The No-Quarter Quartet: The New Team Member

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is a 3 or 4 part commission for FA: Nataraj of which this is the first part. The lizard belongs to his owner, and the other characters are mine.

Enjoy the little story of a lizard getting swept up in adventure with a bunch of strong, sex crazed freaks.

Part 1: (You are Here)

Part 2:

Part 3:

**The New Team Slut

By Draconicon

For Nataraj

Chapter 1**

For a settlement the size of Hooktown, a place that drew travelers from on and off the river and housed Guilds by the dozens, inns and taverns were needed in bulk. Some, closer to the center of the city and nearer to the larger Guildhouses, were spacious and well cleaned. Others, just away from the docks, were smaller and had a fair bit of grime to them, but still had other...attractions...that the sailors and cheapskates that frequented the places appreciated nonetheless.

The Stew Pot, a small tavern that made its way by food as much as it did by giving places to stay, was somewhere between the two. It stood a little ways off from the southern bazaar of Hooktown, and was just far enough away to keep people from coming there for an afternoon of food, and just close enough to keep people from lodging that wanted to get away from the noise.

And unlike beef, lamb, and other forms of meat, when it came to noise there was never a shortage. The bustling crowd of wolves and horses outside the Stew Pot filled the small tavern with the sound of clatters and clangs and too many voices to count, nearly enough to drown out the orders of the people already seated inside. Only months of practice at picking out the orders let the lizard servant pick up what the customers wanted before heading back towards the kitchen to pick up the food.

The lizard in question, named Nataraj, groaned as he bobbed and weaved between the tables, avoiding the chairs pushed out from the tables in the common room as the customers made themselves comfortable as best he could. Most of the time it was pretty easy, but every now and then the lizard had to deal with an asshole that thought it was funny to try and trip up the service staff. Or, single servant; he was the only one that the Stew Pot had, after all, and it kept him busy as hell. Demanded to be at the ready all hours of the day by the gray wolf that owned the place, Nataraj ran himself ragged keeping up with the rushes and getting what little rest he could between them.

"Two stew trenchers," he said through the hole in the wall. The tavern owner grunted, getting a couple stale bread chunks from yesterday before turning to the large pot at the other end of the room.

While he waited, the lizard looked back at the tavern around him. After four months working here, he could see the layout with his eyes closed. Twelve tables were spaced out throughout the room, each with between four and ten chairs. Wooden planks that were half stained and half painted ran from the floor to the walls, where paint had been abandoned. Lack of money, he'd guess, but the wolf never said anything about that. A small stage for the occasional performer was set up against the left wall, while the right was reserved for whatever posters and jobs were available for the freelancers out there. He supposed the wolf got a bit of money for having that up; pity he never saw any of it.

Then again, considering how all the wolf could afford to pay for his service was room and board, it wasn't like the money would be any better spent on him. The lizard looked down, shaking his head at the rather humiliating outfit that the tavern owner forced him to wear. It was only slightly better than a dress, with a rough apron front to keep him protected from spills and a more cloth-like side and back. It was all one piece, and ran down his body like a dress or a gown, hugging tight to his slender body. It flared wide at the hips, though, and he supposed that his bigger backside didn't really help keep it contained, either. Stained black through some sort of cheap method that the lizard really didn't want to know about, it still wasn't a bad contrast to the green and yellow scales he had.

Jostled out of his thoughts by the bread-plates being shoved through the hole at him, Nataraj struggled to catch his balance again as he backpedaled away from the wolf. "Keep your head out of the clouds, lizard. Not like we have time for you to be fantasizing about lifting your tail again."

"Not all I spend my time thinking of," he muttered under his breath, shaking his head as he walked back through the customers. A few of them - mostly the ones that were a little more drunk - reached out and tried to grab his ass, but for the most part he was able to dodge them. What few did get through he did his best to ignore, but the lizard couldn't quite keep the blush off of his face from the attention.

It was one of the few things that he got annoyed about, working in the Stew Pot. The outfit and his own body combined to make it difficult to actually look male. Admittedly he lacked the chest a female would have, but most lizards kept to themselves enough for most people to think they were like other reptiles, that neither sex had breasts. Add that fact to the way that his ass shook, jiggled, and swayed while he walked, and it had even sober people reaching out to grope him as though he were a female. The wolf did nothing to stop it, either. Probably to keep people eager for some of the other services that the place offered.

As he laid the trenchers down for the wolf and dog that had ordered them - a pair of merchants, as far as he could gather - the door to the tavern slammed open. Almost everyone in the common room whipped their heads around to see the source of the noise. The sight caused a universal jaw-drop.

