, there were no kids lining the sidewalks nearby, the city street was abandoned save for him and the lightposts. Jesse looked into the alley and saw the shadow of a kid, "Hey! You shouldn't be out here, the curfew is in effect in a little bit!" Jesse called out, but the shadow was dancing around almost tauntingly.

"Damn it." Jesse hissed as he walked into the alley, dropping his bag at the entrance. Walking in, Jesse followed the shadow of the kid. "Hey, come on kid. I don't have time for this." A minor throbbing sprung up in the back of the man's head, a small craving for beer entering his thoughts temptingly as if to counteract the growing pain.

As Jesse approached the corner where the shadow was projecting from, his headache had grown significantly and it was pounding behind his eyes. "Shit." He hissed as he slammed into the brick wall, the pain was excruciating, and it was all he could do to keep from passing out. He took a moment to recover slightly, then went around the corner. Jesse looked for the little kid in the alley, carefully looking across, "Come on, we have to get going little... what in the hell?!" Sitting where he had thought the little kid would've been, was a fancily dressed fox reading the news paper.

"You know, they never have anything worth showing in this rag. I think my face would far fit this paper better, don't you?" The fox said with a smug grin as he looked up at Jesse, "Why hello there my oh so human friend, how are you feeling?"

Looking around for the kid, a vein had popped into view from Jesse's head. He didn't know what was wrong, but odd pictures were coming to his mind, image's of his teammates in the shower, Silver Wind's bulge. A blush spread over his face, "W... where is the little kid?" He wheezed.

The fox chuckled, "There was no little kid, there is only I!" The fox jumped to his feet in excitement, his odd monocle glowing an ominous red color as his walking stick clicked against the ground sharply. "Maize the Magnificent! And you Jesse, shall be one of my head minions. You know, I think I may change the name..." The fox gave it some thought, "What do you think of Lieutenant?"

"I... I don't give a damn..." Jesse then retched, the pain was too much, his stomach heaved and... blue bile spilled out onto his foot. "W...what in the hell?!" The blue bile stained his lip, dripping down slightly. "What's wrong with my throw-up?!"

Maize looked at the bile with interest, "Now that's not something you hear everyday, most people would wonder what's wrong with their hair, or their skin, but their bile... I truly love how much of a guessing game my monocle presents me with." The fox tittered as he smiled up at Jesse, "To be blatantly honest my boy. I have no clue, but we will figure this out together, now won't we?"

Jesse wanted to punch the fox, he wanted to strangle him, but his head hurt so much. He fell to his knees as his mouth ejected yet another splurt of the blue spew, this time landing on his crotch. "Damn it..." He muttered trying to wipe it off, but realized as he tried that something odd was going on. Where the spew had hit his crotch, a bulge had started to grow, little ridges popping out with it. "What in the hell have you done to mblech!" Another splurt flew from his mouth, claiming his thigh this time. A curl of smoke rose into the air as the bile seemed to consume his clothes even his shoes where it touched. He felt a building warmth in his loins as the bulge with the ridges began to throb slowly in line with his pounding headaches.

Watching the human with interest, Maize leaned back to watch as the small blotches of blue started to spread, a deep blue it appeared to shimmer with a rubberlike sheen. "I don't believe I will ever be able to quite predict what form my gifts will take..." The fox said as he tapped his muzzle, "The good news is, it doesn't appear as if you have as much of a defence as Danny did."

Jesse wanted to ask who Danny was, but suddenly a strange popping sensation stunned him into silence. He looked down to see a small blue rubbery cat cock sticking out of his groin. He squirmed involuntarily as the bottom of the cock swelled slightly forming a small but plump scrotal sack. "What in the hell?!" He screamed, which was a big mistake on his part as his stomach took the chance and exuded more of the corruptive juice. Then, the mental assault really began, his headache wasn't leaving, in fact it was getting far far worse.

Images of men, men in singlets, muscular men, and superheroes came to mind. Their bulges, muscles, musky sweat, and hard asses emphasized. Before, this would've turned Jesse off, but he found that his new blue catlike cock was growing aroused. "No!" Jesse moaned, he brought forth images of his girlfriends of the past with their feminine graces, their large tits, and their wet pussies. But this had the opposite effect, his cock went flaccid and a jolt of pain arced through Jesse's head.

