Stranded: Consequences

Story by Macabre Dragon on SoFurry

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#3 of Stranded

Here it is, the final installment of the Stranded series, and one of the longest stories I've ever written.

Hopefully I didn't keep any interested readers waiting for too long. I should've had this one out ages ago, but I've had way less time to write for the past few months.

At least its out now, and only a day later then I wanted it to be. :)

This one picks up right where the last one left off. I won't say anything about the content, other then at some points the story gets...serious.

As for warnings, there's lots of language in this one, some violence and death, and there is a lengthy sex scene between the narrator and the dragon.

Any comments or critiques are greatly appreciated.

Stranded: Consequences

Time seemed to stand still for me as I stared down the dark barrel of the rifle levelled at my face. Waves crashed against the sandy beach to my right, though I could barely hear them through the haze of shock that reverberated throughout my senses. I never was the brave type, (a fact that was clear to me even before my fearful first meeting with Celto), but the threat of sudden, horrible violence to my being had erased my thought process entirely. There was no instinctual need to run, or a plan of how to fight back forming in my mind. My head was a void of nothingness, conscious of nothing but the fact that a quick movement of this man's finger would mean my end forever.

"Hello? Can you speak?" the bearded man asked.

"Give him some time," Cale said, his voice low and monotonous, "he looks scarred shitless."

The hollow tone of the second man chilled me to the bone. Shaking, I fearfully looked past the rifle to regard the man holding it. Cale was his name. He was thinner then his partner, scrawny even, but his darkened eyes and the comfort with which the rifle rested on his shoulder suggested that this man was accustomed to violence. Tangled, black hair curled over the sides of his head and covered most of his pale, skeleton-like complexion. His face was relatively smooth, lacking any hair or any notable features other then a few rough patches of skin and a painful, thin looking scar on his forehead. There was an odd smell coming from him, and the tattered pants and filthy white shirt that clung to him added the overall foulness of the man. Under normal circumstances I would've been disgusted, but for now, it only made me more frightened of him.

He stared at me with an unnerving calmness, barely moving as he waited in horrible silence for me to respond. If he was playing a game to scare me, then it was definitely working. I could feel chills running down my spine as his eyes bore into me. Intimidating malice seemed to radiate from that look, and I couldn't tell whether or not he was going to remain where he was or strike at me like some sort of twisted, nightmarish snake.

This guy could be insane, I thought to myself before taking a quick glance at the other man.

Unlike Cale, this man was had a somewhat friendlier face, though maybe it just seemed that way in comparison. As I studied him, he returned my gaze impatiently, casting quick glances over to his partner as if waiting for permission to do something. The largeness of his frame stood out plainly underneath his loose-fitting clothing, and although he was probably strong, the shape of his torso didn't suggest that he was capable of quick movements. His camouflage pants and black shirt had a few dirty patches on them, and his face covered in a thick, brown beard that pointed out from the base of his chin.

He almost opened his mouth again to speak but was silenced quickly by a quick gesture from Cale once again. With shake of his head, the man crossed his arms and waited. For some reason, unknown to me, he looked worried.

Looking back at the gunman, I tried to think of what to say. Though I was able pull my mind away from barrel of the rifle, I was still having difficulty adjusting to my new predicament. Couple that with the fact that I hadn't spoken to another person in months and well, it was difficult for me to form coherent words at first. Eventually, I managed to say, "L-l-lead you?"

Cale took a moment to smile at his partner, "You see Geoff? The kid finally collects his brain." He looked back at me. "You have a name kid?"

After a moments hesitation I gave it to them.

"Huh, not really what I would've picked for you but whatever. So now that pleasantries are out of the way, why don't you tell us what the hell you're doing on this little island?"

"I...I was in a crash...I think. I can't remember much, I only remember being on the plane, then waking up here..."

A sly grin spread across Cale's face as he listened to me. "Listen to him," he mocked, a hint of amusement penetrating his toneless voice, "a plane crash? Really? Do you expect me to believe that?"

The bearded man, who I now know was named Geoff, answered for me, saying, "He's not lying, look at him, Cale. Who knows how long he's been on this island with that...thing. As you said, he's terrified out of his wits."

Cale narrowed his eyes in my direction as he stared at me down the barrel of his rifle. "Are you sure? It seems unlikely that a wimpy looking guy like him could escape a plane crash unharmed."

"The odds are low, yet not impossible. There was a crash here a while back, he might've been onboard when it went down. Besides, what does it matter if he's lying anyway? It's not like it affects us."

"Um...yes it does Geoff," Cale drawled, "How do you think our newborn relationship is going to be if he's already lying two minutes in. Tsk tsk. Not good practice when meeting new people."

"Quit pestering him, just ask him to help us find the dragon."

"Huh, fine," Cale said, his grin broadening. "So what do you say kid? Are you going to help us or am I going to have to persuade you further..."

Instead of answering, I looked up as a sudden question dawned on me. I avoided looking at thin man, and turned my attention to Geoff instead. "Do you know where I am?" I said, failing to keep the enthusiasm out of my tone.

Baring his teeth venomously, Cale replied, "Don't you fucking ignore me kid. I'm the one you're talking to, don't look at him.

I shied back involuntarily from the man. The once hideous, droning quality of his words had taken on a surprisingly hostile undertone that sent chills coursing through me. It disturbed me how fast the man had switched from seeming calmness to unprovoked anger.

Cale saw my fear and rolled his eyes. "Yes we know where you are, but no, we're not telling you. I only help people who help me kid. It's the only philosophy you should ever live by if you're not a fucking idiot."

I had to me more careful with this unpredictable man. It was stupid of me to blurt something out like that. They weren't here to help me, and it was best I remember that before I tried asking them another question.

Cale gave a weak smile in return before continuing, saying, "Doesn't matter where you are right now kid. The only thing you need to worry about is what I'm going to do to you if you don't lead us to where we want to go."

I bit the bottom of my lip in nervousness. "To lead you?"

Cale rolled his eyes again and let out a sigh. "A fucking broken record this one is...yes kid, to lead us. As in me, and my partner, to wherever the dragon is on this damn gigantic island."

"B-b-but I don't know where the dragon is."

"Don't try to lie to me kid," Cale sighed, annoyed. "I still don't believe you about the plane crash, but I'm gonna draw the line at your bullshit here."

At that moment Geoff stepped forward to speak, saying, "I think you better do what he says kid. Saying no isn't really an option for you."

Looking down at the sand, I tired my best to come up with an excuse, to search for something to say that would get me away from these people. Back to Celto...wherever he was...

Geoff shook his head and regarded me with disapproving sorrow. "Stop trying to lie kid, there's nothing to be said. Either you help us, or get out of our way. I feel for you kid, I really do. I'm not as un-empathetic as my friend here but I won't let you stand between me and getting what I want, you understand? Why risk yourself for that beast anyway? Surely your life is worth more."

A curious grin developed on Cale's face as he glanced over at his partner. He made as if to say something but then closed his mouth, think better of it. Shrugging his shoulders, he returned his calm gaze to me, saying, "I think you understand what you need to do now kid. So what'll it be?"

I sensed a hint of danger in my captor's remark. My instinctual desire to survive this situation without any harm was screaming at me to obey their wishes. If I listened to them, maybe they could help me get off this island. Maybe these disgusting men were the answer I was looking for, all I needed to do was...lead them to Celto.

Reminding myself of my friend brought back a well of emotions deep within me. The thought of Celto was enough to drive away most of the fear I was feeling in this moment, to forget that I had a rifle trained on my chest and focus only on the memories that me and him forged right from the beginning. He had kept me alive in more ways then one during my time here: he'd given me food, shown me a water source, given me shelter, and offered a companionship that would've been months upon months of unbearable loneliness otherwise. To betray him to these people would be a despicable way to pay him back for his kindness. Not only was such an action completely outside of everything I believed in, but I don't think it was even possible for me to consider the option. I loved him.

I closed my eyes, mustering up as much courage as my cowardly mind could handle, and said, "No."

Cale cocked his ear mockingly in my direction. "What was that?"

"I said...NO!" I shouted, bunching my hands into fists. "I'm not taking you anywhere, find him yourself."

The rifle fell to his chest as Cale regarded me with a look of annoyed confusion. I didn't think he expected me to say that. He only looked that was for a few moments however, before he turned to Geoff and said, "And I thought this kid was smart."

Faster then I could react, Cale brought the butt of the gun up and jabbed me in forehead, slamming the rifle into the top of my head.

It wasn't as hard as he could've done it, but it was enough for my head to snap back and for me to collapse onto the beach in pain. Stars blurred my vision as searing, horrible pain ripped through my head. I clutched my head with my hands and writhed on the ground for a few moments, shivering in agony for what seemed like minutes. Through my anguish, I could vaguely hear Geoff speaking quietly with Cale under his breath.

"Why'd you fucking do that?" I heard him whisper harshly, barely able to hear him through the pain screaming in my head. "We need him to help us or we could be walking around this island for days."

"And that's why I hit the little asshole in the face instead of shooting him Geoff," Cale replied, his tone dropping to a sneer as he said his partner's name. "I wanted to do this, so I'm in fucking charge! I'm not taking a backseat to this little venture, so why don't you shut up and let me handle this."

When I finally opened my eyes, Cale was standing over me, staring mockingly down at me.

"Now why did you go and say a stupid thing like that? What did you think I was gonna do? Just give up and go home? Jeez may as well have hit yourself."

My head was still spinning as I rolled onto my back. The shadow of my tormentor covered my face as he stood over my naked form, blocking out part of the sun.

"Listen kid, I really don't want to do that again so here's what's going to happen. There's really only one choice for you here you're just too dumb to see it. Either you accompany us and help us find the dragon, or we leave you here. When we're out hunting we can't afford to have you get to the animal first get where I'm going here."

He paused for a few moments to let his message sink in before continuing.

"But don't get the wrong impression of me kid. What I do, I only do out of necessity. What happens next is up to you. I don't want to hurt you, but I will if you make me."

Cale tossed his rifle to Geoff and leaned down, picking me up underneath my arms with a strength that seemed greater then his thin body was able. I stumbled for a moment after his rough hands left me, nearly falling again before I found my balance.

"So now that you know that," Cale said, backing up while holding his arms out to his sides and smiling. "Lets try again." He retrieved his rifle from Geoff and held it relaxed in his grip, the barrel pointing out to the side. "What's your answer now kid?"

I did my best not to fall over from the pain thumping through my skull. Instead of answering right away I mulled my options as best I could, putting both of my hands on my forehead to buy myself some time. There wasn't much I could do here. If I told them no, they would most likely kill me and go hunting for Celto themselves, which would accomplish nothing. They'd most likely find my dragon eventually, and it would probably be best if I was there for him when they did. Perhaps I could find some way to trick them, or somehow escape and get to Celto before them.

I took my hands off my head and looked at Cale. He was staring at me impassively, a small grin stretched across his wiry lips.

"Look at him," Cale said, shaking his head. "Still thinking it over, even after what I've told him." Geoff kept staring at me, his face impassive. "What's so hard about saying 'yes' kid! Just give me what I want to hear so you can get a better opportunity to betray us later. It's what I would do, shithead! Just say yes!" Cale's grin broadened.

Tears welled up in my eyes and my fists curled into balls. I was helpless with these evil men. They'd been playing this game for who knows how long and I was just prey; theirs to torment and use before I became nothing but an obstacle between them and a bloody reward. Even if I did help them they'd kill me for sure. Hell, Cale would probably shoot me as soon as we ran into Celto...

I wasn't going to help these people. If I didn't, maybe Celto would have enough time to escape them, or at least hide until they lost interest. It was the best I could give him.

Taking a deep breath, closed my eyes and said, "No...I'm not going to help you."

At that, Cale tilted his head in confusion. Geoff looked at his partner with concern, studying him for any more signs of impending violence from his friend. At this point, I wasn't sure if he was genuinely concerned for my well-being, or just worried that the violent nature of his friend might force them to do more work then was needed.

"What the fuck is wrong with you kid?" Cale whispered. "Why the hell won't you just help us? Can't you see its within your best interest?" He took a few steps closer so that he was standing right in front of me. "He's just an animal kid. You mean nothing to him. Sure, it must've been nice having him around but when it comes down to it, you're nothing but another scrap of meat to a beast like that. Once enough time passes or when he grows older he's going to give into his instincts and devour you like the tasty morsel you are."

"No, he won't," I replied, keeping perfectly still.

Cale giggled. "Ha, why? What makes you so sure? Is it because you're 'friends,'" he mocked, walking around to my left side. "Any emotions you sense in him are figments of your own imagination. How long have you known him kid? Maybe a month or so?"

"Three months," I said, not really sure if I was right or not. Or why I even answered.

