My Pack chapter two

Story by Nao Shadowpaws on SoFurry

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#2 of My pack

So here is chapter two. If you spot any mistakes, let me know about them and I will get them fixed. Constructive criticism please. So without further delays, here is my story, enjoy.

The week went by quick like the last week of summer typically does. We barely saw my brother Aiden, just like I figured would be the case. Eric told Torban about the house and his reaction was mellow compared to mine. Though he did want to break the house in properly. Eric got him to settle for a quick romp in the living room while Aiden was out getting his schedule and exploring the campus.

We all laid in bed, awake while the birds chirped outside. Torban finally readjusted to getting up early after being lazy all summer. Eric yawned and snuggled into Torban's side with me pressed up against his back.

"Our big kitty is awake," I whispered into Eric's ear my warm breath causing it to flick slightly.

"I can see that pup, I'm impressed."

Torban growled playfully, "Hey now! You two always gang up on me."

Eric nuzzled our lion's broad chest. "Nuh uh, you two always gang up on me and I love it."

I chuckled and kissed Torban's cheek before crawling out of bed. Torban watched me and whistled upon seeing my furry ass.

"No time to play kitties, two of us have to be in class in just over an hour and I would like breakfast first."

Most mornings Eric was the first out of bed, this morning was one of those mornings when he wanted to be held by our strong male.

"You two stay right there, I will go make breakfast. Just try not to make too much noise, Aiden should be awake by now."

I grabbed a pair of denim shorts and pulled them on. Being careful not to zip my sheath before I pulled open the door and stepped into the hallway. Leaving my mates to their own devices. I like sex as much as the next guy, but food trumps tail any day to me. I could always mount Eric during my break, or after school.

I smiled to myself and entered the kitchen. Searching the refrigerator for something to make for breakfast. Settling on breakfast burritos I pulled out eggs, hash browns and ground sausage. I set everything on the counter so I could pull the cast iron skillet from the cabinet. My ear perked slightly at the moan coming from upstairs. It was brief, but I still heard it. I laughed to myself and went back to making breakfast.

About the time I was adding the eggs to the cooked hash browns and sausage I heard foot steps coming down the stairs. I turned my head and saw my brother walk into the kitchen. A blush visible through his tan cheek fur.

"Sorry about them, it's hard to say no to Torban."

Aiden just took a seat at the table and stared at it intently, not saying a word to me.

I just shook my head and went back to finishing breakfast. Not wanting to stand around trying to figure Aiden out. He will get used to the craziness that is our house, or move into the dorms. Probably the latter, since straight guys aren't usually comfortable around gay sex. Aiden wasn't the sort to be comfortable around much of anything. Once I had the eggs mixed into the hash browns and sausage I pulled tortillas from the fridge.

"Breakfast is done, I'm going to check in on them real quick like."

Aiden was still blushing and looking at the table as I walked out of the kitchen. I just shrugged on my way passed him and went upstairs to our bedroom. I could still hear moaning through the door. Not as loudly as earlier, it was more muffled. They were really making the most of what time they had, having spent almost half an hour at it.

I pushed open the door, Torban was moaning into a pillow while Eric was busy bobbing his head up and down his lion cock. Neither one looked up as I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me. My denim shorts were uncomfortably tight. If I joined in I wouldn't have time to shower.

"Guess I'm going to school smelling like sex," I said while quickly undoing my shorts. I kicked them off and joined my mates on the bed. Eric's body was laying across the bed, his legs almost against the head board. Torban looked over at me when he felt the bed shifting.

"You smell like sausage." I raised a brow and pointed at the night stand.

"Lube, we don't have a lot of time my sexy kitties."

Torban leaned over and slid open the drawer to get me the tube of lube. I took the tube from him and flipped it open. Applying a thick coat across my throbbing canine cock.

"Who's getting my bone?" I asked knowing that Torban wasn't going to volunteer for it. He rarely let's one of us mount him, a fact that was proven when he firmly spanked Eric's furry ass. Volunteering him for the position of cock warmer.