Realizing what the human was trying to do, the monocle's effects were taking away the human's resistance. Any prior flames of resistance were replaced with members of the basketball, wrestling, and football team. Jesse found himself remembering whoring himself out to them, raising his blue tail, allowing them to slide their large cocks into his rubbery ass.

"What in the hell am I thinking, I don't have a tail!" Jesse puffed, he was doing his best to resist, but Master Maize would be so angry if he knew that his femmy cat wasn't doing as he was told. The goo started to leak from Jesse's cock, smothering the rest of his crotch as any hair started to fade away as a layer of blue feline skin formed over the groin and lower belly. The blue rubbery skin began to spread faster over his body, connecting with the blue on his thighs and travelling up his chest and down his arms and back. He failed to suppress a moan as his nipples were covered by the rubber, each swelling to the size of the end digit of his thumbs constantly erect. He shuddered as he felt a nub of rubbery flesh push out from the end of his tailbone above his swelling inflating ass.

His feet and large basketball gripping hands contorted and changed. Thick pawpads erupted on the bottom of the appendages as they thickened in some areas and shrank in others. hard retractable claws formed on each of his digits. The nub of rubbery flesh swelled and grew longer and longer into the shape of a feline tail though longer than most feline furs. The end of it began to perpetually leak more of the bluish fluid as the memory of a strong alpha male pounding his ass and pulling on his tail entered the former human's mind replacing another memory of him gripping a girlfriend in the same manner but opposite role.

Jes stopped hurling bile as his mouth began to feel very weird amongst memories of licking cock. A long blue feline tongue slipped out of his small human mouth and hung out in open air as his stained lips and cheeks grew even more puffy as his face began to stretch forward. His nose flattened and darkened until it was completely black and in the shape of a felines. His teeth reshaped as his maw continued to expand outward into a proper cat muzzle as they too became rubbery and decidedly a lot less threatening looking though his canines grew out longer. His ears were quickly covered by the tide of blue rubbery skin as a pair of feline ears grew on the top of his flatter more feline looking head.

Images of himself presenting to big alpha males came to mind, Jesse found himself craving a large cock up his ass, his mental voice now gaining an effeminate tone to it. Jesse knew that he didn't talk like that... But it was becoming hard to tell what had been reality, and what was fake and what was manufactured by the fox.

Maize smiled at the changing cat, "It looks like my kitty is questioning, but let me assure you Jes, those images are real. I know for a fact, that you adore strong men, why else would you wear such slutty clothing?"

Jes looked at himself, around his chest was a short pink tank top that emphasized his bare, smooth, and sexy midriff while he wore a very tight pair of shorts that accentuated his ass and showed barely a bulge. An Image of a big black cock accompanied by a low hanging sack with large balls entered Jes's changing mind. He failed to realize that it was a memory of his former cock in all its glory, big, thick and fat. the owner of that cock in the memory made many partners beg to receive it. Jes, failing to remember that the cock was once his fantasized about sucking that big cock as that owners femboi sissy. Real men didn't have grossly overgrown clits like him. Jes's entire form rippled as his muscles he worked long and hard for slimmed down in exchange for a more effeminate body structure though he instinctually knew he was no weaker but a lot stronger than he was previously, or was he always this strong? He found himself rubbing his paws down his slippery sides until they reached his hips. He watched with growing lust as his hips widened and his rear swelled out again into two perfect feminine globes. He knew that when he would walk, his hips would sashay in a very feminine manner, just the way he liked it. The panther's eyes glew an ephemeral golden color, glinting in the dying light as his pupils reshaped into catlight slits and the dull hazel brown, the last of his humanity evaporated into nothingness..

Small gasps escaped Jes' mouth, his mind was throwing out any last thoughts about his last life, then Master Maize's pants were gone. His erect red canine shaft in front of Jes' face, the panther's shorts tented as he fell onto his knees. Before he would never of thought of doing this, but now the femboi wanted nothing more to wrap his rubber lips around master's cock. Slowly he lowered his lips over the cock and started to work the shaft, licking it delicately as he twisted his head to get the perfect feel for the masculine tool.

