What's your name again?

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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A little something dirty to try and break my writers block. Stuck in a hotel in germany with no wifi, using my one hour free to post this. Once again this is dirty filthy smut, although first person perspective is new for me. Anyway I hope people enjoy/

Breakfast in hotels, something I have grown far too used to. The usual buffet, waitresses still bleary eyed and guests of every shape size and story even more bleary eyed. As an avid observer of humanoid behaviour I love breakfast in hotels you can tell so much about people this early in the morning before their defences are fully up.

This morning was no different, I sat at my table early with a few rounds of toast to start with. My perfectly ironed shirt with my top button undone, showing my casual nature and a good bit of burly brown chest and plush fur. I sip at my coffee and watch as the other guests start to file in, in small groups or singles. The business people sticking out clearly from those travelling on pleasure. Most are uninteresting then I spy a collie and his son. The boy looks like he just turned eighteen and the dog announces he is his son just a little too loudly when he gives his room number to the waiter on the door, who didn't ask who either of them were in the first place.

I smile and take a sip of my coffee as the two walk passed me and the boy calls him 'Dad'. However, the tone is wrong and as they get to their table they blow their act totally when the older collie steals what he thinks is a hidden stroke of the boy's ass. I chuckle and take another sip of my coffee as I watch their act a little more. Not bad, I'd give it a good seven probably half of the guests didn't buy it and almost certainly none of the staff. Certainly not the room cleaners, silly pups should just stand out and say they were fucking. Daddy and his little teenage fling, I never understand why people bother with the pretend father son thing. Just admit you're fucking a guy twenty years younger and be fucking proud man.

Still their show was over and I looked up to see who else was coming in. A few more uninteresting furs filed in and then I spotted him. Young, about eighteen by my guess, and on his own. His red hoody and jeans making him stand out from the other visitors who were a split of business men and the richer preppy clientele of this more expensive hotel.

An equine, must admit that I always had a thing for equines, my first love was a grey shire horse back in high school. We had some fun... until the rugby coach caught him balls deep in my ass in the gym locker. Then suddenly we were 'out of control'. He was there on some sort of grant funding which was pulled shortly after he pulled out of me. School had been boring after he left, it had been years since I last thought of that sweet grey pony boy.

My eyes followed him as he grabbed a plate and looked nervously at the buffet. His clothes told me a lot about him, definitely here on someone else's coin, my guess was a stepmother or father. Someone who doesn't want him in the house where he can upset their kids and family rhythms. However, they have to put him up someplace nice to assuage their guilt at not having him stay with them. His parents are either divorced or one is deceased and the other I not in town.

He eventually helped himself to some toast and then as he turned around he saw me staring at him and blushed. That's when I realise he's definitely gay. Now some people would be shy and embarrassed being caught staring, me I've been around a bit. So I keep staring and give the boy as friendly a smile as I can manage and then like an angler hoping to land the big one I toss my hook into the water. As his head turns away I wink at him. He blushes again and I know I timed it perfectly, he isn't sure he saw it or that it was aimed at him. However, he is now curious enough to come over and find out. Looks like I got as nibble, now to turn that into a bite.

I give him a warm smile and wave a paw at the chair opposite me as he arrives. "Please sit, slumming it alone like me are you?" I ask in as friendly way as possible.

"Y...yeah, something like that." He replies, in very soft tones, his voice sweet and gentle. As I sniff the air I catch a whiff of his scent, coconut and roses. Someone has showered recently and there under it the ripe scent of a young colt in his prime frustrated by the lack of action. It's a nutty, woody scent, with just a hint of caramel.

Still he's young and nervous better not to lay it on too thick, let him come to me. "Here visiting family?"

He seems surprised by the question like it wasn't what he was expecting. Of course from his perspective he's just sat down opposite the big burly brown bear in his forties that stared at him and then gave him a smile and a wink. He was probably expecting me to be very direct about what I want.

