Digimon: Camping Out (1 of 2) - Ch 7-1

Story by Gryphie on SoFurry

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#11 of [Digimon] Crystal Destiny

Robbie was numb. He couldn't think beyond the basics - other than to follow Leomon wherever they were supposed to go. He had done something that he thought was unthinkable for himself -- he had destroyed a life -- and for what? to liberate them of corruption? Was the cost worth it to annihilate some of them? He had only intended to destroy the gem to free them, but the power they both had manifested was far more powerful than they had bargained. But to kill a digimon?

Guilt weighed him down, making his footfalls feel heavy as lead. His eyes were flat.

Leomon had been leading his mate toward what he thought he saw a cave -- at least a temporary shelter for the night. He had no more a clue what they were supposed to do here. He was growing increasingly concerned with his mate's behavior -- withdrawn again, but alarmingly non-responsive as well. His scent had began to recede tightly around him as well, which made him increasingly worried.

As the cave loomed into the lion's sight, he maintained his speed, but ensured that Robbie was following him, never keeping him out of his view. The forest receded around them to reveal a cave entrance.

Robbie trudged along behind the lion, scarcely paying attention to anything but Leomon's feet.

Leomon felt relieved as they walked inside the cave, and led Robbie to sit down. His frown deepened as Robbie was unusually obedient without any spark in his eyes. He was mortally afraid that Robbie's reaction had something to do with the gate they had gone through -- and the spider digimon... but he wasn't quite sure he wanted to know. His protective instincts screamed to nurture his mate back to health, in any way he could and he knew it would possibly involve trying to coax whatever was troubling Robbie out of him. He disengaged both of their packs and laid them against the opposite wall.

He seated himself by his mate, unsure how to proceed. He put an arm around his mate's shoulders, waiting to see what happened.

Moments later, Robbie's mind recognized that Leomon had his arm around him, and he instinctively burrowed into the lion's side.

The lion's arm tightened around Robbie's shoulders into him as tightly as possible. He purred softly in a comforting tone. His ears almost didn't catch a quiet broken sob. His paw slowly rubbed Robbie's back in a circular motion, while his mate's sobs grew more louder.

His gravely purr murmured softly as he spoke into Robbie's hair. "Shhhh. It's okay. Let it out." He felt his fur acquiring a salty dampness, as well. His suspicions were half-confirmed -- his mate felt guilty about destroying the digimon -- he'd just have to explain what happened to digimon in the Digital World... about their being reborn eventually.

When Robbie seemed to have cried himself out, he didn't move, save his head which looked up at him. His eyes looked reddish and puffy. Leomon traced a finger over Robbie's eyebrow and down his cheek, with a small smile on his face. "Better?"

Robbie sniffled and shrugged his shoulders. "...I dunno." He still felt guilty and remorseful about doing what they had done.

The lion pushed Robbie up toward his face, and lightly nipped at his mate's nose. "Let me guess. You feel remorse for the Spidimon we had to destroy back there?"

Robbie freed a hand and touched the lion's nose, then dropped it. "...Yeah." He glanced away, not wanting to look into his lover's eyes.

Leomon caught his mate's chin and forced him to look into his eyes. "That's natural. But there is one thing you do not know."

Robbie felt unwilling to maintain his gaze, but couldn't move, for Leomon had his chin in a firm grip. "...What?"

Leomon spoke quietly. "All digimon are reborn eventually. Spidimon is most likely becoming reborn soon, somewhere."

Robbie's heart suddenly lightened as he processed this comment. Digimon weren't destroyed permanently! That was a small balm soothing his remorse. He frowned slightly, "But...I didn't expect to destroy it..."

Leomon let go of his mate's chin, letting him lay his head on the lion's chest. "I didn't either -- but I knew it might happen to any one of them that we need to help liberate."

Robbie sniffled again. "I wonder what it was feeling or thinking when we did it."

Leomon squeezed him closer. "I don't know, but I hope it was happy to be free."

Robbie hoped so too, silently. He nestled against the broad chested lion and relaxed. He hadn't realized how exhausted he was, and fell asleep.

Leomon was feeling the effects of their combined merge hit just now, and his eyes started to droop closed; his breathing became regular, as he dropped into sleep as well.

