Full Circle - Set In Motion

Story by Teapples on SoFurry

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Hmm. Man, I spent way too long getting this finished! Still, this is one of my cleanest stories yet. At least three quarters of it was near perfect after the first draft!ahem Okay, synopsis. This is a new story series (that I'm probably going to promptly forget about until I write a bunch more Tale :x) with a fantasy setting. Brian's been the proud owner of a dragoness, Kiama, since she was a wee egg, and now she's finally reached the age of sexual maturity. In an effort to relieve some of the pent up frustration this is causing her, he takes her out on long, daily rides, but on this day Kiama decides she has other plans in order to sate her desires!

Sounds fun, right? Read on..

A large bump and the muffled clatter of pebbles against the side of Brian's pickup served as familiar welcome to the Shadow Scales Stables. Two hundred acres, rather massive for a stable which hosted fewer than a hundred dragons, presented itself before him, segmented into forest, hill, field and a tidy nest of barns and arenas. This was one of the most expansive dragon boarding facilities around the entire city, and it owed such a distinction thanks to it's age. The same family had owned this stable for over a two centuries, and the land had been purchased before excessive development had pushed the city, and the price of land, out of reasonable bounds.

The one path to the barns accessible by automobile ran perpendicular to the cluster of buildings in the middle of nowhere, flanked by tall wooden fences which outlined the four large pastures used to grant the stable's draconic residents much needed space to exercise and graze. Brian couldn't help but let his gaze wander to the ten or so dragons enjoying themselves in the bright green fields lit by a noon day sun. Even from afar their richly hued scales brought color to the uniform green-brown of the gently sloping terrain. Some moved slowly, appearing at a distance as four legged flowers, while a few less lethargic chased and nipped at each others tails in a flurry of blue and purple motion.

Were he not driving, nor in a bit of a rush, he might have considered taking in the simple beauty of such a scene for more time than a glance allowed. Before he knew it Brian was at the one intersection of the stable, and he took the left turn, as always. Straight ahead, and guarded by harshly colored 'Private Property' signs lay the owner's home, a log cabin next to a scale model of the main barns which served as their private stable. He had never been inside, nor seen any dragons come in or out, so he had little idea if it was actually in use, but it wasn't much of his business anyway.

The compressed dirt rectangle of land that served as the parking lot stretched along two of the three stables, and as usual was nearly empty aside from a few familiar vehicles; the owner Lily's, a couple employees and a few trucks he knew belonged to trainers.

Brian couldn't hear it until he opened the door to his truck, but when he did it brought an immediate, wide grin to his face. The warbling, high pitched cry was unequivocally amusing in its unnecessary urgency, though it carried the faintest hint of desperation Brian had never heard before. He'd come to expect this from Kiki by now. Dragons were by no means simple beasts; they quickly grew to recognize the distinctive sound of their owner's vehicle, voice, even the measure of their footsteps.

"Yeah yeah girl, I'm coming!" Brian shouted, retrieving his well-worn leather bag from the small rear section of the truck's cab. He had arrived straight from the product review meeting, and as such was still dressed in the repressed hues and tightened seams of business casual attire. Generally when work conflicted with the daily visits to the farm he was at least able to change clothes before heading out, but in this case he didn't want to keep his dragoness waiting.

Well constructed and swept wooden slats served as path to each barn, breaking the eponymous grass into two uneven sections. The occasional wailing grew louder as he passed the first two openings, coming to a head when he rounded the huge wooden beams surrounding the twelve foot wide opening. Two rows of green painted steel barred stalls lined the innards of the old barn, each one enumerated by the unabashedly interested, variously colored heads of the thirty dragons that occupied them.

He chose to walk close to the right section of stalls today, giving each warm, scaled snout a passing rub as his gentle steps echoed on the recently swept cement, eyes trained on the one dragon he was here to see. Though he knew each of these dragons well by now, this was a general population barn, comprised of only dragonesses, whelps and the occasional gelding, so he had little to fear in giving each a little well received attention.

Intact males were kept sperate from females for the most part, and only a few moments inside this barn would tell the curious why; females in heat tended to produce a scent so strong it was detectable by even the laughable sense of smell humans possessed. It was present in this barn, unsurprisingly, accentuating the nostalgic scent of dragon and dust he had known since boyhood.

Despite the rarity and intellect of the creatures, the majority of people who maintained the wealth to own them usually had better things to do than feed, groom, or give them equally necessary rubs. The well salaried trainers hired to do so proved a mixed bag; most genuinely cared for the dragons under their care, and Lily tried to keep the kind that didn't out.

His own dragoness didn't seem to care for the attention he gave to the others, ear frills flattened and voice even more harshed than before as her bright emerald eyes followed him down the hall. When he finally arrived at her stall, however, her mood improved considerably, sliding the length of her snout along his palm with a muted coo.

"Aww Kiama, did you miss me?" Her birdlike reply, soft and lilting, assured him that she was. A few seconds passed while they exchanged their old greetings; she would attempt to rub and lick his hand and forearm, and he would do his best to avoid it, laughing and rubbing the many soft indentations between the plating on her head. He moved to the latch, and she pursued him for only the briefest moment before she heard the metallic clunk of the quarter inch bolt release her stall door, and instantly she withdrew.

Kiama had been rather unruly as a hatchling, but Brian had trained her well; she sat well back from the door as he slid it open just wide enough to get inside, the tip of her crescent tail lying in front of her flicking rapidly and erratically in excitement.

