A dragon's folly

Story by Dalkorrd Malvolio on SoFurry

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#13 of Others' works.

Art Copyright: Floatthelemur

Story Copyright: zanian

Just a little something for halloween. I get more into the halloween spirit than the Christmas spirit. ^^;; (Might be because you don't have to buy presents, just candy and costume stuff.)

Riches, fame, glory; it was a small portion of what nobility could provide to those that were fortunate enough to be part of it. But was always enough for those that inhabited those spheres?

Tyr Wygon was one of those lucky people; basking in riches, noble by birth, he had to worry about, but there was something missing. All the possessions he had seemed empty; there was an element missing in his life, the spark of excitement was gone. He could perhaps go on a journey, to let his boredom be riddled away by the discoveries he would face, but why should he do such a thing?

It would require him to actually move out his comfort, to strike out his security and to face the unknown; if there was a way to experience this, without him having to leave everything behind, he could go behind it, but until them, he would have to make the difficult choice...

He didn't take much time reflecting on the issue; he had to see new horizons, to discover original thoughts before going back home. He heard rumours of a strange site, where people disappeared and never came back; he could start by that place, to see if these legends were indeed true or not.

Of course, there was always a risk that it could lead him to some sort of bandit hideout, where he could meet a temporary demise. But again, it wasn't an element he was afraid of; death was only a phase, for he could regenerate at an impressive rate. Of course, fire and acid were elements he was afraid of; they could destroy the tissues completely, not giving him the chance to see the light of life once more.

He left the city; he didn't care much about the people who lived in it, for now. Sure, in another moment, it could have plenty of purposes, but for now, his mind was elsewhere. Perhaps he could indulge some little desire before leaving, like a farewell to the city, but that would be pointless; it's not like he wouldn't be back, filled with more desires and envies, needing someone to unload them...

He wasn't sure of where to head out; he knew the general direction, but the route itself was a mystery, something he needed to figure out on his own. It was perhaps a way for fate to fight off his boredom, a way to stimulate him instead of numbing his mind even further.

As he moved away from the city, his mind wandered around, questioning the goal of such an endeavor; why was he even exploring the environment in the first place? Wasn't he an aristocrat in the first place? Why should he have to lower himself by doing such a low act in the first place?

He tilted his head for a moment; why was he thinking such a thing? He wasn't lowering himself by exploring; there were a chance that he could even increase his own personal glory and wealth by doing such a quest. The little peril that accompanied such a trip was only a normal detail he had to deal with it or ignore...

It wasn't like the peasants would care about his adventure anyway; they would continue to work at the office, without a care in the word. For the others in his rank, he would be tossing them a challenge, one that not a lot would be able to accept...

It has been a long time he didn't have the chance to be one with nature like that; to feel the soft breeze on his scales, to see the beauty of the forest that called for him... He knew it was temporary but still, there were plenty of elements he could enjoy, until his exploration would be completed.

All he saw were trees; there many essences he didn't know about, but this wasn't the purpose of his voyage. Sure, gathering more knowledge was something that he couldn't spit on, but it was a mere distraction, in comparison of his real quest. There were plenty of things he could learn by going down that cave, after all. Knowledge that could complement what he already knew about the outside world and especially the vegetation that composed it.

There it was, in the middle of what seemed to be oddly shaped debris and torn away trees. It gave the impression that a supernatural strength came that way, ravaging everything in its path before sinking into the ground, to disappear from sight. Was the tunnel dangerous, as perilous as the outside, as was it simply the passage of time that carved this unique façade, one that could disturb those that walk around?

He wasn't in the mood to ponder such questions; the tunnel entrance was too tempting for him not to enter. Without a word, he ventured toward the darkness, wondering if he was taking the right decision to wonder inside without a light.

He was a lucky fool; there were phosphorescent mushrooms growing on the wall of the cave, giving him a weak but sufficient light. With time, his vision would adapt to these conditions, making his situation easier but for now, he would have to deal with a limited vision and movement, not desiring to walk to far away.

He could feel a presence near him, as if something, or someone, was following him. It was probable paranoia setting in; there were no chance of such a thing, for the cave was closed, having only one entry. Of course, a denizen of it could be stalking him, but what sort of being could be living here? From he heard, nothing could really survive in the environment that prospered in it.

The sounds that he heard, the one that were coming closer to him were probable the one of a small animal; there were plenty of nuisance and pest that used this cave as a temporary shelter than left it. He was only in the way...