Standing in the doorway was an orc, and not a small one either. He stood at least six and a half feet tall, and unlike most of the orcs that made their way up from the south, he didn't walk around with a loincloth, or the metal-leather hybrid armor that some of them wore. No, he stood there in the doorway with nothing on but a pair of sandals and a thick band of gold just behind his cock head. It shimmered as he stood there, swaying as his length slapped between his thighs a few times. The metal caught the light and forced the eye to look down, to stare at the thick green meat.

Nataraj was sure that he couldn't be the only one fascinated by the orc's cock. It hung soft, but it had to be at least 7 inches long, and there was just enough of a shine around the tip, along the flesh, to make him wonder how it might smell, how it might taste. He shuddered, shaking his head rapidly as he felt the front of his 'apron' rubbing along his groin, and rapped his fingers against the nearest table. Mostly to shock himself out of the staring and his reaction, but also to get the customers to stop staring. "Come on, back to your meals, people. Don't stare at the naked orc," he said. Not that he really followed his own advice, honestly, but considering how the crowd didn't listen to him either, he didn't feel much guilt about it.

With what willpower he could muster, he yanked his eyes back from the orc's cock to notice the rest of him. He wore little, but he carried a rather large sword over his back, sheathed in a scabbard that went from shoulder to waist, and just a little beyond. And he wasn't totally naked, Nataraj admitted; there was a strip of leather across his belly, covering the likely place a sword would slice over, as well as a slanted bit of it going diagonally across his chest. Still, the leather was only about three inches wide in each place, so he doubted that it did much. Another pair of gold rings were wrapped around the slight tusks he had, like jewelry, and they shimmered in a similar way to the cock ring as he stepped inside.

Behind the orc were three other people, the lizard abruptly realized, seemingly in a group with the big green guy. They were rather varied, more than most travelers. Probably a team from one of the Guilds, he thought to himself as they stepped through the door, one after another.

Right behind the orc was a dragon. Unlike most of the dragons that came out of the mountains or from across the seas, however, this one was almost as naked as the orc in front of him. At least he had a loincloth, or so the lizard told himself to distract his all-too-eager libido. He carried a staff like the mages that Nataraj had seen around, and his white, misty eyes were a startling counterpoint to the black scales that the lizard saw everywhere else. The dragon loomed over the orc by about half a foot, and his wings nearly bumped on the edges of the doorway despite being tightly furled to his back.

Behind him was an elephant, walking with a clank to his step due to all the plate armor he wore. He reached out and grabbed the orc by the shoulder. "How many times are you going to be charging in somewhere without me or Sallius going in first?" the elephant asked. He was of a height with the orc, and could look him right in the face. "Not everyone's used to having a big green dick wagged in their face, you know."

"Fuck waiting, Juraan; we both know they like it." The orc smirked, patting his package. "And you've slurped on it enough when we couldn't find a good fuck to -"

"My preferences are beside the point, Urt-Gar." The elephant - Juraan, Nataraj supposed - chuckled. "Much as we love to advertise, not like we need to chase people off. Contracts aren't that good."

"They are when you have me around." Nataraj turned to look at the new speaker, and blushed at the sight of the last member of the party. He was a lion, and if he weren't in the company of such tall individuals, he'd look pretty good sized himself. As it was, he was about two inches taller than the lizard was, which put him just under six feet tall, and he was almost as naked as the dragon and the orc. The only covering his lithe body had was a leather pouch over his genitals. Not even a loincloth, but a skintight leather pouch, and one that was just small enough to put everything on display, not to mention almost letting the balls slip out.

Some of the customers backed away from the tables near the door, some of the smaller groups joining others further back as the quartet walked in. Much as he wanted to look uninterested, Nataraj couldn't even bring himself to step back, let alone step forward or look away, and so stood by the front table as the nearly undressed party took their seats. It was only when they were all seated and staring at him that he recovered his voice, stepping forward and opening his mouth to ask them what they'd like.

Of course, he didn't expect to have his crotch grabbed as soon as he was in reach of Urt-Gar the orc. The green warrior smirked as Nataraj blushed, his big hand stroking the lizard's bulging outfit. "Heh, what's this? The little servant girl got a stiffy clitty for orcs?"

"Hey, who says the slut's just into you?" the lion asked. "Sallius thinks the lovely lizard might want the touch of fur more than the slap of greenskin."

"And I think we should get some food before we start thinking with our dicks." That was the dragon, looking up from the table and meeting the lizard's eyes. "Whatever fish you have for the lion, two mutton trenchers, and a stew trencher. Water for me, mead for the lion, and beer for the other two."