Awareness entered Robbie's mind slowly. He was on hard ground, then felt warm fur in his face. He detected something hard against his face, and realized it was Leomon's nipple. Curiously, he rubbed his face against the nipple, and felt it stiffen slightly. Leomon let out a small gravely growl of pleasure, waking him up.

He grinned, gazing down at his mate. "Now, now... you can't be feeling that much better already?" He looked down at his mate, with a toothy grin.

Robbie chuckled. "Well... I do feel slightly better, but ...I still feel sad for the digimon, er, Spidimon."

Leomon nodded solemnly, and whispered, "As it should be." He caressed the back of Robbie's head affectionately. As much as he enjoyed just spending time with his mate, it was time to be practical -- they were here for a reason, and he was certain that it wasn't because of the two of them. A thought at the back of his mind whispered to him -- this was not the time to become distracted.

He scooted upward, and frowned, looking at Robbie. "We're in the Tree Kingdom, but I still don't know why we're here."

Robbie grunted, as he reluctantly left Leomon's side, slid himself into a seated position facing the lion. He sighed, and dug for his digivice. "I suppose it'll give us some vague sort of answer again."

He held the device in his hand, and grumbled. "We're here. Now what?"

The device glowed and the same ethereal voice echoed inside their minds. "Good. There is a threat to the digimon here -- but you will have to travel far into the forest to the south. It will become quite clear soon."

Robbie sighed, trying to bite his sarcastic reply off, but failing entirely. "Gee. Really?"

The digivice didn't appear to notice his sarcastic tone, but Leomon's ears had flattened in surprise and slight agitation, as he reached out to his mate warningly.

Robbie caught Leomon's expression and shook his head. "So... what's different about this threat? If you can even tell me... us."

The voice was regretful. "I can only give vague warnings and guide you where you must go."

Robbie grunted out a reply, feeling a bit ornery. "What else is new? So where do we go from here then?"

The digivice hummed a moment before speaking again. "A guide will find you soon." It went dim as the voice faded away.

Robbie looked at the digivice, disgust evident on his face and shoved it back on his belt. "Damned vague, that's who it is...whoever it is."

Leomon leaned forward trying to be positive, "But it's helped us so far..."

Robbie scowled in frustration. "But what the hell is going on around here... Why are these digimon being controlled, and... why am I here?"

Leomon sighed, knowing that he'd have to explain some details -- at least as much detail as he knew. "All I know... is that this has been going on for several months. Digimon who were once friendly, became mean spirited and their minds seemed gone. Right before you arrived, I was trying to hide from a dark cloud -- the Darkness Mist..."

Robbie nodded, his frustration fading and transmuting to curiosity. "Right, so that's the reason they keep attacking us? The Darkness Mist knows I'm here, or...?" He felt a sliver of fear, wondering if the Mist had known he would arrive, or sensed his arrival. He crossed his arms over his indrawn knees and gazed at the large lion.

Leomon gazed downward, speaking softly. He didn't see any logic in trying to shield the truth. "I am not sure. Liberating the last two digimon might have alerted it to our presence." At scenting Robbie's flash of fear, he smiled reassuringly. "We will fight it together, you and I."

Robbie smiled despite feeling some fear percolating at the back of his mind, and then nodded. "I guess you're right. We can fight together." His stomach suddenly rumbled in hunger, causing him to blush and chuckle weakly.

Leomon's eyes sparkled with merriment, grinning. "I hadn't realized it was nearly evening already. I'll gather firewood, while you get our provisions out." He clambered to his feet, and started outside, remaining near the cave, while looking for assorted dead fall.

Robbie didn't have time to protest, and he didn't really want to -- his stomach was nagging at him to be filled -- again. He frowned in thought as his appetite was forgotten temporarily.

_Seems I always get hungry if I use my new... 'powers'. Probably the same principle if someone had psychic powers -- the more they used them, the more energy they used up, and the greater the need to build up back one's energy... _ The idea of even having any power, or powers -- still made Robbie uneasy at times, but also amazed at the same time whenever they activated.

He gazed at his palms, and suffered a dizzy wave of disorientation and confusion. He was still human. Wasn't he? His hands seemed a little thicker and rougher. His rational mind took over a moment later, reasserting itself that Robbie was indeed human -- at least mostly. He wasn't sure if he'd stay fully human, and he had fantasized about becoming another species at one point.