Ha, well I know what I want and I know he knows it too. Why should I state the obvious? Instead I need to find out what the real prospects are of me dipping my wick in this perfectly formed stallions ass.

"Yes... my stepmother and my brother." Haha bingo! Right on the money.

"Ah I'm here for the next four nights on business. Boring stuff mainly, I look at charts, talk about charts and use lots of buzz words. Like strategise, incentivise and so many other words ending in ise that really mean nothing at all." It's a weak joke but it gets him smiling. His face looked stunning with a smile on it, his eyes still shy and his ears and nose still showing the tinges of his blush.

"Sounds dull, I have to go to a musical tonight. "He replied pulling a face. "I was thinking I might be a bit too tired or feeling a bit off or something."

Ah interesting information, and a clear invitation as the young man was capable of giving. I held out a huge bear paw saying. "Names Steven by the way."

This time it was him who chuckled and as he shook my paw he replied. "Dan, sorry about the laugh. Last guy I met called Steven said 'remember my name cause you'll be screaming it later.'"

Now that sentence spoke volumes to me. Firstly it was such a socially unacceptable thing for him to say and he knew it, therefore it was a challenge. Which meant he had already put me in his mind as a person of authority, why thank you young boy. Secondly it was an open sexual comment clearly indicating the boy's thoughts when speaking to me were of that nature. Finally the tone of his voice held a note of disappointment. A perfect opening for an old bear like me to exploit.

Like a miner exploiting a weakness in a rockface, I placed my dynamite in the opening. "Hmmm an unimpressive boast and I doubt he managed to fulfil it. Did you scream his name?"

The shock and confusion on his face was delicious and far more appealing than my cold toast. "I... well..wait what is so unimpressive about that?"

I give a small 'awww look at the poor young thing' derisive chuckle as I finish my coffee and pour another cup. I give him a good pause for his doubts to eat away at his confidence. This was going too easy, I was sure I would be spending the night balls deep in sweet and sweaty young equine ass.

Eventually I responded. "Young man, when you have been around a bit you will learn that making another man cry out your name is just second place." I lean across and by the wrinkling of his nose I can tell he catches a full whiff of my burly masculine scent. Then I utter in my deepest growling voice. "When I fuck a man, he can't even remember his own name to cry out all he knows is the pleasure a thick cock attached to an experienced expert can bring."

As the plunger is pushed and the rockface is blown away I hear the soft thud and the table moves ever so slightly. I look him in the eye and he looks away the blushing deepening. Now he could claim it was just his knee, but as I taste his increasing arousal in the air, we both know that soft knock was his cock asking to come out to play. "Of course I notice you never answered, did you call out his name in pleasure, or did he just fuck you raw and painful and count your whimpers as some sort of sign that he was God's gift to pony ass?"

The pony coughed on his orange juice as I asked the question and then blushing deeply replied. "He didn't last long enough to make me whimper or say anything."

I laughed softly and nodded, I knew the type all talk, no talent. "Ah all talk no stamina, expectation management is important. Never promise something you can't deliver that is just good sense in business or sex."

Dan laughed softly and his blush started to fade and there it was I had left him with a clear question to ask me. "So when you say that a guy you're fucking can't remember his own name, you can deliver that?"

Oh now I was certain the deal was fully sealed this young buck would be in my room tonight and hopefully for the rest of my stay. "Of course, I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is."

He nickered softly and his voice was just music to my ears as were his next words. "What if I can still remember my name? What do I win?"

"Oh well, I said putting my money where my mouth is, I suppose a small sum of money, say five grand. Of course that would be a reasonable prize, if I can make you forget your own name I should get a prize too don't you think?" This last ask was a bit of a push, he'd already swallowed my hook and was dangling on the line just begging to be reeled in and pounded into submission. Still I figured that I had to try for just a little more.

He ran his fingers around the rim of his glass playfully as he replied coyly. "What prize would you want, I don't have five thousand to spare?"

"Well if I win, you have to spend the rest of the week sleeping in my room with me." I answer licking my lips a little, the prospect too delicious to think of.