If the smell in the hall was noticeable, in here it was nearly overpowering. A drake would have gone crazy if he spent longer than a second in here. The scent was full and rich, a vague sweetness with the slightest heat behind it that made more than clear it belonged to a female. In a way it was just as nostalgic as the smell of dirt and dragon it replaced, though he never remembered it smelling so intense.

Kiama's stall was rather expansive, around the size of a studio apartment in the city, at nearly the same cost. Considering the only kind of people that could afford to feed a half thousand pound carnivore were the comfortably wealthy, the cost of board wasn't really an issue.

The room was still comfortably furnished.. for a dragon, of course. Sturdy fabric covered bedding bolted to the concrete floor sectioned half the room as Kiki's bed, a brown sea of patches marked by the occasional claw scratch and the lone brilliance of a recently shed scale. The other half was plain concrete, good for stretching, rolling, eating or simply cooling off on a particularly hot day.

An opening twice the width of any human doorway led to her steel fenced runout, another stall measure in size, perfect for basking in the sun, as well as relieving oneself. The staff and care here was excellent; the outrun looked as clean as ever, which was impressive considering the volume of urine a dragoness in heat tended to expel!

Kiki was on him nearly as soon as the stall door's rolling squeal stopped in a muffled bang, sniffing and trilling soft affections about his head and neck. Brian couldn't help but laugh, gently pushing the dragoness three times his weight back toward her bed.

"Now now girl, just stay here. I don't want you messing up my good clothes!" Her piercing emerald eyes, brightened to gleaming in the uneven light of the stall regaled him with curiosity, tinted with no small measure of impatience.

His shirt came first, neatly folded and placed in one of the side compartments of the bag. Next the shoes, but not the socks; his socks were decidedly multi-purpose, and he cared little if the scant amount of dust on the floor collected on them. A brief dance along the concrete marked the removal of his pants, and a gentle breeze from the doorway tickled his mostly exposed body.

Brian bent over to make sure his pants and shirt were out of the way of the compartment zipper when he spied motion vaguely behind him. The characteristic sound of the zipper stopped just as he felt a sudden intrusion between his legs, causing him to yelp and jump forward slightly.

He turned around to spy Kiki's head, lowered to the height of his crotch, moving slowly forward to him.

"Girl, what are you doing?" Her only response was to continue moving forward, until the tip of her snout paused just before his groin, distorting slightly as she took in a few deep inhales.

Brian impulsively stepped back, placing a hand on the side of her snout to guide her away, but it was like pushing against solid earth. A few steps and his back was against the wall. Kiki's tongue extended, caressing the organ within his underwear with a gentle, exploratory motion. He hesitated, just for a moment.

"Kiama!" Finally the steely neck relented, and he succeeded in pushing her off. She stayed where he left her, with a look he hadn't quite seen before gracing her normally playful face.

She'd never tried smelling him there before. He chalked it up to her being in heat, and tried not to dwell on it. No further incident occurred as he donned his riding gear; leather padded nylon pants, a breathable shirt for the warm weather, snug black leather boots. He stretched everything out, got it all in the right place as he finished re-zipping his bag, setting it against the riveted outline of her bed.

Kiama was perfectly aware of what came next; her ear frills fanned out at full attention, waiting patiently for Brian to retrieve the banded leather and metal riding harness she knew meant they were going for a ride. Brian couldn't help but notice the subtle shivering of his dragon as she stood before him, head lowered to accept the thin bit of her harness. Just another concerning sign; her second heat was really taking a toll on her! He was more than glad now he decided to come here straight from work.

The hushed light had concealed it surprisingly well, but as she stepped after him into the unfiltered light of the walkway her scales seemed to come alive, as if fluorescing on their own. Flat blue turned pearlescent, giving every minute protrusion of her hide the seamless infinity of hue from near teal to the deepest oceanic blue. The sight was breathtaking, even after a decade it never failed to captivate.

He walked backwards, admiring the gentle bounce of the half roused blue twotone spinal frills under her well-heeled gait, stopping exactly where years of ingrained knowledge told him the steel fiber tie-down would be. A quick snap of the latch on one of the metal rings of her bit echoed through the mostly silent barn, momentarily overtaking the muffled sounds of other curious and disappointed dragons in the surrounding stalls.

Now unencumbered by the dragoness Brian took a brief walk around her, noting several ill positioned scales and a nicked tail frill, but otherwise she looked fine, if a little dusty. He thought against brushing her off, given the trail would no doubt get her plenty dusty and hot it would be easier to simply wash her off when he got back.

Affixing the saddle took no more than a minute; the movements were so familiar it proceeded akin to a strange dance around her as the straps around her underside, tail and neck were slotted, tightened into the equality of safety and comfort for both dragon and rider. The finishing click of the tie-down's detachment followed by the lighter snaps of the reins around her bit denoted the completion of the dance, and with one smooth motion he slid a foot in the stirrup and climbed on her.

It took him a moment of jostling to get comfortable before lying forward between the thick knots of her wing joints, bringing his legs up so that his knees rested under his stomach. Kiki waited patiently for him to take the reins from just behind her unshorn horns before twisting her head on its side to gaze up at him.

He saw the telltale expression on her face, and couldn't help but giggle. "Alright girl, let's go."

It was the same gentle pressure into her flanks as always, but the eager dragoness took off like a shot, into a full gallop within a few seconds. Adrenaline flushed Brian's body as he resisted the urge to draw his legs together; instead he relaxed into the stability of her back, drawing the reins up a little more urgently than necessary to slow her down. She complied, albeit with a dissatisfied growl, settling down into an even, though still rather expedited, trot.