A question whispered itself into the forefront of Robbie's mind -- Did he really want to become a Digimon or at least partly? What did it mean for him though? Did it mean he'd never be able to return home? A selfish thought weaved through his thoughts that it wouldn't be a bad thing -- since he had no close family, or many people he'd consider as a friend. He believed he was well-rounded enough to handle anything life threw at him, but was it worth the risk of becoming a Digimon-human hybrid?

His immediate mental answer was 'Yes!'

His hunger interrupted the rest of his musings, and he blinked, realizing that several minutes must have went by. He scrambled to his knees, and dug into the provision bag. He brought out a small armful of fruit and meat bulbs, making sure to separate each into two piles in front of the bag. He took one fruit bulb from the pile, then ate it quickly, in the hope of silencing his stomach growling.

Trees towered over the lion digimon as he foraged for firewood. He was slightly discouraged that he hadn't seen any fruit or meat bulb trees in the immediate vicinity. He didn't want to stray too far from his partner -- primarily because this was an unknown region to him, and his secondary, more selfish reason - to try to keep his mate as safe as he could without guarding him.

He had gathered a sizable amount of dead wood, and bundled it under his arm. The forest itself was cool, and shady, but light still streamed in through the gaps in the foliage. The source of the light was fading as the sun started to set. Luckily the lion could find his way back with very minimal light, and he had a good memory. Leomon cautiously hastened his steps over a multitude of tree trunk roots, making his way back to the cave entrance.

Upon reaching the cave entrance, he slowed down and knelt by what he judged was the best place to start a fire. Tonight he would most likely have to find a way to shroud the cave entrance, somehow.

Robbie studied Leomon as he set up the campfire, and brought his knees up close to his chest. "Do you need... Do you need some help with something?" He knew in his mind that he really ought to help out somehow, but he didn't know much about living out in the wilderness. He wasn't used to asking others if he could help.

Leomon simply smiled back at his mate, and shook his head. "Not really. I can take care of this fire - but I may need some help dragging branches that I can reach and snap off for covering the entrance. It may get more chilly here than it did back with the Merchantmon."

Robbie nodded. "....Okay." He wasn't really sure what to say - what do you talk about with a Digimon that probably didn't know anything about what your life was like? He wasn't sure if Leomon would be able to relate at all to what his life was like in the real world.

A pang of homesickness struck him then; he gazed downward, then he swallowed it back, trying to not to dwell on it, but he couldn't help not think about things. The job he had worked at probably already called his phone to fire him by now, and his friends - well, they were mostly online friends - probably wouldn't worry about his absence from the 'net for about a week. And his depression went slightly deeper once he realized that his siblings probably wouldn't know he had disappeared.

He felt curiously resigned to the situation - at least about going home again. The hope that he'd possibly return once the Mist was dealt with was almost the only thing that kept him going.

There was also the other matter - the gigantic digimon that was busily tending to the fire that he just formed into a small bonfire. As Robbie gazed at Leomon's shadowed back, he smiled involuntarily, feeling his heart beat slightly more rapidly. He could scarcely imagine any more a incredibly attractive package that Leomon embodied. He had recalled some very exquisite art drawings that he had browsed on a furry website, but ... nothing could come close to what he saw here. He still had the inward fear residing at the back of his mind that Leomon was a figment of his imagination, and that he was simply dreaming at home.

His mind dove off that track immediately, while slightly berating himself. This was as real as the real world. Leomon was a living... breathing... being. He knew the lion wasn't human - at least not DNA-wise...

A half-formed thought entered his mind at that moment - and made him giggle mentally.

At least I'm not female! If I'm becoming part digimon... if I were female - would that mean I'd become capable of fathering Leomon's offspring...?

He grinned into his knees, trying not to laugh out loud, but he managed to succeed at composing himself.

Robbie gazed upward, and saw Leomon looking at him, curiously; he suddenly blushed. "Er... just thinking again."

Leomon nodded silently, then gestured for Robbie to follow. "I remember some trees with low branches we can use to set up some cover."

Robbie shrugged, then stood up, and followed Leomon a short distance into the forest. When he darted a glance backwards, he could still see the firelight flickering. The forest itself didn't start at the entrance of the cave - there were bushes around the edges. The trees didn't start until you walked several paces ahead.

Leomon stopped at a cluster of trees, and held one branch with elongated, and bristled leaves that spread out at least five feet out in a fan-shaped pattern, then snapped it at the base. He handed the branch over to Robbie who took it, then was surprised at it's light weight.