"I thought -"

"Do you want to start carrying everyone's order in your head, Juraan?" the dragon asked.

"Not really, Draconicon, but you might ask next time." The elephant shrugged. "That'll be everything. Now, think you can let go of our server, Urt-Gar?"

"Heh." The orc chuckled, squeezing the lizard's bulge a few times before dropping his hand. "Only because we need food." Urt-Gar looked up at him, his teeth on display from his wide grin. "If the little slut wants a real fuck, get to my room later, and I'll show you what orcs are famous for besides fighting."

"R-right away, sir," the lizard said. He turned and hurried off, weaving between the tables with the brightest blush he'd had in months on his face. That orc...hell, all four of them were some of the sexiest males he'd ever seen come into the building, and they definitely weren't members of any merchant guard or anything like that. They were too tough, too strange for that. Not to mention any merchant would be in trouble if they had their guards walking around like that.

He reached the back of the tavern again, calling for the wolf and shouting out the orders, shaking his head as he tried to get rid of his blush, even going so far as to grab one of the cool mugs of beer nearby and hold it against his cheek. It didn't do a damn thing for his blush, but it did help him calm down a bit, enough to think a little more rationally and with his head rather than his cock.

Urt-Gar...Draconicon...Juraan...Sallius. All of those names were familiar to him from the different Guild members that frequented the tavern. They were Outsiders, mercenaries that took contracts like the Guilds across Molkeen, yet didn't bother being part of any of the individual Guilds themselves. It was a dangerous occupation, as few Guilds would tolerate competition for the right to work outside of the cities, but Outsiders that were successful were some of the strongest fighters and most powerful beings on the continent. The thought that a team of them had decided to stay here, rather than in an inn or outside the city tonight, was astounding...and dangerous.

Guilds and Outsiders were the only two groups that dared to spend much time outside the cities, and Guilds were the more civilized of the two groups. The Guilds were more or less mercenaries that came together and worked under a common banner and - usually - a common purpose. Whether that was continental unification - as pursued by the Champions of Redfern - or the protection of the natural order of things - sought by the Coalition of the Sand - they had something that pulled them all together to achieve it. They had a strict hierarchy, with rank and status going to those that had accomplished the most and finished the most missions. Despite their successes out of the city, they all had a home within - usually in the Guildhouse - and that was where they made their dwelling.

Not so with the Outsiders. Unlike everyone else, they made their homes outside of the city, only coming within the walls when it came time to find more contracts. It was a rare thing for them to come together in greater numbers than two or three, and then only for a short time to deal with a particularly difficult contract, splitting up shortly after.

Unlike the Guilds, they had no hierarchy. Without the laws of the city to govern them, they did whatever the hell they pleased, and if two Outsiders ran into each other on the same contract, they were as like to kill each other as anything else. There were no laws against them cutting down on the competition after all, and considering how brutish most of them were, most people in the cities didn't feel any worry about seeing their numbers go down. The Guilds didn't raise any stir on it either; less competition for them.

Regardless of their nature, however, there was no denying just how effective Outsiders were. The only reason that the Guilds hadn't been cut out of the picture completely was because people wanted to work with those that were familiar, and despite their success rate, the Outsiders were too savage and dangerous looking for most city dwellers and contract posters to deal with. The Guilds thrived, while the Outsiders lived on the scraps that they could grab for themselves.

Unless they formed a team, like these people had.

Nataraj even knew their name. The No-Quarter Quartet was a legend among the people of Hooktown. Probably a legend across all of the Kingdom of Wespiir, for that matter, or maybe even all of Molkeen. Nataraj didn't know. He only knew the members, and the stories behind them.

Urt-Gar the Frenzied, a great warrior of the Wasteland who walked into battle naked, armored only in his rage and his lust, whose enemies fell either to his blade or to his cock.

Juraan, the elephant leader of the group, and a skilled tactician who allowed his enemy to waste their energy until they made a mistake before cutting them down in one decisive blow.

Sallius, the great thief of the plains and the bane of every alchemist in the world, stealing potions when he wasn't surprising potential conquests in an alley with a fine 'dagger' of flesh.

And Draconicon, the dragon mage who left all his enemies changed, either alive to dead, sane to insane, or from one form to another.

They were here. Right here, in the Stew Pot, and they were talking about contracts. It was just -

"Hey, lizard, get your head out of the clouds and take the food over to the customers," the wolf growled. Nataraj jumped at the sudden sound, reaching back and taking the food before the wolf could drop it. "Geez, makes me wonder if I should just keep you in the back room full time."