"Damn Kiama, don't do that!" A rapidly lowered squeal cut short in a tiny growl was the only response she managed as he steered her toward the dirt road cut along a moderate slope of the closest tree bearded hill. This was his favorite trail, and fortunately (for him) the most taxing as well. If this didn't settle Kiki down, he'd be more than a little shocked.

There were no more unexpected incidents as they scaled the gentle curving road. Though as a younger boy he had resented living out in the rural lands west of the city, when he finally got his wish he found he could never get over the sheer noise so many people packed together created. Out here there was little else than the gentle rustling of light summer winds across the tips of the firs, backdrop to the steady, measured breathing of his dragon, and the muffled crunch of paw against dirt. In a way, this ride was as soothing to him as it was to the creature he enjoyed it with.

Kiama seemed to have limitless endurance; she surmounted the highest grades of the trail at a healthy gallop, chirping and grunting the entire time. She grew warm under him as if she were an enormous scaly stove, but never did it seem to slow her down.

It took the pair only an hour to reach the end of the thirty kilometer trail, where it segmented into two, leading up into the mountains and along them for a distance he never cared to explore. A small, though pristine, lake lay just to the left of the intersection, separated by a meadow in the full bloom of summers embrace.

It was almost a ritual to let Kiama have some water when they rode this far, so he guided her down the not insignificant slope the trail ran upon to the shore of the lake. There was an unexpected jolt and a short yelp, followed by a change in Kiki's gait, and the gentle lilt of her steps turned into an unseemly hobble. Brian was off her in an instant.

"Crap! What's wrong, girl?" The question became embarrassingly rhetorical when he saw her left hind leg suspended in midair. He kneeled at her side to inspect the injured limb, carefully sorting through each of her toes, testing the range of motion. The pleased humming coming from above was the first indication all was not as it seemed, but he was too worried about her to notice until the paw assertively pulled itself from his clutches and another part of her was put on display.

The unbelievable vision of her sex and overpowering scent of a dragoness in heat surprised him so much that he lost his balance, falling back into a welcoming cushion of grass. Any hope of getting up again quickly subsided when the muscular hindquarters of his dragon flew backward, pinning him into the ground by his groin.

Almost instantly he could feel her intense heat pouring through his pants, enough to make him involuntarily gasp. An immediate sense of panic came over him. Dragons were by no means light creatures, and he instantly feared that her bulk would crush him, but to his relief it settled at a level tolerable yet still immobilizing.

Words found him.

"Get off of me, girl!" Her head swung into view from behind her ample rear, every bit the excited creature she always was, though her eyes were the slightest bit heavy, and the tiniest pink or her tongue glistened from the crevice of her maw. This was an all too obvious sign, one learned from a few awkward instances he came upon dragons mating; Kiama intended to be bred, by her rider no less.

In light of this it was no surprise his request fell on deaf ear frills. Kiki's body instead went into motion, grinding her hips into his with little circular motions. Her vocalizations changed noticeably, becoming softer and lower, and she started to lick her snout.

Her large tail lay carelessly along his torso, with a significantly gentler warmth gracing it. This in tandem with her cooing, and the attention being delivered to his rapidly stirring member began to fill Brian with a bizarre sense of enjoyment. The taboo that had always hovered around this kind of activity with animals still implored him to escape, to take control of the situation, but he found the baser urges of a male begin to overtake him.

"Kiki.. s-stop.." He surprised even himself at how weak his voice had suddenly become, a thing not helped as his mental resistance failed and his member hardened considerably. It quickly met resistance from both his pants and the dragoness undulating on top of him, causing him to emit another gentle groan.

Some part of him still refused to believe this was happening. This wasn't just some animal, this was the dragon he had raised from a tiny sapphire egg, the dragon he had spent a great deal of his early adulthood with. Why was she doing this? She had been so well behaved these last few years, such a smart and gentle creature..

His resistance had totally faded by now, and Brian found himself staring at Kiama's big emerald eyes. Her face.. didn't look like a dragon overcome by lust. The gaze was gentle, not clouded by instinct; her voice terse and husky, as though she were speaking to him. With his every grunt her frills twittered in excitement, and it was this sign he paid the most attention to. She was concerned with his arousal, not just her own!

As if recognizing that he understood, the hips withdrew. Brian was slow to stand, even so, still shaken and breathing somewhat heavily under the sensation of his hardened member. Kiama took a few steps forward before spreading her hind legs a bit and lowering her chest, drawing her tail up and away in one smooth motion to reveal what had just been pressed against him.

He couldn't avoid looking at it; his eyes were automatically drawn to the stark difference in color at the center of ten thousand blue gems. The scales around her pink slit glistened even more than the others, slickened with her need. A barely noticeable lump of scales was seated at the very bottom of her passage, no doubt her clitoris.

"Kiama..?" Brian stepped forward cautiously, finally wresting his eyes from the very thing she had put on display. She watched him with curiosity, the gently flourished frills unique body language showing him that she was interested.

Her head rose to meet him as he passed the area she clearly wanted attention from, and uncharacteristically started to lick his face. Even as he pushed her back her tongue snaked through his fingers. Strange, dragons only licked when they were being conciliatory.

"Girl, I.." For a moment he was at a loss for words talking to a speechless creature. "I'm not a drake.."

She regarded him for a moment before lowering the rest of her body, including her head, down onto the grass, where she let out a frustrated puff of air ending in a disappointed sounding yowl. Brian couldn't believe what was happening. Kiama's behavior was.. strange, yet equally expressive.