The young horse squirmed in his chair a little, making the table rock, reminding us both just how aroused he was right then. "O... ok you have a bet."

"Great, I'm in room Seven oh one, I will be back after six. Don't eat too much today or we will have to put our bet off for a night. Nothing ruins sex more than feeling bloated." I said standing up and then handed him the receipt I had for my hotel room which had the room number clearly on it so he wouldn't forget.

As I leave I let my stomach brush against him, leaving a strong echo of male bear musk in his nostrils so he won't forget or change his mind. The rest of the day was a most crushing bore; all I could think of was that young grey pony and how much I was going to enjoy winning the bet. Oh I was confident, I had started my sexual training early. In church as it so happens.

No, don't go straight to priests touching the young boys you dirty pervs. I was an alter boy and well I used to enjoy getting under the frocks of the other alter boys. That's where the priest caught me sucking on another bear's cock. Hehe and as he told me off he didn't notice I left my paw under the other guys frock. Stroking a young man to orgasm while he's being yelled at by a priest for sinning in the house of God, that was the first sign that I had a talent for this.

The grey pony at school had been the first one to fuck me. I was a prop, tight-head, and he was the hooker(go on and snigger, I used to). We got friendly and then he took my anal cherry, then I took his. I still think of him from time to time, he was so sweet, said he loved me and then after we got caught I never heard from him again.

Ahh getting caught was a theme for me as a young man. I never was much good at holding back, all or nothing that's what I wanted. I got caught in the army balls deep in my CO's son. Hey he was legal and ohhh so willing, but then aren't all bunnies.

It was an orca who really taught me to fuck properly years later. When I spent a year out touring the world and I found myself on a sun soaked beach. We spent two glorious months together and I learned how to go from making a man cum to making him cum unaided and give you everything he has to give. To making a man orgasm so hard his mind becomes blank and all he knows is pure uncontained ecstasy.

Still that's just a distraction from my story, eventually I ended up back at my hotel room. I had the executive suite, with its own balcony overlooking the city. The hotel dominated the landscape much higher than any buildings nearby. Sitting on the balcony nobody could see me.

I sniffed myself trying to decide if I should shower. I was quite musky but not that ripe and it was important to strike the right balance between smelling like a man and smelling oh man! I decided that I was definitely in the former category. Strong musk to show the colt who is in charge but not too strong as to be rank.

I unbuttoned the first few buttons of my shirt, exposing more of my bearly chest fur, slid off my shoes and waited. The clock struck six and there was a knock at the door. I opened it to find the nervous and excited colt standing there. Still in his red hoody and jeans. It was clear to me he had been waiting until six to knock, probably standing in the corridor for a few minutes.

"Hello Dan, nice to see you again, come in." I said waving him in. The door hadn't even closed before I hand him pressed against the wall, my tongue hungrily exploring his muzzle. He whimpered softly into my mouth, his hands roaming over my body his fingers slid inside my shirt and I wrapped my large paws around his hands and guided them around my bulk under my shirt. Stretching it until the buttons burst off and I let the ripped fabric fall unnoticed to the floor.

Then I let his hands explore as they wanted and boy they wanted to explore, wandering through my backfur tugging and squeezing. As our tongues and lips danced, he was an inexperienced partner but he made up for his lack of experience with raw passionate enthusiasm. He tasted sweet, like a brand new rose wine tangy and refreshing with notes of strawberry, as my tongue delved deep into his warm maw drinking him and savouring the flavour. I liked to believe that to him I tasted like a fine red wine, matured and deeply flavourful, oaty and nutty with a musky nose to it.

I let my paw stray down his body and onto his crotch where I found a thick hard package straining against its tight wrappings. He moaned into my mouth as I squeezed the firm lump. My the boy was hung like a horse, which was no surprise really. Still the thick sausage I was rubbing felt red hot and rock hard. I let my paw wander off it. I slipped my fingers under his hoody and shirt and let my thick digits roam through his belly fur. It was much thicker and more wiry than my own plush fur. It scratched delightfully across my pawpads, almost ticking them as my fingers slid up lifting his hoody and shirt as they did so. Until they found their target, two sensitive nubs just waiting to be teased and tease them I did. With a squeeze to make him whine and a tug to make him gasp.