"You...don't have to go...that far..." the lizard said, all efforts to get rid of the blush proving useless as it came back stronger than ever. "I can do -"

"You can't do a damn thing when all you can think about is dick, you little cock sucker." Grumbling under his breath, the wolf pointed back to the tables. "Get back out there, give them their food, and then get your ass back to the back room. It's almost time for you to get to your other duties, and you're not going to leave your customers frustrated because they have to wait for you."

"I...yes sir." Nataraj nodded, hurrying back. The mid-afternoon rush had been over for a while, but it was starting to edge towards the evening. It wouldn't be long before sundown and the dinner rush came in, but when that started, he'd be in the back, 'eating' other things.

The other customers continued to avoid looking at the No-Quarter Quartet, but they didn't mind looking at him. Wolf and horse hands reached out to fondle him, and more than a few actually got under the back of his 'uniform'. The lizard's face had gone from green to red before that happened, but by the time that he reached the other side of the common room he had gone crimson. One of those hands had actually reached under his tail, a finger brushing against his ass before pulling back, and he couldn't deny his excitement as he made his way back to the table. It was all he could do to bend forward and put the food down professionally, spreading it out at the direction of the black dragon.

Of course, he wasn't getting away from the table that easily. He was able to dodge the groping fingers of the orc this time - though he wasn't sure if he really wanted to - but the lion grabbed him from behind. Nataraj's eyes went wide as dexterous furry fingers slipped under his tail, his cock shooting up as one of them slid inside of him. "Mmmmph!" he groaned, biting his lip as the lion's finger wriggled in deep, pressing down on that little bump inside of him. The lizard leaned forward, his hands against the table to hold himself up as the lion got behind him. Furred hands rubbed his ass under his clothes, squeezing his ass cheeks.

"Sallius thinks this lizard wants it bad," the lion whispered, almost purring as his finger slid in and out. His palm slapped against the scaly ass cheeks hard enough to make a clap every time that the finger slid in again, and the lizard's jaws hurt from the effort it took to keep his moans in.

Even as the lion slid a second finger in, however, the orc took the opportunity to flip the front of the uniform up. Nataraj was so hard that the edge of the 'apron' could be laid at the base of his cock, leaving him completely exposed as the orc grabbed his cock and gave it a few strokes. "Yeah, this slut's hard for us, that's for damn sure," Urt-Gar said with a smirk. "How's he feel back there, Sallius?"

"Very tight," the lion whispered, his fingers fucking deep into the lizard's hole with every thrust. "Sallius thinks he doesn't take big cocks back here...Sallius thinks he could use one."

Oh god, oh god, oh god, the lizard wanted one badly at this point. He could see the glint of lust in all four pairs of eyes, and he shuddered at the thought of what they might do. Throw him on the table and fuck him? Strip him and push him to the ground and make him suck them all off? Make it a show in front of all the other customers as they made him moan like a little whore and drink their cum and -

"LIZARD!" The wolf's shout from the back of the tavern broke the spell, the lizard jumping in surprise and sliding off of the lion's fingers in the process. "Get back here!"

"Sorry guys, I...I gotta go." Nataraj blushed hard as he tugged his apron back over his cock, but that wasn't enough to hide the bulge as he ran around the tables, hustling off to the back room where he was supposed to be. He was sure that his head was going to burst into flame from how hard he was blushing, but it wasn't like he could just wish it away. And he'd just been fingered and fondled right there, in full view of the entire common room...and god, he'd loved it.

Reaching the second of three doors at the rear of the tavern, Nataraj pulled it open and stepped through. A quick flick of the wrist locked the door behind him, ensuring at least a little privacy.

Knowing he had a little time before his second set of 'duties' were due to start, the lizard leaned back against the door, slowly sliding down until he was sitting down. "How do I get myself into this?" he muttered under his breath. It was easy, really; someone flashed a cock at him, and the common sense part of his brain started to turn off. The more cock he saw, the longer that it was in his view, the less clearly he could think. When people started grabbing and groping him the lion did, it was even harder to think, and it made him want to participate that much more. It made him want to grind back, to thrust his hips against the fingers and beg for cock.

Just thinking about it was getting a rise out of him, and he quickly pulled the front of his clothes back so that his cock didn't get it wet. "You aren't going down for the rest of the night, are you?" the lizard muttered at his cock. It didn't answer, but it throbbed so hard that he would guess that was probably the case.

