A Sticky Situation (Halloween Story)

Story by Cimmaron on SoFurry

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This story is based on something Tristan Hawthorne wrote a long time ago here, and despite some of the things in it that I should not have liked, I somehow am still enamored by it.

ANYWAY, the Macro/Micro writer's group on FA had a writing prompt thing for "Monsters," with Halloween approaching and that. So, here is my submission for that :D

Submission for Short Stories and Tall Tales Halloween Contest (FA)

By CimmaronSpirit

**WARNING: Contains: zombies, living latex creatures, absorption, oral/anal/cock vore, spooge, macro/muscle/cock growth, hyper, destruction, and rampage. Ohhhhh boy, this could be a poster list of all that is wrong with me. Enjoy anyway, you dirty, dirty fuzzies.**

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Cimmaron panted heavily as he swung open a thankfully unlocked door. He had lost his keys some time ago in his rush, and he sure as hell wasn't going to go back to get them. The sweat drenched stallion in a now grimy lab coat dashed into the room he had opened, and slammed the door shut behind him.

Not a moment too soon, as a hand of rotted flesh tried to grab at the anthro horse as the door closed. A loud snarl echoed through the hall as the metal door sliced through the hand and bone, cutting it off and allowing the door to close. Cimmaron hurriedly flipped the heavy duty lock on the door, which should by him some time.

"Zombies," he muttered as he took a moment to regain his breath. Cim's ears perked as he heard the horde pushing their way against the door to get to the tasty meal inside. He took a moment and pushed several large desks, chairs and filing cabinets to block the door. He knew that it would be a matter of time before either the lock gave way from the force of the undead masses that would be trying to claw at him, or that he may starve in a room with no food. After all, he had been through this before.

With the barricade now up, the horse collapsed on the ground, breathless from his exertions. After a moment, Cim pulled a small computer tablet from his jacket pocket, and hit the button. "Chronobook" appeared as it started up, but was swiftly replaced by a floating book on screen.

"So, out of danger yet?" the device asked with a tone of amusement.

"Shut up," Cim growled, making the book laugh. "Tell me, exactly how many zombie apocalypses have I survived so far?"

"Oh? Curious now are we? One moment." The book flipped around as if a loading cursor, forcing the horse to wait.

"Two thousand, three hundred seventy two times," it replied after a moment. "Of those, only seventeen were actually 'survived' from start to finish, as you weasel out with the Chronodevice whenever you face too much danger. That is a record of 0.0072 percent..."

"I don't see you having any better ideas when we get into those situations," Cim shot back, climbing up into a chair. "Besides, you know I hate zombies."

"You have mentioned. So, what is your plan now, hotshot?" the book asked. "My life is on the line here too you know."

Cim shook his head. "If it wasn't for the fact that you seem to be tied to me, and you can be helpful, I would have gotten rid of you a long time ago."

The book shook, the sound of pages rustling showing it was upset. "I save your ass more often than not. How about the time you time shifted into a cannibal's jungle village? Who got you out of that, huh?"

"The Chronodevice," Cim replied. "As a matter of fact, the moment it's ready, we're out of here."

"And your record will be 0.0071..."

"Frankly, my neck is more important than a record," Cim grunted, before shutting off the device, and returning it to his pocket. It was a strange thing, the Chronobook. The ability to shift into any reading instrument and access the entire multiverse's data, and it had to try to get on the time traveler's nerves. It was their long running game, and until the entire multiverse collapses, it would continue.

He could hear the moans and growls of the zombies on the other side, the scratch of claws on the door and the walls around it, trying to get at the tasty, uninfected being on the other side of the door. But soon even that died down, the zombies losing interest in finding the horse on the other side.

Cim pulled his Chronodevice, what looked like a golden pocket watch, from another pocket. A quick glance at it the little gauge on the side confirmed his worst fears, as its energy reserves was still extremely low, hovering just over the 10% mark. Without more energy, he couldn't time travel, which was the only way to get out of this situation, he knew. That, or fight your way through, but that never ended well. He had seen many a brave person think he could emulate a video game and hack his way through the hordes and find safety. Sure, maybe they would get through a lot of them, but eventually they would make a mistake, and another zombie would be added to the masses.

But the world weary stallion knew better than that. All he could do was wait for the Chronodevice to recharge which, thanks to the finicky nature of it, could be an hour, or three weeks.

