A New Brother- Part 5

Story by XtigerX on SoFurry

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#5 of A New Brother

A New Brother

IMPORTANT: Please do not read if you are under 18/21 (local law). This story contains gay sex, if you don't like this sort of thing, please leave. If you are underage, leave, but don't blame me if you stay and get caught reading this, don't say I didn't warn you. . . .

Also, these characters are mine, if you want to use them, please ask me

PART 5: The Truth Comes Out

As the older dragon made his way down towards the kitchen, his mind filled with questions and very few answers. Jamie was gay. . .but then there was a possibility it could just be experimenting. . .no, his son was gay, there was no doubt about it.

Sitting on the last stair, Aaron tried to think. Placing a hand on his head, all the black scaled dragon could do was sigh. [What am I going to do? I've slept with James. . .Drake is with Troy and I have no problem with that. . .why is this bugging me then?!] Getting up, he walked into the kitchen and saw his wife sitting at the dining table, reading the paper. Looking up, Lily realised something was wrong. Quickly putting the paper away, she looked at her husband.

"Is something wrong Aaron? You look as though you've seen a ghost."

"-sigh-. . .You were right. . ."


"About Jamie and Max. . .I saw them. . ."

"Take a seat dear." Aaron did as he was told, taking the chair beside Lily, he looked at the table before turning to see Lily.

"You were right all along. There was something between them and. . ."

"Aaron, what did you see?"

"Well, Jamie and Max naked, our son. . .giving Max a. . erm. . ."

"Just say it."

". . .He was giving Max a blowjob." Lily blushed, she expected that they might have been kissing, never thinking it could have been something really intimate. "Also. . .I'm very sure Jamie. . .swallowed Max's seed. . .as far as I could tell. . ." Moving he hand over towards her husbands shoulder, Lily rubbed the black scaled dragon, realising that something else was on his mind.

"Aaron. . .we already have a gay son who sleeps with his boyfriend whenever he can. What's really getting at you?"

"They. . .they're too young. I know Drake and Troy came out when they were fourteen but still. . . .they're just too young. . ."

"Aaron, Jamie turns fourteen after the summer. And they would have came out of the closet eventually."

"Yes, but I would prefer it if they sat down with us and talked it out, not walk in on them having sex." Aaron sighed again, pulling his hand down off his face, he looked at the table. "They have years to decide what they want to do. They're only thirteen and Drake gets enough trouble as it is, what if someone found out. . .and. . .and. . .tried to use them. . .or worse. . ."

"Aaron, we don't how long they've been together. It could have been a little while after Max first moved here and they managed to keep it secret long enough. As long as they're careful, they'll be fine."

"I don't know Lily. . .Jamie. . .he's my son. . .I just. . .care about him. . ."

"I know hon, do you think Drake and Troy knew about them?"

"Most likely. But they were probably asked to keep it a secret."

"Well, I cant imagine how they're feeling right now."

"Should I call them?"

Lily looked at her husband and thought on it. "No, let them come down on they're own." Nodding, Aaron looked into the hallway, wondering when the two cubs would appear.

Back upstairs though, the two cubs were now on the bed. Max was still trembling and holding onto Jamie for dear life. For the fox though, he was just really unsure what would happen. Aaron didn't shout which Jamie took as a good sign, but for some reason. . .the silence seemed worse to him. It made him feel uneasy, he didn't know whether his father was angry or not and since he was downstairs, since he was that close. . .it just. . .terrified him. After minutes of silence, Max spoke.

"J-Jamie?" The fox turned and saw his boyfriend on the verge of crying. "I'm scared." Max said in a really worried tone. Moving towards his boyfriend, Jamie cuddled the feline, rubbing his back.

"Its alright Max. . . .we were going to come out eventually. . .plus. . .with Drake and Troy. . .where are they?"

"I-I know. . .b-but what. . .if they are. . .angry. . .and w-what about. . .my. . .mom and dad?" Max was trying his best not to cry, but the fact that he could face his parents later scared the life out of him. He didn't know what his parents thought of gays.

"You wont be alone. . .I'll be with you. . .promise." Max gave a weak smile but appreciated his fox's support.

"A-Arigato. . ."


"It means thanks. Sorry. . .anime me appeared there." Max chuckled a bit, but soon thought himself stupid saying that. Jamie on the other hand smiled, he wanted his snow leopard to cheer up and a bit of laughter seemed the best way.

"You know Max. . .we still have to go downstairs."

"I-I know. . .but. . .I-I'm scared. . ."

"Me too." Jamie looked at the doorway, thinking about going downstairs was scary enough, but facing his parents would been terrifying. He wondered what could happen to him. He wasn't a 'real' son anyway, just a foster kid. The thing that scared him most was being put back in the orphanage again like he had been before in the past. [No, Drake said. . .he wouldn't let that happen. . . .but. . .I'm not their son. . .]



"Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah. Just nervous." Max nodded his head, glancing at his clock, he saw that nearly twenty minutes passed since Jamie's father caught them in the act. Clenching his fist, the fox decided that it was now or never. Picking up his clothes, he put them on and handed Max his clothes.


"We may as well get it over with Max. . . .even if something bad happens, I'll still love you. And. . . ." Jamie moved right up to Max and pulled him into another hug. ". . .we'll always be together. I love you."

"I love you too foxy." Giving Jamie a quick kiss, Max put his clothes on. When he was finished, Max looked at Jamie.

"Come on, lets get this over with." Jamie said again. Taking the feline's paw in his hand, he took a deep breath and walked into the hallway. All too quickly they were at the stairs, and they were soon at the bottom. Turning their heads, they saw Aaron and Lily at the dining table. Looking at his snow leopard, Max nodded and wiped away any tears that remained in his eyes.

Hearing footsteps, the two dragons saw the cubs heading towards them. Not saying anything, the cubs took a seat next to each other. Gripping each others hands tightly, Jamie looked at his father with his ears flat against his skull. Minutes passed without a single word being uttered, the only sound was their breathing and it was getting to the young fox, taking another deep breath, Jamie looked at his parents.

"D-Dad. . .what you saw. . .it was. . ."

"Jamie I know what I saw. But I wish I hadn't."

"I'm sorry dad. I. . .I just. . .didn't want you two to know. . .I was scared. . ." Jamie soon found tears building up in his eyes, wiping them away quickly, he looked at Lily and then Aaron. "M-Mom?"

". . ." She didn't say anything. Aaron however looked at the two cubs.

"Jamie. . .Max. . .I don't know what to say. . .its like being at the table where Drake came out to us. . .but. . .you two. . .aren't you both a little young for a relationship?"

"We didn't think it was that important. We just. . .love each other." Jamie looked at Max who nodded, but didn't dare speak a word, the snow leopard kept staring at the table, afraid to look into either eyes of the older dragons.

Taking another breath, Aaron looked at the fox. "Just. . .how long has it been going on?"

"Just around two weeks dad."

"And what I saw, that's all you've done?" Jamie looked at Max and saw him open his mouth.

"M-May as well say." Nodding Jamie thought that telling the truth would be better.

"No. . .I've slept with Max. . .several times. . ."

"Oh god. . ." Aaron said. The two cubs didn't take it as a good sign, however Lily took over.

"Well. . .I trust you've both been using protection?"

"Yeah, we have." At the end of those words, silence once again descended upon the room. Max was a quivering wreck, too frightened to move from his chair. Jamie wanted to say something but every time he tried, the words wouldn't come. As for the two older dragons, they kept looking between the two cubs and each other, wondering what to do. It was almost a repeat of what they had went through with Drake and Troy, but Cam had been there to smooth things over, however, on this occasion, the cubs were on their own. Finally, after a few minutes, Jamie managed to summon enough courage to speak.

"You. . .don't hate us. . .do you?"

"Hate you?" Lily looked at the fox, stunned by what the kit just said.

"Do you?"

"Jamie." Getting out of her chair, she cuddled the little fox. "No. . .I don't. In case you've forgetting, you have a gay older brother who still lives here and will sleep with his panther every chance he gets."

"I. . .I just thought. . .you wouldn't want me anymore. . .that you'd put me back in the orphanage. . .cause. . .I'm not your real son. . ." She let go of him right there. Jamie wondered why he said those things, they were what he feared most, afraid that it would happen, but instead, Lily and Aaron were just mainly shocked about what came out of the young fox's mouth.

"Jamie, first of all you are not an item that can be tossed away. Secondly, why would we do that to you? And most importantly, you are our son."

"S-So. . ." He received another hug and Lily could feel the fox tremble in her arms.

"Jamie. . .your father and I love you. I'll admit it was a bit of shock, but. .I did suspect you two."


"I just saw you two looking at each other a lot, smiling and you were really happy whenever Max was around."

"T-Thanks mom." She let Jamie go and looked at Aaron who sighed.

"Jamie, she said pretty much everything. . .you're my son and I want what's best for you. So, if being with Max makes you happy. . .then I'm happy." He gave a smile towards the two cubs and Jamie just gripped both his parents tight.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"Its alright." Looking towards Max, the snow leopard stopped moving completely. "Its okay Max. Just look after Jamie."

"I will. Um. . .could you not. . .tell my parents. . .I don't think I'm ready for that."

"Okay, but you will have to tell them eventually."

"I know."

"Well, what are you two still doing here? Go enjoy yourselves, after all, I believe you father interrupted something." Aaron blushed a little and so did the two cubs.

"Thanks again mom, dad."

"Yeah, thanks."

"On you go." Getting out of his chair, Max followed Jamie out of the room and quickly back upstairs. In the kitchen though, the two dragons were still looking at each other.

"Well, at least they don't have to hide anything anymore." Aaron said.

"Yes, but I thought you'd at least mention you slept with James."


"So then Jamie could have been a little more relaxed when he talked with us."

"Yet some things are better left unsaid, besides, Drake and Troy will most likely tell them."

"Yes, and what fun it will be to see the looks on their faces."

"You're not going to let this go, are you?"

"Hmm. . .nope." Aaron shook his head while Lily picked up her paper she was reading earlier. Looking back at her husband, Lily smiled and looked at Aaron. "Oh, that reminds me, you said you would sleep with James if Jamie was gay."


"I'll go call Emma and explain."

"Oh no you wont!" Lily didn't stop, she picked up the phone and started pressing the numbers. "L-Lily?!"

"Hi Emma, its Lily, listen, can I ask you something?. . .Great, well you remember that incident a few years ago with our husbands?"

"LILY!" Grabbing the phone, Aaron spoke into it. "Emma, she doesn't have to tell you anything and. . .huh?" Turning around, Aaron blushed. Lily never pressed dial at all and she was smirking at him. "That wasn't nice Lily."

"I know, but it was fun to watch."

"You know, I am going to get you back for this."

"Ooh, how scary."

[Bloody hell!]

Back in Jamie's room, the two sat on the bed. "Well, that went better than I thought." Jamie said.

"Yeah. . .feels better now anyway. I'm just glad your parents didn't explode at us."

"I thought they would when I blurted out that I was scared they'd hate me."

"But. . .how can anyone hate you?" Max rubbed Jamie's face and the fox pulled the feline into kiss. Wrapping his arms around Max's body, the two fell on the bed, still in the kiss.

"I love you Max."

"I love you too Jamie." Continuing the kiss, Max opened his maw when he felt Jamie's smooth tongue against his lips. Pushing his own tongue forward, they let their tongues meet. Licking at each other, they broke apart so they could catch their breath.

"So. . .does my kitten want the rest of his reward?" Max smiled deeply, he had completely forgotten about what happened earlier in the day.

"You bet. What is it?" Getting off the feline, Jamie quickly stripped himself letting his already hard cock spring free. Taking Max's paw, he let the feline grip his shaft, slowly stroking it.

"I was thinking. . ." The fox turned onto all fours and raised his tail. ". . .that I should give my boyfriend something good. And he likes this anyway." Smiling, Max got off the bed and stripped himself completely. Taking out a condom and the bottle of lube from Jamie's drawer, he made his way back to the bed. Ripping the condom wrapper off, he rolled it onto his cock and started smearing his length with lube. Moving towards Jamie's tail hole, he thought of something. Leaning forward, he pressed his muzzle against Jamie's little ring. Slipping his tongue out, Max slowly licked the fox's tail hole. "-gasp-. . .god Max!"

"Heheh. Did you like that?"

"Hell yes!" Moving down again, Max started licking the fox's little ring several times, pushing forward with his rough tongue. Moving away, Jamie looked at Max and saw him smiling. "What?"

"Can we try a new position?"

"Sure." Max smiled and sat down on the bed with his back against the wall. Pouring more lube onto his cock, he looked at his fox.

"This way, my foxy gets to ride me and I can kiss him at the same time."

"How'd you think of that?"

"Porn." Giggling, Jamie positioned himself over Max and slowly let the feline's length slide into him. Moving forward, Jamie chucked off the pillows so he could give himself more leg room. "Comfy foxy?"


"Good, cause it gets really fun now." Placing his paws on Jamie's sides, Max slowly moved his paws upwards, motioning for Jamie to rise off of Max's cock. The fox complied, slowly lifting himself off the felines length before letting it slip back in. As the fox started keeping up a good pace with this, Max used one of his paws and gripped the fox's cock. Slowly stroking it, Jamie whined softly at Max's touch. Pulling his fox as close as he could, he started rubbing Jamie's cock against his fur, making the fox murr.

"Mmm. . .Max. ..that feels good. . ."

"Glad you like it.

"I really do."

With excitement building within the fox, his knot slowly began to form. Seeing what was happening, Max squeezed the knot, making Jamie whine and causing a burst of pre to shoot out onto Max's chest. "Ooh, foxy does like that."

"Mmmhmm." As Max's cock slipped in and out of him, Jamie couldn't help but moan. "Mmm, oh god Max. . .ugh. . ."

"Just enjoy." Helping Jamie rise off his cock, the fox began to speed up, which only caused his cock to rub against Max's chest harder. The feeling of Max's fur against his cock was making the young fox go crazy, especially when it was rubbing against his knot.

"G-God. . .Max. . ." Holding onto Max as tight as he could, Jamie started panting as he was going through this. His legs were beginning to shake and he was struggling to keep the pace up. Max noticed and rather than see his boyfriend struggle, he pushed Jamie backwards onto the bed. "Max?"

"This'll be easier on you."

"Thanks." Leaning forward, Max licked Jamie's nose before pressing his lips against the fox's once again. Keeping up with his thrusts, Max began to move away from Jamie's face and focused more on fucking his fox.

"You're mine now Jamie."

"I thought I already was." Smiling, Max pulled Jamie closer, making his cock go deeper inside the fox. As the snow leopard continued to push his member further inside Jamie, he managed to slip part of his sheath into the fox. "Max?"


"Did you just. . .?"

"Uh. . .yeah." Smiling, Jamie just told him to continue. Picking up from where he left off, Max continued to thrust in and out of his fox. Looking down, he saw Jamie was enjoying himself and his cock was now throbbing for release. Moving a paw forward, he stroked the fox's length very slowly, making him whine even more.

"Max. . ."

"You want to cum foxy?"


"Too bad, you have to wait." Jamie whined again but Max just continued to fuck his fox, enjoying the warm feeling of Jamie's ass around his cock. "Ngh. . .oh fuck. . .you're going to make me cum soon Jamie."

"Cum inside me. . .Max. . ."

"Oh don't worry, I will." Thrusting as fast as he could, his hips were slamming into Jamie's, but the two of them didn't actually mind it that much. The snow leopard knew that his climax was coming, but like before, he wanted to make it last longer. As he continued to thrust in and out of Jamie, it wasn't too long before it came. "Oh. . .Jamie. . .I-NGH!" About four decent shots of cum rocketed out of his cock, filling the condom. Placing his paws on the bed, Max was panting and so was his fox. Before Max could even do anything, Jamie had already began to move until he managed to let Max's length slip out of him.

"Fuck, that was good."


"Oh, we're not finished." Pushing Max on his back, the fox took off the condom and sucked all the cum out and swallowed it, slowly licking his lips.

"Hey, you got a big taste earlier." Max said while giving a pouted look.

"Oh don't worry kitten, you'll get a treat." Wondering what Jamie was going to do, the fox lied down with his cock at Max's face. "On you go, I know you want it." Smiling, Max took the fox's length into his paw and started to take the fox meat into his maw. "Oah. . .god Max, yeah. ." As Max began to lick Jamie's member. Slowly taking more of the length into his maw, Max began licking feverishly at the meat while he used one paw to slowly stroke Jamie's knot. "Oh come on Max. . .suck that dick. . . .make me cum. . ."

"Mmmm." That was Max's reply. Max was taking most of Jamie's cock into his maw, also wanting the fox to cum. Remembering what happened in the bathtub, Max moved his paws to Jamie's hips and started pulling the fox's body into his face. At first Jamie wondered what he was doing but it soon came back to him. Carefully pulling his cock out of Max's mouth, he pushed back in and began repeating the process. Smiling, Jamie knew that Max liked this and he began stroking the snow leopard's head. Leaning his head back, Jamie continued to thrust his member slowly in and out of Max's maw, but it was soon getting to the fox.

"Max?" Letting the fox's member out of his mouth, Max looked at Jamie.

"What's wrong?"

"I just want to do something."

"What?" Getting off the bed, Jamie was now standing on the floor and he waved Max over. Following, Max stood in front of Jamie until the fox told him to kneel.

"Open up." Smiling, Max opened his maw and Jamie started pushing his cock inside Max's mouth. Closing his eyes, Max began to lick Jamie's length again. "Now careful with the teeth hon." The snow leopard to into account what Jamie was saying and he made sure his teeth were a good distance away from the soft flesh. Giving Jamie the okay sign, the fox began to pull his length out of Max's mouth and began pushing back in. Doing the same as when they were on the bed, the fox was careful not to thrust in too quickly and risk hurting Max's throat. Keeping up a gentle speed, Jamie was enjoying the feeling off Max's mouth around his cock. Licking the cock as much as he could, Jamie was soon finding it difficult to hold back. "Ngh. . .Max. . ." Cupping the fox's balls in his paw, he gently rolled them in his paw, making the fox slow down with his thrusts which gave Max the chance to suck Jamie off. Using his other paw, he gripped the base of Jamie's cock and let it slip out of his mouth. Rubbing it all over his face, Max then began to lick all over Jamie's package, quickly running his tongue over Jamie's balls and knot before taking it back into his mouth. Sucking and licking as fast as he could, he kept squeezing Jamie's knot, sending many short bursts of pre down the feline's throat. "Oh Max. . .I'm not going to last much longer. . ." At the end of those words, Max sucked and licked his boyfriends length harder and faster, feeling Jamie's body shake as he continued the treatment. Grabbing Max's head for balance, Jamie closed his eyes and began gritting his teeth as his climax began to approach. "M-Max. . .I'm. ." In one last, long lick, Jamie could no longer hold back. Three bursts of cum erupted from his cock and landed in Max's waiting maw, some going down his throat making him gag a little. When the flow of cum finally stopped, Jamie took his cock out of Max's mouth and sat on the bed panting while Max was licking up the cum in his maw. Moving towards Jamie, he wrapped his arms around the fox.

"Jamie, I love you."

"I love you too." With another kiss, the two kept each other in a hug until they heard Lily.

"Boys, your dinner is ready. Come downstairs if you can."

"Okay mom. You want to clean up a bit first?"

"Um. . .okay." Grabbing the condom, Jamie got rid of it while Max made sure he was clean enough before putting his clothes on. When the two cubs got dressed, they looked at each other.

"Ready for dinner?" Jamie asked Max. The snow leopard nodded.

Heading downstairs, the two saw their dinner on the table. Walking in, the two took a seat and helped themselves to some juice and began eating. To say it was quiet was an understatement, although Aaron and Lily knew about the cubs now, it was still a little awkward.

"So. . .have fun then?" Lily asked, trying to break the silence.

"Lily, not at the table."

"Heheh, yeah. . . .we did." Max said. Giggling a little, Jamie rubbed his tail against Max. Turning his head, Max smiled at the fox before focusing back on his food.

Again, silence loomed over them. It was like a curse and it was now getting to the fox. "So. . .you er. . .really don't mind us being together?"

"Well. . .it isn't what we expected, but I told you both earlier that I'm fine with it."

"Thanks dad."

"Anyway, your father shouldn't have a problem with it at all, ever since he-"

"Lily." She chuckled and the two cubs wondered what they were talking about. They dismissed it though and they continued eating.

"Mmm, that was good." Max said as he licked his lips.

"Do you want any dessert?"

"Um. . .Jamie?"

"What is there mom?"

"There's ice cream, yoghurt, or a slice of apple pie."

"Can I have ice cream mom?"


"Uhh. . .I'll just have the same please."

"Vanilla fine then?"


Once they received their bowls, it wasn't long until the two were nearly finished. Looking at the fox, Max nudged his shoulder.

Turning his attention towards Max, Jamie wondered what was on his mind. "Max?"

"So. . .when should I tell my parents?"

"I don't know hon. I mean, its up to you and I will be there for you."

"Is it enough though?"

"What do you mean?"

"Its just. . .Jamie, I have no idea how my parents will react, I've never seen or heard them say something about gay people. My brother, Alex-"

"You have a brother?"

"Yeah. . .oh, I told Drake but I forgot. He's in the army though, but. . .he's someone I'd talk to, even if he is an ass."

"Did you talk to him when he was around?"

"Yeah, he always helped. . .then he did something to piss me off later." Jamie smiled and Max did the same. Getting up from the table, the two headed into the living room and sat down.

"Can I just ask Max?"

"Ask what?"

"When did you start thinking you were gay?"

"Twelve. I mean, I was really unsure, there were some girls in my class that I thought looked cute, but I always thought some of the other guys, especially the older ones, I always thought that they were really hot. Which is why I always skipped showers. . .in case of. . .y'know."

"Yeah. Did you ever talk about that to Alex?"

"Yeah. Want to know what he did?"


"He kissed me." Jamie looked at Max with pure disbelief in his eyes, thinking Max was just making it up. However, the snow leopard noticed the look from the fox and moved closer to him. "No, really and if I remember his words correctly they were. . .'Max, if you want to know, get naked and in my bed and I'll show you'."

"You are joking!"

"Well. . .I just looked at him. I mean, I thought he was but I remembered his girlfriend. I just stared at him. He shook his head and asked if I wanted to know. I said yes."

"So, I wasn't your first?" The fox flattened his ears against his head and he began to wrap his tail around his waist.

"What?! Yeah, you were. Can I finish my story?"

Smiling, Jamie gave the feline a quick kiss on his cheek. "Okay."

"Right then. So. . ." He looked around to see where Aaron and Lily were and got up, pointing upstairs, Jamie understood and followed the feline back into his bedroom. Closing the door, the two cubs sat on the bed. "Okay, well. . ."

"Max, come on, I really want to hear this."

The snow leopard saw the pleading look in Jamie's eyes and smiled. "Okay, he told me again to strip, so I did and I got in his bed. He threw the covers off and he started stripping and. . .holy crap, he was amazing, not as muscled as Troy, but he was good looking. Anyway, he was naked-"

"Was he hard?"

"Let me finish. And yes, he was. . .a little. Okay, he cuddled me and asked me if I felt anything other than his dick and balls. I said I liked it and he could tell, seeing as how I was really hard. But, he also kissed me again. I asked why he was doing it and he replied saying he's played with a few guys before, and sometimes, I'd notice that he'd always tell me to get lost whenever he had some of his friends over or he's spend a lot of time with them or his girlfriend."

"Cool. Did they ever do anything to you?"

Max focused on what had happened in his past and he soon looked back towards Jamie. "No. . .they just smiled and said hi to me whenever they were around. But, the good part was that they looked out for me."

"Okay, now back to the story."

"Okay. Alex and I finished kissing and then he started kissed my chest and he the lied on his back and asked what I was waiting for."

"Go on." Jamie said, he was smiling intensely, trying his best to imagine Max fooling around with Alex, despite the fact he had no idea what he looked like. Adjusting his pants, he wanted Max to continue with his little story.

"And, I moved on top of him and started. . .kissing him. . .on the lips. . .his pecs and abs."

"Max, you horny kitty!" Max started laughing and raised a paw up.

"That's not all."

"What did you do?"

"I um. . .licked his. . .dick."

"No fucking way!"

"I did."

"And I thought I was bad for sucking Drake off my first night here. Go on, go on."

"He let me lick him and I enjoyed it. But he told me to stop and he asked me how I felt. I said I was okay and he asked if I really enjoyed it. And, I did."

"Was that it?"

"No. I thought it was, but he pushed me on my back, sat on me and pawed himself until he came all over me. He just smiled at me and he helped me get off too. By licking and then pawing me. God that was fun."

"Did you do anything else after that?"

"Well, he was still at the army, so he was around for a little while. But after our little adventure, it was kind of hard living with him, he was still the usual ass I grew up with, but he always liked to play tricks on me."


"Um. . .one time, I was in the shower, he came in and stripped in front of me. I did not find that funny at all, but he said he wanted the shower and could wait. I got out, said I wasn't falling for it and he grabbed my towel, threw it to floor and pushed me against the wall, asking for a little fun. He was bored if you want to know why."


"Yeah, but he kissed me. And I kinda. . .kissed back. He then started rubbing his crotch on me, which I liked and we had fun. Although, the things we only ever done were hand jobs and licking each other a little. It never went any further."

"Did you keep doing it?"

"No. When he went back to the army, I was kinda fed up. When he came back down, he said it was just fun and I should settle down and find a boyfriend. By that time, I knew I was gay. We still talked and I slept beside him once, with clothes."

"Damn. Hoping for another good story."

"But. . .maybe it was for the better. Don't get me wrong, he's hot but. . .just not for me."

"At least he helped you discover your sexuality."

"Yeah, that's a way put it. So, what about you?"


"Yeah. Did you have anyone?"

"No, not like that. It was me fooling around with Drake and Troy that made me realise. Hey, did Alex ever sleep with those guys? Boyfriend stuff like?"

"Err. . .well, his relationship with Hannah, his ex, they called it off because they couldn't stay in contact much and Hannah moved all the way to New York, that didn't help. But although he said he fooled around with guys, I don't think he's ever had a boyfriend."

"Speaking of boyfriends, were do you think Drake and Troy are?"

"Dunno. They might want to get back soon though." Max pointed outside and Jamie turned his head. Dark clouds were building up and they weren't too far away.

"Hmm, probably going to rain soon. Wonderful." The fox said sarcastically. Moving towards the window, he saw his mother in the garden putting clothes that were on the washing line into a basket. When Lily got back inside, Jamie turned his attention back to Max. "So, about the coming out issue, when should we come out to your mom and dad?"

"I really don't know Jamie. Can we leave it for a little while? I might want to try and find out some way of knowing how they feel."

"That's probably a good idea."

"And, maybe we should tell Drake and Troy, just so they don't have to hide anything."

"Yeah. Should we call them?"

"Okay." Picking up his phone, Jamie looked at Drake's number and pressed the call button. As the phone rang, they both heard the front door open.

"Were back. Jamie you can hang up now." He heard Drake's voice. Cancelling the call, he opened his door and saw Drake heading towards them, along with Troy.



"Listen, can we talk with you guys?"

"Sure." Heading in, they sat back down on the bed and the dragon looked at the cubs. "What can we do for you?"

"Well. . .earlier. . .dad. . .they know about us Drake."

"What? D-Did they say anything?"

"They're okay with it."

"That's a relief. So, you both don't need to hide anything?"


"Max, what about you?"

"Haven't told mine yet."

"Well, your choice Max." Drake said to him. "Anyway, Troy promised I'd get to have fun with him."

"Hey, I'll bet that's what you were doing earlier."

"Well. . .yeah, but I never got any panther cock at all."

"It's true. So. . ." He looked at Drake who nodded. ". . .feel free to join us."

"Thanks, but we kinda had fun earlier, after we came out."

"Just like us kitten."

"Yep." Chuckling a little, the older two headed out into the hallway. As for the cubs, they looked at each other and Jamie wrapped an arm around Max.

"So, what should we do for the rest of the night?"

By seven the rain had came and it was getting heavier by the minute. Max was looking out the window and sighed, still thinking about coming out to his parents. However, a knock distracted him and he quickly turned to see Aaron in the doorway.

"Max, this rain isn't going to let up anytime soon, I'll give you a lift home later if you'd like."

"Thanks, save me from getting wet."

"True. . .er, where's Jamie?"

"Oh, bathroom." Aaron nodded and started making his way back downstairs. By the time Jamie had returned, the feline smiled and started to walk towards the fox before wrapping his arms around him.

"Miss me that much?"

"Definitely." After a kiss, the two decided to play on the PS2 for a while to pass the time. Inserting the disc for Tekken 5, the two looked at each other.

"Best 3 out of 5?"

"You're on!"

For the next hour the two continued to play matches until Jamie decided enough was enough and the two switched off the machine and moved towards the bed. Wrapping an arm around the fox, Max cuddled right into Jamie and started licking the fox's ear, making the canid giggle.

"Heheheh, Max. . .that tickles. . ."



"Heheheh. Aww, I just want to cuddle you all night, part of me doesn't want to go home. I just want to stay here with you."

"Well, if it were up to me, you would be staying here with me." Pulling, the snow leopard on top of him, Jamie licked Max on the nose. "And that way, I can be with my kitten."

"Jamie. . .I really love you. I wish. . ." Max started blushing and Jamie looked at him curiously, hoping for an answer. ". . .I wish. .we could. . .just. . . ."

"What is it Max?"

"I just wish. . .we. . .could. . ."

"Jamie? Max?" The two cubs quickly focused their attention towards the door and saw Drake and Troy. "Oh. . .sorry, I'll leave you two alone." Once Drake left, Max looked away from Jamie and smiled.

"Now what is it that you were going to tell me?"

"Uh.. . . .Jamie. . . .I uh, really. . .I just wish. . ."


"I. . .can you promise me something Jamie?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"If anything happens, I always want to be with you, no matter what happens, I just want us to be together."

Smiling, Jamie tightened his hold on Max. "I promise, we will always be together." Pulling the feline into a kiss, the two were unaware that Drake was watching them. Heading downstairs, he sat next to his panther and kissed him on the lips.

"Someone's happy."

"Just saw Jamie and Max, god. . .they just look so cute together, and they remind me of when we where first going out."

"Yeah." Rubbing his paw against the side of Drake's face, Troy planted a kiss on the dragon's lips and pulled him into a warm embrace. "Hey, its after eight, when should I take Max home?"

"Dad said he would."

"Its okay, I need to get home too. Working out with Dad in the morning, kinda want to ask him a few things."

"Oh yeah."

"Honestly!" They looked up and saw Aaron with his hand over his eyes. "Okay, I slept with James, A GUY! Can you let this go?"

"Sorry dad. But we just wanted to know." Aaron sighed and walked back into the kitchen. But the two teenagers where starting to laugh.

"I'm still going to ask dad when I get home. No idea how mom will react."

"Oh well, you can always find out."

"Yep. So, when should I take Max home?"

"Dunno. Around nine or ten?"

"Let's wait until they come downstairs and we'll ask him."

Back upstairs, the two cubs were still making out, all of their clothes off. Pressing their cocks into each others bodies, they moaned when either of them pushed themselves deeply into the other. Breaking away from the kiss, Max looked at Jamie.

"Should we? I mean. . .we already went at it earlier?"

"I. . .-pant-. . .don't know. . .when. . .do you. . .have to be. . .-pant-. .home?"

"Uhh. . .sometime before ten."

"Okay. . .maybe we should. . .just make out a little more?"


Pressing their lips together, Jamie pushed Max onto the bed, still keeping him locked in the kiss. Letting their hands roam each others bodies, Max squeezed Jamie's firm rump, which the fox actually liked. Before they could take it any further, the two had to break away to catch their breath.

"T-that. . .-pant-. . .was good. . ." Max said as he lay flat out on the bed. Jamie decided to lie next to him and the fox kept and arm around the feline. While the minutes passed by, the two cubs were still cuddling each other. By the time nine pm had came, the two cubs were still on the bed. Yawning, the fox got up and stretched.

"Hey, Max?"


"Do you think its possible you can stay the night?" Jamie winked but Max sighed.

"I'm sorry hon, I cant. My mom and dad have got something planned. I think we're going somewhere, but I cant really remember, wasn't paying much attention."


Max saw the disappointment in Jamie's eyes and quickly got up and cuddled the fox. "I'm really sorry, if I could stay, I would. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." Turning around, the fox hugged his boyfriend but soon broke the embrace and picked up some deodorant. Tossing it to Max, the snow leopard grew confused. "Don't want to go home smelling like me do you?"

"Oh, guess not." After using the deodorant, Max picked up his clothes and started putting them on. "Damn, I'm too used to being naked."

"Yeah, me too." Once the two cubs were completely dressed, they both made their way downstairs. Taking a seat next to Drake and Troy, the two cubs held each others paws and cuddled into one another. By the time it had reached 9:45pm, Troy got up and stretched.



"Its nearly ten, you want me to take you home?"

"Um. . .Aaron said he would."

"Nah, its okay. I told him earlier."

"Thanks Troy. I'll go grab my stuff."

"I'll help." Jamie said to the feline. Running upstairs, Jamie couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. They just came out not that long ago and it went perfectly fine, he just felt like he and Max should be having a little celebration tonight. Looking at the feline's body, Jamie sighed happily, just wanting to pounce on Max. When they got into the room, Max picked up his bag and art folder and looked at Jamie.

"Well. . .that's me."

"Damn, I just want you to stay."

"I know. . .-sigh-. . .but, some things just cant be helped."

"Yeah. So. . .can I come with you?"

"Have to ask Troy."

"Good point." Walking back downstairs, the two saw Troy standing next to the door with Drake. "Troy?"


"Is it okay if I can see Max off?"

"Well, he's your boyfriend. Why not. Grab a coat at least, its bloody pouring down."

"We'll be back soon mom." Drake said. She just waved, knowing that they wouldn't be too long. When Jamie grabbed his jacket, the four went out and ran to the car, trying their best to remain dry. Max however, was just focused on keeping his art folder dry, not caring if he got wet. When they got in, Troy started the car and began to drive off towards Max's place.

"Hey Troy?"

"Yeah Jamie?"


"What for?"

"Well, if I didn't come, you could have got home quicker."

"It doesn't matter kit, besides, I don't mind spending more time with you lot."

"I bet I know why." Drake said. Smiling, Troy kept his eyes on the road. In less than five minutes, they reached Max's house. Opening the door, Max got out and looked at the windows, he didn't see anyone. Thinking it was safe, Max looked at the fox.


"What is it?" Jamie got out of the car and Max smiled.

"I was hoping you'd do that."

"Why?" Without warning, Max pulled the fox into a kiss. Ignoring the rain, the two continued the embrace, not caring if anyone saw them at all. Breaking apart, Jamie smiled at Max.

"You know, someone could have seen us."

"You know, I couldn't really care anymore. I love you."

"I love you too." With another quick kiss, Jamie said goodbye and got back inside the car. Closing the door, Jamie waved as Troy drove off. For Max though, he sighed once the car was out of sight. Turning towards the door, he opened it and started walking towards his room.

"Mom, dad, I'm back." When he walked into his room, Max placed his bag next to his bed and carefully hid his art folder behind his wardrobe so his parents wouldn't find out about his 'other' art drawings. Taking off his clothes, Max grabbed a pair of boxers from his drawer and made his way towards the bathroom. Opening the door, he switched on the light and made his way towards the towel rack, taking one off the rail, the snow leopard began drying himself. "Better." Once he got back in his room, he put on a pair of pyjama's and headed into the living room. However, he noticed his mother and father on the couch, and by the look of it, his mother had been crying a bit. Getting worried, he went up to them. "Mom? Are you okay? Did something happen?"

"Sit down Max." Looking at his father, he hoped for an answer. "Sit down!" Doing as he was told, Max couldn't help but think what was going on.

"What's wrong? Mom, Dad?"

"Max, your mother and I have been talking and we think its best that you don't see Jamie anymore."

"W-Why? Is it because he's a foster kid? Dad, he's a good friend."

"It seems a hell of a lot more than friendship!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You fucking know what I'm talking about. You kissed that little queer five minutes ago!" At the end of those words, Max's eyes widened. [H-How did they know. . .I checked. . .]

"D-Dad. . ."

"Max, I will not let you see that piece of shit anymore and-"

"Don't you call him that you bastard!"

"MAXWELL RYAN THOMPSON! I AM YOUR FATHER AND YOU WILL NOT SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT!" Retreating back into the chair, Max didn't want to look at his father. Whenever he was like this, not even Alex could do anything. "Now, I will not have my son become some fucking tail raiser!"

"Too late."

"What did you say!?" Max tried his best to ignore his father, but it was useless. "MAX!!"

"I said you're too late! I am a tail raiser."

"Are you saying. . .that piece of shit fucked you?!"

"Yeah, and I love him. And, he's my boyfriend." By now, Max's father was fuming with rage, walking towards his son, he grabbed him by his arm.

"Listen to me! I will NOT allow you to be fucked by some stupid faggot! Let alone have you become one!"

"He's not-"

"SHUT UP!" Max froze completely, however, he could see the anger in his father which was really beginning to scare him. "Now, listen to me. I am going to make sure that you never see that fox again. I have connections to some boarding schools and I have every intention of sending you there to straighten you out."

"No, you cant make me!"

"Oh, I can and I will." Tightening his grip on Max's arm, the younger snow leopard grabbed his father's hand in an attempt to stop the pain.

"Ah. . .dad. . .that hurts! M-Mom, make him stop!" She didn't do anything, instead, she got up and walked out of the room. "Mom!"

"Max, this is for your own good."

"How, by hurting me and taking me away from Jamie!"

"Max, you will do as I say! You are going to a private school and you are going to be a normal boy and find a girl."

"I don't want a girl! I want Jamie!" With his temper now flaring, the older snow leopard threw his son on the floor. Grabbing him by the scruff of his neck, he pushed Max into the wall.

"Max, will you forget about that fucking cock sucker! You will not go anywhere near him!"

"I don't care what you say, you send me to that school and I will just run away from there."

"No you will not. You are my son and I will do what is best for you!"

"Then you'd let me be with Jamie!"

"HELL NO! I don't want you near that little fuck anymore, got that!?"

While he was waiting for his son to respond, Max's temper finally boiled over. He decided that if he couldn't make his parents accept him, then all he needed was Jamie. Swinging his foot into his father's side, the older male staggered and Max used his chance to use his claws on his father's arm. In a split second, the older male was in pain and dropped Max to the floor. Taking his chance, Max began sprinting towards the door, however, he had barely grabbed the door handle before he felt something hard hit him on the side of his head, knocking him straight to the floor. Clutching his head in pain, he saw his father snarling at him, blood flowing down his arm. Closing his eyes, Max began to cry, afraid of what was going to happen to him. As he lay there, he heard his father walk away, opening his eyes, he saw that he was gone and the door handle was above him. If he could open the door quickly, he could run towards Jamie's and hide there. But his father was also quick, he could catch up to him easily, but he didn't care, he just wanted his fox to be there like they planned. However, an image of his fox, beaten and bloody on the floor appeared in his mind. If this was what his father was like, he didn't want Jamie to be near him at all. Hearing footsteps again, Max panicked. He tried getting up but he soon felt a paw grab him. He saw his father open the door and the young snow leopard didn't know what was happening.

"D-Dad?" In an instant, Max was tossed the ground. Landing hard on the concrete, Max cried in pain. Looking back at his dad, he saw him toss a plastic bag at him. "Dad?"

"You're not my son. Get out of my sight." His father slammed the door shut and the realization hit him, his family had just disowned him. Getting back on his feet, Max ran up to the door and started pounding his fist against the frame.

"Dad! Please, I'm sorry! Why cant you just be happy for me?! Dad." Kneeling down on the ground, Max just started crying, allowing the rain to mix with his tears. Putting a paw up to his head, he felt a small amount of blood running down his head from where he hit the concrete. It stung as soon as he pressed his paw onto the small wound. Getting up, he grabbed the bag and ran off down the street. Without even looking back at his former home, Max made a plan to run back to Jamie's as fast as he could.

After running for a little while, the feline had to stop to catch his breath. The rain was still pouring heavily, nearly bouncing off the ground. Max was now soaked, his clothes now sticking to his body, looking around he noticed a familiar car. Thinking about what he could do, Max's mind filled with questions. Troy was closer, not to mention Troy alone could keep him safe. Jamie was still further away and Max was now feeling the cold. He decided, the panther was closer and he knew he could stay with him for the night at least. Running across the road, Max headed towards the door, hesitantly, he moved his paw closer and pressed the button for the doorbell. In a few seconds, someone opened the door.

"He- Oh, who are you? Why are you out in the rain?" He looked up, the panther was female and he knew he found the right place.

"I-Is Troy here?"

"Um. . .yes. . .Troy." Within a few seconds, a familiar muscled panther appeared in some boxers, wondering why his mother called on him.

"Yeah?" She pointed Max out and Troy immediately stopped what he was doing. Moving forward, the panther grabbed Max and held him close. "Oh god Max!" Wrapping his arms around the panther, Max just cried into Troy's shoulder. Moving back inside, he shut the door with his foot and looked at his mother, wondering what was going on. "Its okay Max, its okay. Mom, I'll take care of him."

"O-Okay. . .just give me his clothes, they're soaked." Carrying Max upstairs, Troy heard his mother head into the kitchen. Walking through the small hallway, Troy opened the door to his room. Sitting down on the bed, Troy will still keeping a firm hold on Max. Not that long ago, the snow leopard was smiling and cheerful, but now. . .he had been reduced to something similar to a kitten.


"-sniff-. . .t-they hate me. . ."

"Your parents?" Max nodded. Troy rubbed his side, hoping he would stop crying soon. "Come on, lets get you out of these clothes." Placing the feline down, he took off his clothes and noticed that Max had a bruise on the side of his face and a cut just above his eye. "Max?"


"How did you get that?" Max looked away, but Troy looked serious. "Did your parents do this?" Max nearly burst into tears again and Troy could only cuddle him again. When he broke the embrace, Troy noticed that the bag full of clothes were soaked and there wasn't much in it. A pair of socks, one pair of boxers, a shirt and two pants. Shaking his head, Troy wondered how anyone could do this to a kid like Max. "Right, these are all soaked, I'll take them down to mum, and er. . .my boxers too, kinda wet."

"Y-Yeah. .." Max giggled a little, but it didn't last long. Taking his boxers off, Troy took Max into the bathroom.

"Wait here, I'll be back in a minute." Max nodded and Troy walked downstairs. As he headed towards the kitchen, he saw his father watching a show. As Troy passed him, he thought about asking how Max was, but James decided not to pry and went back to watching his show. Walking into the kitchen, Troy saw his mother waiting to receive Max's clothes so they could go in the dryer.

"Are they wet as well?"

"Yeah." Handing them over, she put them in and closed the door. "How is he?"

"Upset. Mom, just let him stay with me tonight, I'll call Drake and let him know what's going on."

"Alright. And make sure he takes a shower. After that, he can have a drink and go to bed."

"Oh yeah, he's got a small cut on his head, it should be fine. Maybe just some headache pills will do."

"Well, there's some stuff in the cupboard in the bathroom."

"Okay, oh yeah." Troy took off his boxers and placed them in the dryer. Emma however, shook her head.

"For goodness sake Troy, you're as bad as your father."


"Yes, and in case you forgot, Drake isn't here and you have someone upstairs you should be looking after."

"I know." Heading back out the room, he saw his father shake his head as he passed. When Emma got back through, she sat next to her husband.

"Am I really like that?"

"Do you want to know?"

"Maybe not."

Upstairs, Max was sitting on the floor, his head in his knees. He looked back on the incident with his father but he just wanted to erase those memories completely. As soon as the door opened, he smiled a little when he saw Troy.

"Hey. You okay?"

". . . .n-no. . ."

"Max." Kneeling down, Troy wrapped his arms around the smaller feline.

"W-Why did it have to happen Troy?"

"I. . .I don't know Max. . .some people. . .just. . ." The panther sighed, he remembered being in a similar place to Max, but he didn't want to bring those memories back. "Listen, lets take a shower, it'll do you good."

"Okay." Standing up, Troy took Max into the shower. Closing the door, Troy switched on the shower and let the warm water hit him in the face. Stepping back a little, he let the water run down Max's body.

"Is that warm enough Max?"

"Its fine." Rubbing Max's chest, Troy could only wonder why Max had to go through something like that. Shaking it off, the panther grabbed the shower gel and squirted some into his paw and began to rub it into Max's fur. The snow leopard could only smile, even if it was a weak one, but knowing Troy was there, it made such a difference, turning around, the panther noticed Max was on the verge of tears again, but this time, he couldn't hold it back. Wrapping his arms around Troy, Max just cried into him.

"Max. Its going to be okay." The snow leopard continued crying into the panther's chest and it was getting to Troy. "Max, if you keep crying, it'll make me cry."

Looking up at Troy's face, Max gulped, tears still running down his face. "S-Sorry. . .-sniff-. . ."

"Its okay." After returning the embrace, the two felines continued to wash until Troy switched the shower off. Stepping out of the shower, Troy grabbed the towel and wrapped it around himself and Max. As he dried himself and Max, he thought about saying something, but Max had been silent for the past few minutes, obviously deep in thought. Once they finished drying themselves, Max followed Troy into his room. "Max?"


"I just need to take these down. And, I better call Drake. Jamie should know what happened."

"I don't want to worry him."

"Max, he's your boyfriend. He has to know. He's going to find out anyway."

"Okay." Before Troy left, he checked the cut on Max's head, it wasn't bleeding, so he assumed it would be okay. In a few seconds, Troy headed downstairs, leaving Max alone in his room. Wrapping his arms and tail around his body, the snow leopard shivered, despite his efforts to keep warm. Looking at the bed he was on, he could obviously smell Troy. Instantly, a picture of himself and Jamie together appeared in his mind. He smiled for a few seconds but his father was there also. Gritting his teeth, he tried to abolish the mental picture. Sighing, he lied down on Troy's bed and wrapped the covers around him. He felt like crying again, but he managed to hold it back. After a few minutes, Troy made his way back upstairs with two mugs of hot chocolate, hoping it would cheer Max up, even if it was only a little. Going into his room, he smiled when he saw Max in his bed.


"Oh. S-Sorry."

"Its okay." Moving forward, Troy handed a mug to Max, not realising that Troy's huge sac was near his face. Sitting up, Max smiled at the panther and took the mug into his hands.

"Thanks Troy."

"Its okay, it'll warm you up."

Sipping at the hot drink, he licked his lips and looked at Troy. "Um. .did you call Drake?"

"Yeah, he's worried about you, he's probably telling Jamie and I have said not to call your phone." Nodding, Max took another sip of the hot drink. Placing it on the bedside cabinet, Max looked at Troy. The panther was still naked, his huge sac just hanging there, but it was the last thing on Max's mind.

"Why did it have to happen Troy?"

Placing his mug down, Troy sat next to the snow leopard. "I don't know Max."

"It just happened so fast."

"What happened?"

"He got angry, started calling Jamie a faggot, or a piece of shit. I got angry and I said I loved him. He grabbed me and I got even more angry so I kicked him and clawed his arm. I ran for the door and he hit me. Then he threw me to the ground and shut the door saying I wasn't his son anymore."

"Didn't your mom do anything?"

"No. She just walked away."

"I'm so sorry Max."

"Its okay Troy. . .-sniff-. .n-not like I needed them anyway. . ."


"They were g-going to send me away. . .to some school. .and I said I'd just run away if they sent me there."

_Troy thought to himself. "Listen Max, you don't need them. You have the rest of us and we'll always look after you."

"Thanks Troy." Reaching for his hot chocolate, Max took another sip before placing it back. Looking at Troy, he smiled before wrapping his arms around the panther. "You know. . .I always feel better when you're around."

"Aww, thanks Max." Returning the hug, Troy held the smaller feline close to him. Smiling, the two broke the embrace and finished their hot chocolates. "Oh yeah, you can stay in my bed with me if you'd like."

"Thanks." Getting into the bed, Max looked around Troy's room. It had a desk with a computer, wardrobe, drawers and a T.V. "Say Troy?"


"Where's all your weights and stuff?"

"Oh, in another room, sometimes I bring my weights in here though." Max nodded and Troy knew what he was trying to do, Max was doing his best to keep his mind away from what happened earlier. Looking around again, he saw a few photo frames in his room. One had himself and Drake when they were younger, the second and third though had people he didn't recognise._

"Who are they Troy?" Max pointed at the two other photo frames and Troy smirked.

"Okay. . ." Picking up the nearest one, he sighed. ". . .this is of me and my family. I was around 14, a couple of weeks before Drake and I were together. That's my parents in the back, obviously, me in the middle-"

"And those two?" He pointed to two other panthers, one on each side of Troy.

"My sisters, they're twins and both 22 by now. They always treated me like a little kid, but they were both doing something. Julie, the taller one, she's an accountant. Julia, she's a beautician. God, I remember when Julia kept dressing me up when I was six and seven. At least she always kept dressing me in boys clothes, or at least in a guy style, so it wasn't that bad. Julie, she was always the more serious one, always telling me to study more, seeing as how I worked out a lot."

"Did they have anything to do when you came out?"

"Not really. They weren't even surprised, Julia, I guess she always knew, Julie, she just treated me like normal. But they weren't around when I came out."

"Where are they now?"

"Julie's seeing someone, haven't met him though. As far as I know, she's still with him, but I cant really remember what king of fur he is. And Julia, she works in a spa. She visits now and then, brings some of her stuff with her and she keeps trying to use her stuff on me. Then Drake asks me why I smell like something."

"Heheheh." Troy placed the photo down and was glad to see Max actually smiling again. "So, who's that?"

Troy picked up the picture and sighed. "That's my cousin, Kai."

"He's a leopard. So, you're a black leopard?"

"Yep. But I prefer panther, sounds better. To me anyway."

"How old were you when this was taken?"

"That was last year. He, my uncle and aunt visited last summer. We talk every now and then, but when I came out to him, he wasn't even sure if he wanted to know me at all. He came round though, kept asking what it was like and after a while I said "find a boy and you'll know". As far as I know, he didn't, he's got a girl. But it was kinda rough when I told him."

"Oh." When Troy placed the photo down, he glanced at his clock, which said it was after eleven.

"Maybe we should get some sleep Max. Tomorrow's going to be a big day."

"Yeah." Troy rubbed his chest and gave a warm smile. Max returned a weak one, but soon slid under the covers. "You really don't mind me being here?"

"Not at all Max." Wrapping his arms around Max, Troy yawned and held the snow leopard close to his chest. Closing his eyes, Troy started to slowly fall into his dreams while Max was still wide awake.

After an hour of lying in bed, Max was busy thinking to himself, wondering what he could do. All his stuff was at home and he couldn't think of a way to get it back himself, and would his parents even let him get any of it. However, his attention was quickly drawn to the hallway. Hearing footsteps, he knew it was Troy's parents. Trying to fall asleep, he closed his eyes but after another ten minutes, Max sighed. He just lay there, waiting for sleep to take him.

Looking at Troy, he saw the panther was still in a deep sleep. Turning around, he wrapped his own arms around the muscled feline and smiled. "Thanks Troy."

"No problem."


"I'm not asleep." Opening his eyes, Troy yawned and sat up, with Max still holding him. "What's wrong Max?"

"Um. . .nothing, I didn't wake you there did I?"

"Nah. And something is bugging you, come on, what is it?"

"Well. . .every time I think of you guys, you all have your families, so. . .why did I have to lose mine?"

"Max, let me say this first." Looking into Troy's eyes, Max wondered what he would say. "You turned out a different way than your parents expected, they had thought you'd be this and that."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that they're just angry you became something different than what they planned. But, its your life and if they cant accept that, then you're better off without them."

"I guess."

"Max, think about a few other things. What about Jamie?"

"What about him?"

"You had a better life than he did. You had your parents, Jamie didn't. He's been in two other families before this and he grew up in an orphanage for most of his life. Drake could have been thrown out when he came out, thank god Cam was there."

"Yeah, but Jamie and Drake didn't get thrown out."

"I nearly did."


"When I came out, I decided to do it on my own. I was scared Drake would get hurt."

"What happened?"

"Well, dad and I were working out like usual. I had been with Drake for seven months and we decided not to keep it hidden, too many close calls. So, while we were working out, I asked Dad something. . ."

"Hey dad?"


"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." I was really nervous, he was still working out so I just walked up to him and sat next to him. He saw that I was worried and stopped what he was doing. "What's wrong Troy?"

"Well. . .um. . .y-yesterday, when I was at the mall, I saw a. . .guy with. . .a. . ." I was trying my best to come up with some excuse, kind of hoping he wouldn't think I was gay right at that moment. ". . .he had a rainbow necklace on. . .and. .er. . .he kissed another guy." As soon as I finished that sentence, I felt stupid. He just looked at me and raised his eye.

"What about him?"

"Well, do you think its okay for two guys to love each other?"

"I don't have anything against them. I hope you don't."

"N-No. I er. . .just wanted to know what you thought."

"Troy." As soon as I looked at him, I instantly knew. Dad can always tell when something is bugging me. "What are you really trying to say?"

"Uhh. . .dad. . .you wouldn't hate me. . .if I was gay, would you?"

"Where's all this coming from Troy?"

"Dad. . . ." I sighed and decided it would be better just to say it. ". . .I-I'm. . .I'm gay dad! I like guys!"

"Oh." I remember what he did, he shook his head and walked out of the room. I followed him and he was sitting on his bed. I sat next to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm sorry dad. But, I'm gay."

"You're not joking are you?"


"Troy, j-just go to your room." One thing I always knew, was to never argue with dad. I may have been muscled back then, but Dad is still stronger than me. I walked in and nearly cried when I lied in my bed. I heard him go out and he left me alone for the whole day. It wasn't until after midnight I heard him come in. Mom was away with Julie for a few days, so it was okay. I heard dad come into my room and I thought he'd beat me, instead, he just lied next to me and held me.


"Listen Troy, I'm sorry I left you alone. I just never expected you would be gay. . ."

"I'm sorry dad."

"Its okay. Can I ask if you have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, its Drake."

"That was my hunch. I did think you two were acting strange for a while."

"Dad? You wont throw me out, will you?"

"I did think on it, but I cant. You're my son and I love you."

"Thanks dad."

"But Troy, you didn't get thrown out."

"Hey, that was my dad. Recently I found out that he had a little adventure of his own, that may have convinced him to keep me."


"Hey, I'm not finished. Mom wasn't too keen on it. I wont go into detail but, she shouted at me and at dad. She grabbed a bag and it had my clothes and she said I may as well get out. I was crying, sitting against the wall while dad tried to convince her. They were shouting but dad came back through and said I was staying but he told me to stay on my moms good side. For that, I told Drake it wasn't a good idea for him to come round for a while, so it was damaging our relationship, he understood though."

"When did your mom talk to you again?"

"She started talking to me about a month after I came out. She apologised and I could be with Drake again. But Max, I do know what its like being in your shoes. Afraid, scared that I was going to be thrown out."

"But you weren't."

"I was close though."

"Were you?"

"I'm sorry Max, I'm just trying to cheer you up and show that I understand."

"I know Troy." Tightening his grip around Troy, the snow leopard sighed. Moving himself into a better position, he wrapped his legs around Troy, not realising that his tail hole was just above Troy's sheath. Looking at the panther, Max smiled and moved his head closer until he planted a kiss on Troy's lips. It was short and when he pulled back, Max just sighed happily. "Just a thank you. For letting me stay and trying to cheer me up."

"Its okay. You're a good kisser."

"That was a short one."

"Yeah, but I mean before. The foursome."

"Oh, yeah that was awesome."

"It was." Moving down, Troy licked Max across the cheek. Giggling, Max shifted back a little and Troy noticed. "Ooh, ticklish huh?"

"Um. ." Pushing Max back onto the bed, Troy held him down and started licking feverishly at Max's at the side of the snow leopard's neck, making him laugh. "Hahahahahah, T-Troy. . .s-stop. . .hahahahah. ."

"Okay." Troy leaned back up and looked at the snow leopard. "Don't want to wake mom and dad."

"Yeah. That was really. . ." Before he could finish, the two of them just laughed. Placing his paws on Max's shoulder, he pulled the small feline into another kiss, this one being longer than the previous one, but as they broke apart, they acted like it never happened.

"See, I just want you to be happy."

"I know." As Troy held Max, the two just stared at each other. "Troy?"


"You never answered my question last time. How do you keep that huge cock hidden?"

"Heheheheh, that's how big I am when I'm hard."

"Well. . .you're one of the best looking guys I've ever seen."

"And you're one of the cutest." The two continued to hold one another, Troy gently rubbing Max's arm. The snow leopard was purring a little and Troy thought it just made him cuter. Looking back, he remembered seeing Max naked before, always thinking he looked amazing or beautiful. For Max though, just seeing Troy, it made him believe that the panther was someone he could always rely on. Without realising, Troy had moved his paw from Max's arm down to his chest, still gently caressing the young feline. As his paw moved further down towards his sheath, Max just spread his legs apart, allowing Troy to have easier access. When the large black paw finally reached the young feline's sheath, he continued to rub Max's package. Leaning back, Max began to pant as Troy continued to pleasure him.

"Troy. . ." Gently lowering Max back onto the bed, Troy continued to stroke Max's sheath, carefully slipping a finger in, trying to coax out the feline's cock.

"Max. . .you'll be okay with me."

"I know." The two seemed to be in a dream like state, although they were awake, they continued what they were doing. Soon, all thoughts concerning Jamie or Drake were pushed out of their minds. Moving closer to Max, Troy began to press his lips against Max's, slowly turning it into a kiss. Before Max could realise how wrong it was for him to do this, he kissed back. It didn't stop, the moment between the two only intensified. Where the feelings of lust came from, or if there any at all. . .neither of them knew nor cared. Breaking apart, Troy smiled at the smaller feline beneath him.

"Lick it." Pointing to his sheath, Max gave a soft smile and quickly positioned himself in front of Troy's crotch. Inhaling the panthers scent, Max sighed before slipping his tongue out and slowly running his sandpaper like tongue across the panther's balls and up towards his stomach. "That's it. . .keep going." Max obeyed without a second thought, burying his face deeper into Troy's crotch, he began to lick it a lot faster, covering the fur in saliva. Feeling Troy's sheath thickening, the snow leopard continued what he was doing until he felt Troy's cock poking his face. Opening his mouth, he let it grow inside his maw. "Ooh. . .fuck. . ." Pushing Max away, Troy shown on his large cock which had finally managed to spring free of its prison, looking down, he saw Max's six and a half inch cock in full view.


"Max. . .get on all fours. And raise that tail." Once again, Max obeyed. Lifting his tail, he waited for Troy to start impaling him on his cock, but the panther had different ideas. Grabbing the base of Max's tail, he leaned forward and started licking all over Max's little ring.

"-gasp- . .T-Troy?" Troy didn't listen, he was too caught up in what he was doing. Pushing his tongue further, he managed to slip it in a few times, running it around a couple of times before pulling out. Taking his face away from Max's tail hole, he looked at the snow leopard and saw he was gripping the bed sheets.

"Getting frustrated?"

"A-A. . .l-little. . .please don't stop." Going back down, Troy started to rim Max's ass again, but he tried a different technique. Taking his paw off of Max's tail, he moved it round and wrapped it around Max's cock, giving the member a tight squeeze, making him mewl quietly. As Troy continued giving Max a rim job, he slowly started to paw the smaller feline, gently squeezing Max's cock as he continued. For the snow leopard, he could only grip the bed sheets tighter as Troy pleasured him. Placing his tail over Troy's shoulder, Max could only moan softly as his treatment continued. The panther was not letting up, he was still rimming the young feline and gradually picking up speed with the hand job. Moving away, Troy tried to regain his breath.

"You're mine Max." Diving back down, Troy started working his way lower until he reached what he was after. Max's sac was just hanging there, very small compared to his own. Slipping his tongue out, the panther lapped at them before taking one of the orbs into his maw, gently sucking on it.

"Ahh. . .T-Troy. . ." Burying his face into the sheets, Max tried to muffle any moans that were escaping from his body. As he did this, he was gripping the sheets even tighter, his body now beginning to shake. Troy hardly noticed, as he sped up with the hand job, he continued to gently roll the orb that was in his mouth. Opening his maw, he took the other orb in and started to suck on both of them. After a few minutes, he let the two orbs out of his mouth and started kissing them before moving his way back up to Max's tail hole. Rather than lick, he did the same and started kissing Max's ring, pushing his face in deeper until he could slip his tongue in again. Squeezing hard on Max's cock, he began pawing the smaller feline faster. Max was now looking straight at the wall, trying to keep himself from moaning since he could probably be heard by Troy's parents.

"Ugh. . .ugh. . .Troy. . ."

Lifting his head up, Troy lick his lips. "Don't worry. . .just let it out. . ." He said in a dreamy voice. Going back down, he continued the rim job again, actually enjoying it. There were times he and Drake would do this, but it wasn't that often. Pawing Max as hard and as fast as he could, he could feel Max trembling, he was now moaning but muffling it through the sheets again.


"Oh Max. . .just cum for me. . ." As Troy kept up the relentless pawing, it wasn't too long until Max could feel his climax.

"MMGHHH!" As he muffled his moans, his seed erupted from his cock, spilling all over Troy's paw and the sheets beneath him. Moving away from Max's ass, he looked at Max who was now panting. Taking his paw up to his face, he licked up some of the cum while rubbing the rest into his fur. Wrapping his arms around Max, he turned the snow leopard around and lied on the on the sheets so Max would be above him, not realising that Max's seed was now on his ass and part of his back while the last bit dripping on his cock was now on his chest and his own large member.

Not saying a word, the two gripped each other tight, pressing their bodies into one another before locking themselves into another kiss. Licking the panthers lips, Troy parted them and let Max's tongue explore his maw. Despite that Troy had been rimming the snow leopard a few moments ago, the only thing he could taste was cum and a little bit of sweat. Licking all over Troy's teeth, he soon found Troy's tongue and started to let it dance around the larger felines. Taking his tongue back, he drew in Troy's and the panther started exploring Max's mouth. As they lay there, Troy rolled over so Max would be beneath him, moving his legs around, Max wrapped them around Troy's body, feeling the tail of the muscled panther wrap around his legs, like he was trying to trap them where they were.

