A Dragons Rescue. Memories

Story by schlusky on SoFurry

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#2 of A Dragons Rescue

well this is coming along quickly isnt it?

"Dang! There goes another one!" Joe says as yet another fighter jet goes screaming low over the city into the mountains not too far away from the small town.

"I wonder what the hell is going on? Why do they need to send that many jets into the mountains. There can't really be that much of a bear problem" I comment dryly as I reach for a spanner mere millimeters out of my reach.

"I dunno. Why do you feel the need to build a dune buggy to go into the mountains to investigate?"

"because im a curious bastard alright? Now could you do me a favor and nudge that spanner?"

"this one?" Joe asks before kicking the spanner I was reaching for the other direction.

"joe you're a butthead" I snap as I crawl out from under the dune buggy to retrieve my spanner.

"and you're an idiot mike. You could rent a jeep to go into the mountains. You don't need to build this pile of junk"

"maybe I want to build a pile of junk. At least I can say I built something. Or even change my own spark plugs. That's more than you can say eh?" I reply tauntingly as I crawl back under the buggy and go back to work.

"oh shut up. At least I pay you to change the plugs on my car" joe retorts.

"not nearly enough for how much trouble I go through. Remember last time?"

"and that's why you change them now"

"never seen someone get a spark plug in so crooked. And you wonder why I don't want your help with my projects."

"dude, not cool"

"I never said the truth was fun buddy. I like my projects to be done right. Do you have any idea how pissed id have been if youd have done that to the truck I built a couple years ago with that 572 big block chev? That seven thousand dollar engine? Yeah. You'd have been paying for that. So shut up joe" I snap in frustration as the bolt im tightening strips.

"well then... perhaps I should just go away for a while?"

"not to be a jerk, but that would be most desireable right now" I reply tensely as I continue to bolt the transmission into place.

"really wish you were a little less testy when you worked on your projects" joe comments dryly as he walks away.

"maybe if you picked up a spanner and worked on something yourself you would understand the frustration that leads me to be so short tempered" I snap as I continue to work on the dune buggy. I crawl out from under the machine and begin to connect hoses and wires to appropriate devices, working late into the night before going to bed. I wonder what I will find in the mountains tomorrow. I lay down, a single idle though crossing my mind as I pass out. Strange things litter my dreams throughout the night, a cat's purr waking me several times throughout the night. Finally, I get out of bed and throw on a pair of pants and return to the garage to finish the dune buggy. "damn cat. Cant you ever shut up? Just one night? Once?.... no. no you cant. You're a cat. Its your job to be a cute annoying bastard... at least ive got coffee" I mutter, thinking aloud as I finish the vehicle and go back inside to pack. "lets see now.... Flashlight. Bandages. The silver flask." I cringe as I reach for a silver flask engraved with three numbers. "rope. Pocket knife. Matches. Hmmm... I know im forgetting something...."

"what about spare socks. Or clothes and climbing gear. You haven't forgotten what happened to cody have you?"

"no Sarven, I haven't forgotten... how could I forget?" I ask solemnly.

"I... I didn't mean it like that mike. I just don't want anything to happen to you too"

"I know Sarven. I know." I stand up and walk over to the cyan anthro standing in the door and hug him. "if anyone knows how much it hurt to lose cody it is you"

"Just don't let the same thing happen to you. And remember to wear that impact vest. If it can protect you in a motorcycle crash it can probably protect you if you slip up in the mountains" Sarven says as he pads away to the kitchen. I sigh and continue to pack my bag before pulling on my second hand military uniform and impact vest. I walk outside and begin to pack the dune buggy, making one last check to make sure everything is packed right and the vehicle properly assembled. "not going to eat breakfast before you go?" Sarven asks, once again standing in the door.

"of course im going to eat before I go... you sure your alright?" I ask concerned.

"what do you think? My mate is going into the same mountain range that has claimed my adoptive brother. Your all ive got left" Sarven chokes out. I walk over and hug Sarven tight and whisper in his ear.

"im coming home Sarven. Nothing will keep me in those mountains. Ill be back tomorrow in time for dinner, I promise"


"I'll be home in time to take you out to the fancy steak house you like so much"

"The one on the west side of the city?" Sarven asks excitedly.

"yep. The one in the city. Not the greasy spoon here in town" I say with a grin.

"kinda hard to argue with that" Sarven says with a giggle.

"see? I will be alright" I say as I kiss his cheek. "wish me luck" I let go of Sarven and hop into the dune buggy and cringe as I turn the key, half expecting something to blow up or break down. I open my eyes and laugh in surprise when the engine starts the first try without any trouble. "hahahaha see? First try and it started!" As I say that the engine stops again. ".... Damn it."

"why do you go and say stuff like that? You only jinx yourself" Sarven says with a chukle.

"wait wait wait, I got this" I turn the key again and the engine roars to life once more. I shift into reverse and there is a heavy clunk as the buggy lurches backwards. "hahahahahaha it works" I back out of the garage and the engine stalls again. "... screw it lets go eat breakfast" I say in frustration as I climb out of the buggy after putting it in park.

"breakfast is on the table. You go inside, ill get your buggy running" Sarven says with a giggle as I walk past him into the house. As I sit down at the table I hear the buggy once more roar to life, and stay running as Sarven pads into the house with a smug grin.

"how is it you do that every single time?" I ask in exasperation

"Because you make the same mistake every single time"

"which is?"

"the fuel pump. You never wire it up. Its there for a reason but you don't use it" I pause to think for a minute before realizing that Sarven is right. Once again I have forgotten to connect the fuel pump to the power source.

"oh...right... " I look down at my plate before picking up a fork and eating.

"take care of yourself out there. I don't want you getting hurt" Sarven says as I climb into the dune buggy.

"I'll be fine" I say with a smile. I wave as I pull out of the drive way.

I wake with a start, panicking for a moment before remembering where I am. Slowly, I relax and press against Saleri, listening to the rhythmic thump of his heartbeat in his sleep. I need to get home... what is Sarven going to think when I bring home a feral dragon?

A Dragons Rescue. The Encounter

"You're bat shit crazy you know that?" the question rang out from the small headset resting on the rocks mere inches from my head. "Mike? You there buddy?" the questions continued, the voice sounding distant as everything slowly faded into...

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"You're bat shit crazy you know that?" the question rang out from the small headset resting on the rocks mere inches from my head. "Mike? You there buddy?" the questions continued, the voice sounding distant as everything slowly faded into...


Torment and Misery: The First Day

I sigh in defeat as I realize just how helpless I am. "What misery do you have planned for the day?" I ask mockingly. "I was thinking something along the lines of a nice drive through the country side, maybe lunch at a fancy restaurant . I'd like to...

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