"God damnit," he growled, shoving the device back where it came, and he could feel the Chronobook vibrate, either in laughter or annoyance, Cim didn't know. It would be too much to ask for an Alternate version of himself, a result of the constant time traveling, to just show up and help out. Most of them were most likely busy either running CIMIndustries, in their own problems, or fucking each other or some random person that would catch their interest. Cim knew this all too well, for he had done all three many, many times, in many different places.

The brown furred horse got up on his hooves, and started walking through the room. He was in a non-descript science lab that just had to be in the middle of the city, and just had to be working on a formula for immortality, or reanimating the dead, or something. All the tropes and clichés of the media where there for a reason, because most of the time it was true!

The room he was in was like the other rooms he ran past, or had been hiding in. Computers, microscopes and testing equipment filled the tables of the room, and piles of paper, either with incomprehensible numbers and results or scribbled notes, were piled various hap-hazard piles around the room in whatever nooks and crannies could be found.

Cim was surprised to see on one wall a backup generator, humming quietly as it continued its job, which seemed to be powering one particular computer and a machine next to it. He walked over to it, and turned on the computer which began flashing lines of text, numbers, and assorted lines of code. He tried to puzzle through it, but he couldn't glean much. The lab coat that he was wearing was really only to blend in before, as he had no science experience. But a few messages seemed to really catch his attention, namely the one about a Project 1473X. Apparently, they had developed a kind of liquidized rubber that can absorb almost anything it touches, making it into more of itself. It was still in testing, the latest test having been with some plant life where the rubber seemed to fuse itself with the living matter, and made it grow larger and stronger. The first tests with animals had been proposed for this week, but events got in the way.

Cimmaron looked beside the computer to see the machine that was holding a few vials of the formula. Inside the glass appeared to be a thick, viscous fluid, sedated by the special glass containers holding it.

"Well, maybe some more product testing is in order," Cim grinned, hitting the button to release the protective casing over the vials. He reached in and grabbed one of them, and slipped it into yet another pocket, this time right over his breast. The glass vial and the fluid in it was surprisingly light, and sloshed around as Cim moved it.

A series of clicks made Cimmaron perk his ears, and look around. They were coming from the ceiling, the sound of claws on the steel vents alerting the horse to new danger. He grimaced, and pulled out his Chronodevice again. This time it said it was up to a quarter charge.

"Enough to transform it to a gun and use it for a bit," he mused, trying to find a good spot to defend himself or hide. "But then it will be longer to time shift out of here. Damn these choices..."

The clicking paused and low groans and snarls echoed through the ventilation system, making a cold chill go down the horse's spine. The claws then started again, faster this time, as if it picked up a scent. For all Cim knew they could smell, and they smelled an uncontaminated body; him.

Cim pulled his golden lifesaver close, and he looked up, hoping that maybe the zombie wouldn't find him. The clicking slowly went away, getting quieter and quieter. After a few moments, the horse let go of his breath.

The roof suddenly gave away on the other side of the room, crumpled steel, drywall and insulation that collapsed shrouding the undead beast that rose up. It had been at one point a wolf, though now short an arm, an ear and without most of its fur. The black, blank eyes and overwhelming stench of rotting meat, and the vicious, predatory snarl that came from it showed it was still a hunter, and it lunged for Cim.

The horse lifted his watch and pointed it at the zombie as it made its way closer, and the Chronodevice morphed in his hands. It gained weight and length, Cim's other hand lifting up to catch the elongating barrel, catching the pump action grip of his brand new Remington 870 shotgun. With a swift motion, he cocked it back, and pulled the trigger. The undead wolf's head splattered in all directions, and the body, after another couple steps, crumpled to the floor.

The loud noise rang through Cim's ears, and a moment after, the horde outside began to stir, realizing with the loud noise that there was a tasty morsel in the room they had forgotten about after all. The wall closest to the caved in roof was weakened when a supporting bar crashed through it, and as the zombies pushed against that particular wall, their rotted arms reaching in for a desperate, primordial drive to get at the lone horse.

"Shit!" Cim shouted, as he cocked the shotgun again. He knew he had just sacrificed so much precious energy for his Chronodevice, and now the mob of the undead outside was starting to break through the walls, and were all gunning for him. If the wall held long enough, then maybe he could get out of here...