Eric moaned at the spank and bobbed his head faster. Getting a loud moan from Torban with his efforts. My tiger raised his tail and I wasted no time in pressing my tip to his tight, exposed hole. Slowly pushing into him while he fondled our lion's balls and gave him a lick from base to tip before taking his full length back into his warm, moist maw.

I murred softly, enjoying the warmth around my dick. Pulling back slowly before giving Eric a firm thrust. We didn't have time for a gentle love making so Eric was going to get it hard and fast. Torban laid his head back, panting and tensing.

His end was approaching, having been up here with Eric fooling around for nearly an hour. I pulled back again, thrusting into Eric harder and faster. We both moaned, and Torban was pushed over the edge. Half roaring, half moaning while his cock filled our bitch with his hot, thick lion seed.

Eric swallowed every drop given to him and licked Torban clean before pulling his muzzle from his crotch. Leaving our lion with nothing to do but watch while I rutted Eric. Sweat started to mat my fur while I pounded him with my thick dick. My heavy balls slapping against his. He moaned loudly and gripped the sheets.

My knot started to swell, bumping against his hole with every thrust I gave him. Torban purred softly, enjoying our show. I was too busy breeding Eric to notice though. Pressure was building and I just wanted release.

I slammed into him hard, feeling something warm wrap around my knot. Howling deeply while I shot my load into Eric. Bucking slightly at every firm squeeze my knot received. Torban had my knot in his hand and was toying with it while I pumped Eric full of hot canine seed.

I panted heavily, holding myself inside Eric while Torban used his other hand to finish off Eric. Only needing a couple strokes to get him to spurt all over our sheets. I felt Eric clench around me when he blew his load. Slowly relaxing as the final few shots sprayed from his barbed cock.

Torban pulled his hands from us and climbed out of bed. Eric dropped his hips, landing in his sticky cum. He would have time to shower, while Torban and I were running low on time. I slowly pulled from Eric and wiped my cock clean with one of the towels we kept near the nightstand. Tossing it into the dirty clothes basket before putting on my shorts again.

We grabbed our bags and quickly made ourselves a burrito on the way out the door. Leaving Eric to enjoy his last hour of freedom in peace. Torban took my hand in his and led the way down the street towards the University. We bit into our burritos, eating while we walked. It was warm, Fall not quite ready to set in. We crossed the street and my ears perked when I heard someone yelling at us.

"Oy! Wankers!" a familiar English accented voice called out.

I turned to my left and saw Victor jogging over to meet us. He has been our friend ever since we met him at a graduation party we ended up at. I smiled at the doberman and released Torban's hand to give him a hug. I hugged him tightly, having missed him and being used to Torban's tight hugs. Victor yelped loudly and yelled out.

"Fuck!" I let go of him quickly, almost dropping my half eaten burrito. He held his side protectively, like someone had just punched him rather than gave him a friendly hug.

"Victor, quit being a girl it was just a hug." Torban said looking at him. I didn't think he was playing. The yelp was too real and he was still cradling his side.

My tail moved between my legs and I watched him carefully. Torban realized something was up as well, no one carried on this long for a joke.

"Victor, what's wrong?" he asked him.

Victor's head was down, but I could see the tears running down his cheek. Whatever walls he built up inside of him to hold everything back were quickly crumbling. I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms gently around Victor. He pressed his head against my shoulder, having to lean down slightly to manage that with his taller size.

Torban gently placed a hand on his shoulder for support.

"My Dad...He was plastered yeh know? He had been on the piss all day."

Victor paused and I just held him until he was ready to go on.

"I came home and he just exploded. He...he told me how pathetic I was. Just a sissy bitch, nothing compared to his real son. The son who died, the son who had ladies hanging off of him. He grabbed my arm, and wouldn't let go. He clocked me pretty good upside the head. When I came to I was curled up in the corner, in pain from head to toe."

