The Lead Crown: Ch 2c, Revelations (pt 1)

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 2-1, Revelations

Considering the unsettlingly vast amount of information she didn't know about the Order of Blades, plus the even more unsettling few things she DID know about them, she had made her decision and, without bothering to consult the rest of the party, she changed direction. As expected, none of the scholars were any wiser, but Inigo obviously knew something was up. Thankfully he was keen minded enough not to bring it up loudly.

"This isn't the way to any of the safe houses." he whispered softly as he walked behind her, a good number of steps ahead of everyone else. Alarice smiled at his attention to detail, even going so far as to crumple up and rustle some paper to cover his words from the incredibly astute ears of Joshew.

"The safe houses aren't as safe as they may have once been." she spoke candidly and clearly, indicating to the bat that she had no concerns over the scholars, "For all we know the Order could have left that paper there for us to find just so they could trap us at the one site not marked... their information was far too good for them to have missed one."

Alvis became immediately concerned, "So... you're saying we don't have anywhere safe to go?" he fidgeted as he spoke.

"I'm saying I don't trust the safety of my known holdings." Alarice responded, "Please do not put words in my mouth."

"Yea," Inigo added, "she REALLY hates that." and he grinned at her when she scowled at him for doing just what she said not to. He wiggled his ears good humoredly; with more things to worry about she forgave him his trespass.

"I haven't worked this long in this city to have so few options." the woman offered the very vague explanation.

"Don't think I've ever had anyone refer to twelve houses as 'few'." Roland declared from his place beside Joshew. Although the wolf dog was doing much better after he'd received the ointment he was still obviously suffering from his wounds, but at least he was walking rather than being carried; it slowed the group, but not as much.

"Certain professions call for a degree of paranoia... and paranoia usually results in a good amount of preparation for certain contingencies." she explained, still perfectly willing to keep her responses vague.

"What profession IS that exactly?" Joshew questioned critically.

"Alarice is the finest business woman you'll find in Newport." Inigo answered; he was always good at giving both succinct and opaque answers, and it was one reason why she didn't bother smacking him for yet again answering on her behalf. Instead she shot him a glance, and he smiled right on through it... even providing a wink.

"Any kind of business that involves the use of guns and blades is enough to make me worry about what 'contingencies' involve." Alvis noted.

"Anything that's the opposite of 'dangerous' works just fine for me." Roland offered, "I think I've had enough of being stabbed for awhile." Joshew gave a muted chuckle at that, which resulted in a deep scowl from the wolf-dog.

"We're here." Alarice announced, forestalling any further questions from the scholars. She looked up at the bland, non-descript building. It was made out of a combination of timber and stone blocks, vaguely resembling what looked like an attempt at Soyrian architecture, but failing to meet the goal. Instead, the thin, tall building looked more like two apartments (one stone and one wood) stacked atop one another. The bottom floor was a shop, a tailor, if she remembered correctly, but she wasn't particularly interested one way or the other. Instead, her attention was on the wooden apartment above.

"Anyone?" she glanced toward Inigo, who was scanning the area. Once the bat confirmed they weren't being followed with a simple shake of his head, she was ready to commit to her course of action. Ignoring the sign and the doorway, she instead walked around into the alley. The rest of the group followed as she slid into the long evening shadows. Moving aside a brick, the woman gave a hidden rope a tug and replaced the stone before stepping back and out of the way as a ladder lowered. She motioned to Inigo, who reached out and held it in place before she climbed up onto it.

The ladder led to a small ledge that permitted entry into the hidden attic above the apartment. It wasn't HER safe house, but she had worked with the owner on enough occasions to know that she could consider it a relatively accommodating abode... at least for long enough to put some plans together. Climbing in through the alcove was no easy feat, but Alarice managed it without much difficulty... however the three scholars all required her help... especially Joshew, who needed her aid, plus Alvis'-- he refused to let Roland assist at all.

Inigo was the last to enter, pulling the rigged ladder up after him. Once the bat was through the window he secured it in place, effectively creating bars on their point of entry. Alarice had visited the attic apartment on a few occasions and had never had to leave quickly, but the owner had explained that there were more exits than entrances-- she had never quite figured out exactly what he meant, and she found herself regretting it as she considered the 'what if's.

"So... whose place IS this, exactly?" asked Roland, looking around at the dimly lit interior of the apartment. He moved over to a small end table next to a love seat and looked down at a lit oil lamp, "And either someone's at home, or they want to start a fire."

"It's a fox." Joshew announced, 'looking' around as he sniffed, "Female I think."

Inigo smirked, and siffled a snicker before speaking quietly aside to Alarice, "I told him he should lay off the perfumes."

"Who he is isn't important." Alarice answered, "He's trustworthy enough, and we'll be welcome here--" she glared at Alvis, who was just about to touch a small statuette on the fireplace's mantle, "ASSUMING, we don't TOUCH anything." she noted pointedly. The mongrel quickly withdrew his paws and crossed them behind his back.

"Another one of your 'business contacts'?" Joshew inquired, slowly moving around the apartment until he discovered the location of the love seat. The human respectfully stood beside it without sitting, but leaned against it instead.

"Something like that." Alarice confirmed, "We run in similar circles... and 'business contacts' come in handy at times."

"Unless you come at an inconvenient time." Roland ventured, still meandering around the apartment, looking at everything.