The force of the mass of zombies forced the wall to buckle, but only enough for one or two to crawl in at a time. Cim took aim, and picked off the ones that managed to climb through the hole. It almost became automatic: the pump action shot gun that was cocked, fired, cocked, fired, cocked, fired... The floor was soon slippery with the blackened dead blood, scattered body parts and chunks of rotted flesh and fur. The smell was intense and almost sickening. The killing field was almost too perfect...

As Cim cocked back again and pulled the trigger as a large, muscular Eastern dragon zombie pushed his way through, there was no resulting bang. The Chronodevice's unlimited ammo supply just ran out.

"Shit!" Cim shouted again, as he saw the lumbering beast get closer. Before Cim could react, it pounced, it's front claws digging into the horse's chest. The time traveler whinnied in terror and pain as he was lifted into the air, his fate sealed.

But as he was lifted up, Cim felt a cool tingling rush over his body, and he shuddered. Was this what death felt like? He'd been through many a dangerous, possibly fatal situation, but this was one of the first times where he might actually die. Was this truly the end?

Odd, because he was feeling better than ever; even the pain from the dragon's claws seemed to have gone away. Cim looked down, and gasped to see that the zombie's paws where actually starting to fuse with himself! The cooling sensation began running over his entire body, and he noticed that his fur was no longer dirty and matted, but rather shiny. The rubber thing? Did it just fuse with him? If that was the case, then the zombie, since it wasn't exactly living, was being consumed by the latex. Already Cim noticed the lab coat, the shirt, the jeans and even his underwear were being sucked into his brown colored rubber body, and his swishing tail and mane turned into strands of black rubber, swishing excitedly behind him. Cimmaron felt a momentary buzz before the Chronobook tablet was also consumed and his normally indestructible Chronodevice also merged with the horse.

All the time travelers' aches and bruises from the past few hours faded away, and he felt re-energized, stronger than ever. Cim could feel his body shifting, as if rearranging his inner workings for a new purpose.

This entire thing was... rather enjoyable, the horse suddenly realized in shock, as he felt his now rubbery cock emerge from it's sheathe with a squeak. Of all the different things that had happened to the time traveler in his centuries worth of jumping through the multiverse, this was, perhaps, one of the weirdest, but sexiest things to happen to him.

The eastern dragon snarled, trying to pull its arms away to try to strike again. But as the horse's body claimed more and more of the bulky arms, the dragon instead tried to bite at the horse, but as it's sharp teeth bit into the stallion's shoulder, it too was fused instantly with the rubber horse. The zombie dragon tried to pull back, but the encroaching rubber instead pulled it closer, smothering the black eyes and rotting flesh and pulling. Cim's hooves at last touched the ground again, and the dragon, though it could not think, seemed to struggle to try to keep attacking it's victim, though Cim was now the predator.

By now over half the dragon was inside him, and Cim snorted, using his hands to shove more of the zombie inside him. When his hands didn't melt into the back of the dragon, Cim was at first surprised, but something told him that he had some control over the rubber, enough to decide what to consume and what not to, perhaps...

Another shove, and the dragon was now almost fully incased into its rubbery prison. The brown rubber of the living latex horse pulled the beast in deeper, while cocooning its prey into Cim's body. It continued to trash as it was pulled in, the tail slowly, inch by inch, following behind.

"Ohhhh... fuck," Cim groaned as the undead draconic beast was at last fully incased in his body, still squirming around. He could already feel the first parts of the dragon begin to be broken down, turned into more rubber to be absorbed into the horse. First a few inches of height was added to the five foot nine stallion, then some more weight, all pure muscle for his normally toned and lithe body. The hooves enlarged, and his cock, already a respectably sized twenty four inches, gained more length and girth. It took a few moments, but soon the massive, misshapen bulge that had once been a proud and fierce dragon was only undead flesh to be turned into fuel and building material for the horse.

Cim paused, panting as he sat down on the table behind him as his body continued to digest the first zombie, his mind swimming. He just ate someone. Or, well, a former someone. Then he mulched them down and turned them into fuel. That... was barbaric. That was something that the sociopaths, mass murderers, and the "stompy," sadistic macros did. Cimmaron was never a fan of death for pleasure or excitement... even though this was so damn exciting!

There never was a cure for zombies except killing them, he knew perfectly well. Well... why not enjoy it? After all, he was getting bigger and a lot more muscular now. Hell, he knew he always was interested in a bigger dick, so why not get that as big as possible?