I felt Victor's arms squeeze me tightly. My shoulder fur was wet under my shirt but I didn't care about that. The only thing that mattered was keeping Victor safe. His dad never approved of him being gay. None of us knew he was abusive, Victor hid that from us.

"I don't want yeh to worry about me, I will get through this."

I looked down the street towards Victor's house. It was a couple blocks behind ours, I couldn't see it from here but that didn't stop me from looking that way.

"Puppy, take Victor home and I will catch you up with class tonight. First day so not missing anything important anyway."

Victor tightened his grip on me, a silent plea not to take him back to his house. I knew what Torban meant when he said home. My eyes met with his and I gave him a nod.

"Alright big kitty, I love you."

He smiled at me and said, "Love you too babe."

Torban started walking towards school. Leaving me alone with Victor. I rubbed his back gently with my free hand, "Come on Victor. Eric will help me take care of you."

Victor tilted his head and looked up at me. "Torban said home, not hell. Let's go inside and see what Eric thinks we should do." Victor was hesitant, but I was firm. I started to move us towards the house and he gave in. Letting me lead him back across the street to our home.

I pulled open the door and guided Victor inside before pulling it closed behind me. Victor walked behind me slowly while we climbed up the stairs. Our bedroom door was open so I peeked inside. Eric wasn't inside, and the sheets had been pulled from the bed to be washed.

"Alright Victor, lay down and I will go get Eric."

Victor gave me a slow nod and moved towards the bed.

When I stepped into the hall the bathroom door swung open and Eric looked out at me. A puzzled look on his face, "Forget something?"

I shook my head, "No Doctor, you're needed in the bedroom to check on a patient."

Eric stepped out in the hall naked, "You look fine to me. Get to school where you belong."

I held up a hand to stop him, "Let me get you something to wear. We have a guest."

I moved back into the bedroom and grabbed a pair of Eric's shorts and a T-shirt. Victor just watched me from the bed, probably not knowing what to do or say at this point. I stepped back into the hall and handed the clothes to Eric.

"Victor's here, and in pretty rough shape." Eric pulled on the shorts and followed me into the bedroom while slipping his shirt over his head.

"Hey Victor, what happened?" Eric asked him. I sat on the bed next to Victor offering him a bite of my burrito and getting only a head shake.

"Just patch me up, I couldn't impose further on you blokes." He turned to look away from us.

"His dad messed him up pretty bad." I told Eric.

Eric reached out to lift up Victor's shirt. As soon as Victor realized what was happening he rolled over and held his shirt down.

"No!" he yelled, having no intention on yielding to the feline.

I placed my hand on Victor's cheek, "Eric needs to see. Relax doggy, no one is going to hurt you again." Victor relaxed his arms, but kept his hands on the bottom of his shirt.

Slowly but surely Eric managed to coax the shirt up his body.

"That's it Victor, sit up for us and let your friends take care of you." I said to him as soothingly as I could.

He sat up and moved his hands, allowing Eric to lift his shirt up and then over his head. Under the spots of tan his bruises were clearly visible. Eric looked closely and found Victor was bruised up pretty bad.

"You can see them under his black fur if you get in close. I'm surprised nothing was broken during the attack." Eric said.

I leaned over to look and you could make out the bruises under his black fur just like Eric said. Victor started to tear up and I gently wrapped an arm around him.

"He cant go back, not if he is going to be treated like this."

Eric nodded in agreement and moved in closer to us. "We do have a spare room available. You and Torban can go get his things once he gets back from class. Victor, you're staying here with us."

Victor was about to turn Eric down when Eric cut him off. "You're staying, you can email your teachers later and get anything you need from them."

Eric sat up and climbed out of bed. "So much for me having time to shower." He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

"Love you puppy, take care of him while we're away." Victor curled up on the bed next to me with his head in my lap.

"Love you too medium sized kitty, and I will."

Eric walked out of the bedroom. The sound of the front door closing telling us that we were alone. Victor relaxed and I rubbed a hand across his back slowly.