"Kiki..?" He sat down in front of her, his arousal now mostly subsided. She purposely shifted her head away from him. "Are you.. really interested in me?"

The only response was a dismissive huff.

He couldn't believe what he was actually considering.. but for some reason he didn't feel the repulsion associated with interspecies mating when it came to the blue dragon in front of him. Out of all the animals aside from man, dragons seemed to be the most unique. Not only that.. they were undeniably beautiful.

"Maybe.. just once.." The decision was made. Brian took a quick look around. It was too open here. Nobody usually came up this trail, but he certainly wasn't going to take the chance of being discovered fucking a dragon in a meadow. A stand of trees provided excellent obfuscation a hundred or so meters away. There.

He felt himself getting hard again, thoughts of what he was about to do running through his mind. Kiama clearly hadn't realized his change of heart, still pouting with head turned away from him. He started toward her on all fours. If he was going to mate with a dragon, he might as well try acting like one.

A reflexive smile crossed his lips when he saw her eye move to the very edge of its range of motion to watch his approach, a vain attempt to be sneaky. Even when he was right over her she didn't move, that is, until he lowered his head and tentatively licked the side of her snout.

The trill of surprise and hesitant delight was welcome to his ears, and he gave her expectedly tasteless scales another few licks. Her head raised as he was preparing for another round and all of a sudden her tongue met his, pushed it back to lay a thin layer of saliva along his mouth. The taste wasn't anything particularly good or bad, barely perceptible with the slightest note of sourness.

The behavior was like nothing Brian had ever experienced before, and the unexpected sensuality of this simple act pushed his arousal to greater heights than he anticipated. Their tongues danced in the scant space between the two, a handshake and more for a creature without hands. Brian had seen this plenty of times before.. but to be doing it with Kiama.. it gave all new meaning to the act. His head swam unexpectedly fierce as he finally broke the contact.

Kiama stood with him, every frill rapt and twitching at the new development. Her reins were askew from her recent movement; Brian readjusted them and began to gently guide her toward the more secluded location. The beating of his heart made itself known as the thought of what he was about to do to the scaled beauty behind him ran over and over in his mind. Nervous elation siezed his footsteps nearly as much as the dense reedy grass he cut through.

He relenquished his grip on her halter and took a critical look around at the surroundings. The line of firs only blocked direct sight from the road; a fair section of the meadow the pair had just traversed was in plain sight, as well as most of the lake. It still seemed way too open a place to fuck a dragon, but he had almost never seen anybody up here. Kiama didn't seem to be too worried, trotting a few steps in front of him before once again sweeping her tail up and away to expose herself.

Brian approached slowly, once again drinking in the forbidden sight of his dragon's slit. Truth be told it was rather plain, a sliver of pink within a sea of azures, teals and eggs blue, but it was so seldom seen that it quickened his breath just to look at it.

As he closed to arm's length he began to make out details of the erotic organ; the faintest varying colors of pink inside belied the depth of the passage, which was not too much larger than the human variety. The larger, more pronounced scales of her hips and tail wound a distinct pattern as it circled the organ, growing smaller and thinner until it appeared as though blue crested skin. Her scent was overpowering, even before he closed the final few feet between them, which did little to hinder his erection, and made each of his quickened breaths significantly more meaningful.

Brian went for her thighs first, laying a palm on each to let her know just what he was doing. Kiama didn't seem to mind; on the contrary, she leaned back into his caress, and he felt the silent motion of the thick, strong muscles of her hips quiver with the slightest of nervous or perhaps excited shivers. He spent a few seconds rubbing around her hindquarters, approaching the wet, welcoming vent with a teasing slowness he hadn't intended. Now only a few inches from the slit, he gently pushed the smooth scaled skin around it to glance inside.

There was slick, richly pink flesh inside, numerous hills of what he guessed were muscle receding into the dark of her vent. He got a little closer, genuinely curious just how.. deep.. she was, and nearly yelped when her vent suddenly contacted, closing the passage to a width little more than his index finger. Fluids coalesced into a transparent, viscous drop that lingered at the very base of her slit before dripping off. The sight nearly caused the human to stop breathing, it was so unexpectedly beautiful, incredibly erotic.

"Wow.." Just looking at his dragon's arousal seemed to cause his own to overflow. He had never seen a vagina contract so completely before, nor one so slick. Thoughts began to pervade his mind, of just exactly what he might feel inside of her, though he dismissed those with a reluctant shake of his head.

"No.. This isn't for me." He repeated it several times, taking a large breath to calm his own jittery body, now overheating with his own desires. Her satisfaction came first!

Another large gulp of dragoness scented air filled Brian's lungs before he finally brought an unsteady hand to Kiki's sweet honeypot. The very moment his fingers touched the dizzyingly complex texture of her vulva a great shiver erupted through his dragon's body, causing her tail to wither from its high position. His hand remained still until she finally settled down, aside from the constant, soft chittering she directed at him.

"Oh man Kiama.. you're really excited, aren't you?" The pair gasped in near harmony as Brian slid a finger into the bottom of her vent, instantly engulfed in the hot, incredibly moistened flesh. Somewhere in the back of his lust-addled mind a fact surfaced; dragons had a significantly higher internal body temperature than humans. The thought, and feel, of what that meant sent shivers down his spine.

Within seconds of his insertion he felt another contraction bring his finger up into the center of her slit. Even with a digit this small there was a noticeable pressure on it, and a slight unevenness of texture located at the lower folds. She let up on his finger after another few seconds, and he pulled it out before coupling it with another and plunging it back in, eliciting yet another purring sequence of quick tones from Kiama.