But there was something wrong with the sounds... they seemed produced by a bigger but at the same time, quieter, as if they were silenced. It was probably the acoustic of the cave that produced such a thing, although the idea of a predator trying to stalk him was rising in his mind, not that he was enjoying such a thought, to be hunted down and ripped apart by a creature he wouldn't be able to see...

He could always turn back; there was no shame in pretending that he explored the cave while he never did such a thing, or, at least, go back, gather some much-needed items and come back, to assure his own safety. He considered himself a fool to have left his mansion without anything to defend himself; he wasn't afraid of the wildlife, but if rogues, brigands or enraged beasts would cross his path, what could he do? Why did he forget the potions that were made for him, the one that permitted him to regenerate at an incredible rate; not that he really needed one right now, for the effects could last a few days, but what would happen if would be trapped for a month?

He could swear he swear he saw something drip from the ceiling; it was probably a river, that passed on top of this natural formation that caused such phenomenon. Although that water seemed heavier than normal, he couldn't let such a thing terrify him. There were a lot of things he didn't know about nature; the consistency of water in all situations were one of these elements, giving a reason not to question the environment surrounding him.

As he started to turn around, determined to backtrack and leave this obscure and sinister cave, he heard a soft sound behind him, as if something felt on the ground. It could be a rock falling from the wall of the cavern, or a pest scampering about; neither of those things should really be frightening, but again, he had to be sure that it was indeed something inoffensive.

As he turned around, he realized that his perception of the situation was wrong; he was hoping that it was nothing, a pure hallucination on his part or the result of little pests scampering away, tearing apart the ground. There was a being standing behind him; he wondered how such a beast succeeded in sneaking behind him, without raising his suspicions.

It was the first time he saw such a being; it seemed like something out of a nightmare, or at least, out of a distorted imagination. The life form that stood in front of him had no eye; it was blind, or perhaps it could see, but he didn't want to test that hypothesis further.

It looked dangerous; armed with claws and a bladed tail, it seemed like a living weapon, a being made for hunting and killing. The skin that covered it gave him the impression of looking at a bug for a moment, one that would have evolved in a strange, yet deadly way; it was shiny, yet it looked sturdy, made to protect the creature from blows, like any exoskeleton would.

He expected the entity to attack him, to maul him, but there it stood, watching him; maybe it was protecting a lair, stopping him from advancing further ahead. It could explain why it wasn't moving but just threatening him; he just had to move back and retreat, to give the space that this monster needed.

It was at this moment that the alien strike him, hitting him on the side of the head; the blow send him flying on the wall, knocking him unconscious. The last thing he wondered, before everything went black was how such a creature could be that powerful...

As he opened his eyes, he checked around, to make sure he was still alive; it was an impressive sight to see that he was indeed still alive and in one piece. It seemed like that the being that captured him didn't have any murderous intentions toward him, for the moment, but it still dragged him deeper in the cave. He was surprised that such a cave could be that deep; maybe it could even go further, but no one ever explored it before, making such assumption baseless, or, in the best of situations, mere fantasies.

What purpose would his presence in this region of the cave would accomplish? The creature was nowhere to be seen, and he was still alive; what was the purpose of such an act? It didn't make any sense at all...

He waited there for a while, sure that the being would emerge from the darkness, ready to tear him asunder, to rip him to shreds, but nothing happened. Perhaps the monster already did something to him, while he was unconscious; he wasn't sure how that was possible, but he had to make sure before leaving.

He inspected the ground under him and near him, to see if there was anything suspicious lying around; much to his dismay, he found nothing, as if the entity that brought him here had no plans at all. There was another possibility, but it was one he didn't want to think about, although it was always possible...

Without hesitating, he inspected himself, to make sure that the theory he had in mind was just a mere illusion. The results of his inspection were the same as the first one; he wondered why he had such a thought in the first place. After all, how could a genderless, sexless entity be able to rape him? Of course, it could use items to do so, but how could a beast be able to do such a thing in the first place? Would that be giving too much credit to a beast that is probably just following its own instinct...

As he tried to leave the natural formation, he saw the creature emerge from the darkness once again, to block his path. Like the last time, it wasn't aggressive, but it was following a plan he didn't understand. Perhaps he could try to dodge and outrun it, but again he would then get lost in the cave. The alien could then find him easily and bring him back, or, with luck, he could escape and never come back, but the possibilities were so low that he didn't want to test the luck..

He didn't expect to see more of these creatures gather around the one that blocked his path; it's true that one individual, acting alone, cut away from the world was a rare exception, something he shouldn't have counted on in the first place. His plan was now a suicidal idea, one he could contemplate with a chuckle; he was a fool that didn't listen to safety nor practical ideas, the ones that could have saved him...

As they advanced on him, he closed his eyes; he couldn't resist to the numerous beasts that were upon him. He felt their hands on him as he lifted a bit from the ground and dragged away from his initial waiting spot; why would they bring him deeper in the entrails of the earth was beneath him, but he knew that there was no point in resisting. They were too strong for him, a fact that was already tested on him...

It felt strange to be dragged in such a way; he felt like a puppet, in the hands of many puppeteers that were planning something beyond his comprehension. He was happy to be still alive, but for how long such a state would be possible? He doubted that they would let him alive for long; they were predators, not scientists nor mere collectors, seeking amusement in knowledge or gathering exotic items.

The tunnels they made him cross were darker than the one he entered in the first place; the vegetation didn't seem to enjoy the conditions that were present in the level he was now in. Perhaps it was too much to ask to see such a thing, but he wondered from where the light came from, if it didn't come from the mushrooms...

He looked around, as much as his position permitted him to; there seemed to be some sort of crashed material around, as if something landed here without having the time to stop properly, fragmenting upon impact. It was some sort of miracle that some of the parts were still in use, able to perform their function without failing. It was even more surprising that these creatures were able to understand how these devices were made and how they functioned in the first place.

They tossed him on the ground, like a duffel bag; he was grateful that he wasn't injured by that, but why did they brought him here in the first place? It didn't seem like an appropriate place for a slaughter ground, nor one that could serve a special purpose, unless he missed an element when he tried to observe the environment; perhaps there was something hidden in one the darker corners...

He was surrounded; he could always try to fly away, a fool hazard in such an environment, but he knew that they would simply grab his leg or tail and yank him back to the ground, making him regret his decision. He awaited the first one to strike him, to attack him, to finish the ordeal he was in, but nothing of the sort happened.

Instead, as he saw the first one approach, he could feel the beast pin him gently on the ground, making sure that he wouldn't move. He closed his eye, hoping that it would be quick; instead, all he felt was a gentle breeze, when his clothing were ripped apart, the claws of the creature passing through them.

Why would it do such a thing? Why didn't attack him? There he was, exposed to any possible assaults, but the one that was holding didn't do anything, preferring to observe him for a moment, passing its hands on his chest.

The touch was strange; the contact of the chitinous hide on his scales, the one between his hardened plates, was a sensation he never felt in his life, but it wasn't one he disliked. The situation itself made the exploration unpleasant; if it could in another time, another place, he could be enjoying it, but this wasn't the case, making this more of a traumatic even then anything else. Perhaps he was overreacting to this, to the curiosity of beings he didn't understand...

Curiosity in itself was a fine thing, an element he could have found remarkable; it was a sign that these beings weren't as savages as he thought in the first place. It was somewhat a comforting thought, for he had the feeling that they wouldn't devour him now.

Or would they? Being curious wouldn't stop them from being uncultured or simply hungry; there were things in life he had to be careful with, especially those that could cost him his life in the first place. But since he had no other choice but to let himself be the subject of their will, for he lacked the power and the strategies to escape the situation he was in, resignation was indeed the only thing he could face.

He felt the hands of the creature explore him, passing from his chest toward his loin; it was always possible that it would be a mistake from the being, one that it made while trying to figure out what way to follow...

Or that's what he thought, until he felt the hand caress his loins, passing on the top of his sheath, teasing the flesh; it was strange that such a being would try to arouse him, but he wasn't able to read its mind, to understand why it was doing such a thing.

He wanted to fight his body, to fight the urge that was rising in him but he was unable to do it, looking in disbelief as he saw his shaft slowly raise, the exploration and the caress of the alien having a stronger effect on him than he expected.

A vision passed in his mind, for a moment; if the monster didn't expected such a reaction and was threatened by it, it could react in a rather drastic way, one that he didn't want to imagine. He enjoyed being a male and having it ripped away wasn't something that he was looking forward to.