"Poor beaten doggy, we will protect you."

He was silent for almost an hour, just laying there with his head in my lap.

"Can I really stay here?" he asked quietly. My ears perked and I looked down at him.

"You don't really have a choice Victor, we cant let you go back to that hell." He rolled onto his back, wincing slightly as he did. I looked down at him, into his green eyes.

"Thank yeh Kimber, for everything. For being there and for staying with me."

I smiled down at him, "You're welcome Victor."

"I've always thought about how happy yeh three were together. All I had to look forward to really, was being with yeh guys. I don't have many friends here. No one else I felt comfortable around, who I could be myself around. Yeh know?"

I nodded slowly, "You know James though. He is a decent guy and was there for me just like Torban and Eric were."

"Not sure I'm his type, if he even has a type."

I chuckled at his comment. "Everyone has a type, and you're pretty good looking. You should talk to James and find out if he is interested."

He nodded his head slowly, "Yeah I will talk to him."

I laid back against the mattress to get comfortable. Victor moved so his body was along side mine. Resting his head against my chest.

"Tell me about how yeh three got together," Victor said.

I wrapped my arms around him carefully. "Never really told anyone about that. But that's because I was pretty depressed. It is a bit of a story, to set up the background so you know everything that happened. But if you really want to know."

He nodded slowly so I told him how it all happened. Starting at the beginning, the very beginning I told my story while finishing my breakfast.

I was walking to school, alone as usual. Back then I didn't have anyone to drive me so I had to walk the seven blocks to school. I felt alone, like an outcast no one wanted to be around. Didn't help that my only friend, Iain, moved away the previous year. He was a gorgeous Siberian husky, toned body and those icy blue eyes. I had planned to come out to him, and to tell him how I felt about him. The walk only took about 15 minutes.

Loneliness was my only companion those first few weeks of school. Being gay in a more conservative area made me feel more alone. I was so sure that I was the only gay student on campus. So I just did my best to hide it. Stuck to myself, didn't let my eyes wander. Mindlessly I walked onto campus, having been on autopilot the entire trip. My daily prison sentence began anew. I looked forward to the day ending and being back at home where I felt safe.

I thought about Iain, the white fur that dominated his head except for his black tipped ears. His curly tail, and how his laugh always made me feel warm inside. He had been my friend since childhood and he was gone. We only talked via text messages and through YIM. The few times he hugged me, the earth seemed to stop. The day had just started and I was already about to cry. Iain was the center of my universe.

As I walked around the two story brick building I saw Torban. Thoughts about the strong lion were sweeping Iain out of my mind. He wore a windbreaker, being a lion he was more suited to warmer climates. Not places where Fall kept the temperature under 70 degrees, let alone Winter. Even though he wore the windbreaker I could still picture his large firm muscles. He was on the wrestling team, the skimpy singlet he wore during practice and matches left nothing to the imagination.

He was talking with the other Jocks. I recognized a few from the football team, as well as some soccer and a few lacrosse players. Our school was on the smaller side, so even though I never went to a game I knew which beefy stud played what.

They all laughed, probably about banging some cheerleader or whatnot. As I was passing my eyes met with Torban's for a brief second. In that second the world just stopped moving. My heart raced and I diverted my gaze, hoping he didn't notice I was staring at him.

English was my best subject, I was barely getting above a D. My other classes were in the D to F range. I sat on the far end of the classroom, in the back corner. Waiting for class to end before it even began. I did my best not to look over at Torban. He was sitting next to his best friend Eric. Yet another attractive looking Jock. From what I heard he was really good too.

The teacher, an elderly badger named Miss Phelps, walked into the classroom. "Alright, let's get started."

She said before the bell even rang. She looked at the seating chart, silently taking roll while the bell rang. She had to be in her seventies, probably a spinster in her spare time. She put the chart away and looked over the room.

