Team Violet 4: Politics

Sybil and I stood quietly in the elevator as it climbed floor after floor. Though she wasn't wearing anything nearly as elaborate as the night Junis and I covered for her, she still looked regal and professional compared to my usual lab attire. Her...

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Team Violet 3: Questions

I sat at my desk twirling a pen in my fingers and neglecting the report in front of me. It was a slow day, I hadn't even needed to oversee any tests. I tried pacing the carpet for a moment, tried opening a few textbooks. Advanced Breeding Theories and...

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Team Violet 2: Business

Another sun set over Lumiose City, another night began to wash away the memory of the day. I was sitting at a table outside my favorite café, enjoying an evening meal while watching labor workers and business-types wearily return to their respective...

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Team Violet 1: Evolve

Before the story begins, let me just admit it. Yes, this was all very fucked up. It's not like I was a stranger to crime, I was a ranking operative under Giovanni for fuck's sake, but this was taboo. Or maybe not such as taboo as untapped business...

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Team Violet 9: Power

I couldn't sleep. Five star room service, world renowned cuisine, and luxuriously comfortable beds, but I still couldn't sleep. I was plagued with endless nightmares playing the destruction of all I knew on repeat. I kept seeing Ferris as he fell...

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Team Violet 8: Legacy

It goes without saying that humans are different from the Pokémon they control. All over the world people capture Pokémon from their natural habitats, training them to fight each other or work tasks that people can't do. For the most part, this...

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Team Violet 7: Limits

I burst my way into the testing facility, tugging my lab jacket on over my sweater. I had overslept and was afraid I was going to miss a scheduled test. I never missed an experiment and I didn't want to start now. However, when I arrived the room was...

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Team Violet 6: Harmony

Lumiose City was in a frenzy. In the timespan of just a few days, Team Flare showed its true hand, everyone's life was immediately in danger, and, just as quickly as the threat appeared, Lysandre was defeated and Team Flare disbanded. I said it before,...

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Team Violet 5: Bonds

Watercolor. Ink. Graphite. Paint. Art. It was my day off, and I still found myself at Lumiose City Museum like I did every other day of the week. Except this time I was standing in the actually museum itself and not somewhere deep within the...

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Team Violet 10: Infrared

"It's been a while," the woman's voice echoed around us as we broke into the room. She sat backwards on a wooden chair, her cold eyes locked on our approaching figures. A Skarmory hovered near her head while a Scyther paced back and forth, staring us...

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