Max was the first to break away from the kiss, mainly due to get some breath. Troy however, was now kissing Max's neck and all over his face and was now beginning to grind his cock into Max's body, feeling the need to spill his seed all over Max. When he stopped the kiss, the two stared at each other and Max could feel his own cock becoming hard once again. Not saying anything, Troy began rubbing his cock against Max's soft fur, much like he did when they had the foursome, only this time it was a lot more vigorously. Gripping Troy tighter, the only sound that they were making were moans and heavy breathing.

"F-Fuck. . .I need to. . .-pant-. . .c-cum all over that sexy little body of yours.. .-pant-. .Max. . .I really. . .need to. . .cum. ."

Nodding, Max began rubbing his own cock against Troy's. He was now feeling Troy's pre beginning to ooze onto his chest, taking Troy back into the kiss, they continued to rubs their cocks against one another, Troy feeling a greater need to release than what Max was. Breaking away from the kiss, Troy humped as hard as he could, feeling his body shake more with each passing second.

"Max. . .oh fuck. . .Max. . ."

"J-Just. . .do it. . .I want it. . ."

"Okay. . ." Humping Max as hard and fast as he could, he advised Max to lower his legs, and Max was a bit glad to hear that, his legs where starting to get sore. Troy was now starting to growl a lot while Max was just moaning softly. Gritting his teeth, he could feel it coming. Suppressing his roar, Troy's fourteen inch cock erupted, sending cum out all over Max's body, some of it even managing to reach his face. Leaning up, he started stroking his cock and carefully rolling his huge sac, trying to get out any last bit of cum. Managing to get out a small spurt of cum, he rubbed it all over Max's cock and balls.

Releasing his cock and balls, Troy looked at Max, smiling deeply at seeing the young feline covered in his semen. Max was also enjoying it, even licking some of the cum that had lit his lips. Wiping any away from his eyes, instead of eating it, he rubbed it into his body. Looking up, he saw Troy smiling at him. Getting an idea, Max got up and walked over to Troy before embracing the panther, which resulted in a squishing noise. Not only that, Max began to gently lick the panther's pecs and abs, lightly sucking at his nipples before working his down to his cock.

"You want more Max?"


"Alright." Getting off the bed, Troy went to his drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube, condom and a toy. When he got back on, he tossed the condom to Max. "Put it on." Doing as he was told, Max ripped off the wrapper and unrolled it onto his cock. Opening the lube, Troy smeared it over Max's length and his tail hole. Moving over until he was above Max, he lowered himself and let Max's cock slip inside him easily.

"What's the toy for?" Troy smiled and held it up. Pressing a switch, it began to move and Max realised what it was.

"I have a few more, but this might be better." Smiling, Max wondered where Troy was going to put it, but it soon became clear after Troy poured lube all over it. Relaxing himself, he could feel Troy pressing it against his hole, gently pushing it in. It didn't take a lot of effort and he managed to slip it in easily.

"W-Whao. . .ugh. . ."

"Feels good?"


"Well, you're going to suck on this as well." Troy pointed to his cock and Max licked his lips. Moving up, Max took it into his maw and began licking the panther's large member. Enjoying the feeling of Max's tongue, Troy began to lift himself off Max and then lower himself back down, Max would have remembered that he and Jamie did this earlier but it never even appeared in his mind, all he was focused on was Troy. Keeping up the pace, Troy was now softly moaning every time Max's cock slid inside him, and Max licking all over his cock was also an extra factor. For Max though, the feeling of a vibrator in his ass was completely different, he had barely used the dildo and Troy had already introduced him to another method of pleasure. He wasn't sure how big it was, but he liked the feeling. As the two continued their activities, the amount of pleasure they were each feeling was beginning to mount higher and higher within them. While keeping one paw to balance himself, Troy used the other to cup his balls and gently roll them. Leaning back, he moaned as a burst of pre shot from the tip of his cock straight into Max's waiting mouth. Lapping it up, Max only wanted more and thanks to the vibrator, he could tell that his next climax would be approaching soon. Troy however was picking up speed, still managing to keep Max's cock in his ass, only occasionally slipping out, but Troy quickly put it back in and began to ride Max's cock again. Moving his paw away from his sac, he began to stroke his length, the urge to cum all over Max growing inside him again. As he looked at Max, he saw the snow leopard struggling and he knew why, Max was about to experience another climax and it was very close.

Letting the cock out of his maw, Max looked at Troy who was still riding his cock. "T-Troy. . .ngh. . .I'm gonna. . .I'm gonna. . ." With a loud moan, Max's climax hit and his seed immediately inflated the rubber inside Troy's ass. "Oah. . .god. . ."

"Max. .you sexy little bitch." Smiling down at Max, Troy laughed inwardly. He only talked like that every so often but Max didn't pay much attention. "Max, I still need help."

"Oh. . ." Getting up again, Max took Troy's length back into his maw.

"Yeah. . .that's good. . .yeah. . ." Rubbing his own length harder, he began to wrap his paw around his member and began pawing himself while Max continued to suck him off. Pawing himself furiously, it wasn't long before Troy felt his second climax nearing. "M-Max. . .I'm cumming Max. . .oah fuck. . .I. . .I'm.. . .I'm NGH!" Releasing his second climax, the amount of cum was just as large as the first. As soon as the cum hit Max's throat, he gagged and he tried to swallow it but he couldn't. Letting it out of his mouth, he felt Troy's warm seed hit him all over his face and chest and he was loving it. When the flow finally stopped, the two felines managed to regain their breath. Getting up, Troy let Max's length slip out of him, moving towards Max's tail hole, he switched the vibrator off and pulled it out of Max's ass and placed it to the side. Taking the condom off, Troy sucked all the cum out and moved on top of Max before kissing him, only resulting in him getting covered even more in his own mess. Wrapping his arms around Max, he pulled the snow leopard towards the pillows and cuddled the young feline like a teddy. Holding him close, neither of them bothered to clean themselves, instead they just continued to look into each others eyes.


"Max." Sleep was now beginning to catch up on them, pulling the covers over them, they could only smell their cum but it didn't bother them in the slightest. As the drowsiness took them over, Max was the first to fall asleep within seconds, Troy was not far behind, but still slightly awake. "Max, you're okay with me. . .I just wish this dream wouldn't end. . ." Closing his eyes, Troy slipped into a gentle sleep. Falling into the darkness, both of the felines managed to slip into their real dreams without a care in the world.

The sound of an alarm clock going off had immediately woken the black furred feline. Troy shook his head and quickly silenced the annoying sound. Yawning, he tried rubbing the sleep from his eyes before looking down to see a familiar snow leopard underneath him, still heavily asleep.

"Man. . .Max can sleep through an alarm. But, that was a strange dream. Me and Max yiffing?" Troy snickered until he stopped moving completely, he could smell something and another thing had caught the panther's attention. Moving closer to Max, he saw a dry white spot on Max's face, not only that, he soon realised that he and Max were stuck together. As he inhaled the scent, Troy knew who it belonged to. "Oh fuck. . .b-but that was a dream. . ." He was careful not to pull away too quickly, he didn't want Max to get hurt but Troy was now panicking. When he got free, Max only gave a small snarl in his sleep. Scrambling out of bed, Troy kept looking back between the wall and Max. On the floor, he saw the condom wrapper, lube and the vibrator. "N-No. . .there's no way I'd take advantage of Max. . .f-fuck if Drake. . ." Troy flinched, he was not sure how the dragon would take this. Going back to the bed, Troy started waking Max up. "How the hell did I think it was a dream. . .m-maybe the hot chocolate. . .or staying up late. . ." Many possibilities filled Troy's mind, but it didn't help the situation in any way. Shaking his head clear, he knew it was best to get Max out of bed. "Max, Max get up!"

"Ngh. . .what?" Opening his eyes, Max saw Troy just above him, looking extremely worried. "T-Troy. . .what's wrong?"

"M-Max. . .d-did we actually. . .?"

"Actually what?" Within a split second, everyone came back to the young feline. The sex, kissing, everything. In an instant, Jamie appeared in Max's mind and the thought of him scared the feline. "Oh. . .crap. . ."

"Okay. . .Max, l-lets just clean up first."


Time was flying by far too quickly. They had already showered --separately--. For each of them, the realisation of what they did was taking its toll on them. Max however was feeling the stress more. He was unsure how Jamie would take it, but he just lost his parents and needed someone, however he went behind Jamie's back and did something he never thought of doing. When they both finished their showers, they got dressed and headed downstairs.

"You er. . .want any breakfast Max?"

"I'm fine." Max said quickly.

"Okay. I said to Drake. . .that I'd take you over. . .around nine. And its. . ."

"Nine am." Max said looking at the clock in the living room. "Troy. . .s-should we say what we did?"

"I don't know Max. . ."

"I'm kinda scared."

"Its okay. M-Maybe they'll understand."


"Come on." Grabbing his keys and the plastic bag of Max's clothes, the two headed out and Troy opened the car. Getting inside, Troy started the engine and they soon made their way towards Drake's. The entire journey was filled with silence, each of them too wrapped up in their own minds. In less than five minutes, Troy had pulled up at the driveway. Without uttering a word, the two got out and walked up to door. Ringing the doorbell, it was opened within a minute and a orange blur grabbed hold of Max.

"H-Hi. . ."

"Max, I'm so sorry."

"Its okay." [Great, how am I going to tell him?] Max thought. Before he knew it, Jamie had brought him inside and upstairs into his room, leaving the older two downstairs.

"Troy? Are you okay. You look worried." Drake asked.

"Drake. . .I. . ."

"Come inside kitten." Nodding, Troy followed the dragon inside.

"Listen Drake, I have something to tell you."

"Can it wait? Max might need the support."

"B-But Drake. . ." The dragon had made his way into the living room and sat down on the couch. Following Drake to the couch, Troy looked at him. "Its really important though."

"What is?"

"Drake. . .I. . .I love you."

"Aww. .I know that sweety." Wrapping his arms around Troy, the panther felt even worse for not speaking the truth.

Upstairs though, Max was sitting on Jamie's bed with the fox beside him.

"Are you feeling okay Max? You haven't said a word."

"Jamie. . ."

"Its okay. I know you're upset but I want you to know that I'm here for you."

"They were my parents Jamie. I thought that they would be happy, but my dad just kept calling you names and trying to send me away."

"Max, its okay. You can stay with me and you wont have to worry about that bastard."

"That bastard is my father Jamie." [What am I doing?! I need to tell Jamie. . .but. . .] Max cancelled out any other thoughts, maybe after the parent issue, they could talk it out later. However as he looked at his fox, he saw a hurt expression over his boyfriend's face. Jamie turned away and flattened his ears against his skull.