And who cared if zombies were the victims? Frankly, he would be doing a favor for this city... this world! He was going to end this zombie apocalypse, and enjoy it! His entire body seemed excited at the idea of consuming the undead, and making Cim bigger. His anus twitched, as if feeling empty and demanding something to fill it. Cim could only grin as his deepest, darkest fetishes could at last be explored in its entirety.

Cim stood up, his first meal at last dealt with, and marched over to the wall the zombies had tried to come in, his ears just barely touching the 12 foot of the room he was in. Cim was surprised that he managed to defeat the dozens and dozens of zombies there, but he had more important things to do. Using his new bulk and size, he shoved his way through the opening, crashing through on to the other side. The little bits of rubble that had stuck to him were almost instantly absorbed into his body, as he marched through the halls of the laboratory.

He turned a corner, to see three zombies shambling around straight ahead. With a grin, the horse launched himself forward with a squeak, and crashed into the last one, a lithe otter now missing most of his face and right side. The horse grinned, and opened his mouth, his jaw seemingly fully unhinged, as he pulled in the otter, which snarled and tried to fight back. But the rubber horse was too strong, and soon the head had entered the horse's throat, while the otter's shoulders were pulled in, with a rather loud swallow.

The other two zombies, sensing danger or an uninfected, dashed to Cimmaron, but the rubber tail of the horse reached out, and using its rubber properties, snagged both monsters, a Dachshund and a lion, at once. The little canine, the smallest of the three zombies, was pulled back to the rear of the horse, and fairly quickly shoved up Cim's tailhole, making the horse buck in both surprise and pleasure as his tight rubber pucker took in its first victim. The canine squirmed, trying to scratch the horse, but instead Cim's rear pulled hard, sucking the entirety of the Dachshund into the horse's streamlined bowels.

The otter continued its descent into Cim's stomach, the first part of the zombie now reaching the enlarged stomach that now took up most of Cim's torso. The bulge of the monster being folded up and struggling in his stomach was, in a demented sense, really arousing. The long horse length erect from Cim's loins now began to leak rubber scented pre as the time traveler moaned, bucking backwards to shove the tiny dog further up his rear.

Cimmaron stretched out his longer, more prehensile tongue to wrap around the otters legs, and with a tug, pulled the remaining part of the first zombie into his body. Cim's tail, seeming to get the idea, wound itself around the Dachshund's legs and pushed in, forcing the canine into his bowels to join the otter in their rubber scented tomb.

Cim rumbled as his body set to work in digesting the two new occupants. His tail now lifted the lion up as the horse moaned, rubbing his hand over his distended belly with a squeak.

"Now, what to do to with you," Cim pondered to the groaning and snarling feline zombie, who's proud mane was now falling out of its rotting skull. Before he could think of anything, his cock surged forward by at least a foot in length, and pre was launched upwards and splashed against the feet of the king of the jungle. However, instead of just merely oozing off the lion as any normal fluid would have, it seemed to solidify, and the clear, rubber pre-seed seemed to be tugging the lion toward the extended cock.

Cim laughed, and willed his tail to drop its prey. The zombie crashed onto the latex belly of the horse, but before it could try clawing away at the impenetrable horse, Cim's shaft began pulling its catch to the flared tip. The horse whinnied as the urethral passage was forced open, and the first of the lion's paws was pulled in. Having tasted its first meal, the hungry horse shaft began tugging on the zombie, pulling the second paw in as well, and making Cim grunt and snort as his cock was forced open wider than anyone would have thought possible. While the ferocious claws of the lion continued to attack Cim with no damaging effect, its legs disappeared into the tight rubbery shaft. Cim shivered as the wider hips were then pulled in, the kicks and struggles of the lion making this perhaps one of the most intense masturbation sessions the horse ever encountered. It felt like his dick was being massaged and stroked from the inside. If it wasn't for the fact his dick was more concerned with its meal, it would have shot out a huge load right then and there.

The lion's torso was now past the flared head, still snarling and trying to attack its captor. Cim giggled as the ineffective claws now felt more like tickling than anything dangerous to his body. Cim reached out and pulled his shaft, now so massive and bulging so thick with the lion that he couldn't even get both hands to touch, straight up, and with the help of gravity, the lion quickly slipped lower. It's paws were forced into the elastic ballsac, already looking like it was holding beach balls, and further extending it.

Cim groaned and smiled as he reached forward once more, and with a push, shoved the lion's head into his own. His cock closed behind, still drooling the clear, translucent rubber pre that had captured its first victim. The lion, still struggling to fight, slowly melted into the horse cream that was slowly building up, until it couldn't struggle, and the undead monster was fully turned into semen.