He looked at the creature, to make sure it wasn't turning aggressive, but the reaction he saw wasn't one he expected at all. He could clearly see that the being in question was now as excited as he was, a state he never thought possible in the first place. It meant that they weren't genderless as they appeared, but males, for the other ones surrounding him seemed to enjoy the show, not hiding their gender anymore. Not that it was a sight that he disliked; to see a member out of this world, of a color he never thought possible in the first place, that invited so many ways to explore it... He wondered what it felt in his hand, what it would taste like when he would explore it with his tongue...

So many possibilities, so many desires invaded him, but he knew that he couldn't follow all of them without facing some sort of repercussion in the end; after all, he couldn't hope to simply perform it and then escape everything after it.

He closed his eyes a moment, hoping that this was all a dream, but he felt the creature grab his member gently, to stroke in a slow yet steady pace, he realized that this wasn't a dream at all but something that could very well be one of his deepest, darkest fantasies.

A digit teased his tail hole, making him realize that the teasing wouldn't be the only thing that this being would perform on him today.

He felt the digit enters him, teasing the flesh, testing his resistance; he grinded his teeth as it went deeper, prying the flesh open. He was grateful that the claw wasn't tearing him apart, but the alien wasn't gentle; it was preparing him, but not giving him the sensations he seek and desired.

He wished that the being would be gentle, would take its time with him, but he feared that it had other plans and motives toward him. He wanted to voice them, but he was afraid it could attract the attention of the others...

He could feel the tip of the creature's member tease his hole, making close his eyes once again, wishing it would stop there. It seemed to enjoy the sensation, as it took his time, teasing the flesh, feeling the body resist his intrusion as he was testing the patience and the strength of the male pinned on the ground.

Without warning, he trusted in his prey, feeling the body resist a bit to his intrusion; it was warm and tight, inviting him to push harder and faster, but there were so much to enjoy, to savor before it would... get messy...

He could feel that member in him, the thrusts being soft and explorative at first; the violent, painful first contact was now gone and now he could enjoy the sensation of the foreign flesh inside of him.

It was a strange, yet wonderful sensation; the feeling of the alien flesh prodding deeper in him, the heat, the way it reacted to his movements... There were so much that made him realized that this was indeed a wonderful thing, but the way it was imposed on him removed the magic from it. Only if he could refocus his mind from the act itself, so he would be able to let the pleasure rise in him without interruption.

The beast accelerated his rhythm; he moved a bit, to feel the member go deeper in him, to accept more of the shaft in his own flesh. He thought that the being would be fast and careless, but he was wrong; the pace was slow, as the hands of the creature were exploring him, making sure that he was still having no second thoughts.

As the first entity seemed to pleasure in exploring him, he felt hands caressing his head, forcing him to look in another direction. He wasn't sure if he should do such a thing, but there was nothing he had to lose by doing such a thing, especially in the position he was now; after all, none would hurt him...

He turned his head and saw a member waiting for him, near his maw; it was a tempting sight, one that he could enjoy. He gave it a soft lick, letting his tongue discover the texture of the alien flesh before the creature pushed it in his maw, making him gag a bit, the flavor overwhelming his senses for a moment.

He wrapped his tongue around the member that was now invading his maw; it was bigger than it seemed, but the size was nothing he was worried about it, nor an element that his mind took long to contemplate.

The flesh was bringing him a flavor he never tasted in his life before; it was sweeter than nectar and yet, it was glorious, imposing itself. It was a taste that he knew that his mind would crave soon after, one that was harsher than any drug. It was the essence itself of life, but an essence that could bring him to his knees.

He was taken in both holes, an exploit that he enjoyed; the sensation of being used for mere pleasure, as he could feel the member enter him, trying to go deeper, was beyond his comprehension, but it was indeed wonderful. He couldn't moan nor move, but this was the position he belonged, filled by creatures that escaped his comprehension; there were so many around him, would they all take him? Would they all breed him, one after the other, or would they have another plan for him?

He felt the pace of the monster ramming him changing the rhythm, accelerate both of them using him without giving him the chance to either deep throat or impale himself. He could have complained about such a thing, but in the moment, only the pleasure mattered; he was being used and even though he had a rank to protect, he enjoyed it. There was a part of him that desired this position, to be lowered, treated like this, used and toyed without any pity.

Perhaps the beings at pity for him, or they wanted him to fully enjoy his position, as another one approached him; he wondered why he was getting closer to him, but his purpose was easy to understand when he saw him in action.