"O well whoop de fucking doo. Doesn't matter. Sure, when I saw you flying him yesterday he looked all nice and friendly but he's going to get bigger. Much bigger. Eventually those fish are going to get tiresome and he's gonna go after you, regardless of how much time you spent together."

What he was implying seemed to register in my mind, despite the continuing pain that interrupted my thoughts. I stared back at him before saying, "you don't know that. I've spent more time around him them you. You don't know anything."

His face made an angry twitch and he made as if to hit me again before grimacing and stamping his boot against the ground, screaming and smashing his rifle into the sand.

The small tantrum frightened me back into silence. Cale seemed to calm down at that and he regarded me with a predatory grin, much like a wolf regards a helpless rabbit.

Geoff moved over to stand by his partner, who was still panting in the aftermath of his rage. The man studied him for a few moments before turning his neutral gaze to me, saying, "he's right kid, listen to him. That dragon you seem to get along with, it's dangerous. You have to show us where he is, we can help you."

I felt tears well up in my eyes as I looked over at the Geoff to listen.. Once he finished speaking, I responded, whispering, "No, you're wrong, he's my friend..."

"He's not."

"Yes he is! He helped me, if it weren't for him I never would've survived here!"

"Dragons don't help people kid, not to my knowledge."

"Yes they do! He's my...wait, what do you mean?"

Geoff looked down at the sand in thought, struggling for an answer. He brought his head back up abruptly as if to say something, but he quickly let his eyes fall once again. Shaking his head, he said, "You just might have to trust me on this one kid."

He knew something then, something he wasn't telling me. Up until three months ago, I had no idea that dragons even existed, yet out of nowhere these two show up, readily accepting without question that Celto is real and ready to hunt him down and pass judgement without question? I still wasn't sure why Cale was here, but it was obvious that Geoff had a history he wasn't willing to share. Nonetheless, his words weren't about to change my mind. I didn't care what he thought he knew. Trust was the last thing I was going to give this man who wanted to hurt my dragon.

"The answer is still no. The dragon is my friend."

Cale sniggered and walked in front of me. Rancid breath washed over my face as he forcefully spoke, saying, "Animals like that don't make friends, they just act on instinct, and some day, his instinct is going to tell him that you're food."

Cale stepped back a few paces before placing the rifle at his shoulder and raising the barrel towards my chest. "So," he continued, "now that you two have bonded, I think we've wasted enough time here as it is: it's time for you to come to a final decision kid, and be aware that my patience is...a little low right now. All you have to do is show us where you think the dragon might be, kid. It's not that hard. Do that, and we'll take you away from this place. Back to whoever it is you came from and far away from that animal."

"No," I said. "You're wrong. Dragons aren't just dumb beasts like you say they are. They have emotions, just like you and me."

Cale laughed. "No, you're wrong kid. All dragons are the same."

"I don't know about others, but I know that Celto is different"

Cale barked a rough laugh, saying "Ha! He named the thing! Here that Geoff, he gave the beast a name!"

"Yes, I was fucking listening," Geoff said, showing slight annoyance now. "This pointless argument has gone on long enough. That dragon is a menace. We're doing the world a favour."

"No, you just need to justify killing it!" I almost screamed. "You won't listen to me because you don't WANT to believe what I'm saying!"

Cale rolled his eyes. "Please kid, we've been over this. We could keep arguing about this all day and get nothing accomplished or...we could go get ourselves a dragon." He pointed the gun at my chest. "Geoff wasn't lying you know. Once we've killed the beast we'll take you off this island. You'll be free to do whatever you want, go back to wherever you came from. As I said kid, I help those who take the time to help me..."

I let more tears fall down my cheeks, though this time I wasn't sure whether it was in sorrow or in frustration. There was no convincing these men of what I knew to be true. Even if I did, I wasn't even sure it would stop Geoff anyway, or his hideous partner. I could maybe try sharing a little more of my experience with my dragon: of how Celto spent the first few days getting me water, leaving me food, and doing his best to keep me alive. I could try and tell them about our love for each other...but maybe even that wouldn't be enough. And from the look of Cale's gaze, if anything but what he wants to hear comes out of my mouth, I doubt he's going to be willing to listen.

All I knew for certain was that Celto would never hurt me. I didn't know how much this man knew about dragons, but it seemed that he knew very little about mine. Celto wasn't just another prize to be plundered, he was my friend, and everything he'd done for me the past few months was enough to convince me that he could never hurt me. We cared for each other in a way that surpassed any instinct either of us could feel, and I needed to think of another option. If I wanted to save the both of us from these people, I had to smart. I had to find a way out of this...

"Common kid," Cale said, "quit mulling it over or I'll just pull the trigger right now. One little deed and you can go back to your old life. You've got family? Friends? Think of how much they miss you... think of them the next time you speak..."

If I ran, there was no way I was getting more then ten feet before a bullet entered my back. Running at them was always another option, but that seemed even more foolish from the first. In my desperation I wanted nothing more then to avoid going along with their plans, but it was probably the only choice I had. There was bound to be a better opportunity to trick them then this moment.

Brushing the tears from my cheeks, I whispered as calmly as I could manage, "Alright, I'll help you."

Cale smiled and beckoned with his gun towards the foliage. "After you."


The sun was still high in the sky as I made my way through the forest, brushing away the foliage and low-hanging branches that scratched at my face. I was holding an itchy, heavy blanket around me as I plodded forwards, something that Geoff got for me from the boat. I think it was more out of concern for not staring at me naked then it was for my well-being. It had been so long since I'd worn any clothing, yet I felt no joy in draping the gross thing over me. The thick wool was extremely hot and uncomfortable, and I wanted nothing more then to cast this horrible blanket aside; Cale however, wouldn't let me take it off.

Before we had left the beach, both men had taken one last visit to small boat they'd come ashore in to gather some more weapons. Cale was directly behind me with the rifle held relaxed in his grip and a steel hunting knife strapped to his side. Geoff was trailing directly behind him holding a second rifle, keeping a close eye on me, as well as his partner. I was leading them down a path frequently travelled by me and Celto, hoping that my friend would continue to remain hidden. If he stayed out of site for at least a little while, perhaps my companions would tire, and I would be able to find an opportunity to escape.

An impatient grunt came from directly behind me. "You better not be leading us somewhere without good cause ," Cale said, before turning to face his partner. "If he doesn't find us the dragon soon we might have to find another way."

"Be patient Cale, he's only just started," Geoff said, nodding in my direction with assurance. "You're leading us true right? How much further?"

"Just a little bit further..." I mumbled.

Cale gave a small laugh at my lack of energy, saying, "Cheer up guy! Try to think of what you'll do with all the freedom once we deliver you from this dull, piss-laden swamp of a home." He punctuated his remark by slashing the end of a plant with the nozzle of his rifle.

It would've been smart to feign some sort of enthusiasm, but I couldn't. If I could somehow put my companions at ease it would be easier to escape them, but there was no hiding my sadness at being forced to help them. Even if I could somehow smile, it would be a hollow emotion. Easy to see through. I would have to hope that I could somehow escape and find Celto when something else made them drop their guard. I couldn't be happy with what I was doing regardless of where I was heading.

The path I was taking would lead us back to my first area of refuge on the island. It was a small clearing of trees from which I first kept my supplies and clothes, most of which were lost a while back. I still had my bag however, which I left somewhere in the clearing. It should be enough to make them believe that the spot was frequented by me and Celto, and although there was some danger, I didn't think that he would be there.

Back when I had first noticed the boat, and Celto had been standing there with me, I recognized the look in my dragon's eyes when I pushed him away. I was scared that his appearance would frighten my would-be 'rescuers.' If I'd had known what I know now perhaps I would've reacted differently but the damage was done. I had hurt him. My reaction was something Celto was unused to, and I doubted he would go back to the very spot on which we met. If my logic was correct he would be back at his home in the cliff wall, avoiding me in a place of familiar comfort until I returned. I had to remain clear of that place.

I grimaced as regret gripped me. To think that if I never saw him again, that would be the last thing I did...I had to get myself out of this.

The silence stretched on within our little party, with the soft crunching of our feet against the ground the only sound to accompany the light rustling of the forest around us. Cale snorted in the uncomfortable silence before saying, "So...anyone know any good tunes to fit the occasion?"

"Shut your mouth Cale," Geoff said roughly, "we need silence if we're to keep the element of surprise."

The other man shook his head and mumbled something under his breath. After that, the party continued onwards in continued silence.

I felt a growing sense of dread rise up within me as we got closer to the clearing. If I was wrong and Celto was there, they might get the opportunity to attack him before I had the chance to escape. I had to buy some time, or maybe think of some sort of distraction to keep these people away from my friend. Perhaps if I struck up a conversation, or even made a little bit of noise, he would hear us coming and leave.

After a few moments, such a conversation came to mind. Continuing to push through the foliage, I asked them, "So, once we find my friend, what are you going to do? Just shoot him?"

"Less talking, more walking," Geoff grunted.

"Having the element of surprise isn't going to matter, you do realize what you're both getting yourselves into right? He's a dragon. Do you think you're going to manage to even hurt him with those rifles?"

There was a short laugh from Cale before he answered, a smile on his face. "Don't worry about us kid. You'll find out soon enough what we plan on doing. A small dragon like that will fall a lot easier then when he's fully grown."

"He'll kill you before you get the chance."

"Heh, and I thought you said he was a gentle beast," Cale sniggered before shoving me forwards with the butt of his gun. "Hurry up, and quit talking."

"You still haven't told me how you know dragons so well."

Cale shrugged his shoulders, saying, "I don't really, I'm just here for the money."

"Then how..."

"Shut up right now," Geoff said. "No more talking."

The rough command of his voice silenced any further conversation. I wanted to inquire further, but that was probably a bad idea. Geoff knew something, yet he was hardly the talkative type. Although Cale said he didn't know much, I had an instinctual feeling that he was more comfortable with this situation then his partner.

Turning around a bend in the path, I noticed a rather large, exposed root jutting out of the path a few feet in front of me. Seeing a quick way to buy a little time, I made sure that the back of my foot hooked against the top of it as I passed and I fell to the ground. It was a pathetic attempt, but at that moment it was all I could do.

I heard a short laugh of disgust from behind me. A sharp jolt of pain shot through my leg as I felt the tip of Cale's boot connect with the side of my thigh. I yelled in surprise before two, thin hands gripped me under my arms through the blanket and roughly pulled me upwards before shoving me forwards once again. I stumbled a few times before continuing onwards and chancing a quick glance backwards at my tormenter. The man glared at me, saying, "Watch the path you fucking idiot. Next time you fall I'm not just going to kick you once."

"Take it easy on the kid Cale," Geoff said as he stepped over the root, "he just fell."

"Easy? This IS easy, Geoff, I'm being nice," Cale replied before giving me a light push with the butt of the rifle. "And Ill keep being nice as long you keep playing your part kid." A short sigh from Geoff before our group declined back into uncomfortable silence.

I sensed a small amount of empathy for me coming from Geoff as Cale continued to badger me. Although he made no move to stop it, it was easy for me to see that he was a man unaccustomed to treating another human being in such a manner. Perhaps I could use that to my advantage.

"Please...could we please stop for a moment? My feet are hurting," I said.

"No, keep moving kid," Cale said, "you can rest once you've actually shown us something worthwhile."

I glanced behind expectantly at Geoff for a moment. To my disappointment, he was looking at the ground in silent agreement.

"Well, could you at least tell me where I am?"

Cale gave a short laugh. "Pfft, I don't think so kid, we haven't even found the dragon yet and you expect some kind of reward?"

"Please? It's not like it'll make a difference, and I'm helping you aren't I? I've haven't known for so long..."

"And you're going to continue to not know for a little longer. Not until we've killed the dragon and we're back on the boat. I'm not giving away any information, not until I know there's nothing left to risk."

"But I'm helping you! Please, just a..."

"Shut up!" Cale yelled, punctuated by another rough push forward with the rifle. "Helping us, yes, but willingly? Ha! First chance you get, kid, your fucking us over, I can see it in your eyes. Until everything here is finished, we're not giving you shit."

The short jab of his had dug into my hip painfully that time, so I listened to him and kept my mouth shut. Any response I had expected from Geoff never came, and once again, we moved forward towards the clearing where I had first seen Celto.

We arrived after a few more minutes. I held my breath in fear as I pushed away the last of the branches and walked out into the open patch of ground. The area was exactly how I left it. My backpack was hanging up on a branch over on the left edge of the clearing, while the rest of the area stood completely empty. Though I tried not to let it show, I let out a deep sigh of relief when I found no trace of my friend.

'This is where I thought he would be," I lied, turning to face my two captors as they crept cautiously into the clearing. "I stayed here during my first few weeks on the island, and its where we first met each other."