Despite how embarrassed he was in hindsight, Nataraj wished his boss hadn't called him back. The chance to get a little fun with people that famous - and that sexy - did not happen often. Oh, sure, the Champions of Redfern had their heroes and legends, and some of them even made occasional appearances out here, but they weren't the big guys of their Guild. Not like the Quartet. And they definitely didn't show off so much of their bodies as the Quartet did, he thought with a chuckle. How Urt-Gar managed to walk the streets without someone trying to stop him, he didn't know, but the orc still cut a magnificently sexy figure, as did the dragon and lion. He just wished the elephant was more willing to show off his body.

He shook his head, slowly getting to his feet. "Well, I might as well get to work," the lizard muttered, taking off his apron and clothes. Laying them in a pile by the door, he walked over to the other side of the room. A set of holes were cut into the wall with sliders over them, each one at a slightly different height to allow for different sized people on the other side. He pulled each one open and sat down to wait.

It didn't take long for the first customer to enter the room on the other side. Nataraj heard trousers hit the floor, and a semi-hard wolf cock was thrust through the hole. The tip was already dripping, and he could see the veins starting to throb as the wolf got more excited. A heady scent of musk drifted up to his nose, and the lizard stifled a moan as he reached out and grabbed the thick meat. He stroked it a few times, encouraging its rise, and in a few seconds it was throbbing in his hand.

The wolf pushed his cock forward, the entire length shoved through the hole to the point where the balls slid through as well. They were big, heavy, and sweaty enough that the lizard could smell them past the strong musk of the wolf's cock. He groaned, only just resisting the urge to touch himself as he leaned in, kissing both heavy orbs before turning his attention to the cock in front of him.

It was absolutely delicious looking, a full eight inches long and throbbing hard. It was a little more human like than some of the wolf cocks he'd seen around the city. Must have come from one of the families that had crossbred in the past, he supposed, since there wasn't a tapered tip, though there was a slight hint of a knot at the base. Nevertheless, it was still a cock, and one that was a lovely, eager red, desperately begging to be sucked. The tip oozed pre out quickly, soaking his hand and making a small pool of it in his palm as it waited for his attention. The lizard shuddered in anticipation, licking his lips.

Like a predator pouncing on its prey, the lizard darted his head forward, the smooth cock sliding between his lips and almost into his throat before he stopped himself. The flavor of the wolf's pre filled his mouth, and he moaned loudly at the taste, already bobbing up and down the length. His tongue wiggled back and forth under the throbbing shaft, encouraging fresh squirts of pre to replace the ones he swallowed.

Knowing he had to keep his hands busy, Nataraj grabbed the base of the wolf's cock, holding onto it and occasionally squeezing it to keep his customer's excitement high. His other hand grabbed the wolf's furry sack, rolling the heavy orbs inside around, feeling how much they needed to release. He would have bet that the wolf had saved up all day for this little bit of fun. He hoped that he had; the lizard loved wolf cum, and he wanted this big guy to give him a LOT of it.

His sucking soon had the wolf thrusting, sliding back and forth in a jerky, erratic fashion. The tip never left the lizard's mouth, almost perpetually squirting pre by this point, and slid along his tongue like it was trying to grind the taste into it. Nataraj felt his eyes rolling back in his head from the pleasure of it, from the sheer wonder of the taste, and sucked harder, panting hard. His own cock throbbed, twitching and oozing his own musky fluids, and he could feel a puddle forming under his feet from how excited he was. The slightest touch would set him off, and so he kept his hands busy, still stroking, still fondling.

But it was so hard to resist as he sucked down little mouthfuls of the wolf's pre, the musky juices so delicious, and the cock they came from so hard and so eager. The knot was already forming under his fingers, and he knew that the wolf was going to blow soon. Each thrust from the wolf was harder than the last, as though he was trying to knot the lizard's face. The thought was rather sexy, and if he didn't know there were other customers besides this guy, Nataraj would have been tempted to let it happen.

Sadly, he couldn't. He sucked harder, his cheeks pressing in, and the wolf finally came. Thick, almost creamy shots went down his throat, and he pulled back to let some of it spray on his tongue. It was salty, slightly metallic in a way, but that was the taste of a wolf. He grinned, licking over the head of the shaft as the ropes of cum slowly faded, and gave it an affectionate cleaning before its owner pulled back. "Mmmm, come back soon, big guy," the lizard whispered as the wolf cock disappeared from view.

The next cock surprised and delighted him, even as his eyes went wide at the sight of it. The gold ring around the tip was enough to tell him whose cock it was, even without the green tint that went from tip to base. His face went red again, and he wondered if the orc knew that it was him on this side, or if the warrior was just following the signs that pointed out where some pleasure could be bought.