The creature grabbed his malehood, passing a single digit on it, feeling the pulsation that running deep in it before he gave a quick squeeze; it was a delicious pain, as it wasn't strong enough to hurt him, but just enough to make him realize that he was truly in their mercy, a mere slave of their desire.

The pressure gave in to a gentler stroking, as the being seemed to enjoy the reaction he was provoking. His senses were overstimulated; there were so much going on, too much for him to bear but he didn't want to give in just yet. Their pleasure was rising in him, but he was fighting it; he didn't want to give in too early, while there plenty to enjoy.

But it didn't seemed like the aliens had the same plan in mind, as the one thrusting in him added strength to his strikes while the one stroking him increased his pace, making him realized that his resistance was futile.

He felt the thrusts in him become erratic, a sign that the one breeding him was nearly done, closing to his own, while he could feel the hand stroking him accelerate once again, feeling that his edge was coming close. With a roar, the creature came in him, filling him with his seeds; each shot was a warm ray inside of him, making him realize how wonderful it was, to be used as a mere recipient...

As he felt the first male release, the rhythm of the second one became erratic, the pulsation of his member tingling his tongue. He expected the creature to end it soon, but it seemed like it was enjoying the position, willingly stopping his own progression, to maximize the pleasure it could get from this.

But he couldn't let him have its way for too long; he couldn't let his control escape him for such a long moment. But this wasn't the only reason he had in mind; how could he resist the urge to warp his tongue against the succulent member that was his maw, the one that was making him drool?

Without giving him a moment to react, the monster grabbed his head and thrusted a final time in his maw, filling him with the essence he was waiting for. It was sweet and powerful, a liquor that went to his head as he drank, licking the member clean, wondering if the flesh would ever grace him more of the delicious ambrosia.

The other one was still tugging at his member, not satisfied that he didn't came yet; he could feel the desire rise in him, but he wanted to hold it, to take his time, so he prolong the bliss he was experimenting. The touch was firm and yet gentle, as if the being wasn't there to hurt him, but to make sure he would feel pleasure but obey at the same time; the addition of speed and pressure where only elements that made the ordeal a delicious torment, that could have robbed him of his will.

He welcomed the orgasm that shaked his body; he wondered if the entity was pleasant by the result it encountered, but at least, the stroking was now over, meaning that his objective was now complete, for the time being. Or was it really, as the creature teased him, pinching the tip of his shaft, testing his reactions.

He looked at the monsters surrounding him, observing him; he wondered what they wanted with next. Perhaps they were waiting for a new group to take over, or for a signal that escape his grasp.

Or it was something else; he could always try to get up and leave, but he had the feeling it wouldn't be the smartest thing to do. Since some of them were satisfied, nothing could stop them from attacking him now, unless they had a plan in mind, an element he wanted to avoid thinking about.

Being used for sex was one thing, but for other purpose was another; he didn't want to end up in a darker tunnel, unable to move, munched on or serving as a breeding vessel to support future generations. Of course, he could always generate between assaults, but the perspective was beneath him, an element that he didn't wished could even be in the realm of the possibilities that were presented in the front of him.

He suddenly felt pressure once again on his shaft, the entity grabbing his now sensitive member, making him groan in surprise. The alien passed a digit on the body, rubbing the head for a while, pinching it while bending it; more he tried to move away, harder was the grip on his genitals, making him stay put on the torture going on.

The more noises he produced, the more the creature stroked and grabbed his member, making his yelped in response; it was a vicious, one that he knew he wouldn't be able to escape that easily.

The other entities approached him, making him nervous for a moment; what would they do to him? Another pressure, while his shaft was being bended once again, made him forget his troubles for a moment; the pain was getting on the limits of being tolerable, but at the same time, it was proving to be quite exciting. There was something quite arousing in the even that was unfolding just in front of him; if it was in safer environment, he would have been in heaven, or at least, relieved.

But the pressure was increasing on his member, making him nervous; if the creature would continue to do such a thing, it could provoke a lot of damage in his most important area, a future he wanted to avoid. But again, how could he avoid it? He wasn't strong enough to repulse nor escape them.

The beast moved his hand, placing it on his chest, making sure he wouldn't move anymore; he wasn't sure why it was doing such a thing, but there it was, securing him on the ground, still tugging with his member.