"Heh, 'met each other,'" Cale mocked in a low whisper, "like a fucking first date."

I licked my lips nervously at that comment. If only he knew how right he was in saying that...though I'd never thought about it that way before.

Geoff circled around the edge of the clearing, studying the ground cautiously while keeping an eye on the forest around him. "The ground shows signs of being well-travelled," he said, moving in close to study a flat patch of ground in the middle. "And also signs of something large laying here."

"There's a bag over here as well," Cale whispered, grabbing my pack from the branch and putting it down. "It's empty, but it seems the kid was telling the truth. Shame."

"I agree, but he's nowhere to be seen right now," Geoff said with slightly more volume. "the dragon must be somewhere else."

Yes, I thought, but I'll never show you where. I'm going to escape first...

Cale shook his head in anger before tossing my pack into the woods. "Well," he said, "this is fucking infuriating, I'd hoped to be done with this by now..."

"Yes, me as well," Geoff said in frustration. Turning to me, he asked," is there anywhere else where he might be kid?"

"There are a few other spots, but it might take us a while to..."

"Take us there then," Geoff said.

'But, we should..."

He shoved me back a few paces with the side of his rifle. "Take us"


After just under an hour of more walking through the forest, we came within sight of the pool of water that Celto had showed me during our first trip together into the forest. It was another significant spot, one that my loathsome companions would hopefully consider a likely location for my friend and waste some more time searching for him. I was doing everything I could to avoid our home in the cliffs. Maybe if I wasted enough of their time, night would fall and they'd be forced to resume their search in the morning. That would be the best time for me to try and escape.

Making silent signals with his hands and pushing me in front of him, Geoff crept slowly towards the pool with Cale trailing directly behind him, holding his rifle at the ready. Neither man made a single noise as we approached the water, and all remained still and silent. As quiet as we were however, I couldn't help but smile as I remembered the times I tried to sneak up on Celto. It never mattered how good I was, it was always impossible for me to surprise my friend. There were times when he pretended to be unaware of my presence, yet I could tell from the excited twitches of his tail and wings that he knew I was there.

My head was swimming with such memories as we reached the edge of the water. I stayed where I was while my two companions began circling around, inspecting the ground for clues now that they had determined my friend wasn't around. Last time I stood here, Celto was crouched down on the other side, lapping up the water with his long tongue. During that moment the sun had hit the water perfectly, reflecting off the ripples and casting the glowing light on his blue scales. As I gazed at the empty spot I could've sworn that he was there, crouched on the other side of the pool like before. The image calmed me. It reminded me of everything me and my dragon had shared since I came to this island, and it made me forget all the terrible misfortune I'd experienced for the last few hours. When Cale came circling around the other side of the pool into my vision however, the image faded away, and I was left staring at an empty bank.

Cale crouched down next to the water and reached down, cupping some of the liquid into his hand. "Another promising spot, but no fucking dragon yet again," he said, sipping at his palm before standing and nodding in my direction. "You sure he isn't screwing with us Geoff?"

Geoff was moving at a slower pace then the other man, crouching low and sticking his face into a patch of reeds to make sure he didn't miss anything. "Not sure," he replied, "but it certainly doesn't seem like it. You see those broken branches and the flat ground you're standing on?"

"Ya, I see it, I noticed it right away. If you come to where I'm standing you can see claw marks in the mud." Cale looked my way and grinned. "You and you're dragon come here often then?"

"It's the only water source I know of," I said, "it was the only one he showed me."

"Huh, showed you, that's rich," Geoff said, standing up and continuing to walk around the pond.

"He took me here and showed me where it was. It was how I survived in the first place."

Geoff stopped where he was and gave me a tired, blank stare. For some reason I didn't know, he had an unwavering belief that all dragons were violent, mindless beasts. The only way I could convince him for sure was if I somehow proved that Celto was kind and loving yet, getting the two to meet was out of the question. These two weren't looking for a friend, they were looking for their next pay check.

Cale also looked at me, shaking his head in disgust before talking to Geoff. "I don't know how you can trust him so much to lead us to the dragon when all he does is lie. Why are we even bothering with this?"

"He knows his way around the island," Geoff said, turning around and making his way back towards me.

"That's not what I meant, I mean why are we putting up with THIS," Cale yelled as he gestured wildly around him. "Walking from place to place, searching for hours for an illusive, dangerous animal with nothing to guide us but a disillusioned, stranded, naked boy who claims it to be his friend! This is fucking stupid!"

Geoff stopped where he was along the bank, just past the reeds he has been poking through to cross his arms and stare at Geoff curiously. "What are you suggesting?" He asked.

An unease gripped me as Cale looked at me with a vicious grin in his eye. "He keeps saying the dragon is friend doesn't he? He can't be telling the truth but maybe there would be a way to...test the full extent of that truth."

Geoff grimaced and shook his head, saying, "No Cale, I know where you're going with this you vicious bastard and we're not doing it. I'm here for the dragon, we have no need to hurt this kid."

"Why the fuck not? If the dragon is his friend as he claims then shouldn't his cries of pain bring the monster out of hiding? And if the dragon is a beast as you claim, then the kid can act as bait. We wouldn't have to wait very long: I'm sure any carnivore wouldn't be able to resist the scent of blood."

"No," Geoff answered again before walking over to stand by me. "I'm in charge of this expedition, I was the one who brought you. We agreed that everything I said would be the way it goes, and I say that we keep going with the plan." He punctuated his order by shoving me forwards towards the path.

A small laugh came from Cale's mouth before he responded in a low, dangerous voice: "In charge, huh?" He stepped forward, holding the rifle up sideways with a mocking shrug and tilt of his head. "You sure about that Geoff?"

"Yes I'm sure, Cale," Geoff replied, dropping his tone into a snarl when he said his partner's name. "We're not hurting the kid and that's final. Now give me your gun."

Cale narrowed his eyes at the commanding tone. "I think I'd rather not."

The air was completely still as the two men faced each other. Though the silence lasted only a few moments, it seemed like minutes as I stared at Cale, his pale face regarding us with a dark, amused grin. A chill crept across me as I realized that the man intended to hurt me. My heart pounded like a hammer in my chest and I felt my arm shake involuntarily as I waited for what was to come, too scared to do anything but watch in fear.

It was then that I noticed Geoff begin to slowly adjust his grip on the rifle, bringing it closer into his chest and sliding his hand up to place his finger at the trigger.

A brief grin and a widening of Cale's eyes was the only warning I had before he acted. Brining his gun up quicker then I could've thought possible, Cale aimed and pulled the trigger in one, smooth movement, the barrel erupting in a deafening blast.

Though I was completely unprepared for the suddenness of his attack, it was Geoff who managed to save my life. Just as Cale was bringing his gun to bare, he pushed me over with his arm, knocking me over to the side. As I fell an unseen force ripped my arm out to the side. Spinning, I awkwardly landed on my back and screamed in surprise as a numbing pain shot through my arm and spread to the rest of my right shoulder.

Geoff fell to the ground in front of me, landing face-down in the muck beside the pool before rolling over to the side. As quick as he could manage, he picked himself up from the bank into a sitting position and brought his rifle up to his shoulder. I saw him scan the opposite side of the pool in front of him but Cale was already gone. In the confusion I hadn't seen where he'd gone, and apparently Geoff hadn't either. He looked back and forth through the tree-line in a series of panicky, unsure jerks of his upper body.

I watched this all unfold through a horrible pain that gripped my entire right arm.

Disoriented as I was, my mind was screaming at me to stand up. Cale was out there somewhere, possibly circling around to come at us from behind. When I tried however, I instantly cried out in agony and fell back down. I reached out instinctively for the wound on my arm and felt wetness there, soaking through the thick blanket that had wrapped itself awkwardly around my sprawled form.

Cale's voice echoed out from the woods, somewhere far ahead into the foliage on the opposite side of the pool. "Not exactly the wound I was going for Geoff, but it should do the job!" There was a moments pause before the voice continued, further out. "Say hi to the dragon for me right before it tears you apart kid. I'll be close by...waiting."


Geoff pulled me through the woods, holding my good arm and keeping me close behind him. He still had his rifle strapped across his back as he crept fast, yet carefully through the underbrush. Branches brushed against my face repeatedly, making it difficult to discern where we were heading. Everything had happened so fast and I never had the time to process what was going on.

My former captor was helping me; a fact for which I was quite grateful yet also confused. Only hours ago this man had pointed a gun at my back and demanded I betray my best friend. He'd seemed intent on destroying the life I'd built with Celto on this island but now, he wanted to help me. It made no sense.

After what seemed like forever, our progress stopped and Geoff set me down against a tree. I fell down onto the ground, wincing as another jolt of pain shot up my arm. Breathing heavily and watching through a haze of light-headedness, I studied Geoff as he ripped off part off his shirt, wrapping the fabric around the upper part of my arm.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked, wincing as he tied a knot in the fabric and pulled it tightly against my shoulder.

"I came here to kill a dragon kid, but I'm not about to use another human being as bait to get it done," he replied. I yelped as he gave the cloth a quick pull.

After he was done with the bandage, he picked up a water bottle, filled to the top with the crystal clear liquid from the pool. I hadn't noticed it during our short trek through the woods, but I smiled when I realized it was the water bottle Celto had used to bring me water when I first got here. It was the same size, same faded label, and still had the typical signs of damage from the dragon spittle and teeth.

"Where did you find that?" I asked, before accepting the drink.

"Beside the pool in the ferns I was crouched in. Thought it might come in handy once you were...shot."

I lifted the water from my mouth, smiling at it; the bottle was definitely the one. I thought I'd misplaced it a long time ago, but it seemed that Celto had been keeping it hidden from me, perhaps for future use or merely as a token of our friendship. The thought warmed me, providing some distraction from the wound on my arm.

Glancing over, I grimaced in pain and looked down at the bandage. "How bad is it?"

"It's actually not that bad," Geoff said, taking the bottle from me and twisting the plastic cap back on. "You were just grazed a little bit, that's all. You should be fine."

"Grazed?" I said, confused. "It doesn't feel like a graze..."

"Are you kidding me kid? Quit being a fucking pansy. You can walk, and you can string a sentence together after someone just shot you. Take it as a blessing we didn't have to dig it out."

I lightly bit my lower lip and winced at that comment. That would've been quite unpleasant. I didn't know much about gun shot wounds, but if this was considered a "lucky" wound, I felt sorry for anybody who had to endure worse. I don't even know if I could.

Dropping the water bottle into his pocket, he took the rifle strap off his shoulder and held it in a relaxed position. Letting go with one hand and reaching out to me, he said, "can you stand?"

"I think so," I answered, taking his hand as he helped me up. There was another jolt of pain yet now, it didn't seem so bad. As I regained my footing, Geoff let go, waiting to see if I would fall again.

When I didn't he nodded his head, saying, "alright, that's good. Come on, let's move."

I looked at him in confusion. "Move? Move where?"

"Anywhere but here," Geoff said. "We need to find a place to hide until this whole thing pans out. I'm not going to risk running into Cale or the dragon in here."

Geoff started to move deeper into the woods ahead of me but I didn't move. He looked back at me and gestured to follow, saying, "follow me."

"No," I said, "No...I...I have to stay, I have to find Celto, he's gotta be out here somewhere..."

My companion shook his head in frustration. "What the fuck kid? Are you serious? Even now, you're gonna go with this? You don't need to lie to me anymore kid ok, this isn't a hostage situation. I'm getting you out of here, away from the psychopath back there!"

"No, have to understand...I'm NOT lying about that. I can't just hide when that man is out there. I have to find him, I have to get him out of here."

"Alright! Fine, let's just do that then shall we? Lets march off to the dragon and let it kill us! Brilliant plan!"

"Well, that's what I'm doing dammit!" I said, anger seeping into my voice. "Why do you even care about me? Just a few moments ago you wanted to kill me and my dragon! Why are you doing this?"

I saw Geoff calm himself and close his eyes, taking a deep breath to relax his temper. "I never wanted to kill you kid, that was never the plan. For me anyway. This was all Cale's idea, that fucking God damn..." He paused for a few moments before looking at me. "You wanted to know where you are?"

I felt my excitement rise. "Yes."

He took another deep breath. "You're on an island a good distance northeast from the eastern-most border of the French Polynesia. This island is pretty isolated and...well, unfrequented by people."

It took a few moments for me to find words in light of this revelation; after a few moments however, I said, "I'm...where?"

"Just about the middle of the Pacific," he replied, rolling his eyes. "Seriously kid, did I really have to elaborate on that?"

Despite the pain continuing to throb in my shoulder, I smiled. The fatigue and exhaustion I felt faded away for brief moment as excitement coursed through me. Although I had a basic idea, I finally knew where I was; it made no difference in solving my predicament, but it was a welcome revelation nonetheless.