I broke the kiss and growled deeply. "Paws up boy." And he obeyed instantly putting his two good sized paws and arms up in the air. I slide his hoody up and off. As I did so and his face was covered I leaned close and licked and then nipped his left nipple. His squeals in response were so delightful I did his right before pulling off his shirt and hoody and getting a good look at what lay beneath.

Fields of grey white and flecks of black fur covering a body that was thin and lithe, yet with enough muscle definition to show the powerful horse within him waiting to get out and play. I leaned in and licked running my tongue up his chest and then neck gasping at the earthy taste of my playmate until my tongue found its target again and dove between his panting lips.

His paws were on my crotch now running his delightful fingers over the thick hard lump that was straining against my dress pants, staining then with rivers of pre. I may not be a pony but I am well hung, ten inches long and as thick as any equine. I can make the men and boys squeal all night long with my cub maker and often have.

Deciding that I needed to move things along before we made each other cum in our pants I unbuckled his belt, unfastened his jeans. Then slid them down along with his underwear. His equine cock sprung free and I broke the kiss to look down and admire the hot fuck pole. Fourteen inches long and almost as wide as mine, mostly pink with white spots growing more common as you near his sheath until it is all white. Cry you mares of the word you have lost out on one beautiful, delicious equine phallus.

I lick my lips and look up at him lustfully. "Now that's a cock, but do you know how to use it boy?"

He whinnied softly as he replied in a lustful half pant half whisper. "That's not what I'm here for."

Oh he was a cheeky bitch and I would make him realise that what he thought he was here for and what he was actually here for were two very different things. Instead of replying I pulled off my own belt and let my pants and underwear slide down so he could see what I had instore for him.

I could see the doubt in his eyes as he looked at my cock and yet I could see the fires of lust burning there too. I leaned against him taking his paw and guiding it to my shaft, I nipped his neck firmly tasting the heady mixture of his sweat, shampoo and arousal. Then I whispered. "Don't worry boy, I promise almost no pain and by the end of the night you will be begging me to fuck you with this big old bear cock again and again and again." I stroked his cock as I talked and with each again I squeezed his cocktip tightly, making him gasp deeply in pleasure.

"Now bend over the bed and let me inspect that perfect young ass of yours that I will be riding so very soon." As he turned I stroked my hard cock, gathering the copious amounts of pre on my fingers and spreading it over my length. One of the blessings of being a bruin is that you pre like a tap left half on. Still as the young horse bent over and I admired the plump and firm rear I was being presented with a thick jet of pre escaped hitting his thigh.

He nicked loudly "So soon?"

"T'was just a spurt of pre you cheek sod, I don't cum until after you do." I replied as I devoured his ass with my eyes, two perfect silken round mounds, with more of the grey fur, only with three spots of black on his left rump. Again my mind went back to that grey from school, he had some very similar markings. Shaking my mind clear of the past I reached out and played with his tail. He kept it neatly trimmed and bound which would make this easier, and to me makes for a far sexier ass. Still as I pulled it aside my ultimate target was exposed, glistening and twitching slightly.

As he lent over waiting, trembling so much I could see his thick meat bouncing under him. I knew there was one more thing I needed to do before I finally started to breed this willing mare. I lent over quickly and before he realised what was going on I kissed that glistening pucker. My thick tongue diving into his ass, worming its way forcefully into the tight ring.

He bucked at first, almost trying to get away but my paws held him firmly in position as he cried out. "Oh fuck! Oh God!... no one has ever..." Well they have now, and I was loving it too, his taste down here was just as wonderful, far earthier and muskier, but the faint trace of strawberry remained. My tongue worked his ass, worming, swirling and thrusting its way into every nook and crevice it could find eating out his delicious flavour.