"If he says it's a bad time I'll just remind him that he owes me some rope." Inigo stated, giving Alarice a smirk.

"Considering his occupation I'm surprised that you expected otherwise." she countered, moving over to the already lit oil lamp and turning up the flame.

"I didn't think he'd actually BREAK it." the bat noted.

"Well, that will teach you about letting someone play with things you don't want broken." Joshew declared.

Inigo smiled immediately, "Well... I'd LIKE to say I didn't deserve it, but I think something of HIS was pretty 'wrecked' afterwards too." and the bat licked his muzzle suggestively, then paused, apparently remembering that the human was blind. "I was talking about his ass... just so you know." he spelled it out, "I wrecked his ass."

"Thank you for that." Joshew announced with a frown.

"You're welcome!" the bat beamed proudly.

"Kinda makes you wish you were deaf too, Shew?" Roland snickered.

"I'd settle for the two of you being mute." the human countered.

"You can sit, if you like." Alarice announced to Joshew, forestalling any further banter.

He hesitated for a few moments, then took her up on the offer. A few sniffs later, the human nodded, "Yea... fox." he placed a hand on the arm rest and let out a sigh, "Always interesting people to meet, apparently."

"Ow..." Roland suddenly announced. Alarice glanced over to the wolf-dog, who was patting at the bandage on his side; it was bleeding again.

"The climb up must've reopened your cut." Alvis declared, also looking at Roland.

"Who's bleeding again?" Joshew asked, and he immediately began pulling the jars of chemicals out of his pocket.

"Who'ja think?" Roland demanded callously.

Joshew paused for a moment, "Well?" he hailed, "Come over... it's not like you should expect me to go to you." The wolf-dog grumbled, but complied, moving to sit beside the human scholar, who began inspecting him with his hands, "Yea... it's open alright, but it doesn't feel that bad..." and he started to undo the wrapping.

"Says the guy who DIDN'T get stabbed." Roland pointed out.

"Oh... hey..." Alvis spoke up, "Look!" and he motioned to a side hall leading to the single bedroom of the attic apartment, "it looks like there's a hallway over-- *YELP!*" the mongrel's exclamation was accentuated by the solid clunk of a cast iron skillet connecting with skull, and he fell over, clutching his head.

"I don't know who you are..." hissed an otter woman as she emerged from the hall, "but you'd better be moving on... NOW!" She brandished the pan in one paw, holding a towel closed around her body with the other. Considering that the otter was wet and was coming out of the hall, Alarice reasoned that she had been in the bath. The thought made her smirk.

"Oh!" Inigo's ears went straight up, as did the corners of his muzzle, "I am Incredibly Interested... nice to meet you."

"Pay the bat no mind." Alarice explained, taking a step toward the otter, "I assume that you're here because you know the owner?" she held her hands out to the sides of her body, open, in a peaceful gesture revealing that she was unarmed.

"Are you expecting me to assume the same about you?" she demanded, reaching up to grip the handle of the pan with her other paw; her towel fell to the floor, revealing the figure of a woman who was very intent on keeping it in good shape.

"Wait... my name just changed." Inigo piped in from the side, "I am now Very Hard."

Alarice took another step forward, arms still wide, "Based on your beauty, I would assume Sanmer spirited you away from a proper owner, just like the rest of the artwork here."

"Damn..." Inigo murmured, "I gotta remember that one..."

"How do you know Sanmer?" the otter woman lowered the pan slightly as Alarice took another step forward.

"Great... we're dealing with a thief..." mumbled Roland.

"I assume he's never mentioned me." Alarice acknowledged, "Just as it should be." her next step forward was much faster, and she shot out one hand to grab the otter by the wrist, her other hand slamming forcefully into the crook of the woman's elbow, causing her to immediately drop the improvised weapon, "Now... are we going to talk, or do you want to go back to hitting this poor dog on the head some more?"

"The first one, please." Alvis whined, still holding his head where he lay on the floor.

The otter took a step back and knelt down to retrieve her towel, eyes still on Alarice, "Sanmer and I've known one another for a few years." she stood up, securing it back in place, which elicited an 'awww' from Inigo. "He lets me stay here in exchange for taking care of it and picking up after him."

"I WOULD say I needent ask how you know one another-- judging from your body I can guess at your profession..." Alarice noted, "But I'm also familiar with our mutual friend's.... tastes... and you don't strike me as someone he'd fancy."

"I clean and cook." the otter announced, "I think of this as a safe place because that's ALL he asks for." she glanced at Inigo, who winked in response to her gaze. The otter returned her attention to Alarice, "Can you please tell your pet bat that I'll charge him if he keeps fucking me with his eyes?"

"Wow... and quite a mouth on her too." Inigo's grin widened.

"Enough, Inigo." Alarice declared.

"My name is Sada." the otter announced, focused once again on her.

"Sada De'ahm..." Alarice acknowledged immediately, "He HAS mentioned you."

The recognition of her full name obviously calmed the otter, "You know Sanmer, and you know how to get into the apartment... I guess that's enough for me." the casual way with which the otter accepted their presence was a strikingly refreshing turn of events... though Alarice was unwilling to assume things were that easy. "Do you know where he is?" And suddenly things weren't quite so easy.

"I was hoping he'd be here." Alarice explained.

"Me too." Inigo added, "He still owes me some rope."

Aiarice sighed; it was going to be a long night.