Maize could tell his newest lieutenant was almost complete, he just needed for the jaguar to give in to his basest desires. Jes continued to suck that red fox cock slowly, his enthusiasm outweighing any trepidation from inexperience. Soon Jes increased his pace, his head bobbing slowly as his efforts were rewarded with pre from Maize, who began to grunt and moan in pleasure. Each push of Maize's cock into that rubbery maw was like a battering ram to the place of Jes's mind where the last crumbs of resistance clung. The little part fought off the corruption as hard as it could but slowly the memories of being a smarter and sporty fellow faded from the new Liutenant's mind. Maize felt a lustful thrill when he realized the creature before him was truly his. He pulled out quickly from that rubbery maw and gave a wide exultant grin as he cummed all over Jes's maw, chest, and head.

The boi's tight shorts were suddenly covered in blue spunk as the pet felt his Master marking him, his transformation was complete. Jes smiled up at his master as little threads of cum dribbled down his muzzle as if he had just been drinking milk. "How do you feel Jes?" Maize asked as his pants were suddenly on once more with no hint of a wet spot in them. The Fox may have had his pleasures, but there was no reason for him to get dirty by doing it..

Jes answered in an now effeminate tone, "I feel amazing Master Maize, though I would kill for another dick in me right now..." Jes stood up and didn't notice a small blue gem falling out of his tight shorts, the last of everything that comprised of Jesse. The new Jaguar must have cummed it out.

The fox chuckled, "I think you could have your way. Isn't that a wrestler over there?" Jes's head turned around to see a wrestler walking by the alley, the jaguar was off in a second. Maize watched as Jes slunk up behind the man and tapped him on the shoulder. The man turned around just in time to be kissed right on the lips by the boi, for a moment it was obvious that the wrestler was going to run, but then when Jes pulled upon his hand, he followed without question with a glazed look upon his face.

Jes' clothes suddenly faded away, apparently being easily controlled by the jaguar. His small cock looked like a bulge against his body for a moment before changing into an erect member, he pressed up against the dispondent wrestler and started to strip him of his singlet. Maize could see that the kiss had done something to the wrestler as his eyes were glazed, soon the man was down to his bare essentials, from his lips Maize saw that a new red goo was forming on the edges of his lip waiting to pour out. The human's cock was also becoming aroused, Maize chalked it up to the kiss as well.

Being pushed by the jaguar, the wrestler landed on a box and the cat lifted his tail as he sat down on the human's aroused cock. Jes mewled in pleasure as he started to work himself on the human's dick, at first the wrestler didn't respond at all, but after a moment a savage pleasure appeared in his eyes and he started to grind and hump against the panther's rubbery ass. The red goo started to gush over the wrestler's mouth and covered his body, Maize could tell that the lieutenants had a greater power of their transformation than his monocle.

It didn't take nearly as long for the wrestler than it did for Jes, the wrestler's muscles faded into a smooth femboi look as he fucked his superior's ass. The original jaguar's tail snaked underneath the wrestler and started to work its way into his own ass, the appendage released a dose of rubber right into the wrestler's new rubbery pucker changing him that much faster.

As Maize waited for the spectacle to be over, he picked up the blue gem lying on the floor that was comprised of Jesse. "Great, another gem for my monocle." The gem was quickly absorbed culminating in Jes orgasming across the alley and splattering the opposite wall with his cum, "Fantastic." Maize chuckled as soon a red jaguar came into Jes' ass.

The pair climbed apart and kissed, "Great job hun." Jes said to the new femboi as he touched the jaguar's cock with the tip of his claw, "You'll do great with the men." He said with a lewd smile, the jaguar smiled himself as their cocks retracted into bulges and they were covered with femmy clothing.

Maize grabbed the other jaguar's gem next, "At this rate, I think I'll be ready to take on someone more powerful..." The fox looked over the gem and realized that he wouldn't be able to take on a superhero directly, but what if he were to take on... The fox looked out towards the street with a conniving look upon his face, "What if I were to take down a SuperVillain first?" The fox's laughter filled the nearby houses, giving the inhabitants nightmares.