"I am going to split you into groups of three for the rest of the semester. You will be proof reading each others essays along with working on a group project due at the end of term."

She adjusted her glasses before continuing. "I will pair off most of you, then you will decide on the third person on your own. My way of shaking things up as they say. Essays will be due at the end of each week in final draft form."

I was sure that I would get stuck with people I would hate being around. She started calling off names, pairing people together. "Douglas and Fry; Mortin and Thompson; Jang and Keller."

My ears perked and I sat up in my seat. She really paired me with the hottest guy on campus.

I was excited, until I realized my muscle god would be sitting next to me. I was bound to blow my cover. The whole school would know I was gay by the end of the week. When she called out the last pair everyone got up and started to get situated. I grabbed my bag and walked slowly over to Torban. He didn't seem upset about being stuck with me.

"Hope you don't mind, I want to be with Eric."

I gave him a nod, "That's fine with me."

I sat at the desk next to Torban and Eric flipped his around to face us.

"So are you any good at English?" Torban asked.

I looked at him, "Yeah it's my favorite subject."

He motioned towards Eric, "I'm not very good at it, but Eric helps me out. Isn't that right ba..uh..ddy." My ears perked and I looked at both of them. Torban just sat back in his seat, while Eric just stared at me.

"Are you two alright? You're acting like something is going on."

Torban was about to say something when the teacher came by and handed us a sheet of essay and short story assignments for the rest of the semester. I took the sheet from her and looked it over. Generic essay topics, I rolled my eyes and handed the sheet to Eric.

"It's all lame stuff, like school uniforms and should the school year be year round."

I noticed Torban's scent, never having been so close to him before. It was strong and pleasant, then I picked out Eric's scent. They smelled so good, and like each other. I raised a brow and inhaled deeply. Their scents were definitely on each other. It was nice, and I relaxed a little. Imagining the two males holding each other.

"Kimber, hello?" Eric waved his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, I guess I spaced out for a second."

I was blushing, my cheek burned and I knew they wouldn't have to look hard to notice.

"Why don't you come over to my place after school? You guys can help with our assignments."

I looked over at him, "Sure, I will text my parents and see if it is alright."

Thinking about being alone with them made me a little nervous. Their scent alone was enough to make me relax my guard. I was screwed, but there was nothing I could do now. I agreed and Torban was counting on me to help him.

The rest of the period passed uneventfully. I started to work on a rough draft for my essay while Torban and Eric worked on a draft together. Passing it back and forth every few minutes. When the bell rang I grabbed my bag and stood up. Before I walked away I felt Torban's hand on my shoulder. I tensed, but quickly relaxed. But it was over all too fast, and just like that they were gone.

My other classes passed like they usually did. With me sitting at my desk, spacing out and barely doing any work. I kept thinking about Eric and Torban, usually I thought about Iain but those thoughts were miles away. My last class of the day was Gym. Which consisted of us all running laps. Eric and Torban maintained the same steady pace, talking to each other like they always did.

They did everything together it seemed. Which only made me fantasize about them being a couple even more. By the time class was over my fur was matted down with sweat. I didn't take showers after Gym, the locker room was never a place I liked to linger and I lived a short walk away. I quickly changed into my street clothes and sprayed on some deodorant. I was on my way out of the locker room when Torban caught my eye.

He was stripping out of his sweaty clothes. I could trace every muscle on his belly. They were so perfect and firm. I watched as he shed his shorts. Not noticing that I had been caught staring. I felt someone grab me by the neck of my shirt. Slamming me up against a bank of lockers. I looked up and into the eyes of a very angry looking horse. He pulled me back before slamming me against the lockers again.

"Fucking faggot, like what you see? Maybe I should teach you a lesson? Beat the gay out of your faggoty ass!"

I watched as he pulled his other hand back into a fist. His punch was hard, connecting with my cheek and causing my head to slam into the lockers behind me. I yelped in pain, my tail pulled tightly between my legs. Anger and fear fighting inside me for control. I balled my hand into a fist and punched him hard in the side. He groaned, wincing slightly before slamming me against the lockers again.