I returned my attention to Geoff. "And how did you find this place?"

Geoff looked to the ground and sighed lightly in thought. He began to say something before he stopped himself, pausing for a moment before finally speaking. "This isn't the first time I've come this way," he said, keeping his tone level. "Not too many people know about this island. It's been completely isolated and uninhabited for as long as I can remember. Though I've never actually been here, I saw this place quite a few times during my travels, as I like to get far away from anybody would might notice a lone boat in the middle of the ocean as being suspicious."

"'re a criminal then?"

He sneered. "You really think that matters? Certain goods are questionable sure, but the pay is good."

"I just imagined something a little...more, for someone who claims to know so much about dragons."

The sneer dropped from Geoff's face and was replaced by a grimace. I think the question had taken him off guard. He had answered nearly everything I'd asked him so far, whether out of pity of guilt for me being shot by his partner I didn't know; either way, he was still reluctant to answer the question.

"Truth is kid," Geoff began, "I don't. I only know of them."

My eyes widened involuntarily. That was not the answer I was expecting. "What do you mean?"

"I deliver goods around these islands, remember kid? Most people in the world haven't got a clue, but dragons are real, very real. You and me both know that. For the most part, they live in seclusion, far away from any humans or the threat of civilization. People like me who travel isolated areas often, we know that they're a real danger. I know quite a few people who pay a good amount of money to see any dragon threats...taken care of."

A simmering anger began to rise up from within my chest and I curled my hands into fists. "Is that what you do?"

Geoff laughed at my sudden anger. "No kid, I'm not that suicidal. As I said, I'm just a delivery boy who happens to know of their existence. I know that they're dangerous, and I know that I have to avoid them."

"If you have to avoid them, why did you come here in the first place if you knew a dragon was here?"

"Not my fucking idea that's for sure," Geoff grunted, shaking his head. "This whole fucking trip with Cale was a bad idea from the start. I had an employer who wanted that psychopath along for the ride; something about keeping an eye on his 'wares' as if I couldn't be trusted. When we saw you flying, Cale thought it might be a good idea to give it a try and like an idiot, I went along with him."

"'re not partners then?"

"Hell no, he's fucking crazy. I'm a smuggler, sure, but not a murderer."

"But this whole time, you kept threatening..."

'Actually, it was Cale that did most of the threatening, if you remember correctly. I regretted this whole venture from the start, but even more so when we found you."

Taking a deep breath, I allowed myself to relax. My arm was still killing me, but at least I knew that this man wasn't as bad as I'd labelled him to be from the start. I still didn't like him, for threatening Celto and holding me hostage, but at least now he could be reasoned with. I think.

After a few moments, Geoff looked at me. "So kid, does that answer you're question? Can we head to the ship now? I've got better bandages there you know, I could patch you...GAH!"

He barely had time to gasp in surprise before the bushes to my right exploded outwards. A giant, blue, scaled form leapt across my vision and bounded onto the man in front of me, knocking the rifle out of his grip and sending it flying off into the woods. Something hard and boney clipped my shoulder and sent me spinning to the ground again, causing me to cry out as renewed pain jabbed into my arm. It all happened so fast that for a moment I just laid there, disoriented and grimacing in pain. My eyes shot open however, when I heard a familiar, draconic rumble come from behind me.

When I turned over, I saw a sight that made me smile. Celto was sitting on the ground starring at me with a happy, pleased grin on his face. It was the same look he gave me whenever he caught an impressive fish, or pounced on me during one of our games. The blue scales across his hide shone brightly in the sun as he sat in the clearing, almost casually as he rested his haunches on the ground, his tail curled around to his side. Underneath his right paw, Geoff was struggling; the muscle's under Celto's forearm tensed lightly, easily pinning the human down with almost no effort. Celto paid Geoff no attention as he looked at me, a gaze that I gratefully returned.


"Celto!" I cried, "You found us!"

"Ahhhh! Get off me! Fuck you!" Geoff yelled, still wincing under the weight of the dragon's paw. Celto looked down at him and growled, baring his fangs in aggression at the man's remark. Geoff's face turned pale white as he stared up in fear at the menacing reptile, no longer fighting under his hostile grin.

I remembered the first time I laid eyes on the dragon and I couldn't help but find the situation amusing. The man was probably scarred shitless.

"Celto, stop." The dragon looked at me in confusion, putting his teeth away. "He's a friend...well, kinda. You can let him up, just keep an eye an him."

Celto face brightened at my words. Lifting his hand, the dragon released Geoff, bringing his head down at the same time to curiously inspect the new arrival.

Geoff winced and shrunk further into the ground in terror. "Can...can you make it stop...please..." he breathed as Celto's nose came right up to his forehead, blasting hot air into his face as the dragon sniffed. The man kept each of his hands timidly out to the side, wanting nothing more then to push the beast's head away, yet too scared to do so.

Shaking my head and rolling over, I tried to stand up by pushing myself off the ground, only to gasp in pain and fall back down as my arm protested. I saw Celto immediately lift his head and look my way in concern, his blue eyes beading with curiosity at my sudden grunt of discomfort.

"I'm alright buddy, really," I said, getting up slowly this time. "Why don't you leave the poor man alone for a few moments and give him some space."

Whether he obeyed because I asked him to or not, Celto forgot Geoff completely and bounded over to me, his face full of worry. He hadn't notice my injury before, and the sudden realization had him rushing to me, all other newcomers completely forgotten as my well-being became his only concern. When he got to me, he brought his giant muzzle down, looking at the bandage on my arm. He gave a soft whine, the small spikes on the back of his head bristling with stress.

"I'm fine Celto, I really am," I said, standing upright. Standing level with my dragon's head, I watch as Celto opened his mouth and slowly stuck out his tongue, making as if to lick my arm and help in the only way he knew how.

I quickly brought up my good arm and stopped him mid-lick. He stared at me, confused, with his tongue hanging partway out of his massive jaws. "NO! No, it's fine Celto, really," I said, laughing a little at the way my friend looked. "It doesn't need any licking. Listen, I'm sorry about what I did, but you need to leave. Now."

Celto narrowed his eyes and gave a short growl, his tongue still hanging out of his mouth.

"I know, I'm sorry, but you can't be around me. There's a man out there looking for you. He's the one who shot me, and he's going to try and do the same to you."

Celto listened attentively as I spoke. When I finished, his eyes darted to the outline of tree, questing for any sign of movement.

Still looking concerned, Celto slurped his tongue back into his mouth and sat down, bringing his head back up to its usual position. He made no move to leave.

"Did you hear me?"

Celto snorted and stamped his foot, not moving an inch. He gave a small grunt and gestured with his muzzle to arm, scrunching the scales on the bridge of his nose as he stared worriedly at my wound.

I sighed. "You're not going anywhere are you?"

A small warble was the only answer Celto voiced before nodding his head. His head towered high above me as he looked down, his blue eyes never leaving me once. I didn't blame him for not leaving. He was only gone for hours after I shoed him away and already I was sporting a gunshot wound on my shoulder. Though I was fine, my reassurances were clearly not erasing any concern the dragon felt for my injury. I figured then, that something more was needed then just words to quell the giant beast's fears.

Walking forwards into his cavernous chest, I hugged him tightly, standing on my toes to grip the base of his neck. Stooping down slightly, Celto cooed and brought up his paw, pushing me closer against him and returning my passionate embrace. Closing my eyes, I could feel his chest moving up and down, a heavy rumble accompanying every exhale of breath. His scales rubbed softly against the my check, warming the skin of my face and massaging me with their touch. I could feel the corded muscle of his arm against my back, holding me lightly in place as we welcomed each other's touch once again.

"I never should've made you leave..." I whispered. Celto answered with a light whine, pulling me in closer and bending his neck down to give me a little lick on the top of my head.

Letting go of his neck, I slowly backed away, letting go of the dragon and letting his hand slide down the scales of his chest as Celto released me.

If there was nothing I could do to make him understand the danger, perhaps I needed to just keep a watchful eye. I was probably safer with Celto near by anyway. I didn't know how much damage a rifle would do to a hulking beast such as a dragon, but I had no intention of finding out. Plus, I had a pretty good idea of how much it could hurt me again if that psychopath got the chance.

"Alright, lets both go then. We need to get out of here buddy, right now." He turned his spiked head sideways and crooked his brow. "Just trust me, we need to hide, Geoff, what are you..." I turned to the spot where he'd been standing only to find it empty. "...going to do?" Where did he go?

Movement caught my attention over to my left and I turned to see Geoff emerge from the woods. He was shaking, moving in timidly out of the woods back to where Celto had pinned him, the rifle back in his hands.

"Geoff," I said, putting up my hands, "what are you doing?"

"Shut the fuck up and keep that thing away from me," he stammered, sweating profusely. He was backing slowly away, breathing heavily and holding the rifle against his shoulder as steady as he could. I didn't know yet whether or not he wanted to shoot, but in his state, he seemed ready to do anything.

"He's not going to hurt you, can't you see that? He's not going to..."

'He attacked me!" Geoff stammered, stopping as he reached the edge of the trees. "He was going to kill me until you called him off. I'm not sticking around for you to sick him on me!"

I looked up at Celto, who was watching the scene unfold with nervous uncertainty. The end of his tail was tapping lightly against the ground, and was regarding the rifle clutched in Geoff's hands with fear. He craned his neck forwards to take a closer look, but flinched backwards and gave a small growl when the man brandished it threateningly, baring his teeth once again. I didn't think he knew what the gun did, but he seemed to realize that it was dangerous.

"Geoff, he was only protecting me," I replied, looking back at the scared man. "And I'm not going to tell him to attack you! Please, put the gun down.

Not moving any further, Geoff shook his head. "No, no I'm not believing that for a second. I don't know what, or how you managed this kid, but the second I let my guard down you're going to get it to kill me, I know you are..."

"Geoff , you've got it wrong. What I've been telling you this whole time, even since you first captured me, is true. He's not the vicious kind of dragon you've been warned about. He's cared for me and been my companion since my arrival, and he's the best friend," I looked up at his scaled face, "that I've ever had."

Holding his position, Geoff looked behind him quickly then forwards again, his face a mix of thought and worry as he considered my words.

We don't have time for this, I thought. Cale is out there, we need to leave now!

"Please Geoff...if you want to leave then go but please...don't hurt him." I nearly whispered the last words, my voice trailing off as I choked back tears, pleading with this man through a veil of fear and desperation.

Geoff looked at me then, recognizing my tone for what it was. His eyes widened and he bit the bottom of his lip, still thinking about what to do. He returned his gaze to the dragon, holding the rifle against his shoulder and pointing, yet, dropping his aim slightly to get a good look at the fearsome monster that plagued him.

Celto continued to glare at Geoff even after the gun was lowered. Though his teeth weren't showing anymore, he kept his eyes narrowed while the rest of his body remained still, locked in a predatory restlessness.

With a nervous swallow, Geoff continued to lower his gun even more, letting the barrel drop down towards the forest floor.

Tilting his head in consideration, Celto remained still for a few more moments before he visibly relaxed, curling his tail around himself and sitting down heavily on his haunches. He lowered his head a few feet in Geoff's direction and sorted, letting out a small trill before he moved back and returned his eyes to me. The dragon smiled and opened his mouth, letting his tongue hang loose in an almost maniacal grin.

A calmness washed over me at that moment. The tension of the situation evaporated in an instant, and neither man nor dragon looked ready to commit any sort of violence. Geoff still looked shaken and pale, but at least he was no longer brandishing his weapon. His eyes never left Celto for a second but unlike before, his overwhelming fear had given way to small amount of curiosity. I didn`t think he was ready to approach Celto anytime soon; after all, it took me a few days to get used to his intimidating presence. It was however, a major step forwards from wanting to kill him.

Now that all this was settled, we could get out of here and hide.

Gathering myself a taking a deep breath, I said, "alright, lets..."

A gunshot sounded directly to my right, a deafening blast of sound that ripped through the air and silenced me before I could finish. My heart lurched in my chest and I jumped instinctively, recognizing the horrible noise from before. This time however, it wasn't me who fell.

The bullet entered Celto's chest, just below his shoulder where his scaled turned from blue to a lighter shade. There was a flash of blood, and the dragon winced, screeching in agony before curling in on himself and collapsing onto the ground. The painful eruption was unlike anything I'd ever heard Celto make. A scream came unbidden to my lips as my friend fell.

When I stopped, time seemed to stand still. The surrounding forest was completely silent; the only sound filling the clearing was Celto's heavy breathing and slight rustling as his tail whipped back and forth across the ground. Geoff continued to stare at him, his face a mixture of concern and surprise at my fallen friend.