After a few minutes I reluctantly pulled out, however, my reluctance was as nothing compared to his need. "Oh...God...Please, I need you inside me now." He begged and let me tell you there may not be a sexier sight or sound in the world than a young fit equine begging for your cock. It's a gift and it must be appreciated and after a few seconds paid for with the application of what he was begging for.

Which is what I did next, stepping up behind him, rubbing my cocktip over his taint and pucker, making him nicker and moan. Then I began to thrust, now some amateurs would have gone balls deep into the guy as he begged for it, however, I was in no rush and I wanted to make good on my promise of a painless entry.

So as I thrust my incredibly thick shaft into him I did it gently and slowly, rocking my hips back and forth worming an extra millimetre in with each thrust. My cock continued to spray more and more pre, shooting it deeper into the boy as I worked my cock into that ass. It must have taken me all of ten minutes before I finally felt my balls resting on his.

My cock had claimed his ass and what an ass it was. So tight and as he squirmed and bucked under me it gripped my rod, squeezed and massaged it in the way only an experienced non rugby hooker should know how to do. His ass seemed to be sucking on my hot rod and for the first time I felt a hint of doubt that I might not be able to give this boy a truly great orgasm before filling him to the brim with musky bear cum.

Still in the army they taught me never say die and, while I doubt they were thinking about winning the sexual services of an eighteen year old boy for a few nights when they taught it to me, it had stuck and had its uses. I pulled back a few inches and then slid them back in, the pony moaned deeply with lust, his ass sucking my cock all the way back in. I continued to thrust slowly working my cock around inside him until it hit the sweet spot I was looking for and he whinnied loudly.

God, who doesn't love hearing an equine whinny with pure pleasure it is the finest most uplifting classical music. It is fine red wine, decanted crystal clear and so rich and fulfilling you want to cry. Even more so when it's your cock that's making him make those exquisite sounds. Still again, here is where a lot of amateurs make another mistake, finding the sweetspot they jackhammer away like some road worker digging a hole.

I wasn't here to dig a hole, I was here to build a monuement inside this boy's mind and arse. That said 'Steven Malcom's cock was here and it will be forever remembered and missed.' I wanted to set the standard for this boy's sex life so that every male who fucks him from here on in will be measured and found wanting. Ok, so I'm a bit of a cunt wanting to ruin other men for this boy. Still after I finished with him he would have standards and that will help him make sure he ends up with a man who knows how to use his cock and doesn't just say he knows how to use his cock.

Instead I eased back sliding so that my cock merely lightly brushed his prostate with every thrust, he moaned and gasped softly each time and I knew I had found the perfect spot. From here the pleasure could grow for him slowly, like bringing up the heat gently on a lizard on a stove. The lizard won't get out and the boy won't cum early.

I increased the speed of my thrusts, using more of my length to add strength, my hips smacking against his and my balls slapping on his. Four heavy meaty orbs colliding over and over, as my pre flooded his ass adding a wonderfully dirty wet sound to every thrust and soon after every slap.

It was then that my ears pick up on another sound, the sound of fingers on a slick cock. I saw the young stud had one hand on his meat. "Hands on the bed boy, you make yourself cum early and you forfeit. Just be patient and I promise when you cum you'll be glad you were." He reluctantly does as he's told and as a reward I shift the angle and speed of my thrusts.

My huge bear cock is reaming his ass now, he hasn't felt even a sliver of pain and now he's taking my huge bearhood like he's been gang banged by his horsey friends all night and they have passed me the sloppy leftovers. I lean further over him, resting my soft bulk on his back as my paws slip under him and start playing with his chest. I tug and squeeze on boy his fingers as I whisper into his ears. "How am I doing so far boy?"

He whimpers and moans and then replies in panting breaths. "My name is...is Dan...oh God!"

