An Unexpected Adventure Ch. 1: It Begins

Story by notaguestanymore on SoFurry

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#1 of An Unexpected Adventure

I of course do not own Pokemon or anything to do with pokemon. It is all the property of Gamefreak.

This is my first ever story. Feedback would be nice. A lot of explaining and ect. done in this chapter, but I promise it will pick up. And I double promise there will be sex at some point. Probably not that soon though.

A branch cracked under my foot as I ran through the woods. I have never run this fast or far in my life Branches whipped across my face giving me God knows how many

scratches. All of a sudden I felt an invisible force on my foot and tripped and flew through the air. My head cracked against a rock

on the ground. I felt blood running down my face as I quickly got up and started running again.

The town was only a tiny bit away, so close,I can feel the safety, but I found myself not moving. In fact I started to float

of the ground lifted by an invisible assailant I hovered a few feet

off the ground. I felt my self slowly start to turn until I rotated 360 degrees, I looked down to find the Ralts I had been running from staring

hatefully into my eyes. Behind me in to woods I could hear faint snapping sounds and people shouting.

"I heard a noise over here" Someone yelled, but I had a bigger problem at the moment. The Ralts gave me a look of contempt and with

a flick of it's wrist sent my flying into a tree. I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my side and the last thing I saw before I passed out was a group

of wildlife officials capturing the Ralts with nets and tranquilizer darts, then darkness.

I hear beeping. Beep. Beep. Beep. Constant. But I can't open my eyes. I'm can't move any part of my body, I slowly start to lose consciousness

as I'm trapped, wondering if I'm dead.

I'm awake again, but no beeping this time. I hear some kind of Pokemon fluttering outside. I open my eyes and see that I'm in a brightly lit hospital

room. I turn my head to see a police officer sitting in a chair next to my bed.

"Ah, you're finally awake. How do you feel?"

"Been better. What happened?"

" You appeared to have been attacked with a wild Pokemon sir, a..." He pauses for a second and looks at a paper in his hand. "Ralts by the look of it."

"Damn." I tried to sit up, but a sharp pain in my left side shot through my body and my vision started to blacken. I collapsed back down on the bed breathing heavily. "What the hell happened to my side?"

"Well..." He looks down at the paper for a second. "Says here the Ralts lifted..." He motioned with his hands. "you into the air and..." He looks down at the paper again. "Threw you into a tree. Seems you were thrown into a

jagged stick that was jutting from the side of the tree. Bit of bad luck really."

"Yeah, seems to be the recurring theme of the day."

"Two days actually, or well.." He looks down at a watch on his wrist. "two days and 13 and a half hours if you want to be specific."

"Shit, so why are you here?"

"Oh, right, well I need to ask you a few questions about the incident. Standard stuff shouldn't wear you out, but I can come back later if you're not feeling up to it."

"No, no, that's alright let's get it over with."

"Alright, thank you. Let's see, tell me what happened."

"Ok, well I was taking a jog through the forest and i guess I wandered into the..Ralts?" He nodded yes to my implied question. "Right so I wandered into it's territory and it started chasing me. I ran because It has mind powers and I don't, but it kept chasing me."

"Mhmm." The officer nodded silently at the end of my story and proceeded to write some things down on a second piece of paper. "Ok well it looks like a clear case of a Human, a..." He consults his almighty first paper quickly. "Registered Trainer actually. Also, if I may ask why, if you are a Trainer, do you not have any Pokemon?"

"Oh, well I registered, as most kids do, when I turned 18, but I never got around to getting any actual Pokemon and...well that's it I guess. Here we are two years later."

"Hmm. Interesting. Well, anyway sorry just curious. Let's get back to the matter at hand. As I said before this looks to be a clear case of a wild Pokemon attacking a Human. Which is all the information we need actually. So thank you for your cooperation and there is no need to worry the Pokemon that attacked you will be put down humanely." He turned to leave the room.

"Wait!" I was stunned by his statement. "You're going to kill it? Why?"

He looked surprised that I had even asked the question. " attacked you. That's the law, Article 1 section 2.3, any wild or untamed Pokemon that viciously attacks a Human will be put down in the most humanely possible way. It attacked you pretty viciously, therefore it gets put down."

