Shell, Skin and Fur

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#17 of Robbin Red

This is possibly the last installment for a while. I leave for Chicago tomorrow, and after that it looks like my schedule gets pretty tight. I will do what I can to keep the story line going, but...


leaked through the windows with cheerful persistence. Jon-Tom instinctively

pulled his head into his shell. His muddled brain told him he should probably

get up when she did (which she was now) and change back, but he was too

comfortable. He heard the door to the bathroom close, and soon after what he

thought were whispers. He had heard them before, but if she wanted to talk to

herself, who was he to interfere? There times he thought his own conversation

was the only one worth listening to. When

she came out, he heard a sharp intake of breath, and she stepped back into the

bathroom. He mentally shrugged. He had told her the bedroom was going to be a

wreck come morning, but did she listen? No! He

heard her grousing in rather sharp tones. He pulled the pillow over the opening

to his shell. He could see how ole Clothahump found pulling himself inside to

escape outside threats a reasonable practice, all except that time the thieves

broke in and threatened to pour hot mud down his shell. He winced at that thought

of that occasion, remembering how he had broken his beloved duar. The

monologue continued for another few minutes. He chose his strategy; when she

came out he would feign sleep. If she thought he hadn't heard anything, she

might not bring up whatever was bothering her. After all, she could handle

anything that came her way, once she set her mind to it. The

door opened, and he heard petite footfalls heading his way. A hand rested on

his shell a moment, and the next it was on his skin. He suddenly felt chilled. He

wasn't certain if it was losing his fine outer covering or her present

demeanor. She wasn't scowling, but she was looking rather perturbed, He was trying

to figure out why. "Morning

dear!" he said cheerfully. "You look a bit out of sorts after our wonderful

time last night. Is there something wrong?" She

forced a smile. "Yes, I suppose so. I guess I just woke up on the wrong side of

the bed this morning, as I believe the expression goes. I'll be fine in a bit.

In the meantime, I think we need to get our bedroom back in order in case I

have use for it later." Despite sounding like an offer, her tone fell flat. This

left him wondering what he had managed to do to piss her off. Part of him

didn't really care. He had managed to anger many females over the years and

everyone but one had come to forgive him. Most of the time it had to do with

his innate ability to miss the obvious. She had obviously enjoyed herself last

night, and seemed particularly enthralled with his change. Fickle, that's what

women were. He might just have to spend some more time with Huntchy if this

kept up. Then again, perhaps it was something to do with the baby. "Uh,

there isn't something wrong with our child is there?" She glared at him for a

moment. Her tone was icy. "There is nothing wrong with your child Jon-Tom.

Please don't ever worry on that account. I made a promise and I intend to keep

it. The circumstances don't have to make me happy. Just remember that I'm doing

this for you!" As

usual, he was completely confused. "I know, and I'm none too happy with it

myself. But there is little either of us can do to change it at the moment, is

there?" She sat

down heavily on the mattress. He noticed belatedly that the entire thing was

clean. "I love you, my dearest magier, but these first days have not been what

I expected. You are both far more complicated than I first suspected, and at

the same time so blessedly innocent and foolish. I do not know the future, but

it seems to me you do, having lived most of your life in it. I only wish you

knew how our life here was going to turn out. Every time I think I know where

it's going, it takes a turn I didn't foresee." He

choked and fell off the bed laughing. She glared down at his mirth until she

could no longer hold her grimace. The edges of her mouth turned up into a

smile, and then finally into laughter. They rolled on the floor for a while

until she could finally blurt out, "What's so funny?!" He

cleared the tears from his eyes. "One thing you learn rather quickly is that things

rarely go as you want them, nor how you expect them. Eve said that where I'm

involved, things seem to happen in a good way. But the truth be told, I have no

idea why I'm here, nor why you're here, nor why anything that has happened has

happened. I don't know why she isn't carrying her own child, nor where she's at

at this moment. I muddle through the best I can. Perhaps you think having great

power means having no problems, but if you have a soul, then you have

responsibility, which means you have all of the world's problems laid out at

your feet." She

sobered up. "I guess so. Things happen that get under my skin, but I guess if

you look at the world as a whole, my problems are small in comparison, and I do

have the power to correct most of what bothers me. And you're right; having a

conscience dampens the possibility of abusing that power. Like those pirates. I

would have left them alone had they left us alone, but they took some of my

friends. You were far kinder than me in determining their fate." He sat

up. "Kind? Well, I suppose so. Killing them and eating them would have been

kinder I think. The same goes for that little banker fellow. Though I believe

you may have overreacted in his case." She

growled a little. "Oh, I've heard stories about that nasty little miser. He is

worse than that character Eve told me about, a someone from your memories;