"I'm sorry, but I'm just angry at what he did to you."

"I know. But part of me still wants them to be in my life. They're my parents, how else am I supposed to feel?"

"Max, listen." Jamie looked back at the snow leopard and took his paws into his own. "They aren't great parents if they cant accept you or me. Trust me, you're better off without them."

"But Jamie. They were there since I was born, that doesn't go away so easily."

"I know, but you have me and you can stay here. Just forget about them."

"How?!" Max looked at Jamie before removing his paws from Jamie's. Instantly, the matter concerning him and Troy had slipped his mind, the only thing he was concerned about now was his parents. "How can I forget them?! I thought they'd always love me."

"Then they would have accepted you! Max you don't need them."

"Jamie, you just don't get it do you!?"


"They are my parents! Jamie, they raised me and they have been with me all my life! I know I lost them but I cant forget them just like that!"

"Max, I'm sorry. I'm just trying-"

"Trying what?! Trying to make me forget them!"

"Max please, I don't want to argue with you. Look, when I heard, Drake had to keep me in my room cause I was going to run until I found you. Max, you cant forget them, I'm just trying to help."

"Jamie, how can you help? You weren't there, you don't know what I went through."

"I know wasn't there, but I'm here for you now."

"Jamie." Max sniffled, but the next thing that fox spoke made Max's eyes widen.

"Besides, I know how hurtful it is, and what you're going through."


"I know how upset you are." Max moved away from the fox before shaking his head.

"You don't Jamie. You have no idea how I feel!"


"Jamie I lost my parents for fucks sake! And you say you know how it feels?!" Max got off the bed and looked at the frightened Jamie. "Jamie, you have NO FUCKING IDEA HOW I FEEL! You don't know what its like being disowned by your own parents!"

"W-What?" Jamie was nearly in tears from Max's sudden outburst, he looked for an answer, but nothing. All he tried to do was help Max and show that he understood.

"You don't know what its like, your parents love you one minute then they toss you to the fucking ground! And you'll never understand."


"How, because you're. . ."

"Because I'm a foster kid?" Max looked away. To the fox, what Max meant hurt him deeply. As soon as he got off the bed, a sudden burst of anger swelled up inside the fox. Grabbing Max, Jamie forced the feline to look at him. "Listen! I am doing my best to help you. You're right, I don't know what its like being hurt by your own parents, being put into foster care because no one wanted me!"

"J-Jamie. . ."

"But I DO KNOW, what its like when you think people you love hurt you! They may not be your real parents but to that person they are, even if he gets treated like shit after a month. . .-sniff-. . .and then tossed back into care. . .-sob-. . . .so yeah, I don't know how you feel Max, but I know it hurts! They just throw y-you away. . .like a piece of fucking trash and they ignore you if you see them. . .-sniff-. . .but let me say this. YOU WERE DAMN LUCKY YOU HAD YOUR PARENTS AROUND! Even if it was only for about fourteen years, that's fourteen years longer that what I got. I may be lucky if I spent a day with them and. . .-sob-. . I don't even know what the hell they look like! S-So. . .-sniff-. . .don't e-ever say. . .-sniff-. . .that I don't know what it feels like. . ."

"Jamie?" The fox didn't listen, instead, Jamie walked out the room in tears. "I'm sorry. . ." It wasn't too long before the snow leopard broke down into tears. Within seconds, both Drake and Troy came in. Going in closer, Troy hugged the smaller feline, thinking that he had confessed to Jamie.

"I'm going to talk with Jamie." Drake said. Before Troy could say anything, the dragon was gone. Walking downstairs, he saw his parents in the kitchen. "Has Jamie came in here?"

"He's in the garden, but he doesn't want to speak to anyone."

"Well tough. I'll do it." Drake said as he opened the door.

Looking to his wife, Aaron sighed. "Shouldn't we say something?"

"No, you remember the last time Drake and Troy argued."

"Yes, Drake shouted at us and told us to stay out of his business."

"Well, lets just hope they figure this out."


Outside, Jamie was sitting in his usual spot near the bottom of the garden. He was still crying, letting his tears soak his jeans as he kept his face hidden. Hearing footsteps, Jamie tried his best to stop crying.



"Listen. . ." Drake sat next to the fox and wrapped his arm around him. ". . .you know Max didn't mean to hurt you."

"But it did hurt Drake. . .-sniff-. . .I was only. . ."

"I know, we heard. Listen, he just lost two of the most important things in his life right now, don't become the third Jamie."

"He doesn't know. . ."

"Of course he doesn't. And you don't know how he feels either, the important thing is to just be there for him."

"But. . ."

"Jamie, no relationship is perfect. I've had arguments with Troy, only a few though and they've all been over stupid little things. But we've always made up with each other in the end. Just let Max apologise and you do the same. He's going to live with us now so its best you two make up."

"Yeah. I-Is he still upstairs?"

"No, he's right there." Drake pointed at the door. When Jamie turned, he felt ashamed for shouting at Max. As Drake made his way back, Troy bent down to Max's ear.

"Are you going to tell him?"

"You know its better we do now than later."


Once Drake reached them, Max made his way towards the fox while Troy took the dragon away from the door. "What is it Troy?"

"I have to say this. . .but its hard. . ."

"What is?" Troy looked away, unable to answer.

As Max looked back, he saw Troy was finding it difficult to Drake the truth about what they did. Continuing forward, Max sat next to the fox. "Jamie. . . .I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt your feelings or shout at you."

"Me either. C-Can we just forget this ever happened?"

"Yeah. I mean. . .I love you."

"I love you too." Moving forward, Jamie was just about to kiss the feline but Max moved away.

"What's wrong?"

"Jamie, I'm sorry. I have to say this, but let me say that I love you."

"What is it?"

"Jamie. . .last night. . .when I was with Troy. . .we. . ."

"What are you saying Max?"

"Jamie. . .Troy and I. . .we. . .we slept with each other! I'm so sorry." Jamie froze completely while Max's words reached the dragons ears.


"I'm not proud of it Drake."

"No. . .no. . .there's. ." Drake turned and walked back inside, Troy following him, attempting to say he was sorry. For the cubs though, The fox was now looking at the ground, trying not to believe what Max had just said.


"Max. . ." He looked directly into the feline's eyes. ". . .please tell me you're joking."

"I'm sorry. . .Jamie I thought it was some kind of weird dream."

"Weird dream, that's new."

"Jamie please, I never meant for it to happen, it just did, it doesn't change anything between us."

"It does Max, I know I've fooled around with him, but that was before I met you. And after we became boyfriends, we were both there and Drake. Max. . .I. . .I don't know if I can trust you anymore."

"Jamie, I'm sorry. I just want you."

"You say you love me, but you go and sleep with Troy behind my back. Am I not good enough Max?"

"Jamie, I love you. We promised we'd be together always, you're the only guy I ever want."

"I'm not sure if I can believe that."

"Jamie?" The fox got up and looked back at Max.

"I cant trust you right now."

"What are you saying?"

"I don't think we should be together anymore, at least until I'm sure I can trust you again."

"N-No. . .Jamie please!"

"I'm sorry Max." Turning his head, Jamie ran back into the house, more tears falling down his face. As soon as he reached his room, the fox just lied down on the bed and buried his face in the pillows, muffling the sounds of his crying. Back outside, Max just rested his head on his knees and began to cry, feeling as though he just lost Jamie for good.

"W-Why. . .is everything. .-sob-. .going so fast. . .?"

Inside, for Drake and Troy, conditions were similar. They both saw Jamie run past them and up the stairs, crying his eyes out. Looking back at the panther, Drake leaned against the wall.

"How could you?!"

"Drake, you know I would never hurt you. What happened between me and Max. . .it shouldn't have happened but it did."

"Then why?" Drake said as he rubbed his eyes.

"I. . .I don't know! It just happened, Drake I'm so sorry. Please. . .I don't want to lose you. . ."

"Am I not good enough Troy?" Drake said, not realising Jamie had asked Max the same question.

"Drake, you know the answer to that."

"But Troy. . ." Drake turned and looked at the panther, trying his best to keep himself from crying. ". . .how do I know you wont do it again? You've always wanted to bed a tiger, does that mean you'll try and bed Will from English class?"


"And how do I know you haven't done this before? H-How many other guys have there been?"

"Drake please stop." Placing his arms on the dragon's shoulders, Troy looked as though he would cry any second. "I love you, and I'd never do anything like that."

"Then why? Is Max better than me?"

"Drake stop it, please. I love you, I just want to cuddle my dragon."

"Well, this dragon doesn't want a cuddle from you." Walking away from Troy, Drake looked around the room while the panther ran around and in front of him.

"Drake, please don't ignore me. I'm sorry. . .-sniff-. ."

"I'm very sure Jamie has said this to Max, I'm not sure I can trust you. How do I know you wont leave me for someone else?"

"I would never do that! Drake, you are the only thing that matters to me. I love you so much."

"Troy. . ." Drake looked away, this was going nowhere and all the dragon wanted to do was think. ". . .I think you should go Troy."


"Go home Troy. . .I want to be alone."

"Drake, no, I don't want to brake up with you."

"We're not breaking up, we're just spending time apart."

"B-But I don't want to. . ."

"Troy, I'm sorry. . .but will you just leave!" Drake was struggling to keep the tears back. Covering his eyes, Drake turned away from the feline. For Troy though, he made his way towards the door not wanting to anger the dragon. As he opened it, he turned back towards Drake.

"I still love you. . ." Walking out, Troy went into his car and quickly drove off, wondering everything had to happen so fast. As Drake heard the noise of the car fade away into the distance, he just stayed on the couch, squeezing the arm rest in an attempt to keep any tears back, but it was failing miserably. Jamie was still slowly crying into his pillow, while their parents tried their best to stay out of what happened. For one snow leopard though, he was at the kitchen table, coming inside hoping for some comfort. He heard everything that happened in the next room and Max's mind was riddled with guilt.

[This. . .is all my fault. . . .my fault. . .]

Oh god. . .finally finished. God, I felt bad for putting them through that.

But still, I hope this worth the wait for all of you. Just so you all know, I'm now back at college and trying to get back into the swing of things, so it also means meeting new people and getting used to some new classes, so I wont be able to write as much as I'd usually like, but I'll try to make time. And it doesn't help when you have siblings around pissing you off all the time. . .

There isn't much else for me to say, so I hope this chapter was good to read, I wanted to get it on Yiffstar as soon as possible, even if I had to force myself to write a few times. I can say that part 6 will be better than this one. . .hopefully. . .

And many thanks for waiting patiently while I wrote this.