Robbie held the giant leaf, and spoke softly. "So, how many of these do we need?"

Leomon grunted noncommittally, then his voice rumbled out a reply. "Possibly six or seven. We can weave the branch, and the leaves into each other to create a strong barrier that shouldn't let much wind into the cavern."

Robbie nodded. "Right... I've sorta heard of that before...Don't ask me how to do it... unless you know how."

Leomon chuckled softly, making Robbie's nerves tingle pleasantly. "I do. I will teach you, if you want to help."

He snapped several more leafy branches off different trunks, and handed them to Robbie, not waiting for an answer.

Robbie grinned, "Sure. That might be fun." He continued, noticing he was having trouble, even seeing Leomon in front of him - it was getting very dark out. "Um, how can you see? It's getting harder to see out here."

Leomon flicked an ear backwards. "I can see in minimal light - but we're just about finished."

Robbie saw, no, more heard, a sharp crack indicating that another branch had been broken off.

Leomon's gravely voice echoed in the forest eerily, "There. That's it. Let's go back." Robbie shivered at the echo, despite being calm in Leomon's company.

Robbie did an about face and started walking toward the flickering flames. He held most of the branches but he didn't mind - the bristles weren't sharp, and his burden wasn't even heavy. He was starting to wonder how it'd stay affixed to the cave, but he knew that the lion would probably have an answer and he'd find out in due course.

As both of them entered the cave, Robbie knelt on one knee and dropped the bristly leaf branches onto the ground, then stood up, waiting for Leomon to start weaving.

Leomon immediately started intertwining another branch's leaves with the one he had carried back. He started pointing out details on how to weave things so the structure would be solid and strong as well.

Robbie nodded, and tried to imitate Leomon's technique with two separate branches, and managed to create a fairly solid weave. Even Leomon was pleased at how quick his mate was at learning this.

Leomon then showed him how to connect the weaved pairs together to form a solid wall. Once Robbie and Leomon started putting it together, and pushing it against the boundaries of the cave entrance.

Robbie was surprised at how snug it fit against the walls. He suddenly remembered watching several Home construction shows, then realized there were the same fundamental basics here.

The wind started picking up several moments later, and Robbie was suddenly glad they had decided to do this. The leafy wall started shaking slightly, but held against the wind. He couldn't feel any air gusts through any of the weaved barrier.

"Good. It should hold until morning." Leomon had crossed his arms, feeling inordinately proud of their handiwork.

The lion turned away from the barrier, knowing that nothing would get in without alerting him.

Robbie stayed, studying the leafy wall. "I can't believe we did this... I've never done anything like that..."

A sudden thought occurred to him - perhaps the Digital World and the Real World had some things in common. He had seen some documentaries on survival methods - particularly weaving a temporary wall. Perhaps there were other things they had in common.

Leomon had gotten two sturdy long branches, and stuck several meat bulbs to each one, holding both in one paw.

Robbie was suddenly ravenous, as he noticed the food being put on to roast on the fire.

He sat down next to Leomon, then felt the lion's arm encircle his waist, and pull him closer. He leaned his head on the lion's muscular shoulder while waiting for dinner in silence. Robbie realized that he felt that he was protected; the lion's fur on his side was very warm and comfortable.

Leomon brought the branches away from the fire, then set it to his side to cool for several moments. He listened to the wind suddenly strengthen a little, before letting go of his mate. "Here." He took one stick laden with bulbs and handed it over.

Robbie took it gratefully and started eating it off the stick, not bothering to remove them. After he polished off the two meat bulbs, he noticed the cave warming up pleasantly, then feeling a bit sweaty.

He figured it'd probably be private enough to get his clothes off, but he didn't want to take them all off... immediately. He wasn't sure how far things would go tonight, but he didn't want to just have sex with Leomon - he didn't really know the lion that well, and he had virtually said nothing about his own life. The last few relationships had deteriorated into nothing but sex, and gradually cooled to the point that they didn't work out.

He shifted away from Leomon, and wriggled his shirt off, feeling much cooler. He had lost most of his self-consciousness with the lion digimon. Hell, the big lion went shirtless all the time.

Leomon gazed at his mate silently, then spoke. "Warm?"

Robbie shrugged. "Yeah. It's getting warmer in here."

