Team Violet 1: Evolve

Story by Vailarian on SoFurry

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#1 of Team Violet

Following the disbandment of Team Rocket, a researcher moves to Kalos and starts a new crime syndicate that uses carnal power rather than strength to meet its goals.

Note: this is my first work. I will be playing with narrative style throughout production. Feedback please!

Team Violet Emblem by Empyreus, with gratitude.

I do not own Pokémon or its characters.

Before the story begins, let me just admit it. Yes, this was all very fucked up.

It's not like I was a stranger to crime, I was a ranking operative under Giovanni for fuck's sake, but this was taboo. Or maybe not such as taboo as untapped business potential under the scope of the law.

Let's just say that that's the business plan for Team Violet.

My name is Tenna, and I am the research and experimentation head for this little operation of ours. I had previously worked for Team Rocket, but with internal power struggles and constant plan-thwarting by tween trainers, I left before the hand of the law reached influential members such as myself. I left Kanto and moved to Kalos where a particularly flashy crime syndicate would ideally overshadow my own brand of felony. As it turns out Kalos is just open enough to try new things, and as home to some of the most innovative minds in the world, I knew I could make a killing there.

I proposed the idea to an old friend of mine while visiting him in the Kalos Penitentiary. He was a former Rocket scientist who had recently become a loaded Pokémon breeder, but got himself in trouble when a particularly revealing Holo Clip made its way into the hands of the region's authorities. Two weeks later he found himself in a jail cell with a sentence of five years on account of lewd and inappropriate conduct with a Pokémon. Not surprisingly he fell in love with my idea, and by way of connections and cash, he was able to fund a staff of management, researchers, and casual muscle under the banner of Team Violet. Our mission was to unlock the sexual potential of Pokémon and use it as a tool of seduction and intimidation to make money and gain power.

I told you it was fucked up.

"Good morning, Tenna!" I turned from the coffee machine to see my assistant Junis walking towards me. She was a younger woman, I never asked how old she was or expected her to tell me, though if I had to guess I would say she was seventeen. I had never seen her without a spring in her step or a clipboard in hand, and she always wore a white lab-coat over her modest body and stood about a head shorter than me. She had short and fine red cropped hair that matched her big eyes that were constantly observing and evaluating. She had been my assistant from the start of this operation and to my knowledge had never missed a day of work.

"Junis," I smiled, taking a sip from the steaming cup. "What's that on your jacket?"

"Oh, this?" she grinned, pointing to the emblem over her breast. "This is the symbol for Team Violet!" It was a sophisticated-looking V shape, with two prongs protruding from either side. It broke up the simplicity of the lab jacket with a splash of elegant purple.

"Symbol?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"It's not official..." Junis said shyly. "One of the grunts is a surprisingly good artist, and came up with the design. Some of the employees have taken to wearing these around the facility."

The more I looked at it the more I liked it. It was reminiscent of the old Rocket logo, but with an air of luxury that suited Kalos and what we stood for. "It's perfect," I smiled at her.

Her face lit up in an instant. "I have an extra!" she exclaimed, thrusting her hand in her pocket and digging out another badge. Before I could protest she reached out and fastened it to my own jacket, taking care not to prick me. When she was finished she stood back and giggled. "It matches your hair," she chuckled, pointing at my long and wavy mane.

I looked down at the pin and then at my reflection in the glass next to the cafe area. I saw a full-bodied woman in her early twenties whose hair did indeed match the Team Violet emblem. It cascaded over my shoulder and down to the middle of my back where it was held in place with a simple black band. I wore a rectangular pair of glasses in front of my yellow-gray eyes. I smiled at myself and then at Junis.

"Thank you, Junis," I said graciously, finishing my coffee and picking up my own clipboard. "Now that we're done accessorizing, let's get to work."

We wandered down the gray-polished tile to the main testing room, passing other researchers who nodded at us and said hello. It was still somewhat early, but it made me proud to see such dedicated people working together. Where there had always been whispers of doubt and uncertainty about the leadership and association as a whole at Team Rocket, it seemed to be the opposite way here.

"What's first on the agenda, Junis?" I asked.

She checked her clipboard. "Grass-type restraint methodology test."

"Test subjects?"

"Adolescent male Ivysaur and a female journalist named Anina," she said without a pause. "She was probably investigating the facility."

I nodded. It wasn't uncommon that busy-bodies, tourists, and reporters caught whispers of our work and came snooping. We were never unprepared for those kinds of encounters.

"Miss Tenna?" came a voice from my side. Walking alongside Junis and I was a wiry man whom I did not personally know, but his leather and tight-fitting attire suggested he was from the interrogation devision. "We need advice for a belligerent loan-dodger in the Vault."

"Shouldn't you ask Coel that?" I asked, not slowing my pace. Coel was the head of interrogation, another old face from Team Rocket.