"No, no I don't want it dead isn't there any way we can let it live?"

" it's the law and even if we didn't no one is going to want a violent untamed Pokemon who attacked a person."

"But...what if...what if I took it? If I took it and trained it would that be acceptable?"

"Well...yeah i supposed so, I'll have to check with my boss. Why would you even want it though after it attacked you?"

"It wasn't it's fault. I obviously invaded their territory on accident, I don't want it to die because of me."

"Ok..I'll see if it's ok and bring you paperwork if it gets a green light."

With that the officer let the room, looking at me quizzically while doing so. I ignored him and focused on trying to sit up. After a while i managed to sit up without too much pain. Getting out of bed was a different matter. It took me about 45 minutes just to be able to stand on my own two feet. Even then I wasn't very stable and felt like I was going to topple at any moment. I slowly staggered to the bathroom to find a full body mirror hung on the inside of the door. I looked at myself studying the damage done to me. I was tall, about 6 foot 1, with a lean and muscular body. On the undersides of my arms and down my sides you could just barely make out the faint stretch marks that remain. When I was a child I was pretty overweight, I became really self-conscious about it as I grew older and by my early teens started dieting and exercising like crazy. I ran every day, lifted all kinds of weights, and even took Muay Thai, Jitsu, and boxing to toughen up. All over my torso were tiny scratches from the branches. Most of them had healed slightly, probably thanks to the medicine the nurses no doubt gave me. On my faces were a few of the same types of scratches and a long jagged cut down my right temple. Apparently some were along the time something had gashed my head. The wound was scabbing over, but I felt like it would leave a scar for sure. I turned to see my side. There was a thick white bandage covering a small section of my right side, dyed red with blood. I peeled it away a little at the top to see a stitched up hole in my side about the size of a small fist. It will heal ok, but I'll have another nasty scar. Inspection finished I hobbled back to my bed and passed out again.

I woke up what I guess was a few hours later. Outside my window I could see the sun make it's slow descent of the day. I looked to my side and again saw the officer sitting there. This time he had a thick stack of papers with him and was playing a game on his Pokedex when I said hi.

"Ah, you're awake let's get started then. My boss has approved your adoption of the Ralts."

"Really?? That's great thank you"

"Not a problem. Anyway this paperwork states that the Ralts is your respobsibility. All care and training of the Ralts will be done by you and you have to tame it. Once every two weeks you will have to check in with a..basically a parole officer to check to make sure yuo haven't let the Ralts into the wild. The Ralts is marked with a tag and if you let it go and an officer finds it you will be arrested and the Ralts will be put down." I nodded silently and he looked back down at the paper, clearly he wasn't done. "The Ralts will be you're responsibility for Two years, or more if determined by our counselors, whom you, once again, have to meet with once every two weeks. There is a three strike rule and if you miss three meeting in one year you will be arrested and the Ralts put down. Questions?" Done speaking, he looks up from his papers at me probably expecting a tirade of questions.

"What if I want to travel?"

"There is a counselor in every city in every region. You can go to any of them as long as you go on the date of your meeting. You can find them in the police station."

"Okay..then where do I sign?"

A few days later I was feeling a lot better and was checking out of the hospital. When leaving the officer ran into me.

"Ah I was just looking for you. This Pokeball contains the Ralts" With that he handed me a standard red Pokeball. "Remember she's your responsibility." With that he left.

"Ok...let's get this over with" I made my way out of town to a clearing in the woods. Sighing heavily I tapped the button on the Pokeball and a shimmering red light appeared. The Ralts appeared on the ground looking around ready to fight.

She turns around and looks up at me. "YOU!" She snarled at me.

" Whoa calm down don't attack me again." I backed away a bit raising my hands; hoping it took that as the peaceful gesture I intended it to be. " I don't know how to explain it, but....I guess I'm your new trainer."

That is the end of Chapter One. Again this is my fist story so feedback is greatly appreciated. I don't plan on making this story centric to one Generation or anything.

An Unexpected Adventure Ch. 2: Welcome Home

"Enter Disclaimer about not owning Pokemon here" Chapter two here we go. Wish me luck. As always feedback is graciously accepted. Alas still no sex, but have no fear it will come in time. Enjoy. * * * The Ralts glared at me, it's eyes turning...

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