Footsteps from behind me caused me to turn, shaking, to find Cale, a smug look of satisfaction etched across his thin face. He turned to Geoff. "Told you that bait was a good idea."


Celto lay on his side, his face clenched and his eyes closed in painful discomfort. A small whine was trailing out of him as his chest rose up and down, his claws kneading the dirt as he fought off the pain that wracked him.

There was a thump on the forest floor as Cale dropped the butt of his rifle onto the ground. Leaning over it in triumph and turning his head to look at me, I heard him say "so, I guess I never got the chance to apologize for my actions earlier; shooting you, I admit, was a little drastic but as you can see." He gestured at the dragon. "It was well worth it."

I never bothered looking at him as he mocked me. Every voice inside me was screaming to do something: to run to Celto, to find help, to get something or anything that would help him, but once again, I was frozen in place. Tears came streaming down my face and my body rocked with sobs at the scene in front of me. I never imagined having to see my friend hurt like this; Celto had always been so strong and powerful, that the thought of something being able to hurt him had seemed impossible. All it took was one man with a gun to show me how wrong my assumptions were.

"Well, it seems to still be alive," Cale mused, tapping the end of his gun with his fingers. "Geoff, would you like to do the honours?"

Snapping out of his trance, Geoff stopped staring at Celto to look at Cale, giving his partner an unsure look before return his attention to the dragon. He made no move to hold up his gun.

"Alright, fine," Cale continued, "I'll keep going then shall I?" He raised his rifle.

I screamed in anger and fear, rushing at the man as fast as I could. His finger twitched at the trigger before he crooked his eyes in my direction, a delighted smile appearing on his thin features. In my speed, I reached the man in seconds, not giving him enough time to swing the rifle in my direction.

As I reached him, Cale dropped his gun and yanked the hunting knife out of his belt, slashing out at me with a wild yell. I dodged the initial attack, ducking under the wide swing and slamming into his chest with my shoulder. Forgetting the wound on my shoulder, I gritted my teeth in pain as I connected, grunting and pulling Cale awkwardly onto the ground with me. As soon as we impacted the dirt I drew my arms up and started to hit him, flailing wildly into any part of his body that presented itself. I yelled, bringing my fists down as hard as I could. My shoulder screamed at me but I ignored it, focusing instead on the powerful anger that overwhelmed every aspect of my mind. In that moment I was an animal driven by hate. Nothing but violence and revenge mattered.

I'd lost count of how many times I hit him when Cale's arm snaked upwards, grabbing my wrist with unfathomable power and yanking me over to the side. My world spun, and before I knew what was happening he was on top of me, the blade of his knife pressed against my throat.

"That was unexpected," Cale, breathed, smiling despite a cracked lip and a bloody nose, "though it's about time you showed some fucking balls, you miserable little shit."

He wound his arm up and hit me on the forehead with the handle of his knife. For the second time today, stars flooded my vision and my head exploded with pain. I twisted and turn in agony, barely noticing as Cale got off me and walked around, picking me up underneath my arms and dragging me to my feet. Holding me against him, the knife came back to my neck, its sharp edge pressing hard into my skin. After a few moments, the dizziness faded away and I found myself staring at Celto once again. He was still on the ground, only now he was staring at me with that same look of worry mixed in with the odd twinge of discomfort.

"Ah," Cale said, "Now everything's as it should be." He pressed the knife down harder. "The fearsome dragon and his little bitch, both at my mercy."

I tried to speak then, gritting my teeth in frustration, saying, "I'm...going to kill you."

"O, you'll do no such thing." Cale whispered into my ear. Smiling, he turned to Geoff. "The dragon's all yours now Geoff, there's nothing to fear! He's hurt, I've got the kid, why don't you take the shot and end this so we can get the hell out of here?"

Geoff made no move to bring up his rifle; instead, he looked back at Cale. "I don't think I can Cale."

Cale narrowed his eyes. "What?"

"W-what I mean is, I can't do this to the kid."

"What rob him of his dragon?" Cale sneered, using his free hand to reach up and grab a handful of my hair. "I'm sure he'll get over it."

When Geoff still didn't move, Cale sighed and shook his head. "Listen Geoff, don't think for a second that I don't know what's going on here. I heard the last little bit of your 'conversation' with this asshole here and I know you have doubts. Well here's a little piece of advice Geoff, nothing is as you fucking assume it's going to be. Whatever happens, whatever fucking obstacles life throws between you and a reward," he pulled my head back to emphasize his point, "you don't think, you just get rid of them. That's how you win, Geoff."

Geoff looked at Celto now, his right hand holding the rifle with a more sure grip.

Cale smiled, continuing with his speech. 'You care for the kid, Geoff, so I'll make this easy for you." He let go of my hair and slid his hand down to my arm. Finding the bandage, he squeezed, digging his fingers into my wound. I screamed in pain, gasping as the soaked cloth began to drip with a renewed flow of blood. "Either you kill the dragon, or I kill this kid. Keep shooting that beast until he doesn't breathe, or I'll slit his throat and do it myself."

I stopped screaming long enough to lock my eyes on Geoff, his image blurred by an onset of tears.

"Just think of the money and the decision is easy, Geoff. You and I both know there's people who'll pay a shitload for a dragon like this. Do you really want to traffic people's shit between these islands for the rest of your life?"

The words seemed to be having an effect on him. Gripping the gun with both of hands, Geoff brought the butt of the gun up to his shoulder, though he didn't take aim quite yet.

"No! Geoff don't! Please!" I screamed, even as Cale dug his fingers into my wound even more.

Continuing to look at the fallen dragon, Geoff didn't move. He did take a step back however, when the dragon lifted his head off the ground.

No longer showing any signs of discomfort, Celto turned his head and locked his

eyes on the man in front of him. The deep blue pools glowed with a knowing of what was

to come; a sorrowful understanding of the turmoil that Geoff was going through in this


Geoff's hands started to shake as he cradled the rifle against his chest. He lifted it for a few seconds before he let it fell once again. He bit the bottom of his lip. The dragon's eyes bore into him with a passion that was reserved for only the most sentient of creatures. There was a flash of recognition in his eyes, and I saw him slowly take his finger away from the trigger, and drop the rifle to his side. Despite my situation, I felt an excited triumph rise in my chest. Finally, the man believed me.

Shaking his head, he said, "No, Cale, I...I can't do it."

Cale bared his teeth menacingly, pressing the knife into my throat. "I'm going to ask you one more fucking time bitch, and if you refuse..."

It was then, midway through Cale's rebuttal, that the unexpected happened. Faster then anyone could react, Celto leapt to his feet with a roar and twisted his body sideways, whipping his giant tail in my direction.

Jumping at the sudden noise, Cale fumbled the knife he held at my throat just as the dragon's muscular appendage connected with both of us at once. The impact of my friend's tale was like getting hit by a thick, scaly tree. The I yelped in pain along with the Cale it smacked into us, sending us sprawling onto the ground. I grunted again as my shoulder hit the dirt, agony jolting through my arm for the hundredth time today. Cale landed just behind me, collapsing onto his back his an angry snarl. He was still holding the knife. Quickly reaching pushing himself back onto his knees, Cale crawled over to me and raised the knife into the air, preparing for a savage downward thrust meant to take my life.

Another gunshot blasted through the clearing. Midway through his strike, Cale heaved and was thrown backwards as something impacted his chest. He flew to the ground again, the knife leaving his grip and clattering off into the foliage behind him. Red began to soak steadily through his shirt. Lying on his back, Cale contorted in pain, bringing his right hand up to touch his now bloodied chest.

He only laid there for a few moments before his head shot upwards, fixing on Geoff with a insane look of hatred. The other man was standing there with his rifle raised, the end of the barrel smoking with the remnants of his fired shot. Cale coughed up some blood before he growled, "You fucking..."

Once again, we never got to hear what Cale had intended to say. There was a roar that drowned it out as Celto's head snaked down in front of me, faster then I thought possible. I flinched backwards, falling onto the ground as the dragon bit down over the man with a sickening crunch. Taking Cale with him, the dragon backed away, spinning his massive frame around and whipping the man through the air as hard as he could with a ferocious snarl. Cale hit the trunk of a tree with a wet thud, his bloodied, broken form falling into the bushes below, never to rise again.

Terrified at the suddenness of Celto's attack, Geoff yelled, turning and running away into the woods as fast as he could. He crashed through the first line of trees, falling flat onto his front as he tripped on an upturned root and dropping his rifle. Shaking in extreme panic, Geoff left the rifle where it was and continued onwards, disappearing into the shaded green beyond.

I paid him little mind as I sat there in the brush, my mind shocked at the sudden ferocity my friend had just displayed. It was the first time I'd seen Celto do anything like that. The fact that he'd done so to protect me was a faint whisper in the back of mind, dominated by the resounding image of death that played back in a continuous loop.

Celto was panting hard in the middle of the clearing with his left foreleg lifted into the air. There was a small amount of blood dripping from the end of the dragon's jaws. Lapping his tongue and closing his eyes in distaste, he lowered himself back down onto the ground with a carefully measured effort. Though the wound still bothered him, my friend seemed better then before. Instead of curling into a ball, Celto remained upright, fixing me with a pained stare. The blue pools of his eyes glistened with moisture, and it became clear to me that something more then just his wound was troubling the damaged creature.

Feeling my own eyes start to water, I picked myself up and hobbled over to him, limping due to the bruise that had formed on my leg after being hit by his tail. Collapsing into his chest as he lay on his side, I held him a second time, comforting him in the only way I knew how. He draped his forearm around me once more, pulling me closer. As I laid my head against him, I immediately felt him calm down. The once heavy breathing slowed to steady hum as we were reunited in truth.


The next few days after the incident were the longest I'd ever spent on the island. I felt sick to my stomach for a good portion of it, still working through the horrible fear I felt for hours at the hands of my captors. My arm continuously throbbed with horrible pain. The bleeding continued for a while, leaking through the makeshift bandage until I was forced to use the ragged blanket they left behind. It stopped shortly after, but I didn't feel better for a long time. The only positive aspect of those few days was that not once, did the dragon leave my side. I spent the first day propped up against him, the steady hum of his breast soothing my recovery.

Celto, unsurprisingly, managed a lot better then I did. He displayed some discomfort but most of the time, he hardly seemed to notice the wound was there. I didn't know whether it was the prowess of a dragon's healing, or if the bullet never managed to hurt him that badly, but it only took a day or two for him to no longer wince whenever he moved his arm or wing. The tough scales on his hide repaired themselves quite quickly, and it made me wonder whether or not the two would-be poachers stood a chance at all. Seeing my friend regain his playful, energetic self so soon was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. We would both recover, despite the twin injuries inflicted by those horrible men. Though they were gone, there unwelcome presence had left a mark on me and Celto's paradise, a little reminder that the world is a much bigger place than our tiny patch of land.

I never saw Geoff again after he ran off into the woods. Although I thought he was past fearing Celto, it seemed that the ferocity of the dragon's attack had terrified him enough to leave as soon as he could. I was glad that he was gone. It didn't matter to me if he said goodbye or apologized for his actions, I was just happy he left. He'd come here with the intention of harming my dragon, and as misplaced as it was, I couldn't find it in my heart to forgive him. Though the man saved me, I never wanted to see him again.

As for Cale, we buried him in a deep part of the woods me and Celto rarely travel, along with the rifle and anything else we could find that reminded us of their presence. It was horribly difficult and discomforting task, as neither of us were very willing to go near him; however, I didn't know what else to do. I didn't want him to become a landmark on our island, but I couldn't just leave him. The ferocity with which Celto had dealt with him still shocked me, but I don't think I could've reasoned that psycho. Hopefully, in time, I'll be able to move past that man's presence on our island, and forget the toxic stain he left behind.

It was the few days after we restored our island that I began to feel better. The pain faded into a dull nuisance that mostly went unnoticed, though it did peak at certain angles. At that point in my healing process, Celto was already able to fly. He resumed his normal routine of going out to fish for both of us every morning and evening, and though he frequently took small flights around the island, he was never far from my side. Regardless of my assurances, the stubborn beast always felt the urge to inspect me, sniffing and prodding to as if serious injury was bound to strike at any moment. Of course I was fine, but I enjoyed his intent observations of me nonetheless. His poking and licking usually ending up leading to more than a simple check-up.

Everything went back to normal quite quickly after the incident. There was a small difference between me and Celto now however, an intimate understanding of each other that hadn't existed before. Despite the horrible wounds we both sustained, I couldn't help but feel that a greater passion was born between us from that moment onwards. If anything, the conflict had been an unquestionable reminder of how precious our relationship was. The possibility of having it torn away in an instant had forged a connection between me and Celto stronger then anything I'd ever felt before. I never had to apologize for pushing him away because no words were needed. We were more powerful together; a fact that both of us understood quite well now.