A gentle pressure revealed two things; one, there seemed to be a slightly firmer lump of flesh inside of her, just out of sight of her opening, and two, that this spot was particularly sensitive to the dragoness. Brian's heart leapt as the powerful sinews of her legs suddenly buckled, accompanied with a powerful grunt the likes he had never heard come from Kiama. He pulled out of her as her legs took a few tiny steps in place, her hips pushing back and downward toward him as if she were trying to push against an invisible partner. A slew of fluid accompanied a contraction of her sex, dripping off of her in a second long waterfall.

"Woah.." Such a strong reaction meant he had found her clitoris. A new surge of arousal and delight seemed to run through his already hazy consciousness. It was an unbelievable display of femininity, one he himself had coaxed from this powerful, beautiful creature. Kiki had seemed nothing but willing up until now, yet maintained a respectful patience he definitely had not expected. Showing such restraint, yet so obviously in need of sexual satisfaction.. it was all the proof he needed that she had chosen him and him alone for this.

"Oh girl.. I'm sorry.." He heard the questioning tone of her purring as he stepped from behind her, kneeling and taking her head into his arms. His face met her snout in a hug, and he felt her tongue lick under his chin, ticklish enough to cause him to draw away.

"You really want me, don't you?" He sounded surprised, even after everything he had seen. Her head snaked with confidence toward his groin, nudging the pronounced form of his compressed member with her nuzzle, and rewetting his pants with a few eager licks. The attention made him sigh involuntarily.

"Alright girl.. you convinced me." Brian gave a soft chuckle before steering her head away. He was worried she'd keep badgering him, but when she realized he was taking off the frustrating barrier to her mate's endowment she sat and watched the bizarre scene.

As soon as his manhood was exposed to air Kiki struck, quickly closing in on the area with a few quick, interested huffs. The warm air felt ticklish on his newly freed erection, but otherwise he let her do as she pleased, even when he felt the shocking feeling of her warm, scaled snout make contact with him. An instant twinge of instinct told him to get this predator's toothy maw away from his most sensitive area, but the tenderness with which her nose jostled and rubbed him, as well as the years of knowing the creature, left him simply watching.

Brian certainly didn't expect her to go so far as to lick his cock, and when she did it forced a tiny, surprised gasp from him. One stroke turned into another, and within seconds his member was slathered in her warm saliva. The state of her frills and the little growls that thrummed their way into his body made it clear that Kiki was actually enjoying the treatment she was delivering to his maleness. He'd never in a million years expected such a thing from his dragon!

When it didn't seem as if she were going to stop he raised a hand to contain her roaming tongue. It slipped between his fingers for a few licks before retreating back whence it came, and she tilted her head with a questioning trill.

His laugh was vacuous, hoarse with the fire of arousal her tongue had helped stoke.

"I appreciate the gesture, girl, but I think there's something you want more."

Kiama twittered in excitement as he once again positioned himself behind her, though this time he remained standing, placing his hands on her rump as his hips closed the distance to hers. His erection stuck out a healthy seven inches from the rest of him, and he stopped with his tip just outside of her vent. The heat alone made him twitch involuntarily.

"Okay girl.." His voice was shaky as he stared at the glistening vent parted and pulsing to welcome his cock inside. "Get ready.."

"Oh Gods.." The moment he slipped his head inside of her it seemed as though molten lava enveloped it, sending shivers across the rest of his body and no reserved moan from his lips. Kiki felt it too, and instantly contracted.

"F-fuck.." Instinct seized his body, and the impulsive need to thrust sparked at his hips. With one smooth thrust he slipped the rest of his cock inside her, tempered by a slight resistance and pressure that forced a stream of half curses and sighs from him.

He froze, completely at the mercy of her sublime heat and the second long contractions that felt like the gentle closing of a fist around his entire member. His breath was already heavy, mind focused on little more than the sensations in his lower body.

"Tight.." Some need for intimacy drove his hands to caress the flanks and legs of his new lover, which his sweet dragoness returned by twisting her tail down along his buttocks and around one of his thighs.

Her sinuous, shuddering legs proved the perfect handholds to help him take quick, rough thrusts into her, all reservation seemingly alleviated by the sweet heat, the silken tightness of his virgin dragoness. Though she possessed the strength of a tiger, his strokes pushed her forward into the ground with domineering ease, so that each slap into her was now directed downward.

He could feel his orgasm rapidly approaching, and from the dull sound of her whimpering and growling, hers was likely not far off. It was a sweet, simple need, the need for release into her. Filling his sweet little dragoness with all of his seed.. The sublime rapture consumed him, and a final thrust sent his cock into wild contractions, spilling full, rapid strokes of his semen into her virgin hole. His legs froze, and his whole weight came down upon her legs, collapsing onto her as, with spurt after spurt, he made her his own.

"Unngh.." Only the language of two quivering bodies, connected in the most intimate of ways, persisted between the two, too consumed with heavy breathing to utter more than tiny moans or growls. Slowly reason returned to the young rider, and with one last gentle sigh he felt his flaccid cock slip out of his mount.

Brian took a few uncertain steps back before collapsing onto his rear. The only thing that kept him from lying down completely was the strangely beautiful sight of his white seed slowly leaking out of Kiki's slowly pulsing pink flesh. Within a few seconds and with a satisfied grunt she fell onto her side, and to his surprised her leg lifted, and an exhausted looking head snaked under it.