Scrog, or Scrounge, or something." He

knitted his brows for a moment, then smiled. "Oh, you mean Scrooge; Ebenezer

Scrooge. He was a storybook character from England, a country not too far from

your home." By that, he was referring to her home country of Germany. "Story

book character? Are you certain he wasn't real? He

shrugged and chuckled at the same time. "Well, no; I can't say for certain. The

story was written a long time ago by a fellow named Dickens. It has to do with

Christmas and turning over a new leaf. It's very popular even in my time." She got

a wry grin on her face. "It was written a long time ago? But we are four

hundred years in the past, and on another world. From this perspective, the

story has yet to be written. And I seem to recall you thought that Little Red

Riding Hood and werewolves were the things of legend and fable before you got

thrown back into our world again and made them come true." She was

nothing if not perceptive. "You make a good point. But somehow I don't think

our little banker is ever going to constitute what old Ebenezer was. But then,

you seem to know him better than I. You've been here longer. So tell me, what's

so bad about him?" She

took in a deep breath. "He's selfish, conceited, and he's never been afraid to

ruin a person to further his own goals. He has foreclosed on properties that

had up-to-date mortgages, he has thrown people into the street, and he even made

deals with some of his borrowers to forgive back payments if their daughters

would sleep with him." He

grunted. "OK, maybe he's worse than Scrooge. I don't feel too bad since I

wasn't the one to send him to that island. Does it have a name, that little chunk

of rock and coral?" "Everyone

hereabouts calls it Cransow's Crowsnest. It's good for very little except

growing trees and bushes. It's filled with biting insects and stinging

scorpions. There are a few that live there, though the population has jumped as

of late. I figured the damn pirates can raid the dunes for pearls and bugger

each other for company." Jon-Tom

raised his eyebrows at her tone. "But surely little Pomfrey will get his ass

torn up before they skin him and roast him alive?" She laughed.

"Oh no. I'm not so stupid as to let him die unnecessarily. I cast a spell over

the whole lot, so that they think he is part of the crew of the ship you

scuttled off shore there. For all they know, he's been with them for the past

year. He, on the other hand, still knows who he is, and I think it won't take

long for him to forego his old ways. I have a spell laid on him that will pull

him back here when that happens. I for one am not wasting my time waiting for

his change of heart. When it happens, his life here will resume." He was

sitting there listening and nodding. "His associates are likely to be causing

mayhem until he gets back you know. Not that I disagree with you. If I'm

supposed to clean up the town, I figure starting at both ends is the best place

to begin. I seem to have the lower caste in my clutches, so I guess the upper

echelon is next." She

smiled; a genuine happy gesture. "You know, my dearest, I'd like to think we'll

do well together. I know I should have told you the truth, but you must

understand that I didn't want to do anything that might cause me to lose you.

Like you, I intend to do my very best to make this place a good home, not only

for us, but for everyone. Overall it's not too bad, considering what mine was

like. No one here overtly attacks you, save those putrid pirates. But there are

subtle ways folks hereabouts can be dirty, and sadly for them, I'm not afraid

to stoop to their level when necessary." His

frown was immediate. "Stooping to another person's level only makes you that

low as well. Having great power means taking on great responsibility. Besides,

I thought you were trying to horde your power...for the sake of the baby I

assume?" She

wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Don't lecture me my dear. My schooling here was

intense on politics, economics, etiquette and warfare, as well as in magic,

history and biology. One of my masters told me that acting swiftly and

decisively shows your foe that you have resolve. I believe in fairness, but I

also believe in action. I may regret some of my decisions in the future, but at

least I made them." He

thought for a moment before replying. "I'm in no position to argue with you.

I've done things I later came to regret. It's something you have to live with,

and as old as I am, and as old as I will apparently become, it means it eventually

adds up. Therefore, the longer the time, the heavier the weight pressing down

upon you." "Yes, I

suppose so. I've matured a lot since those crazy days back home. If I had the

power then that I do now, I would have done considerable damage and destruction.