I didnt think we would get any more visitors for quite some time, or ever again if luck was on our side. It didnt matter if any rescue came anymore. There was a love and tranquility here that I would never find anywhere else, any thoughts of returning home vanished from my head. If anyone did manage to find our island again, Celto would be right at my side, for better or for worse.


Two months later....

A pleasant, light blue glow touched my face through the soft membrane of Celto's wing as the morning sun peaked over the tops of the trees. I opened my eyes, blinking sleepily as I lifted my head off my usual spot at the dragon's middle, yawning and stretching within the security of the warm, scaled tent.

Finishing my stretch, I blinked a few more times and placed my hand on the massive chest beside me, running my palm down his impressive form as it rumbled and expanded underneath.

With a small twitch of his frame, the wing overtop of me drew away, folding back and letting the morning sun hit my eyes. I squinted, looking up to the side at Celto as he yawned, his fearsome jaws opening and tongue curling as he strained to greet the new day. Finishing up, the dragon snapped his teeth together with an audible clack before he turned his gaze to me, staring delightedly down with sleepy blue eyes.

"Good morning," I said in an overly cheerful tone.

With a grunt, Celto rolled his eyes and thumped his head back onto the ground, twisting away from the sunlight and shutting his eyes once again.

I sighed and shook my head, continuing to run my hand up his side. The scales were rough, yet pleasing to me as I watched the muscles on his flank occasionally twitch under my touch. Despite Celto's periodic laziness, his lean, serpentine form remained as perfectly toned as it was the day I first met him.

I paused as I reach a slightly discoloured section of scale just underneath his arm. Although his injury had never been a cause for concern, I still hadn't gotten used to the fact that I no longer had to avoid it.

Letting my hand drop from his side, I brought it up to my shoulder, running it down along the wrinkled skin of my own scar. Both of us were forever marked after that incident. It seemed that neither of would see the results of that day fade away completely; however, I viewed them as a blessing. For me, they were a constant reminder of what happens to us when we're separate; when we're not there to be with each other during times of hardship. Things would've gone differently that day if I'd had stayed at Celto's side.

Patting my friend on the side, I said, "Alright Celto, time to get up."

He didn't move.

"Come on dragon, up and at em. You need to go fetch some breakfast!" At that, he lifted his head to glare at me, narrowing his eyes in my direction before laying his head on the ground once more.

Sighing, I turned and laid my head on his belly once again. I knew how Celto could get sometimes; once he'd made a decision, it was often difficult to coax him out of it, especially when it meant getting between him and a few more hours of sleep. Looking to my right, my eyes strayed down to his hindquarters, fixating on that special spot in-between his legs. I smiled. There was more then one way to convince him to rise.

His legs were folded, blocking most of my view as I slowly moved down to his crotch, silently creeping towards my intended destination. The steady rise and fall of his cavernous chest told me he was still resting, blissfully unaware of my intentions. Sneaking up to Celto was next to impossible under normal circumstances, but with him sleeping...this an opportunity simply too good to pass up. As I reached his thighs I lowered my head, sniffing as the familiar, heavy musk of the dragon passed into my nose. Potent as always, the scent became more concentrated as I leaned my head towards the opening while lifting my hand carefully off the ground. Moving with precision, I avoided touching the inside of the dragon's thighs and instead, went straight for the softer scales surrounding his privates. Though the area was still somewhat dark, I could now easily make out the outline of his sheath, the sensitive flesh resting somewhat on the inside of his bottom leg.

Not wanting to waste any more time in case I was detected, I carefully extended my hand forward, trailing my fingers delicately along before wrapping them around Celto's slit and giving a light squeeze. Expecting a sudden reaction from my friend, I braced myself, thinking that the act might shock him enough so that he jumped up or at the very least provided me with a satisfying trill of surprise. You could imagine my confusion then, when nothing really happened. For a few seconds, there was no movement from Celto to suggest that I'd touched him at all. After a few moments however, I was the one who ended up jumping, as I felt the end of his tongue quickly slide itself across my backside.

Yelling in surprise, I let go and backed away from Celto's muscled hind-legs, spinning to find his smug face inches from my own.

"How long did you know?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest.

There was no response from my draconic friend; instead, he simply moved his head forward and pressed his lips into mine. Laughing lightly, I brought my hands up to each side of his muzzle, returning his kiss with equal passion.

A slight warmth trickled over my face as we connected. Although his mouth was so much bigger than mine, I always tried to please him as best as could. The patterned scales running along his lips rubbed my skin as he pursed them, moving them in sync with the practiced movements of my own. His taste began to fill my mouth as he stuck the tip of his tongue just outside of his lips, cracking his mouth open slightly to allow passage through the gap in his teeth. I suckled the wet appendage sensuously before opening my mouth wide, letting the beast's tongue gently push itself inside. The thick length immediately began dipping into the corners of my cheeks, questing about massaging my insides with a careful, yet inquisitive energy. The saliva in my mouth thickened, his reptilian taste coating every inch as his drool mixed and pooled with my own. I swallowed a little, humming in delight as the warmth spread further into me, accompanied by his pleasant, welcome flavour.

The was a slurping noise as his tongue pulled itself from my mouth, zipping back into the dragon's maw as the beast broke our kiss. Celto gave a smile to match my own and with an audible grunt, he shifted his hind legs underneath him and pushed himself off the ground. Yawning again, the dragon walked a few paces, lifting his right hind leg over me as he tiredly walked out of our cave.

"And just where do you think you're going?" I asked, amused at the sluggishness of his gait.

The only answer I got was a lazy warble as Celto stopped a dozen paces away, his rear facing me. Sniffing the morning air, the dragon raised his head high, scanning the surrounding forest as a lord surveying his land. The sun glistened off his scales, sparkling in the early light. Then, with a scrunched face, he lowered his front to the ground while simultaneously lifting his tail and haunches high into the air. Arching his back, the dragon moaned and stretched, curling his toes into the dirt and ridding his body of sleep. All the while I sat there, staring as his strong legs strained with the effort. The muscles on his legs and sides flexed, holding his draconic rump and tail high into the air.

There was no doubt in my mind that he was doing this on purpose. I stared longingly at the sexy arch of Celto's ass as he continued to stretch, taking much longer to do so then he normally did. Nothing was hidden from me with him in this position. His pink tailhole teased me from the base of his tail, just above an impressive set of scaled testicles and a sheath, which had just begun to showcase a small tip of dark blue. Celto's tail twitched in the air a few times as the dragon finished and relaxed once more, his tailhole puckering in synchronous accompaniment. Yes, definitely on purpose.

Turning his head back to face me, Celto blinked at me, a lustful grin etch across his now energetic face. Thought he'd stopped stretching, he kept his ass raised in the air, waiting expectantly for me to come forward. Twisting his body and craning his neck back as hard as he could go, the dragon stuck out his tongue and dragged it along the side of this leg.

Feeling myself harden at the sight, I stood up and began making my way over, chiding him as I walked. "You do realize that I've done this before right? I think we've gotten past you showing me what you want."

Huffing in his version of a shrug, Celto straightened out, keeping his head titled slightly sideways and fixing me with an eager, blue eye as he watched me get closer.

I stopped a few feet away from the dragon's hindquarters as an air of musk and heat washed over me. The tangible scent filled my nostrils, sending electric shivers of excitement trickling down my naked form. No matter how many times we'd been like this, the sight and smell of such a powerful beast offering himself to me always made me unbelievably aroused. Taking a step, I lifted my hands up and put my hands on the base of his tail, feeling the scales melt under my touch. Then, with careful precision, I brought my head forward and gave his tailhole a long, pressing lick.

A low hum reverberated through the dragon. It started as a sonorous grumble in his throat, spreading through to the base of his tail as his entire body vibrated with delight. Happy that my first prodding had elected such a response, I positioned my head close to his hole again, eager to keep going. Pleasant heat spread over my face in a wave, the humid air heavy with the scent of reptilian arousal. Continuing with my stimulations, I lapped at his entrance with enthusiasm, pleasing my friend as best as I could by pushing my tongue hard into his puckered star. The smooth skin tickled the surface of my tongue, and I could feel the heavy rumbling of the giant beast through the touch of my hands and face. The heat that kissed the outside of my face now trickled into my mouth, accompanied by a strong, salty taste.

I smiled as I felt Celto's tail begin to sway back and forth, clearly pleased with the treatment he was receiving. Though I couldn't see his scaled countenance with my face pressed into his hindquarters, I could only imagine that the dragon had his eyes closed, and a silly, delighted grin plastered across his happy muzzle.

Pausing for a moment, I lowered my gaze and stared at the backside of his balls. The light blue orbs swelled in front of me. Just past his ample sac, Celto's cock was steadily pushing its way out of his sheath, growing with every passing second. A heavier, more wild bodily musk trailed into my nose at that moment, emanating from the emerging member as it began to drip with slick moisture. Grinning, I decided that it was time to move my explorations to a different area of the dragon's hindquarters. Sliding my hands slowly down his swinging tail, I felt my way further down, feeling the scales under my palm grow softer the closer I got to the dangling orbs. Reaching them, I held out my left hand and cupped them lightly, feeling their immense weight press into my delicate grip. With my other hand I slid further along, wrapping it around my partner's moist length as it continued to grow. The soft bumps on the bottom of his shaft tickled my palm. Heat and wetness transferred onto my questing fingers. I squeezed, hearing my dragon croon and watching out of the corner of my vision as his thighs tensed.

Resuming, I brought my mouth back up to his tailhole, pressing my tongue against the smooth entrance once again. My efforts in pleasing him were more forceful now as Celto entered a more sensitive stage in his arousal. Toying with his balls in one hand and jerking his shaft with the other, I punctuated my stimulations by sticking my tongue as deep into his anus as it would go, welcoming the audible grunts and twitches of his tail that my motions brought. Though Celto had remained somewhat controlled thus far, the immense pleasure began to take its toll on the giant reptile's body. The dragon had turned his head sideways now, gritting his pointed teeth and scrunching his muzzle in twisted delight. Occasionally his haunches would lower, pressing me down into a crouch as the beast begged for more. His once growing member was now rock hard in the grip of my right hand. Fully engorged, the shaft throbbed and his head flared in a series of continuous motions, the entire length pulsing in my hand. Giving his head a light squeeze, I slid my hand down to the base, feeling his rounded knot swell under my clutch. At that, the continuous rumbling from the dragon's chest turned into a whine. He kneaded the ground with his claws in delight.

I pulled my lips away from his tailhole, a small trail of saliva accompanying my tongue as I slipped it back into my mouth. The taste remained in my mouth.

"Want me to keep going buddy?" I asked with a mischievous grin on my face. Celto growled and shook his hips eagerly, lowering them even further in a clear answer to my question. "Alright, alright," I chided, pushing up on his haunches so I could stand again. Obviously the horny dragon would want me to keep going, but it was fun to tease.

When I brought my face forwards this time however, I lightly kissed the underside of Celto's balls, suckling on the soft scales. With a delighted twitch of his tail, the dragon began to rumble contentedly once more. I kept my hand on the other side as I used my mouth to play with them, moving my fingers and holding the sizable orbs steady. His testicles moved slightly with the pressing of my eager tongue, swelling with sexual fluids as I tickled every inch of their surface. Though the scales here were rougher compared to the smooth, pink interior of his tailhole, my tongue glided across with ease. Every now and then, I would stop on a particular part and gently suck the delicate flesh with practiced precision, knowing what places would grant Celto the greatest pleasure. A series of growls, grunts, and tuneful shrills could be heard over the wet noises as my friend repeatedly announced his satisfaction.

Moving myself even further down along his groin, I left his testicles and brought my head down to the tip of his penis. With his back arched and his haunches still raised high into the air, the dragon's erection pointed downwards towards the ground. The entire length still glistened with bodily moisture, the wetness secreting from the puffed, sensitive opening of his sheath. Using my hand to pull it towards me a few inches, I dragged my tongue along its underside, feeling the fleshy bumps trail along its middle. The entire length throbbed violently as Celto buckled with sudden gratification, stumbling slightly before righting himself. When he steadied himself, I continued. A small amount of pre-cum began to drip from his flaring tip. Bending lower to reach the end of his thick maleness, I lapped at the end of his tapered head, welcoming the salty warmth that flooded into me as the small amount of semen trickled to the back of my throat.