Leomon nodded, then winced as his shoulder suddenly protested. He closed his eyes, and tried to rub his aching shoulder. He wasn't sure where it had come from, but he had an inkling it was left over from that Trimon. Leomon hadn't realized he was sore all the way through his shoulders and upper back - until now.

He moaned softly in pain.

Robbie got to his knees abruptly. He felt alarmed. Did Leomon get injured and not tell him?

"Leomon, what's wrong?!" His hands hovered over Leomon's shoulder, but not touching him for he was afraid he'd hurt him - the lion had no apparent injuries, but you never knew with the nature of them.

Some were obvious, some weren't.

Leomon growled through gritted teeth. "Argh... my upper back and shoulders... I thought I was fine - but they feel sore or bruised. Must've gotten hurt from the fight with Trimon and hadn't realized it..."

Robbie relaxed only marginally, but feeling better that it was only tenderized muscles. "I can try giving you a rub - you did a wonderful job on me the last time..."

Leomon chuckled gently and nodded, "Alright, do your best..."

Robbie was up in a flash, digging out the bedrolls from their backpacks and unrolling them both out side by side, to make a large squarish mat of softness.

Leomon winced as he slowly laid down on his stomach, with his arms dangling by his side.

Robbie swallowed hard as Leomon's physique shimmered in the flickering firelight. His pants suddenly tightened a bit in lustful appreciation.

Now he wrestled with indecision - where to start? He knew where it was needed, but since Leomon's body was larger than his own, at least one and half sizes bigger - he wasn't sure he could straddle on top of the lion's lower back without putting his hips out of joint.

He shifted over to Leomon's left side, and started kneading one shoulder slowly, checking his reactions to his ministrations. The lion grunted, his face was clenched tight in obvious pain, but he was surprisingly holding up against it. Robbie slowly did the same trying to relax all of the muscles that he found were tenser - than usual. His fingers prodded and pushed each muscle into relaxation over the next few moments.

He shifted his position to kneel with his legs between Leomon's head, and started working on the upper middle muscles; he didn't know how well he was doing, other than Leomon's quiet whimpers of pleasure. As he pushed down on the base of his neck, and pushed downward his back, the lion growled huskily, as Robbie's loins kept brushing up against Leomon's ear.

Robbie blushed and kept going but varying it from doing it from one shoulder to the other, then going again in the middle.

Leomon was starting to make low growls of pleasure; his body was also slightly twitching and relaxing at the same time. His mate who claimed to know nothing about massage, was certainly doing a good job. His muscles no longer protested so much and felt more pliant. At least his injuries hadn't been severe enough to necessitate a longer massage that might have put him to sleep. He was not remotely tired, but he felt more rejuvenated and frisky at the same time.

Robbie kept kneading the muscles in the same way that he had been for the last ten minutes or so. His pants were slightly filled out from the lust that had swept through his loins at noticing the shimmer on Leomon's muscular back, along with rubbing such an attractive back.

He closed his eyes, and inwardly cursed himself; he had to admit it. He was getting smitten with the lion. He paused, his hands laying on Leomon's shoulders.

Leomon took the pause as a signal to push himself up to his knees, and gingerly rotate his arms to the sides. He rumbled in low pleasure. "Ohh, that feels better..."

Robbie, still kneeling, sat down further onto his back legs and feet, with a smile, now suddenly feeling slightly awkward. "Good..."

Leomon gazed on his mate with a fond smile. "It's getting very warm and comfortable in here. There's no need for modesty - we have all the privacy we want..." He unfastened his pants - one button at the top hole that allowed his tail to slip through, and the front two buttons that kept his pants closed, then let it drop.

Robbie stared at the majestic lion who was shrouded in darkness, but back lit by the flames, making him appear to smolder with heat. His throat went dry for a moment, then he swallowed noisily, and nodded abruptly.

"Uh, right."

Leomon knelt on his own bedroll, and laid on his side, facing Robbie with a crooked smile.

Robbie stood up, feeling uncertain, but also silly the next moment - primarily because this was Leomon - he had gotten royally fucked, for god's sake, by him... There shouldn't be any awkwardness, but it still remained - even if it was only the last remnants of shyness. He undid his belt and pants, and hesitated. He pushed them down past his half-erect dick and self-consciously bent over and moved it to the side. Clambering to the ground on his own bedroll, he gazed at the lion, wondering what was going through his mind. He half-wished he could be more assertive about what he wanted.

Perhaps now was the time.