"Big mistake tail raiser," he said before punching me hard in the stomach.

He let me fall to the ground and I curled into a ball. Tears streaming from my eyes. I was more afraid then than I had ever been in my entire life. I heard a loud roar and curled up as tightly as I could. No more blows came, but I could hear fighting going on above me. I felt someone touch my arm,

"Kimber? Are you alright?"

I slowly uncovered my head and looked up into Eric's blue eyes. He placed a hand on my sore cheek. "Everything is going to be okay. Torban wont let them hurt you ever again."

I whimpered softly and wrapped my arms around Eric. He held me firmly against his body. The larger male didn't let me go. He just held me while I cried.

"You stay the fuck away from him, you got me!" Torban yelled.

"You're defending that fag? What the fuck Torban? You're really helping that little bitch?"

Torban growled loudly and my arms tightened around Eric. "Get out of my sight before I do something you'll regret more than me." Torban said coldly.

"Will you be alright with him Eric? I have to go put some clothes on before we get out of here."

I looked up at Torban, he was pissed and wearing only a jock strap.

"We will be fine, doubt anyone will cause problems after that."

I looked around and no one else in the locker room was within 20 feet of us. After Torban exploded like that, it was obvious no one wanted to anger the large feline further by being anywhere near him.

Eric rubbed a hand across my back slowly when Torban walked away. Leaving us huddled against the lockers while he went to finish changing.

"It will be alright, Torban will be back soon and then we can leave."

I looked into Eric's eyes, no longer crying. "Why?"

He smiled at me, and let go of me. Using his thumbs to brush the tears from my eyes. "Obvious isn't it? We're on the same team."

I pressed my face into his chest. His T-shirt had Torban's scent all over it.

"My scent is getting all over your shirt," I said softly.

Eric chuckled and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Don't worry about it, my guy can always add more of his later." Eric carried me, through the now mostly empty, locker room. Torban was already dressed and had his bag slung over his shoulder.

"Want me to take him?" I tightened my grip on Eric and he shook his head. "No, I got him. You can snag our bags, his is where we found him and mine is still in my locker."

Torban walked off to collect our backpacks. Taking only a minute to gather them up before returning to us.

"Alright, let's get the hell out of here."

Torban led the way to the door and pulled it open for Eric to carry me through. We were in a sea of students all rushing to exit the building. Gods it felt so bad, everyone stared at us. None of us could hide in secrecy anymore. It was out for everyone to see and talk about. I felt horrible for the trouble I was causing them.

I buried my face in Eric's neck fur. He held me tightly against him and kept walking.

"Everything is going to be okay Kimber." Eric told me.

He sounded so calm, so sure that everything was going to be fine. Torban pushed open the last set of doors separating us from the outside world.

As soon as we were outside I heard a guy yell, "Go back to Arkansas fags!"

I pulled my ears back, but Eric just laughed at the guys failure to figure out where it is gays prefer to live.

Eric carried me out towards the Senior parking lot. Torban walked beside him, no longer having to be up front to take care of doors. Every time I looked up from Eric I could see people watching us. My ears were pulled tight against my head. Torban walked up to his red Crown Victoria. Not the sort of car I would imagine him driving. He seemed more the Mustang sort, muscle car or convertible at least. Something sporty, not an older sedan.

Torban pulled open the backdoor and Eric gave him a slow kiss. Gently placing me in the backseat. I blushed slightly, enjoying their kiss.

"Think the doggy is enjoying the show," Eric said.

Torban smiled at me and Eric climbed into the backseat. Torban closed the door behind him before pulling open the passenger's door. Piling our bags on the seat, closing the door and walking around the car to climb into the driver's seat.

"How badly are you hurt?" Eric asked me.

I moved my hand to my cheek and winced slightly when I touched it.

"Don't worry about me, I have a high tolerance for pain. The whole thing just caught me off guard. Thought he was going to kill me there for a moment."