Celto was panting heavily now, his massive body jolting with pleasure at every small touch of my experienced hands and mouth. Sliding my palms up his shaft and rubbing the bumps on the underside the whole way, I reached his knot and gave it a light squeeze, feeling immense satisfaction in the sharp cry of delight that erupted from the dragon's maw as a result. As I squeezed, I continued to tongue at his urethra, questing my tongue over the hole as it continued to leak warm fluids from his swelling testicles. The dragon gave a high pitched grunt, his haunches buckling as he twitched from a powerful jolt of ecstasy. His tail flagged over my head and I found myself pushed down momentarily as his legs crumbled. It was only for a second however, before Celto caught himself again, his legs straining with the effort of hold his rear upwards once again. Running my tongue along the bumps on his shaft one more time, I figured it was about time we got into a more comfortable position. Though stopping was the last thing I wanted to do, I had something else in mind.

After a few more moments, I stopped. Taking my hands and tongue away, I backed up a few steps and left Celto's rump, feeling the heat and smell melt away to clean crisp air.

Celto turned his head to look at me, his deep blue eyes a haze of desperate lust. His great chest expanded repeatedly as the great beast panted eagerly, his tongue hanging out from the side of his mouth. Even through the look of overwhelming pleasure that encompassed every aspect of his being, I could tell that he was confused, maybe even a little bit frustrated at me stopping and walking away.

"Don't worry Celto," I said as I walked over to a raised section of the ground just to my left, "this is far from over." Though Celto was already breathing heavily, I could see a noticeable rise in excitement from him as I approached the spot. Turning around, I lowered myself onto my back, sitting on the soft earth beckoning the larger creature over with a teasing look my face. "I just want you a different way..."

Never losing the lustful look in his eyes, Celto growled and turned his massive body, crawling over to me with predatory grace. My heart thumped in my chest. I could barely contain my excitement as the giant reptile made his way slowly towards me, creeping along the ground with his erect member bobbing in-between his hind legs.

The instant he reached me, Celto wasted no time in lowering his narrow snout down to my groin. His long tongue snaked out, cupping my balls lightly before wrapping itself around my cock. I breathed in forcefully, pushing my hips off the ground as the wet length squeezed me. In his lustful state, Celto held nothing back. He massaged my growing erection with an enthusiastic gusto, exhaling hot air that washed over my body. Pins and needles washed up my spine before he dropped his head lower with a grunt, taking me into his mouth.

I cried out in delight, Though I expected it every time, the pressure of his scaled lips closing over the base of shaft always sent a surprisingly powerful twinge of ecstasy arching through me. The feeling was instantly accompanied by the wet slickness and warmth of draconic saliva as Celto began to pleasure me. His tongue tightened and squeezed in a rhythmic fashion as his head bobbed up and down. The rough surface of his moist muscle tickled and gripped my member in every way possible: coiling around the base, dragging across the tip, even flicking out occasionally to cup my testicles before darting back inside.

I closed my eyes, letting the sensations of Celto's mouth envelop every aspect of my senses. Drool began to drip from his mouth and pool onto my waist; a small precursor to the fluids I was sure he was going to spilling over me soon.

After a few more moments, Celto pulled his head back, letting a thick trail of saliva fall between my cock and his half-open mouth. Gliding the tip of his tongue down the base of my shaft and down my balls, the dragon gave a short trill and angled his head towards the ground. Sliding his tongue in-between my cheeks, my lover lapped at my anus, preparing me for the lengthy ordeal that was to come. Humid breath and warm saliva excreted from his maw as he got to work coating me with his natural, slimy lubricant. I felt a slight prodding as his tip pressed against my opening, massaging my anal ring with inquisitive energy. Curling my toes at the new sensation, I spread my legs wider lifted my waist into the air. The rough surface of his tongue dragged up and down in slow, delicate movements, caressing my rectum and sending pleasant sensations dancing up my spine. I gritted my teeth and whimpered uncontrollably in almost unbearable delight. Suddenly, I let out a forced gasp as his long tongue shot into me, snaking around inside me at a depth only a dragon's tongue could reach. The beast put one of his paws on my chest, holding my in place as I squirmed and twitched in absolute bliss. The stimulation lasted for only lasted for seconds however, before he drew back once again, taking every inch of his amazing tongue out of me and slurping it back into his mouth.

Now it was my turn to open my eyes and stare at my friend with disappointment. Eyes wild, my chest rose and fell in a rapid rhythm. My entire body burned with the need for sexual release. Horny, completely erect, and covered in reptilian saliva, I needed Celto to keep going. I needed him in me.

"Get on top of me, now," I said, failing to keep the desperation out of my tone.

With an excited flick of his tongue, Celto pushed himself upwards. Stepping over me, the dragon padded forward, placing me under his massive bulk. My breath caught in my chest as his legs fell to each side of me, the toned muscles in each one flexing as he gripped the ground with his claws to gain purchase. The light blue of his belly filled my vision, a voluptuous curve of lean scales descending from his chest down to his crotch. A lowering of his haunches drew my gaze downwards to the pulsing rod in-between legs. I stared as the length drew closer, fleshy surface still glistening with the bodily moisture excreting from his swelling sheath.

The dragon panted as he walked his hips up to my ass, shuffling his hind legs forward one after the other as he brought his aching member closer. I shifted my waist against the soft ground, adjusting my position slightly to line myself up with the incoming haunches. Lying flat on my back and sticking my legs up into the air, I rested each of my feet on each side of Celto's middle, waiting expectantly for his shaft to hit its mark.

A deep, rumbling growl vibrated within the dragon's chest as the fleshy point of his cock slid in-between my cheeks. Celto held his haunches steady, pausing for a moment and preparing to walk his backside closer. His legs quivered with the urge to thrust forwards yet he held himself back, knowing that his immense strength and size could easily injure me if he didn't take it slow at first. The warm, tingling pressure of my partner's reptilian penis against my anus excited me beyond words for what was to come. I steadied myself against the ground, squeezing my feet against Celto's sides and practically begging for him to continue. With a pleasured grunt, he obeyed.

I cried out as the massive, hot length began to slowly push itself into me. Celto hummed in delight, his huge bulk vibrating as he walked his hindquarters forwards. Slick, bodily moisture coupled with the dragon's saliva eased his thick cock into me without much resistance. I cried out as I was spread apart, inch by electric inch. The soft bumps on the bottom of his rod rubbed against my passage, massaging me, sending continuous waves of pleasure tingling through my body. Closing my eyes, I focused on the sensations rushing through me as the throbbing penis snaked itself deeper within my tight hole. I clenched involuntarily on the invading member, gritting my teeth listening in triumph as the dragon let out a blissful grunt in response. As his maleness stretched me further and further apart I raked the dirt with my hands, wincing as brief pain began to hit me through the insurmountable bliss that was washing through me.

After a few more moments, Celto stopped. I felt his scaled sac bump up against me and rest against the skin of my backside. I opened my eyes, and looked down, staring in wonderment as I realized that the dragon had buried himself up to his knot. His bent, muscled hind legs stuck out to each side of me, while straight ahead his immense haunches enveloped the entirety of my vision. Smiling, I ground my waist into the dragon's groin, stimulating the warm, throbbing shaft buried deep inside me. A shuddering rumble came from the beast huddled over me as his entire body shook in a delightful response.

My hair parted momentarily as a humid blast of air hit the back of my neck. Looking up, I saw that Celto had moved his head down to the ground, as was looking at me with a mix of lust and concern for my well-being.

"You know I'm alright you big sissy," I chided. "keep going, and don't you dare pull out."

His tongue shot out, touching the top of my forehead before he returned his head to its original position. Moving the front of his body forwards and shifting the weight of his haunches to get more comfortable, the dragon prepared himself for the passionate act.

Holding my breath, I watched as Celto pulled his hindquarters back, sliding his cock slowly out of me until only his head was left inside. Then, with deliberate steadiness, the dragon growled and moved his hips forwards, pushing his length into me once again. I gasped as he spread me apart, his hot, thick length pumping into me in one, swift, powerful motion. The bumps that decorated his fleshy rod massaged and rubbed at my insides as it moved further in, sending warm, tingling sensations through my lower back to the rest of my body. Pushing in up to his knot, the reptilian beast rumbled in content, straightening his tail and opening his wings in sexual dominance.

The pause was brief before the dragon pulled back, rumbling lustfully before easing his waist forward again. After a few more humps, Celto worked himself into a rhythm, no longer holding himself back. I had to brace myself against the ground as he pumped his haunches into my backside. The entire hot length of his reptilian penis slid in and out of me with wild energy. I gasped in pleasure with every downward thrust, loving every pulse inch that filled me in quick succession. Liquid warmth started to leak into me as pre-cum began to leak out of my lovers flaring tip deep inside me. Heavy, draconic musk wafted over me as the beast continued, filling my nose with its humid, sexual scent. The heat of his crotch pressing into my ass was immense, and the overwhelming scent of sex and pheromones clouded over me and made my eyes water. I spread my legs wider, taking my feet off of Celto's side and placing each of my heels on the tops of his thighs as his balls continued to slap into me with every downward thrust. There was a deep growl of affirmation from above me as the giant reptile briefly paused to let me get settled, resting his swelling sack against me before immediately continuing once again. His rough panting was beginning to make way to the occasional whine or quick trill as my lover got closer and closer to his climax.

Eventually, despite my best efforts, the power of the beast's rocking body began to push me slowly across the ground. The previous control the dragon demonstrated at the beginning was making way for his insatiable lust, his instinctual need to mate. Recognizing that I was moving however, Celto paused his thrusting to quickly arch his back, using his haunches to bring me forwards enough so he could lightly place his front paw over my chest. Carefully holding me in place, the dragon smiled at me, grinning broadly through a haze of pleasure as he anchored his hind legs against the ground and began to grind his crotch into me with a series of small humps. Holding onto his paw with each of my hands, I moaned and cried out loudly for my draconic partner, doing my best to be heard over the thunderous rumbling coming from his chest. The bulbous knot at the base of his cock pushed eagerly at my anus, spreading me slowly apart as the pressure slowly built. Occasionally, he would push down hard, causing me to wince as I thought he would tie me, only to pull his sensitive flesh away. I could tell he was close, and wouldn't be able to resist keeping his knot out of me much last longer. Hot cum dripped from Celto's penis, warming my insides as his legs grew taught and his panting grew louder. Doing my best to send him over the edge, I wiggled my waist with each downward thrust of his hips and began to lick the paw that held me down. Shivering above me, the dragon closed his eyes and eased his hips forward slowly, shaking and whine a deep, low whine as the beginning's of his orgasm took hold.

Celto pushed hard against my sphincter, slowly squeezing his entire cock inside as he desperately thrust his hips forwards. I cried out as his massive knot finally slipped inside of me, sending a wave of tingling pleasure spiking up my spine. At the same time, the dragon spread his wings, straightened his tail, and arched his back with a roar, his scaly face twisting into a mask of pure bliss as came deep inside me. The first shot of cum blasted into me in like a tidal wave, coating my insides and immediately filling me with his hot seed.

Squeezing my legs against his sides as the reptilian beast ground his hindquarters into me, I shook underneath his paw and gripped it tightly, overcome by an ejaculation of my own. Pushing my hips into the air as best I could, my cock jumped in answer to the dragon's own, shooting its first rope of cum over the back of scaled arm holding me down. Celto hardly seemed to notice. His eyes were shut tight as his entire body convulsed with bliss. His massive length throbbed within me, shooting thick ropes of seed in time with every pulse of his thick, moist dick. Wrapping my arms around the paw pinning me down, I gritted my teeth held his forearm tightly, feeling the muscles flex with every accompanying squirt of heat. The beast's entire body shook and rumbled as he lightly continued to hump against me, flagging his tail with every spurt of his twitching member. I could feel his scaled balls shrinking as they pressed up against my backside, emptying their load into the dragon's newly tied mate. Writhing underneath my giant lover, I moaned loudly as his penis continued to pulse, his head flaring as the bumps on the bottom rubbed and massaged the most sensitive areas of my colon. The semen spread throughout me and filled me up steadily, the warm seed having nowhere else to go but deeper inside. I clenched and ground my hips into his haunches, evicting yet another passionate whine from my draconic lover as he shook overtop of me.

Eventually, Celto huddled down overtop of me, resting his massive body as his orgasm died down. Careful not put his weight on me, the dragon lifted his hand off my chest and moved his front closer to the ground, leaving his middle slightly raised while his haunches continued to buck lovingly against me. Semen trickled out of his cock into me in a small, warm stream as it pumped the last of his seed from his spent balls.

Looking up, I fixed my gaze on the blue scaled on the bottom of his chest, smiling as I watched it heave in and out in exhaustion. His breathing shook through our united bodies, vibrating through his massive frame into my shivering form underneath. I put my hand on the flexing, toned belly above me, sliding it down the smooth scales in wonder. It always amazed me how such a powerful creature could love me this way. That Celto could be so gentle despite the strength that resided in his predacious form.

