Streetwise, Part 4.

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#4 of Streetwise

Here is the long awaited Chapter 4 of Streetwise, hope everyone likes it and will comment, fave and vote accordingly, lol.

Streetwise.Part 4.

Written by: Wolfie Steel.

I turn on the shower and wait for it to reach a decent temperature, I look at Daniel and I can see that he is shivering again, I know that he is still nervous about what is about to happen but I also know that he is probably shivering from being naked, the air conditioning in the bathroom obviously not helping matters one bit.

Once the shower is warm enough I gently take Daniel's paw in my own and lead him into the shower cubicle, as soon as the water hits our fur we both let out a satisfied moan. We stand under the stream for a minute or two before I take the shower soap and pour some into the palm of my paw.

"Now then Dan, don't be frightened, I am going to clean your fur, I know that you can do it yourself, but this way at least you will learn to trust me a little more, and once I have done you, you can then clean me if you want, but if you aren't ready for this then tell me now and we will just clean ourselves, there is absolutely no pressure"

I slowly allow my paw to make contact with Daniel's fur and there is a momentary shudder but he does not back away, and so I take this as a sign that he is starting to feel a little more comfortable with me touching him. Oh I know that I probably have a long way to go before I can fuck his brains out at will, but I am willing to take puppy steps to reach my eventual goal.

Now using both paws I massage Daniel's fur clean, moving slowly in a non-threatening way down his chest, making sure to get the soap everywhere, even under his armpits. I massage over his nipples which earns me another soft moan, so that is obviously one of his G spots, I then venture down towards his crotch area.

I stop just above where his pubic hair begins knowing that if I go any further without permission I could blow any trust that he has built up for me.

"Okay Daniel you now have a choice, either you can let me continue knowing that I will be messing with your private parts, or I can stop and you can do that yourself, it is entirely your choice"

Daniel looks down at me and nods slightly.

"Jason, you said it yourself, I have to get used to you touching me in my sensitive places, so as long as you are gentle then I say go for it"

Well there it is, my green light to go further, but I also know that I have to use light and gentle touches, because if I am too rough then Daniel's defences will go up instantly and I will be seen as just another street perv.

I know what you are all thinking, yeah a Doberman with soft and sensitive touches who is he kidding, but I know how to be gentle, it was how I built up my trust for Josh, when we had our first shower together he did exactly the same thing that I am doing for Daniel now.

Using my left paw I gently lift Daniel's member so that I can clean around his sack, of course this has the embarrassing effect of giving Daniel the start of a boner, I know that he is embarrassed about it because the heat from his body has just shot up in temperature, but I ignore this and continue to clean around his sack, I know that pretty soon I will have to clean his shaft which will give him an even bigger bout of embarrassment, but it is something that has to be done, I know it and so does Daniel.

I finish cleaning around Daniel's ball sack and then I slowly move to his member, okay this is it, no going back now, I begin to massage another pawful of soap around his sheath and the inevitable happens, god damn this guy has an impressive cock, I sure as hell wouldn't feel embarrassed by it, at least seven inches long by three inches in girth. They say that anything more than a mouthful is a waste, and let me tell you, Daniel has the right size for a mouthful, but I cannot think about that now, I need to keep Daniel's trust levels where they are.

I finish up washing Daniel's sheath and then move to the front and insides of his legs, my muzzle is still just inches away from his Sheppy hard on but I must resist the urge to even give it a lick. Once the fronts of his legs are clean I look up at Daniel.

"Okay Daniel you're doing so well, now I need you to go for another leap of faith and turn around so that I can clean your back and tail, again that is also going to involve me getting between your butt cheeks, but if I'm to give you a good cleaning then it is something I need to do"

Without words Daniel turns around and then leans up against the wall of the shower cubicle, it seems that because I am keeping him informed of what I am doing and why I am doing it that Daniel's trust in me is still intact. Again I pour another pawful of soap into my paw and begin to work down Daniel's back, working the soap deep into his fur as I did with his front.

Suddenly I find myself facing Daniel's butt and now it is my turn to be embarrassed as the sight of such a beautiful ass gives me a boner of my own, man I could just lose myself between those succulent cheeks, but again I have to use every ounce of will power to stop myself from taking him there and then.

I try to put those thoughts out of my mind as I begin to clean Daniel's tail, as I clean it I raise it slightly so that I can get to the underside, I notice that there is traces of dried blood, more than likely from the last lot of abuse that he suffered from his so called foster parents, I let out a soft growl but then continue with the tail cleaning, making sure to get all the traces of blood out.

"Okay Daniel, this is now going to be a little strange at first, but I want you to spread your legs as wide as they can go so that I can clean between your butt cheeks, now obviously this time I am going to need to be a little more vigorous with my cleaning so if that causes you a problem tell me now and I will go no further"

Daniel looks over his left shoulder at me.

"Jas, now that you have done my tail, you have probably seen some blood down there, I want you to give my butt cheeks a damn good cleaning because I don't want any traces of my foster dad left, I want to be totally clean just for you and Josh"

Daniel spreads his legs as far as they will go while I get another pawful of soap, suddenly there it is, the money shot, but again I have to put it to the back of my mind as I begin to clean between his butt cheeks.

After moments of pained growls and soft whimpers I finish cleaning Daniel's butt, I know that at the moment he is probably a little sore but he will soon reap the benefits. I finish off the clean with the back of his legs and then I stand up and gently turn him around to face me, my heart breaks as I see tears in his eyes, he truly had been brave while I was cleaning him.

"I'm sorry Dan, I didn't want to make you cry, but I had to do what I did to make you feel more comfortable and clean"

Daniel shakily leans forward and gives me one of the sweetest licks on my left cheek.

"Jason, you have given me back at least some of my dignity, sure I feel sore at the moment, but I know that you care about me and want me to be happy, so don't worry about these tears of mine, I know that what you did was needed, unlike my asshole foster dad who did what he did because he could"

To lighten the mood I chuckle a little.

"Well Danny boy, you get to exact your revenge on me now by washing me, that is if you want to of course?"

Daniel giggles and sniffs back his tears as he sets to work in cleaning my fur, I know that he is still so very nervous of me and so I give him access to all areas of my body, well let's face it, he did the same for me so it is only right that I return the favour.

We both shower off the soap from our bodies and look at the water that is going down the drain, it is almost black with grime and filth, but soon the water runs clear and I turn around to shut the shower off.

We both get out of the shower, I give Daniel a towel so that he can get the worst of the water from his fur, as I am a short furred Dobie I don't need a towel, just a five minute blast in the fur drying cubicle.

Once I am dry, Daniel takes my place in the fur dryer and completely dries the rest of his fur. A much more confident German Shepherd steps from the fur dryer and we both head towards our room where what is left of our clothes are waiting for us.

Once we are dressed we both head down to the living room to pass the time away until Josh returns home from his surgery, we sit next to each other watching daytime TV, and pretty soon Daniel is laying on the couch with his head in my lap.

I gently stroke his fur and I can tell that Daniel is now in his happy place, he is contented as am I, we have both been through the mill in our lives and now we have found each other, and to say that Josh is also now going to adopt us both, things really are looking up for us.