"He's resting today after taking a Confusion attack head on," the man explained. "He keeps punching all the chairs he sees."

I sighed. "Fine, I understand," I said flipping through the papers on my clipboard. "Give him one last demand for what he owes, then send in a tamer with an aroused Rapidash. One look at that cock and he'll give back what he borrowed and probably extra. I'll sign the order later."

The interrogator nodded and stepped out of line with us just as we reached the main testing area. The automatic doors opened before us into a sterile room filled with monitors and sensors and a few other researchers. They greeted as I entered and turned their attention to the one-way plate glass at the head of the room overlooking the Field, an empty white room where a naked woman sat huddled in the corner.

"It's ten a.m. everyone, let's get the show on the road!" I said, laying my board down on my desk against the glass. "Protocol first. Has test subject 'Anina' remained in sensory deprived condition since her apprehension last night?"

"Yes, Miss Tenna," a male voice came from in front of a monitor.

"Does that include her removal of clothing?" I asked the room.

"It does," Junis said. "I saw them take her in before I went home yesterday."

"Fantastic," I smiled. "Last item on checklist: confirmation that she has not been touched and/or sexually stimulated to this point?" It was the rules, of course. Unless it had been ordered, our employees were not to touch our "clients". Not our human employees, anyway.

"Confirmed," the same man said, scanning the computer screen. "Anina has received no sexual stimulation, only bread and water."

I clapped my hands. "Then we can begin testing." I turned to the female engineer behind Junis. "Give our Ivysaur six units of pheromone vapor and then send him out. That should be a little heavy, but he is a teenager after all." The woman nodded and then moved to her control panel, where she plugged in my instruction. A few seconds later a panel at the far end of the testing room opened and the grass-type Pokémon wandered out into the room.

He was a typical Ivysaur, walking on all fours and just under waist-height with blue and green markings, and the unmistakable bulb on his back was in the nearly blossoming phase of his species. He had sensory patches on his body so we could monitor his health and status, as well as rely commands to him remotely from the control booth. Due to the pheromone vapor, his cheeks were flushed and he gave little gasps of Ivy... Ivy... as he stepped out into the room. Between his legs hung his fully-engorged member, fleshy pink and a little shorter yet a little thicker than a human's penis. Anina looked to the door in hope before it shut behind the Pokémon, then her eyes fell to him. I pressed the intercom button.

"Good morning, Anina," I said calmly. The sound of my voice echoed around the her, making the woman jump and look around for the source of the voice. "It seems like you stumbled onto one hell of a scoop."

"Give me back my clothes!" she yelled hoarsely, trying in vain to cover herself.

"Later," I said noncommittally. "You see that Ivysaur?" I gave her a second to look at the creature. "He's going to fuck you."

The color drained from her face. I'm not a sadist, but hell if that wasn't amusing every time. "You're going to need to just let it happen, I'm afraid. Your notes have already been destroyed, but you'll leave here alive and well. You'll come back if you ever speak or write of us. We're not quite ready to go public." I paused a moment. "Try to make the best of it."

I clicked off the intercom as Anina started to curse me out. "Remote to Ivysaur: Vine Whip to restrain her, and then he can take over for himself," I ordered to the engineer. I turned back to the glass as she typed the commands in and hit enter.

The Ivysaur's eyes glowed with understanding as the information reached him and his vines retracted from his back. "Ivysaur!" it cried, thrusting them out at her. Before she could scream they had wrapped around her wrists, pulling Anina from the wall and drawing her closer to him.

"Bind," I commanded to the engineer. The vines pined her arms to her back and wrapped around her trunk a few times, binding her against the ground. She lay with her knees and cheek on the ground, leaving her back arched and her legs spread to the excited Ivysaur. She was crying now, pleading with me to release her, and then to the Pokémon itself. Her attempts fell on deaf ears as the Ivysaur jumped up onto her backside, his thick front feet resting on her back. His balls swung beneath him as his cock rubbed against Anina's exposed pussy, resulting in gasps of horror from the journalist. With a few practice thrusts he continued to grind against her primally, smearing thick pre-cum into her. "Ivy, Ivysaur!" it called out in frustration, making a harsh thrust that hit the bull's eye.

The thick pink member disappeared within Anina, drawing a pained and horrified moan from her throat. From where we stood we saw the whole thing, how Anina seemed to clench around the Ivysaur's prick in either an effort to keep him out or in response to his urges. Either way, the test was commencing as planned.

"All signs green?" I asked the monitor. He wordlessly gave a thumbs up. I smiled and turned toward the engineer. "Have him use Pound."