Kiama's tongue went to work immediately, slipping in and around her slit and returning with thick globs of semen, but her eyes.. her eyes found his own and never left them. Even completely drained of sexual energy watching her clean herself of his deposit was a uniquely erotic sight that he couldn't help but stare at, slackjawed.

As the stranglehold of sexual instinct began to withdraw from Brian's brain, he was once again, quite literally, faced with what he had just done. Though her serpentine tongue had meticulously cleaned any evidence of his deposit from her still wet scales, the fact remained; he had just taken his dragon's virginity. More unsettling than that.. he had liked doing it.

He stood, and walked over to reclaim his clothes, though the feeling that coated the entirety of his under body told him he wouldn't be able to put them on just yet. The sheen of Kiki's and his own fluids was all over him, and when her scent ceased to dissipate he realized he now reeked like a dragoness in heat as well!

"Crap.. I don't really have time for a swim in the lake.. Maybe some leaves will.." The soft ruffling of grass cut off his external monologue, and betrayed the presence behind him. Brian turned around, finding Kiki's bright green eyes on him. Her head tilted sideways, in a way he had never seen before, though it was still clear to him she was curious about something.

"What is it, girl? Something in my hair?" A quick ruffle of his curly brown hair revealed nothing.

She trilled, as if responding to him, and all of a sudden she darted toward his groin. Brian stepped back, sure she was going to try to get him aroused again, but interestingly enough she went for his stomach, meticulously licking it in wide swaths, as though her tongue were a brush, and his body a canvas. She moved efficiently, and much to his surprise left the areas she covered remarkably dry. Every so often her tongue would flick back into her mouth, before slowly reappearing, as close to dry as possible for such a technique. The experience was amazing, though he had to concentrate more than he first thought when she reached his groin. Within a few minutes he was mostly dry, evaporation taking what little moisture the dragoness left on him away into the wind.

"Wow Kiki.. Thanks!" Brian couldn't help but laugh, taking her head into his hands and letting them roam to her ears. She always loved ear scritches, and this proved no exception. Her demeanor quickly became apparent; she was a lot less antsy now. The ride worked.. though not quite as he expected.


The ride back proved expectedly more gentle. Though Kiama still seemed to have limitless stamina, her attention was more focused on the dragons they passed than her own arousal. He even let her stop and visit with a few, even though he normally wouldn't have. The very base of the sun was touching the western mountains by the time the stable came into view.

A familiar voice came from the shadow of the hall, just before the pair entered it and Kiki's soft steps turned to hard clacks of talon on cement.

"Ah, there you are Kiki!"

The voice belonged to none other than the most recognizable person at the stable; its owner, Lily. Her flat, shoulder length red hair and the grin she never seemed to be able to shake greeted him as the thick wood ceilings replaced sky.

"Oh.. hey, Lily. What brings you here?"

They knew each other pretty well, given he and his mother had been stabling their dragons at this barn for well over a decade. She was about as old as he was, give or take a year or two (he never really thought to inquire,) and had only taken over operations three ago, but she took on the role with an unexpected skill and enthusiasm.

"Karl told me you took Kiki out for a ride, and you took longer than usual, so he notified me. I was just about to come look for you!"

So that's why she's here. Brian rarely saw her around the stables nowadays, though he wasn't completely sure why. Not more than a year ago Lily was heavily involved in day to day operations.. Why that had ceased.. he never thought to ask.

Yet here she was.

"Oh.. that's kind, but not really necessary. We just.." Kiki suddenly twittered in delight, as if proclaiming that she had just mated with her rider. It set him a little on edge. "Just.. stopped at the lake. Lost track of time. Happens."

"Happens?" She waited for him to dismount and debit Kiki before questioning further. "I'm not sure I've met anybody more punctual than you, Brian."

She looked at him strangely, almost as if.. but of course, there's no way she could know.

"So.. did Kiki give you any trouble? There's not a dragon in the stable that doesn't know she's in her second heat!" She laughed heartily, almost excessively.

"She.. did, actually." Thoughts of just what 'trouble' she gave him ran through his head momentarily. "Her stamina knows no end.. I had to ride her along the trail three times before I finally tired her out."

"Oh!" She seemed to lose interest at that, and began stroking Kiama's flank. "Well, aren't you a dedicated owner! She's lucky to have you."

"Hah! I'm lucky to have her. She's a wonderful companion."

"Beautiful too, no?" Lily's hand paused on a particularly shiny scale.

At last she left him in peace. Why the hell was she so nosy? Lily had never been like that before, certainly not to him.. Perhaps she was just worried..

Brian gulped. Perhaps she knew the truth? Then why not confront him? His thoughts went in circles, and soon he was dizzy. His focus shifted to Kiama, who was all too eager to receive it. She made several subtle advances during her bath; raising her tail a little too fast and too high when his dull sponge made its way to her rear, nuzzling him in just the right area to get him thinking about the all too fresh events by the lake. He tried to take her to task, but her mischievous eyes and outstretched tongue made her far too cute to discipline. Not to mention.. It wasn't exactly annoying having such a creature fawn over him.

Soon his dragon was clean and pretty, though at the cost of his own appearance. He'd wanted to leave the barn in a hurry, but Kiki's depressed cry stopped him rather abruptly. Her nose squished through the too narrow steel bars in a humorous, and unfamiliar, response to his imminent departure. Usually she'd lay down, or go outside to visit with the dragons beside her.. But not today.

"What's wrong with you girl?" Brian have her nose a pat, and immediately she raised her snout so her tongue could get a few licks in.