I chuckle softly and kiss his neck and lick it lustfully as I suddenly thrust extra hard into him this time aimed perfectly for his prostate he whinnies out so loud it echos around the walls. I continue to chuckle as I whisper. "I'm not God boy, just a guy who knows how to use his cock."

I was laying over him fully now, feeling his young, sweaty, lithe form under my warm furry mass. Our sweat and fur mingled, the air was ripe with the musk of our rutting. I was thrusting into his sweet spot fully every third thrust by this point, and I saw his paws moving down towards his cock again. I moved mine to grab them, lacing his fingers with mine and holding them away from his meat. To have let him go would have been a quick and easy way to win the bet, but the boy had challenged me to rut him to a mind shattering orgasm and that is what I would do.

As I picked up the pace of my thrusts I bit his shoulder and whispered. "What is your name?"

"Ahh...my name...is...my name is...D..Dan." I growl softly into his ear with pure lust, for a second he had struggled to remember. The pleasure coursing through his body was almost too much. All I needed to do was crank it up another notch and he would forget everything but the pleasure of the thick bearcock reaming his prostate, sending tidal waves of bliss and ecstasy flooding through every fibre of his being.

I took it up more than a notch, I went for broke fucking him with every ounce of strength and speed I could muster, every thrust ramming full force into his sweet spot. He bucked writhed and whinnied constantly and I whispered once more. "What is your name boy?"

The time my reply was garbled by pleasure moans I asked again and again as I rutted him without mercy holding his paws away from his cock, until he screamed a response I could hear. "I don't know!"

I smiled and continued to rut his for a few more seconds enjoying the moment of my victory before his moans and whimpers became too much and I let his paws go. I swear the speed at which his paw moved for his cock may have actually broke the light speed barrier. One second it was in my paw, the next it was around his meat jerking furiously.

It was only a second or two later before he came, and boy did he cum. His cock spraying forth like a fire hose, soaking the sheets and the carpet as his balls contracted. He bucked so wildly under me he actually lifted my bulk up. He whinnied, screamed, shouted and stamped his hooves into the cum soaked carpet.

Now I don't know if you have ever been balls deep inside a stallion when he orgasms, let me tell you it is something of a unique experience, his ass squeezes your cock so tightly and yet it still sucks and holds you inside him. Every part of your cock is teased and squeezed in the most exquisite way imaginable.

I'm not ashamed to say I blew my load into him almost instantly when he started to cum. After all the long teasing I had given him had also been a long teasing I was giving myself. Hell if you asked me my own name at that point I wouldn't have had a clue, I couldn't have picked myself out of a line up. All I knew was that my cock was in pure heaven and that it wasn't leaving until I have drained my huge bear orbs dry. I roared and growled as I continued to rut, fucking my cum deeper into his spasming ass. As I pulled back floods of my fluids leaked out of his ass, soaking his huge orbs in bear jism.

Eventually our orgasms faded leaving us as; panting, sweating drooling, cum soaked masses. As we lay there panting our minds finally began to return. I nuzzled his neck and shoulders and muttered between pants. "I win."

He nodded in response at first and then after a minute he finally mustered the strength to reply. "I've never been so happy to lose a bet before."

I laughed a deep belly laugh as only a bear with a belly can and we lay there my cock still balls deep in his cum flooded ass. His cock trapped under his body as the flooded sheets stuck to his fur. It was a long time before either of us could move. Eventually we did and, well the next four days were blissful for both of us.

When they came to an end, he begged me to take him home with me. What could I do, after all in four days the boy had grown on me a lot? I agreed and a few months later I was introduced to his father and step mother. Now it's normally awkward as a forty five year old to be introduced to your eighteen year old boyfriend's parents. However, when you recognise your boyfriend's father as the pony who took your anal cherry... well lets just say that awkward just doesn't cover it. Still that's a story for another time.

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed, if you wish to to read part two it may be found here https://www.sofurry.com/view/865903

If you enjoyed and would like to tip a hardworking bear you may do so at the following link with my heartfelt gratitude:
