Two of a Kind

Story by alverick on SoFurry

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#1 of Two of a Kind

This is one of my first few attempts at writing a story, so don't expect too much out of me. Constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. Also, this is an adult story containing incest and all that good stuff that comes with it. So if it isn't your cup of tea, then i suggest you make like a tree and produce oxygen through photosynthesis. this story is also available on my furrafinity page under the name of skylock. just thought i should let ya know before you read both by some unlikely chance and this turned into some crazy misunderstanding . . . im a bit paranoid about these things.

Two of a Kind

He's late. I shouldn't expect any less from Dennis, I guess. He's always been late to these kinds of things, getting sidetracked so easily. I still can't comprehend how he became a professor at our school. I stare into the polished table, making out my reflection. I saw a malamute staring back at me, strange, scruffy black and white fur covered his body, the classic malamute fur pattern. Then again, you probably wouldn't notice the fur first, but his eyes. The left was a deep crimson red, while the right eye was a dark sapphire. Yup, this was the reflection of none other than Aiden Valderion. Man I'm bored, or at least bored enough to narrate my own reflection to myself, as if I was using this event to describe myself and state my name despite me knowing it very well.

"Maybe this was a bad idea," I silently think to myself. "I mean, come on. This certain situation is really awkward. What will Dennis say? Will he think I'm some kind of freak?! This is bad, maybe I should just go. Yeah, I'll just walk out." I stand up to get out of the small coffee shop, but as I do, I hear someone sneak up behind me.

"Boo." I jump slightly. "Haha! You scare way too easy." I turn around to see a tiger with a huge smirk on his face.

"Dennis, why do you have to be such an ass?" I ask.

"Just cause." He sits down on the seat opposite to the one I was just sitting at. After a moment, I reluctantly sit down as well.

"Sorry I was late, last minute lab emergency."

"It's fine." I respond, starting to get nervous again.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" he asks.

"W-Well, you see, i-it's about . . . a-a person!" I start to say, my nerves returning. "W-Who I may o-or may not-"

"Let me guess, it's about a person you have a crush on." He interrupts. I was thankful for that. No matter the situation. He always seemed to know what you wanted to say before you even thought of saying anything. Sadly, he always lets people squirm for a second trying to get out the right words.

"Y-Yeah." I say timidly.

"First, let me ask you something. Why did you come to me of all people? People usually don't go to their teachers for advice." He had a point, but this was a different situation.

"Well, you are the same age as me, plus you're my friend." I reply.

Despite him being my teacher, as well as one of the best professors at the college, he was actually the same age as me, which was 19. It was the whole system of the school which had been considered totally outrageous and complete idiocy by all other schools. At the beginning of every class here, you could take a special test, and if you passed with an A or higher, you could skip the class and apply for another higher level class.

This, of course, was easier said than done. The tests were impossible to cheat on, and nearly impossible to finish in time. It was 200 multiple choice and short answer questions of the subject that must be completed within 30 minutes, not to mention the five essays that went with it. Dennis was one of the few people who had passed almost all the classes that the school had offered (for high school and college level), and went on to become a teacher at the school. Although, to him this was, and I am dead serious, "Something to pass the time." He was insanely smart, but mostly insane. Then again, this was a school for insane people. "The Academy for Abnormal People", as the school was called.

The reason the school implemented such a strange system was that the founder of this school, (who was also strangely enough 19) believed that people could do amazing things if they were pushed to the absolute limit. She also believed in creating a school to train the future generations for tomorrow, which is why this place offered from pre-school to college level classes.

So in the end, he may have been a teacher, but he was in my age group, and since he was smart, I was hoping he could help me . . . plus he was one of my few friends. I guess I should have just said that from the beginning.

"I guess. So what seems to be the trouble?" he asked.

"Well, like you had said before, it has to do with someone I like. It's a very . . . awkward situation, and I was hoping to get some advice."

"To start off, tell me who it is you like." He says, slightly leaning towards me.

"W-Why do you need to know?" I ask quietly.

"For one thing, chances are I know them, so I can tell you if they're interested. Also, to be honest I just want to know." He says, smirking.

"W-Well, you see . . . the person I like, is . . . m-my twin brother. . . Leon." I say, finally able to spit out the words.

"What?! Are you insane?! That's disgusting, you piece of scum!" he says. I'm completely shocked. I can't believe that he of all people would be so absolutely disgusted and insensitive to my sit- "Is that what you thought I was going to say?" he continues, totally interrupting my train of thought.

"Wait, what?"

"Well you seemed so nervous, as if you were expecting me to react like that." He says calmly.

"I didn't know how you were going to react! Can you really blame me for assuming that?"

He chuckles, probably pleased with the response he got from me. "Now that we've broken the tension, let's discuss your strange incestuous feelings for your twin."

"Who said anything about incestuous?!" I ask.

"So when did you start having feelings for him?" he asks, totally ignoring my question.

I let out an annoyed sigh. "I guess it started around the time that we had gotten kicked out of the house. Actually, maybe even before that. We were always two of a kind, totally identical in appearance, except for the fact that I had red and blue eyes, and his were a gold and silver color. Other than our physical appearance, we had little in common. He was the athletic type, while I was always physically fit thanks to him pestering me about working out with him, but I never enjoyed any of those sports he played. I was really into writing as a kid, but he couldn't stand language arts, then again, he always read my stories and enjoyed them. We both liked playing instruments and music, but he preferred the string instruments and singing, while I preferred brass instruments. We shared the piano, of course, but I don't know why we both liked it so much. Then there were our social lives. He was one of those seemingly perfect guys, strong, handsome, and social."

"Everyone seemed to get along with him easily, and he got along with everyone else just the same. I wasn't so lucky. I was socially awkward for some reason, never being able to talk to people freely. I always just stuck close to Leon. But when I wasn't near him, I would get teased a lot. You know, elementary school bullies and crap like that . Still, he always would show up in the nick of time and be my knight in shining armor. He was always that kind of person."

"Aww, so cute" he makes a ":3" face. I wonder if he would get angry if I punched him in the face.

"Anyways," I continue. "I started to like him since he always protected me so much. I just didn't realize these strange feelings. But I did see qualities in him I hadn't noticed before, like how he was so strong and confident, not to mention how he was always so kind to everyone. I even liked how he would be annoyingly overprotective with me."

"Interesting . . . but that's not all, is it?" he says.

"Right, there was another event that kind of made me realize that I was in lov-liked him a lot." I say, trying to save myself from blurting out something embarrassing . . . more embarrassing than the current situation, I mean. "It happened last year, before I got into the school. The day I came out to my parents. Leon's had been trying to get me to tell them, reassuring me that they'll accept me no matter what . . . he was wrong. My father was furious, he wouldn't even look at me, and my mom wasn't much better. While they were yelling at me, shouting things like 'How did we raise a fag like you?!' or 'I should have known, you were always trash', Leon walked up to them and started shouting back, trying his best to defend me. In the end, they told me to get out of their house by the end of the day, but immediately after, Leon had declared his ultimatum. 'If you kick him out, then you'll have to kick me out too!' Of course, my parents didn't budge and we both were forced to leave our home. But it wasn't too bad. We were both accepted into this school, and I, being as paranoid as I was and still am, already figured out somewhere we could stay for a little while, just in case. Later on, well, you know the rest." The rest being that Dennis had paid for our dorms and living supplies for the next four years. I still don't know how he did something like that.

"Interesting. Now, let me ask you this. Do you truly love him, do you want to be with him whenever you're away, do you want to feel his embrace, and do you want to have a happily ever after with him?"

"Y-Yeah, I guess." I say, my lack of confidence showing up clearly in my voice.

"Hey now, you can't give me an answer like that. 'Y-Yeah, I guess' is not an answer, it's an assumption."

"Well like I said, I was unsure of all this!" I say, raising my voice a bit.

"Hmm, I see. Then let's confirm it first, shall we?" I nod to him. "Tell me, what do you like about him?"

"U-Umm, were should I start. I like how he looks. Even though he's my twin, he's always had an air of confidence around him, even side by side you could tell he was the first born between us. He was always sure of himself, and never once doubted anything he did, always seeing it through to the end no matter what the consequences may have been. He always stood tall and proud, staying by his decisions no matter how utterly stupid they were. Also speaking of looks, I've always been attracted to him physically. It's not like I was attracted to my own image, but as his twin, I always noticed the little differences between us which were nearly invisible to anyone else. Like that little tuft of fur that always sticks out near his neck, it always looked cute. Not to mentioned his well defined muscles and-"

"Better stop there, you're starting to drool." He says, smirking. "Before you go on a rant about how you weren't drooling, tell me some other things you like about him."

"Let's see. I like how he's always kind to everyone. He always tried to make friends with other people, always trying to take the high road and be good. He never turned down a plea for help. In fact, he would always be the shining knight for people, especially me. He was the kind of guy who was kind to a fault, always giving people the benefit of the doubt and forgiving anyone and everyone. It would really bug me sometimes . . . but of course I don't hate it. Now that I think about it, I guess that's why he didn't hate me when I got him kicked out of the house along with me, or maybe he does and he just doesn't show it."

"No, he isn't the kind of guy to hold a grudge like that. Besides, I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted to live without you." Dennis says, smirking a bit.

"After hearing all of that, I can now say for certain." Dennis says. "You got it bad." He smirks.

"How is this helping me?" I say a bit too loudly.

"If you must know, I was trying to see if this was just some crush that would go away. It isn't. In all honesty, I think you should try and go for it, you know, be honest with your feelings. It's the only way anything will start moving."

"B-But ... what if he denies me, and just shuts me out?"

"What if he were to accept your feelings and show you that he felt the same way? It's a huge risk, I know, but Leon isn't the kind of guy to turn down someone and shut them out. Who knows, maybe this'll end up one of those cliché gay relationships."

"How is this situation in any way shape or form cliché?"

"The ending could be cliché at least. Something like 'Oh big brother, I've always loved you!' 'I-I . . . I've always loved you as well!' cue the kiss seen, and then they all end up with a happy ever after."

"This is real life, Dennis. Cliché happy endings don't exist here."

"Who knows, I guess we'll just have to keep going with this particular story. That is the best way to find out the ending." He fishes a phone out of his pocket and checks something on it. "Well it's about time that you and I get out of here. And just remember this, no matter what happens, he'll always be your brother and he'll always love you, so don't be afraid to take a chance.

I just sat there, thinking about all that he had said. In the end, he hadn't exactly helped me. In fact, it felt like my feelings were getting stronger. I hope I'll be able to control myself.

* * * *

With a bit of reluctance, I went home. Well . . . almost. I had been waiting outside of my apartment door for about ten minutes now. I was confused about what I should do, but I know I can't just wait out here forever and just think. Should I really take his advice and just confess to Leon? This is ridiculous, he's my twin brother for fucks sake! . . . Then again, he was the nicest and sweetest guy I knew, and there wasn't anybody else in the world that could get me to stop thinking about him this way.

"Aaah!" I scream out in frustration. This is killing me. I steel myself and finally make a decision. I'm going to confess to him, just let out all my feelings. It just keeps getting worse; it gets harder and harder to hide my feelings from him. Damn it! Why does he have to be so amazing?

"I'm hopeless . . . well, it's now or never." I say to myself. I open the door and walk in quickly. The apartment was fairly large, with simple furnishing throughout. It's quiet, so Leon must be out.

I plop myself down on the couch. "At least this'll give me some time to think." I mutter to myself. As if on cue, I hear the front door to the apartment open and hear Leon shouting "I'm home!"

"So much for time to think." I grumble to myself as he walks in. He looks just like me, but he walks a little taller, standing proud. "Hey Leon."

"Hey there little bro!" he says enthusiastically. He was a couple minutes older, but that still didn't stop him from teasing me about it. I should have gotten angry and retorted with a witty remark, but I was a bit distracted at the moment. He was standing a few feet away, but I could still smell that masculine scent of his that just seemed to ooze of his body. Fuck, I just wanted to hug him and bury my face in his . . . I should probably stop there before I get a hard on.

"How was your workout?"

"How did you know I was working out?" he asks.

"I have a dog nose and you smell." What comes next actually surprises me a bit. He quickly turned away, just the faintest hint of him blushing coming through his fur.

"Sorry, I couldn't take a shower at the gym, something was wrong with a water pipe or some shit like that." He says.

"No need to be sorry, it isn't that bad." Wait, should I have just said that? I immediately get worried.

Before I can get nervous enough to decide to leave, he jumps onto the couch, sitting right next to me and making me jump a bit. He wraps his muscular arm around my neck and brings me closer, practically forcing me to take in more of his wonderful musk.