Either way, the cock in front of him was already hard, rigid and eager. It was a massive eleven inches long, and the veins stood out on both sides of the cock as the ring at the tip and the thinner one at the base, behind the balls, held the blood inside. It was so thick that there was no room for the orc's balls to slide through the hole to go with them. The lizard couldn't help whimpering at that, and he surprised himself at pressing his hand against the wooden wall, as if he could reach them if he tried.

"Ain't gonna suck itself. Get to work, cum slut," Urt-Gar's heavy voice said from the other side.

Shaken out of his semi-trance, the lizard leaped to obey. Swallowing the thick, slightly spongy cock head into his mouth, he forced himself forward as far as he could. He felt the thick shaft forcing his jaws open as it went in further and further, and before he reached the halfway point he was already gagging as the head tried to press into his throat. Every bit of common sense he had left - and that was disappearing rapidly - told him that he didn't need to go further...but damn, he wanted to. And he wasn't going to disappoint this orc by only taking a fraction of his cock.

Bobbing back and forth, each time taking a little more towards the back of his mouth, the lizard reached up and stroked the base of the orc's cock. The flesh was slightly slick, like the pre had already slicked it up. Or maybe it was just some of the leftover wolf pre on his fingers. He wasn't sure which, all he knew was that it was easy to stroke, even though it was hard and rigid. The orc could probably use his cock as a weapon, it was so thick and hard, he thought.

Bob, suck, push, pull. Bob, suck, push, pull. Bob, suck, push, pull. Up and down the orc's cock the lizard went, each time trying to push it into his throat so he could get a little more into his mouth. It was like trying to push a bigger toy up his ass, he thought; every time he pushed, it got in a little further before his body complained too much and he had to pull off. He whimpered, sucking more and bobbing faster in an attempt to get more of it inside of his mouth, but it was just so big. He wanted it, wanted it so bad, but he just couldn't get it in on his own. It didn't help that he was hearing grunts of frustration from the other side, either; he didn't want the orc to go away unsatisfied, nor did he want to go without a nice taste of orc cock, either.

Suddenly the orc pulled back, only about six inches left poking through the hole. Nataraj grunted as his next bob downwards actually bumped his nose against the wooden wall, but gagged as the orc suddenly shoved forward, green dick forced all the way to the back of his mouth and down his throat in the space of a second. He could feel his lips press against the musky orc crotch, and his throat spasmed and gagged as it tried to shove the cock back out, trying desperately to clear itself from the huge obstruction.

Despite his throat's protests, though, the lizard didn't pull back. He even grinned; he had the whole orc cock in his mouth and throat, and he could feel it twitching, pulsing between his lips and inside his throat. Panting hard, he sucked, swallowed, and just did everything he could to get the orc to cum. And somehow, even as his air was running out, he did it.

Cum spurted down his throat as his vision blurred, the feel of the orc's hot cum splattering into his stomach one of the best feelings he'd had in a long time. Pulling out of his throat almost felt as invasive as when it had gone in, but he couldn't deny that he wanted Urt-Gar's cum on his tongue, to give him a taste of the manliness of this magnificent stud.

It didn't disappoint. He gasped and moaned, his cock twitching so hard that he thought he might cum on the spot. Thankfully he didn't, but it was a near thing. The sheer musk of the cum in his mouth, that blend of salt and male, the thick, gooey consistency of it running over his tongue and lips; it was rapture for the lizard, and he moaned deeply as the cock left his mouth. He just barely heard the laugh on the other end, followed by a muttered, "He's all yours," to the next customer.

It was only when the cock was completely out of view that the lizard realized he needed some air. He gasped for breath, coughing lightly as he cleared his throat from the big dick that had been inside just a few seconds ago. He hardly believed he'd just done that. That had to be one of the biggest dicks that he'd ever had in his mouth, not to mention the tastiest. Even the tang of metal from the cock ring had been almost negligible, and there had been that wonderful orc taste beneath it. He couldn't help but smile, even though his throat was sore. "I gotta...gotta try that orc again sometime," he muttered under his breath.

As he was looking down, the next cock poked him against his cheek. Jerking back, he looked up to see who had taken the orc's place, and his jaw dropped.

The orc's cock had been massive, but this big black shaft was at least an inch longer, maybe two, and it looked like it was another inch thicker, too. The tip was white with a pearl of pre, and it slowly slid down along the underside of the shaft, down to the bumpy ridges along the last few inches near the base. It throbbed and twitched, and Nataraj's mouth watered at the sight, particularly as he was aware of the musk coming off of it. There was no doubt of what that was. Dragon musk, a scent that was more powerful than almost any other creature, and a smell that he could already feel affecting his mind. It brought out the horniest thoughts he had, the most naughty needs, and what little common sense he had went right out the window.