Cim laid back, the Dachshund and otter in the last stages of being absorbed. He could feel his entire body shudder and expand in all directions at once. His muscle's expanded larger, pushing his arms and legs out to make room for the new mass. Laying crossways in the large hall, it didn't long for his head to bump up against one wall, and his hooves on the other. With a grunt, Cim's head and hooves smashed through the appropriate walls. The debris from both destroyed walls was quickly being absorbed, once again, into Cim's body, further fueling his growth.

Cim was in utter bliss as the cycle of destruction, absorption, growth, and more destruction continued to pack more muscle, height and strength onto his body. His erect cock pierced the floor above, making Cim growl, and his cock spurt more pre. As the floor hadn't yet been touched by Cim and his rampage, a multitude of zombies snarled and moaned their way to the loud noise, only to have the twenty foot cock, and the gallons of pre that seeped out of the flared horse tip, quickly entrap them. The zombies, in their single minded pursuit to attack any non-infected living thing, were one by one swallowed by the rubber cock, dropping down into the long shaft and the now massive, churning spheres of seed. Each additional zombie added more volume to the horse's output; each one that slipped down the increasingly lengthening shaft added to the pleasure that Cim was experiencing.

The latex equine's face now also pushed up into the second floor, and as the zombies were attracted by the loud noise, the rubber snake of a tongue Cim possessed wrapped around as many Zombie's as it could, and pulled them all into the waiting maw. The long black equine tail was now stretching out, capturing the few zombies still on the first floor and creeping up stairs and elevator shafts to find victims on other floors, and all being pulled back and pushed up into the equines ass, each additional meal making Cim moan.

Cim's entire body now filled most of the first floor, and the floor above began to crumble and be absorbed away, the zombies that were not being consumed by the carnivorous cock, predatory ass or the voracious mouth were instead simply absorbed, along with the rubble of the building, into Cim like the first dragon, long since erased.

The three story building couldn't handle the full force of a massively growing horse that was absorbing and eating as much of the building as possible, and soon it gave out, crashing down around Cim and trapping the few zombies that had not been consumed within the wreckage.

But the horse inside the massive pile of rubble was only fueled by the destruction of the building. The mountain began bucking, shaking and rumbling. With a window shattering neigh, Cim bucked up one last time, and he at last unleashed his steadily growing load of hot, liquid latex horse seed. Each shot added rivers, if not lakes worth of sticky cum to the flood that quickly washed over dozens of city blocks, capturing hundreds of shambling zombies before they could have known.

Yet still the horse continued to ejaculate, his tongue lolled out the side of his mouth, and his eyes rolled back in pleasure. The sheer pleasure of the largest orgasm in his life, so much more than what he felt as his body continued taking in all the undead furries that had inhabited the city, was enough to nearly make him pass out. But after what felt like hours, the horse's orgasm ended, and Cimmaron continued lying in the middle of the vast, white sea of seed that continued rolling around him. Against the flow, many little dots were tugged toward the giant in the place of the research facility, and they would slowly by pulled up into the horse's cock, tail hole, mouth or just absorbed.

After a long moment, having caught his breath, Cimmaron at last stood up, his body silhouetted against a pre-dawn sky as the first golden rays of day streamed out. Cim towered over most of the city at over a hundred feet tall, with a 60 foot partially erect cock and testicles the size of houses. He was the pure essence of masculinity at this point, his muscles not close to rivaling the biggest body builders, but many times surpassing them, with a virile and potent latex flavored musk that, while maybe not able to affect the zombies, did have an effect on Cimmaron himself. As he looked down, Cim smiled, and stretched, flexing all his muscles for no one in particular.

"This city had a couple million before the outbreak, I think," he rumbled, his voice enough to shake buildings. He shuddered as he watched a couple buildings, damaged by the creamy tidal wave before, now collapsed from his speech alone.

"Well, I think I still have lots of work to do," he said, taking his first macro step and smashing a large group of crashed vehicles and zombies, all of which was quickly absorbed into his body. Cim's cock suddenly stiffened to erection once again, still working on consuming its massive meal, and his tail, though constantly stuffed with struggling zombies, ached for more. He grinned as he continued toward the downtown core, his cock and tail dragging their meals ensnared in latex behind him. This was going to be a fun day.