Without any warning, the creature gripped it and pulled; he could feel the flesh and skin resist a moment, until he heard a frightening sound, while a horrendous pain was now flowing thru him. He was afraid to look down, to look at what the monster was doing to him, but he knew he would have to do it...

He didn't need to look down, as the alien held his member in the air, a trophy of his recent endeavor; it was a miracle that he didn't fainted. It must have been because of his peculiar biology, the one that permitted him to regenerate quickly from lethal injuries; but it didn't permit him to regrowth members...

He wondered if the shock would kill him, or if the blood loss would be enough; sure, he would rise again, but the creature would once again have their way with him, a fate he wanted to avoid, but how could he outrun them now, since he injured gravely?

It was strange to see the entity caress his member, stroking it, as if he was trying to make it erect once again; at least he didn't eat it, a fact that appeased his mind for moment, but he wasn't too happy when the being approached the member near his lips, trying to make him lick it. It was quite morbid in his view and he couldn't understand why the creature wanted him to do such a thing.

His refusal to partake in the action that the alien was forcing on him seemed to displease the crowd watching him; he was already castrated, less of a male. What worst could happen to him? He noticed that one of them was wandering in the back, searching in the crates and the diverse residues, as if he was seeking a specific item.

The being passed his hand on his chest, caressing the plates that were covering him; without a sound, he ripped them apart, tossing each useless organic residue behind him. It was like a game; faster the being went, the more excited the entity seemed to be. But it wasn't a game for him; the pain was sharp for each removal, not as intolerable as the castration, but still, it was an element he could have lived without.

The creatures surrounded him, making him suddenly nervous; he didn't have the strength to resist their assault, if his presence wasn't necessary anymore. They grabbed his arms and legs, pulling them a bit; he tried to resist the assault for a moment, but his power wasn't enough to free himself from their grasp.

As they had a firm grasp on his members, they continued pulling, annoying him at first, then hurting him further and further; he could feel his muscles rip apart, the flesh tearing away, while his body was trying to hold them together.

He wanted to scream of how painful it was, but it was at this time that one of the beings showed his shaft in his maw, to silence him. The taste disgusted him, but he didn't want to spit it out, to feel the wrath of the creature upon him.

He heard a loud crack, feeling blood flowing from his torso; he could see them waving his arms and legs in the airs, pondering what they could do with them. Given enough time, he could find a way to attach them, but his mind was lost in the pain and the blood lost; he was feeling dizzy, nauseous, but, by a miracle, he was still alive and conscious, an element that he cursed upon his biology.

He wondered what they were going to do to him next; he could still be used, or devoured, but the realm of action were now pretty limited, as he was now limbless, the pain stopping him from thinking rationality.

When he felt hand on his head, he started to panic; he had a feeling that it would end a very bad way, but there nothing he could do against it anymore. He hoped that they would pull on his neck that same that tried with his arms and legs; he didn't want to have this pain as his last memory.

He considered himself lucky when he saw a bladed tail near his throat, dangling near his flesh a moment before plunging, cutting short to his thought process. He had a last vision, as the blade left his throat, plunging again, of a butcher's job.

He opened his eyes; was this all a dream? A nightmare? It couldn't be real; after all, how could he be able to see and think after what happened in that cave. He sure had quite the vivid imagination...

Until he tried to move; nothing responded to his order, as if there were nothing under him. As he looked under, he noticed that all he could see was the ground, without any signs of members or flesh around.

He looked around, spotting his members in the hands of the creatures; it seemed like it wasn't a dream after all. They didn't have anything to do with them anymore, but he wondered why they were still carrying them.

They were applying some sort of weird mixture to the wounds, as if it could make a difference; these members were torn apart, not simply injured. He found it even stranger when they tried to reattach them; perhaps they lacked the notion of life and death to understand that the flesh couldn't be used like that.

Or were they really that ignorant? The members seemed to attach themselves, as if it was some sort of glue. When they grabbed his head and jammed it back on his torso, he had a strange feeling, the muscle reshaping themselves, the bones reforming the structure holding his body. How could such a thing be possible blew his mind, but he knew that he wasn't in a position to protest its existence.

But he had the feeling it was only temporary; the creatures seemed amused by it, and since he survived the ordeal, it would be a matter of time until they would try again and again, until, one day, his body wouldn't be able to follow the rhythm anymore. Maybe, one day, he would be able to escape, but until them, all he could do was to hope that they would get bored of this game.

But by the looks of it, it was only the beginning...