Something this big deserved a treat, he thought. His mouth was good, but this perfect shaft needed something even better. He grinned, lowering his hands into the pool of his own pre that had formed while sucking the orc and wolf, and soaked his hands in the liquid. He ran his fingers through the slick ooze, making sure that he had gathered a lot of it, before reaching up and grabbing hold of the dragon's cock. It leaped at his touch, throbbing under his fingers as he rubbed the slick fluid all over it. He could feel the pulse running through it, and he shivered in anticipation for how this would feel.

It took him almost a full minute to spread the puddle of pre over the dragon's cock properly, and by the time that he was done, he barely had the patience to give his ass a small coating before standing up and turning around. The height for fucking was just about perfect, he thought. Reaching back, he grabbed hold of the dragon's cock and slowly, ever so carefully, backed up against it. The slick heat of the cock head pressed under his tail, rubbing along his scales for a moment before finding his hole. THAT seemed to excite the dragon, because he felt a squirt of pre against his hole at the touch, as well as a few squirms from the other side of the wall, the dragon feeling like he was trying to push in while already all the way through the hole.

Well, he wasn't going to keep the big guy waiting. Nataraj pushed back against the dragon's cock. The pressure behind it, the feeling of it trying to shove into his hole was exquisite. His tightness, his resistance was slowly weakening, and he could feel his hole flexing, trying, failing to keep the dragon's cock out. Despite his body's resistance, however, he could feel the dragon gradually sliding in. Slick pre, big cock, and sheer lizard determination would make it fit.

POP, and in slipped the dragon's cock head. The lizard gasped, moaning loudly at the sheer size in his ass. It had to be one of the thickest things that he'd taken up there, ever, and considering that there had been one jerk that had shoved the thin part of a wine bottle up there, that was saying something. But...but it felt so good, he couldn't stop himself, pushing back, welcoming the dragon's cock into his body.

It was so thick that he could feel every inch of the thing sliding in, forcing his insides open the way that his hole had been shoved wide. He leaned over more, almost on all fours while keeping his ass in the air, and his fingers scraped against the floor as he moaned. Bent over the way he was, his cock drooled his pre right on his face, and he blushed, licking it up even as he tried to push more of the dragon's cock into his ass. He needed it, craved it. He needed to be filled to the brim.

He wiggled backwards, levering the dragon's cock into his hole bit by bit. He could just barely look back and see it, the part that wasn't in his hole, and his mouth watered. Not just with his pre, either. With a massive grin, he started to slide off, getting ready to push back.

However, the dragon didn't seem to like that. So, he pulled back, and in the act, pulled the lizard flush against the wall. Nataraj grunted at the impact, shocked at how much pull the dragon had, but with a cock that big in his ass, he supposed that the friction MIGHT get strong enough to pull him back. He braced himself, and it was a good thing he did, as the dragon suddenly thrust forward.

The lizard's eyes almost bugged out at the feeling of at least four inches sliding inside of him in the space of a second. Compared to the five inches he'd wiggled in over the course of a minute or two, it was a wonder that he wasn't screaming. Whether it would have been in pain or pleasure, he wasn't sure, but DAMN that felt filling. He gasped for breath, sucking in air that felt like it had been punched right out of his lungs as the dragon growled on the other side of the wall.

It happened again and again, the dragon pulling back and pulling the lizard flush against the wall, giving him just enough time to brace himself before shoving forward again. It only took two thrusts for the dragon to hilt himself fully, and then the real ride started.

There was no riding this cock. There was no bouncing on someone's cock, or the feeling of someone else wanting him to do all the work. Nothing like that at all. Instead, it was the frantic fuck of someone that really needed to get a load off, and wanted to make sure that the one getting fucked remembered the experience for the rest of their life. The dragon's cock slammed in and out with the force of a battering ram, breaking his resistance to cocks back there. Combined with the feeling of so much pre leaking into him, slicking up his hole even more, and the lizard was shooting towards orgasm in minutes.

He wasn't sure how long the dragon had been fucking him before he came for the first time, but it was wonderful. His body tightened around the dragon's cock, making it feel even bigger inside of his hole, and his cock pulsed hard, shooting his load into his face. Streams of white lined his forehead and cheeks before shooting into his open mouth, and on instinct, he swallowed the load.