At the engineer's command the Ivysaur went into a frenzy, pushing his cock in and out of Anina's body with startling vigor. She cried out in surprise as her chest and face ground against the floor without her arms to support her. The vines restricted her completely and gave the Ivysaur the power it needed to make her his mate. His testicles rocked beneath them with each motion, swinging in rhythm to his passionate heaves. A combination of pre-cum and Anina's own wetness dripped out of her opening onto the ground, and the room filled with a perverse chorus of Ivysaur's grunting and Anina's moan-crying.

"Something's happening," the monitor suddenly said, typing rapidly. "Ivysaur's statistics are increasing and his internal chemistry is altering."

"Is it evolving?!" Junis gasped, scribbling furiously on her clipboard.

My heart gave a lurch, and then I closed my gaping mouth to form a smirk. "The test is changing. All eyes on the Field." Just as Junis had guessed, Ivysaur was clearly undergoing evolution. And right then and there while he was having sex with a human! It began to glow and all its color washed out, leaving only the pale silhouette of the Ivysaur. Its shape began to change, to expand and shift in this way and that until it now rested with its feet on either side of Anina, as large as tree trunks. His body umbrella'd hers, and as her screams suggested, the cock buried within her began to grow as well. Her pussy stretched to its limits as his growing cock gained more girth and length than what looked comfortable. When the bulb on his back finally blossomed into a massive flower, color returned to the creature that had transformed into an adult Venusaur.

It roared, drawing another scream from Anina, and resumed thrusting into her abused body. She moaned loudly and cried consistently, the Pokémon's waist crushing into her and his now massive balls impacting her body with each thrust.

"Can she take it?" Junis asked me with concern. It was a valid question, to be honest. A penis that huge was scary to look at, let alone image inside your body. I saw the engineer shake uncomfortably and the monitor had to remove his glasses as if to assure that what he was witnessing was real.

"She should be able to endure," I evaluated. "At least he had a chance to grow within her, he probably wouldn't have fit if we tried to start after he had evolved. Just keep an eye on her vitals."

We all fell quiet again and watched the scene, where Venusaur was now plowing hard into her. His penis had to be as thick as a grapefruit, and there was no way of knowing how deep into her he plunged. With each stroke he appeared to pull nearly all the way out before shoving back in to the hilt, resulting in a small splash of fluid and the wet noise of their copulation. Anina had not passed out but was trying hard not to, her gasps now cries that echoed around the room.

As we watched the Venusaur picked up speed and began using the wrapped Anina as a cocksleave that he thrust on and off his penis by way of his vines. All the fight gone out of her, the woman groaned in a high pitch and rode it out, her pussy sucking the massive veiny cock in and filling her completely. The Venusaur gave one final roar, tugged Anina as close as possible to his groin, and came.

Thick white globs of Pokémon cum gushed out of Anina around the huge member, forming a growing puddle beneath them. Anina shuddered and seemed to have an orgasm of her own as she moaned out and clenched around the Venusaur. As the creature came down from climax it panted heavily, then retracted his vines and dropped Anina into the pool of semen. She slid off his deflating penis, releasing a waterfall of cum that had been formerly restrained. It spilled out of her like a river, adding to the pool surrounding her and leaving her vagina agape and sensitive to the air. She lay there with clouded eyes, panting and aching. The Venusaur lumbered to her side and looked at her. "Saur," he said, making her jump. His long tongue protruded and licked her face, then wandered to the open panel that had opened and disappeared within as he had been trained. Anina looked after him blankly from the pool of thick white Venusaur cum, and began to cry.

I turned back towards the research team, all of them with gaping mouths and red faces. I knew I was blushing as well.

"Compile the data and have it in a report by this evening," I slowly told the monitor. He nodded.

I turned towards the engineer. "Send a clean-up team to the Field, and a hospitality team to wash and clothe Anina before sending her on her way." She nodded.

"Good job, team," I said, feeling my face burn again. I left the room with Junis hurrying behind me.

"That was amazing!" Junis raved from my office later that evening. I was at my desk sipping another coffee and going over the monitor's data report. "Who could have predicted an evolution mid-intercourse? He must have just needed a single experience point before he changed!" She was radiant, gushing over an identical report.

"And did you see that dick?" she grinned with a slight flush. "I thought she was going to tear in half!"

"Don't mix business and pleasure," I teased her, resulting in a pout. "It was unexpected, but we got a lot of data. And I don't think Anina the journalist will stick her nose where it doesn't belong again."

"Oh!" Junis cried. "I forgot. The hospitality team wanted to send the message to you that Anina wants to come back here."

"Did she not learn her lesson?" I asked, squinting.

"The opposite," Junis grinned. "She wants to come back as a customer. She wants to see that Venusaur again."

I paused, then smiled. "We can arrange that," I said, finishing my coffee.

I'll admit, again, that what I do is fucked up. But that doesn't mean it doesn't work.