Cooing gently and cupping his clawed hand underneath me, Celto pulled me up to his middle and rolled onto his back. He spread his wings and legs wide, humming pleasantly as he laid his head back against the ground. His tongue lolled out of his mouth onto the ground as hot breath panted out of his delighted muzzle. I closed my eyes, resting the side of my cheek on his chest. His deep panting was like soft thunder within my ears, caressing my mind with its deep reverberations.

A pleased grunt erupted from the satisfied beast as his penis lightly twitched inside me. Sensing movement, I lifted my head, smiling as I saw Celto staring back. The dragon bent his neck down to me, blowing hot air into my face with a huff before giving me a quick lick.

"I'll admit, that was a little bit better then breakfast," I said, returning his lick by running my tongue along the scales of his belly. The dragon chirped, shuffling his hindquarters underneath me in response. His cock was beginning to grow flaccid in my anus, his knot shrinking in size. White semen began to drip down from my rectum, the spent liquid leaking out around the edges of his knot and falling down onto his sagging testicles. Crawling forward onto his chest, we both grunted as his length slid out of me. Semen dripped from my ass and his spent cock, pooling onto his lower belly. Sliding my finger through the thick seed, I dragged it across his tapered tip, smiling as I saw his face twitch before putting it in my mouth.

"You know," I continued, keeping my finger on my lip, "it doesn't really seem to me like your finished." Celto smiled. Leaning his head forward, the dragon snorted and blew a blast of warm air of into my crotch. A small twinge of pleasure pulsed within me at the sudden stimulation, and I couldn't help but rough exhale in kind. "Huh, I guess I'm not either." We both stared at each other for a few silent seconds. "My turn?"

Not needing any further urging, Celto chirped in affirmation, rolling his haunches in clear desire for me to move myself to the base of his tail. I lost my balance, falling flat on his chest and rolling down to his semen covered stomach. "Alright! Alright!" I said, quickly holding myself flat against his wet scales. The movement immediately stopped. I glared back at the blue dragon, who averted his eyes in feigned innocence. Shaking my head, I picked myself up and began my short crawl to his tailhole, the entire front of my chest covered in draconic seed. I'd known my friend and his playful nature too long to believe that he hadn't made me fall on purpose.

Wrapping an arm around his semi-erect penis, I manoeuvred myself down to his ass, straddling myself over the base of his tail. The scales surrounding his groin were slick with his spent seed. Heavy musk and the smell of sex covered me like a blanket, bathing me and my surroundings in the scent of reptilian cum. I breathed it in lustfully, pulling his cock towards me and rubbing the fleshy bumps on his cock with a white- covered hand. Celto cooed greedily, his left leg twitching as he held it in the air.

Letting out a small laugh, I lowered my other hand onto his balls, massaging the pillow-like sacs while at the same time, coating my hand in the semen that covered them. Wet, slimy noises accompanied the movements of my hand. The odorous, milky fluid clung in gobs to my palm, smearing over the light blue scales on each testicle. Taking that same hand, I wrapped my fingers around my cock, gently stroking myself and rubbing the dragon's cum on my length. The dragon watched me as I slathered on the pleasantly slick ejaculate, his breathing steady and patient as I prepared. Though Celto seemed calm, the twitching spikes on his head, the way he repeatedly kept sticking out his tongue, and his curling toes betrayed the powerful eagerness behind the needful beast's composure.

Lets not keep you waiting anymore buddy.

I moved my waist forward slightly along the base of his tail and lowered my penis, positioning it just outside Celto's pink tailhole. I could feel the warmth radiating from within, gently kissing the tip of my member as I pressed it against his anus. Then, with a slow, deliberate roll of my hips, I slowly began to push my length inside.

He parted for me easily, the smooth flesh wrapping and tensing around my cock with a moist eagerness. The reaction from Celto was immediate. The giant reptile moaned, closing his eyes. The corners of his lips lifted, revealing the sharp whites of his pointed fangs gritting in pleasure underneath. I kept lowering my hips until the muscled ring of his anus settled around the base of my cock. Sighing as the soft tailhole clenched, I settle down, wrapping my thighs around the base of his thick tail. The dragon spread his legs wider, his massive, scaled thighs stretching out to each side of me. Slowly, I began to lift my eyes, studying every aspect of his impressive form. His rigid cock grew steadily larger before my eyes, pumping and throbbing at the reptilian beast's arousal peaked once again. The corded muscles along his middle tensed, and his chest heaved up and down. My gaze continued to travel up his long, curved neck, stopping once I reached the lustful, glazed pools of his deep blue eyes.

With his tongue hanging out, Celto stared back at me. Hot breath heaved from his half-open maw as he panted. His scaled face was radiating with delight. I smiled at him before letting my upper body lower into his crotch. Kissing his cock gently, I inhaled the powerful odour of semen and musk, the intoxicating aroma screaming in my nostrils and tickling the back of my throat. Placing my hands on the insides of his legs for balance, I lifted my waist and slid my penis out of him before quickly descending once again. The dragon let out a pleased trill and closed his eyes. I steadied myself and worked my hips into a rhythm, humping against his haunches in slow, purposeful motions. Wet, slapping and squelching noises accompanied every downward thrust, the sounds heightened by the slick cum enveloping every scaled surface my skin touched.

Pushing the front of my body down, I pressed my chest into the bumpy underside of Celto's shaft, rubbing myself against the throbbing, slippery rod. The dragon warbled uncontrollably, writhing against the ground and curling his toes in the air. His rectum twitched around my cock, pressing and sucking at my penetrating cock with sexual eagerness. I cried out as the powerful muscles squeezed, sending a cascade of pleasure arching through my groin and up my back. His hot passage continued to twitch, gripping and undulating in wave-like ripples as I thrust in and out at an increasing pace. Eventually, my lower body began to twist as the dragon's tail twitched from side to side, rotating my waist as I continued to drill into him.

I paused, pressing my hips into the soft scales of his hindquarters and grinding my length into his anus. I laid myself against his crotch, resting for a brief moment while continuing to weakly pump my hips against him. The heat of the dragon's body was incredible. Sweat covered most of my body, mixing with the draconic seed that covered almost the entire front of my body. My heart pounded in my chest, my needful cock throbbing in unison, buried deep within my scaly lover. Celto growled violently and began to flag his tail, thumping it lightly against the ground behind me. I gasped as his tailhole suctioned around my maleness with the movement. The dragon's ass seemed to tug at my member, convulsing in rapid motions as it eagerly attempted to tease my cock deeper. Smiling and feeling energized by my friends enthusiasm, I lifted myself up and renewed my thrusting with inviolable determination.

I slammed my hips against Celto, crying out as I felt my impending orgasm begin to build. The dragon cringed underneath me, moving his tail spasmatic jerks while the muscles in his legs and middle twitched in delight once again. I pulled his erect cock upright, bending low while I thrust to lick his urethra and suck hard on his flaring tip. A gob of pre-cum leaking into my mouth, filling it with a salty, smoky taste. Inhaling his scent, I ran my hands along his penis, teasing the bumps and squeezing his head to help bring him over the edge.

The pleased whine that erupted from the blue reptile's lips was the only warning I got before his orgasm struck. His giant wings laid flat against the ground as Celto arched his back, his brief whine erupting into a passionate roar. The scaled balls at the base shrunk up into his body, and the heavy shaft pulsed violently against me, blasting a load of semen into the air. The powerful muscles under my waist clenched as his tail flagged behind me, thundering against the ground with enough force to rattle the stones around us. Shivering as his tailhole pulled on my member with more force than ever before, I cried out and collapsed on his throbbing member, thrusting forward as my ejaculation struck. Semen gathered in a pool of warmth at the base of my cock before shooting out of the cum-delivering vein, coating the depths of Celto's anal walls.

Pressed up against the dragon's penis, I could practically hear the hot, thick fluid travelling through the shaft to the tip, spitting out onto the scales of his belly. I continued to lightly hump and grind my hips against him as my seed trickled into him. My legs held me tight to his muscled tail as it moved up and down, threatening to throw me off with the power of even its smallest movements. Celto's orgasm continued for countless minutes, filling the growing pool of white semen on scale of his belly until it began dripping down his sides. Some of it fell down the curve of his waist down to his balls, gathering around and trickling in-between our connected bodies. I sighed with delight, moaning as the front of my body pressed once again into the warm seed of my lover. Gasping and shaking, I pressed my entire body against the dragon's crotch, convulsing against it as my ejaculation slowly faded away.

I lost track of how much time had passed before I lifted my head. A small amount of cum slathered on my cheek trailed from my face to his cock as looked at my companion, smiling at the amusing sight. Celto was lying flat on his back, his mouth wide open in a pleasured grin as his tongue lolled limply out of the corner of his mouth. His cavernous chest heaved in and out with a slow, exhausted panting, and I almost giggled when one of his wings twitched limply on the ground, creating a small puff of dust when it fell. The most amusing aspect of him however, was the rest of his body. In all the time we'd spent together, I'd never seen him more covered in his own cum. There was barely an inch of light blue visible from his balls, all the way to the base of his neck. Everything was cover in a thick, smelly layer of white that collected in the dip of his belly, his haunches, and the ground around us. The entire air was rank with the intoxicating smell of sex. My eyes watered as I breathed, the sheer power of it descending like a weighted cloud overtop of me. I extended my left hand and placed it against the dragon's spent balls, smearing the semen around the soft scales of his sac. Celto lifted his head at my touch, staring at me with an immensely satisfied grin.

"I think we may need a bit of a clean-up," I said, returning my friend's smile.

The dragon let out a light grunt and looked down at himself, his blue eyes widening as he regarded his cum-soaked body.

"Ya, you were pretty pent up. I don't think there's anything left in these sagging things buddy." I punctuated my remark by cupping each of hands under his testicles, lifting them up a little ways before letting them fall back down with a wet slap. Celto chirped, leaning forward to plant a quick lick up my chest and face.

I dismounted, pulling my spent penis out of his tailhole and planting my legs onto the semen covered ground outside our home. Slowly turning my head and looking at my surroundings, I gave a low whistle. "Wow, Celto. I think that's the most I've ever seen you cum." He gave a soft grumble in answer, turning his head to take a quick look at the pools of seed surrounding him before returning his gaze to me. "I'm serious. It might take a few more years, but eventually you'll have this whole island covered in your semen."

Celto smiled, grunting in amusement before flipping over onto his side and lifting himself onto his feet. The underside of his body dripped with white as he planted his feet, folding his wings to his sides and turning his head to look at me.

I approached him, putting my hand on the bridge of his nose and giving it a soft pat. He closed his eyes, humming deeply in his chest at the contact. Leaning in closer, I wrapped both my arms around the front of his face hugging him tightly. "I love you Celto," I said.

The dragon opened his eyes, his face radiating with happiness as he gave me a quick lick on my face. Though it was a serious moment, I could help but laugh at the beast's countenance, as a small splash of semen now covered the bridge of his nose from my chest.

"So," I continued, "how about that breakfast I mentioned earlier?"

Celto narrowed his eyes.

"What? Now we have an excuse," I said, gesturing to the white that covered both of our bodies. "Its not my fault you're so messy."

With a snort, Celto rolled his eyes and turned, walking a few paces and pretending not to care whether I followed or not.

"So were walking then? Alright." I started to follow him, my eyes on the heavy paw prints that he left behind, coupled with the occasional drop of spunk. "Do you think I could ride you? My arms hurts."

The blue reptile twisted his head around, regarding me with a mock look of lust.

"On you back," I smirked, holding my shoulder, "all that exercise has got the old wound acting up again."

I was lying, of course, and Celto knew it as well. My arm hadn't hurt in over a month. Regardless, the dragon lowered himself to the ground, spreading his wings and extending his front leg.

Walking up to him, I put my arm up, gripped one of his spikes, and pulled myself onto his shoulders, wrapping each of my legs around his neck. Settling down comfortably, I patted my friend on the side of his neck and said, "Alright buddy, I'm good to go."

Standing up, Celto lurched forwards, taking us into the forest down one of the many paths that led to the coastline. I could only imagine the rank smell each of us emitted as we passed the brush on each side.

"You know Celto," I said, "what I said earlier, about you covering the entire island in cum?" The dragon turned his head sideways to look at me with a single blue eye. "Maybe we could make the our mission. You know, sex in as many different places as possible. That way, there'd be no doubt to who owns this island." The corners of Celto's lips lifted in delight, his eye flashing with amusement. He gave no answer to my joke before turning his head to look forwards again, but I already knew the answer. I could already tell he was more eager to get started then I was.

Covered in draconic seed, we both made our way down to the water. It would take a while to get there of course, but neither of us were in a rush to get there. With nobody but each other for company, we had all day to get there.

And an eternity to enjoy it.


The End