Torban growled softly, turning back to look at me.

"Little bruising on your face, kind of a shame. I should have realized something was wrong faster. But guys are always fucking around in the locker room."

"It's okay, just glad you helped me. No way I could have gotten away otherwise."

Eric wrapped an arm across my shoulders and pulled me against him. I tried to pull away from him, "I'm all sweaty and gross."

He just held me firmly against his side.

"You're not going anywhere cutie."

I blushed and looked forward. Torban started the car and pulled out of the parking spot.

"Which way is your house?" he asked me.

Aside from my directions the ride home was pretty silent. Eric held me the whole way there. Torban pulled the car along side the curb and cut the engine.

"Would you like me to carry you inside?" Eric asked.

I shook my head, "I can walk." Eric opened the door and helped me out of the car. I walked to the door and pulled my house key from my pocket.

They followed me inside and I motioned towards the couch.

"Have a seat guys, want anything to drink?"

Eric just took my hand and guided me into the living room. I looked at Torban while Eric drug me to the couch.

"I don't think you should be doing this. Not looking to get between you two."

Torban raised a brow, "You already are. Or could be if you wanted. Lions don't really care about such things."

Eric sat on the end of the couch, with me in the middle. Torban sat on the other end and relaxed into the couch.

"What Torban means is they have a more broad definition of love and romance than species like yours. I'm fine with that, since I'm not as closed minded and tigers don't often hold to romantic tendencies."

I looked from Eric to Torban.

"So what you're saying is if Eric wanted he could fool around with other people?"

"It's a little more complex than that, since I'm rather territorial. So he cant without my permission and I cant without his. Plus we both agree that anyone else should belong to us, and not be a quick lay. So he is welcome to be sweet to you, just no mounting without my approval. Though you are pretty cute. We could give you a try, on a trial basis kind of deal. If you're willing to."

I relaxed into Eric's side, "I have to admit this is nice. Been fantasizing about you two all day to be honest. Plus ever since Iain moved away, my attention has shifted to you. You're rather hunky, but I never thought I had a chance with you. You two didn't do a very good job keeping your sexuality a secret. I could smell you on each other during English. Plus you're always together, and never with girls."

"Not like we tried to make it a secret. Just never felt like we had to broadcast that we are lovers. Besides, this place is pretty uptight about people being gay. Even lions having multiple partners isn't approved of around here." Eric said matter of factly.

"Who cares what those idiots think? Doesn't make them right." Torban said before scooting closer to me.

"I'm open to trying with you guys, if I become a problem I will leave."

Torban nuzzled my cheek, "I don't see you being a problem. Just not my thing to jump fully into something."

Eric cleared his throat, "Liar. You act on impulse. I'm the one who thinks things through."

I snuggled up into them both. Enjoying their warm bodies against mine. "This is nice," I said murring softly.

"Sure is, though we all smell like sweaty ball sack." Torban muttered.

"That's the story of how we got together. I started out as a sort of boyfriend and after a few weeks Torban refused to let me be anything short of his mate. My parents didn't find out until later about all that. They just thought Eric and Torban were my new friends. But all of that is a story for another day Victor." I smiled down at him.

"Not fair mate, I want to hear more. You're leaving out the rest of that year. Plus all the juicy bits from last year. Surely I couldn't have been around for everything that went on."

I chuckled and nosed between his ears. "Well tomorrow I can tell you about the rest of that Fall. I don't talk about that Winter. So please don't ask me about it."

"Okay Kimber, I wont ask yeh about it. Seems like that really bothers you."

He had no idea, and hopefully he would never hear about what happened. Aside from Torban and his family, Eric was the only other person who knew what happened.

"Thank you," I said to him as I slowly closed my eyes. Pushing the past to the side for the time being.

Alright there you have it, chapter two. Please vote, subscribe, and as always thank you for reading this. I really appreciate it and will get the next chapter uploaded before too long.