Yup, he didn't have any qualms about invading other people's personal space or physical contact of any kinds.

"So what has my twin been up to?" he asks inquisitively.

I pause a moment, trying to come up with an answer that wouldn't seem too suspicious. "I . . . just talked with Dennis for a bit."

"What about?" shit.

"Y-You know . . . random stuff." I say, trying my best not to stutter.

He just looks at me, as if staring intensely at me will get me to tell the truth . . . it usually worked. After what had seemed like an eternity, he finally gives up, planting his face into my shoulder and sighing loudly. I sigh too, relieved that he hadn't pressed on any further.

He just kind of stays there for a while, not that I minded, but I could have sworn I heard something, as if he was . . . sniffing me . . . but that was impossible, probably just a trick of my horny bran. "When was the last time I played with myself, anyway?" I say in my head. Suddenly, I remember that he was extremely close to me, his strong scent just washing over me. I had to admit, I was always glad I had this canine nose, I kinda always had a thing for these strong scents, especially Leon's.

Of course, it wasn't all that great in this situation, as I quickly felt my sheath swell. "Fuck, not now!" I thought to myself. I need to handle this, and fast. I just can't take it anymore! I quickly get up and shove my hands into my pockets and start walking away. "I-I gotta do some stuff, see ya later, Leon."

I go straight for my room, not looking back to see his facial expression regarding my suspicious behavior. I go in and lock the door, hoping that it would give me enough privacy to deal with this boner.

I looked around, taking in our room. It was fairly small, with only one desk with a laptop and a stack of school text-books on it, and two beds on opposite sides of the room, snug in the corners. Other than those distinct furnishings, the only other items in the room was the door that lead to our closet and the pile of clothes next to Leon's bed. He was such a slob sometimes. I need to tell him to clean up after this.

I just lean back against the door, panting a bit as I try to wait for my boner to go down. It doesn't, in fact now it's screaming to get out. I quickly take off my pants, throwing them messily on my bed. I look down and see my dick throb through my boxers, threatening to rip them just to get out, so I quickly take those off as well, leaving me in only my shirt. "If I can't wait it out, might as well have some fun."

I go to the closet, reaching deep to the back, taking out a metal box with a standard combination lock on it. I quickly unlock it, opening the cold container and pulling out two of my favorite toys, a six-inch red canine dildo and a small bottle of lube.

"Fuck, I didn't realize he turned me on so much." I muttered to myself as I got on the bed, discarding my shirt as well. I uncapped the bottle of lube and poured it liberally on the six and a half inch canine cock, slowly rubbing my paw over it and enjoying the feel of it from its blunt head to its large knot. Just knowing that I was prepping the toy turned me on and pushed me forward. I took my right paw and brought it to my tail hole, slowly rubbing it using the excess lube left on my finders.

Slowly, I press harder on my pink pucker, sliding my finger into me. I let out a low moan as I feel it sliding in. It may have only been one finger, but I still loved the feeling of being stretched like that.

Getting impatient, I grab the fake cock and line it up with myself, lying on my back now. I slowly slid it in me, letting out a higher pitched moan this time. It was never easy getting it in the first time, especially with so little prep, but that didn't stop it from feeling good. Centimeter by centimeter, the red toy slides into me, slowly stretching me out and going deeper and deeper into me. I stop at about every inch or so, letting myself adjust to the feeling of being stretched before moving on, like I usually did. I liked to take my time adjusting to it so I could get the most pleasure out of it.

Finally, I felt the fake knot hit my tail hole, pressing it a bit further in, though I knew that it would take a lot more to actually tie myself with the toy. I take some time and grind the knot to my pucker, straining to keep myself quiet, though that was a bit of a challenge for me since I was naturally a moaner.

As I slid the toy into myself, I kept thinking about Leon, just imagining that it was him that was penetrating me, making me moan like the little cock slut I was, all for my big, strong brother. He would be right above me, staring at my face and making me blush. Only inches separated us, and I could smell that strong musk that seemed even stronger after his workout. Suddenly, an idea pops into my head. I pull the canine cock out of my ass, shivering at the feeling of it exiting, and stand up. I go to the pile of old and dirty clothing next to Leon's bed, rifling through them until I found what I was hoping for, his dirty jockstrap.

"Damn, there's really something wrong with me." I say to myself as I bring it up to my nose and inhale deeply. I shudder in delight of the scent of it, turning me on incredibly. Without even thinking, I start to take the dildo that was still in my hands and start to slide it up my tail hole again, this time getting it in quicker and reaching the knot without a problem. I slowly crawl onto Leon's bed and lay on my back, my snout still buried in his jockstrap and the fake cock still up my ass. Carefully, I place the jockstrap so that it's on my nose, but I don't need my left paw to constantly press it down. I take my own cock into my paw, jacking it furiously.

"I can't believe I'm this close already." I think to myself. I try my best to keep quiet, but I can't stop moaning like a little bitch, feeling the dildo constantly sliding in and out of me, hitting my prostate in just the right way.

"Ahh, L-Leon . . . ." I moan.

". . .Yes?" Leon says, right next to me. I quickly turn my head, confirming that it was his voice, and crawl back on the bed to the wall, trying desperately to get away and not to moan while I felt the toy shift in me. I try to cover myself, but soon Leon is right in front of me, both his strong, muscular arms holding down my shoulder.

I start to freak out, a million different thoughts going through my head, all screaming out for me to get out of there and that Leon hates me now. Since I can't move, I just close my eyes tightly, as if trying to shut everything out. Then, all of my thoughts disappear as I feel something press gently against my lips. I open my eyes wide as I look and see Leon pressing his muzzle against mine in a warm, loving kiss.

* *(Perspective change, Leon Valderion. Time: immediately after Aiden enters the room)* *

I quickly get up from the couch, quietly walking towards our room. As quietly as possible, I press my ear to the door, trying to listen to what he was doing. I hear the sound of him panting, rummaging through the closet. He was probably getting out his "toy box". He always tried to hide it, but I could guess what was in there.

I shove my hand in my pocket, bringing out a key ring with three different keys on it. One was for the apartment, the other was for the car, but this last one was for the lock to the room. He had no idea I had this particular key, which made it fairly easy for me to spy on him while he was having some fun.

"Shit, I'm disgusting." I think to myself, smirking. I really shouldn't be spying on my brother like this, but I can't help it. It's not like he would actually do stuff with me or anything, so all I could do was watch and fantasize about him. Besides, it's been a month since he did it last time; I'm taking every chance I can get.

Slowly, I slide in the key to the door, turning it and hearing the tell-tale click, luckily hidden to Aiden by his moaning. I opened the door just a crack peeking in and seeing Aiden sprawled out on his bed, slowly sliding a red dildo up his ass.

"Good, I was worried I missed all the fun with all the time I was trying to take to be quiet." I think to myself. He slowly slides the red toy forward, moaning as it penetrates his tight tail hole. I reach down and slowly rub myself through my gym shorts, enjoying how much my cock was throbbing, just screaming to get out.

As I watch him intently, just thinking about how that could have- no, should have been my cock. I could fill him up much more, give him the rutting of his life. I could imagine it now. He's laying flat on his back, moaning just for me as I slowly enter him, careful not to hurt him while fighting off every instinct telling me to fuck his ass raw and mark my territory. I would go in close, shivering in delight as I saw how good I was making him feel, my paws exploring his body, feeling him up and leaving no place untouched. Especially that juicy seven-inch cock of his. I would probably mess with it non-stop, trying my best just to milk him of his delicious cum while his tail hole was doing the same to me.

I let out a low moan, followed by a small thud of my paw clamping my muzzle shut. I glance over to Aiden, seeing that he was now fully hilted to the toy. Seeing how he slowly rubbed the knot to his ass almost made me cum right there and then.

I see him glance over at the dirty pile of clothes next to my bed, his tailing wagging in the cutest way possible. Suddenly, he slides the red toy out of his ass and quickly walks over to the dirty pile of clothes. I open the door a bit more, wondering what exactly he was doing. I take a step into the room, finding Aiden with my dirty jockstrap, smelling it deeply and shuddering.

My eyes get wide with shock. "W-What the fuck?" I think to myself. I can't be possible, right? Could it be that he actually . . . liked me the same way that I had licked him? As I watch him, I seem to get harder, getting turned on by how he's on my bed, deeply inhaling my scent.

Without thinking, I walk into our room, silently. "What should I do?" I think to myself. "He likes me back, so . . . should I make my move? There's no better opportunity than this. I'm going for it." As if on cue, right when I finish my thought, he starts jacking off furiously shivering and moaning, pleasure racing through his body.

"Ahh, L-Leon . . . ." he moans.

". . . Yes?" I answer.

He looks to his left, where I was standing, obviously. His eyes got wide and he started scrambling backwards, trying to escape. That thought was probably killed instantly by the wall he bumped into since our beds where scooted far into the corners.

"Shit! He's scared of me!" I think to myself. Without thinking I quickly crawl up to him, grabbing him by the shoulders and holding him against the wall, hoping this would help the situation. It didn't.

He starts to squirm even more, closing his eyes as if I was going to hit him. "Crap! WhatdoIdowhatdoIdowhatdoIdo?!" I scream to myself in my head. Without knowing what else to do, I lean down, planting my muzzle against his own and kissing him.

* *(Perspective change, Aiden Valderion. Time:Right when we left off before) * *

I would like to say that I fought against the kiss, trying to say that this was immoral and wrong . . . who the fuck am I trying to fool? I melted like butter in his strong hold and warm kiss. I start to press forward and wrap my arms around Leon's neck, being able to do so since he let go. Without thinking, I started to moan into the kiss like a bitch in heat, mostly due to the dildo still stuck up my ass. In the rush I guess I forgot to take it out. And believe me, that thing doesn't just "slip out".

He finally leans away, breaking the kiss. "W-Wha-" I start to say before he presses a finger to my muzzle.

"We can talk about it later, but for now," he says seductively. "looks like you could use some help down there." He gestures to my throbbing member, begging for release at this point. Normally I would protest and say we need to talk about this now, but I'm really horny and he's offering.

This time, I grab the back of his head, pulling him down by the head fur. I kiss him passionately, opening my muzzle like I was inviting him in. He accepted the offer, his warm, wet tongue exploring my muzzle slowly. As the kiss continued, I felt his paw snake down my chest and grasp my cock firmly, slowly stroking it, teasing me more than anything.

Despite me initiating the kiss, power soon shifted as I found myself suddenly on my back, head against pillows, though I'm not sure how that happened. Before I could even react properly, I felt his paw leave my throbbing member, quickly getting a hold of the red canine dildo that was still inside me. He grabbed it by the base and quickly pulled it out, only having the head of it barely in me. Without warning, he quickly thrust it back in, eliciting a moan from me. He kept at this relentlessly, bringing me closer and closer to the edge.

Everything about this was what I had dreamed and more! Leon's wonderful scent enveloping me, His strong arms pulling me close in for a passionate kiss, and a big dick up my ass. The only thing that would make this any better would be if it was Leon's actual dick in me.

Abruptly, I push away from the kiss. "W-What's wrong?" he says nervously.

"S-Sorry, it's just that I . . . I w-want you to . . . fuck me." I say, finally getting it out.

He looks at me with wide eyes. "Are you sure?" he asks. I nod quickly.

Driven by lust, as well as fear that my embarrassment would keep me from going through with this, I quickly pounce on him.

"Ahh! W-Wait a minute, Aiden! Aiden!" he screams as I quickly take off his clothes, sneaking in a grope here and there. "Aiden I can take off my own clothes!"

"That's not as fun." I say, all my past inhibitions quickly fading away. I drank the sight of my naked brother laying on his back, me on him. He wasn't one of those werebeasts who spent all their time on their bodies, building their muscles until they looked unnaturally large. He definitely had muscles, that's for sure, but he wasn't some giant. They seemed to hug his body tightly, giving him a kind of skinny appearance, but not to the point that he looked like a twink.

I slowly get off him, looking down directly at his crotch. He was actually a bit bigger than me, being at about eight inches by my estimation. In any other situation, I probably would have been jealous about the fact that my twin was more hung than me, but at the moment, I couldn't think about anything else other than Leon's huge dick fucking my brains out.

This time he jumps on me, making me land on my back as he forces our muzzles together in a passionate kiss. He breaks away far sooner than I would have liked, and in a split second, he spins around, taking the 69 position. I'm faced with his dick, the red canine cock only inches away from my face.

I quickly understand what he wants to do and without hesitation, I take his dick into my muzzle, suckling lightly on the head and lapping at it. Leon moans as he starts to do the same to my own. I had slipped over half of his member into my muzzle now, teasing along his cock using my tongue and being rewarded with a lot of pre. It was a bit salty and bitter, but the thing that turned me on the most about it was the feeling of it. It was thick and seemed to just roll over my tongue, marking me as his own little slut. All I wanted to do was get more of that in me, better yet, to get him to cum in mu muzzle. I had always been curious about what his cum tasted like. A bit sweet perhaps.

Sadly, my progress was stopped completely when I felt him reach for the dildo and continue to fuck me with it.

He was definitely good. He had the head of my cock in his muzzle, focusing on the sensitive head of my cock the most while he drove the red dildo hard into my prostate. Before I even realized what had happened, I was quickly reduced to a moaning little bitch.

I keep slathering his member in saliva, getting very sloppy as he continued his expert ministrations. He thrusts the dildo hard into my ass, making me let go of his juicy dick and moan out loud.

"Please Leon, I need you in me." I hear him groan in pleasure, probably due to me begging for him like a fucking puppy.

He lets my cock out of his muzzle. "Are you sure?" he says.

"Oh God, yes!" I say a little too quickly.

He takes the dildo out of my now well stretched tail hole and turns to face me. He pants onto my neck, giving it a long, wet lick. I can't help but moan from his touch.

Abruptly, I yelp out as I feel the head of his cock quickly go into my tail hole. Before I can properly adjust, he slides in the rest of his member, not going very fast, but at the same time not being gentle. Soon, he hilts into me, his big knot grinding against me tail hole. It didn't exactly hurt, since I had been pretty well prepared, but what really caught me off guard was the immense euphoria I was in. It seemed to threaten to drown me every second Leon was in me, grinding even harder into my prostate. It's like Leon's cock was made specially for me.

I've had a lot of fantasies like this, with Leon's big cock hilted into me in various poses. I have to say, I never imagined it would feel this good. He was definitely bigger than my toy. I felt his paw on my back, bringing me closer to him, his other paw traveling down my stomach and grasp my cock, stroking it firmly. Leon was unbearably hot, yet I wanted nothing more to be closer to him, to bury my face into his fur and have him tie us together.

"S-Sorry, I couldn't help myself." He says, apologizing. "You're so warm. Not to mention tight." He buries his face into my neck, lapping at it eagerly. "I'm gonna keep going, okay?"

"Please do." I say, trying to hold myself back from begging for it. I didn't want Leon to know exactly how much I wanted it. He would probably abuse it, and I didn't want anything like that, at least not for now. This was our first time after all, well, at least my first time.

He pulls out until only the tip of his cock is inside me, moaning quietly. Without warning, he quickly thrusts back in. He keeps that pace up, thrusting in and out of me while stroking my dick harder and harder. I was glad that he was leaking so much pre; it did help with the hard fucking I was getting.

He was moaning every time he hilted in me, grinding his knot just a little harder and harder into me, threatening to tie us together right now. Of course, I was a lot worse, moaning loudly and wrapping my arms around his neck tightly. It was all too much. Leon's strong scent, his big, hot cock fucking me hard, his paw milking my cock for my cum, his face just inches away from mine. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that this was all a dream, but it wasn't. There was the heat from his body, his breath as it fell out of his muzzle and onto mine, and the intense feeling of euphoria that I got out of it all. Yes, it was all but too real.

Leaning up, I place a soft kiss on his muzzle. It wasn't a strong or passionate kiss, but a simple and gentle one. It wasn't something out of lust, but more out of love for my wonderful twin brother. Apparently, he got something out of the kiss, since he started to thrust harder into me, his knot stretching me further and further.

He broke away from the kiss, his mesmerizing gold and silver eyes staring deeply into my own sapphire and crimson ones. "P-Please." He said. He didn't say anymore, rather, he couldn't say anymore. His head was probably swimming in pleasure just as much as mine. Although, he didn't need to, I knew what he was asking.

I simply nodded. The look of relief and happiness on his face was almost too much to handle. He slowly leaned down while thrusting harder and harder into me, gently biting on the place between my shoulder and neck. I felt him give one final thrust into me, his knot finally going in with a popping sound. It all started to get fuzzy.