I'm still angry about the death of my family. But that is now the past. I will

never go back there." She looked up with tears in her eyes. "You are now my

family Jon-Tom. I hope I can live up to your expectations." It was

then that the realization of her position became apparent. "I don't have any

expectations of you. I don't mean that flippantly either. I do love you, and I

felt bad when I could get you pulled ahead to my time. But thinking back on that,

if you had come over, you would be in a terrible bind. I have wives and

children galore in the future. I guess Eve did alright in pulling you here and

me as well. There are no unreasonable demands to be met, just life as it comes,

one day at a time. I'm proud to be your husband!" She

stood up. Her smile was back. She snapped her fingers for effect. Her clothes

were gone in that instant. "I'm afraid, darling, that you didn't manage to tire

me out last night. Care to give it a go again?" He smiled inwardly at her

mercurial mood. "I

don't know. You seem to remind me of someone I once knew." She

stepped back a moment before coming closer. "You mean, someone like this?" It

was herself, only looking younger. She had on a burgundy cape and nothing else.

He breasts were mere buds an she was devoid of hair except that atop her head. His

cock hardened from the consistency of oak to the consistency of iron. "Not

precisely what I was thinking, but this is better!" She twirled in place,

allowing the cape to flow outwards to reveal her pale nude and nubile form. He

remembered it all too well. She had been dirty and skinny and terrified at the

time. He had cleaned her up, fed her and protected her. And eventually, they

had made love. He thought at the time he was going to tear her asunder, but she

had managed just fine. This time around there was no question about her

ability. He was

sitting on the edge of the bed, and she swung her hips around so that her butt

was facing him. She placed her hands behind her and pushed up on his lap. She

wiggled down over his cock, pushing her lubrication to the max. Fluid dripped

down over his head. She squirmed, pushing down, twisting and turning to force

his meat into her tight little body. She had complete control, keeping her hole

as tight as possible for his maximum pleasure. She was, of course, maximizing

her own. No point is having the power to improve the little things if you

didn't use it on occasion. She

went into a rising and falling motion, sliding up and down with increasing

speed. He came in no time, spilling forth into her deepest recess with force of

a tsunami. She didn't even wait for his breathing to slow down. She was at it

again, only this time she lifted herself off and dropped back down, gliding her

ass over his cock. He groaned, which turned up the heat of her own desire. She

did so want to make him happy. He was

so absorbed in the sensations running through his body that he failed to notice

the change right away. He happened to crack open his eyelids to see a lovely

gray furred beauty sitting on his lap, one which he was now cock deep in. She

had morphed again! But it wasn't yet time! She

could feel him stiff up; his whole body this time. She never once stopped what

she was doing. "My changes come every other day, like clockwork. That doesn't

stop me from changing while I'm human. You should know this, for I have your

power. I can do whatever I want within those constraints. And for now, I

thought I'd try something different of my own choosing. It was

a form he was familiar with from back home, but one he had never encountered

here. Her fur was luxurious, soft and multi hued gray. She had cute pert ears,

and a soft furry tail that now ran up the front of his belly. She was a

chinchilla! He marveled at her softness at the same time he was wondering how

such a small form could take as much cock as he had presently rammed up her

rectum. She

grinned dreamily. "I believe the saying is a pfennig for your thoughts, but I

already know them" "Penny.

It's a penny for your thoughts. Oh, never mind, the denomination hardy matters.

I was wondering how you managed to do all this without me noticing." She let

loose a shrill little laugh. "You were noticing what you wanted to notice. I

took advantage of your distraction. Does this form displease you? If so, I can

change back." His

response was to hold her tight, and sing an old song he was familiar with. It

would have gone better with his duar, but his acapella went just fine. By the

time he was finished, Billy Joel would have been proud of his rendition of Just The Way You Are! It certainly

melted her heart. "It's a

nice sentiment, dearest husband, but for now, you'll have to suffer through

them just as will I." He

snorted. "I don't think either of us is suffering right now. That could be

arranged, if that's something you'd like to try!" Her response was to squeeze

her muscles so tight it very nearly hurt him. If that's what she intended, it

failed miserably! It was a good thing his schedule for the day was cleared!

Shell Shocked and Loving It

When the sun rose in the morning, its rays shown in on two very tired humans wrapped in each other's arms. A few seconds later that changed entirely. It was now one human male, and in the place of the female, there was a rather hard shell. Inside the...

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Resetting the Perspective

Huntchy was wishing for a downpour, or a tidal wave, or just about anything that would have cooled his scorched hide. He felt like a hunk of meat suspended over the fire. He was certain he looked awful. He felt awful. He was beginning to see where...

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It was late in the day before the dragon was sighted flying in from the sea. His wing beat was uneven and he looked tired and defeated. When he collapsed in the sand just where he had taken off, he looked as though he would perish on the spot....

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