But even as he came, the dragon just kept going, and going. That huge cock slammed into him again and again, leaving his hole feeling stretched and open, and his pre ran down the back of his balls before dripping to the floor. He almost wished that his tongue could reach the dragon's dripping pre, but it was too far back, and he wasn't quite that flexible. Oh well, he thought; he could still enjoy the ride.

Nataraj came two more times before the dragon finally hit his own orgasm. It was a massive one, too, and...wait...

The lizard blinked, feeling a tingle rushing through his ass as the dragon came. It wasn't an orgasm feeling but...His eyes went wide at the sight of a ripple going through his ass cheeks. They bounced, jiggled slightly, and...grew. He wasn't seeing things, they were actually growing outwards with each pulse of cum that the dragon let out in his ass. The lizard stared with eyes wide as the scales stretched around the growing bulk and curve of his ass, feeling it press against the wall more and shove him forward as it got bigger, as it stuck out more.

Finally, the dragon pulled out of his ass, and he heard the male walking away on the other side of the wall. Nataraj almost fell over when the cock was pulled out, and only just caught himself before he could fall onto the puddle of pre and cum on the floor. He shook, shivering as he pulled the little sliders back into place over the holes. "Wow..." he muttered under his breath. "That"


"Damn it...can't I just..." Nataraj grunted as he pulled himself to his feet. He accidentally stepped into his gooey mess, blushing as it soaked the soles of his feet, but he had no chance to clean it up. Hell, he barely had time to wipe his face before getting his apron and clothes back on. He stuck his head out of the door to see the wolf. "What is it, sir?"

"You've just been sold. Seems the Outsiders need some sort of pack mule to carry their stuff outside the city, and you've just been elected." The wolf tossed the lizard a leather thong, the only other belonging he had. "Here; you're on your own now."

Nataraj watched the wolf walk away with jaw dropped. Outside...Outside the city?! With all the monsters and creatures and bandits and everything else that wanted to kill people? That was a death sentence to anyone but an Outsider, and even they only had a one in three chance of survival among their profession.


He turned his head towards the No-Quarter Quartet. The majority of the common room had been abandoned, and they were the only customers besides a few drunks that were near the bar. The legends of that group were pretty good...and if anyone could take care of him and make sure that he stayed alive out there, he was pretty sure that they could. And it would mean he might get to treat the orc and dragon to a little more fun, not to mention the lion and the elephant.

All in all, the danger was probably worth it.

Walking out of the room slowly as he was still a bit nervous, the lizard made his way over to their table. He waved slowly. "Hi. I'm, uh, I'm -"

"Get over here and strip, slut," Urt-Gar said with a smirk.


Just like that, the lion was behind him. The wiry feline lifted him up and shoved him onto the table, while the elephant grabbed his uniform and ripped it off of him. The shreds of the clothes hit the ground, but not before the quartet were seated again and letting their hands roam over his body.

"So, Sallius," Juraan said, one of his blunt fingers pressing under the lizard's tail. "You said you had us a con...tract..." He paused, breaking off to look at the dragon. "You really did a number on his ass, you know. I thought we were going to share this guy."

"He'll heal. Besides, you know I have a spell that can tighten him up again if we need it." Draconicon shrugged. "And I like a loose ass."

"Something tells me we're going to need it often. With the three of us, Sallius is going to have a hard time getting a tight ass unless he always goes first." Juraan shrugged, two more fingers sliding into the lizard's cummy ass and making him moan.

The contract was laid out on his chest, but Nataraj didn't get a chance to see what it said before the lion kicked up his feet. He laid the ankles right on the lizard's collarbone, keeping the soft pads and wiggling toes in his view. Nataraj groaned at the sight, already feeling his cock starting to rise up.

It didn't help that the lion talked as though nothing was happening. "Sallius found us a good one." One foot shifted a bit, toes pointing towards a spot on the paper. "The Greenhouse of Arcana had a break-in a few days back, and a thief and warlock stole a few things. They'll pay big to get those things back. Sallius thinks it'll be good money for us."

"Hmmm..." The dragon leaned over the lizard 'table', and the lizard groaned softly as he felt a scaly hand grab hold of his cock, getting a few strokes to the sensitive organ. "Looks reasonable...oh, that's why they're paying so high. The Deadwaters, huh?"

"Heh, been wondering just how bad that place is." Urt-Gar chuckled. "First light?"

"First light." Juraan nodded. The elephant's fingers sped up momentarily, then slowed. "Just one question for the night left then."

"Who gets the lizard?" they all said at once.

Nataraj groaned. This was going to be a long, long night.

The End