I thought it was too much before, but it just kept getting better and better. I screamed out in both pain and pleasure as I felt his knot stretch me to the limits, his cock heavily grinding against my prostate and sending jolts of pleasure than literally shook my body as I tried to keep my composure, his teeth digging into me, but never deeply enough to actually caused pain, although I doubt I would have noticed.

I could feel his warm cum start to fill me, all held inside by his large knot. I could also feel myself reaching climax, the knot being too much to handle for me.

It seemed to last forever, both of us letting out our pent up seed into each other, him into my tail hole, and me into his paw. It all felt so good and right. I had to fight to keep conscious.

Finally, it had started to decrease, slowing down to a small trickle until finally stopping all together. He stopped biting me and looked deep into my eyes, then planting a kiss onto my muzzle. It was like when I had kissed him. It wasn't something that was simply in the moment or out of lust, but it was more out of love. I guess I finally had my answer, even though I never even heard him say those three words. Heck, I never even said it to him! Still, deep in my heart I knew. I knew that he loved me just as much as I loved him. Although I wouldn't be able to believe that until he said the words himself.

We stayed there for what seemed like an eternity of bliss, tied together, with him gently kissing me. But sadly even this had to end. We had to have a serious talk about our relationship as of now.

* * (Time change, a half hour later.) * *

It was nice to have hot water run over my fur. Water seemed to wash away all the tension in my body, leaving me feeling clean. Of course, at the moment, I couldn't help but feel very dirty.

I was pushed against the cold tile wall, Leon pinning me against it while kissing me. I opened my muzzle, letting his tongue in. I shivered at the feeling of him exploring my muzzle, not leaving a single crevice untouched by his warm, wet tongue.

I gently push him away, but not to the point of breaking our embrace. "Wait a second Leon, if we go any further we'll never talk about this."

He cocked his head to the side like a confused little puppy. "Talk about what?"

I looked at him incredulously. "About dinner." I say sarcastically. "What do you think?!"

"C'mon, can't we talk about it later?" he says. I moaned as he groped my sheath.

"No. Now." I say sternly. I almost regretted my decision when I saw his puppy dog face. "First of all, why did you do all that?"

"Well . . . because I love you." he says simply.

I was taken back quite a bit. I didn't expect him to say it so bluntly. "W-What do you mean by love?"

"You know, I want to be close to you, to hold you in my arms, to be able to spend the rest of my life devoted to you. I want to be there for you, through thick and thin, I always had."

I was shocked. I didn't know what to say. To think that my brother had felt the same way about me all this time. It was terribly ironic. "I . . . I love you too Leon."

He looks at me, smirking a bit. "Yeah, I figured that out when you started to sniff my jock strap and moan my name."

I looked at him, still shocked, but for a different kind of reason. "S-Shut up! Which reminds me, how did you even get in to our room? I was sure I locked it . . ."

"I have a key I use when I spy on you playing with yourself." He says bluntly.

"You spy on me?!" I say in horror.

"Yeah, it's pretty hot." He smirks.

"Y-You idiot." He starts laughing, and soon I just give in and join him. "So, what are we to each other now?" I ask.

"Well, I guess we're still brothers, but I'd like to be more than that."

"You mean like . . . mates?" I ask.

"Yeah, mates. So what do you say?" he says. He takes my paws in his and looks me straight in the eyes. "Will you be my mate?"

I just look at him, smiling warmly at the whole moment. I lean in and plant a kiss on the side of his muzzle. "Do you even have to ask? Of course." He looks at me, his face drenched with as much happiness and excitement as it was with water. He huggs me tightly, completely enveloping me in him like he used to when we were kids. He was always really warm and comforting, he still is.

The pessimistic side of me wanted to think that this was all useless, that no matter how much I would try and try with Leon, society would never accept my relationship with him and we would never work out. But as I held him close to me and he did the same, and as we both just let the water wash over us, taking all our worries away, I knew that it would work out in the end. We both loved each other, and even though it might be taboo, it might be one of the greatest sins of all, we could never change the way we felt about each other, not that we wanted to. In the end, we were two of a kind.

"So ready for round two?" he asks.

"Are you kidding me? . . . Yes."

* * The End . . . for now :3 * *