She wanted him to stay, to be with her. Brian didn't know quite how he knew this, but it stood as an apparent fact in his mind, one that, surprisingly, caused a great deal of conflicted emotions. The day's events had been significant indeed. This dragon had worked her way into his heart, even more deeply than before.

He took a deep breath. He was really considering it! Spending the night with a dragon?

But she's just an animal. The thought struck his gut hard with displeasure, yet the fact was undeniable. He pulled his hand away.

"Good night, Kiama." Her whimpering followed him out of the barn, even pervading his truck until the door was closed.

Just an animal..


It began subtly, only a few miles and fewer minutes after Brian left the farm. The slightest irregularity, a pressure in his head the likes of which he had never quite felt before. The precursor to a headache? That's just what he needed before heading out to the bar on a Friday night!

He could do little more than hope the sensation would go away, though it continued to impinge more and more into his otherwise quiet drive home, so much so that by the time he'd pulled into the underground parking lot of his apartment complex his head was kindling the a dull flourish of pain.

It was lucky he lived on the first floor, not more than a hundred feet from where he parked, since the faster he could get inside the more chance he had of combating this awful feeling. Brian didn't even bother to close the door, setting his bag down as he entered and making his way through the evening shroud that coated the three room space to the medicine cabinet. Two obligatory acetominophen were taken, and two more for good measure, and after the complimentary swig of water there was little else to do than wait.

The growling in his stomach matched the intensity of his headache, and so he spent the twenty or so minutes necessary for the medication to take effect preparing a light meal of salmon and rice. Not exactly his favorite dish, but it was the only thing in the apartment.

Ah, the joys of single life.

Thoughts of Mary ran through his mind, but only for a moment before the pain, now temporary ally, scattered them once more into the depths of memory.

It'll be a year soon. A year since..

He finished his meal quickly; after all, he was hungry, though while the ache of hunger quickly and satisfactorily subsided, the pain in his head only seemed to increase.

The time betrayed the medication's effect: it had been almost forty five minutes. Brian went to lay down. The soft embrace of mattress and blanket did little to soothe the beast clawing at the inside of his head.

This was far from normal. He simply didn't get headaches, certainly not those of this magnitude.. Kiama entered his mind briefly, as a possible suspect, but this didn't check out with medical sense. Dragons were impeccably clean creatures, and even so cross-contamination with animals was almost nonexistent.

Brian sighed, trying his best to relax. The hard glass of his phone weighed down his hand. He might as well tell his friends he wouldn't be coming out tonight, not in this state.

Bad headache! Sorry, can't make it!

The glance at the glare of the screen was momentary, just enough to confirm the correctness of the message, and the sending of it. Dan in particular would be disappointed, but there was nothing that could be done now. Maybe tomorrow he'd be able to do something.

It was clear now the only thing to do was to sleep. With a belly full and a body exhausted, the headache couldn't prevent him slipping off.


Everyone's known it at least once in their life. Brought back from the bliss of sleep by a malaise, forced all at once to accept the incredible feeling of pain and displeasure. It was not a good way to wake up, that much was sure.

He was overwhelmed for some time, because the headache had grown into something significantly more inflicting, and equally confusing, like another set of independent thoughts were brought before his consideration. They were definitely not his own; they were coherent, of course, but strange.. unrefined.

The depression, the mixed arousal.. the pain.. In an instant Brian realized just what was going on, but.. it didn't make sense.. It was impossible!

His dragon's thoughts.. he could feel them, almost.. see them! He could feel the oppressive feeling of arousal, spiked and tempered by loneliness.. and.. pain. Pain like his!

He slowly claimed his footing, though even that sent the world shifting slightly. Thank goodness he had been too lazy to even undress! The pain told him all he needed to know; somehow the separation was responsible for this malaise. He had to get back to the barn.

The hundred meters to his car seemed a hundred times as long as he forced his rickety, pain ridden body across seas of carpet and asphalt to his truck. It was eleven now, which left the highway west out of town thankfully devoid of any traffic. Consequently, nobody was around to see him swerving and speeding along the boringly straight four lane road out to the stables.

Brian had never come out here this late at night, but the familiar sound of gravel and a few tiny glimmers of artificial light shining out of the profound country blackness served as acceptable guides to the parking lot.

Kiama's soft cries could be heard even before he poured his sweaty, discomforted self out of the truck this time, but it was not sound that carried her tones to him this time. It was his mind. As he approached the far barn he felt the fog of discomfort start to recede a little, the first since it had began. He was right! This had something to do with their proximity.

Never had he been more glad to unhinge the bolt of Kiki's stall and stagger inside to the silver slivered padded area that served as her bed. The dragoness lay on top, the sharp, serpentine crest of her neck and ears given vibrant, harsh sapphire color by the alabaster glow of an appreciative half moon.

I missed you.. Her ears flicked to the side and she mewled at him.. A.. response? She shifted back onto her side, opening her wing and foreleg as if to welcome him to lay with her. Kiki's head was brought lower, and she looked up at him encouragingly, speaking softly to him in a way he found he could almost understand.

His knees met soft padding, and without any of the reservation he had imagined at actually snuggling up to a dragon his torso met her chest. The comforting weight of her foreign bending leg rested itself along his back, and all at once he felt the radiant heat emanating from every scale of her body. Not only that, but she was trembling. Part discomfort from.. whatever was going on in their heads, part arousal.. he felt both in equal measure, and purposely kept his lower body quite apart from her own, but still..

With the fading of their headache, the other overbearing part of their new bond began to replace it, and her warmth, the soft nuzzling of her snout in his hair, the muscles of her scaled flank that tensed oh so gently, firmly when his hands passed over them.. the sheer.. magnificence of simply laying with her began to take its toll on him.

