What a Nightmare

Story by Boleynna on SoFurry

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It was 11:30 pm, I was closing up the store. Antique shops are interesting but can be boring if you have to sit on your ass for eleven hours a day while only one or two people would come in, browse and either buy something or leave because there was nothing interesting to see. I don't see the point in having one at a mall, as most people come to malls to see a movie or shop for clothes and make-up and music.

I grabbed my purse and headed for the door when a shadow ran across the glass. I thought it was a cat at first or a raccoon rummaging through the garbage so I kept going. I opened the door and closed it behind me, but as I put the key in the lock I heard a loud growl. I looked over my shoulder, the only light came from the street lamps, and I caught a glimpse of busy brown tail disappearing behind the garbage cans. A heard a low growling, it seemed to make me shake inside. I yanked the door open and closed it quickly just as a large wolf burst out from behind the cans. Trash was thrown everywhere, the creature loped toward the door. I backed away quickly, almost tripping over an elegant oak chair, and ran towards the entrance to the mall but I'd locked it. My only hope was the storage room. I fumbled for the right key, I found it but my hand was violently shaking and I kept missing the keyhole. I managed to unlock the door and dashed inside, slamming the door shut behind me.

There was an explosion of glass shattering, shelves breaking and porcelain smashing. Something heavy slammed against the storage room door, threatening to knock it off it's hinges. I pulled down shelves and boxes as I jumped back, trying to barricade the door. It budged a little and a large brown furry claw-like hand shot out and clawed at the wall and ripped a metal shelf apart. I jumped up on a wooden crate and pushed at the vent leading into the air conditioning duct. I struggled to pull myself up. I never should have stopped going to the gym! My ass and purse got stuck. I managed to pull myself through but I almost dropped my purse. As I pulled it up with me the creature reached up and clawed my purse. I backed up and turned around, with difficulty, and crawled away. I was sure someone would hear me, but thankfully the duct was too small for the creature to crawl up into. I could hear it growling and scratching at the vent.

I crawled and crawled but then the duct gave way and I was thrown to the hard floor below. It was crowded, the mall, but no one seemed to notice me dropping in. I heard more glass shatter and turned around to see the monster again. It was three times larger than a great Dane, covered in brown, black and white fur, with horrible yellow eyes and big teeth and claws, and saliva spraying everywhere. It rushed through the crowd, throwing people left and right but no one seemed to notice. Each time the people hit the ground they'd get right back up and keep walking as though nothing had happened.

I got to my feet and ran as fast as I could, or at least as fast as I could in heels. I ran towards Macy's, thinking I could lose the creature in the crowd and all the merchandise. I pushed past people, weaved in and out of the clothing racks, around the make-up counters. I tore down the escalators and towards the door leading into the parking garage. I slammed the door shut behind me and hid behind large van. Everything was silent, then I heard a low growling again. I heard the sound of claws scratching on the pavement. Why was the wolf only chasing me? It was like no matter where I went it would find me.

I crawled under the van just as the creature peered around the car and hid under a sedan. I saw it's large clawed feet, then it reached under the van and flipped it over like it was a toy. The van slammed into the sedan with the force of a cinder block. Glass broke, metal screeched and bent. I cried out and quickly slapped my hand over my mouth. I hoped the noise from the cars drowned out my cry.

I peeked out from under the sedan. The coast appeared clear, everything seemed quiet. I crawled out and knelt on the floor. The elevator was only a few yards away. I stood up silently and took a step forward, then there was a loud grunt. I spun around to see the creature perched on top of the smashed cars. I jumped and ran for the elevator but the creature beat me to it. I turned the other way and headed for a large hummer. I crawled underneath it just as the monster lashed out at me. It's claws caught my leg and tore my jeans. I cried out and bit my lip, tasting blood, my leg stung. I rolled under the car next to me, then the one after. The wolf flipped the cars aside like they were toys. I crawled under one car and it suddenly collapsed, almost crushing me. I burst into tears. Then someone grabbed my legs and yanked me out from under the car.

I felt its hot breath on my neck, its claws on my waist. Its tongue delved into my ear and I whimpered. Out of the corner of my eye I could see its manhood slithering out of its furry sheath, slick and glistening, precum dripped from the tip. The creature turned me onto my back and pinned me down. This was the end. It tore open my shirt and ripped apart my jeans. It tore my panties and bra in half. I shut my eyes tightly and clenched my teeth. The creature flicked its tongue over my breasts and licked up my neck and over my face. I felt it's manhood press up against my cunny, then I opened my eyes to find I was still in my own bed and in my room. It was only 2 am. I was sweating, it was freezing in my room. How did it get so cold? I didn't even turn on the air.

The phone rang. Who was calling me at this hour? I answered the phone, it was my boyfriend Lee.

"Hey baby!" he said cheerfully.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" I said lazily to him.

"Aw I'm sorry honey, did I wake you?" Lee asked.

"No, I was already awake, I had a weird dream," I said.

"Oh, what about?" Lee asked.

"I'll tell you in the morning," I said.

"Okay, night baby," Lee said, and kissed me through the phone.

I hung up and lay in bed, looking up at the ceiling. I opened the curtains. The streets were empty but for a few homeless guys sleeping outside on the sidewalk. The moon was very bright tonight and lit my room with a soft blue light.

I closed the curtains and turned on my lamp. I looked under the bed, then outside my bedroom, around the living room, the kitchen, then outside in the hall. Everything seemed clear. I needed something to calm me down. Tea? No. A shower, yes! That's what I needed.

I turned on the water and adjusted it to the right temperature. I tugged off my shift and pulled the curtain closed behind me. Ah yes, the water felt so good. Washing over my face and cascading down my body, warming me up and washing away the cold sweat. Then a dark shadow appeared behind the curtain.

"Lee?" I called.

The curtain was ripped away and the wolf leapt forward, slamming me against the wall. It's claws dug into me and it entered me. It hurt so much.

"No!" I screamed.

I dug my nails into the monster's back but it seemed to urge it on as it forced me to the floor. I reached for the curtain but the monster pinned my wrist down. It forced its member deep into me, threatening to rip me apart. It raked its claws over my breasts, it flicked its tongue over my face. The creature pinned my wrists above my head with one of its claws and brushed its free claw over my clit. Oh god make it stop! The wolf came with a loud grunt as it emptied its hot seed into me. I bit my lip, shutting my eyes tightly. I felt dizzy, the monster resumed its thrusting. Why wouldn't the nightmare stop?