Brian was not surprised when his dragon began to move. It was no sudden jolt of motion, rather her body slipped around him with great care, her lower body shifting next to, then onto him. He rolled onto his back in tandem with her, unsurprised, almost eager, but still.. She was..

What? This strange connection.. he saw it now; there was something more behind this sweet creature of his. How could he have not seen it before? Was it not there? Her snout met his mouth, and he was granted a splendid view of a single eye lit by the moon. The thrice reverberated light of the sun reflected an unbeforeseen depth to her, and right now.. it reflected lust.

Her heat, her weight, settled along his body, constraining his arms under her paws, but not enough that he couldn't continue to let them roam along the delightful striations of her body. She was more than three times his weight, but he sure didn't feel it. Somehow she could feel what he did, and adjusted her weight accordingly.

"Mmf.. girl.." He could speak only in parts, between the steady licks she was delivering across his mouth. They quickly ceased, though her tongue remained, this time pushing against his lips, as if..

Brian's jaw relaxed, and in a smooth motion her tongue filled his mouth, just enough to make her size appear foreign, but not enough to cause him discomfort. It lapped in tiny spurts at his own tongue, and t the visage of her eye was momentarily blurred when she rumbled a surprised cry right into his head.

The salmon.. she could taste it. He would have laughed at the realization were he not locked in a kiss.. with his dragon. This exquisite creature certainly had the power to to whatever she pleased, yet her touch, the vague thoughts he somehow felt in his own head.. if he wanted to stop, she would be all too willing.

But he didn't want her to stop. If he could just get her to stand..

As if commanded, her body lifted from him, displaying stand upon silken strand of moonlit muscle tense and flex. Her head stayed for a time, before reluctantly breaking their first kiss. Brian was certainly stunned, though not enough to prevent the removal of his clothes, the freeing of his desperate erection.

Hands were not needed to persuade the starkly lit dragoness back down onto him, but it was still a pleasure to do so. Even more satisfying was the feeling of bare skin on scale, a uniquely textured warmth Brian couldn't help but gasp at. The sensation against his cock was even more enticing, a thing Kiki quickly realized and exploited, rubbing the delicate scale of her groin against him. He had a hard time residing the urge to reciprocate her movements, but still his hands rode and claimed her thighs, pushing them instinctually down into him.

She slid up, slightly, and the slickness of her vent passed from his testicles to the tip of his manhood. It didn't take much, just a little movement on her part, and suddenly he was inside her. He shivered at the feeling, like plunging his most sensitive parts into an undulating, exasperatingly tight pool of lava, and he was only a little surprised when she did the same. The two were still for a time, almost statuesque in the moonlight, their dissimilarity of form rendered irrelevant by bonds physical and.. something else.

Only a few moments passed inside her before the sublime sensation of her heightened body temperature and incredibly motive sex had him gasping for air, struggling to not simply empty his essence inside her right then and there.

"Ki..ki.. s-stop.." Brian's pleas were softer and more laden with arousal than he would have liked, but the dragoness seemed to be quite lost in the act as well. Her snout roamed his head and neck, more eager than before, licking and grazing her teeth against his flesh in between soft, staccattoed moans. As if that attention wasn't exotic enough, she began to move on top of him, exposing him to just how resistant her slit was to his intrusion.

The action all too quickly quelled his desire to prolong the experience. His legs spread out, lightly returning the kiss of her hips on his, and a moment of rashness his hand found her horn, and he pulled her snout up to his lips.

Their tongues met as resistance failed, and his body jolted against hers. The pressure in his loins was unbearable, and in a single instant of unrestrained bliss he let go, spraying his seed for the second time into his dragon's womb. He gasped and moaned freely into her thick tongue as pulse upon pulse of his release coated her vent, flooding and leaking from her in hot streams of human and draconic fluid.

Kiki let her head remain under Brian's hold, even as his climax triggered her own. Her snout remained firmly pressed against his, but her mouth opened wide in a breathless fit of growling yips, showing off her large set of teeth. The rest of the dragon's body was a different story; it convulsed and bucked against him, with a force that momentarily made it seemed as though he would be crushed under his lovers weight.

Forceful, steady contractions made him grunt a few times more as Kiama milked the last vestiges of his seed from his lust-slickened cock. Her passage seemed to contract with more force than before, and it was so surprising to the breathless human he let go of her horn, wrapping her convulsing neck in his arms.

Her climax faded as quickly as it had arrived, and the sudden, profound flood of intimacy the feeling of a dragoness shuddering in orgasm on his body brought left him nearly as affectionate as she was. Kiama's neck slipped around the outline of his head, and suddenly her hot breath and probing tongue was at his ear, whispering little chirps and caressing his lobe.

His arms roamed her neck, caressing her sweetly, with an affection he wouldn't have imagined just a few days ago, eventually finding their way onto her forelegs. Just how wet he had gotten during the act became evident as he finally slipped out of her, but it wasn't cold at all; Kiama's body was warmer than any blanket, and felt nearly as comfortable.

Brian's fatigue all of a sudden became evident. At least the headache was gone. It was clear as day now, the subtle connection between them. Her breathing, heartbeat.. the gentle cadence of her thoughts as she settled into sleep. All of these evident to him, plain and simple, as though she was an extension of himself.

The peace of an intimacy so exotic and unique as this was.. incredibly comforting. Brian's eyes eased themselves closed. Everything was perfect..

"Had fun, I trust?"

Perfectly terrifying.
